October 2021 - An All New Playhouse

Page 37


Everlasting Bond With Agent 007’s milestone return in No Time to Die, we look at how the character and the series have survived By Jim Miller & Mark Fields


ollywood recon reports indicate that No Time to Die will feature the final performance of Daniel Craig as our favorite movie spy. But as they say…never say never. Six actors have played the role of Bond — all doing so in their own way, for better or worse. Some have relied on physicality and fists; others more on finesse and wit. Each reflecting different eras, different attitudes. In honor of the 25th Bond film of the blockbuster franchise that launched in 1962 with Dr. No, two lifelong fans share their shaken-not-stirred obsession. BEST VILLAIN

JIM: In the film that bears his surname, Auric Goldfinger (Gert Fröbe) not only starts the trend of attempting to filet 007 with a laser beam, he also utters the best line of any villain in the series. “Do you expect me to talk?” a shackled Bond asks as the laser creeps between his legs, closing in on his crotch. “No, Mr. Bond,” Goldfinger replies with a surprised laugh, “I expect you to die!” MARK: Yes, Goldfinger has his fans, Jim. But, Silva (Javier Bardem) in Skyfall is great because he isn’t trying to end the world in some preposterous scheme like so many Bond villains, just get revenge on Bond’s boss, M (Judi Dench). His grounded motive makes him more genuinely threatening. Even though he appears over and over, I was never a Blofeld fan. ►



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