May 2016 Hole Notes

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trient stresses, and ensure that greens are evenly and adequately irrigated to avoid water stress. Initiate a preventative fungicide program for areas with historically high levels of foliar anthracnose as soil temperatures surpass 65 F.

uct to the thatch. Evidence suggests that surfactants may improve the efficacy of fungicides used for fairy ring and may alleviate localized dry spot symptoms associated with the pathogens. Caution should be taken to avoid the use of wetting agents and surfactants in combination with or applied too close in time to DMI fungicides. Read product labels to avoid turf injury.

Fairy Ring. There are a few reasons why fairy ring is difficult to treat. The first is that fairy ring symptoms are caused by a large number of fungi that may or may not respond to fungi- Take all Patch, Summer Patch, Necides. Second, these fungi live in and crotic Ring Spot. Although these degrade thatch material and often cre- three diseases may not show sympate areas of hytoms until drophobic soils, later on in making it difthe seaficult for aqueson, these ous suspensions pathogens of fungicides are likely to reach their to be actarget. Prevent tive right it: Employ now in practices that parts of reduce thatch, the state and if fairy ring where is a perennial Fairy ring can be caused by a large number of fungi. soil temproblem on your Some produce fruiting bodies (above), some do not. peratures course, use preventative applications are between 50 and 60 F. Prevent it: of fungicide as soil temperatures Preventative fungicide applications reach 55 F for high value stands. Ap- for these diseases are only necesply fungicides in high water volumes sary in locations with a history of the (2-4 gallons/1000 ft2) to get the prod- disease. Applications of fungicides

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