My Lombok 18

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and turtles. All divers are encouraged to get involved during their dive by filling out a form detailing their sightings. The Gili Shark Foundation collaborates with the Gili Eco Trust and together hope to establish an officially recognised shark sanctuary here. There is already a precedent. The Indonesian government has set up a huge shark and manta sanctuary in Raja Ampat, where there is zero tolerance for fishing. It is hoped a similar ‘safe haven’ can be established in the Gilis, where the economy is just as dependent on diving dollars. There is not a safe no-fish zone in Bali’s waters so it means transporting rescued sharks across the Lombok Strait to a new home in the Gilis. This has been done in partnership with Bali Sharks, a non profit outfit based in South Bali with a mission to change the mindsets of local fishermen and protect dwindling shark stocks. It also has a well established shark nursery which offers education and an immersive experience for local kids. Since its inception, Bali Sharks has saved more than 150 sharks from becoming an expensive bowl of soup in a Chinese restaurant. Some of these are also small juvenile sharks which would otherwise be discarded and likely die as their sale value for fisherman is limited. Since the rescue, rehab and release program began in 2013 many have been relocated and are thriving in the waters of North Lombok.

It is a well organized, collaborative effort between Gili Shark Foundation, its counterpart in Bali, the Gili Eco Trust and all the dive operators in the Gilis. Let’s not forget that the most important cog in this wheel is the local fisherman himself. Until the fishing community fully understands the true value of a large and healthy shark population to the diving industry and general tourism, organizations like Gili Shark Foundation will always have their hands full. Get Involved: The Foundation works tirelessly on practical programs such regular shark counts and monitoring activities, fund raising and community education, and newcomers are encouraged to get involved and lend a hand. Locals and travellers spending time on the Gilis can sign up and take part in a one-month program which includes the Reef Check Eco Diver course, a shark specialty course, data collection and monitoring dives.


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