Breaking Through look-inside

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Cop)"ighl C> 1011 by Solution T,,, P.... All 'igh...... IT... , i",l!>.ling 'ht 'iSm of "l'foJur'io. of ,hi. book i. whole M In 1"" in .ny form. W; ~"'th Mo"o" $I .. ", Bk>oming'''''' IN ·mo·) 11,11)]33.67361'<>11 ,>«) la,n><l<7700 FAX, 1l 11.3l6.mO ,, in~ion· "<<.<om

1<Il .. ;""., "" .,om Pti""J in tho< Uni:,d S..... of Americ. 161SIU312

lB -I S

libr..y ofCoDg .... C ... k>ging in !\Ibl ~.,ion Dar. B... king 'hrough "f1,cti\~ inst"""';"" 8. .......... .. for "",hing English " " ..... 1 [,J;o,J by] MuS"" C.u<ron.

r. <m. I "cluJ<s bib!k>gta('l,ic.1 "'r.... ""'.. n.! irkl<x.

ISBl>' 918 I 9)6165 36 1 (lur.kov<r with Ju" ja<k<t) 1. lingui>1" mi"",;li", EJI>:.lion Uni"J Sr""'.l. fu>.I,.,ion. Bilin s u.1 Un~,J S"" .. 3. English l.ngUllg' S,uJy and ,,.ching Fo"ign'l'"k'r14. English l.nguag' StuJy .DJ , .. ,hing United Stat.. £>.I",,'ion. I.

C.IJ<,6n. ~ I .ry.ti! • . LC)71LB6S72011

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S<>l. h""T...... "ffrryC. )<><><s. CEO F..lmun.! ~l Mk"m.n. P....


S<>I. ,,,,,, T_ P...... Pt"u."" llougl.s M. RIO. Publoili<" Robert Il Clouse Vic, P.-..u.nt or rro.h:rion : G,,'<ll<n ~ "'11' ~b .. ging P~rio" EJito" C><oline W;'" St.1or P,o.b;Iion &l f o" f.rh,-,uJ L,V)' Proof, ..J<" lioJ. Stifcrt T<XI 0."11""" Amy Sho<k Col'<! De'ig"''' Ria" AnJc""",

Table of Co n tents Ahu u11h. l'AJ i1o , ........ . I n1roJu, 1i'>n .\ la'8",ila (Ald"cn .

CI"'pkr I


We l\<:ed.




Lan •.\ t i M,i lye h i lci,en .l la'8",ilo Cald"cn. Chal'l~'



£If""t,v< Whole·&hool T"""h ing for Engli,h

ua,nero .27

Nobfrlli. Slavin ..... .

R"scarch on F.ngli,h Lea,ne, In'truclion Qaua, GoId'nb,'lI. . . . . ............ 39

Whole·Schooi ApprOlJrhc< to ""ademo< La nguage Proficiency Among Engli sh Lea'ners

1m, um,n,,", ....... .



Educat ing English Lear ncr" An Integrated 1'<"]>O<"ti'" Sa,-"h CApiltlli. La.ra AI",,,:, and Guadalup<" I'uldh. ... ,

C hapkr 6

. 6J

" ....... ". ,89

EiT""t,," Teaching for asand All Student" Vocabulary, R,,,ding, and Writing Within All

Subjects /JIil:ma.\tinaya RQW<". .. .. .. .. . ........ .. . W7

Teaching & io",. With Engl ish Language a nd

Literacy Oklttt Ut . , ........ ,

" .. , ........ ,' .1)9



Lin king Li1e'''''y to Content in Pre",hool Math, Scien«, and Social Sci.",,~ Maria N. Trt~ ...... , " ....... " .145 Common I u<ti"". l A;",,,men t fo , Engli'h Learner" A Whoic·Sch",,1 Eifort JtargoGoI.liw ...... .. .. .. .. .. ... . ... .. . ]67



Re.ponse 10 Int..,.entioo for £ngli.h Lea 'ne,"

,1.1"'",1., 0'].: ..... ... " .. , ... , ........ ,' .185 Chaptc", 11

J..:ad.,..nip Mat t~'" for Lear ni ng Engli.h and J..:arning in Engli.h l;;quir'fiW ...... ,

.. . 207

Chaptc", 12

Bui lJ ing Cornmunihe. of rrocUre in Lmgu"u<ally an.! Culturally School ()i",k .. /la,,,,",,, D. i\co"a.,"a Anmom. and a.",ltnt J/i",,,, ..... , , ... , .... , ... ,' .227


I mpicmenting t h~ Chang< .lta'gtI'i' a <:ald"an and 10.1 GJmt: ..... " .]45

Index . .



. .. ... ... ... ... 263

About the Edi tor

Margarita CalderOn l>!argarila cakl.ron, Pn !), i, prof.,"or emerita .nd .<cn~" «.<c.,cn ",;enUst .. Inc John. Ilor\<in. Uni,Tr.ity School of Educ' lion . H.. « ... «n, " .i ning, . nJ curricu lum Je,..,lopmcnl for lc.ching ' rading ,,,mprehen'ion, and conl. nt knowkdgo to 1.:-12 Ellgli.h Icam<,. h•• b<:<;n ,ul'!'orl",llljIlhc New Yorl; C.",.gi< Corporalion l'oondation, th. U.S. O'I'. of Educat ion, tho u. S. [)op."mcnl of 1.. 00', Ihc N>tion.l 1",I,'Ul" of Health, .nd ,h. Ta .. Ed"" .. ion Ag<ocr. Her work n., focu,ed On dfeeti,·c instruction.! prt>c««" lwo·way . nd du. l· language program" teacher learning eommuni,ies, .00 I'mfe"ion.1 d ..'tlol'",.n' for ",hool, wit h I. ·minority I"'l'u l., ,,,o, and ", ",loIcsccn' ",,,,Iors. 'Ihe ,ulhor of m<>IT lhan on. hund red .,'ides, eh'pters, book" a nd teach.r "aining manu . I" D r. C.ld.,6n·, most r."ol pro· k"iolla l boo... rc r."chint R."ding Coml'reMn,iun 10 fntlish Lenrn",. K-S and reuching J/.c"Jing '0 hg{ish f.angllag<' I.earn"" Grad.. I)-{ 2. She . 1'0 d..·.loptd RIGO ~ (Read ing Inmuct ion, l Goo!. for Old., fk>Jcr.), • ,,·ric. of ill"'Wlllion "'SO<Irees k>' old.. .. ud.n" ...... Jing .. p .. lil ..... -SraJ. J 1.,..1•. RIGOR i, bting used in Nc,"' York Cil y, Ilo.Ion, Ilou""n, I"",i •• ill., S;a!l L. ke Cily, and o,hcr m.;Or <ili«.


Dr. Caldcr6n h...1'0 <re.ted and di,«ted her o"' n in lern.lional in<lilute. for .dmini.lralo".I<ach.", and parent; , She is an expe"enced <la',room leacho., bilingual prosram di roetor, prof",_ ,;"".1 deydopment <<>ordlnat"" prot""'" of eJoca,ion.II""Jorsh,p

gradu.te progr.m •. anJ te""h., ,upervi",,_ Born in Juar•• , .\l oxicQ, Dr. C.lJer6n v,a' N"Cated in M"ico and the US, ",«;'iving a SA in English and .\1 A in hnguist,,,, from tM Un~",olly ofT""" a, Fl 1'• ." and her doc,,,,,,,. from Clo re""",!

Cradu.t. S<hool in




~· w,...margarito<.IM,on. o r g

to le.rn mOrC .bout Dr.

Ca lJ<r6n's ..-or k, and <O nt.<1 pd~.olu!ion.lre ... om to book Dr. CalJer6n f"r p,.,(""ionai J<I~lop",enL

In troduction

Margarita Calder6n 110"" Joe. /J'''''kinS 'Ilvc"Sh: tifteli", Insr'"'licn 6- ,\,....<.<",,"1 fer R..."hi"S f.·"SI,,), I..... rnm d iffer from other book. in the upsurge ofbook. "" Engli.h lea,,,,,,, (£l.)! One diffe,e"". i. that th i. book attempt. to look at £l. f,om a la'ge' p""pe<Ii"", it r,oviJ", gu ideline. and ,<cornm.ndation' f"" a ...-ho]~."'hool.pproath to helping EL. ""h«,.., .. ademnlly wh,l. learnmg F.ngli.h.

lho", ,e.:ommondati"". are ba",d "" ernpi,,,al .tudio. thai Ihe '''''t ribute" to this anlhology do«,ibe in I heir ""pe<to,.., ,hap"''', He",-.,..,r, beyond the evidence b.,e, the con"ibut"', discu" the n""d to ma ke. 01"".1 <omm itm. nt to H . _and to all other ,h il · dren ...·ho may be struggling in ou, schooh , They dr . ...· '!leoti"" to peopl. who ha,,, already maJe .u<h a cornmitm.n t ;n ordinary school. and dimk" Ihroughout the Un ited St.t.... nd (".'lnaJ a. l he cornmon trait of .lIlh... school. they h."" no1 gi"'" up hope, ·lh... hoollea'"'" ,on.tanl ty engage tearhe, •. «...,h ..... nd .pe<iali. l. 10 make lhe effort. thai a differe"". in <h IIJ rcn',


'lhe .ugge>Ii"'" in thi' b<>ok ,tern f,om • "" .... l>oJy of ,o""""h, i",,]ud ing field 'tudies, cmrh •• i<ing thai language, lileracy, .nd ,ub· ject mat"-,, a .. learned fa.!.'r ",-hen inlegraled, .",n ;n short period, ofEngli.h a•• "",,,,,J (ESI.) or I'nguage .,10 and bili ngual"". Un I... , .1I1he te",he" in a school . rC..... 11r'''P''red to ,,,.. h th i, ..... y, the learning progre .. of Fl. in thai "hool ...·ill nel chanS'" f, orn lh. "atu, quo. In ,hapler 1, I di«u .. lhe •• 1...·0 ''''''cpU in Jepl h, pro"iding .""mp.... of ongoing stud ie, "" the integral;"" of, li1<'I'acy,




and COI1 lonl, along "'jlh a look al impjcmentalioo .!forlS. "IhiHhapl'" ,.uti"", again.t the u,," of c~r{.;n pracli<e! ,tomming lh. '.'1 f...· decade. 0( thc (...,,"liNh rontury. "'..," kno,,'lrdg< about ho ..· to


eJlKate F,n!(h'h Ieo",er. "''as ba!<'<l mainly on guo",,"ork . I al,o out· I; .... what <"" raSffiU' l""h ... anJ ad mi oi.l ro1ors do col b/:><;Jral ,....'Y 10

'ludy their as. '" thc .. ",!IooI. leade .. take ri.k" study th_ 'i'ko. and C""linue ,,'orking I"",.. ,d their goal •. finding thi. mOst •• ".,rJing, b<>1h for lh.", studenl. anJ them .. ~..,..


In chapler 2, Robert Slav;n

d.""b", effodi,-. ",'hole·",h",,1


' •• ching for IlL._H. me.",. thot good te.ching for is good I_hing f", "1I' tlOIlh. othe, way a,ounJ. anJ h. de"" ,,,,,. four , rca<:h.1I children: (l) '''''''h ,,·cll -organi,.eJ. inte,.. ling I"..""" (21 maximin oppor'u"iti.. for .tudenl' to""", nol ;u" hca " kty con«pI" (3) ",.. imi", ""poriunilio< f<>r Ihtm 10 ,-",. bally de"rib. Iheir current unde"landmp 10 olhe, ,Iuden" and 10 hea, Iheir I""'r' """p"'li,'es and f""db.d, .nd (4) rna. imi,. "Pporiunili'" f<>r ",udenl' 10 " I<am hO,.-IO lca,n" Ihal"" 10 gain melarogn" i,,, ,.ill, 10 he lp them "uJy. rel.m informal ion, and apply nc,,' ,kill, . In chapkr 3, CI.ude Goldenberg <all, allenl,On 10 the facl I hat I here i, r.markably hllie documenling Ihe achi .."menl erf«ts of many of the pra<Ikeo recommended for or used "'l1h £Ls, i:\'en when "'. do h..'c ..'idenee of eff«tivene .., th. impan on "udont learning i. at b..t mod .. t. He .uggem fou, imporlanl pr inciple. th.t can "" ..., as a",or . for de.igning dfcrti"c in"'""tional p<osram. for Hs: (I) eff«I,ve pr;o:lice. and program. for £1. and non -ll' overlap con.iderably: (2) ll. regull" add,tional in"ruction.l .uppor" due 10 language limit.tions: (3) promOling F.ngli.h language prOliciency mu.t be a pri<>rily for El.., and W Fl.' home langu.!!" i,. ,'aluable re",u". Ihal can be u,cd 10 promOle I hei' academ" ><hic ',,",cnt . He ,aulion, against qu kk boo and urge. <omprehen'ive awoades Ihat integrale mult iple components and create a focused and coherenl school"'idc approach 10 imp<o,·ing ..,hi",,,,,,enl for Fl •. T,,' o concepts that havo wilhstood the test of lime .re Jim Cummin" ba,k inlerpersonal <ommunicati," 'k ill, (BICSI and



cogn ili'" "",demi<" language !"ofi,iency (CALI') , In cnapler 4, Jim r.,,'i";lS Iho", ,oncepts and add. "aluable inf",malion , Guadalupe valde. na, gi''''' u. greal in.ighl< for the h~a.t and mind th.ough Ihc )"'I". In chapler S,'M take. hcr ,,,I"able pe"p«_ ,,,-'" inlO a n<>w h",iton ~-i,h Ih~ empirical .tudi.. of hcr colleaSu ... Sarah Cap".11I and laura Ah"'r~', Thoir One·on·one En~(j.h proj«' de",ibe. ho ..· it might look in practice for "hools to mo,.. to".. rd 'M common ,Ore ".ndard., In chap'''' 6, Liliana Minaya-Row" di",u .... a .... y 10 int<glare languag.', and .ubj"'t.• r'" instruction in middle and high «hool. , Hcr detailed d".",pti on of Ihe featu,e. of each componenl i, <oupled with the profe."""al development design, Ihat "hool. ean adapt in ordc' to !"el"'e all "",hcr. in a "hooi to be "",hers of ""adem Ie language ..... diog, and wriling "'hen the .. are inl<Slaw.! into math, ",ien,e. soci.1 studies, or language am. Ol< h"" Lee addre .... the emerging dis<ipli n< oftcaching ",ie",e to H, in ,hap",r 7, She do"ribe. the tYre> of app'oach ... ,uch a. <oIlabor."", "",m"'OIk. that make "iene' intcr",,,ng, .clevant. and comprehen.ible to nO. 1hi. chapter "'ill ",rv< the "' ''",e Nueation commun ily " .. II. a. ne'" ",lenee .tandard. arecurrently boeing developed f'" all'tude"I<, including a •.

·Ihecd"".tion of ns noN.IO .",near ly-in pre",hool: In ,h.pler 8, Maria Trejo Outline.lhc ",,,,ar,h on early learning and Ihc benclilS fo, H, of d",,'loping rich language. malh, ",,,,nce, civies. social .tudie •• and prditomcy . kill, simul"n,> in Engli1lr and ,he primary bng"ag.' , In chapte, 9. • culturally ""pon'i'" educalion persp«hw. Margo Gottlieb issues '" rrounJing com mon in.trucl ional a.",.<men' for EL. a. a wholc·"hool''', She dof,ne. COmmON In;t,.tlw",,1 """""',,.,. di"insu"h .. it f,om ol hcr form. of a«C«· ment. and lays the foundati"" for the u'" of common inst ructional a.",,,ment data 10 <ou ntcrbala"". dal> from h;gh·.take. ""t;ng. r n chapter [0, Alba Orllz .ha,,, Ihc 'ssentlal comronents of ""pon,e to intervention (RTI) ro' fL, and e~plore, "'hat ctf«tj,,,




;nll ruClion 'hooW look like. chapter 11>0 import.nce 0[ .dd r«;;ng _r.tem.Ie",1 ,,,ucs thai '''''tribule 10 'lud~nl railure. Of cou" •. all oflhi. i. not po"ible "'ilhoUllhe commilment of and coot in""", lear nIng by the adull. in a ",hoo!. In chaptcr 11. Elena IzqUIerdo 100.. . 1 '"""0 of the old b<lid.. nJ mylh. that edu· Cal<><1 >Omotlln<'. hold on to lhal ""'" 10 be repiatN, '" thai a ",hoo!

may ". n,form.

£Juc.tion.1 as"""i" and <enlers can become <.1.1)"10 f"r profe"iona llcarning. In CharlC' 11, Barbara Awsla, K ri,lina An'I'om. and Chario,", Rivc, •. re,earch,,, and Ira; ncn f,om the George W•• hing''''' Un"""ily C<nkr for EqUIty and Excellence in Educatio n, .ha re "r"<gi •• a nJ m"'hod. ",hoo" haw .Jop1<'<1 10 creale beU'" ""ning '1"om. for both aJult. and children . In the final chap""

r.,.1 G6mo< and 1 highllgh' key mo"a!!",

from 'he au, hor. and funhor ....,orat. on ["or...ionall""rning, and on ..·hal i. ,equi ,ed for it '0 ha'" an imp"" on t.""h." and 'he;, FJ.~

lh,. chap'.r al>o d i",u,se, n,,,,· anJ ,en,ihle ""Y' of add ressing .ome of.he mo'e comrie>" i"ue, . ha' ha,,, ar isen .round English learne".

19--:;;::;=:::;-;:==-~0 .... Robe rt E. Slavin Robon 510... ,,,,,,'Wd.,,,", of .... C"'_""' u...." ,'j. ,.,,-,_ ...... ,ke ,.".",. '0< ~


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Chapter 2

Effective Whole-School Teaching for English Learners o.

Rober! E, Slavin One ofllle ra,leOl·growing groups" studen" in Norlh Ame';';"n ",hool. " <I"de nts ~'ho are learning to .peak Engli.h , 'rlley rue ""iou. diffic"ilie. in a,hi">i11& Ihe goal ......., CX~I for .11, for thcy mu.t lea,,, "um.racy. ",;cnco, and .",ial 'Iudie. ;u.1 hI:.' olh", 'Iudent<. bUllh<')' musl .Iso ""ome p,06<ien' enough in F.ngli,h "' benefil f,,,,,, .,..dmary F.ngli,h ",,,,,,clion. NOl ,'ory long ago. the d"boa, •• bOul,,,aching Englis), le.m· <n r.vol,,,J p,imarily a round ~'ha' 'hei, language of inSl, u,lion ,hQuld be. Adv""ate, of Ifan,it ional l:>ilingual cdu,a' ion a'gued Ihat children .hould be ,""uShiIO rcad in Iheir noli,.., language and Ifansi,ion.d to Engliu..only in,lfuction gradually. Olhe" a rguod f", ",u<lu red im me"ion •• "",ding 10 "'hieh Fl., "" r. laughl only in Engli ,h. "'ilh appropriale .uppom , Dual · language program. h..... long been popu lar in theorybul difficulllO pUI inlo pro,· lice. PoIiti,ally. a reaction again .. bilingual education has g really reduced Ihc likelihood th., EL. "ill ""ci,,,, much if any n.Ii,,,, Ian· guage in,,,uction. In any ca,e. """,,,,h ha, foond te,,' diffe,en«, in Engli'h oul<om.. for Spani,h.dominant EI.,tauSh, i"'Hally in Spani,h or in Engli.h (Sla" i n •.\1adden, Caldcr6n. Chamberla i n, 8< Hennessy.2011).



!'or ai l lhe"" rca"""" it i. more imporlanllhan C'''' that teache" h.." .olid SI , .logie. 10 help Engli.h learn"" .u«eed in the d.s;· ,OOm , Onee 100aH",d in pa,lS of the United SI.I". EL. a rc no ... fou nd e''''y,,'here in ~orlh America_Teache" i n e""Y lyre of I<hool <a n •• pe<1 to .""ountcr .tuden" "'ho are not fully profi< ienl in EngH.h. and 1hey mu" be ready to help Ihem .u<c""d.

Guod Teac hing lor ELs Is Good Te ac hing for All 'rho topic <>f eff«tl'" """,hing for Engli,h Iea,ner. iHompli<ated by,uch f... lor. a. "udena' home languagt... , 1e",I. <>f Engli.h 1""00' r i<ney. ex"",i"""'" 'nih Engli.h oul"de of I<hooI. and sorial da ..... , For In.,,,, and oU><, ""'''''0.)«,,,,,,.11,,,''0,,, aboul te... hlng FJ .• ""'-'" 10 be wilh <auti",,_Obvil""ly. the child of middle·,Ia ... edurated p'ITcn" " ,ho emigr,led 10 the United SIal'" Or Canada has a wry d ifferent .. "",ienee than a child "'ho"" immigr.nll"ren" are nOllitor.", in thoIT home bnguag<; , imil. rly, • t.",hor "' ith a d." full ofSl"niolt -dominant children f..... a ,halleng< from a """her <>f child,en ,peaking many languages. StudenlS "'ho enter school with lillie or no Engli.h, eithe, .1 p"",hool 0' kindergarten, and th<><e entering "ith lilll< FlIgli.h in the bter g,ad", ha,,, di<ll""l n",>do, and c,'on .ftor Engll'h i<'3rne" do ba,i< Eng l"h, thore i. a long proc ... of solid ifying and e:<tcnding their I<hooll. nguage and learning the school'. ,urrkulum.


For those "'h o ha"e pr ogre .. ed beyond understanding lhe rudim""" of Engl i.h, th" good ne,,', i. Ih.lthe ""Id""" gCMr_ ally find. ,h., eff,,,ti,,, .Ir.logic. for El. •• re broad ly olf"'t i,.., for Engli'h_proficient student> a, ,,·el l. The rc.ult i, lh.l .... hile there ar. ,ommon· .. n .. point> of emph.,i, or .claplation to 1he ne<:J. <>f po,h"ula, group' of chiW,en. I"""h ... <an be rea.onably c""fidenl lhat "'hatevet' they do 10 help Iheir Engli.h lea,,,,,,, ,u.;ceed in cla .. ,oom inSiruction "ill be bcnefi,iallo an of I hei, SludenlS. Tea,her. lh roughoul elem"nla ry .nd ""onclory «hool. Can I""rn .nd apply prown clawoom . nd «hool " r.legies "'ith confidence that thoy ar" bencflting th. EL, a. "..,11 a, olh", Sluden .. (Ch"" ng & ,I,,,in. 2005.2012).







,• o




Should Teacher$ Do?

Teachers <I Engl,," leame" mou ld omu", that thoy do the fol_ l",,' jns in daily in"'UcHo n (Calderon, 2001, Calde.On et al.. 2004 ;

Carlo eI al .. 2004: Cheu ng 8<, 201 2; Slavin. 20121 : • Teach ,,·ell·organ i..,d, in[er.,ung """"" ,

• Mox im izc oppo.-tuniti.. for .tudrnl' to


nol ju.t




• Maximi,. orrOrlUn;,;'. for ",udenl' 10 "",bally de""ibe Iheir '" ".nt under"anding' to other .tudent. and 10 hear Ihci, p<:c'" pe"pc<ti\~, and,k. • Maxim;,,, "f'PO'", unih•• for .,"dents to 'lea rn ho'" to learn' by gaining motacogniti\'C ,kill. tha i he lp rhem .tudy. ,c,ain informalion, .nd kno~' ho~' to .pply nc,,' 'kills.






,• o

LeI'. look .t _h of tn"", in lur n.


Tuc h Well·Organi ,ed, Interesting lessons £ngli'h I"" , n." depend on lh" clarity and "'"Uion of 1.,so n. "wn m,..., than other 'tud~nt '. lh~ n""d to "'" the .trurture of a I,,",on and be w'y dear about .,·h,"e it i. going, ... he,e they are on lh.l polh, and ,,·hat i, bemg .,ked of I hem .




;0 Imagine. for c.. mrk that a leacher i. pre.ontong. "'",On on lhe three br. nche, of the U.S. go,wnment. II i, e.,y f", Eb 10 1;"1 conf"«d if tho ",;,cn.::r "Stag< among the throe branch",. making it und,"r .,·hich i. being di !<u.«d. Pictorial ~ graphi< •• howong each of the bronche, a ,e tl."tv ,nd 0<1'''''"00 li kely to 8"'" EL. menial calegorie. in ..·h"h of 10......'.., " , r, th,n 10 file informati"" (and unfamilia, language). othor "ud ..... Th .... ne.d ~ In .. cad of just "'ying. "lh. ex«"ti '''' branch '0 •• , thO oj • is re.pon.ible for .<><urity. cdu,a ti on. and I...on ,nj b. ."", <I.. , in" m ation.1 .ff.i,,:. toacher Can .ho.,· .b.ut "h... " " 1""1 1'4 pokture. of policemen, .oldi.". ",hoo". and w/lot .. b,,,,, ..",j oj Ih ... . image. of other countries linhd ",ith a 1'c. tu ,. of the White Hou",. SO "uden" Can file the .,·ord, anJ 1'ctu res log<~her in I heir minJ, .

'"-:,,,,-,-,,-,-,,-,'.-,-,,c,-.,h. ",ut""




Teach ... should .1"" '~,bally Of .ymb<>li<ally m.. ~ lransition. from one 10f'iC [0 another, pc, h.p! .aying. "We\" b«:n lalking about lhe kg/dar' .... mm,h, thcCoogrc .. , ... hith the la".....,-:",,- "-0"11


Ieom about the <X<C."W "'a"d., which rna, ,,, ,ure the 1'''-0 a'Ha ,·

ried 00'· On. of I h. mO.t common mi" . . .. " ma ke In workmg ".ith F.ngli'h I"", i, tailing 10 be dea' about .,-a"ly "'hat they

are ••k,ng them to do. U';ng dear, oimple language ."ignmc nto or qU<,>'ion. help' _Toache .. may a t", moJol a good ""pon,. lor >!u _ de nts and 'hed 10 be ,u,. they k now "'hal to d(). Anoth", common mi,ta ke is ,_hing '00 <I"",'ly. Ju.t li ke o,,"c'y_ one else. n.!!", bore.! "'hen 'hings a re moving , many

examples. giving many opp<>rtunitic. to '''pond, and ,,,,,,hing dca', "'ell-organ;,£<1 Ie,son, wilh many vi,"al. 0110" " to gO.1 • ra.ler tale, which both engag.: •• Iudena oru:l co",,, more maleriol.







,• o


Maximize Opportun iti es to See Key Conce pts All children con benefil from more ,·i.u,1 inpullo iliuSiralc audilory in pul. Engli,h Icarn"" nced Ihi ..... n mO ,e, ho"·c,..,,, When ...." p"'"ible, Ihey """d to ..." picture, or videos of ..",n"al obj"''' '" idea. behind Ies,on <Ot" enl . Thi, pro,·id •• n01 only •• c~l· le nt longuog.: dc,-.I""mCnl, but olso mental "mo,'."· Ihat ch ildrt"n can relurn 10 ,..hen in daubl. r", """mplc,;n a lesson on adaptotkin, 10 Ihe environmenl among an imal" .hO'O·ing a 'po"ed leoporJ;n a dappled jungle nol on ly reinforce. 1he "'o,d Cfln'Q"fiagt. il also onchors Ihe c"""ept of ,,'hy it i. useful ror Ihe ~rJ 10 h..-. ']>OIs, and "'hy the leopord c,'OI"oo Ihal ""y, Sho" 'ing aclearty visible le"". ard dt<"f'P"".ring into a dappled fort<t fu , ther ancho" Ihe ,,'o,d onJ lhe concepl. Today... ill and ,id"" image. arC r.. diry a,,,;lable online for just about any .ubje< be .hO'O·n on DVDI. ;ntoract".. ~·hilcl>oard;. v;Mo mon"o<>, or O1her device •. IIi, weli worlh finding ;mag<' 10 dr i'" home the l cy poin .. 0( any I"""" for EL •. 'lhe", arc a fc'" coution. to note, ho~·ever. Rc",""h "" the "'" 0( "idco and " ill imag.:. find. Ihat th"J' can be "",Ie .. or ""'rimen· lal ;f Ihey do nOl ,upport. Or ~'''r''', if they di",a" from the m.;n


point' (.\ t,)'<y. 20(9). Imag<' <>r information tnat""t ar< kno"'n a, "du<lM dn"i/•. Video or .till imag<' mu' l leaJ to the lesson obJ""tiw. lhe imag< •• houlJ "mpl ify or unify Ihe key idea •. not add fu , thor compllCation,_

Muimize Opp ortunities to Verllall y De$cribe end Heer feedback lhi. i, P"',har< the mO" 'mportant of the principld d<»,ribed in t hi , chapte r. Any""" "'ho has e"" 'lICcessfully Iea,,,,,d a lango.g< k"",,-, h",,' imporl<tnt it i. to ule it many t,m< •. in ",-",. "-.Y'. to sol", "",I problem .. l h" i, why pe<>pl< ",ho . tudy languag<' in Kh",,1 for many yea " may learn litt le in compari,on to tho.e "'ho Ii"" in a fo,cign country fo, even a fe ...· m""tn •. Some H. a re bra", a nJ c""fi dent in the .. n<",' Engli .h, but many a re .hy an d un.ure of themseh" • . not ",anting to be laugned at. Teache" have long noted how qukk ly mo.t EL.le.,n playground Engli.<lt but ho'" .Iowly thcy learn Khool Engli.n. lhe ,,,,",on i.that, in an integrated «hoot or in daily life, EL. arc lil:ely to usc thdr bu rg<oni"ll PlIgli.h . kill. ca.uall y "'ilh thdr P""" On Iho playground. but tney may be too silent and .ny in da" to g<1 much practice ,,· ith forma l Fllgli.h. If you tra,'" in a foreign cou nlr y anJ ha ,~ partial , kill ... ,Ih t he languag< .poken there, thmk aMul ho..much "".ier " i, to orJer food (a . kill }'I>U are li kely to pF.>.:lice often) tho" it ,,·(.,M be to dtseuss sek"". or hterature (a 'kill in "'n kh f'J" are unlikely to ha'" had much verbal practice). lhe ",lution to.- t hi. rroblem i, regular, da ily usc of cooperali'" learn ing . t rategie. (Sl.,·i n, 1'l95. 2012; Webb, 2008). lh.", arc ",et hoJ. in "'hkh child ten wo,k in team. (u,ually off""r to five) and heip ""'h other learn .. aJemic conlont. lhe ",,:co," of the learn depend. "" the individuallea, ning of all team membe,.. For example, in a tecnnique called ",.do"" "p"'ltr, each team member has a _I<t number. At regulal intc" -als, the t"",ner call. "" -number Inr""': for example, to <cpr""'nl Ihetr team • . Team. Cam points loward ~'<'dJy '<'<ogn",on Nt"-'" on these re.ponse._Smce studen" do not kno ...· "'no ,,'ill be called, they mu,t prepa re allleam members to an,"'e , any queM ion.





g> E o. o o

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W. II·.truttu<. ; ".po"'''' "~d. "'pr •• , tho ,• 01 [",I,,"

''''"'''f ...,",n,

In In. p.oe... of preparing cach other, teaching ""eh <>I hcr, .. ~ing <:3Ch othor que<· tions, and 10 On, '.am member< gel plenty of oprortuniti .. ", "pre" lheir c"rrenl

underslandong" reeJba<; k, and mOst importantly. use Iheir "'hool Engli.h in meaningful <"nlexts. A grcat deal of ,."",,,h ha. found thai ""II'>!ru<tureJ <<>", learning mel hod. <>f this kind imp'''ve Ih. learning <>f Engl ish learn." a. ""oil •• lh.l of other 'Iud""" of.1I age. anJ in many .ub;ects (C. lder6n, I !orlz·Uozatowitz. & SI,,'in. 1998; 51»',n, 1995: Webb,

''' "." .. "'." .. 10>1 01

othor "ud,nu 01 ai, " .. onl oft ."nv 'obIOCI"

2008). Ma~imjle

Opportunities to Gain Me lacognilive


Long .go. it ,,-., b<li<'",d that ..,me ",uden" jus, kn<>,.. how 10

learn and ", didn\, and th.r. ".,.n) much 0 .... could do ab<:>ut it Today. r..... r<h has identifi.d many m.teg ... for le.rning th.t .11 children can learn and apply (Bran,ford ...1., 2005, 51.v in, 20lll , Engli'h learne" appear to bcnc6t in particular from the", met ... og_ nillW ' ki ll' (Cheung & Sla,-in, W121. One mot.cognit,w .ki]] usN "'",,, many ,ubj«" i, particu larly u"-'lul for Engh<h lear .... rs, 1h" i.the u'" of graphic org:Jni,,,,,. ,uch a< ~'eb,. char". out ltn«, onJ ", <>no GraphIC orga nllerS hrlp "udon" sort out thoir th in ki ng on a giwn topic .nd identify linkages. major and minor poin", and so on. Figure 2, I (page ll) .how, a parti.lly filloJ OIIt ide. troe, ~'h i ch i, atyre of graphic organ i,er. Another ul«ul strategy for reading n... ative or expository text i. called dafj!i<aMn. When" uden" read. they often encounter ~·or J. Or phra",. the,.. do nOt unde,.,t."" , 10 avoid blocking tbe flo,,'. >tudenture oncOIIfag<><i to mark Jifficu It word. ",it h • "icky note and thon go back .t regular interval, to figure them OIIt. Sometime. tho ,,-ord, ha .." b«n mad" dcar by lat'" cont"nt. but if not. "udonts afe tought. ,ot of ""tegtel. ,uch as cootext. ~kgfound knowledge, and okclroni< or print d iclionaries.







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B••• g .. Am • .,.•• Ciliz ••

Fig ". 1.1: A ... "ioll, comp ....... 04 •• " ..,

",_d,eM" i, a u.. ful " r.logy, "p"'",lIy for n."ali,,, I~", and ,"mma"",,',"" i. u.eful fOI all to,", of texL 11><", an.! "the, mela_ <<>gMI"" ,"alegi •• , ",,",' i«J many t ime. ,,'i,h <oope"'"'' g'ouJ>l, gi'" •• udent> a .. n .. of ma"ery over .heir , ... Jing, "'-'iling, and ,on'.nt learning_ a ,onfid • ...,. that 'hey don't mere ly know (hing. but kno'" h","' (0 learn anylhing Ihey enc<tllnt.. ( e( a l., 2006, Pre"ley, 200), S<:hun k 8< Zimmerma n, 20031.

Comprehensive School Reform Any teach .. of EnglISh le.r""" (and 01 he, <ludenUI <an use lhe '''.'egie. ju", dil<u.",d. a nd for most teache,., 'hey may be all



I h., ,. n""dod, lIo..-"",r. ,n «hool. """ '118 many d ,<a<!'"nlagcd Sludenl'. a. Or MI. more ,omprehen" ve .olulion. ore "''''Iablc. lh. ..-'dely ";od and ",a<o<i,,,1}' ""lu.I<'<I i. Su".., for All •• program thai "''0'<0 ",'ilh all "udenlS in grad", pre" 10 8. Suc.",. for All p,,,,,i dc • ..-ton,; '" p""b,i 0",,1 d""" I" pment i no


• C""p"rati,,, learnlnS • T",<hing of m<l""ognil,,'" learn ing.lo.Iea,n .kill, • EmbEdded multimedia I"ideo <ontent 10 illu""ate key <"""pIS)




• Fa".",,«d, "dllng """,n.


• Frequent formali,,, .." .. men" .nd fooJbac~


• Computcr-'''i,tcJ ,malt-group or ,ndiv,dual ilCd tutoring for .tr"uling rcader.


• Parent invol",menl and .oIuli"" of oot-of-«h",,1 problem. 5u<ce" for All ha, been panku larly ,u"."ful in schools ""ving English I.. rncrs, in all type. of <ommun ili •• (Botman ot aI., 2007; o.ld",OO, He".·!..,,,,',,""i,, , & SlaVIn, t998; Cheung & Slavin. 200S. 2012; Slavin. ,\lodden. Cham bE" , & ila<by, 2(09). h "'... one of Ih. fo"" program, a"'.. rde.! .. ale -up funding by th. U.S , Dcparlmcnt ofEducali",,', In"''''ng in Inno'"tion rrogt.m, ""hi<h he lps «hools adorl prog,am. Inat ",we mel. high ".ndard of ""i· den'''' of elf«ti,,-,,,,,, .. Unitin') 10 Improve Schools lot English Lurnef$ Impl"menling a "hooh.'ide .tra",sy 10 imp'o," learning "ut<om., fo' Eng li 'h I.arners ,hould invol"e .11 t.achers and adminimators in the «hool. Staff members .houlJ ag,ee "" goal •. Ioo~ at ,um rna" •• of ",..."h on eff«tive p,ograms. and then formul.te a plan f'" profo";011.1 de",I"""",nt .nd impl"",,,rnation of pro"en app,""rh~ •. lhey might <on,ido" "",king inhm,lion on ro mp,ehen,ive ,dorm model, thaI ",'ilt deal ",ilh all ""y i"",,. in impro"ing OUt,""'e!, '" they may d«,de 10 3>"""bl. Inei, o"'n >C1 of "W,oo,h.. , Whirhe,,,, initial 'l'OI<gi" art ,ugj;<-"I<d, .ubg,oup' may ,'olunl." 10 explo,e ophon., find Oul aboul <0,1. and lime

o. o


,• ~


requirements, and in,..'Stigote di.trict, .tato, and Title I r."""... to .uppoort pro[e"ional d.,,,lopmont. Pro"ide" of comprehen .. ,,, rdorm Or othor prof.. "onal dn"lopment approach .. might be invited to pre",nt at the school. and 0 delegation migh t ,· othor ",1:>001. to oe. model. <I pro,.. n. replkable prosram, in prortke_ The proteI< of formrng a plan for pr<leuional ""'elopment ,hould be informed by c"iden,e of effIXt""ne" for variou, 1"0' gram. and 'I'I'r_he •. lhol i •. tho cmp!tasi. should be on !,,"os,am, that ha,.., met tho f<>llo" 'rnll "andard, (Sla,·in. 2008), l. lh. p,ogram has been ,,·alual.d in cornpa , i''''' 10" ~·dl·

matched conlr<>l groop. 2. Stud ies h,,·. takrn place 0'-« period. of at kaSl t,,'. I,·o ~-<"'k., involving many school •. :!. Stud .." "scd fair and reliable m.",ures of . ki ll. taught in

all da;I< •. 4. Learning. in the grouf>! using the !""ogram "'a. significantly higher than lea'n;ng in <ontr<>l grouf>!_ Rev"",', of studio> on elf",ti", p'ogram, for Eng lISh lear no" and O1h.,. "uJents or!""" on lhe Be" EviJence Encydopedia (BF];I, at "'''',,·,be.tevidence,org, COlldU$iOIl

Eifert;'·. teorh ing of Engli.h learne" i. mainly a qu."ion of adapting prown 'Pr'"""hes for stud""" in general for the parti,ular n",'<i. of stud~nts Ic,,,nrng Engli<h. All students bendlt f,om ~·dl· ot'lKtu«d Ic"MS .• uppOrt;,.. l., ,oope'"t"... learning, and m"'",osn it"', skrll>, but F.ngli.h k""n,,,, 01'1"'''' to h",,, partkum,ly mong _d, fOf the .. "rales;'., in order to help lhem huild the Ian· guage, confidence, strategies. and m"'rvation r.ecJed bral!. Re .... rch on olfoeti'''' melh<>ds fOf Engli.h Iearn",. gi"" .",ry ind""tion th.t leacho" can e""blc th.", stud""" to ",hie,,, al mlKh hightr ]e."I. Ihan tho,"" that .re currently Iypical.





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References end Resources


R. E.. A. Cli>_tbkn, A.. ~loJ.:Ito, 1<. A. &; CholOO<t>. B. (l(J()7' Fw' ,.ad"" ""t<00>t. "'-Ib. O>tlOtW "noJom,U<I fItId ",.'01 Suc<... k>r All. "'.,...,. ... . £mo"",001 "''"''''''''''''', H I)). 7G1 7()J. Bnn,lord. 1_. ,or<. :< •• So.~",. R.. ~ u"l. Po. ~,r.w.",. P .• B,U. P.. " .1 . (lOOoH .... '"I~ lOoo"ord . _ Qt .y",'WY' In p, A'mOOt' &; P. Wi n .. (td,.lllot.d_ of (I..! N ., PI' IW

80<11>00, G. Sl>.vIn,

,_.nd _.,.. !'d." ,..,•., r.""'"'Il'

I' ,1. ~ l.h..>Il. ~I, [,,,,"u,,,"


~1. IlOOI). C."kul ••• d "'to 00d~l<' "'N to ""h lIb .p<>klO(! 11 ... «1 EO(!lbh rrui<ltot 10 ""d E"IIIl.h. ,. R. SIo.'o &; M . ColJ<olo (E.u.). fJf"'i¥< lA" •• ".d,,~ Irr.1S L JOj,






Cakl.roo, ~t.. A"g",t. D.. Sl ...... R. E.• Du .... D.• M~ .. S. A"S; Cb<u"iI. A.

n." ••,••


"""i'" "..."",.

IIQ. of . Pn>:W'" "" .... All, B.M_ lob", Itopi<l ... UnN<"~y. ("" .. ." R..... "h .. tb. W>i:>I'" .,,- SI 00."" PI",od " RiOk-


S/.>.,-,.. R. E. own r.1f..:" ofbill"l!..1 "'or.... ''''' ''''<\1",,<1 ''''""'I.t>.! """f'<"II"'" OIl otwl< .. , 1<.... ""''''i ","" Spo"~b to E~I~h md"'i- f./t""""'7 5<1»>1 ".,,0/, 99(1). "J_'66.

Co","_ M .. "'0"1.,, .. _",- R.. '"

Cokl..oo. .'1 _E.. ~ ~""'y>.,.,,.... L . (1OOJ). [)nip'" , od

''"rl'''''"""g ,.., -~.•,

''''2''''" 1""",,<>;1 o .k,. CA, C<>rwl" P,... C.~o. .'I.~" AugII". P, . •'I,~,;n. B.. Srow. C. 1:.. p,.,>It,. C. lW"''''' P. bUllOpo/

.. aI. (100') CIoo'", 'ho i"" M<l{"'I~ tIM vo<.bW"y Offiio oi -Oill ... ""!I''I!< 1.. , ... " '" 1>11 ''11",1 .".. .. " "" ... "' ~...,sb.g 11<".. "h QIo' ''"1)< J9(1). 1&8 ll~


Chtou:'Il.A, ~ 51"',,,1l E. 11OO}). EJf«"'~ md""r"llfOOl' lOt ~ ~ It",..., .".. .. 1M, t.."I! ""gt_ "" ""'. Y u ud ..., _8i1,.,• • 1 1I< ...."'h I, 19\II.l!I 1.7.

/<l., ••

fIfrr'!"< "".1.,P"if"""1>< "." .",,·..,..10.., £ogI'>IlI• I"".", ,. til< <I'''''''''1g,.dt~ A "J""''''~' B."I_ Conto, /0{ R<>t>«h.D<! Rtf" .. E<1<><"Ioo. F"I".O, $,.$1 .... , "- R, E,.C.l<lo,Iin. .' 1 .. & [lu"n.1I. (2001< E"",,~'o ~"'II .. m, lOr l"loo"""''', In .........{)' . 0<1 mkl<ll . "hooI~ 10 R. I:. 51_ . D<! .'1, C..... ~ (EM). >8""" _ ,.... po ('''.'''' ' ''''~ 111'. , . ).0). M.hw . ... ~" l_",",,, E<lI>ou...

Cb.\"~. A" ~ Si>1'tO. R. I:. (l(I1l)



.\bytr. II. E. (I_" M./lI .. ,d.. I"""t Ol<>;l N.) U""~" . y


p,...,lty. •11. (l003).






oi'.""y .".. I.""y '"" "",11,,,._ ]" W.


R<l''''''''' 5' C. Ii. ~I Ll ~, (Ed,.). f'•• ~_ ofhy</oQ/OfU. \ •.,...... 711'\'. )JJ 356. 1 _ 0 . ~~ ,,1lty.





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SChu. .... D.ll. &; Z,., ... ,ru.o. B. I. (l003). St" . . ."'" .DdI .. ,"'''@-ln'''.M. Il.tyMd. &- G.1i. M ...... (Ed~).I"'I<d_""'~, ' ' '..... 7(1'1' SO 711). H_o.:<I.WIIty. SUo ..... R. E, (100.1). WhOl ,,~'""'_,

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["""''''no' .......,,"t<.J7(IU


SIa,in. R. E. (MI). F,d".,.,ooIpo,,-II.;O'lU' 1M;>ry .. .,,..,,',,,( ..... h «IJ- _ _ AUy. &- Bo.coo. SIa ..... It E.• &- C.,<lto\o. ." , IEJo j.llO(1). Mah ....... :<), L...... "'. Erlt... ...

f/fr<'' ' I""i', ....p rot,.., "Mdt.,.

SIa""" R. ~. & C""',,@-A.1106O). 1\0>0' <10 En¢"" ,, _ " , ... , .... &1".,10.<1 u. •..,hlp, 61(6),!.l S/,

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a •.


SI"'ln. R. F... &; M. d.i.n. ". A. (1_). F.If«" I."" (",I~" ... ,.., 0"" I.", ..go lor .11 0" ,ho "h ~,~"", .. '" " ..... 01. "'~ , ri"il E",I"". }O. ''''of P,d"". "". P So,,,, ... f'lMod . , R!<l, <en,J9J ,,6-

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SI", .. It I .. M..;J<.. :<, A" C.i';'roo. ~t. Ii.. Cb • ...,.rI>I .. A. &; IIt ..... y, M, (l~' ". Il<od, "II .Dd .. "II"'$< ""',""'" of • • ,.... Y'" "odo;o , .. J <I~''''' ,Ion '" " . . ,~Ioool Mill'll"] tJumloo. 1>1".,10..1 f>'ol•• ,,,, • •• d 1\>11', A ..!yo/>, JJ(,), , ; S& SUo,'\n. It Ii. •.\I • .w. .. :<, A"Cb • ...,.", B" &- 1I.xbj< B. IlOO9). _

.. mI<>. ,ItU

.m.,s""",p 011. l bou .. "" 0 .1<,. C ~, Conin P..... "·obIl. S. M. (l003)' I...,n'", 'n " ,,,II g~ In T. L. Good (FA.). II" ""' 0, <d.",.,,,, A "im"" M.d_ IPI" lO) 1"). Loo A"",,'" SAGE.






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