Bull Spec #7 - Sample

Page 14

Letting Go by Damon Shaw In an unprecedented phase-shift On the third of January, Gravity turned to Love. En una revolución radical, El día tres de enero, La gravedad cambió en Amor.

he Earth’s crust kissed the soles of your feet For the last time, and breathed, “You don’t have to stay, you know…” La corteza de la Tierra besó tus pies Por última vez y alentó —No hay que quedarse, sabes… he sea rose in ropy pillars To settle into the crooked arms of the moon, Not through force of Law, But pure attraction. El mar se elevó en columnas viscosas Y se acurrucó en los brazos retorcidos de la luna, No por fuerza de Ley, Sino atracción pura. Tears rolled up my brow. hey soaked the roots of my hair, irst warm, then chill. hey hung trembling, snagged on split ends, hen rose into the joy-torn sky. Lágrimas subían por mi frente. Me empaparon las raíces del cabello, caliente, después frío. Colgaron, temblando, enganchadas en las puntas abiertas, Y subieron al cielo desgarrado.

La Traductora: Cristina Pereiro, doctora en biología (Vigo, 1950). Obra publicada: Omaggio alla poesía spagnola. (Forestiera. Gallo & Calzati EDITORI, Bologna, 2004).

Black holes unclenched their hearts. hey blossomed like daisies. Aeons-old secrets stained the sky in white and gold. Agujeros negros alojaron sus corazones, Florecieron como margaritas. Secretos ancestrales mancharon el cielo de blanco y oro.

The Poet: Damon Shaw has stories in Flash Fiction Online and AE, amongst others, with forthcoming stories in Anywhere But Earth, The Dunesteef Audio Fiction Magazine, and Daily Science Fiction. He wrote this poem for his partner, Angel, who passed away this January. The Spanish translation is his own, with assistance from poet Cris Pereiro.

I let them go To you. Las dejo ir Por ti.


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