6 minute read


Using PEMF and Bioresonance to Bounce Back from Lyme Disease

by Michelle Bense

For many, having Lyme disease is an ongoing, perplexing struggle to manage a variety of symptoms and pains, alongside the growing costs associated with it. Lyme disease can impact so many systems in the body at once, making its management a full-time job. It can be difficult to isolate any one symptom, determine its cause, then treat it effectively.

Because of this, Lyme sufferers often feel they’ve “tried it all”. Freddie Kimmel was in that place in 2018 when he decided to try one more thing—AmpCoil, a cutting-edge pulsed electromagnetic field (PEMF) technology that works with the energetic body. “I had Lyme for 20 years, had metastatic cancer at 26, then had mold exposure,” explains Kimmel. “I had tried drugs and pharmaceuticals and didn’t feel better. I was kind of desperate.”

A certified health coach, personal trainer and Reiki healer, Kimmel happened upon a YouTube video of a podcast that talked about the AmpCoil and he was so moved, he says, “I just pulled out my credit card.” While it may have been a quick decision, it turned out to be a life-changing one. “I had an amazing experience. In four months, my energy was through the roof. I felt inspired.”

Today, Kimmel runs sales and marketing for AmpCoil, as well as the education department, AmpCoil Academy, which includes a nine-part video series that teaches new users and ambassadors how to use the equipment.

How does the AmpCoil work? AmpCoil is a sophisticated sound frequency delivery system that combines PEMF and bioresonance or sound therapy. It consists of a tablet attached to a highend audio amplifier, which is connected to an electromagnetic coil that is placed on the body. The amplifier combines the sound frequencies from the tablet, passing through the coil to the EMF. “What we’re creating is a bio-acoustic magnetic field about four feet in diameter. It’s a wholebody field enveloping the human being in sound and magnetics,” Kimmel explains.

“When we talk about PEMF, the simplified way to say it is that PEMF can help with inflammation, microcirculation, fatigue, chronic pain and helps cells breathe better. Bioresonance could open a detox pathway. With Lyme, people struggle with eliminating toxins. When they detoxify, they feel better,” Kimmel says. “AmpCoil allows the body to function as nature intended. The body moves into a natural state of healing. Even in a few months, we see the nervous system move toward recovery phase.”

Kimmel likes to use analogies to help people better understand this technology. “A nice analogy is: everything is sound. Everything has a different oscillating pattern. If all the tissues in my body are all different sound, we can start to imagine ourselves as an orchestra. When we are healthy, we’re playing a beautiful song. When I fall into a state of disease, certain areas are out of tune,” he says. “AmpCoil is looking at the orchestra and seeing that the tuba is flat; instead of kicking the tuba out, we’re helping it get back in tune.”

Unlike an actual orchestra, the amplifier is operating at a frequency that we cannot hear with our ears, so the AmpCoil sessions are actually relaxing. Kimmel says that some people can feel it working in different areas throughout their bodies, while others feel very little during the session. As for session frequency, he recommends about three times per week, 75 minutes per day. AmpCoil works through entrainment, reminding the body of the right frequency—much like when we train ourselves through working out, practicing yoga or learning a new language.

While AmpCoil can and has helped people with many ailments and issues, Kimmel

says they think of it in terms of working with the energetic body, rather than with disease. “The technology is known for helping people with multiple systems offline— mold, Lyme, multiple sclerosis, chronic fatigue, Epstein-Barr,” he says.

In a person struggling with Lyme disease specifically, there is so much going on at once. “It’s rare that a person only has Lyme. Usually, they also discover they have heavy metal toxicity, Epstein-Barr, mold, chronic fatigue, severe sleep disturbances, anxiety, bone pain. People go broke treating Lyme,” explains Kimmel. “AmpCoil supports the whole body and the energetic body.” There are programs in the AmpCoil software specifically for people going through Lyme, so ambassadors know what session to play in what order. “I think the founding team of software engineers were very empathetic to people suffering with Lyme.”

While purchasing the AmpCoil system for home use may be an initial investment, Kimmel says, “Many people have a great response with it and become ambassadors of the technology.” Through the AmpCoil Ambassador program, they are trained extensively on how to use the technology to support people with all kinds of imbalances in the body, how to track progress and more. Ambassadors all over the country participate in monthly support calls, training and connection.

Locally in the Fairfield area, there are about 20 ambassadors who are trained to provide AmpCoil sessions, including Kimmel’s good friend Cathy Whelehan. The two bonded over their mutual, great responses after buying AmpCoils out of need, then experiencing life-changing results. Whelehan now has several AmpCoils available for sessions at Open Sky Yoga Barn, in Redding.

So, how much does this life-changing technology cost? According to Kimmel, AmpCoil is much more cost effective than most other Lyme treatments. “We have so many creative ways to purchase and many financing options,” he says. “For example, someone with decent credit could purchase their own system for less than $150 a month. Most people spend $1,000 a month on supplements with Lyme.”

Of course, not everyone has to dive right in to owning their own AmpCoil. Sessions can cost between $40 and $100 each, depending on the location. Try a few sessions, and if it’s as impactful as it has been for people like Kimmel and Whelehan, it may be worth it to bring one home. “It’s really meant to be in the home. I think the magic happens when people have it in the home,” enthuses Kimmel.

Kimmel says the best thing about his role with AmpCoil is listening to people’s stories. “Being able to be on a monthly support call with dozens of people sharing how their lives have changed and

Freddie Kimmel Cathy Whelehan

how things have shifted because they’ve embraced AmpCoil as something to support their wellness—it’s incredible.” While a chronic disease such as Lyme can be full of frustration and hardship, Kimmel says, “The AmpCoil is reminding the body through resonant frequencies, ‘You can do this.’”

Connect with Freddie Kimmel at Freddie@AmpCoil.com and learn more at AmpCoil.com. See ad, back cover.

Michelle Bense is a writer and editor for Natural Awakenings magazines. Connect at EditorMichelleBense@gmail.com.

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