September 2020 - Natural Awakenings Tucson Edition

Page 34

Natural Awakenings

Natural Antivirals


Help in Staying Strong and Healthy


pages 32-37

“the job” or its tasks and responsibilities to think about every day. New responsibilities and tasks have arisen. Children who are attending school virtually are now home and bring about a whole new set of tasks and priorities for parents. Worry and stress pertaining to employment and sustainability in uncertain times is prevalent. Through all of this, awareness has shifted and has given many individuals a new perspective on life. Small steps have been taken to set new goals and to empower oneself to be better in many areas. Health is most likely one of the more popular desires for empowerment, especially when remaining healthy during these uncertain times is on most minds. Can there be anything more empowering or rewarding than taking control of one’s own health? A great way to fill some idle time, or to change up the routine of a mundane day could be to do a little reading or researching on the grow seasons here in the desert. Not only can knowing what grows best during the fall and early winter season here in Tucson be beneficial, but putting that knowledge to work can have multiple rewards. Parents with children at home can get them involved in a small garden project. Talking about what fruits and vegetables are the favorites of the family, discussing what health benefits the plants have on the body, and deciding if it’s possible to grow some of them right at home can all be tasks that are educational, empowering and lead to a healthier lifestyle. With the right amount of motivation, a dose of ingenuity and a few seeds, self-empowerment can become a process that leads people to see the food that is eaten in a different way. There is no better satisfaction than planting a tomato plant and watching it grow. It gets even better when its healing and medicinal properties are explored. Excitement levels grow when the tomato plant begins to bear fruit. Watching the fruits of labor ripen is a heart-warming experience. The tomato is also a powerful antioxidant that can help ward off heart disease, cancer and other diseases. Knowing that eating a tomato that’s been planted at home can bring about improved vision, a boost to digestive health, help control diabetes and improve and protect the skin, just makes the fruit that much sweeter. Empowerment through planting a fruit or vegetable is a marvelous thing. It allows someone to experience the stocking of Mother Nature’s medicine cabinet. J. Garnet, M.Ed. is a writer, teacher, speaker and healer. Garnet’s passion is helping the public see that nature is medicine. Connect at 520-437-8855 or 34

Tucson Edition

by Ronica O’Hara


n these sobering times, we must use every weapon in our arsenal against invasive viruses, including often-overlooked natural remedies with antiviral properties. As is also the case with pharmaceutical agents, natural approaches have not been shown to stop an aggressive virus in its tracks, but they may ameliorate symptoms. “Nutrition and supplementation are unlikely to prevent an infection, but they may help prevent the infection from becoming symptomatic or severe,” explains Leo Galland, M.D., a global leader in functional medicine and author of Power Healing: Use the New Integrated Medicine to Heal Yourself. Eating healthy foods, sleeping seven to nine hours a night and exercising at least 150 minutes a week are also key in fortifying our natural defenses against viruses. Steps still necessary for COVID-19 protection include hand-washing, maskwearing, social distancing and sterilizing objects and surfaces.

Baseline Protectors

Scientists report that some vitamin and mineral deficiencies appear to be linked to poor COVID-19 outcomes, while adequate levels help combat other viruses., which provides comprehensive research overviews and information on nutritional products, lists these natural supplements as potential aids against COVID-19, although at this early stage, none have been proven to work: Vitamin D: According to Galland, vitamin D “stimulates your immune system to produce factors called defensins and cathelicidins that kill viruses.” People with levels below 30 nanograms per mil-

Plant Medicine Section Sponsored by Earth’s Healing



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