Mixture Magazine

Page 34

M i x tu r e

M aga z i ne

My focus shifted from trying to reach galleries to trying to reach the audience, a very busy audience. I would bring the artwork to them! I recruited artists and hosts for home and business hosted art exhibits. The Floating Gallery was born. Every exhibit would be different. People could come and see different artwork on a different backdrop every time. New homes, old Victorians, apartments, gardens, and even a boat became the gallery for the day. It’s not a new idea. Salons of old were held in homes to view art and converse. The idea of one day shows and continual movement works with the fast pace of today’s world. The Floating Gallery has awards from the Boston Globe and the Improper Bostonian. It encourages viewers to support local artists. It encourages artists to investigate new ideas and talk to their audience. Art is a part of everyday life and should be a part of every home.


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