Mixture Magazine

Page 60

M i x tu r e

M aga z i ne

driven by reason charged with emotion but driven by emotion charged with reason is what helps form the symbols. It’s just a piece of the process. What is gratifying to you in your work? When people see and understand dialog. The dialog consistently changes. So the work never dies. You wake up today and you get a somewhat different experience. To some people it is meditative. Words take on different meanings in different ways so that spaces the spaces between words and the language of silence so if you take on different meanings. What is your favorite medium? Paper. This (piece) is oil on heavy paper and panel. Any plans for a new exhibition? I do. These six pieces I had been working for the last year, with white in white and last fall over the winter just calling back into the studio working with white paper and I had read a commentary and analysis on ecclesiastics. I had told you I refer to ancient texts and in that it speaks to the journal Solomon which by tradition is the foundation of ecclesiastics and the journal of Solomon, supposedly the earliest written document on relationship of science and belief and that ties in again with the theme of my work with working with opposites and things which are beyond our understanding and reason concept of infinity or universal dynamics. So I was very moved by this d, which reflect the twelve chapters of Solomon’s journal.


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