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Ohlala! Stars

Giovanni unveils your future for December… Happy Birthday Ms Sagittarius! Your usually bubbly nature is somewhat subdued this month as you find your thoughts distracted by other more pressing issues, many of which relate to relationships and the stresses of work. Those of you who are going through a sticky time emotionally would probably do best to think about sitting down with a loved one or partner in an effort to resolve longstanding problems that appear to have now grown beyond your control. Additionally, if you are struggling with pressures at work then sit down with your superior and get the matter resolved. You don’t usually suffer fools gladly but you appear to have taken your eye off the ball of late. If you want to enjoy your birthday month and also the approaching festive season then don’t put things off any longer!

Nov 22 – Dec 21

Sagittarius — at a glance

Generally lucky by nature, Sagittarians usually demonstrate a cheerful and positive disposition and it takes a lot to bring them down. Being so optimistic makes them genuinely nice people to be around. With curious and enquiring minds, their focus is often on what is happening tomorrow rather than today and that can sometimes make them a little frustrating to deal with. They thrive in a state of constant change and transition and are fiercely independent. On the flip side, they don’t hold secrets and can be quite straightforward with their talking, so they can often ruffle feathers as they do not always act with diplomacy. They are also verbose to the point of being annoying and can be awfully pushy when they want their own way. Their changeable nature also means they have a problem with commitment, which makes relationships difficult and gives them an often cavalier and careless attitude to life.

Famous Sagittarians Walt Disney Frank Sinatra Steven Spielberg Christina Aguilera Britney Spears

Mark Twain John Milton Josef Stalin John F Kennedy Jr Woody Allen

Aquarius (January 20 – February 18) Your thoughts around this time of year are naturally occupied by a loved one who is far from home but though you might have concerns, you can be comforted by the fact that are in safe hands and enjoying themselves. On the home front, the festive season may bring some challenges for you to overcome in relation to family disputes meaning you cannot enjoy the holiday with everyone under the same roof. However, there is every chance that a little simple diplomacy on your part will sort everything out ahead of the big day. Just employ some wisdom at the right moment. Aries (March 20 – April 19) This month is going to be a period of immense celebration and rewarding times spent with loved ones and friends, and you will not only better organised but also have much more time to relax and enjoy the festive season. On the work front, a project for the New Year is going to be presented to you around December 27 and you will be full of excitement at the opportunities this presents. Just don’t get too carried away as there is only so much of tomorrow you should be worrying about when you still have ‘today’ to deal with.

GEMINI (May 21 – June 20) For many of you looking to move home or finalise your plans ahead of a career move in the New Year, the last few weeks of 2012 could end up being quite frantic and you may find yourself tied up with work until the very last day before the holidays. There could be some wisdom in delaying matters until early January but knowing your generally impatient nature, this seems unlikely. Therefore, if you pass through the holidays without actually feeling like you have relaxed at all then there’s no one to blame but yourself this time around. LEO (July 23 – August 22) There is clearly something on your mind this month and it could have something to do with your suspicions concerning a relationship. Your sign is not normally known for its fidelity if opportunity arises but at the same time this also makes you better equipped than most to realise when someone is not being completely faithful to you. A discovery around December 15 is going to surprise you and force an open confrontation that just might get messy. How this is going to impact on your month remains unclear at the moment but the omens aren’t brilliant!


Libra September 23 – October 22 No one would blame you for thinking the world has been plotting against you of late so you won’t get any accusations of paranoia cast in your direction if you start to plead your case for some change in fortunes this month. The good news is that you will have plenty of reasons to celebrate before December is over. However, a lot of this will be down to the efforts of a parent and you should quickly acknowledge their assistance because without it, you might not be enjoying the benefits coming your way.

Ohlala! I December 2012 I www.ohlala-magazine.com

Capricorn (December 22 – January 19) You will have a lot to celebrate this month as you embrace the festive season with an enthusiasm and desire that has been lost from you of late. Much of this has to do with a renewed sense of confidence and a new romantic interest that will lift your spirits. Those around you will notice the change and it will have a positive knock-on effect in other areas. Just ensure that you take things slowly if a relationship does start to develop. The last thing you want to appear is desperate! Pisces (February 19 – March 19) This time of year is all about getting together with loved ones but something you have said has caused offence because you are certainly not the ‘flavour of the month’ presently. You can be quite cavalier with your language on occasion and it might be something you didn’t think was upsetting that has been taken the wrong way. Address the matter quickly, to prevent a trivial mistake from escalating into something much bigger.

Taurus (April 20 – May 20) It’s fair to say that you have gone through a fairly turbulent year and as 2012 draws to a close you can look back on the period and give yourself a hefty pat on the back because despite all the obstacles and challenges, you’ve certainly achieved a lot more than you realise. Good news will reach you around December 13 and you could even find yourself planning a trip overseas for the New Year as a consequence. You’ve a lot to look forward to, so get ready for a positive turnaround in your life because it starts now.

Cancer (June 21 – July 22) Many of you could enter the festive period with a great deal of optimism after hearing some good news regarding an illness. Clearly your mood has been dominated by perceptions of the outcome and this will certainly put you at ease. For those of you who made a rash decision involving a parent, the outlook this month may not be quite so positive, and you only have yourself to blame for this. If you can swallow your pride and apologise, then you could still salvage the situation, but you have to be quick if you still want to feature in their plans.

Virgo (August 23 — September 22) The end to your year is going to provide you with a wonderful experience, especially if you are celebrating the season in a new location. The signs suggest that a few of you will be far from those you love and whilst this is going to leave you with a feeling of sadness, it will be compensated by the promise of a fresh romance. Where this leads remains unclear but rather than focus on the future just enjoy the moment for what it is. December 18 to 31 is likely to be a high point of your month and you may even come into a little luck before the year is out that you can take with you into 2013!

Scorpio (October 23 – November 21) Love is in the air and in quite a big way, as that huge grin on your face will testify to this month. Everyone is going to notice it so there’s no sense in hiding it (not that you are). There is a feeling about you that suggests this could be different to some of the romances you’ve enjoyed before and there is every chance this could develop into something very serious, very quickly over the coming weeks. Usually a sign to play it cautiously, this looks like the first time in ages you might actually let your hair down! It’s going to be an eye-opener for everyone!

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