Milton Magazine, Fall 2012

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6 The Opinion Department Invites Yours Jason Spingarn-Koff’s (’92) challenge and thrill is helping the New York Times break new ground in creating a video analog of the traditional op-ed page.


by Cathleen D. Everett

11 The Listing Wars The Endangered Species List is a storied point of contention among political, business, environmental, and scientific groups. Attorney Ben Jesup ’82 happily deals with it every day. by Liz Matson

14 Can We Talk about Solutions? Be part of the conversation driving economic policy.

24 Pursuing a Dream All the Way to Brazil Adrian Melville ’02 chronicles his adventures and lessons as a professional soccer player in South America.



A Weaving of Cultures


For more than 60 years, Jacquetta Nisbet ’46 has been learning, practicing and teaching the ancient textile traditions of Native American and First Nation cultures.

Advanced Photography student Claire Robertson ’13 turns her lens on fellow students to promote a message of tolerance and inclusion.

by Erin E. Berg

When Adam Beckman ’12 and Cydney Grannan ’12 became editors-in-chief of The Milton Paper, they decided to define and meet a new level of quality, while print and online publications in the public domain were busy sorting out this issue for themselves.

18 The Public Meets Imagination’s Cutting Edge: What do today’s artists and viewers make of one another?


by Cathleen D. Everett

34 Student Journalism in 2012: Defining the craft, and learning accountability

Heather McGhee ’97 argues from a national pulpit for an authentic conversation about shaping economic policy.

Molly Epstein ’00, a director for the Gladstone Gallery of New York and Brussels, is the fulcrum between ongoing artistic production and the public.


by Erin E. Berg


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