OmPoint International Circular Issue #3

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ment of the spirit. Scientific truths concerning the physical body and its life in the gross world can become a medium for the soul to know itself; but to serve this purpose they must be properly fitted into the larger spiritual understanding. This includes a steady perception of true and lasting values.”2 How can one contemplate such a fact that science could help the soul to know oneself? Because it is simply a facet of the reality, and the interconnectedness of the physical world with the spiritual world is a constant source of amazement. Darwinian evolution so clearly mirrors the evolution of the soul in God Speaks3 that it takes my breath away. The knowledge that the soul is evolving through all the different forms that continue to physically evolve is astonishing. Just think of the sanskaras the dinosaurs must have wound, the Trilobytes from ages past.A rampaging Tyranosaurus-Rex, a motherly Maisaurus, a tree-eating Brontosaurus! The Big Bang is just a physical echo of the Whim manifesting the Illusion in the Oversoul’s initial effort to know Itself. The universe is still expanding, seemingly infinite. We are truly all one in a scientific sense. Can you imagine that the same nucleotide sequences, A, T, G, and C made up the same DNA (although in a difference order of sequence) of the dinosaurs as it does for you and me? We shared the same amino acids that make up a variety of different proteins. On a fundamental level, the majority of the same house-keeping

genes that keep cells active, functional, and moving can be compared to the proteins in the yeast in our bread of our daily snacks. Can you envision a water droplet, made of hundreds of water molecules, each bouncing around, faster and faster, each molecule separate from the other, but all the same drop? Or picture each atomic orbital of hydrogen and oxygen, spinning around each other, like little tiny dervishes? All that motion, that movement in a single cup of water or in the water vapor in the air you breathe?

g Definition of Science What is science anyway? Let us clarify that science is the process of acquisition of knowledge, of the exploration of the unknown through circumstances that can be rationally tested, evaluated, and analyzed. A series of given observations produces a theory about how the world works. Utilizing this theory, one could correctly predict the given outcome of an experiment.

This is slightly different from the standard hypothesis centered textbook definition of the scientific process, as it incorporates messy reality. These are examples of how a joining At the bench, sometimes scientists of the spiritual aspect of the physijust watch and tinker. What happens cal world (that we if we do this? If we do understand how that? Ooh! Oops! InterDarwinian evolution it has happened esting. Cool. Gradually so clearly mirrors via science) leads a theory emerges, which the evolution of the to a harmonious can then be rationally soul in God Speaks, acceptance of the tested. Dogma can be that it takes my world as it is. The ignored, made to stand breath away. intellect is stunned on its head; excepat the beauty of the tions are always found. scientific benchmarks of the world. Amidst the clutter, there is always the observation, and the question, “What does this mean?” In the end, it is all On a practical level, continuing scientifically meaningless if it can’t be research into nutrition and mental tested and evaluated. health allows us to better take care of our physical shells, nurse our emoEinstein developed theories which tional and mental aspects, and be in were only proven over ten years later an optimal healthy state to deal with observing the panoramic laboratory issues of the spirit. The adoption of of the universe. medicine can lead one to continue a healthy life (post-antibiotic) instead The key is in the testability and defiof dying early of pneumonia. Sernition of the field of interest. If one vice for others is encapsulated in the has a theory, can it be tested? Over continuing production of scientific the last ten years, acupuncture has products to help humanity. been tested by proponents of alternative medicine and validated to the

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