3 minute read

Buck Wild

By Collin Yeo music@northcoastjournal.com

I’m writing this under the influence of the waxing Buck Moon and maybe it’s the weather, or the masses of asses clogging up the roads and beaches, but I am definitely feeling a sense of power and excitement with tinges of manic frustration. As I may have alluded to before, the effect of the full moon on human behavior is the only form of astrology I am completely on board with, and God help anyone who ends up in jail or the emergency room (or even worse, Redding) as a result of the long supermoon and holiday weekend. That said, I’m feeling mostly awesome about this week. The rivers are perfect right now (at least the ones I’ve been to) and there are some truly righteous shows on the immediate dashboard horizon (at least the ones I’m telling you about). We’re in the zone here, people, and even the economic hideousness of the lick-the-bag-andbust-the-copper-out-of-the-walls era of American capitalism can’t bring my spirits down, gas prices notwithstanding. I don’t care at the moment that we are ruled by repulsive lich kings, I feel alive. It’s a sun’s out, buns out, guns out and funs out kind of summer right now, and I aim to make the most of it. No amount of Adharma can quash the spirit of my soul’s blessed avatar as I bask in a few 24-hour cycles absolutely soaked with the twin beacons of the sun and the moon. And I hope for sympathetic experiences for you, too, dear reader. The fog has retreated from the coast for now, like the darkness in the hall replaced by the light of the Holy Grail in Parsifal, the brightness of sun and the moon are our salvation, for today anyway. Who knows what will happen by press time, as our weather here is more fickle than the hill? I just wanted to share a quick snapshot for the sake of history. Now go make some of that.


The Siren’s Song Tavern is hosting an alternative rock night at 7:30 p.m.

Frequency Within is a touring act from SoCal, while local heavies

Drastic Gnarlys anchor things down in the 707. I don’t know the door charge as of press time, but if you leave the house with $20, you should be able to cover the entrance fee and a drink or two.


Bonny Doon is a trio that originally hails from Detroit but has since spread its members across the lower 48, from New York City to California. As is the case with many acts booked at the Miniplex, the band has a ton of DIY folk and country cred, having stretched out beyond its own considerable oeuvre to operate as the backing band for indie folk powerhouse Waxahatchee. This is a versatile group of players with their own sweet thing going and you’ll likely enjoy it. Come over to the stage at Richards Goat at 9 p.m. to see what I mean ($15).


As I mentioned in my dual record review (page 16), the good people in Wild Abandon are putting on a shindig at Humbrews tonight to showcase their second album Character Study. Along for the ride are rising local pop stars The California Poppies, as well as DJs Bumblecrow and Choppa Whoppa. Starting time is 8 p.m. and $10 buys access to the entire evening’s entertainment.


We’re properly into the month of July, which means those of us lucky and local enough to stay through the warm months have some OG milestones to recapture and celebrate. Chief among them is Annie and Mary Day, Blue Lake’s tribute to a pair of bookkeepers who worked for the Arcata Mad River Rail Line at the beginning of the 20th century, all worked out in the form of a daylong fiesta in Perigot Park starting at 11 a.m. There’s a lot of vending going on, so I’ll focus on my beat and remind you that there will be some fine musical performances by the likes of Cadillac Ranch, Checkered Past, Fickle Hill and Dead On As is tradition, this family-friendly event is free.


Savage Henry Comedy Club is throwing a changeup pitch on its regular Metal Monday to present a Goth music twist. Come join Milwaukee, Wisconsin’s Convert, Portland’s Father’s Milk, Oakland’s Silence in the Snow and local heroes Psyop Victim and DJ Dastbunny for a night of darkwave and distortion at 7 p.m. ($10).


Blondies is a venue I always like to mention, as it used to be a neighborhood haunt of mine and I have a file cabinet of good show memories there. Tonight at 7p.m., it hosts Los Angeles acts Human Musik, Soundfrom, SpaceyY, Telltale Ballroom and recognized locals Drastic Gnarlys. It’s only $5 to find out what everyone is all about, which seems like quite a deal.


Solo acts are an occasional treat in this column, as the people involved often seem to be extra dedicated and focused on their work in a way that often can’t be as intense when diffused across a larger ensemble or band. Plexusplay is one such artist, a performer whose work is defined by a virtuosic relationship with mallet-based chromatic instruments and EDM club-style visuals. The Arcata Playhouse is hosting this eccentric prodigy at 7 p.m., and for $15 ($10 for students), you can have a gander at a sui generis musical being at the height of his talent. l

Collin Yeo (he/him) is someone who, despite his personal politics, loves reactionary art. Right now, for instance, he is listening to Wagner. He lives in Arcata, which is about 5,600 miles from Bayreuth, as the jet flies.