1 minute read

Sarah Kinsley

Interview by Carol Wright Photographer: Julia Khoroshilov

Over the course of the last 15 months, Sarah Kinsley found herself in the same boat as many of us around the world, stuck at home during unprecedented times unaware of how the pandemic would reshape our lives. Using this time wisely, she immersed herself in writing, making music and creativity, as well as a new virtual way of keeping up with her studies. This led Kinsley to put something together that is an expression of where she is in her life currently, as well as being a forward step in her journey as a songwriter and musician. Kinsley talked to NYOTA about her music reaching others beyond her own life and how she has evolved as an artist.

You developed a love for music at a young age and learned piano at a young age. In the midst of this, when did you discover your singing voice?

Weirdly enough, I think it was a simultaneous sort of pushing away and pulling towards my love for other kinds of music. I was always drawn to music. I was surrounded by it in every form. Lessons and theory books. Listening to CDs in the car. Dancing to tunes during lazy evenings. But there was something in learning the piano that was missing. Lyrics, or a voice. Instrumental music let me imagine, but kept me yearning to find my own centre in the midst of it all. So I think after about ten or twelve years of classical music I just started wondering what music I could make on my own, from my own voice.

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