RelyOn Nutec - Company Report

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Q: How would you describe the operational realities of keeping your service offering open throughout the pandemic? A: This was a complicated subject in all the markets that RelyOn Nutec operates in. Our training and development capabilities at our facilities were definitely affected. Despite this reality, we overcame the obstacles that presented themselves throughout the pandemic by implementing new virtual and digital training models, frameworks, courses and programming. I am proud to say that we adapted to the situation quite quickly. Our instructors rapidly mastered the digital platforms that we started using. The same can be said of our sales staff, who swiftly shifted their promotional materials and duties to digitalized channels so that the same market could be reached through different means. Our operational reality was constant. We did not shut down at all but we did change many of the paths and venues through which we reach our students, or “delegates,” as we also call them. Now that we are exiting the pandemic and there is little more flexibility in terms of regulations and practices to allow for more face-to-face schooling, we are readjusting to that as well. In fact, technically speaking, our entire face-to-face curriculum continued throughout the pandemic. It was merely reduced for classroom safety reasons. In a way, it has been just a matter of getting class sizes back to a certain pre-pandemic level. At

Ulises Nofrietta

the same time, many of the digital training modalities that we adopted during the pandemic are undoubtedly here to stay. They worked perfectly, although we are still fine-tuning them with each new iteration. They have proven to be invaluable tools for

Senior Operations Coordinator for Mexico | RelyOn Nutec

many reasons that go beyond the way in which they helped us to survive throughout the pandemic. Our digital transformation has also motivated us to get more involved in developing digital training tools, which we are doing through our digital platform, RelyOn Know-How. This path represents the future for us.

How To Operate a Training Center Throughout a Pandemic

Q: How do these digital tools broaden the scope of safety training for the whole industry? A: They definitely help us reframe the conversation substantially. It democratizes access, for starters. It also gives us a new way to deal with saturation. It is important to mention here that the services we offer are essential for the entire industry, especially in the offshore context of Ciudad del Carmen. Of course, our ability to supply them to everybody is obviously not unlimited, so anything that helps us deal with overcapacity and overbooking at our physical training facilities plays an important role in the functioning of the whole industry. We can make our classes larger and we can extend them to any number of people who might not be able to be physically present at our facilities, which is a logistical consideration that also became more relevant when more people were spending downtime in hotel rooms fulfilling quarantine requirement after flying into the port to begin their shifts or contracts. Obviously, all of these digital options had to be developed, as my colleagues have mentioned in past interviews, through a complete collaboration with all the verifiers and certifiers in the industry. They were somewhat reluctant at first to allow for some of these digital safety training courses and modules to replace some of the face-to-face programs but we convinced them once we made it clear that to receive a certification, all applicants and delegates

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