The HAT (Herault & Aude Times) September 2014

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HT Life Style in partnership with

Lerab Ling Buddhist Centre Maggie’s Column PERSONAL COACH & HYPNOTHERAPIST

This is because you’re being asked about something you don’t know so you are constructing an answer What was the colour of your first car? Which of your friends has the longest hair? Up and left - Visual remembered This response is to something you know so

Goal Searching Here’s a bit of summer fun. Be careful! You may be giving yourself away without even knowing it!! What you may not be aware of is that our eyes are a clue to what we’re thinking. We move our eyes to the part of the brain that we’re needing to engage in response to questions we are asked.

Ask yourself the following questions and note where your eyes move as you reach for the answer (pictures below are as if you’re looking at someone else or in the mirror). Then try asking a friend or partner some questions and notice where their eyes move. Have some fun! Where will you go on holiday next year? What would your room look like if you painted it green? Up and to the right - Visual constructed

can remember What would your phone sound like if it was ringing under water? What would it sound like if you played two pieces of music at the same time? Across and right - Auditory constructed This is something you haven’t heard before so you construct the sound in your mind What was that sound of the school bell when you were at school? Which is louder, your door bell or your telephone? Across and left – Auditory remembered You’ve heard the sound before so you will remember what it sounds like Think about a favourite pet, your partner, parents? What does it feel like to walk barefoot on the beach? Down and right – Kinaesthetic You get right into the feeling or emotion of the issue What are your thoughts about a certain

article? What do you continually tell yourself? Down and left – Audio digital This position is for people who tend to process in their heads rather than emotionally and spend time thinking rather than feeling So if you’re asking someone if they were out the night before and their eyes shoot up and to their right – you know that they’re constructing an answer and not remembering what actually happened. So you could question whether or not they’re being truthful! Or if someone is telling you that they’re not upset about a situation and that everything is fine, but their eyes go down and right to access their emotions, you know that they are actually more upset than they are admitting.

Now this is not fool proof. Some people react in totally different ways and left handed people may even swap the positions. But it’s fun to play with - so just become more aware of your eye movements – because they may be saying a lot more about you than you think!! Maggie is a personal coach and hypnotherapist: If you wish to contact her personally to discuss any issues, please email:

LIFE Soyez réaliste, demandez l’impossible


he French have their own distinctive slogans that express their attitude toward life and their sense of possibility. There’s “Under the cobblestones, the beach” (Sous les pavés, la plage); “It is forbidden to forbid” (Il est 20

The HAT September 2014.indd 20

interdit d’interdire); “The alarm clock rings, first humiliation of the day” (Le réveil sonne: première humiliation de la journée); “Be realistic, demand the impossible” (Soyez réaliste, demandez l’impossible), coined by students during the 1968 uprising; “Boredom is a counter-revolutionary act” (L’ennui est contre-révolutionnaire) , “Take your desires for reality”; “God, I suspect you of being a left wing intellectual” (Dieu, je vous soupçonne d’être un intellectuel de gauche)… Oh, and “Never work” (Ne travaillez jamais)!

The Herault & Aude Times

01/09/2014 04:24:34

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