EHRC: The equality implications of being a migrant in Britain

Page 188

Although migrants are a topic of considerable interest in Britain, hard facts are often lacking. There is no agreement on how we define migrants and a lack of data on equalities and migrants, especially in relation to age, disability, gender, race, religion or belief, or sexual orientation. Their diversity too has implications for the development of immigration and citizenship policies. This report reviews the available information about inequalities that migrant workers and their families face in Britain today. It sets out the rapidly changing policy context and its implications, analyses recent data, and examines the experiences of migrants themselves. What is already known on this topic: • Data is available on the numbers of migrants in Britain, their employment and access to housing. • Small-scale studies have explored their use of public services and experiences of living in Britain. What this report adds: • This report presents evidence about migrants’ experiences in relation to a range of public services and community relations. • It includes the analysis of recent statistical data from a range of official sources. • It also examines the impact of migration policy in relation to gender, age, ethnicity, disability and sexual orientation.

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