Milton Magazine, Spring 2011

Page 56

“My Milton Academy experience, which has proven so important, was made possible in part by the many graduates who came before… That is why I am also making provisions in my estate for Milton— so that our School can continue to do for future generations what it did for me.” —David Gannett ’58

Reflecting on his past, David Gannett protects the future


always reflect upon my Milton experience as triggering my renaissance curiosity, and providing me with the tools that assisted me in my subsequent academic career, at Middlebury College, and at University of Washington School of Law. From my perspective, the mission of any educational institution is not only to impart information, but also to sharpen the students’ ability to think, analyze, and draw conclusions with some degree of assurance that those conclusions are accurate. Milton did that for me. I am forever grateful for having been exposed to Johnston Torney’s command of the English language; A.O. Smith’s commitment to Shakespeare; Barclay Feather’s animation in dealing with American history; and Howard Abel’s brilliance in music.

David Gannett ’58 (center) with sons James Gannett and David Gannett, Jr.


Milton Magazine

Therefore, why would I not wish to acknowledge, through gifting, my appreciation to the School that contributed so much to my academic and professional progress? I believe that any contribution should enhance the learning experience of all students. Therefore, I split my gift into two pools: scholarship assistance and support of Milton in general. Any school is best served by attracting the widest and most diverse group of students, including applicants who need financial assistance. It makes sense to me to contribute to the overall operation that benefits all students, but restrict the major portion of my gift to support students who otherwise would not be able to attend Milton.

My Milton Academy experience, which has proven so important, was made possible in part by the many graduates who came before. I am reminded of this on my frequent visits back to campus when I see the vitality of the students and faculty. That is why I am also making provisions in my estate for Milton—so that our School can continue to do for future generations what it did for me. The real reason I make such gifts: It feels good!

If you would like gift planning information or information about gifts to our endowment, please contact Suzie Hurd Greenup ’75 at 617-898-2376 or suzie_greenup@

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