July 2021 - Natural Awakenings Tucson Edition

Page 16

Photo by Jason Briscoe on Unsplash

Magnesium matters – it is an essential nutrient. Magnesium is an

AN EASY CHOICE 5 Reasons to Reconsider Our Magnesium Intake


by Sara Le Brun-Blashka and Kara Credle

agnesium is an essential nutrient, but half of the U.S. population does not get enough magnesium for good health. Here are five reasons to reconsider magnesium intake.

There is a 50-50 chance people are not getting enough magnesium on a regular basis. In the U.S., half of the population does not get enough magnesium for

good health. Recommended daily allowance levels increase for females during pregnancy.

Average Actual Intake

Average Mg Gap

400-420 mg (males 19-51+)

350 mg

50-70 mg

310-320 mg (females 19-51)

260 mg

50-60 mg

magnesium 5 reasons fb_599853452

Recommended Daily Allowance


Tucson Edition


important piece of the puzzle for a variety of enzymatic reactions in the body. These reactions provide a foundation for health. According to Nutrients and Magnesium Research, magnesium is also vital for making proteins, producing energy and building important bodily components like DNA and RNA. Magnesium deficiency is associated with many health issues, like: unhealthy stress response, cardiovascular health, management of blood sugar levels, mood (feeling down and anxious) and fatigue. Magnesium sufficiency is associated with many health benefits, like: reduced stress and better mood, increased fat-free mass, improved bone health and balance and stabilize systems health.

An easy way to make sure to get the Mg needed. There are a couple of reasons that nearly half of the U.S. population does not get enough magnesium. First, American dietary choices rely heavily on processed food (magnesium-poor) over natural, plantbased food (magnesium-rich). For those who do eat enough plantbased foods, the nutrient density of these foods is not what it used to be. According to research by the Clinical Kidney Journal, changes in the soil (acidification, mineral depletion) and modern cultivation practices (selective breeding, chemical fertilizers) have promoted a trend of decreased nutrient content in plant foods—not just magnesium, but multiple nutrients. A third issue is magnesium absorption. About 25 to 75 percent of dietary magnesium is absorbed; specific absorption rate depends on an individual’s magnesium status, gastrointestinal (GI) health and dose. Maximum absorption of magnesium is seen up to a dose of about 123 mg. Any additional amount of magnesium above this dose would see a minimal absorption rate, around seven percent. This absorption rate creates a clear divide between whole food magnesium supplements (usually contains a modest dose of about 30 to 80 mg) and synthetic magnesium supplements (usually given at a relatively high dose of about 300 mg and above).

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