3 minute read

President’s Message: Forging Ahead by Rosemary Ames




t is hard to believe that, as we round the corner into spring, we find ourselves facing the same questions (and no easy answers) that we wrestled with last year regarding whether or not to proceed with the convention! It reminds me of the movie, “Groundhog Day”, where the same day plays over and over. The past year has been a challenge for all of us, but I choose to believe that we have come through the year stronger, maybe even smarter, than we were before.

After surveying our members, it became clear that few of us are quite ready to jump on those airplanes and fly off to Dallas for an in-person convention this July. Having a convention with no attendees does not sound very enticing. So once again, we have negotiated with the hotel in Grapevine, Texas, and rescheduled our in-person convention until July 19–22, 2023. (Notice it really will be 2023!)

In the meantime, we have something exciting in the planning stages — the first all-virtual Mu Phi Epsilon convention, this coming summer, July 21–24, 2021. Yes, mark that on your calendar right now and plan to join us and fellow Mu Phi’s across the country, as we virtually come together to celebrate our music and friendships. By now, many of you may have attended virtual conferences and most surely virtual meetings. We are working to plan and execute a fabulous virtual event full of the usual convention music, presentations, workshops, and business and know you will not want to miss a single minute.

This past year has held so many surprises for me. We were all worried a year ago about how Mu Phi could continue without our members being together in person. How would our collegiate chapters rush? How would they hold meetings? How would they perform rituals if they were not together? It has been amazing to see that we need not have worried at all. What creative and energetic collegiates we have! Collegiates have continued to rush, train, and initiate new members at a staggering rate. As the rituals were updated to include virtual options, we have discovered that ceremonies can be performed with reverence and meaning and be special Mu Phi moments for all. I have been especially impressed by virtual rush week activities! What creativity. More and more of our collegiate chapters post their successes on social media, and it is a joy to read and share their triumphs.

Alumni chapters have been amazing as well, continuing to teach, perform, and present wonderful musical concerts that reach much farther than just a local chapter. Alumni members coast to coast can come together with amazing results.

When Haley Stevenson accepted the position of social media director, she had no idea that the pandemic would throw her into the fire! She has helped guide Mu Phi’s social media presence and encouraged us to keep the connection with each other and music. What a jewel she is. Haley will be posting updates regarding the convention and how you can be a part of everything.

As we dive deeper into the planning for our first virtual convention, you will be learning more about how you can participate and join in the business, education and fun. Keep in mind that this is our first time doing this, and we will be learning as we go, so be patient. We are committed to bringing a valuable experience for all members and hope that you will encourage all your members to set aside the dates, from July 21–24, 2021, to be part of the adventure.

As always, remember our common bonds of Music, Friendship, and Harmony, and reach out to fellow members, friends, and family to receive and give support.