Clear and Present Thinking

Page 104

Chapter Five

5.14 Exercises for Chapter Five

enough to mislead and manipulate the viewer, without

flu for a week, the pipes in her bathroom burst, and she

telling an outright lie.

broke up with her boyfriend. After all that bad luck, she is surely due for better times.

Puf f e ry / e xag g e r ate d c lai ms : Puffery is an exaggerated claim which is obviously untrue, but gets your

Two studies reported in the New England Journal of

attention anyway. I once saw a billboard advertisement

Medicine in July 2007 found that the risk of cancer,

for women’s cosmetics that made the claim: “We make

heart disease, and diabetes were reduced when the stom-

women so beautiful, other women will want to kill you.”

ach size of obese patients was reduced.

Taken at face value, this statement is clearly, painfully


false. But the statement still creates the impression in

I recently purchased a gold-plated, jewel-encrusted scale

the viewer’s mind that women who use that product

model of the starship Enterprise. But I keep it in a safety

will become enviable. Similarly, television commercials

deposit box in a bank vault. It’s so precious to me that I

for trucks or fast cars might tilt the camera, to make the

don’t want anyone to see it.

vehicle look like it can easily drive up a very steep slope. The image tells no lies, but most people don’t notice the

These statues magically move by themselves, in the

camera tilt, especially if the shot lasts only half a second.

middle of the night. But only the very virtuous can see

So the impression left on the viewer is a somewhat

them do it.

misleading one. Of course there was a cover-up! And the fact that you Pus h p oll i n g : This is a type of advertising technique

can’t find out what really happened is evidence that the

normally used by political campaigns. Large numbers of

cover-up was very effective!

individuals are contacted directly, usually by telephone, and invited to participate in a survey. But the caller is

Everyone who “Shares” this picture on Facebook will

not actually collecting data. Instead, the caller is trying

receive a free Kindle Fire HD.

to influence the contacted person’s thinking about an issue (and her vote!) use a series of leading questions,

The MonsterCar Corporation is actually majority-

rhetorical questions, and carefully designed framing

owned by a conglomerate of foreign investors who use

languages. It might drop vague hints about the bad be-

their profit to fund radical militant religious groups.

haviour of a political opponent, or an innuendo about

So if you are driving a MonsterCar, you’re supporting

the unreliability or untrustworthiness of a party.

terrorism! Every once in a while, you might notice the Internet

5.14 Exercises for Chapter Five

access on your phone slowing down or stopping for no apparent reason. Sometimes it’s ordinary net traffic. But

Consider the following situations, and decide whether it is reasonable to doubt what is claimed, and why (or why not).

sometimes it’s the spyware on your phone, gathering all your phone calls, text messages, emails, web sites visited, and camera pictures, and sending them to the government. It even tells the government your movements,

Early yesterday morning, just as the sun was rising, Jeff spotted what looked like a giant sea serpent rising through the mists of the lake. Jeff has never lied before. He must have seen the Loch Ness monster. Shelly has had a terrible month. She was in bed with the

using the map software.

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