Issue 11, 2015

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Gree ngs from the President

The Northern Ohio Dressage Associa on is a 501(c)(3) not‐for‐profit

2014 NODA Execu ve Board

President Dee Liebenthal 330‐562‐8455

Vice President Niki Sackman

Treasurer Nancy Danielson 440-759-2117 (Text only)

Secretary Pa Valencic

Parliamentarian Dale Lappert 330‐527‐4683

hope we will see many of you there. We will have a silent auc on, so bring your check book. We will also be taking item dona ons for the Geauga County Dog (and Cat) Shelter. If you bring a dona on for the shelter, you will receive a cket for a raffle drawing.

Dee Liebenthal and Rens


ear Noda Members, Really big congratula ons go out to Mosie Welch. Mosie recently won a USDF GMO first place award for her Newsle er ar cle published in the December, 2014 issue of the NODA News, en tled, “Experiencing the 2014 United States Dressage Finals Live on USEF Network.” If you didn’t read it last December, or want to read it again, this is the newsle er link, Newsle ers/2014‐Issue12.pdf The ar cle is on page six. Mosie wrote an excellent and informa ve ar cle. NODA is very proud. Congratula ons also go out to all the

NODA members who were awards USDF Directors at Large Year‐End Awards, Victoria Pirko‐Pa erson, Jennifer Mclandrich, Kris n Stein, Barbara Mary Lou Gallagher Tuskas to name just a few! Visit our 216‐251‐7469 Members Spotlight page of the NODA MaryLou‐ website to see some of our members’ successes. We are so proud.

Barbara Soukup


Kathy Kirchner 330‐995‐6010 Kathy‐

Gail Pa on 440‐442‐5256

Mary Dana Presco 440‐942‐1008 NODA News 2015 page 2

A er dinner and the awards presenta on, a DJ will be providing music for dancing. The invita ons have been mailed. If you wish to reserve an en re table of 8, you must include the full payment for that table along with the names of those a ending. Please contact Shannon O’Hara if you have ques ons about the banquet at

We are currently accep ng Silent Auc on items for the banquet. Along with dona ons from local businesses, once again local farms/stables are pu ng baskets together for the auc on. The basket from a farm/stable that brings the highest bid will win a Pizza Party valued at $250.00 for the farm. Wouldn’t your farm love to have a pizza party? Contact, .Shannon O’Hara for details .

It is NODA elec on me and you should have received your postcard ballot in the mail for the elec on of the Execu ve Board to serve a two‐year term beginning January 1, 2016. Once you have checked off your choices return the ballot to Dale Lappert, our Parliamentarian. Please be aware that six people have been nominated for Director at Large (DAL), but only five can serve. Please vote for five of the six names. I am excited to have some new faces interested in being a part of our Execu ve Board. New people bring new ideas, and new ideas help us become a be er organiza on. Contact Dale Lappert, , with any ques ons or concerns.

We would like to celebrate with all of our members, so let NODA know about your accomplishments. E‐mail Linda Cooley at with informa on about your great deeds on your great steeds. You might find yourself on our Members Spotlight page and NODA’s Facebook page. I want to say thank you to Gail Pa on, our long‐ me Schooling Show Volunteer Speaking of celebra ng, the NODA Annual Coordinator, as she passes her volunteer Banquet and Awards Celebra on will be coordinator’s torch to Kirsten Thomas. on November 21st at the Marrio East. I

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