Qatar Today November 2010

Page 40

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Qe’s new Trading sysTem

whaT language

do you speak?

QE's new trading platform fuels debate and reveals a communication gap.


QT-Nov.indd 38


hen the Qatar Exchange was all set to plug its fresh trading platform, it underscored two contrasting sides of reality in the stock business in the country. The national stock market dubbed the adoption of New York Exchange’s UTP system as a milestone on a long, but promising, path. While small investors insist, the new system turned their daily

By Ahmad Lotfy

job into a maze. On the day of the launch of Universal Trading Platform, the CEO of Qatar Exchange Andre Went said it was a significant positive step towards the promotion of trust in the market. “It will increase the efficiency of services provided to investors, and provide a trading platform for brand new products and instruments to be launched by Qatar Exchange. Both issuers and investors

Qatar Today November 10

11/1/10 7:30:47 PM

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