Orlando Source #3 - Aug 2001

Page 15

Q. Mistress, I live with my boyfriend, and he says he wants me to work. When I used to work, we argue because he feels I do not need him. I love him very much and we have been together for a long time, but he says that when he's afraid I'll leave him. Help me please! Signed, Confused

I am able to suppod myself,

A. Remember, communicate with him, ask him what he really wants you to do. Sometimes, women are afraid to ask questions and assume they have all the answers. One impotant thing you need to ask yourself is, do you love him only because you have been together for a long time? Maybe you feel like you have no one else to turn to (like family or friends)? Please be true to yourself. As women we are needy and so are men. First, we must appreciate everything in our lives, then you will know true love. Love does not look for it's own interest. Is he? Are you? Think about it. The decision is yours. Signed, Mistress Q. Why do women always want men to change after they have been with us for years? All of a sudden, they demand that we act differently, dress differently, etc. I'm not feeling it at this point. Signed, A good man going bad!

A. Don't become something you're not just to make a woman happy. But ask yourself if the changes she wants you to make are for the better. Will they make your relationship better? After several years in a relationship, problems may staft to build up. Issues that bothered her, but she never mentioned before, may be sudacing now, Maybe you always went out without her and she never said a word. Trust me, that silence does not mean she was happy about it. At the time, she may have let it slide, but now that you have been together for several years, or maybe have recently married, she is becoming more comfortable with you as a paftner and is more likely to mention things that upset her. The key to solving problems like this is communication. Explain to her how frustrating it is when she expects you to change for her, and maybe you can resolve the problem. Signed, Mistress

you have a question for the Mistress of Love, please submit it by email to Rudegalll@Juno.com, or by regular mail to the office of Orlando Source Magazine, attention Mistress of Love, 2469 N. John Young Parkway, Orlando, FL,32804.


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