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Craig Noyle

CAREER Q&A Describe your current job. CEO of Inovocom, Southern Africa’s largest independent dealer group.

What’s your life philosophy? Try and live a life in harmony with yourself and those around you. Be respectful to all, but also never be afraid to express your own beliefs and values, and stand by your convictions.

Your worst ever job? A holiday job cutting out newspaper articles. If you weren’t doing your present job, what would you like to be doing? Farming fruit in South Africa’s Western Cape.

What scares you? It’s along the same lines: being told how to live my life by others, especially politicians who lack in moral standards. The hardest thing you’ve ever had to do? Completing a three-day mountain bike event – my first ever – in the Karoo after having broken an ankle six months earlier. Best way to spend the weekend? A long weekend is even better. Take a trip away from home, maybe a mountain bike ride, some game viewing, followed by a braai (BBQ) and a good bottle of wine. Early bird or night owl? Early bird – 100%. What song puts you in a good mood? Hot in the City by Billy Idol. It brings back memories of the carefree days travelling around Europe on a Contiki tour. Favourite time of the year? Autumn – the days are cooling off, you can sense the change of season, yet you still have the benefits of summer. What’s your guilty pleasure? It would have to be a chilled South African Sauvignon Blanc.


What is humankind’s greatest invention? The internet. It’s created a global connection, bringing knowledge together for the whole world to share and benefit from, in the process advancing humanity in so many different areas.


Craig Noyle, Inovocom

If the world had a President, who would you vote for? New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern. She seems to grasp the complexities of our planet with an understanding of humanity, law and social justice. She also knows politics. Where would you like to travel and why? Two places: the Antarctic for its remoteness and uniqueness, and the Serengeti to witness the annual migration of the wildlife. What is on your bucket list? Several things: a trip to Japan, a cruise in Alaska, to ride the annual Cape Town Cycle Tour and the Lions Karoo to Coast mountain bike event. Favourite books? A Promised Land by Barack Obama and Remote Work Revolution by Tsedal Neeley. What’s your worst character trait? Impatience. What skill would you like to master? Bladesmithing – creating something unique that lasts forever.

What has been the best moment in your career? Creating our group model from the ground up and making a difference to so many independent dealers. Which industry figure do you most admire? Hans Servas, Chairman of Shop-SA and former Managing Director of Silveray Statmark. Always a gentleman and able to give an independent view without bias or judgement. Your best piece of advice to someone who has just joined the OP industry? If you ever think you know everything in this industry – get out! There is always something new taking place or something else to learn. If you could change one thing about our sector, what would it be? I would really like to see younger people aspire to enter our space because it’s professional, dynamic and evolving, with plenty of opportunities for career development. Favourite office product? Scissors – there’s nothing better than a quality pair of sharp scissors.

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