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Aj Disney

Welcome to the world, Ajax Disney! Ajax was born to Ashley Disney and Alex Allen-Hyma at 1:15PM on February 25th, 2023 coming in at 8 lbs, 7 oz. and 21 inches long.

Settled into their cozy Eureka home while surrounded by tidy bookshelves stacked full with Tolkien, TIME life series, homesteading, library desk references, comedy, science, and more, Ashley and Alex, a former and a current Murphy’s employee, share how their sweet family came to be.

Seeking an education and sharing an enjoyment of tall trees, greenery, smaller populations, and fog, they both came to the area to attend Humboldt State University. Their Freshman year, Ashley had the dorm room directly above Alex. One night, she and her friends jumped on the floor and the cover of the light fell on Alex’s head down below. The rest, as they say, is history, and Ashley and Alex were married in June of 2019.

Speaking on becoming a new parent, Alex says, “You will never reach a point where you think you’re ready. But apparently we are!”

“He’s been such an easy baby,” according to Ashley, which checks out, as Ajax relaxes happily in her arms.

“I loved it when I worked at Murphy’s. They are just a really nice company,” said Ashley, who did stints at Murphy’s Markets earlier in her career and now works as a Budget Analyst for CA State Parks North Coast Redwoods District. Her degree from HSU in Forestry with Wildlife Management and a GLS minor paid o and she is very passionate about the work she does. She seems like a strong and capable woman ready to tackle the challenges and joys of being a working mother head-on, but currently enjoying precious time at home with her new baby.

Alex is getting some time out from his work as Assistant Manager at Murphy’s Markets in Cutten to adjust to his new role as a parent. He appreciates the strong team environment and how employees fill in for each other at Murphy’s, like when he filled in so his coworker could attend his son’s baseball game. It’s clear that Murphy’s Markets recognizes family values and the importance of work-life balance.

Baby Ajax begins to stir and I bid the young family adieu. If you’re one of the many regulars at Murphy’s in Cutten, be sure to congratulate Alex on his new family addition the next time you see him.