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Trust Your Intuition Listen to that Still, Small Voice and Let it Lead You by Linda Sechrist

What if you could consistently tap into answers to life’s problems when you need them, knowing deep down that you are on the right track and that the decisions and choices you are making are the correct ones?


ur body is a wellspring of priceless wisdom. Yet heeding our innate voice seems constantly tested as society distracts us with the busy acquisition of external knowledge and rewards more visible work. Those used to focusing outwardly over-stimulate their five senses and so tend to disconnect from their body’s deep innate intelligence—our sixth sense, also known as intuition. The resulting joylessness, discontent, isolation, depression and illness have sent millions in search of a real solution that discerning experts believe already exists within. Our ultimate guide to the fountain of personal health and happiness, they believe, could well be our own intuition.

Changing Directions

For years, Katie Teague, producer of the documentary film, Money & Life, lived with the consequence of sublimating her intuitive impulse. “I felt a restless itch in my soul,” relates Teague, who intuited that life was prompting her to change careers so she could use her talents in a more meaningful way. The vision of her 94-year-old self lying on her deathbed and faced with the question, “What are you not saying yes to?” pushed Teague to take a leap of faith—close her psychotherapy practice and enroll in a filmmaking class.

“You too can move away from the past and towards a life of vitality, wholeness and fulfilling relationships.” Individual, Couples & Family Therapy Attachment Psychotherapy / EMDR Andrea Scheele, LCSW, LMFT 1303 Amelia Street New Orleans, LA 70115 (504) 899-2686


New Orleans

Teague recognizes that a deeper wisdom activated her response. She observes, “The individuals I was counseling about their restless desire for something better mirrored my own discontent, and my restlessness was an emotional response to what was emerging. “Today, I no longer concern myself with making the right decision. I trust that whatever the circumstances are, I need to listen, observe and reflect, because ‘now’ contains information for my next step,” she advises. Amanda Owen, counselor, coach and author of Born to Receive: 7 Powerful Steps Women Can Take Today to Reclaim Their Half of the Universe, has studied the state of receptivity that Teague references. Owen explains, “Receiving is a dynamic and productive state. When the body is relaxed and the mind and nervous system are calm, we become receptive and can feel and intuit subtle information contained in the energy received from external and internal environments. “Our parasympathetic nervous system is engaged when we’re in this listening state. In contrast, rushing through the day engages our ‘fight-orflight’ sympathetic nervous system. Busyness and mind chatter drowns out the valuable information that intuition provides,” Owen notes. An intuitive energy therapist, Marilyn Eppolite strongly relies on intuitive guidance in her southern New Jersey practice, believing it emanates from her body’s intelligence. “I listen and it’s

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