Issue 4, 2016

Page 15

Member Photo Challenge Hello NODA members! Do you ever feel like you see the same few people in photos in the newsle#er? Do you ever wonder how the newsle#er chooses photos for publica'on?

The newsle#er editors would like to issue a challenge to all NODA members– we want your photos for the cover, ar'cles, and member spotlight sec'ons! We can’t promise you any prizes, but you can have sa'sfac'on that your photo was chosen to be in the newsle#er or on the cover!

We’re not playing favorites- it’s just that there are so few pictures to choose from when we get down to the business of puQng the newsle#er together! When we need photos, the editors tend to pick photographs that are on the NODA Facebook page or that we can access on Facebook.

While any horse-related photographs are great for the newsle#er, we would like to encourage members to take pictures at the NODA schooling shows. Pictures that go in the body of the newsle#er can be any layout, but cover photos must be ver'cal and high resolu'on is preferred.

Yes, we do choose photos from professionals who work at If you would like to submit your photographs to the our shows and we thank all of the professional newsle#er or Facebook, please email it to: photographers who take the 'me to get so many wonderful pictures of compe'tors and their family and friends at both the schooling and recognized shows. However, not all shows are covered by professional photographers. NODA also hosts clinics and other learning experiences, which may or may not have a professional photographer in a#endance. We thank you in advance for your great photos!

NODA News 2016 Page 15

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