Ozone Mag #29 - Nov 2004

Page 11



Sirre ft ! the secord anruat "se( edltion " JB ar6 /Er5 ttE qle qr.Estirn ]oule a[ be€fl a6ldr{: vvlD codd Ed tt? fl.ep mind thd thisit lor o,fiisanffitt D,Jt7s,.3only N

great writet but


oniywhenImlnsprred. What's more inspiring than sex? My

dirty storjes have been


to bust a few


tance nuts, but even though it's the sex issue I'm not going to bless

Tyson B€cKord: I had a [,son fan $€bslte before peopte l(lleri, \*Et tlE m€frEt v€s.

Vou readers with any trashy romance novets. l'm sure my mother is going to read this jssue and tecture me about my depravVib6's Yrrdfest: ,'rrtike Frerh, Erik parker, Ali

ity iike tast year


S{lm ThW:

Ptatinm teeth are a hge trlrYloff, so I realty can't €rplaln thb orE, h fitlght be hb voke, or tlE fact that het tike

I'd rather write

about the bitch that pjssed me off at Jermaine Dupri's Hattoween party. Everyone toves it when I knock oLrt the haters with a

hb girtfrlend \,!bn't be off€ided tf stE reads thts.

etht feet ta[. fbp€fdty

single swoop of the pen,

Benny Boorn:

Her name was Nefertiti, so that alone shouLd tetl you something. I can take constructive criticism, but a wise man once said: lf you don't have anything good to say, keep your mouth shut.

Beffry aldays corn6 out tookirg real dzy in pictue6, but in person tp b hot, I atv{ays en}y behg on hb vldeo sels cause

JlEt ttke Berrry, Svtalr comea off mudl better in person tlEn tE does on Tv (0r in pkhre.). He atlo sE/s heb p{aff{rE to cut hh tEli t!fiidr I thlr* k. good no,e.

kl6{ hli hi[ttlght of Lud{rb' sfnv6 for me !\6 villei thb Back before arl/orE


I rnet hlm !*len he ptayed f@tb6tt at FSu. I don't kEnv vrtEl t46m he plays for mw, ard I don't realty

care. Alost NFL ptayers corid get

might be the least tyrkauy-irdlrEd rnqnb€r of DBtoclq but he loolc tlke Fle


packin' ttE mo6t. Jl.Et a gue.6.

B"Stitte of the llappy Roots:





I'd admit thb, hrt yrs, co\ boy tEts are so(y l/lorrb


HeS a lttUe too pretty. I'd probabty

_, r

tr6t rEnt to stare at

hlm. >



EMdr lsa plmp.




of ol.r arcft ^4an:

yrnoua groupier d€scribed him as

With Urdque Faclat Haln I coddn't flrd a


"coitJolLirB'ln bed, wfiidr sdri& good to me.

plctue of

D'AEeto: wb all

,,l{lts or Tedr NirE,

htlha\€as€rlor6 lttakrE6 for



the vldeo.

gty [o6tee3.

f/ Usher & Ludacrls "Lovers & Friends" Betty Wright "Sleeping With the Enemy" Trick Daddy fl Khia & Tampa Tony "Jump On lt" The Roots "Somebody's Gotta Do lt" Oowee f/ Petey Pablo "Chain Swangin"' Zap Mamma f/ Erykah Badu "Bandy Bandy"





Dll Dre: I tike otder rnen, ard ke tools Sood slrEe tF to6t a tot ofwelglt. Pt6, scaB are se$

L en

LilJon &



to gjve the underachievers somethjng to aspire to, so whenever somebody pjsses me off give them a free subscription. Nefertiti may be reading this right now, so let this be a tesson to ail you dumb fucks: find out who someone is before you tatk down to them. lguess OZONE jsn't for everyone, but if you're too bougie to appreciate a hustie, stay away from me.

(Tyson Beckford & Benny Boom photos by Ray Tamarra)


\thrrkk Durn:


Anyway, il's been said that fame is a sexuaLly transmitted djsease- lt'5 true; why etse woutd names like Monica Lewinsky, Paris Hilton, and GLorja Vetez appear jn our pop culture vocabulary? So, who better to talk about sex than celebrities for our lecond annual sex edition? Unfortunateiy, we weren't able to interr'iew everyone. Ciara and Shawnna both declined to discuss their goodies and pussy poppin'. The queen of dancehatl fitth, Lady Saw' was in a bad mood when we asked her to tist ten vrays to steal someone elses' man, and Lil Jon declined to discuss his recent bachelor party on the record. BLrt, we do have some controversial. groupie confessjons, Jacki-O's extensive sexuaL dictionary and some interestjng stories from artists tjke LjL Scrappy, Camron, and Lil Wayne. AIL jn all, this month's sex issue witi excite you, but ultimately leave you feening for more - just Like the reat thing.


"tryp€ rlan" took off hb

I iike

A few of you are probabLy expectinq me to comment on a cedain indie record label o\aner who's read The Art of Wat one loo many times. I had a few chor'ce words prepared, but I decjd€d not to particjpate in the Jedj mind tricks. He already showed his true "family" vatues jn Jacksonviltej there's nothing more for me to say. l'd al5o like to thank the guy who dumped his drink on my camera at Trina's birthday party. Thanks for offering to buy me a new one, too.


hel nke to tod( at.


Admjttedly, having spent a few long days on the road, I was tjred and not in a great mood to begin with. lwander around the party getting lome shots of the DJs (C Styles and Mars, thanks for the shoutouts!) and cetebs. Then, ! sit down at a tabte way in the back, far away from everyone etse, obviousty minding my own bu5iness and wanting to be Left aLone. Here comes Nefertiti, snatching a magazine off my piLe and handing me her business card. I have a camera around my neck, 50 she assumes that I'm just a pirotographer working for the magazine. She asks jf I'm avaiiabie to freetance, and sarcasticalty comments that "they" must not be paying me enough. I smlle politety. Next, she starts flippinq through the magazine and crjticizing. Ihe cover? "This is so corny!" There's aiways room for improvement, but I've been doing graphic desjgn for five years now and I've never heard it described as "corny." lt'5 just an opinion, so I tet it slide. Page by page, Nefertiti has a negative comment on everything. And yet she is stitt reading. The photo galteries? "Oh my God, look at how many pjctures they have crammed together How av!4utl" When she gets to the middte and sees the CD inse.t (which reqojred hours and hours of manual labor by myself, MaLik, and Mercedes) she wrinktes her face up jn disgust and explains that she needs a djfferent magazine because her CD is "cGcked." I expiain that it is not the CD that's cracked, jt's just the smalt opening in the clear adhesive sleeves where the CDs are inserted. She responds snottjLy, "l guess they can't afford better packaging." Finatty, she spends a good thirty seconds attempting to rip the CD sleeve oLrt and stick it in her pretty tittte purse. She jsn't smart enough to just remove the CD from the pLastic packagjng, so she gets frustrated and throws the entjre magaztne onto the floor under the tabte and storms away.

- Julia BeverLy, jb@ozonemag.com



Tlle Gar€r diay, prdtymrdr

,{ike Jones "Feel Good" Lyfe "l{ust 8e Nice"

Lil Boosle & Webbie "Glmme Dat"

anybody ln G"Unn cou[d get it, o(cept

Joss stone "You Had




T.l. "You Don't Know lrle" Trillville "Some Cut" OZONE


Saris' borlr{

Gangbangln' b €sp€cialty sery.




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