My Child Magazine Issue 110 November 2020

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postnatal depression


Bianca Medina ART DIRECTOR



Sheree Hoddinett Amy Adeney Lance Green Katie E cottonbro Polina Tankilevitch Tatiana Syrikova Itati Tapia Lisa Fotios Laura Garcia Anna Shvets CONTACT

My Child Magazine North Parramatta NSW Sydney Australia +614 11 572 877

Contents 6



What Is Postnatal Psychosis?

Christmas Gift Guide

Media- Benefits And Risks




How To Preserve Mental Health For

Get The Look Interiors

Dad Read - What You Need To Do To


Become A Great Dad!

New And Expectant Parents


Tips On How To Cope With Sleep

Paternal Depression!



Why Supportive Friends Are Crucial



For A Successful Marriage !

Deciphering Antenatal And Postnatal

At A Time When Breastfeeding Mums


Couldn’t Have More On Their Plates,

Blogger -The Girly Side


Medela Helps Give A Little More


Comfort And Ease!


Book Reviews


Toddler Language Delays

Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (Spd) In Pregnancy


88 Toy Reviws

112 Fashion

126 Fashion Feature - Bassike

138 Recipes

What Is A ‘Butter Birth’?



DISCLAIMER: It My Child Magazine and are wholly owned by My Child Magazine (ABN 79 167 787 662). No other parties or individuals have any financial interest in the company or in My Child or My Child contains general information only and does not purport to be a substitute for health and parenting advice. Readers are advised to seek a doctor for all medical and health matters. The publisher and authors do not accept any liability whatsoever in respect of an action taken by readers in reliance on the recommendations set out in this magazine. Reproduction of any material without written permission by the publisher is strictly forbidden. We cannot accept responsibility for material lost or damaged in the post or for any unsolicited manuscripts and photographs. All reasonable efforts have been made to trace copyright holders.

Bianca Medina editor-in-chief

Editor’s Letter

Hello Lovelies, Hope you are all well? It’s November!!! Yippeee, one month to go to I can finally say “Ciao Ciao 2020, it wasn’t a pleasure”! I have a lot going on right now, both personally and professionally! Sometimes it feels like my life is just a giant mess! But then I take a moment to focus on the things that matter and the first thing I thank the universe for is that my family is healthy, happy and functional! That my business has survived the pandemic, that my friends and extended family are safe and well and when I give thanks for these things it makes me realise how lucky I really am! So when you have a moment which we all do, take the time to focus and thank your universe for all your blessings and maybe it will do for you what is does for me and make that giant mess called life seem not so hard to tackle! Well, until Next Month,

Bianca oxo

editor’s picks

Ralph Sunglasses $155

Abby Scoop Back One Piece Swimsuit Leopard $59.95

Geometric Ring in 10ct Yellow Gold $249

Nike Air Force 1 Low Womens $150

Vacay Swimwear Barbados Swim Short $79.95

Jean Paul Gaultier Le Male Le Parfum EDP $149

3Pcs Girls Swimmable Mermaid Tail Swimsuit $31.49

Top and Bake Wooden Pizza Counter Play Food Set $79.00

Wooden Balance Bike w/ Wicker Basket $99.95

WHAT IS POSTNATAL PSYCHOSIS? written by: feba maryann

Postnatal psychosis or puerperal psychosis is one of the most severe forms of psychological disorders that new mums can potentially suffer during the postnatal period. It causes erratic mood swings and a significant change in behaviour. Postnatal depression affects 1 in 7 mums every year in Australia, however postnatal psychosis is an extremely rare condition that affects only about 1-2 women in every 1000 mums. Postnatal psychosis can even affect women without a history of mental illness, the symptoms can show up quickly - right from a few hours after giving birth. It is a life-threatening condition that needs immediate attention and urgent medical assistance. They will need to undergo personalised psychiatric treatment and ongoing assessment throughout the recovery process. Signs and Symptoms Symptoms usually start to show up within the first few weeks of childbirth. Women with postpartum psychosis tend to display a wide range of symptoms, here are a few indicators you need to look out for: • Delusional Thinking - possessing paranoid thoughts, changes in sense perception, disordered thinking, hallucinations. For instance, the mother might feel like the people around her are constant threats to her baby, she might keep the newborn away from her partner and relatives and try to block all external contacts. • Hysteria - possessing an abundance of energy, shows aggressive behaviour and extreme mood swings. 8

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Might have difficulty sleeping and concentrating. Might also start feeling upset with no apparent reason. • Depression - In severe cases, the mother might attempt to harm herself or her baby. Her senses might slow down, she might start responding at a lower pace. What Causes Postnatal Psychosis? We know very little about the causes of this mental illness. However, women with a history of postpartum psychosis or bipolar disorder have increased chances of being affected by the illness. Rarely, postnatal psychosis could lead to a bipolar disorder. Hormonal fluctuations and sleep deprivation after giving birth could also be contributing factors. Physical or mental stress due to delivery also weighs in, for instance the guilt of having a Caesarean delivery could force a new mum into extreme mood swings and erratic behaviour. Treatment Options Postnatal Psychosis is a curable disorder. The treatment for postnatal psychosis is highly dependent on the situation, it varies from person to person. The treatment options range from light medication or therapies to getting admitted to the hospital for psychiatric assessment. This depends on the severity of the case. However, family members should be aware of the mental state of the woman. Even on the slightest symptoms, either the person should be immediately hospitalized or act as per the doctor’s advice. NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


Emergency and Hospitalisation Fortunately, most times, the disorder is diagnosed when the mother is still in the hospital after delivery. Timely diagnosis makes the treatment easier. In other cases, family members realise the severity much later, causing a delay in treatment and complications in recovery. At such times, the family should contact the emergency psychiatric helpline or admit the person in the nearest hospital. You can also contact the GP or the hospital itself for advice and help. Further delay increases potential risks to both the baby and the mother. Medication Your psychiatrist will prescribe a mix of multiple treatments as per your condition. These will mostly consist of antidepressants, antipsychotics, and mood stabilisers. The drastic hormonal changes in your body are to blame for these mood swings and disorders. Medication is a high-risk factor, and it is never advisable to take medicines during pregnancy or breastfeeding phase. So, it is important for you to enquire your psychiatrist about the pills’ benefit, side-effects and potential risks. Though in some rare severe cases medication becomes necessary. In most cases therapy and timely prevention works the best for postnatal psychosis. Therapy Therapy is the best possible way to cure postnatal 10

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psychosis. There are numerous therapies that address postnatal depression. Some of them include your baby’s involvement, further strengthening your bond. However, do not try self-medicating or self-therapy. Trust your doctor, they will guide you with the best one according to your situation. Recovering from severe symptoms of postnatal psychosis generally takes about two weeks to three months, depending on the severity and treatment. However, a complete recovery can take about six to twelve months. Self-Help Tips You can develop your own emotional support plan during or before pregnancy. List out the things you will do to distract yourself or the people you can trust and contact in case of emergency. Read books, eat well, sleep well, and connect with people who make you feel comfortable. You cannot keep everything to yourself and seal your heart from everyone. Share your feelings with people who understand and support you. Get out of your house for fresh air. Lose yourself in nature and meditate calmly. This sheer sense of positivity and good energy helps alleviate symptoms. Remember, your baby needs you. Recovery takes time, but never lose hope. Everything will be perfect again. Just yourself some time.

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110



Are you expecting a little bundle of joy or did you recently have one delivered? However fun and delightful having a baby can be, it can also cause anxiety, stress and other factors that may often weigh in on your mental health. This article provides you with some insights on how you can preserve your mental health whilst being a perfectly good parent to your child. Why Should You Aim To Have Good Mental Health? Pregnancy or childbirth may have a lot of unprecedented impacts in your life. The relationship with your partner may change, you might start rethinking about your priorities in life, you may be overwhelmed at times even if the pregnancy, labour and delivery goes perfectly fine. It is imperative that you aim to achieve the best possible mental health during pregnancy and early parenting stages so that you can cherish these moments. It is also a known fact that a good emotional state during pregnancy is beneficial for your baby. When the parents are happy and healthy, they tend to provide their child with a good environment to grow in.  How To Maintain Good Mental Health? After delivery, it is common for parents to put the child’s needs above your own. You may have to put in a lot of work to ensure that the best possible care is given to your child. But in the long run, you might end up overlooking your own mental and physical health.   Here Are Some Ways To Reduce Stress And Help You Relax.  Prioritise Self-Care • Self-care includes eating healthy food regularly, staying hydrated and exercising. • It may be difficult to fit in an entire exercise regime into your schedule but even exercising for as little as 20 minutes is enough to get your blood flowing and enhance your energy levels.


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Get Good Sleep • Sleep deprivation in new parents is a major cause of Postpartum Depression. • Lack of sleep increases stress and causes you to get annoyed easily. • Getting at least 8 hours of sleep is recommended. Reduce Social Media Usage

“Certain factors may increase the risk of getting a mental health problem during pregnancy and after delivery. ”

• Social media often makes us feel that what we have or what we are is not enough. • We tend to compare our lives with what others have and this could have a negative impact on your mental health. • The time you spend on social media could be used more effectively for selfcare or taking rest. Take Breaks • Yes, it might seem selfish but if you think you can’t take it anymore take a break. • Do something you love for a change. • Even small breaks for like 30 minutes could help you feel better. Understand There Is No Right Way To Parent • Remind yourself that you’re doing a very important job and you’re doing it well. • Positive self-talk could help you achieve a much better mental health state. • If you think you’re being selfish caring for yourself, know that you’re a human being too. NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


Reduce Interaction With People Or Chores That May Drain You • Caring for a newborn can be tiresome on its own and it is recommended to limit your interactions with things that may drain your energy levels. What Are The Risk Factors That May Cause An Emotional Imbalance? Certain factors may increase the risk of getting a mental health problem during pregnancy and after delivery. These problems include: • • • • • • •

A Traumatic Labour Being A Single Parent Lack Of Support Stress Unplanned Pregnancy Previous Miscarriages A Complication In The Birth That Affects The Child’s Health Or The Mom’s Health. • Premature Baby Common Mental Health Problems In New And Expectant Parents It is important to know at least some of these problems and their signs so that you can contact a healthcare professional as early as possible.  Baby Blues • It is common in new moms, about a week after delivery to experience Baby Blues. This may cause moms to cry or get annoyed or irritated easily. • This condition is experienced by about 80 percent of moms and usually goes away without any treatment Adjustment Problems • A newborn may introduce a lot of changes and many parents 16

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may find the sudden changes overwhelming and have difficulty adjusting. • This is usually temporary but if it persists consider consulting a professional.   Attachment Problems • Most parents expect to form an instant bond with their baby, but this may not be the case for some. • This can cause the parent to be filled with guilt, disappointment and stress. • However, most of the parents affected by these problems show more attachment when provided with support and adequate rest. Anxiety • Anxiety in parents is normal but if you feel too anxious or stressed it may make it hard for you to nurture the baby adequately. • Studies show that risk of anxiety is increased in cases of parents who experienced previous miscarriages or sexual abuse. Depression • Depression is one of the more drastic outcomes of pregnancy or delivery. • Depression could be antenatal (Before delivery) or postnatal (after delivery). • Onset of depression is slow and it could go on for months. • Depression is common in fathers too (paternal postpartum depression). • Depression usually goes undiagnosed and untreated.  • Depression may turn into a chronic condition if left untreated. Contact a medical professional if you see your partner’s mental health decline. Being a parent is a process that involves constant learning and improving. You need to remember that the journey is long and find time to take care of your health too. NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


Paternal Depression written by: Feba Maryann

Postpartum Depression (PPD) is a condition that is mostly associated with mums. About one in nine mothers may experience postpartum depression. However, 1 in 10 dads also suffer from Postpartum Depression too. This condition is better known as Paternal Postpartum Depression and is mostly overlooked. What Is Paternal Postpartum Depression? In simple words, paternal postpartum depression is an episode of depression that new dads suffer soon after the birth of their baby. Studies show that dads are at a higher risk of being depressed between the first trimester and 6 months after childbirth. It could affect 2 to 25 percent of dads in the aforementioned period. What Causes Paternal Postpartum Depression? Pregnancy causes a rollercoaster of hormonal fluctuations in the mum’s body. However, researchers have also found that dads undergo hormonal changes after the birth of their child. Some may have difficulty coping up with these changes, which eventually develops into depression. In families where the mother suffers from PPD, dads are at a higher risk of suffering from the same condition. In dads with PPD, hormonal changes are often coupled with other factors like: • • • • • • • •

Personal or family history of depression Financial problems Lack of emotional or social support A stressed relationship Sexual frustration Sleep deprivation Maternal Postpartum Depression  Lack of a role model


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Experts speculate that hormonal changes could be an evolutionary trait to ensure that fathers develop a bond with the child and stay with the mom.  What Are The Signs Of Paternal Postpartum Depression? Some of the common signs of paternal PPD are: • Increased anger • Increased use of alcohol or substance abuse • Frustration  • Impulsiveness • Crying for no apparent reason • Weight gain or loss • Change in appetite • Loss of interest • Suicidal thoughts • Being cynical • Being involved in extramarital affairs • Stressing out • Palpitations    How Does Paternal Postpartum Depression Impact? The added responsibilities that come with parenthood could be a stressful experience to many dads. When this couples up with PPD, it could drastically affect the new dad’s mental and physical health. Impacts of paternal PPD include:  • • • •

Ending up being a bad role model to your child. Not developing a bond with your child Decreased sensitivity towards children Dads with PPD may not interact positively with the child • Increased hostility towards children • A dad with PPD may spank children more than others NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


• Causing developmental delay in the child • Causing Maternal Postpartum Depression • Paternal PPD may also put the mother’s mental state at risk • On the other hand, a nurturing father may reduce the negative impact of maternal PPD on the children. • Increased conflicts in relationship • Children who have a dad with PPD may  • Develop emotional or behavioural disorders  • Be more aggressive in nature How Is Paternal Depression Diagnosed? Since men tend be less expressive about their emotions and mental state, diagnosing PPD could be a difficult problem. There is no universally accepted method to diagnose Paternal depression. It is often diagnosed by collecting information from family or friends of the patient.  Can PPD Be Prevented? Some effective methods to reduce the risks and symptoms of PPD are: Exercise Regularly • Benefits of exercising isn’t only limited to your physique  • Exercise tends to act as a stressbuster and mood lifter • Starting off with a light workout or jog in the park would help you ease into the day. Healthy Diet • Try to maintain a diet consisting of vegetables, fruits and lean meat. • Avoid saturated fat, trans fat and refined sugar. • Stay hydrated Get Good Sleep • It might be difficult to get proper sleep when you have 22

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a baby but figure out ways to get at least 8 hours of sleep. Meditating And Yoga • Both are great at reducing stress. Express Your Feelings • Talk to someone about how you feel. It could be anyone: your parents, a close friend, a spouse or someone else you look up to. • Keep a journal How Is Paternal Postpartum Depression Treated? PPD in men is understudied and largely goes undiagnosed, Hence, there is no set protocol to treat the condition. However, new studies show that psychotherapy methods such as Cognitive Behaviour Therapy and Interpersonal therapy have shown to alleviate depression.  Role Of Toxic Masculinity And Societal Stigma In Promoting PPD Societal stigma dictates that a man should have no feelings and must be stoic. Men are not supposed to cry or be sensitive. The phrase “man up” itself is a manifestation of this stigma. This often forces men to keep their problems to themselves and rarely share their problems until one day they can no longer take it. It is high time to normalise men who share their feelings instead of shutting them off completely. Interventions such as paid paternity leaves should be made mandatory, and educational programs about mental health for men must also be incorporated into school curriculum.  NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110




The ride to becoming a parent is a roller-coaster of emotions, varying from happiness and anticipation to anxiety and apprehension. The changes you go through can affect your mental well-being and your relationship with everybody you love. Whilst hormonal fluctuations can increase the severity of your mood swings, depression is a lot more than a sad phase. It’s a serious issue that needs to be recognised at the right time, before it gets worse. It’s important to seek help and speak to someone before it cripples you completely. Symptoms: Women suffering from perinatal depression suffer from a host of symptoms which vary uniquely. Some common experiences that you might encounter are: • • • • • • • • • • •

Constant irritable mood Low self esteem Feel overwhelmed Withdrawal from family and friends Negative stream of thoughts Feeling like a failure, or feeling like you’re not doing enough Can’t enjoy hobbies you used to previously enjoy Struggling to cope with everyday tasks Have trouble making decisions or concentrating Significant change in sleep patterns Appetite issues

It’s vital for you to find if you’re just exhausted or depressed. If you’re able to remain optimistic about the future despite being tied down to all the new responsibilities, you’re probably just exhausted. However, if they prolong for more than two weeks, consider seeking professional support. If you have a history of mental illnesses, there’s a possibility of it coming back. Rarely, few women experience postnatal psychosis after giving birth, if you feel like you’re starting to behave differently than you usually do, consult your healthcare provider immediately. Contributing Factors: Even if the exact causes of PND aren’t known, listed below are some contributing factors: Social Changes: Dealing with the expectations of the society on a new mother can turn out to be quite overbearing. She might not feel like she lives up to the ideal image of a mother which can take a toll on her mental health. She might feel judged for her decisions which might force her into social seclusion. Physical Changes: 26

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Postnatal pain is an extremely painful aspect. According to the statistics, 45 percent of mums said the level of pain was comparable to extreme menstrual cramps, 16 percent said it was like back pain and 15 percent said the pain felt like a fractured bone. Changes in sleep patterns, postnatal pain and physical fatigue prove to be contributing factors to postnatal depression. Hormonal changes and the drop in pregnancy hormones also affect your brain’s equilibrium. Emotional Changes: Coping with the advent of parenthood is intimidating for many new mums. This might result in frequent fights and a change in the dynamics of their relationship. New mums also need to learn to administer to the constant needs of their baby. Overcoming PND Currently, there are many treatment options to help you overcome perinatal depression. Talk to your doctor and draw a mental health care plan to help you manage your feelings. Medication Antidepressants are helpful for antennal and postnatal depression. Make sure you check if the prescribed antidepressants are safe to use during the breastfeeding phase. Medication as well as cognitive/ interpersonal therapy are extremely effective solutions for perinatal depression. Professional Help Women who experience suicidal thoughts or extreme depression need immediate hospital admission. Women with postnatal psychosis also need to be admitted as soon as possible. Contact your healthcare provider if you feel like harming yourself or your baby. Extra Help Family, friends and your partner play a vital role in your recovery from PND. Reach out to loved ones for extra help with household chores. Asking someone you trust to help you with practical help gives you a chance to do something relaxing, rest or sleep. You could also talk about the problems you face to someone you trust. This makes you to understand your feelings better which helps you control them. Recovery is a slow process; it takes time and a lot of effort. You need to give priority to your physical health as well as your mental well-being. Get regular exercise, eat healthy and make sure you get plenty of sleep. Try to take time to reconnect spiritually and do things you enjoy. This phase shall pass. NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110



NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110







by: Amy Adeney from Busy Bookworms


WI LD SYM PH O N Y BY DAN BROW N AND SUSAN BATO RI The Da Vinci Code author Dan B r own makes his picture book debut wi t h t hi s musical tale, with a unique fe at ur e – an interactive smartphone app whi c h p l ay s the appropriate musical comp osi t i ons f or each page.

R ea d ers t ra v el t h rou gh t h e t rees a n d a c r o s s t h e sea s wit h Ma est ro M ou se a nd h i s m u s i c a l frien d s, meet in g a b lu e wh a le a n d s p eed y c h eet a h s, t in y b eet les a n d grac ef u l s wa n s . Th ere a re h id d en a n ima ls t o f ind a n d c o d ed messa ges t o solv e, ma kin g t h is a n en g a g i n g a n d in t era c t iv e mu sic a l a d v en tu r e f o r rea d ers of a ll a ges.

THE U NWILLING T WIN B Y F RE YA BL A CK WO O D Jule s a n d G e or g e a r e t h e s am e in every w a y. It i s q u i te imp o s s ib le t o t el l them apa r t . L i k e a l l t win s , Ju les an d G eorge do ev e r yt h i n g t o g et h er . Bu t aft er a lo ng, hot d a y a t th e b e a ch , even t w in s s o metimes d isa g r e e . . .

F ro m a w a r d - w i nning picture book c rea t or F re y a B l a ck w o od comes a che eky a n d ch a rm i n g s t o r y about the ups and d own s of sibl i n g l o v e . The evocative illus tra t ion s b e aut i f u l l y ca p ture the fe eling of s ummer, a nd w i l l b e i n s t antly appealing to rea d ers a g e d t h r e e a n d up.


NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

TO O M U CH ST U F F ! BY EMI LY GRAVETT Meg and Ash are a pair of magp i e s who are building a nest for their pe r f e c t e ggs. They are soon convinced th at t he i r ne st doesn’t have enough ‘stuf f ’ , and b e gi n to collect more things to add t o an e v e r growing pile - from cuckoo cl oc k s t o m op s and socks, a pram and even a c ar . U nt i l CRASH! - the inevitable happe ns.

Emily Gra v et t ’s en ga gin g, ex q u i s i tel y illu st ra t ed st ory sh a res a n i m p o r ta n t messa ge a b ou t t h e d a n ger of o u r n ev er en d in g d esire t o c on su me, a nd wi l l a p p ea l t o y ou n g ec o-wa rriors a ged t hr ee a n d u p .

THE FIRE WOMBAT BY J A CK I E F RE N CH A N D D A N N Y SN ELL As t he b u s h f i r e s w allo w ed u p t h e world the y k new , a w o m b at s h a r ed h er b urrow w ith o t h e r a n i m a l s . Bu t t h a t w as ju st the be ginnin g o f t h e i r jo u r n ey t o s afet y.

Bas e d on e v e n ts w itne s s ed by icon ic Aus t ra lia n a u t h o r Jack ie F re nch during t h e 20 20 bu s h f i r e s , this a s tory of s urv iv a l, c o u ra g e a n d co m pas s ion, as pe ople across Aus t ra lia ca m e t o g e ther to s ave our w il d lif e fr o m de v a s t a t i o n . The rhyming s tory a n d gen t le i l l u s tr a t i o ns mak e this a perfec t c hoic e f o r r e a d e r s age d thre e and up.

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110



For many soon-to-mamas, body aches and cramps almost become a part of their everyday lives. In a recent survey, up to 60 percent of mums suffer pain in their symphysis pubis during their pregnancy. This condition is debilitating and can affect a women’s quality of life, which could result in depression and other complications. Keep reading to know more about the symptoms, causes and treatment options for symphysis pubis dysfunction (SPD) What is SPD? Your symphysis pubis is the joint where your pubic bones meet in the front of your pelvis whose connection is strengthened by secure network of ligaments. Medically speaking, the pubis symphysis is the cartilaginous joint that is found between both sides of the pubic bone. During pregnancy, the release of a hormone called relaxin rises. This hormone softens your ligaments to make it easier for your baby to pass through your pelvis. However, this also means that your symphysis pubis becomes stretchy and soft which results less stable which results in SPD. It could feel like the left and right side of your pubic bone keep rubbing against each other. This could result into serious complications if ignored.


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Pelvic girdle pain is the generic medical term used for any pelvic pain experienced by pregnant mums. Symphysis pubis dysfunction comes under the pelvic girdle pain spectrum. What Are The Symptoms? Pubic and groin pain are the most common symptoms of SPD. However, you could also suffer the following conditions: • Pain in your back, hips or the area between your legs • It may aggravate when you climb the stairs or move around. • Using the washroom at night can be extremely painful, which eventually prevents you from getting a good night’s sleep • Grinding/ noise in your pubic area Treatment Options Women who stay fit and maintain a healthy lifestyle before pregnancy are less prone to SPD. However, if you end up being diagnosed with SPD, here are a few tips to help you manage the symptoms: • Do exercises that target on your core and glute muscles. This helps you strengthen your muscles which helps reduce the pain. • Medicines like Acetaminophen help alleviate the pain. Make sure that the pills you take are NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


pregnancy safe. • Using walkers, crutches or pelvic support belts to reduce muscle strain • Acupuncture and physiotherapy • External heat or massage • Avoid strenuous activities • Sleep with a pillow between your knees, this lowers the risk of stillbirth. • Get plenty of rest, avoid lifting or pushing heavy objects You can also connect with self-help groups that consist of women who have experienced similar conditions. It helps you to obtain practical solutions that you encounter every day. Make sure you include your SPD symptoms in your birth plan to avoid complications. Labour A normal vaginal delivery is recommended for women with SPD. Induced labour is normally used when women suffer extreme pain or experience limited mobility due to their condition. However, the risks outweigh the benefits. You should be in a comfortable labour position and limit yourself from widening your legs. Oneto-one support and birthing pools help with pain management which eliminate the need for an epidural. 36

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Recovery Management Rehabilitation



The recovery period is within a few weeks to months of birth. The pain might worsen if you ignored the condition throughout your pregnancy, as your muscles weren’t strengthened. Talk to your doctor and take physical therapy sessions to strengthen your core and glute muscles. Some women might also suffer abdominal separation or organ prolapse. Multiple births, birthing positions or a fast birth can increase the risk of experiencing postpartum pelvic pain. You might have to face shooting pains every month before your period. This is due to the rise in hormones similar to relaxin in your body. Having SPD in one pregnancy increases your chances of it during your next pregnancy. However, it might not be as bad if it is managed well. Maintaining a healthy weight to lower the chances of experiencing pelvic pain during your pregnancy. If treated with due care, you will be able to recover within six months. If you suffer from SPD, you will need special care to address your needs. Being in continuous physical pain can take a toll on you emotionally. You might also require longer hospital stays. Do not hesitate from asking for help from your friends, family and partner. Speak to your midwife or doctor if you feel like it’s too much to handle and discuss alternative therapy options. NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


What Is A ‘Butter Birth’?

Written by Feba Maryann

Just as the name sug gests, a butter birth refers to a labour with minimal pain, no extra bleeding or tearing and a brief pushing stage. For mums who have had intense and long labours, an easy labour may sound dreamy. It sounds amazing to have a labour that ’s less than 24 hours and hardly involves any pain. Butter bir ths? Is that even a thing? Keep reading to dig in! Af ter a bit of research, I found that this term was quite descriptive. In the bir thing world, a but ter bir th simply refers to any smooth labour with no complications. I would rather have an easier bir thing experience than listen to the braver y comments af ter I suf fer through an excruciating labour. These beautiful bir ths do exist; however, it is impor tant not to idealise it as not ever yone will have a similar labour experience. This shouldn’t be expec ted by mums-to-be. Ever y labour is unique each with its own challenges and dif f iculties. However, you can always adopt strategies that help ease your labour. 40

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Here are a few tips you can use for a calm and peaceful bir th wherever you have your baby: 1. Play Music Personally, music gets me through almost ever y situation I ’ve ever been in. A song has the power to instantly bring a smile to your face or move you to tears. Music can profoundly inf luence our emotional side. Studies have found that music helps in lowering labour pain and anxiet y. It can also increase physical and mental comfor t. 2 . Aroma Therapy Don’t you instinc tively close your eyes and take a deep breath when you smell a calming scent like the smell of lavender? The hospital-y scent might not be par ticularly relaxing while you prep for labour. Scent is strongly linked to our emotions. A soothing scent helps bust stress and transform your mood. Research has shown that aromatherapy helps women feel more relaxed and experience less pain during labour. So, keep a bot tle of your favourite essential oil in your NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


labour bag to help boost your energ y and relax your mind. 3. Get Comfortable, Physically Remember to breathe. Yes, it might sound simple, but its oh so easy to forget. During labour, your uterus needs ox ygen for all the excruciating work its doing. Ample amounts of ox ygen is also needed for your baby to sur vive. So, whenever you inhale, visualise big doses of power being sent to your baby and uterus. It can also take your mind of f the contrac tions which in turn keeps you calm. You could also repeat a mantra bet ween each breath. This helps instil a sense of conf idence. Guided meditations also release tension in your body and help you f ind your Zen. You could star t prac tising now to help it come naturally during labour. Another thing to focus on is your movement. Ever y movement you make helps you create space for your baby to navigate her way down and out. It also decreases pain and speeds up labour. 4. Support Having a person beside you to cheer you on can turn out to be quite helpful. It ’s not just their presence

that helps you stay calm, they can also ser ve as your advocate. They can help you communicate your wishes regarding your labour to your doc tor so you can focus on giving bir th. It ’s impor tant to talk to them beforehand about your choices and what ’s impor tant to you. You can also hire a professional  doula  to help you out by providing non-medical suppor t during the whole process. A doula has tons of experience dealing with bir th and can help you cope with the changes. Ever y minute during labour could make up for a lifetime of pain. It ’s normal to feel intimidated by it. You could take bir th classes to understand what exac tly is going on. It gives you the awareness you need to make well-informed decisions. Ever y bir th stor y is unique and beautiful. All you have to do it is trust yourself throughout the whole process. Don’t listen to horror bir thing experiences, tr y to focus on the good things. Remain optimistic and joy ful till the end. Make sure you’re backed up with a friend or a relative who you can fall back on any time. Don’t worr y, you’ve got this!

Christmas Gift’s





VTech Crawl with Me Elephant $49

Gro Egg2 $59.95

Baby Essentials $50

Kids’ Natural Wooden Climbing Cube $154

Mega Bloks Animal Bucket $19

Lamaze Peek A Boo Clutch Cube $19.95

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

Playgo Penguin 2 in 1 Bath Organizer $19.99

HipKids 200 Balls $69.95

Connect Smart White Light Bulbs $19.95



LeapFrog Purrfect Counting Handbag $35

Disney Wooden Toys Winnie the Pooh and Friends Block Set $15

Vtech First Steps Baby Walker with Detachable Learning Centre $59

Kid’s Concept Stacking Rings $19

Petit Collage Wooden Milestone Blocks $39.95

Winfun Polar Fiesta Gym $35

Bright Starts Zig Zag Zebra Walker $79

Playgro Jumbo Jungle Musical Piano Mat $18

Jellycat Blossom Bashful Cream Bunny $29.95 NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110




Petite Hand Pamper Duo $4.99

VTech Toot-Toot Cory Carson Freddie’s Fire Station $29

The Hot Wheels Monster Truck Scorpion Raceway $69.99

VTech Toot-Toot Cory Carson SmartPoint Vehicles $12

Groclock $59.95

Yoga Cards $39

ECCO Flora Flat Sandal $79.00

Little Tikes Cozy Coupe $99.99

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

UNO Junior $11



LeapFrog Pick Up & Count Vacuum $49

Country Manor Cubby House $149

Hape Adventure Van $69.99

Doll Sleeping Bag $24.95

Lego® Duplo® DC Comics Batcave $39

B. Whale Glow Zzz’s $39.99

Thomas & Friends Birthday Wish Thomas $34

B. Musical Crew Finger Puppets $16.99

Bluey Scooter $25 NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110




VTech Secret Safe Treasure Chest $49

Minecraft Dungeons: Hero Edition $49.95

Ultimate Reveal Playset $49.99

VTech Myla’s Sparkling Friends Assorted $29

Build a Bot Light Pony $29

Hot Wheels Ultimate Garage $129.99

Moving Out $49.96-$69.95

Barbie Dreamhouse $249

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

Scrabble $25



Hand Spray School Bag Essential $16

Pictionary Air $34

VTech Hope the Rainbow Husky $69

VTech Kidizoom Studio $100

LOL Surprise! Remix: We Rule The World $79.95

TRAPPED The Carnival $19.95

LeapFrog Magic Adventures Globe $129.99

Intelligent Robot $49

VTech Switch & Go Dinos Assorted $20 NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110




Jamie Oliver Cook’s Classic Cookware From $799.95

Purifying Night Balm $50

Quick Cook Baby Food Maker $199.95

ECCO Casper Small Backpack $429.95

Mama & Mini Matchy Newborn Pack $114.95

Stanley Rogers Pistol Grip Acacia 2 Piece Cheese Knife Set $19.95

Invisible Zinc Sheer Defence Tinted Moisturiser SPF50 $34

Fa La La La La $15.95

Passion Flower Fizz 420g Standard Candle $42.95

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110



Natural Complete Cleaning Collection $63.76

Angelic Ring, Blue, Rhodium Plated $249

RALPH $108.50

Angel Nova Eau De Parfum Gift Set $160

Wedgwood Butterfly Bloom Teacup & Saucer $111

Tefal Cook4Me+ $399

Garmin Vivomove Smart Watch $499

Snowcake $40

Seafolly Belted One Piece $149.95 NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110




Belkin BOOST↑CHARGE™ Power Bank 10K + Stand Play Series| $84.95

Godfall $124.95

Lizard Skin $24.95-34.95

Bathroom Duo $50

Connect Smart Wi-Fi Plug with USB $19.95

ECCO Lars Men’s Laptop Bag $449.95

Luigi Bormioli Jazz Whisky 350ML Set of 4 $33

Twist & Click Starter Set with 9 Refills $136.64

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

Tefal Optigrill Elite $399.95



NASCAR Heat 5 $69.95

UNO Card Game $7

Happy Socksrolling Stones 6-Pack Gift Box $119

Ax Logo Cupsole Sneaker $250

Tommy Hilfiger Core Flag SwimshortCore Flag Swimshort $119

Turtle Beach Stealth 600 Gen 2 $169.95

Farming Simulator 19: Platinum Edition $79.95

Ultimate Fry Deluxe Airfryer $399.00

Hand and Body Lotion - Lemon Scented Eucalyptus & Rosemary $19.95 NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110




Alcatel 3L $199

Sparkling Grapefruit 420g Standard Candle $42.95

ECCO Linnea Crossbody $329.95

Ingenio Titanium Fusion Cookware $799.95

Icons Of Light Hanging Ornament $229

The Alchemist $22.99

Pink Wooly Slide $79.95

The Night Before Christmas Gift $21.50

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

Natural Fruit and Vegetable Wash $11.95



Hand Pamper Duo $50

KitchenAid Electric Kettle $140

Hand Woven Weighted Blanket $399

Happy Pills: Daily Inspirational Messages $29.95

ECCO Men’s Golf Biom Cool Pro $369.95

ECCO Mens Golf Glove $24.95

Wiltshire Rose Gold Springform Pan $17

2021 A3 Art Series Calendar $19.99

Tefal IXEO $699.95 NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110



NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


get the look

nursery Photo:

Handmade Crocheted Baby Blanket $89.95

Vanilla Linen Canopy $149.95

Extra Fluffy Fur Rug $80 62

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

Born With Style Moses Basket and Stand $194

Wooden Name Hoop Signs $45

Crochet Bunting Flag $34.95

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


k i d s Photo:

2 Piece Toddler Duvet Set $102

Ila y Ela Raffia Lion Head $149

Cushion - Swans+Rainbows $29.50


NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

Olli Ella Holdie House $119

Print - Flower Stem/Red $10

Odela Handwoven Jute Round Rug $89

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


Tips on how to cope with sleep deprivation Written by Feba Maryann

In a world that is dynamic and extremely fast paced, it is difficult to catch up with day to day challenges of being a parent. With only 24 hours in a day, finding time for personal growth while raising kids and working full-time can seem impossible. Giving ample rest to your brain and body is essential for you to function at maximum efficiency during the day. 70

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

If your sleep cycle has gone for a toss, making you restless and lethargic during the day - It’s time to reflect on your lifestyle and figure ways that can help you sleep adequately and better. Here are some tips to help you cope with sleep deprivation: Wake Up Early, Yes Even On Sundays “Early to bed, early to rise makes a man (and a woman), healthy, wealthy and wise” . We have all grown hearing this quote. This has meaning now more than ever. Waking up early in the morning has proven to have several benefits on our lives and lifestyle. You may not be not a morning person, staying up till midnight to finish your work might seem like a better option than waking up early in the morning. However, if you practice rising up early strictly for seven straight days no matter how late you go to bed, you will get used to the regime, trust me! Exercise In Fresh Air People who work out for at least 30 minutes a day tend to sleep better. Simply walking in fresh air, inhaling that cool breeze of fresh morning coupled with morning sunlight is enough to rejuvenate your senses. This can completely change your day, your life and your outlook towards daily challenges. Even if aerobic exercises prove to contribute the most to getting a good night’s sleep, feel free to pick an exercise you enjoy to help you stick with it. NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


Plan Your Meals Eat a balanced diet that consists of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and low-fat proteins. Food that are rich in vitamin B contributes to the regulation of melatonin which is a hormone that controls your sleep cycle. Avoid food that contain high levels of saturated fats, this affects the amount of slow-wave sleep you get during the night. Slow wave sleep is the time your brain dozes off to a deep sleep, this helps in revitalizing your mind . Mentally plan your meal times, also plan which time l suits the best kind of food you can consume. Small changes can lead to huge differences. Include A Hobby In Your Daily Schedule Planning your day, your meals does not mean your time for fun has to be compromised. Rather, this is the most important aspect of your well-being because it is directly related to how you feel internally. Plan for indulging yourself in your favourite activity during the day and try not to get distracted with work at this time. Taking time out for your personal growth helps you to get back to work motivated and charged. Stay Away From Electronic Gadgets Before Sleeping Using electronic gadgets right before bed time exhaust our brains, strain our eyes and impacts our sleep regime. Staying up late watching a movie or finishing up an important presentation lead to lethargic 72

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mornings, and you don’t want that. Moreover, your brain needs some rest with all the work you have been doing during the day. If you find it difficult to sleep immediately as you hit the bed, try reading, writing about your day or do something that calms your mind and induces sleep. Set Up The Right Environment Consider investing in a supportive mattress to maintain a good sleep cycle. Sleeping on a comfortable bed with soft pillows could improve your sleep quality. Noise can cause distractions which prevent you from getting a good night’s sleep. The right room temperature also induces sleep, experiment with different temperatures to find the right one for you. You could also use aromatherapy to relax your mind. Sleeping adequately will not only help you streamline your sleep cycle but brings some long-term impacts on your emotional and mental well-being too. In the long run, you will feel accomplished and motivated to cope with your daily challenges. It also helps build a strong, calm mind that is able to uplift you in all aspects of life. Try these tips and let us know how useful they were for you. Happy Sleeping!

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


at a time when breastfeeding mums couldn’t have more on their plates, medela helps give a little more comfort and ease!

This year has brought more challenges than ever – and perhaps even more so for breastfeeding mums. Whether you’re managing breastfeeding in isolation with a newborn baby – first time or with other kids at home, or juggling full-time or part-time work in a world where things change daily – mums have more on our plates than ever. It’s why Medela continues to support its reputation as Australia’s leading breast pump innovator, launching two new products on 2 November 2020, making life just that little bit more comfortable and easier for breastfeeding mums and their families. As one of the leading choices of breast pumps for millions of mums globally, Medela’s Harmony™ manual breast pump has got even better, now fitted with the research-based, state-of-the art PersonalFit Flex™ breast shield, giving mums more comfort and milk 5 . Launching at the same time is Medela’s enhanced Purelan™ cream with 100 percent ethically sourced lanolin, giving mums fast relief1-4 for sore nipples, that’s safe for bub and the environment. 76

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Medela’s Harmony™ manual breast pump gives more comfort and flexibility for mums Harmony™ is a single manual breast pump, perfect for mums who express occasionally and need a lightweight travel companion. It’s the latest to join the complete Medela Flex™ family range, including Medela’s Freestyle Flex™, Swing Maxi Flex™, and Swing Flex™. Now whether mums prefer manual or electric, all Medela Flex™ breast pumps will be adjustable to fit each mums’ natural breast shape. All pumps are more comfortable, easy to use and give up to 11 percent more milk for baby5. The new Harmony™ hand pump was developed after global research revealed mums wanted more comfort, more milk and better value for money. “Harmony’s been the number one choice of millions of mums globally - loved for being a light-weight, on-thego hand pump that’s convenient and efficient,” Medela Marketing Manager Margarita Magdalinos said. “And now, thanks to research and work from scientists in partnership with mums, we’ve been able to evolve it to be even more comfortable, and efficient than ever. “Whether you prefer manual or electric – we’re delighted to give mums more comfort to fit in with their lifestyle, expressing needs and pockets. It can be used as a backup to your electric pump, or for occasional use if you normally breastfeed your baby. NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


“For mums who pump more frequently, a double electric pump like the Swing Maxi Flex™ or Freestyle Flex™ may work better for their needs.” All Flex™ products have been designed based on nearly 60 years of expert research and experience working with breastfeeding mothers worldwide. They all use Medela’s 2-Phase Expression technology, mimicking your baby’s natural suckling rhythm and are fitted with the PersonalFit Flex™ breast shield - with a 105-degree opening angle, soft rim and oval shape for a better fit. The PersonalFit Flex™ breast shield puts less pressure on your milk ducts than traditional breast shields, and is clinically proven to give more comfort for mum, and more milk for baby.5 “Breasts come in all shapes and sizes and they’re as unique as the personalities and lives of women themselves – so we’re delighted to continue to evolve all our products and give mums support for their breastfeeding experiences.” The new Harmony™ breast pump starts at $69.95, and is available from leading online and offline baby specialty retailers, grocery, department stores and pharmacies.

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


Medela’s Purelan™ gives mums fast relief1-4 for sore nipples, that’s safe for bub and the environment Medela’s improved Purelan™ Lanolin cream gives safe, ethical and soothing relief for mums, 100 percent natural, single-ingredient pure lanolin (wool wax). With Australian buyers wanting products supporting animals and the environment6 - Medela’s new Purelan™ uses a fully traceable supply chain, sourced from mulesing-free farms. It contains no artificial additives or preservatives, is hypoallergenic, suitable for sensitive skin and it doesn’t need to be removed before breastfeeding your baby. It’s dermatologically tested and to the highest safety standards, including the European Pharmacopoeia and United States Pharmacopoeia standards. “In the first few days and weeks of frequent breastfeeding, many women may experience nipple soreness and dry skin,” Medela Marketing Manager Margarita Magdalinos said. “Purelan™ Lanolin cream’s rich texture creates a protective layer on the skin’s surface, helping to soothe sore nipples and dry skin. “The Purelan™ Lanolin cream is so safe, mums can even use it on their baby’s skin,” Margarita said. Available in two pack sizes: 7g handy for your handbag retails at $9.95 and a value 37g pack perfect for home or nappy bag use at $19.95. 80

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


Written by Feba Maryann

Linguistic development in toddlers vary considerably, even within the same family. However, you need to look out for certain milestones that need to be hit within a certain age group. What Is A Language Delay? Normally, children follow a natural progression of acquiring a language, even if it’s not explicitly taught to them. They pick it up when they are exposed to language and social interaction. A speech delay happens when the child’s development progresses at a slower rate than other children of the same age. The child might not be able to comprehend or use a language. Environmental and genetic influences can affect language development. Here are some difficulties that are faced by children with linguistic delays: • Unable to form sentences • Not able to understand words or sentences • Learning new words • Can’t answer questions • Low attention spam • Poor memory • Difficulties interacting with other kids their age • Unable to express themselves through language • Incorrect grammar • Difficulty in understanding what’s being said to them • Uses actions and sounds instead of speech to get their message across Speech Development Over Time Even if children develop at their own rates, here’s a 84

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typical pattern of speech development: 1 - 3 months: Cries 4 - 6 months: laughs, squeals, sighs, grunts 6 - 9 months: Imitates sounds, starts syllables 12 months: First words, uses gestures and sounds to express what they want 18 months - 2 years: Vocabulary of 50 words, combines two or more words together, understands simple questions and instructions By two years, children start showing evident sings of language delay. Many kids will catch up as they get older, but some will still have the same difficulties. 2 – 3 years: Your child will be able to combine longer sentences. They will also comprehend longer questions and instructions. They can identify common pictures and objects and use pronouns. Your child will also begin to start asking questions. 4 – 5 years: Abstract and complex conversations 5 years: By this time, children usually have a vocabulary of 2500 words. They will be able to talk in structured, NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


grammatically correct sentences. What’s The Difference Between Speech Disorders, Developmental Language Disorders And Language Delays? These three terms are commonly mistaken for the same thing, that’s why it’s important for you to understand the difference between them. If a child suffers from a speech disorder, they will find it challenging to pronounce the sounds in words. This makes it hard for us to understand what they are trying to express. Children with a speech disorder can form and understand sentences but will have difficulty in pronouncing words. A language delay might be a sign of a developmental language disorder. These children will have difficulty speaking or understanding other people. Children raised in bilingual families might progress at a slower rate compared to other kids their age. This shouldn’t be classified as a language delay. Where Do You Get Help? If you’re concerned about your child’s language development, you need to get help right away. If you feel like your child isn’t able to understand or use language, consider visiting a speech pathologist. They can use language tests to analyse how your child responds to questions or commands and uses words. If you feel like your child might have trouble hearing, 86

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consult an audiologist to get your child’s ears checked. A hearing impairment could also affect your child’s communication skills. You could also talk to your kid’s teachers, a family health nurse or your doctor if you’re still worried. Management Strategies Language Delays




If your child gets diagnosed with a speech disorder, your doctor might refer group programs that build language skills. You can also adopt certain strategies to help your child communicate. Give your child time to initiate a conversation. Always encourage the efforts they take to convey their feelings and wishes. Here are a few ideas you could implement: • Use simple language while you interact with your child • Use activities to motivate your child to learn • Build a personalised plan with language goals to boost your child’s language development. • Expose your child to diverse surroundings • Use visuals like picture books to supplement auditory learning • You could also use speech therapy to support your child with language delays In some cases, delay in language skills can be indicators of development disorders like ASD, hearing impairments or intellectual disabilities. If your doctor doesn’t take your concerns seriously, you just need to trust your gut instinct and get a second opinion. After all, you know your child better than anybody else. NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110



NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

T O Y r e v i e w s



4/5 The F i x & L e a r n Ca r Ca r r ier is a n interactive car carrier that recognis e s d i f f e r e nt a cce ss o r i e s w h en t h ey ar e a d d ed to this cute car friend. Through guid e d p l ay t he ca r r ier w i l l a s k yo u r lit t le o n e t o add accessories to build the car in a v ar i e t y of co o l d e s i g n s . A d d in g t h e ac c es s o r ies will trigger awesome sounds and phr ase s. Pl ac e the ca r o n th e c a r c a r r ier t o h ear the vehicles talk to each other. Press t he l i ght up but t o n s to e x p lo r e t h e c a r c ar r ier , car, road safety and colours. Even f ind ac c e ssor i e s to bui l d a n d c u s t o m is e c o o l c a r s in Challenge Mode. Get ready to car- sto m i se !

Our Ve r d i ct – Whether you have a futu re mec h a n ic on y ou r h a n d s or a lit t le on e wh o l o v es truc ks o r th e ch ance to tink e r and b u ild , t h is c a r c a rrier is t h e p erf ec t st a rt . Wh a t m a k es this c a r ca r r i e r e ve n more fun is th e op p ort u n it y f or b ot h ima gin a t iv e a n d i n ter a c ti v e guid e d p l a y . T h e y can tak e the le ad wit h h ow t h ey wa n t t o p la y a n d b u ild o r l et th e to y ta lk t h e m t h r o u g h how to do it, e ither wa y t h ey ’ll h a v e fu n ru n n in g t h eir own “ wo r k s h o p ” o r “c a r / t r u ck i n g company” . It’ s the perf ec t st a rt er t oy f or lit t le on es st ill fin d i n g th ei r f eet o r e ven th o s e b i gger k ids look ing for somet h in g a lit t le d ifferen t t o z oom a rou n d wi th . I t’ s b right , i t’s f u n a nd of cours e it mak es p len t y of n oise t oo – a lwa y s a win n er wi th th e k i d s ! !

Ava i l a bl e fro m: B i g W a n d good toy stor es and online r etailers w w w . v t e ch . co m. a u


NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110



5/5 The p e r f e c t w a t c h fo r kid s , t h e K idizoom Smartwatch DX 2 lets children ta k e p i c t ur e s, vide o s , p l a y g a mes , t ell t im e an d more – in an eye- catching red with sty l i sh uni c or n de sig n . T h i s d u r a b le s ma r t w at c h includes 5 5 digital and analogue custom i sab l e wat c h f a ce s to h e l p k id s lea r n t o t ell t im e. It also features two cameras that allo w y our c hi l d t o ca p tu r e e v e ryt h in g fr o m a c t io n videos to self ies that can be customise d i n t he S i l l y Y o ur s e l f a p p a nd m a d e in t o even more watch faces. There’s a fantastic assor t m e nt of ne w g a m e s i n c lu d in g Mo n s t er Ca t cher, which uses the camera and augme nt e d r e al i t y t o he l p k i d s f i n d a n d c a p t u r e mo n sters in the real world. Kids can also use t he wat c h’ s mo t ion s e n s o r fo r a c t ive p la y c h a llenges or to track steps. Using the incl ud e d Mi c r oU SB c a b l e , u p l o a d p h o t o s an d vid eos as well as recharge the battery. The Ki d i z oom S m a r t w a tc h DX2 is a g r ea t m u lt ifu nction watch like Mum and Dad’s, desig ne d j ust f or k ids!

Our v e r d i ct – Watche s for k ids tod a y a re d ef in it ely more h igh t ec h c omp a r ed to wh en I w a s g r o w i n g u p and learning how t o t ell t h e t ime. A b a sic a n a logu e wa t c h wi th v er y lit t le d e co r a ti o n is w hat I had and b eliev e it or n ot I wa s p ret t y h a p p y wi th j u s t th a t. T h e se d a y s , i t ’s a different s tory. Wa t c h es a re for more t h a n ju st t h e t ime . Wh i l e th ey m ake l e a r n i n g t he time fun, they al so c ome p a c ked wit h a my ria d of ga me s f o r k i d s to e n jo y. Wi t h m y younges t daughte r (5) slowly ga in in g a n u n d erst a n d in g of ti m e a n d h o w it a ll wo r k s , I ’m look ing to introduce t h is wa t c h slowly b u t I kn ow wh a t ’s goi n g to g et h er at t e nt i o n f i r s t a nd that’ s definite ly t h e ga mes, h a h a ! Th e u n ic orn s a re a lway s a n a d d ed b o nus , e s p e ci a l l y w ith my girls w ho a re ma ssiv e f a n s of u n ic orn s a n d ra in b o ws . L et’ s s ee if it he l p s h e r w i th le arning the time or if sh e b ec omes more in t erest ed in t he g a m es , j u s t like he r o l d e r s i s te r! B i g W, T a rg e t , JB Hi F i a n d Ta rget. w w w . v t e ch . co m . a u


NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110



Social media needs your attention today more than ever before. Raising a generation dominated by apps like Instagram and Snapchat can get pretty intimidating. Social media has a lot of benefits; however, it also contains many risks that cannot be overlooked. With limited experience in the “real world”, we can’t rely on our kids to make well-informed decisions while posting something on a site, which can lead to problems. It’s vital to have a discussion with your kids to help them understand the importance of using social media with discretion. Here are a few ways social media can actually help your child: Create A Social Network At its core, social media has been about connecting people and strengthening relationships. Your child’s social network can increase tremendously by interacting with peers, advisors, role models as well as other experts online. This helps your kid to stay connected with family and friends. Social media helps introverts to overcome anxiety and gain confidence to explore all what the world has to offer. It helps them build familiarity with kids their age without feeling anxious. A virtual interaction helps them practice social skills with a relative distance.

An Ideal Platform Social media offers your child the chance to talk about just what they learn and what they would like to learn about. They will have better chances to interact with like-minded individuals. It can serve as an aid to their countless assignments and research. 96

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

Social media keeps them updated on the latest news which helps them understand what’s happening around the world. Sometimes, it can also help them voice their opinions about things they strongly believe in. It also serves as an artistic platform for your kid to share ideas, music and art. Social media has the ability to make your kid smarter, it improves cognitive abilities, critical thinking and memory. Boosts Morale Research has shown that video games that require social interaction encourage better behaviour and moral understanding between children. Kids learn to be empathetic, even if its on a virtual platform. Social media also serves as an outlet for stress, disappointment and frustration. It helps them to get temporary relief from real world problems. Risks of Using Social Media Becoming Addicted To Social Media All the likes, tweets, images, emails, etc. can be daunting for children. As mentioned above, children will benefit in many ways from social networking sites, particularly in the aspect of socialisation. While on the other side, a constant online presence eventually lead to sleep loss, which can cause medical and emotional complications. They might rely on their influence on social media as their identity. If your kids spend most of their time online, they are likely to ignore other duties at home NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


or school. This often gives them limited time for the required and valuable face-to-face experiences with everyone. The Burden Of Similarities With Idealised Depictions Of Others Given the fact that there is a vast amount of material available online about health as well as other topics, there is a drawback. Many of what kids can see on social networks is a measured and idealised representation someone is attempting to portray. Most people don’t share images of themselves on social media when they’re sad or upset. You generally only see beautiful times, like, celebrating a party, or watching a movie with dozens of friends, that seems to say they have an idea, worry-free living. When kids see the idealised life somebody else, they post on social media happens to be resulting, they could perhaps feel like losers. The Threat Of Impulsiveness And Online Bullying Inappropriate use of social networks and lack of caution in online communications can contribute to patterns of behaviour that are not typically component of living in the digital realm. Anonymity is a double-edged sword. On the one extreme, this could help kids conquer shyness and social phobia, but it could also trigger unwanted responses, such as offensive or violent online activity, and possibly contribute to online harassment. Harassment or cyberbullying share some things in common, such as violence, power disparity, and the persistence of this kind of action. It is important that you’re aware of your child’s social media presence. However, helicoptering over their accounts makes you lose your child’s trust. Make sure your child knows that you respect their privacy, and all you want to do is keep them safe.


NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

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what you need to do to become a great dad Written by Lance Green

According to recent research, children who are positively involved with their dads perform better in school, exhibit better mental wellbeing, lower crime rates and ultimately attain higher levels of happiness. Spending time with your kids is vital to your child’s development and growth. With the average screen-time increasing, people find it difficult to spare time for family. Many dads are reluctant to spend time with their kids because of the generation gap and their inability to relate to the trends of the current generation. As a result, they miss out on the opportunity to bond and establish emotional intimacy with their children. 102

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You need to be able to put your child in front of you, be a positive role model and protect your child from harm, at the same time allow them to make mistakes and learn from them. The key word here is education. Children tend to observe and learn; being a good example for them to learn from is highly effective. They imitate your  behaviour, sometimes even the characteristics you aren’t really proud of. So, get to know yourself and how perceive you as your children learn from you directly or indirectly. Your kids need to be taught what is right and what is wrong, and see their father demonstrate this daily. The environment in which you grew up will affect how you take on your role as a father. Some parents bring in emotional baggage from the past and try to parent using the same methodology. Having a tough childhood is hard, but inflicting that on your children only repeats the cycle. Make a difference by giving your child the emotional support you never had. This helps you to overcome the hurt from your childhood and leave it all behind.

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Keeping unreasonable expectations on your child can also keep you distant from your child. A kid should be able to enjoy their childhood, free from academic stress and unrealistic expectations. As an adult, your child should remember you as a doting dad who was always there when they needed you. Burdening them with dreams that you couldn’t accomplish keeps them away. Help your child understand your desires and assess their strengths and set achievable goals. Talk to them about their interests and their aspirations in life. Allow them to explore the world the way they want to. Encourage them to do their best but avoid getting angry when they don’t perform as expected. The thinking that the dad only needs to provide the family with financial security is an age-old perception that needs to be changed. Both parents need to be involved in their child’s development. A father should be able to give his children love and warmth. Don’t be afraid to tell your child you love them and how proud you are of them. Show your love through action and words, never withhold it. Consider your roles and responsibilities as a father. Ask yourself which ones mean the


NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

most and follow them to the best of your ability. Being a good father is one of the most important and difficult things you can do! Spend each day listening and talking with your children. If you need help, check the community for resources, including upbringing classes. It can be helpful to talk and spend time with other dad and talk about the issues you face. If you don’t have a good relationship with your dad, try talking to someone, perhaps a counsellor or family member before your baby arrives so that it does not interfere with your relationship with your child. Remember, you do not have to deal with every part of paternity at once. In the early years, a lot of upbringing involves mastering skills and practice taught in birth classes. You can’t perfect it at one go, it takes time and effort. For instance: when you decided to marry your wife, were you sure you would turn out to be the ideal husband? Probably not. You learnt with innumerable fights and arguments to along the way with your wife. Don’t stress yourself about being a perfect dad, don’t be scared of messing it up, nobody was a pro in the beginning.

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No matter what, it’s an obvious fact that humans need a strong network of friends to rely on; whether it’s to share success, seek help or simply have fun! If you reminisce back to your pre-baby days, maintaining a social circle must have felt ten times easier. Having a baby changes the dynamics of your friendships, it becomes harder to accommodate time for friends and make the same plans you made before you had children. Many people lose contact with friends while balancing a jam-packed schedule that keeps them on their toes 24/7. The importance of having friends to rely on is often undermined. You need to have a support system to fall back during difficult times. Here is why you should start paying more attention to your social life: 1. They Mirror Your Actions People often get indulged in their family lives that they often forget about their individual selves. They invest themselves in their children’s lives and forget about their well-being. When you make a mistake, you need people to point that out to you. Friends act as reflecting mirrors; they help you make positive lifestyle changes. 108

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They might not give you solutions to all your problems, but they will surely reflect your actions, which will further help you analyse your deeds. 2. They Protect Your Vulnerable Side  Every human, however physically and mentally strong, has a weak side. Sometimes, only your friends know about this side and can act as a shield of protection. Your partner may not necessarily understand your weakness and would unintentionally hurt you furthermore. Having a close friend who understands your downfalls and stands with you despite it becomes essential when you feel like your partner can’t. 3. They Encourage You You can’t always rely on your partner for constant encouragement and emotional support. There will be moments when you will feel low and your partner will not be available to support you. It could be an argument with your family, a presentation at the office, your kids’ first school meeting, etc. During such days, you might feel nervous or lost. This is when your friend’s encouragement comes to the rescue. They will help you realise your true NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


potential and motivate you. 4. They Often Prevent Things From Turning The Wrong Way  Just like the way they regulate your actions, they also highlight the outcomes frequently. Friends will show you the future of the decisions you take, which helps you from taking rash decisions. 5. They Will Give You The Right Advice It’s impossible for two people to live together 24×7 without a difference in opinion. Couples face arguments almost every day and sometimes over the most trivial matters. The problem worsens when they bottle up their emotions and avoid opening up to prevent further arguments. This communication-gap leads to unresolved problems that can worsen with time. This is when consulting and sharing opinions with a supportive friend becomes necessary. They will give the right advice to help you get your marriage back on track. This motivates you and helps you believe that you can get things back to normal.


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6. They Will Help You Pursue Your Interests  Your spouse and other family members, may fail to understand your interests and passion. They may not be able to relate your interests which might make you feel like they don’t give you the support you need to pursue it. Your closest friend is a companion who has stayed with you throughout your life, he/she might be the only person who knows the importance of certain activities. They give you the motivation and support you need to pursue your interests. 7. They Will Listen To You Sometimes, it might feel like your partner never understands your viewpoint and feelings. Not having anybody to share this with can get pretty frustrating. You need to have a friend who listens to you without judging or dragging their opinions in between. There are plenty of instances when you rely on your close friends for support and advice. These friends can help you out of hiccups in your relationship and listen to your constant rants about your husband (and maybe your children). They could even save a relationship from drifting apart. NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110



I’ve never been what you would call a girly girl. I did play with Barbie, dolls and tea sets growing up but I also loved Matchbox cars, Tonka trucks and building Lego, the latter still a big favourite of mine to this day! I rarely wear make-up or high heels; my hair is usually up in a messy bun or ponytail and I prefer the comfort of shorts or pants to skirts and dresses. I’ve been known to use a hammer/drill/screwdriver, dig a hole or trench and even mow the lawn, which many ladies out there are more than capable of doing! I have occasional girly moments, but otherwise I’m pretty casual and laidback about particular aspects of life. I wouldn’t go down the path of calling me a tomboy, but I’m certainly no princess either.

So imagine my life now with two girls in tow. When I became a mum for the first time in 2013, I was pretty excited to discover I had a little girl. Yep, I didn’t find out my baby’s gender until I gave birth (both times!). Part of me was terrified I’d have a boy and wouldn’t have a clue what to do. Although deep down I’d say I would have worked it out, haha! My first girl is what I would call my princess child. Her little sister is a bit more rough and tumble, just like her Mumma! In some ways they are the complete opposite of each other and in other ways, they are so similar it drives me crazy! They get along really well for 5 minutes and then one decides it’s time to pick on the other and the fun abruptly ends. And when these two take each other on, they can swing big and hit hard. Well, mostly from my youngest daughter while her big sister plays victim. If she didn’t antagonise her in the first place….we all know how this story goes! I don’t play favourites…. much. Like all parents I have my moments where I tolerate one child a little better over the other. Okay, I’m kidding. A little bit. I love my girls

both equally, there is no question over that. But sometimes, I do like one just a little bit better than the other. You know when one child actually listens to you for a change. Not just “yes mum” and continues to stare at the television/ book/toy, but takes notice of what comes out of your mouth. They seem to take it in turns, so I guess I get to share out the favouritism…I mean niceness…equally. If anyone ever says at least girls aren’t smelly like boys, think again! They can let off gas from both ends like the best of them. Of course I do encourage it a little bit because it is funny. But there is also a reminder of a time and a place and we definitely keep that kind of behaviour for home! While I know there will be some pretty dramatic changes as they grow (especially the teenage years – save me now!) I’m going to make the most of the “fun” they give me now, I know it’s not going to be around forever. You have to take the wins while you can right?!

get ready for school on weekdays. She will also throw the biggest tantrums for no reason, give me so much attitude for no reason and ignore me, yep you guessed it for no reason! Her little sister gives me the hugs I need at just the right time, will set the dinner table and empty rubbish bins and just knows when to calm Mummy down after her big sister infuriates me. But then the little terror refuses to help tidy up toys, takes forever to get ready in the mornings and can be cheeky and rude for absolutely no reason at all. Insert dramatic sigh right here. That could be for me or my eldest daughter, haha! Either way she’s pretty good at it!

If you’re enjoying my tongue in cheek take on parenting (especially with girls!), head on over to my blog at www.shereekim. com and have a few more laughs, probably at my expense! Until next time… don’t forget to check in on your friends with strong willed daughters…ahem kids (thanks Facebook memes)…they may need some uplifting, or maybe They have moments just a good strong drink!! of brilliance. My eldest We can do this…I think, I daughter will clean up hope, haha!! toys when asked, put rubbish in the bin and NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110



NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

fashion NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110




BABY Dymples Baby Metallic Striped Dress $25.00 Dymples Baby Flower Ballet Flats $8.00


GIRLS The 1964 Denim Company Girls Lace Trim Shortall $22.00 Grosby Girls Sandals $25.00

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


UNDER $60 BABY Metallic Woven Dress $59.95 Broderie Pre Walker $34.95

UNDER $70 GIRL Button Through Jumpsuit $69.95 Plaited Sandal $49.95


NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


BABY Gucci x Angela Lynne Embroidered Organza Dress $1130.00 Little Mary Leather Babies - Lise $138.00


GIRLS Bonpoint Shimmering Jacquard Party Dress $1090.00 Bonpoint Sequined Leather Babies Ella $300.00

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110




BABY Dymples Baby Shirt & Short Set $30.00 Dymples Baby Casual Tab Shoes $10.00


BOY Brilliant Basics Boys Cool Tiger Tee $2.50 K-D Boys Plain Microfibre Short $4.50 Grosby Boys Caged Sandals $25.00

NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


UNDER $50 BABY Unisex Textured Overall $49.95 Elastic Sandal $44.95

UNDER $50 BOYS Organically Grown Cotton Leopard T-Shirt $29.95 Drawcord Linen Short $44.95 Mesh Boat Shoe $49.95


NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110


BABY Gucci Embroidered Polo $320.00 Gucci X Angela Lynne - Shorts With Braces $575.00 Pom Dapi Suede Leather Sandals Poppy Daddy $152.00

SPLURGE BOYS Gucci Mini Me Logo Polo $300.00 Gucci X Angela Lynne - Striped Bermudas $225.00 Gucci Mini Me Leather Sneakers $495.00

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NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

recipes sourced from:

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drain both cans of berries, keeping aside Âź cup raspberry syrup.


heat over a low setting for 3 minutes, until the berries are warmed through. set aside.


cut each slice of bread in half, diagonally. lightly whisk eggs in a bowl. with 125 grams of yoghurt, sugar and cinnamon, pour mixture into a shallow dish.


melt the margarine in a frypan over a medium heat. dip four pieces of bread into egg mixture, coating both sides well, allowing any excess egg to drip off. place bread in frypan. cook for 1-2 minutes on each side, until golden brown. remove onto a plate and keep warm. repeat with remaining bread and egg mixture. to serve, arrange four pieces of toast on to serving plates. top with warmed berries, drizzle remaining 125 grams yoghurt over berries and arrange banana and kiwi fruit on the top or side of toast as desired.


NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

prep and cooking time: 25 mins serves: 4 INGREDIENTS 425g blueberries 435g raspberries 8 slices wholemeal bread 3 eggs 250g low-fat natural yoghurt 5g sugar 5g cinnamon reduced-fat 25g polyunsaturated margarine 2 sliced bananas peeled and sliced kiwi 2 fruit

Quick & Easy

Muesli - Bircher INSTRUCTIONS 1

Combine the oats, orange juice, both yoghurts and honey. Cover and set aside in the refrigerator for 2 hours or overnight.


Add the fruit and almonds and serve.

prep and cooking time: 10 mins serves: 6 INGREDIENTS 2 cup rolled oats 2/3 cup orange juice apricot-flavoured 1 cup reduced fat yoghurt 1 cup reduced fat yoghurt 2 tbsp honey 1 cup 1 cup sultanas 1/2 cup slivered almonds (try a mixture of 1 cup bananas, apples and berries) sliced fruit

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NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

Tuna & Vegetable Rissoles prep & cook time: 30 mins serves: 30 INSTRUCTIONS 1

steam potatoes until tender. drain.


process potatoes with 1 tablespoon of oil in a food processor for 15 seconds or until smooth. remove from food processor.


process onion and tuna in food processor for 10 seconds.


combine potatoes, tuna and onion in a large bowl.


add zucchini, carrot, parmesan cheese and wholemeal flour. mix until all ingredients are combined.


beat the eggs with a fork and add to mixture.


heat oil in large non-stick frying pan over medium heat. spoon tablespoons of the potato mix into frying pan and cook until golden brown on both sides.

INGREDIENTS 400g peeled and diced potatoes 1 cup grated zucchini 1 cup grated carrot white peeled and finely 1 chopped onion 425g drained can tuna in brine 1/2 cup 2/3 cup 2 4 tbsp

grated parmesan cheese wholemeal flour eggs olive oil

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NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

Cheesy Brussels Sprouts prep & cook time: 30 mins serves: 4 INSTRUCTIONS 1

cook brussels sprouts in boiling water until soft. drain and place in a casserole dish.


cover with tomatoes and chives. sprinkle with nutmeg and lightly cover with yoghurt.


sprinkle with grated cheese and slivered almonds and bake in moderate oven (180°c) for 20 to 30 minutes or until browned.

INGREDIENTS 500g brussels sprout 4 tomatoes, chopped chives or spring 2 tbsp onions, chopped pinch nutmeg 1 cup reduced fat yoghurt 1/4 cup slivered almonds grated reduced fat 1/2 cup cheese

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pound the onion in a mortar and pestle with water until quite smooth. squeeze the onion through a clean piece of muslin or chux to extract 10 mls of onion juice. discard the pulp and extra juice.


combine the onion juice, garlic, poppy seeds, all the spices, ginger, yoghurt and lamb. mix well. cover and refrigerate for 30 minutes.


soak two skewers in water for 15 minutes, drain. thread 3-4 pieces of lamb on to the skewer.


line a grill plate with foil and place the skewers of lamb on the plate. cook the skewers under medium heat, basting regularly with the margarine for about 7 minutes, turning often.


when cooked, squeeze the lemon juice over skewers. serve.


NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

prep & cook time: 70 mins serves: 2 INGREDIENTS 1 large onion, finely chopped 1 clove garlic, finely chopped 10ml water 5g poppy seeds 5g ground coriander 5ml lemon juice 5g ground turmeric 10ml reduced-fat natural yoghurt 125g lean lamb, diced reduced-fat polyunsaturated 10g margarine, melted 3g fresh ginger, grated 4 skewers

Beef Satay Patties

prep & cook time: 25 mins serves: 20-25


INGREDIENTS 200g lean beef mince 1 tsp cornflour (gluten free) 2 tsp mirin (optional) 1/2 tsp sesame oil salt reduced soy sauce or Tamari 1 tbsp (gluten free) 1 clove garlic, crushed 1 tsp ginger, grated 1/4 cup smooth peanut butter


combine all ingredients in a large bowl. mix well.


place teaspoons of meat mixture onto an oiled baking tray.


cover tray with a sheet of aluminium foil.


bake at 180° c for 15 minutes. serve hot.

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NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

Sweet Ricotta Cream prep time: 5 mins serves: 4


beat all ingredients until very smooth.


chill until ready to serve.

INGREDIENTS 250g ricotta cheese 1 tbsp honey brandy (or use 1 tbsp orange juice)

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NOVEMBER 2020 | My Child Magazine Issue #110

Fruit Kebabs With Vanilla Yoghurt prep : 10 mins serves: 8


peel then slice each banana into eight.


wash and hull the strawberries, peel and slice each kiwi into four wedges, peel and separate mandarin into six segments. drain can of pineapple pieces.


thread a piece of banana, strawberry, mandarin, pineapple and kiwi on to the skewers until all fruit is used. serve with low-fat vanilla yoghurt.


bananas punnet strawberries kiwi fruit mandarins in natural juices, drained 200g can of pineapple pieces 220g low-fat vanilla yoghurt soaked in water for a few 8 minutes to soften bamboo skewers

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