My Child Magazine Issue 117 June 2021

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ISSUE 117 - JUNE 2021



Bianca Medina ART DIRECTOR



Sheree Hoddinett Amy Adeney Lance Green Liza John Jonathan Borba Pavel Danilyuk Amina Filkins Yan Krukov Nappy Shvets Production Rachel Claire Jonas Mohamadi Willsantt Lukas Ron Lach Pavel Danilyuk Elina Sazonova CONTACT

My Child Magazine Newcastle NSW Australia +614 11 572 877

Contents 6



7 Safe Workout Ideas For Pregnant

How To Plan Your Diet Throughout

Dad Read - Fun Activities For Dads


Your Pregnancy!

To Connect With Their Kids




How To Stay Healthy During

Get The Look Interiors

Relationship Issues You’ll Face After


Having A Baby And How To Solve



Best Labor Positions For An Easier

Top Tips To Stay Mentally Healthy


Throughout Your Pregnancy



When Should You Finally Stop

What Does The Size And Shape Of

Breastfeeding Your Child?

Your Baby Bump Tell You?



Toy Reviws

Book Reviews



3 Ways To Naturally Boost Your Kid’s

What Should You Avoid During Your

Bone Strength




96 Blogger -How Do I Do This Again?

100 Fashion

110 Milky Feature

122 Recipes

Why Is Physical Activity Vital To A Pre-Schooler?



DISCLAIMER: It My Child Magazine and are wholly owned by My Child Magazine (ABN 79 167 787 662). No other parties or individuals have any financial interest in the company or in My Child or My Child contains general information only and does not purport to be a substitute for health and parenting advice. Readers are advised to seek a doctor for all medical and health matters. The publisher and authors do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of an action taken by readers in reliance on the recommendations set out in this magazine. Reproduction of any material without written permission by the publisher is strictly forbidden. We cannot accept responsibility for material lost or damaged in the post or for any unsolicited manuscripts and photographs. All reasonable efforts have been made to trace copyright holders.

Bianca Medina editor-in-chief

Editor’s Letter

Hello My Child Mamma’s and Papa’s, WOW - can you believe that we are in June already! So much has been happening this year, it has just flown by in a blink! I really love being a parent, it’s a rollercoaster of laughs, tears and screams and the trill of all the ups and downs is never ending. Watching my daughter grow is a gift that words cannot describe. It only seem likes yesterday that I was pregnant and looking forward to meetig my baby girl, then I gave birth and now here we are, 6 years later with a little human that can now think for herself and has the ability to tell me what she wants. I cannot believe how quickly this time has gone by. Well, until next issue!

Bianca oxo

editor’s picks

VLOGO pointed boots $2500

Blank writing pad $155

Yeah Nah (Mono) $50

The High Tea Collection $79.95

Double Stud - Orb $39.99

Saffiano Leather Mini Bag $2,060

Glow In The Dark, 2 Pack Pop It $39.90

Liewood Knud Bath Toys (2 Pack) $40



Uttering the word “workout” during pregnancy sets off a chain reaction. Your peers, relatives, friends, and even random strangers start competing to enlighten you. A whole lot of misinformation, loads of myths, and another set of rubbish are by-products of this reaction. Working out during pregnancy reduces the risks of preterm births, hypertensive disorders, gestational diabetes, and lower birth weights. It also promotes mental health, postpartum recovery, and acts as a stress buster. So what exercises are safe for you? Should you switch your exercise regime? Experts say that, generally, there aren’t many activities that you should avoid. However, you may have to tweak your activities to better suit your body. In this blog, we have compiled some of the safest workout ideas for pregnant women. Let’s get started. Swimming A risk you must worry about is falling while you’re pregnant. Swimming and water aerobics are one of the safest exercises for pregnant women and will keep you toned. It makes you feel lighter and agile, no matter how large your baby bump is. A dip in the pool relieves swollen ankles, nausea and is gentle on your aching joints. However, be careful of slippery poolside’s, and do not jump or dive into the pool. 8

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Walking or Jogging Walking is an exercise you can easily fit into your daily routine and continue for the whole duration of the pregnancy. Just get a good pair of sneakers that suits you and walk away. Walking is a healthy low impact exercise and perfect for people who are new to exercising. Start small initially and gradually build up to 30 minutes of walking a day or so. Swing your arms for an added punch. If you are an experienced runner, you can continue with running or jogging on level terrain. Be sure not to overdo it, and do not overheat your body. Drinking water regularly wards off dehydration. Yoga Yoga is an excellent stress buster and imparts mindfulness through breathing and meditation. Gentle stretching of various body parts may soothe your aches and equip you better for labor. If you have been doing yoga for a while, you can continue your routine during early pregnancy. However, talk to your doctor about any specific poses you should avoid. Aerobics Join a low-intensity aerobics or dance workout class like Zumba, which gets your heart rate up and improves the flow of endorphins. Aerobics classes can be a great way to stay active and relieve stress during your pregnancy. JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117


Be careful and avoid any high-impact movements. Various studios offer classes exclusively for pregnant women. Pilates You can try a pregnancy-appropriate pilates routine that will focus on strengthening your core and increasing your stability with low-impact exercises. Pilates will ease your backaches which are common in pregnant women and enhance your flexibility and posture. Join a class specifically designed to suit pregnant women or inform your instructor that you are pregnant. Low-Intensity Weight Training Lifting and training with weights is a good way to get lean and strong. During the first trimester, weight training is generally considered safe. If you were doing weight training before, you can keep going with your routines but with lower weights. Consult your doctor to know if there are any specific exercises you must avoid. If you weren’t undergoing weight training, now might not be the best time to start.


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Kegels Your pelvic floor muscles support various abdominal organs including, the bowel, bladder, and uterus. Pregnancy and labor can weaken these muscles. By strengthening these muscles, you can prevent numerous pelvic floor incontinence including, faecal incontinence, urinary incontinence, and pelvic organ prolapse. Kegel exercises target these muscles and strengthen them. These are relatively easy exercises that you can do anywhere without any equipment. Final Thoughts If you were already working out before pregnancy, more often than not, you can continue with your fitness regimen. Your body is undergoing a lot of changes so take it easy. You may not be able to lift weights that you used to lift before and that is okay. In fact, you should reduce the intensity of your workouts. Avoid doing exercises that risk abdominal injuries like downhill skiing or extreme sports like deep-sea diving. Clear any queries you have with your doctor and run them through your exercise routine. Stay hydrated, wear supportive clothing, and avoid laying on your back for too long.

JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117



Written By: Liza John

Staying healthy during pregnancy can be an arduous and exhausting journey. Your peers, colleagues, or relatives suddenly spam you with unsolicited advice, urban myths, and more. Quite naturally, you may find all of this very overwhelming or confusing. In an attempt to separate fact from fiction, here you are, reading this blog. Staying healthy during pregnancy offers numerous benefits like easier labor, a healthy baby, and faster postpartum weight loss. Even if you know these facts and want to do the best you can for your baby, staying healthy during pregnancy is a struggle. The good news is we’re here to help you sort this out. In this blog, we have compiled some helpful tips to aid you in staying healthy during your pregnancy. Prenatal Health Care Prenatal health care includes regular check-ups by a midwife, doctor, or nurse throughout your pregnancy period. It plays a vital role in protecting your child’s health as well as yours. Prenatal health care includes monitoring your child’s development and conducting routine tests to figure out and resolve any problems. It also allows you to ease any discomfort you have or clear any doubts you have. If you have a healthy pregnancy with no significant risks, you may have to visit your healthcare provider: • Once every 4-6 weeks for the first 32 weeks. • Once every 2-3 weeks for weeks 32 to 37. • Once every week from week 37 until delivery. It is best to consult a doctor before you get pregnant or while planning to have a baby. 14

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Eating Healthy Eat More You’re pregnant now, which means you have a little hooman inside you. Now you’ll have to eat more to replenish your body and for your baby.


healthy during pregnancy offers numerous benefits like easier labor, a healthy baby, and faster postpartum weight loss”

Healthcare providers and experts generally recommend that pregnant women consume at least 300 calories more than their daily requirements. If you are carrying multiples or are underweight, you may have to consume more calories. However, if you are overweight, your doctor may instruct you to cut down some calories. Understanding Your Cravings You’re about 14 weeks into your pregnancy. Suddenly, you want a triple patty cheeseburger. As you get that cheeseburger, you realize nothing goes better with a cheeseburger than a tall cup of Pumpkin Spice Latte. Yes, ma’am, your pregnancy cravings have arrived. It is common for pregnant women to crave weird combinations of food at odd hours. These cravings usually start in the second trimester and go away during the third. It is okay to give in to these cravings once in a while. But be sure to keep a check on the portion size. JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117


You can analyse your cravings and figure out the nutrients your body may be lacking. For example, if you’re craving a cheeseburger, the chances are that your body needs iron, fat, and protein. So instead of getting a cheeseburger all the time, try to add protein, iron, and healthy fats into your diet. A Balanced Diet Yeah, yeah, you’ve heard this a zillion times and, you probably know why maintaining a balanced diet is essential. In any case, here are some pointers for you to breeze through: • • • • •

Eat loads of veggies especially leafy greens. Focus on lean meat. Whole grain over refined flour. Healthy fats like nuts are *drum roll* healthy. Fruits to satisfy your sweet tooth.

When you are pregnant, you’ll need extra essential nutrients like calcium, iron, and folic acid. Your doctor may prescribe you supplements for these nutrients. Keep Moving The American College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology recommends at least 30 minutes of moderate activity every day. Walking or swimming are excellent choices to keep you healthy and active during pregnancy. However, avoid some exercises that may pose a risk of falling, such as skiing or soccer.


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While exercising, take frequent breaks and stay hydrated. Slow down if you feel too tired or breathless. Discuss with your doctor before taking up any activity or new exercise regime. Doing Kegel exercises will strengthen your pelvic floor muscles and help ease numerous problems that may develop later on. Avoid Alcohol, Smoking, And Recreational Drugs. Contrary to popular belief, there is no safe amount of alcohol to consume during pregnancy. Alcohol can cause severe mental and physical defects in your child. It is best to avoid that glass of wine or mug of beer for the duration of your pregnancy. Smoking mothers pass on the smoke and nicotine into the fetus as well. Smoking during pregnancy poses several risks such as premature or stillbirth, low birth weight, or Sudden Infant Death Syndrome. Recreational drugs should not be taken at all times, pregnant or not. Having recreational drugs during pregnancy, however, increases the odds at stake. The risks include premature birth, poor growth and many other complications that could affect your pregnancy and child’s development in the womb. Final Thoughts Good prenatal care, eating healthy, and a good amount of exercise will keep you healthy throughout your pregnancy. Additionally, get a good amount of sleep and stay hydrated.

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An emotional rollercoaster- is how many women would describe their pregnancies. True enough, you may often find yourself swaying from excitement or joy or feelings of love to feelings of anxiety, stress, or panic, except there’s no stop button on this ride. The mood swings and hormonal imbalances may make a mess out of your mental health. It is common for women to overlook their mental health during pregnancy as they focus on the child’s growth. But before you know it, your mental health turns your life into a nightmare. Studies suggest that about one in every seven mothers may develop a mental health problem during pregnancy. Giving priority to your mental health during pregnancy has numerous advantages like, a healthy baby, lower chances of developing any mental or physical health issues in your baby. In this article, we have compiled some tips to help you stay mentally active throughout your pregnancy. 1. Get Support Our society has stigmatised motherhood to be a joyous occasion where mothers have to be happy all the time. Some women suppress their true feelings and try to live under all that stress under this pretext, which ultimately leads to more harm than good.


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First step to acknowledging your mental health is to let go of this stigma. It is okay to be not okay. With that off the chest, go talk to someone in your circle. Talk to your partner, best friend, or anyone about how you actually feel. Vent it out! 2. Adopt A Healthy Lifestyle A healthy lifestyle does not mean you have to be a fitness freak and hit the gym 6 days a week, lifting heavy weights, and devouring protein shakes. All you have to do is make a few smart and healthy choices every day. For example, taking the stairs to climb a couple of stories rather than taking the elevator. Or choosing a bowl of fruit over a high calorie high sugar snack. 3. Eating Healthy Diet is an essential part of any healthy lifestyle. When you’re pregnant, you’ll need to eat a few extra calories each day. Instead of letting your cravings win and chomping down on refined junk food, eat healthy. Ensure you get a balanced mix of leafy greens, fruit, lean meat, nuts and whole grains. Healthy diets have been linked with lesser mood

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fluctuations and a more pleasant attitude. Studies suggest that healthy diets even seem to help with improving depression and anxiety. 4. Stay Active Staying active can improve your mood and relieve stress. Pregnant women are recommended to do at least 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise each week. Jogging, walking, swimming, or yoga can help you meet this weekly quota. Exercising releases endorphins which is good for you as well as your baby. 5. Sleep Well and Stay Hydrated Inadequate sleep has been linked to depression and a weakened immunity. It can interfere with your ability to control your emotions and cause a rise in mood swings. Rest when you can, take short naps and prioritize getting enough rest every day. Doctors recommend that pregnant women drink at least 8 to 12 glasses of water every day. Staying hydrated offers many benefits such as reducing the risks of preterm birth, or urinary tract infections and decreases constipation. If you don’t feel like drinking water, add a couple of slices of fruits or a few sprigs of herbs for flavour.


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6. Prenatal Massage Massage therapy can help ease your muscles, improve blood circulation, and help you relax. A prenatal massage may in fact improve hormone levels apart from relieving body aches and can act as a huge mood booster. 7. Get Medical Help Pregnancies can be confusing, emotionally draining, and extremely stressful. You may not always be able to know correctly if you can manage your emotions effectively or if it hints at a more serious issue. Contact your doctor if you find yourself in such situations. They may recommend you counselling or other therapies depending on the severity of the problem. Bottom Line Practising self-care, prioritising rest and “you time”, and adopting healthy lifestyle habits will help you stay mentally healthy throughout your pregnancy. Do not hesitate to get help from your peers or seek medical attention, if necessary.

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They say don’t judge a book by its cover and the same can be said for babies and pregnancy bumps. There are a lot of old wives’ tales regarding pregnancy in every culture. Some remain consistent across the board while others form drastic contradictions. An easy example of this is predicting the sex of the baby by looking at the size and shape of the baby bump. With an almost equal probability of predictions being accurate, some say that high and less visible bumps hold baby boys while low and protruding bellies shelter girls. These beliefs change depending on whom you ask, and they have no proper scientific backing. Here’s the catch though, the pregnancy bump that everyone bases the health and sex of the baby on gives more information about the mother than the fetus. Even though the size and shape of the pregnant bellies cannot reveal the size and sex of the baby, here are a few things it can tell you for sure. Mother’s Fitness No pregnancy bump is the same because each mother’s body varies from the other. Experts suggest that abdominal muscles that are rather lax tend to form low and wide bellies. Those who exercise regularly and possess ab muscles, like those of fitness bloggers, are more likely to have high bumps or less likely to even have a huge pregnancy bump. This is because the abdominal muscles that are strong enough to support the growing fetus in the uterus are less prone to sag under its weight. In addition, tall mothers have more chances of presenting with high and less protruding pregnancy bumps, thanks to their longer midsection. The longer is the distance from the pubic bone to the top of the abdomen, the more space there is for the baby’s weight to be distributed. This is why petite women often have huge pregnancy bellies even halfway through gestation. Number Of Pregnancies The human body is designed to be prepared for changes, the best example for this is the phenomenon of muscle memory. Once a body goes through pregnancy, it is more attuned to the related hormones next time around. The abdominal muscles give way much easier and result in low and wide bellies. Besides, since pregnancy 26

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loosens abdominal muscles to a certain extent, the second and third baby bumps are more visible than the first one. Position Of The Baby A watermelon or ‘D-shaped’ baby bump is the most common kind, but a few end up with a ‘B-shaped’ one. This is owed to the position of the baby. Usually, babies curl with their heads down with their arms and legs tucked in. This way, their back is towards the mother’s belly button and the baby is in a fetal position. Other times, babies align themselves back-to-back with their spine next to the mother’s spine. Here, their legs and arms face outward and result in a less smooth bump. Such positions are temporary since babies toss and turn often. Thus, the D or B-shape of the tummy can tell you something about how your baby is lying. Mother’s Health Status When an expecting parent starts showing in the first few months, it is common for the belly to lose its roundness on some days. Due to the distressing bowel movements and flatulence of the digestive system getting used to pregnancy hormones, the first trimester is marked by a pregnancy bump that comes and goes. First-time pregnancies also possess higher risks for benign growths and fibroids in the uterus, such changes can bring on a sudden difference in the size of the bump. In some pregnancies, the abdominal wall of the mother splits open gradually due to the growth. This is called Diastasis Recti and causes the belly to sag while in an upright position and appear pointy while lying down. If this side effect is developed during pregnancy, a bump that leans away from the abdomen is presented and gets worse each time. Final Thoughts Pregnancy is exciting news for the family and everyone around. People line up to touch the bump and forecast about the baby. All this can be fun but remember to take only a certified professional’s words seriously. Be sure to eat healthily and have regular checkups for a safe pregnancy. JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117



JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117







by: Amy Adeney from Busy Bookworms


WH O F ED Z ED ? BY AMELI A MCI NERNEY AND A D A M NI CKEL Z ed the fish is white and red. His poo hangs down in one lo ng t hr e ad . The main thing, though, is wh at F r e d sai d , ‘NEVER, EVER FEED Z ED BREAD. ’ Th is is a z a n y p ic t u re b ook a b o u t T ed , N ed a n d Fred , Fred ’s d og, Jed, a n d F r ed ’ s fish , Zed . A d a rkly c omic st ory a b o u t a p et in p eril, wh ic h a lso su b t ly d e a l s wi th th e t h eme of f ood a llergies a n d t h e i mp o r ta n c e of c a refu lly rea d in g f ood la b e l s . T h i s i s a fa b u lou s rea d -a lou d c h oic e for k i d s a g ed t h ree a n d u p .

T HE CAT AND TH E R AT AND TH E H AT BY EM LY N A S A ND MAT T H U N T Ca t is s i tt i n g on h is fa vo u r it e ma t , when w ho sh o u l d c o m e a lo n g b u t R a t with a ver y ni c e h a t ? C at wa n t s Ra t ’ s h a t a nd will sto p a t N O T H I N G t o g et it . Bu t w h en Bat arr ive s w e a r i n g a fa n c y c r a va t , well, what co uld b e b e t t e r t h a n t h a t ? Ch a o s e nsues as bo t h C a t a n d R a t d ec id e t h ey MUST ha ve B a t’s f a n c y c r a va t fo r t h em s elves!

T h is is a r a u co u s , re ad-aloud picture b ook, bu rst in g w i th comic cape rs and an ima l an t ic s. T h e f a b u l ous rhyming te x t w il l h a v e c hildre n ( a n d a d ults ) in fits of laughte r. Wit h a hila r i o u s , to n g ue-tw is ter te x t, s lap st ic k hu m o ur , b r i g h t n eon artwork and col ou rfu l c ha ra c t e r s , t h i s will be an ins tant h it f or reade rs a g e d tw o and up. 30

JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117

A PAI R O F PE AR S AND AN O R AN G E BY ANNA MCGREGOR A pair of pears rocked on a se e saw. A pair of pears played ping- p ong. A pair of pears rode their ta nd e m b i k e . Until one day, someone ne w want e d t o join their f un.

Big P ea r a n d Lit t le P ea r l o v e p l a y i n g t oget h er. Bu t wh en Ora n ge j o i n s i n , th ei r ga mes d on ’t work a n d Big Pea r f eel s l ef t ou t . A rela t a b le, h ila riou s, a n d k i n d -h ea r ted t a le a b ou t n a v iga t in g f rie n d s h i p wh en t h ree d efin it ely st a rt s t o feel l i k e a c r o wd ! Th is is a b ea u t if u lly illu st ra t e d s to r y a b o u t ma kin g n ew frien d s a n d f ind i n g c r ea ti v e solu t ion s t o p la y grou n d p robl em s , p er f ec t for rea d ers a ged t h ree a n d up .

THE BARK BOOK BY V ICTO RI A M AC K IN L AY L U C A S AND BE TH H A RV E Y D o g ba r k . T r e e b ar k. L e t ’ s g o s e e b a r k. Ro ugh b a r k . R u ff! b ar k. Ball o f f l u f f b a r k.

A c ha rm i n g , cl e v erly illus trate d ne w p ic t u re bo o k, f u l l o f b a r k s and ple nty of hea rt – a pe rf e c t b o o k f o r animal-lovers and na t u rel o v e rs e v e r y w h e r e. Re aders w ill deligh t in fin din g th e h i d d e n faces and images in t h e tr e e s, a n d th e gentle rhythm and rh y me m a ke th i s a l o v ely choice for readers a ged two a n d u p .

JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117



So, you have confirmed that there is a bun in your oven and simultaneously reached your wit’s end trying to do everything right. Worry not, pregnancy does not mean that you have to stop doing everything that you once enjoyed. If you are not having a highrisk pregnancy and some tasks desperately need to be done, be sure to take necessary precautions. Think of these changes as a short hiatus for the baby to grow and develop healthily in your womb. From hair products to lifestyle habits, pregnancy demands a lot of sacrifices from the mother. Here are a few things to keep an eye on while you are expecting. Alcohol No studies have been able to determine a safe level of alcohol for expecting mothers. Thus, it is better to be safe than sorry and to avoid alcohol during the pregnancy and breastfeeding period. Alcohol travels through the placenta and reaches the baby quickly, and certain amounts of alcohol can cause fetal alcohol syndrome. Alcohol may cause brain damage and other developmental delays. Consuming alcohol during pregnancy can also lead to miscarriage and stillbirth.


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Drugs Be it prescription medications, over-the-counter drugs, or hard drugs, all of them increase the risks of health problems during pregnancy. Remember to consult an expert before taking painkillers or OTC drugs, chances are they may pass through the placenta and affect the organ systems of the fetus as well. If you have a substance abuse problem, confide in your doctor or midwife to get the necessary help. Certain Foods Expecting women may have weird cravings during pregnancy. But some foods expecting mothers should stay away from, include: • Deli meats • Food with the possible presence of mercury • Shellfish • Caffeine • Unpasteurized dairy products • Unwashed produce • Soft cheese • Raw sprouts • Undercooked or raw meat, fish, or eggs

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A restriction for undercooked or raw food is placed because they may contain salmonella, E. coli, or listeria. Pregnant women are prone to infections from these bacteria and the fetus may face developmental difficulties like blindness due to the infection. Making use of pasteurized dairy products and washed produce for cooking can prevent them to an extent. Strenuous Exercise Even though light exercise can help the pregnant body to cope with the changes and relax, exerting yourself too much can cause trouble. It can range from muscle spasms to miscarriage. Refrain from taking part in contact sports or events where there can be an injury to the abdominal region. If you are an athlete and need to stay in the loop, consult with your obstetrician before proceeding. Nonetheless, experts generally advise expecting parents to sign up for yoga or spin class to get the required exercise. Lifestyle Habits Pregnancy may have given you glowing skin, or it might have left you drained. It is safe to pamper yourself a bit at the salon but try to stay away from chemical peels and procedures involving heat. Avoid getting hair dyed during this time because pregnancy might change how the hair reacts to the chemicals. In addition, try to stay away from saunas, acupuncture 36

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treatments, and massages. These may seem perfect to help you relax but can be hard on the pregnant body if not careful. Also, stick to flats or flip-flops during pregnancy because footwear with high heels can take a toll on the ankles as well as the spine. Most importantly, stay away from smoking and secondhand smoke. Second-hand smoke has toxins and carcinogens that can adversely affect anyone who is exposed to it. The same goes for paint fumes and certain cleaning agents. Stress Stressful situations are hardly good for anyone, and a fetus is no exception. The cumulative effects of stress can make your body go into hyperdrive during pregnancy. This can result in weight gain, high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, insomnia, and other conditions. It is equally important to take care of one’s mental health like physical health during gestation. Final Thoughts Being responsible for more than yourself is a tiring task but good parenting starts once that pregnancy test signals positive. It seems like a lot of restrictions to keep in mind, but hang in there, it is going to be worth every bit. A few months after the little one has debuted, you can get back to the sushi, roller coasters, and saunas. Always ask an expert on what the recommended course of action is and have a safe pregnancy. JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117



Eating healthy is important at any time, but during pregnancy, the stakes are higher and so are the rewards. During pregnancy, you need more of certain nutrients to aid your baby’s growth. Making smart choices and eating healthy can make a huge difference. A healthy diet in pregnant women has been linked to good brain development, healthy birth weight, as well as a reduced risk of numerous birth defects and common ailments during pregnancy. Planning your diet will save time, stop you from being anxious or overwhelmed, and stop you from falling for cravings. Through the rest of this blog, we will help you prepare a healthy pregnancy diet. Balance Is Key According to the American College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists, you need to consume around 300 extra calories each day when you’re pregnant. A healthy diet contains a variety of foods consumed in moderation. Even if you give in to your cravings, control the portion size. Let’s see what foods a balanced diet consists of. Complex Carbs Complex carbs are packed with nutrients, high in fibre, and digest slowly, keeping you full for longer periods. They help control your weight and keep cravings at bay.


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Complex carbs can be found in fibrous and starchy foods like whole grains, cereals, oats, and corn. Replace simple carbs like white bread with complex carb alternatives like whole-wheat bread, or fruit juice concentrates with 100% fruit juice. Check the labels of products you buy as added sugar might come from places you least expect. Protein Protein is crucial for your baby’s healthy development, during pregnancy you’ll need at least 75g of protein each day. Lean meat, poultry, fish, dairy, and eggs are excellent choices of protein. Try to get some protein with each meal. While cooking ensures that the meat is cooked well without any pink meat. Try to get about 2 servings of seafood each week, apart from protein they are rich in omega-3 fatty acids. However, avoid seafood that may contain high levels of mercury like swordfish or sharks. For you vegans out there, legumes are your go-to for protein. With a wide array of legumes including, white, black, kidney beans, lentils, split peas, chickpeas, and more to choose from, you’ll never get bored of legumes. Veggies and Fruit Pack with vitamins, minerals, fibre, and some good natural sugar. Incorporate as many fruits and veggies as you can into your diet. You don’t have to be a rabbit and crunch through

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bland salads just for the sake of it. Cook up some tasty and healthy smoothies, soup, pasta sauces, or lasagne. Healthy Fats Fat? Yes, you read that right. Fats aren’t always bad for you. While consuming them in excess might be unhealthy, you shouldn’t eliminate all fat from your diet. Fried, greasy, and processed foods contain trans-fat and are extremely unhealthy. On the other hand, essential fatty acids like Omega-3 and saturated fats are vital for healthy fetal development. Healthy fats can be found in nuts, seeds, dairy, and fatty fish. Fluids Staying hydrated during pregnancy prevents you from developing constipation, or urinary tract infections. You should drink at least 2.5 litres of water each day to avoid dehydration. Also, limit your caffeine to 200mg each day. Nutrition For Each Trimester While you need to maintain a balanced diet throughout your pregnancy, there are some nutrients you need to give more priority during each trimester to suit your body and the baby’s growth. First Trimester During the first trimester (roughly 4 to 13 weeks), you’ll need more folic acid, iron, and vitamin B6.

Folic acid protects the baby from neural tube disorders such as spina bifida. Iron is necessary for red blood cells to carry oxygen and helps prevent anaemia and tiredness. Vitamin B6 is necessary for the production of haemoglobin in the body. Second Trimester For the second trimester (14 to 27 weeks), you’ll need to focus on Vitamin D and Calcium. Calcium and Vitamin D play vital roles in the form of healthy and strong bones, teeth, and gums. You can find calcium in green leafy vegetables or dairy products. Basking in the sun produces Vitamin D in the body. Third Trimester Your baby’s growth is accelerated in the last trimester; get plenty of lean protein and Vitamin K into your diet. Vitamin K helps form blood clots and helps wounds heal, which you’ll need postpartum. You can find Vitamin K in green leafy vegetables like spinach, lettuce, or broccoli. Final Thoughts Forming and sticking to a balanced diet can help you cope with pregnancy better and prevent several complications that may otherwise arise. Focus on consuming whole foods and taking proper prenatal supplements as directed by your doctor. Cheating once in a while is okay, don’t beat yourself up for it. Drink enough water. You got this!


JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117


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JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117

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JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117


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JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117

Rainbow Ombre Rug $599

Rainbow Dots Fabric Wall Decal $109

London Cushion Set Of 2 $49.95

JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117



Written by Liza John

Labor is one of the most painful experiences the human body can withstand. The contractions and the pressure on the cervix can cause strong cramps around the abdomen, groin, back, and thighs. From analgesics to epidurals, today there are numerous methods available to ease labor pain. But these may have slight side effects and could be risky in some situations. Women may often choose to have natural births and turn down all medications. In such situations, they rely on relaxation techniques, controlled breathing, and labor positions to help cope with the pain. Long gone are the days when the only option pregnant women had was to lay flat on their backs during labor. Now, expecting mothers are encouraged to choose a position they feel comfortable, from standing, walking, or even climbing stairs to squatting, sitting, and more. Every woman and labor is different, what works for you may not work for someone else and vice-versa. Luckily, there are several labor positions you can adopt to make you as comfortable as possible. Hands and Knees Position Drop down to your arms and knees either on a mat or a bed. Leaning forward in this position helps open up the pelvis. The hands and knees position might also improve your baby’s oxygen supply. 56

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This position takes the pressure off the spine, which will reduce any back pain you experience. You could also get your partner or midwife to give you massages while you’re in the hand-knee position. Your arms may get tired in this position, when that happens feel free to drop your shoulders and place your head on a pillow. Squatting Position While squats may not be your favourite exercise, the squatting position offers numerous benefits if done correctly during labor. Support yourself against a wall, chair, or partner. Try to hold your thighs parallel to the ground. Squatting takes advantage of the gravity and helps the baby manoeuvre through the birth canal. It also helps open up the pelvis and reduces tearing. However, the squatting position may become tiring after a while. Sitting Position The sitting position is a great position to rest in. While sitting, spread your legs to take some pressure off your pelvis.

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The sitting position can be used even with a fetal monitoring machine. Sitting on a toilet seat soothes the perineum and reduces tearing. The sitting position may not suit you if you’ve had high blood pressure during pregnancy. Side-Lying Position Lying on your side is a great position to get some muchneeded rest during labor. It is a gravity-neutral position and can be used to slow down labor. This position takes some pressure off the perineum and reduces perineal trauma. It can be used even amongst expecting women with blood pressure issues or when your baby displays fetal distress. Standing or Walking Standing or walking makes use of gravity and helps your baby move through the birth canal. Walking, swaying, or being upright helps the labor progress faster. Walking or standing makes you comfortable by relieving backache and making contractions less painful. You can start walking during early labor and continue into late labor if your blood pressure is normal. During


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late labor, if you don’t feel like walking, take some rest and get back when you feel like it. Leaning Forward Leaning forward over a bed, a stack of pillows, or a birthing ball can take pressure off your back. You can also kneel and lean over something to produce a similar effect. This is a relaxing position and enables you to cope with contractions better. This is particularly helpful during back labor - when the baby’s head is against your spine causing back pain. Bottom Line There isn’t a most comfortable position that fits all pregnant women. It depends on you, try and find out what works for you and what makes you most comfortable. If you are experiencing back labor, leaning forwards or the hands and knees position will help soothe your back pain. If you are on epidurals, sitting or side-lying positions would work best. Supine positions put pressure and strain on blood vessels, restricting blood flow to the baby. Due to this, nowadays, medical practitioners recommend taking non-supine positions during labor. JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117



Breastfeeding is an incredibly personal process. Weaning your child from breastmilk has not only nutritional implications but also emotional and psychological ones as well. Each parent may feel differently on when to stop breastfeeding a child and that’s alright. Every parent and child duo has different needs that should be considered before deciding to put an end to breastfeeding. Thus, there is no right time to wean your child from breastfeeding but generally, people stop nursing their children by the age of one. Major health organizations recommend breastfeeding for at least one year, where the child is exclusively breastfed for about 6 months. The later months can be breastfeeding combined with the gradual incorporation of solid foods. Both the World Health Organization (WHO)and the American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP) recommend breastfeeding for a longer duration as long as both individuals benefit from it. Why Should You Wean Your Kid Off Breast Milk? Even though the nutritional value of breastmilk does not deplete with time, prolonged 62

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breastfeeding can damage the natural course of your child’s development. Apart from nutrition, a child comes to their mother for comfort and while nursing can be soothing in the initial days, children should learn to comfort themselves without breastmilk. Not weaning the child from breastfeeding in the appropriate age bracket can reflect behavioural issues. On a related note, some experts view prolonged nursing as an indulgence for the mother and the baby. Separation anxiety seen at the time of weaning teaches a child to cope without the parents, which is critical for the child to grow and evolve. Scheduling Weaning Transitioning your child’s diet from breastmilk may have different reasons. The results depend on the child’s age and other scenarios in your surroundings. Experts generally advise parents to carry out this process gently and gradually. While weaning, you need to make sure that your body and the baby’s health are coping with the change. • If you start weaning the baby before six months, you need to supplement their diet with formula. Start with one bottle of formula a day and gradually increase it. While JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117


substituting for breastmilk, ensure that you choose a formula that meets your child’s nutritional needs. Occasionally nursing the baby, while they are reliant on formula is only going to be beneficial. • If you decide to start weaning your child from breastmilk at 6-12 months, you can incorporate some solid foods into their diet. In such instances, remember that the baby is not used to solid foods. Fill your baby’s diet with a combination of breastmilk, formula, and solid foods. Try one type of simple solid food at a time, such as mashed bananas or potatoes. While gradually removing breastmilk from the equation, check in with your body to make sure that there are no engorgement or breast infections. • Once your child is a little older than one, breastfeeding becomes more like a source of comfort instead of a nutritional one. Since your child has taken to drinking water and other fluids by this age, it is not necessary to include a formula in their diet now. Build your baby’s diet by feeding them soft and easy foods like pureed fruits, mashed vegetables, and oatmeal. Emotional attachment may result in the child being persistent in their 64

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attempts to be nursed. Distracting them with something while they express the desire to be nursed has been proven to be effective in weaning kids. • Sometimes, children need to be weaned off breastfeeding suddenly when the mother faces some health complications. This may be medication, an unprecedented life event, or due to their work demands. In such cases, substitute breastmilk with formula and other simple foods depending on the child’s age. At the same time, the mother has to take extra care to prevent leaking, engorgement, or infections in the breast. Weaning suddenly can be very taxing on both the parent and the child, so try to cope by maintaining emotional closeness. Takeaway Breastfeeding a baby is essential in forming their immunity as well as their personality. Most children self-wean by the age of one, so parents need not be overly concerned about forcing the process. Once the baby is weaned, remember to provide your baby with other forms of TLC so that they become well-adjusted individuals. JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117



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T O Y r e v i e w s




Sui t a b l e fo r : 1-5 yea rs D a nce w i th C or y, Ch r is s y an d D J Train Trax & the Roll Train just like in t he N e t f l i x o r ig in a l s e r i e s , T o o t -T o o t Co r y Car son. Play Mixmaster with mini characte r s C or y and Chr iss y . He lp th e m d a nc e o n s t ag e o r r o l l DJ Train Trax to light up his rainbo w c hi m ne y . P la ce C o r y a n d Ch r is s y o n s t a g e and watch them light up and dance. A c t i v at e t he P la yZ o n e l oc a tio n s t o h ea r t h em say unique phrases. Press DJ Train Tr ax’ s hat or mo v e h i m a r o u n d t o t r ig g er p h r ases, sounds, songs and special light ef f e c t s. Pl ac e a ny Sm a r t P o i n t c h a r a c t er ( s o ld s eparately) on the SmartPoint location in t he DJ b oot h to t rig g e r p h r a ses , m u s ic , an d lig hts.

Our V e r d i ct – T oot toot, all aboard! If y ou h a v e a lit t le f a n of t h e N et flix sh o w, th er e’ s p le n t y o f e n te r t ainme nt for them he re. All of t h eir f a v ou rit e c h a ra c t ers h a v e c ome to g eth er so t h e y ca n p u t on a s how. They can roll DJ Tra in Tra x a n d wa t c h h is ra in bo w c h i mn ey light u p ; p r e s s h is hat for s ome mus ic or ev en t o h ea r h im t a lk. Th ey c a n a lso wa tc h C o r y and C h r i s s y l i g ht up and dance jus t b y p u t t in g t h em on t h e t u rn t a b les/st a g e. L o a d s o f c o lo u r , s o u n d s and to top it all off, it ’s on wh eels a n d c a n go wit h y ou wh ere v er y o u wa n t to play ! Y o u ca n e x pect loads of immersiv e f u n a s y ou r kid s b ec ome lost in a wo r l d wi th the c h a r a cte r s they k now and love. Ava i l a bl e fro m: vtech . co m . a u , M y er , g ood toy stor es and online r etai l e r s 68

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Sui t abl e fo r : 6 m on th s+ Co unt a n d l e a r n wit h t h e ad o r a b l e Colourf ul Counting Red Panda. This i nt e r ac t i v e f rie nd te a c h e s ab o u t c o lo u r s , c o u nting and music with playf ul phrases an d songs. T he re d pa n d a ’s b e lly lig h t s u p wit h c o l ours as she talks about them. Press the m usi c not e o n he r p a w to p la y s o n g s a n d d ance beats that encourage gross motor d e v e l op m e nt a lo ng w i th l e a rn in g . Our v e r d i ct – Bright, colourful and a h a n d f u l of fu n , t h is lit t le R ed P a n d a i s b o u n d to b e c o me y o u r f r i e nd. She’ s cuddly, cut e a n d rea d y t o h elp y ou lea rn y ou r c olou r s , n u mb er s and ma y b e a s ong or tw o. D ance ar ou n d t h e room lea rn in g t oget h er or sn u g g l e u p wi th t his li ttl e s o f ty a t naptime, whiche ver t ic kles y ou r f a n c y a t t h e t ime. Wh ile t o y s th a t m a k e lo t s o f n o i s e ca n s ome time s get on ou r n erv es, t h e b en efit s of wh a t kid s get o u t o f th em f ar o u tw e i g h th e urge to flick the s wit c h t o off. It ’s a ma z in g h ow q u ic kly ki d s c a n l ea r n wit h r e p e ti t i o n a nd how much the y soa k u p wh en t h ey h a v e a f u rry lit t le frien d th ey l o v e. T h e re ’s s o m e t h ing about the face on t h is lit t le R ed P a n d a t h a t ma kes it h ar d to p u t h er aw a y ! Ava i l abl e fro m: l ea pfro g. co m . a u , T ar g et, g ood toy stor es and online r e t ai l e r s 70

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While running around and trying to ensure that their children are mentally and physically healthy, parents tend to overlook bone health. Building healthy and strong bones from childhood is vital to prevent disorders like osteoporosis or reduce risks of fractures later in life. During childhood, adolescence and early adulthood, bones grow stronger absorbing minerals and nutrients. The bone density and bone mass peaks somewhere in the late 20s. After this, as a person ages bone density starts declining. When the body loses too much bone mass, the bones turn weak and fragile, this is known as osteoporosis. A person suffering from osteoporosis may break their bones due to a small fall or in severe cases, even due to sneezing. Studies suggest that children with a higher PBM or peak bone mass, have a lower risk of developing osteoporosis later in life. Therefore, it is important to promote bone health in children. Poor bone health has also been linked with onset of rickets at a young age. So now, how can you boost your kid’s bone strength naturally? A healthy lifestyle and proper diet can help maintain good bone health. As an added benefit, since you start young, chances are that your child will stick to a healthy lifestyle throughout their lives warding off numerous other diseases. Calcium Rich Food Calcium is known for being a building block of bones and teeth in the human body. It plays a vital role in maintaining the skeletal system. Kids about 4 to 8 years old need 1g of Calcium every day, while from 9 to 18 they need as much as 1.3g each day. How can you get calcium into their diets? Well luckily, calcium is found in a wide range of foods, some calcium rich foods are: 74

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• • • • •

Dairy like milk, yoghurt and cheese. Soy milk and Tofu Leafy greens like kale, broccoli, cabbage Nuts and seeds including almonds, sesame seeds Legumes including soybeans, red beans, chickpeas

Kids usually like dairy products but on the odd chance that your child is lactose intolerant, ensuring that your child gets enough calcium can be tricky. Soy or Almond milk smoothies, hummus, almond butter, or adding a side of salad may be good ways to provide your child with Calcium. However, children with lactose intolerance tend to have calcium deficiencies; talk to your doctor about Calcium supplements in this scenario. Get Enough Vitamin D Vitamin D regulates the amount of Calcium in the body, and a deficiency of Vitamin D might result in rickets or osteoporosis. The good news is that our body produces Vitamin D when the skin is directly exposed to the sunlight. A good exposure to sunlight every day, provides your child with the necessary amount of Vitamin D to prevent a deficiency. Vitamin D can also be found in some foods like egg yolks, cheese, oily fish like tuna, and red meat. In case, your child hasn’t been stepping out much or if the sunlight is weak as in winter, consider adding these foods to your child’s diet.

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Encourage Physical Activity Bones are a living tissue like muscles, they too get stronger with more work. While any kind of physical activity is great for general health, weight bearing activities like walking, tennis, or resistance exercises are ideal to promote bone health. These activities use muscles and work against gravity to put pressure on bones, thereby building stronger bones. On the other hand, exercises like cycling or swimming are good for general health, but they do not put much pressure on the bones. The maxim “If you rest, you rust.” is true about your bone health. The less time you spend sitting and more time you are active, the better your bone health would be. Teach your kids to love physical activity and encourage them to make it a part of their routine. Final Thoughts While a Calcium and Vitamin D rich diet coupled with good physical activity can promote bone health. There are some activities like smoking or drinking that may be harmful to your bones. If you think it is too early to talk to your kids about smoking and drinking, think again. Most people who smoke, usually start before their high school ends. Be a good role model, like with any other aspect of life you want to teach your child, practice what you preach. Children observe you even when you least expect them to. Incorporate these points into your life and reap the benefits.


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The most difficult part of any process is the beginning, the first step, getting started. The same goes for our general health, the earlier we take steps to inculcate healthy habits the better. Children by nature love physical activities. The environment they are in plays a huge role in whether they indulge in physical activities or spend most of their time in front of a screen. As a parent it is your job to ensure that your child grows up in a good environment that promotes their health. Activities such as playing video games for hours on an end or watching their favourite cartoons all day long, do not aid your child’s development. If anything, they can turn out to be quite damaging. Remember our childhoods, when we used to run around the neighbourhood and play with our mates outside. Well unfortunately, most kids today spend their time indoors in front of a screen. The pandemic has worsened this situation drastically. In this blog we’ll be taking you through why physical activity is vital to a pre-schooler and why you should promote it. Healthy Growth and Development Physical activity helps develop your child’s motor skills, and other fundamental movements. Playing games such as baseball or basketball improves hand eye coordination. Experts suggest that at least 20 80

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percent of the factors contributing to obesity are linked to excessive screen time. Getting around 60 minutes of moderate to vigorous physical activity each day can help maintain a healthy body weight and keep obesity at bay. Regular exercise aids in developing healthy muscles and bones. It reduces fat and cholesterol in the body, improving blood vessel flexibility and clearing arteries. Increased physical activity also often results in a higher lung capacity. Physical exercise has also been associated with improved brain development, creating connection between the brain and nerves. It also keeps blood pressure under check, and boosts energy levels. Boost Mental Health Physical activity boosts self-esteem, reduces stress, and does a lot more to improve mental health. When involved in physical activities children tend to focus on the task at hand. In children with anxiety this reduces their anxiety while they are involved and helps them achieve a sense of accomplishment. When children see how amazing their body is apart from how it looks, they also build a sense of body positivity. Involving in physical activity releases happy hormones JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117


called endorphins, that boost your child’s mood and nurtures a happier outlook. Lowers Risk of Diseases It is well known that regular exercise improves immunity. But did you know that good physical activity during early childhood can prevent diseases later in life? Surprised? Studies show that several diseases like osteoporosis, obesity, and type 2 diabetes are less likely to develop in children who undergo good regular physical activity. As aforementioned, regular moderate or vigorous exercise promotes heart health, reducing the risks of several heart diseases. Improved blood vessel flexibility significantly drops the risks of strokes later in life. Regular physical activity has been found to lower the risk of a number of cancers including colon, prostate and breast cancers. Inculcates Healthy Habits When your child’s learns how fun it is to be able to run, walk, swim, or dance, they will likely want to


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continue being physically active throughout their life. The habits you inculcate in children will be a part of them even when they grow up, hence why you should start early. Imparting a healthy body image, a good perception of what looking good means, and that these come from healthy habits and healthy lifestyle is vital. Children pick up several life skills through physical activity. Team sports like soccer or cricket can teach them important life skills including being a team player, improve communication skills, and problemsolving skills. Organised sports teach children discipline which they tend to reflect in other aspects of their lives. Final Thoughts Now that you know why you should keep your preschooler physically active, set aside some time each day for exercise. Introduce your child to a range of activities to keep things interesting and be active together as a family. While physical activity is important for your child’s health, ensure that you keep it fun.

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Written by Lance Green

Dads play an irreplaceable role in the child’s development and shaping their future. Children look up to their fathers as pillars of support, security, and strength. Studies suggest that involved dads who are affectionate and supportive, greatly impact the child’s cognitive abilities, emotional well-being, and self-confidence. Therefore, a strong father-child bond is essential for the child’s growth. How do you bond with your child? Many fathers think that to form a good bond they need to do something largescale. But truth be told, it is the little things that count. Here are some fun activities for dads to connect and bond with their kids. Play Games Together Bring out the inner child in you and be your child’s playdate. Have a tickle party, snowball fight, or any other childish thing that comes into your head. This may be a great way to bust some stress and lift your mood while bonding with your child. Make the most out of it. The frequency and how long you play is up to you but try to play with your child at least twice a week.


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You can even play video games together. Show them the OG way of doing it or get whooped by your junior. By playing video games with your child, you can also impart tips on the internet safety and inculcate healthy habits. Be Physically Active Together Get physically active together with your child. Start from a young age and nurture healthy habits in your child. Chances are that your child will stay active throughout their lives when they realize the benefits. Riding a bicycle, or taking a stroll in the park, or anything that gets their heart rates up and forces them to break a sweat. You could also be their first coach and teach them a couple of outdoor sports, like baseball, basketball, or badminton. This will give you a ton of memories to cherish as your child grows up, strengthen your bonds and develop a liking for physical activity in your child. Bedtime Songs, Stories and Books Dads can read their children their favourite childhood books before bed every night. Books like the Panchatantra

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tales or Arabian Nights can also be useful in imparting some sensible thoughts to your child. You can tell them stories instead of reading a book. Dads can modulate their voices for extra effects and make it more fun. Dads can sing their children to sleep, or just have fun singing silly songs together. Use different voices and be the silliest you can. Pretending to be a sleeping monster works too. Wait for your child to come closer to you and then catch and tickle them. Do Chores with Your Child? Get your child to help you with chores. Cook up something with your child, maybe bake some cookies or make a tasty smoothie or even a cuppa joe. You can have a ton of fun and don’t forget to click some cute pics, which you can use as collateral later in life. Want to get your backyard cleaned? Create a cleaning game or just ask your child for help. That will make them feel good about themselves and they’ll help you with it. Weeding, raking, or just collecting trash from the backyard can all be good physical exercise as well.


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Celebrate Traditions If there is something you used to enjoy doing with your dad, pass it on to your child. Keep the traditions going. Go to that fishing spot where your dad taught you how to cast a line and repeat for your junior. If there are no traditions as such, start one! Traditions will remind them of the good times they spent with you later in their lives. Give Your Child the Choice Put your child in the driving seat and go with how they want to spend time with you. Your kid might come up with a ton of activities and keep jumping from one to another. That’s okay, just go with the flow. Bottom Line Dads not only influence how kids grow and their skills but also affect how kids treat other people. The way you treat your child is how your child will treat others. The point is that dads play a far superior role than what we thought. Establishing a strong dad-child bond is essential to good character development in the child. These fun activities will help you impart some healthy habits to your kids while building a good father-child bond. JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117



Perhaps all the parenting books or the cute family of influencers failed to warn you about the tremendous changes that were going to happen to your relationship after a baby. When your twosome suddenly has a new life to care for, things can get strained and test your relationship. From sleep deprivation to financial issues, it may seem like there are a million things on your plate. Families that have to deal with postpartum depression find this transition into parenthood even rockier. A major portion of conflicts arises due to tiredness, hormonal differences, and lack of communication. Here are five of the most common relationship issues after having a baby and how to resolve them. Chores Multiply And So Does Bickering Unlike your expectations, life may not be all smooth after your baby arrives. Caring for an infant means all your time and energy is directed that way, this leaves little time for doing the laundry or washing the dishes. At the same time, not doing the chores will only add to your frustration. While you are trying to complete household tasks without procrastinating, you may feel like your partner is not following up with their share of the tasks. This can cause resentment towards each other, resulting in full-blown shouting matches. Get ahead of this problem by equally dividing the tasks and assigning them alternatively each time. Post


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such a list on the refrigerator or make lists on your phones to keep yourself on track. Lack Of Alone Time After giving birth, what was essentially the time the couple spent socializing or indulging in hobbies has now become baby time. No one said parenting was a cakewalk but the sudden transition from having a social life to being in a closed space with only a baby for company can get the best of many. A lack of alone time can cause new parents to feel stretched thin and resentful about their partner who has fewer responsibilities with the child. Some of them may start withdrawing from the partners or even have unstable moods during this period. The only way to resolve this is by asking for help. If you feel like you need to rest and recharge on your own, hand off the baby to your partner before taking a much-needed warm bath. Hiring a babysitter or asking a grandparent to watch the baby while the new parents unwind is another trick worth trying. Rapidly Escalating Expenses Having a baby is expensive, there is no doubt about that. Going from having to meet the needs of only two adults to meet the needs of three where one needs diapers, formula, and regular check-ups can put a strain on the wallet. Especially when the twoJUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117


income family has to function on a single income but with added expenses, new parents get stressed and become quick to anger. Most parents who have more than one child have the answer to this problem -- hand-me-downs. If your close family or friends are giving you their kid’s old baby clothes or crib, never hesitate to accept them. Look for garage sales or second-hand stores that sell changing tables or bassinets at cheaper rates. Inquire with your insurance company if they can help with your medical bills. Small changes here and there matter a lot when it comes to financial issues. Loss Of Intimacy The couple who had weekly date nights and regular weekend getaways now find themselves too tired to have sex. Couples who stop engaging in sex during the pregnancy tend to not get intimate again for a while after the baby arrives. Also, complications or restrictions while expecting, a difficult pregnancy, and the bodily changes caused by labor can make females less interested in sex for a while. Their partners may see the physical rejection and feel replaced by the baby. The key to resolving this issue is understanding each other’s problems. While one of them feels too tired to have sex, the other might feel insecure about their body and the effect pregnancy had on it. Scheduling 94

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date nights after hiring a babysitter or engaging in acts of non-sexual intimacy like hand-holding and cuddling can make things better. Differing Opinions In Parenting Styles No matter how many discussions on parenting philosophies the couple had before the baby, with incessant wailing at midnight, it may not hold. One parent may want to sleep train the baby while the other might want to try co-sleeping. When the couple has differing opinions on how to bring up the baby, they may feel undermined by their partner. Open conversations and coming to a consensus on how to care for the infant is the only way to go ahead. Ask expert advice and consult other parents on topics that you cannot agree with. Conclusion As you approached your delivery date, babyproofing your living space, as soon as possible, would have been one of your top priorities. Similarly, it is important to baby-proof your relationships as well. When the downtime runs low and responsibilities pile up, emotions tend to run high and cause trouble. Remember to communicate well after the baby arrives, checking in with each other regularly. Also, apologize if you feel you have overstepped and enjoy having a tiny bundle of joy instead of sniping at each other. JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117


how do I do this again? WRITTEN BY: Sheree Hoddinett

Ten steps forward and about a million backwards. That’s parenting in a nutshell really. Well that simplifies it somewhat, it’s possibly a little more complicated than that. But it feels like you finally crack through the surface and achieve something big and then your child manages to propel you back into what feels like another dimension. So then you start again and just repeat. Some days feel like Groundhog Day, the same things over and over again. Other days just feel never ending and those days are when my girls choose to go absolutely crazy! Those are the days they hit my very last nerve, multiple times. Think steam coming out of my ears and a face that is tomato red. Those are usually not my finest moments. But you know what? They always seem to forgive me. I don’t know why. Maybe it’s the possibility of a toy or some chocolate (yes, they know where my stash is) that pushes them back to nice mode. My eldest daughter is 7 and she’s very much my princess. Jumps at the tiniest of spiders or bugs, a little moth can freak her out and a small injury lasts much longer than necessary. But she’s also a very switched on kid and will usually help when asked, after about 5 times mind you. She’s not afraid to talk back to me, which irks me something fierce and yes she has even sworn at me. Not hard when she’s heard it all before, haha! I can’t help but feel proud that she has inherited a lot of similar character traits as her mumma (minus the princess side). Not sure, her father shares the same thought process, hahahahaha!

Her sister on the other hand, is a different kettle of fish. While she can often display similar behaviour to that of her older sister, sometimes mimicking her which often starts another fight, she has more of a headstrong and fight mentality, which also seems to come from me. I’m definitely a bit of a mixed bag. Nothing seems to intimidate her. She stacks her bike one day, grazing all the limbs she possibly can and she’s back on it the next day. She trips over and splits her knee open, but she gets on with things. She pulled her first tooth out with only a hint of hesitation. Sometimes I wish I had more of her bravado. Don’t get me wrong, she can be a downright turd too!

sometimes they just click at the right moment. I wish it was all of the time, but that would make parenting boring right?! No chance for me to play referee (favourites if you ask my kids) either. How awesome would some days be if we could just hit the pause/rewind or even fast forward buttons to skip over the horrible stuff. Yes I know, we don’t really learn anything from the experience if we don’t live it. I guess you could say I have learnt a lot, both about myself and my kids as they grow up. I know what to do in some crazy messed up situations (like, don’t panic) and others where a child drops a full roll of toilet paper in the toilet - I’m just left gobsmacked. There still is no right My girls are polar or wrong answers opposites a lot of in a lot of parenting the time and then scenarios, you just

have to go with your gut and hope for the best. Otherwise I really have been doing this all wrong from day 1! Someone really wise said to listen to everyone’s advice but just go with what works best for you – oh wait that was me! Haha! Whether your child is a princess, a pain in the bum or the perfect angel (still yet to come across said child!), they are yours to help mould into the best human you can. Good luck and yes you will mess it up, that’s called life! Sorry I can’t sugar coat it any other way. For more of my messed up parenting head on over to www. – it’s nothing fancy but it might give you some relief on how you feel as a parent in today’s world. Until next time….

JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117



JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117

fashion JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117




BABY Baby Dress And Gilet Outfit Set $25.00 Baby Girl Boot Shoe $15.00

UNDER $20 GIRLS Girls Knit Dress $15.00 Big Butterfly Boot $20.00

JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117


UNDER $55 BABY Sprout Lola Fox Trunk Set in Rose $39.95 Old Soles Gabrielle Mary Jane $54.95

UNDER $60 GIRL Milkshake Dusty Pink Woven Long Sleeve Multi Tier Dress $39.95 Miss Candy Mc Lindsay Girls Boots $59.95


JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117


BABY Kuling Turin Fleece Coverall Woody Rose $70.00 Adidas Originals White Superstar Iridescent Crib Shoes $61.00


GIRLS Diesel Gray Melange Logo Sweat Dress $210.00 Young Soles Silver Sidney Brogue Boots $158.00

JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117




BABY Baby Tee And Knitted Overalls Set $25.00 Baby Boy Cord Boot $10.00

UNDER $20 BOY Boys T-Shirt $3.00 Boys Lined Cord Pant $20.00 High Top $15.00

JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117


UNDER $55 BABY Sprout Morgan Navy Cord Overall Set $39.95 Old Soles Bambini Markert B $54.95


BOYS Bauhaus Essentials Grey Sweat Top $30.00 Bauhaus Pull On Khaki Drop Crotch Cargo Pants $39.95 Ciao Miles Boys Sneakers $30.00


JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117


BABY Boss Blue Logo Tape One-Piece $180.00 Adidas Originals Stan Smith Leather Sneakers $63.00

SPLURGE BOYS Molo Tie-Dye Matt Hoodie $108.00 Fabric Flavours Fleece Tracksuit Pants $100.00 Adidas Originals Leather Trainers With Laces Samba $104.00

JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117








Blue Check Shirt $42.95

Toffee Cord Jean $45.95

JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117



JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117

recipes sourced from:

JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117



Mango Delight Toast Topper

prep time: 5 mins serves: 1 INGREDIENTS


spread yoghurt on cooled toast.


top with mango slices and serve immediately.


JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117

1 slice wholegrain bread, toasted 2 tbsp low-fat natural or greek yoghurt 1/4 mango, peeled and sliced

Quick & Easy

Homemade Muesli INSTRUCTIONS 1

mix all ingredients together.


store in an airtight container (at room temperature) for up to 6 months.

prep time: 5 mins serves: 12 INGREDIENTS 3 cups 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 1/2 cup

rolled oats bran (pellets or flakes) almonds, flaked or slivered pumpkin seeds sunflower seeds sultanas dried cranberries coconut, desiccated or 1/3 cup shredded, optional

JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117



JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117

Roo-oni Salad prep & cook time: 55 mins serves: 4 INSTRUCTIONS 1

preheat oven to 220ºc (200 ºc fan forced).


place tomatoes and capsicum in a single layer on an oven tray lined with non-stick baking paper, roast for 20 – 25 minutes and set aside.


heat chicken stock in a covered, medium-sized saucepan.


spray a large non-stick frypan with oil and place on high heat; cook onion for 3 minutes until softened, stirring often. add garlic, risoni and pepper and cook for 1 minute.


pour risoni mixture into hot stock, stir well and simmer, covered for 15 minutes or until all liquid is absorbed and pasta is tender.


remove from heat to cool thoroughly.


preheat chargrill or barbeque grill. place paprika, cumin, and cayenne into a zip-lock bag and shake to combine. add kangaroo pieces to the bag, turning to coat each side in spice mix.


cook kangaroo on hot grill on one side for 3-4 minutes until juices are visible on the meat surface.turn and repeat on remaining sides until cooked medium or to your liking.


remove to a plate, cover and allow meat to rest for 5 minutes before slicing thinly.


stir cucumber and rocket through risoni just prior to serving.


divide risoni salad between plates and top with kangaroo slices, roasted tomato and capsicum. serve immediately.


250g 2 med 500ml 1 lrg 1 cup 2

olive or canola oil spray punnet cherry tomatoes, halved red capsicums, seeded and cut into 2-3cm pieces salt-reduced chicken stock red onion, diced risoni (rice-shaped pasta) cloves garlic, crushed freshly ground or cracked black pepper, to taste

2 tsp paprika 2 tsp ground cumin 1 tsp cayenne pepper kangaroo meat, steak or 400g fillets lebanese cucumber, cut 1 into 1cm dice rocket or baby spinach 150g leaves (1 bag)

JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117



JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117

Asian Chicken Salad prep & cook time: 28 mins serves: 4 INSTRUCTIONS



place both chicken breasts in a medium saucepan with enough water to just cover. season with black pepper.


add garlic, coriander roots and stems. reserve leaves.


place over high heat and bring to the boil. reduce heat and simmer with lid on for 2 minutes.



switch off heat, cover and leave chicken to rest in the liquid stock while preparing salad.

44 100g


place the noodles in a large heatproof bowl and cover with boiling water. set aside for 5 minutes to soften. drain well.

3 cups


add cabbage, carrot, spring onions, bean sprouts, coriander leaves and mint to noodles. stir well.



remove chicken and garlic from liquid stock and set aside to cool slightly.



make dressing by mashing cooked garlic in a cup and combining with lime juice, sweet chilli sauce, fish sauce and water.


coarsely shred or thinly slice the chicken.


add chicken and dressing to the salad and combine.


serve immediately, topped with peanuts.


3 cups 1/2 cup

chicken breasts, visible fat removed freshly ground or cracked black pepper cloves garlic, peeled and halved coriander stalks, stalk and leaves, roughly chop leaves rice stick noodles or vermicelli noodles finely shredded Chinese cabbage carrots, peeled, cut into match-sized strips whole spring onions, thinly sliced diagonally bean sprouts loosely packed mint leaves, roughly torn

DRESSING 2 tbsp 2 tbsp 2 tsp 1 tbsp

lime juice sweet chilli sauce fish sauce water unsalted peanuts, 40g roughly chopped

JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117


Veggie Lentil Soup

prep & cook time: 45 mins serves: 4


INGREDIENTS 1 med onion, chopped 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 med carrot, diced 1 med potato, diced 1 med parsnip, peeled and diced 1 stick celery, diced



saute onion and garlic in a large pot with a little water until onion is translucent. add carrot, potato, parsnip and celery and cook for a further 5 minutes.


stir in lentils, stock and tomato paste. bring to the boil, cover and simmer for 30-35 minutes, stirring occasionally.


when lentils and vegetables are just cooked, add parsley.


JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117


red lentils

chicken or vegetable stock* or water 1 tbsp tomato paste 2 or 3 sprigs parsley, chopped

6 cups

Sweet & Sour Pork Kebabs

prep & cook time: 35 mins serves: 4




mix sauces and vinegar in a small bowl. add pork, stir to coat, cover and refrigerate marinated pork for as long as time permits, from 30 minutes to overnight.


to prevent burning, cover skewers in a shallow bowl with water.


preheat barbecue grill on high heat.


thread pork and vegetables alternately onto skewers, ending with mushrooms.


spray skewers with oil and barbecue each side for 2 minutes until pork is cooked through, basting kebabs with remaining marinade occasionally.


transfer to plates and serve with rice. hint skewered kebabs can be prepared in advance and refrigerated until ready to barbeque.

1 tbsp salt-reduced tomato sauce 1/2 tsp salt-reduced soy sauce 1 1/2 tsp white vinegar pork fillet, trimmed of fat, cut 400g into 2cm cubes fresh pineapple, peeled and cored, 1/4 cut into 2-3cm pieces red capsicum, seeded, cut into 1 med 2-3cm pieces yellow capsicum, seeded, cut into 1 med 2-3cm pieces 1 med zucchini, cut into 2-3cm pieces red onion, peeled, cut into 2-3cm 1 pieces 8 sml button mushrooms 8 thick bamboo sticks olive or canola oil spray 4 cups steamed rice, to serve JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117



JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117

Baked Apples prep & freeze time: 30 mins serves: 2



preheat oven to 200º c (or 180º c in fan forced oven)


make a slit through the skin of each banana along one side – make sure you don’t cut all the way through to the other side.


stuff each banana with the chocolate buttons and nuts along the cut.


wrap in foil and place on oven tray and bake in oven for fifteen to twenty minutes. allow to sit for five minutes before removing foil.


place the banana in its skin on serving plates with the split side facing upwards.


drizzle with yoghurt and eat the flesh of the banana.

INGREDIENTS 2 bananas, keep skin on 30g dark chocolate buttons chopped nuts such as 1 tbsp almonds or macadamia 2 reduced fat plain 2 tbsp yoghurt, to serve

JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117



JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117

Orange Loaf prep & cook time : 25 mins serves: 6



preheat oven to 180°c.


lightly spray a loaf tin. combine flour, sugar and sultanas in a mixing bowl.


in another bowl mix remaining ingredients.


add wet ingredients to dry, stir and spoon into tin.


bake for 35-40 minutes until cooked and golden.


turn onto wire cooling rack.


when cool, spread with ricotta topping.


store in refrigerator.

topping: whip ricotta, rind and juice until smooth.

2 cups 1/2 cup 1/2 cup 2 1/3 cup 2 1/4 cup 1 tbsp

olive or canola oil spray self-raising flour caster sugar sultanas rind of oranges, grated freshly-squeezed orange juice eggs low-fat milk margarine, melted

TOPPING 125g reduced-fat ricotta rind of small orange, 1 grated freshly-squeezed orange 2 tsp juice

JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117


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JUNE 2021 | My Child Magazine Issue #117


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