4 minute read

Beatrice + Everett



WEDDING DATE: March 4th, 2023


OCCUPATIONS: Owner-Operator & Football Coach; Stylist-Online Boutique Owner

HOW THEY MET: We met through Instagram while we both were living in New York in 2015. Everett was playing football, and I was working in the fashion industry.

It’s interesting because we both attended Florida State a the same time and had mutual friends but never ran into each other. We ended up speaking through dm and set up our first date in the city. The date was literally perfect. So perfect that we found ourselves on a few more before Everett relocated to Tampa to play for another team. At that moment, we decided to slow down as I wanted to explore the city more, and he was getting settled into a new space in his career. But we never stopped communicating, and whenever I would visit my mom in Tampa, we would catch up. Fast forward to 2017; he moved back up north. The flame rekindled, and after a few monthly flights back and forth from NYC to DC…… the rest is history!

PROPOSAL STORY: Bea: I thought we were going to the wedding brunch of our favorite cousins who were getting married the next month. We drove from

Greenville to Atlanta as we were going to have it at our other cousin’s restaurant, “Blaqhaus”. When we arrived, we were greeted at the door with one of my favorite songs playing that Everett had been playing all week. At the time, I thought nothing of it because of course, we both love the song. Then Everett was handed a mic and started thanking everyone for being there. As we come around the corner I see both of our families gathered around. I spot my oldest sister, who loves the comfort of her home more than anything lol, I knew something big was happening. Right after that, I noticed the balloons that read “Bea will you marry me” and my world went silent. I cannot tell you much after that because I was in a pool of happy tears. He got down on one knee, and I said, “OF COURSE!”

Everett: From the planning standpoint, I wanted to pick a location that was midway between South Carolina & Florida because her family is from Tallahassee, so I settled on Atlanta. My cousin, who was about to get married, helped set everything up. I told Bea that we were going to celebrate them, so she had no idea. Once everybody was at Blaqhaus, we made our way over. The whole time she was still clueless as to what was going on; even when she walked in, she didn’t catch on until the music stopped. It was a great day surrounded by family & friends. MUNA-BLING.

Bea: Let me start off by saying…. HE DID SO WELL! I was pleasantly surprised. Everett designed an Emerald cut solitaire diamond ring with a hidden halo finished with a diamond pave band. The funny part about this ring is that I have always said that I am not the halo type of girl. I like to get straight to the point lol. So in true Everett fashion, he added a hidden one because he thought it would be a nice touch and a funny insider for us to giggle about for years to come.

Everett: Proposing had been on my mind for a while. I knew it was time to make it official, so I started planning. When it came to the ring, I couldn’t find an oval as she mentioned earlier in our relationship. So I went with the emerald cut, and she ended up loving it.


Bea: I felt it on the first date after talking about our upbringing and family values. It felt like…. two people from the South in the big apple finding a home in each other.

Everett: With Bea and I, the energy was there from day one. The distance was an issue when we first met, but once we got back close enough to each other, it was like we never skipped a beat. When I moved to DC, and she traveled down from New York, it let me know she was serious about us being together, so after a couple of months. I asked her to be my girl, I couldn’t see myself without her.

DESCRIBE YOUR ENGAGEMENT SESSION. DID YOU HAVE A THEME? Our engagement session was at a beautiful, serene chapel at the top of a hill. We wanted to highlight our wedding colors so we went with full Mauve looks.

WHAT DID YOU DO ON YOUR FIRST DATE? Went to a live-action musical at Webster Hall in NYC. One of the best dates of my life.


Cuddle up on the couch with our son and watch a good show.

HOW HAS WEDDING PLANNING BEEN SO FAR? Pretty smooth up until last week lol. It’s getting real now that we are nearing the 60-day mark.

TELL US WHAT YOU’RE LOOKING FORWARD TO MOST ON THE WEDDING DAY. Bea : I am honestly ready to see my son be the mirror image of his dad in a matching tuxedo! They are literally my world.

Everett : I let her handle most of the planning it’s not really my thing. I’m mostly excited about us standing on the stage and saying I do. We have a beautiful family that’s based on love, I’m happy that the day is finally coming.

Both : Seeing each other as husband and wife for the first time!

Vendor Credits


MUA: Kiss & Makeup by Terica Bruton

HAIR STYLIST: Nautica Charmise of Luxury Microlinks Tapeins Haircare

STYLIST: Bea of Haus Of Belle

SUIT: Gregory’s Boutique