Mexico Automotive Review 2014

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“Mexico’s reforms are making the country an ever more trusted source for global automotive investors. During my administration alone, 32 new automotive projects have been established, worth a combined US$13 billion” Enrique Peña Nieto, President of Mexico

“Mexico is sending a clear message to the world: we are transforming ourselves in order to grow and attract investment that will generate well-paid employment and increase quality of life for our population,” said President Enrique Peña Nieto at the investment announcement of BMW’s first Mexican plant. As the country’s second most significant generator of GDP, the automotive industry lies at the epicenter of this economic evolution. Mexico is destined to continue strengthening its position as a key player in the global automotive industry, based on its preferential access to markets in 45 countries, highly skilled workforce, and a stable political and economic environment. This opportunity-laden setting has brought unprecedented levels of investment from foreign and Mexican companies alike. As a result, the industry has become irreplaceable, generating value added jobs, intensifying research and innovation, and further consolidating Mexico’s place in major global value chains.

As the magnitude of these new business opportunities and the timeframe within which they will present themselves becomes clear, Mexico Automotive Review 2014 is released to provide the most comprehensive overview of the industry’s operating environment, presented through the eyes of private and public stakeholders driving the industry’s development across political, business, and technological perspectives. The topics explored in Mexico Automotive Review 2014 have been carefully selected as those that will matter the most to investors seeking to capitalize on emerging business opportunities.

ALL RIGHTS RESERVED Š New Energy Connections LLC, 2014. This annual publication contains material protected under International, United States and Mexican Laws and international Treaties. Any unauthorized reprint or use of this material is prohibited. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system without express written permission from New Energy Connections LLC. Mexico Automotive Review is a registered trademark of New Energy Connections LLC. The publisher has made all reasonable efforts to provide accurate information, and the information contained in this publication is derived from sources believed to be true and accurate. However, the information in this publication should not be considered to be complete or definitive, and may contain inaccuracies or typographical errors. The publisher accepts no responsibility regarding the accuracy of information and use of such information is at your own risk. The publisher will not be liable to any party for any direct, indirect, special or other consequential damages arising out of any use of information in this publication. The publisher provides no representations or warranties, express or implied, including any implied warranties of fitness for a particular purpose, merchantability or otherwise in relation to any information provided by the publisher in this publication.

ISBN-13: 978-0-9855346-5-3

TA B L E O F C O N T E N T S 1
























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The automotive industry, Mexico’s second largest formal industry after the oil and gas industry, has grown exponentially since NAFTA was signed in 1994. Today the sector contributes 3.5% to the country’s GDP and generates a trade surplus of US$39 billion. 2013 saw the sector achieve both record production and export figures, strengthening Mexico’s position as the 2nd largest producer of vehicles in Latin America and the 4th largest exporter worldwide. It was a year that also saw Mexico overtake Japan to become the 2nd largest exporter to the US as near shoring practices for the North American market gained momentum. The country has also positioned itself as a top manufacturer of auto parts, currently ranked 5th worldwide, and is home to 89 of the world’s 100 leading auto parts companies. The first quarter of 2014 saw the automotive industry’s already impressive trade surplus increase 16.9% on the previous year’s first quarter, evidencing the continued and sustained growth taking place.

This chapter will provide an overview of the current state of the industry and put recent industry achievements into context based on the perspectives of the key stakeholders from both the public and private sectors. This chapter will also outline the key opportunities for growth and the main hurdles facing optimal realization of that growth.




The Year in Review


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mexico has not Unlocked its Full Automotive Potential


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Feeding Mexico a Strong Automotive Diet


NAFTA’s Stewardship of the Automotive Industry


Automotive Industry Has Clear Obstacles to Overcome


Guidance to the Industry’s Twists and Turns


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Seeking Integration for Automotive Supply Chain


Mexico’s Automotive Plants and Transport Routes


Rollercoaster Year for the Heavy Duty Sector


Industry Reforms Modify Supply Chain Relations


Significance of Auto Parts to Mexico’s Foreign Trade


German Knowhow Grows as Investments Flourish


China vs Mexico: Low-Cost Manufacturing Showdown



manufactured in May 2014, displaying an increase of 12.5%

The automotive industry is now one of Mexico’s most

over the same month in the previous year. In the first half

significant, contributing 3.5% to the country’s GDP in 2013.

of 2014, output rose 7.4% year-on-year to 1.597 million

Car assemblers and auto parts manufacturers across the

vehicles, compared to 1.488 million in the first six months

sector hit production and sales records in 2013 and further

of 2013.

investment announcements have continued into 2014. The revival of the US automotive industry has played a pivotal

Mexico’s main pull on the production front has been its low

role in the country’s success as a production hub, with the

cost labor rates, the accessibility which was optimized by

eyes of the Big Three, GM, Chrysler and Ford, focused on

the signing of NAFTA in 1994, and the country’s other 11

Mexico. However, investments are also flooding in from

free trade agreements covering 43 more nations. Mexico’s

Japanese and European investors keen to take advantage

manufacturing wages are predicted to be up to 30% lower

of the country’s proximity to North and South American

than manufacturing powerhouse China by 2015, allowing


Mexico to firmly position itself as a serious international competitor for foreign direct investment. Finally, the

Increased nearshoring for the North American market saw

country has been investing heavily in creating automotive

Mexico post record automotive production and export figures

clusters nationwide with the aim of supporting sector

for the fourth consecutive year in 2013, and Latin America’s

growth. The historic production vortex in the north of the

second largest economy currently sits at number eight in

country is seeing real competition from the central Bajio

the list of global automakers and ranks fourth amongst the

region, which is predicted to collectively account for the

world’s light vehicle exporters. Having produced 3.6% of

largest automotive cluster in Latin America by 2015.

the world’s automobiles last year, Mexico is widely tipped to reach seventh position by the end of 2014. ProMexico

Heavy vehicle production is also flourishing, and 2012

states that by 2017, the Mexican automotive industry will

was its best year for production in Mexican history, with

achieve the yearly capacity to manufacture close to 4

138,000 heavy vehicles being produced, of which 104,000

million vehicles, which would translate to production lines

were exported. A slight drop in production was seen in

assembling more than 10,000 units a day.

2013, with 136,900 heavy vehicles produced.



Figures released by the Mexican Automotive Industry

In 2013, Mexico exported 2,423,084 vehicles, with

Association (AMIA) showed record production levels in

1,646,950 of those going to the US, a 9.5% increase

2013, with 2,933,465 light vehicles manufactured, 1.7% up

over the previous year. This saw Mexico overtake Japan,

from the previous year, and a huge leap from the 505,202

which had been ranked amongst the top two exporters

cars produced in 1988. Of those vehicles manufactured,

to the US since the 1970s, to become the second largest

82.1% were exported while the remaining 17.9% fed the

exporter to the US. In just two decades, exports to the

domestic market. Monthly production figures for 2014

US from Mexico have increased fourfold, and in 2015

continued to reach historic levels, with 287,488 units

the country is expected to overtake Canada as the top exporter to the US. Eduardo Solís, Executive President


of AMIA, explains, “There was a time when Mexico


represent more than 10%. Mexico will continue to grow,


represented 4% of the US automotive market. We now period. Mexico will continue increasing its market share in the US automotive industry, which could reach 12-13%


in the next three to four years.” He adds that a 1% increase vehicles, with each additional percentage point gained representing the equivalent of a new production plant and the creation of around 70,000-80,000 jobs. Exports










in market share would equate to around 140,000 extra




of light vehicles to Canada rose 21.7% to 194,851 units in 2013, making up for a 16% drop in sales to Latin America, which numbered just 307,581 units. Mexican exports

Source: OICA






Soth Korea







to Africa and Europe also dropped 20.2% and 32.3% respectively, although this was effectively balanced by a 45.4% increase in exports to Asia.

Mexico’s heavy vehicle industry association ANPACT


explains that Mexico now represents 35% of global

Major global OEMs have collectively announced multi-

production compared to 16% a decade ago, and predicts

billion dollar investments in Mexico over the last year,

that the country may export 300,000 vehicles per year in

divided between new plant openings and expansion of

the next two decades. Export figures for the sector also

existing production capacity. In 2013, Nissan churned out

dropped 13.4% in 2013, however the sector is expected to

the most units, with 680,213 cars produced, making up

see growth again in 2014.

23.2% of the national total. GM came in just behind, with 645,823 cars, with Ford, Volkswagen and Chrysler rounding


out the top five. GM is investing US$691 million as part of

Domestic vehicles sales figures in Mexico surpassed 1

a US$1.5 billion overall expansion drive in North America,

million in 2013, returning to levels not seen in almost a

upgrading its facilities in Silao, Toluca, and San Luis Potosi.

decade. The last month of the year saw 119,364 new-car

Nissan is set to continue its dominance, with a capacity

purchases, the most seen in any month since December

expansion leading it toward its stated goal of producing

2007, representing an 8.5% increase from the previous

1 million cars in Mexico by 2016. Fueling this expansion is

year. However, of the new vehicles manufactured in Mexico

an impressive additional US$2 billion investment into the

in 2013, only 17.9% fed the domestic market, highlighting

OEM’s current facilities in Aguascalientes. The first phase

the export-dominated nature of the country’s growing

of the “Power 88” project, which will see Nissan increase

production capacity. Furthermore, only around 50% of

its annual production levels by 25 percent to 850,000, was

domestic automotive sales involved cars actually made

opened in late 2013. IHS Automotive has predicted that

in the country, with the remainder being fed by imports.

OEM investment levels into Mexico could amount to US$3

Despite domestic light vehicle sales increasing steadily

billion annually in the coming years.

since 2009, it has taken a full decade for figures to return to previously recorded levels. For every 1,000 people in

Nissan’s prominent place on the production charts is a

Mexico, only eight new vehicles are purchased a year,

testament to the general trend of mounting investment

figures similar to those seen as far back a 1981.

from Asia into Mexico. The ability to move parts into Mexico without tariffs is a major incentive to establish

An analysis of light vehicle imports quickly reveals the

a production base in the country, and Honda Mexico’s

Achilles heel in Mexico’s domestic market. The importation

Commercial Director, Horacio Chávez Reza, explains that

of used cars in 2013 increased by 40.8% compared

the company’s US$1.25 million investment in the central

to 2012, highlighting a major constraint on Mexico’s

state of Guanajuato represents the beginning of a new

domestic new vehicle sales. Frustration is now growing

era, with Honda North America soon to produce 95% of

at a lack of government action to curb this. Access to

all Honda cars sold in the region. North American OEMs

financing also plays a significant role in the domestic

have been taking advantage of Mexico’s strengths for

market, with only 50% of purchases being made through

longer. Ford’s first steps in Mexico were made in 1932 and

credit arrangements, far below regional averages. “The

its ever increasing faith in the country is illustrated by

government has accepted the significant role it must play

the fact that all production of the Ford Fusion for North

in fostering Mexico’s automotive growth potential,” says

America is taking place at its Hermosillo plant. Investment

Solís, “but real and rapid measures must be implemented to

announcements by Audi, BMW, and Mercedes-Benz also

address the current barriers to domestic market growth.”

highlight Mexico’s growing attractiveness for premium

MEXICO PRODUCTION 1988-2014 (million units) 3
































Source: AMIA


vehicle production. Upon the laying of the foundation

100 leading auto parts companies, and competition is stiff

stone for Audi’s new plant in Puebla, due to open in 2016,

within the sector.

the company’s executives referred to the announcement as a dream moment. The US$1.3 billion dollar investment


is part of Audi’s race to overtake BMW as the world’s

Mexico graduates over 100,000 engineers each year from

leading premium car manufacturer, and it came as no

900 graduate engineering and technology related degree

surprise therefore that BMW announced a plant to be built

programs. While US engineers are on average 55 years

in San Luis Potosi, with an estimated annual capacity of

old, Mexico’s engineering base has an average age of 27.

150,000 vehicles. Nissan has also recently announced a

While 25% of US based engineers will retire in the next

partnership with luxury carmaker Daimler, with the two

decade, Mexico will continue to graduate hoards of young

OEMS collaborating to jointly produce Mercedes-Benz and

talent. The automotive industry is benefitting exponentially

Infiniti cars at Nissan’s third plant in Aguascalientes.

from the wealth of young engineers that are feeding the sector and are employable at a fraction of the cost of their



North American counterparts. Today, hourly manufacturing

regional procurement drives, and many suppliers have





wages in Mexico average US$2.70, exceeding the overall

accompanied their OEM clients to establish operations

national average of US$2.43, but still far below those of

in Mexico. Leading global supplier Bosch has nine plants

the US. Mexico is currently home to 40% of all automotive

in Mexico and supplies parts for virtually every aspect of

industry jobs in North America. Mexico’s major challenge, as

the automotive production cycle. With each new OEM

investment continues to pour into the country, is to ensure

plant announced, suppliers make nearby investments,

that graduates are equipped with the right skills for the

evidenced from the 25 Japanese suppliers that declared

multitude of manufacturing requirements newly established

moves to Mexico following Honda’s US$800 million Celaya

companies are demanding. Areas like the Bajio region are now

investment. Similarly, Mazda’s US$650 million investment

experiencing what some have referred to as the beginning of

in its plant in Guanajuato is attracting suppliers from both

a talent war. However universities, governmental bodies, and

Mazda and Toyota, with the new plant including capacity

private companies are joining forces nationwide to form a

for the production of 50,000 sub-compact Toyota models.

triple-helix support network for human capital development.



Mexico has risen as a top auto parts manufacturer, and

The next step for Mexico is the move towards high-tech

is currently ranked in sixth place worldwide, after being

production and development, and the evidence points to

narrowly overtaken by South Korea in 2013. According to

this happening already, albeit to a relatively small degree.

Oscar Albín, President of the National Auto Parts Industry

According to PwC, increasing investment in Mexico’s

(INA), the sector is currently enjoying unprecedented

automotive sector has led to the creation of more than

success. In 2013, auto parts production in Mexico was

20 private and public R&D centers. Associations like

valued at approximately US$76.8 million, employing

INA and AMIA are working hard with the public, private,

637,800 workers. 90.1% of all Mexican auto parts production

and academic sectors to develop the right conditions to

was exported to the US in 2013, followed by Canada, Brazil,

support innovative production centers in Mexico. “If we

and Germany. Growth should anchor this sector through

really want to reach our potential, we need to speed up our

2014, with total auto parts production value set to reach

capacity to develop technologically advanced vehicles.

US$81.5 billion. The country already hosts 89 of the world’s

Otherwise, we will fall behind in the race,” says Albín.

MEXICO EXPORTATION 1988-2014 (million units) 2.5





Source: AMIA






























MEXICO HAS NOT UNLOCKED ITS FULL AUTOMOTIVE POTENTIAL AGUSTÍN RÍOS Former Executive President of INA Q: How did the Mexican automotive industry reach its

maintenance. This is due to the fact that toolmakers have to

pride of place today?

pay a fee for using primary resources, which does not allow

A: The first automotive plant was installed in Mexico in

them to be competitive. It is obvious that we all need to

1925 by Ford. Assembly plants then started to appear,

work together to help Mexico take that step. But OEMs have

but due to the lack of regulation at the time, imports far

distanced themselves from developing suppliers because

outweighed exports which caused an imbalance. In 1962,

they want to remain competitive. However, INA’s suppliers

the first automotive decree was put in place, marking the

are also facing the need to become globally competitive

beginning of the automotive industry in Mexico as it stands.

to meet growing demand. The only way for these two

In 1986, Mexico signed GATT, changing the commercial

segments to help each other is to work together to disperse

rules forever. In 1989, the last automotive decree was

cost and spread knowledge.

announced, serving as a basis for the NAFTA negotiations. We witnessed exponential growth throughout this process.

Q: What impediments need to be overcome for Mexico to

Since 1950, Mexico has weathered five major economic

produce 4 million cars by 2020?

storms but each time the country has recovered, the

A: We will soon produce 4 million vehicles. That figure is

automotive industry has distinguished itself by not only

actually conservative, given all of the country’s potential.

recovering but growing in the process.

All sectors of the industry need to negotiate in order to come to win-win agreements that will propel this growth.

Q: How has the influx of FDI into Mexico impacted local

A few years ago, INA and AMIA did not even communicate.

automotive companies?

Today, we come up with solutions together. We have

A: If you compare the number of engineers in Mexico

invited mechanics and their representatives, wholesalers,

today to ten years ago, we have seen exponential growth.

AMDA, AMIA, ANPACT, and Andellac to the International

Moreover, the quality of these engineers has greatly

Congress of the Automotive Industry in Mexico (CIIAM),

increased as well. The engineering department at UNAM

sponsored by INA. The automotive industry is crucial for

sees Mexican engineers working alongside top-caliber

the Mexican economy and this goes beyond the OEMs and

counterparts from Germany, Japan, the US and Brazil.

auto part makers. Guanajuato, Queretaro and Puebla are

This is due to the country having three major advantages:

prime examples of states that have become successful

longstanding Mexican companies with a wealth of

automotive hubs. We must work with the government

experience, joint ventures that are taking place with foreign

to reach a production of 10 million vehicles by 2030.

companies, and wholly owned foreign companies bringing

Unfortunately, Mexico has the poor habit of changing

new technology to the market. Each of these strengths has

the direction of key programs when new public figures

enabled us to enhance our understanding and innovation

enter office as they seek to implement different strategic

of the automotive manufacturing and design processes.


Q: What role are OEMs playing in developing homegrown

Q: How detrimental is the importation of used cars on the

auto parts suppliers in Mexico?

ability of the automotive industry in Mexico to realize its

A: Many years ago, when OEMs first came to Mexico, they

full potential?

taught their suppliers a lot more than they do now. Today,

A: In 2010, there were around 24.5 million cars on the

they are more reluctant to develop their suppliers, especially

streets of Mexico. 41% were over 16 years old, and yet we

those that manufacture essential auto parts. However, for

keep importing vehicles. This is a very unsafe practice.

this technological leap to truly be made, there needs to

Adding the 14% of vehicles between 12-15 years, more than

be a joint effort from OEMs, suppliers, the government,

50% of cars are old. The US and the EU have implemented

educational institutions, and even the tooling sector. The

successful programs to reduce the amount of old cars in

Mexican tooling sector is very poor as it is really only offering

the streets, but Mexico has not followed suit.



FEEDING MEXICO A STRONG AUTOMOTIVE DIET JOSÉ ROGELIO GARZA Undersecretary of Economy, Industry, and Commerce

Q: What is your vision to make Mexico an ideal investment

The decision to invest in Mexico depends heavily on

destination for automotive companies?

the capacity for exportation, and we like to stress that

A: The Ministry of Economy divides the automotive

Mexico is one of the most open countries in the world

industry in two: the domestic market, in which we place

for trade. Another important topic is the availability of

the sales of heavy and light vehicles, and the global value

capable engineers and technicians. Thirdly, there must

chain of the automotive industry. Our domestic automotive

be an availability of raw materials such as steel, gas and

industry is deeply intertwined in the global value chain and

energy. We understand their importance and we have a

Mexico has to play a leading role in both of these areas.

clear political agenda for their importation. Steel is used

We have to see how we can attract more investment, we

in a wide range of industries including automotive, so

are evaluating where we are most effective and in which

we oversee the influx of steel to ensure its constant and

areas we can improve. One of the pillars that make Mexico

efficient supply. Once companies gain more insight into

an attractive destination is its FTAs and the access they

Mexico, they are reassured by our structured policies and

offer to 45 other markets. This is a major plus as OEMs

our level of human capital. Expectations have risen for the

love being able to manufacture here and then export to

future of Mexico’s productivity and efficiency. The Energy

as many countries as possible. Another important pillar is

Reform will transform the industry’s competitiveness,

technology and we have increasingly invested in innovation

especially given how much energy the automotive industry

and technology, making the automotive industry more

consumes. To establish the level at which automotive

robust. For example, we have promoted the creation of

investment is growing, the government usually receives ten

R&D centers for Tier 1 and 2 suppliers and companies like

prospective approaches per year by companies wanting to

Bosch have answered that call.

invest here. In 2013, this figure almost doubled.

NAFTA’S STEWARDSHIP OF THE AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY If any evidence is needed as to how much the automotive

explains this phenomenon. “We have witnessed a great

industry in Mexico has been a true beneficiary of NAFTA,

transformation. For example, when Audi decided to come

its performance during the economic crisis does not lie.

here, it sent a different message to the world about quality.

While the globe was battered, the automotive industry

Audi is not ashamed about their vehicle being ‘made in

stood firm and weathered the storm, as Eduardo Solís,

Mexico’.” The key here is that NAFTA became one of

Executive President of AMIA states. “When placed on a line

the stepping stones upon which Mexico could continue

graph, you can see that despite the two crises of 1995 and

expanding its free trade agreements. With the automotive

2009, the automotive sector grew continuously after the

industry having become one of the clear winners since

1980s and then exponentially after NAFTA.” Mexico, now an

NAFTA, its future in Mexico is carved in stone. Unimpaired

automotive manufacturing powerhouse occupying the 8th

entry to the biggest automotive consumer market, the US,

position worldwide, producing almost 3 million units in 2013,

has been secured.

marking a 61% growth since the treaty went into effect. Spurred by Mexico’s ambitious plans and its competitive


NAFTA did not only open borders to encourage production

advantages, top multinational suppliers are now increasing

and a higher complexity of manufacturing processes, it

their presence here. One of the major attractive qualities of

broadened the very mindset of key automotive players

Mexico for FDI is its degree of openness seen through its

by showing them Mexico was a competitive option. Solís

many FTAs. It is important to note that FTAs like NAFTA

Q: In what ways are you helping to increase local content

This scheme began in 2014 and it is expected that 15,000

in the Mexican automotive supply chain?

heavy duty vehicles will be exchanged during the year.

A: We have taken radical steps in developing local

These programs are geared towards the owner-operators

suppliers. Now that OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers are already

as they are more likely to buy used trucks. Most of the large

established in Mexico, we are beginning to work down

companies renew their fleets every five years and these old

the supply chain and add local content. Our approach

vehicles are then passed on to owner-operators.

is specialized as we collaborate with companies and we identify their specific needs. We help integrate local

Q: What has been the impact of the investment shift in the

suppliers into the operations of companies such as

automotive industry from the North to the Bajio region

Bosch, Metalsa, and Nemak. Through Inadem, Bancomex,

and how do you maintain a level of healthy competition

NAFINSA, SME funds, and our own programs, we can

between states?

offer a wide range of support to SMEs to help them enter

A: It is important to maintain a level of healthy

into the automotive supply chain.







government must remain impartial. We are neutral and Q: What measures have you implemented to tackle the

we push for companies to establish themselves in those

indiscriminate importation of used vehicles from the US?

areas where they will be successful. Obviously, companies

A: This is one of the biggest concerns for the internal

analyze and evaluate where they will establish themselves.

market, both in light and heavy vehicles. These vehicles are

It is also a matter of logic. For example, if an auto part

not in condition to adequately compete against national

company wishes to supply Nissan, the logical step would

vehicles. Alongside associations like CONATRAM and

be for it to set up shop in Aguascalientes. The first step is to

ANPACT, we have created specific norms to ensure that

attract the investment into Mexico and, once it is here, we

scrap vehicles do not enter the country. These norms will

then look to see where it is viable or desirable to be placed

enforce inspections of imported vehicles to make sure they

within the industry. There are many factors that influence

are in good condition and they do not pollute. We are also

the location of a company, such as logistics, suppliers,

working alongside NAFINSA and commercial banks on

distribution networks, and access to infrastructure. As a

financing schemes which promote the sales of new vehicles.

federation, we are neutral and we do not favor any states.

The heavy duty sector has been heavily impacted by the

The decision about location is down to the companies and

importation, so we are working on a scrapping program

our role is to see that they can make the most informed

where people can exchange their old vehicle for a new one.

decision possible.

are one of the pillars that have stimulated the industry’s

which they use a car for a couple of years and then replace

expansion, “Mexico has FTAs with 45 countries, but it needs

it. Millions of cars are being replaced every couple of years.

to continue looking for new markets,” Solís comments. As a

Mexico does not behave this way, people keep their cars

country that exports 80% of its production this is critical and

for much longer.” While NAFTA has benefited the industry

FTAs like NAFTA have not only enabled Mexico to surpass

in countless ways, according to Lozano, “NAFTA states

Japan as the main exporter to the US, but have consolidated

that the US will export more to Mexico, so the situation will

Mexico’s position as the 4th exporter of vehicles worldwide.

actually worsen.”

The transformation to become a global reference for the auto industry paints a positive future landscape. Luis Lozano,

The impact has been reflected on the domestic sales

Mexico Automotive Leader at PwC, says that “with regards

of both light and heavy vehicles. “Dealers are severely

to the evolution of the automotive industry in this country,

affected; many of them cannot sell more than 100 cars

I predict we will go from the 8th production country in the

a month. Toyota has reduced its number of dealers here,

world, to being 6th in the next two or three years.”

and the American OEMs are following suit,” Lozano adds. Mexican internal automotive sales reached their highest

While consolidating the opening of its economy through

point in six years in 2013, with 1.06 million cars being

NAFTA shaped Mexico’s automotive industry, it also

bought nationwide, 7.7% higher than the figures for 2012.

opened the doors to the indiscriminate importation of

However, this uptick has not quelled fears, with experts

used vehicles from the US. For Lozano, “this is the biggest

stating figures would be far higher if adverse market

issue facing the Mexican automotive sector right now.” He

circumstances could be resolved. According to Lozano,

attributes the stagnation of the domestic market by used

solutions have been considered “but the real issue remains

units to cultural differences, “the US has this culture in

that we are so close to the US.”





facing both countries vary hugely, with Brazil exporting

established in 1951 by international industry heavyweights

just 5% of its production compared to Mexico’s 80%.

to represent the interests of the country’s automotive

Mexico looks set to continue as a major global exporter,

producers. Its current Executive President, Eduardo Solís,

with recent figures showing that the country is now

points out that Mexico is not a latecomer to the international

positioned as the fourth largest auto exporter in the world.

stage: “Mexico began looking outwards in the late 1980s,

Last year, Mexico exported a record number of 2,423,084

and this can be seen through the rise of the automotive

locally manufactured light vehicles, of which 68% went to

sector.” Of course it was NAFTA’s establishment in 1994,

the US, supporting expert conclusions that the recovery of

opening up Mexico’s economy and accelerating the

the US market has been largely responsible for Mexico’s

growth of the country’s already solid automotive industry

growing export levels. “From January to June this year,

that really saw the sector explode. AMIA’s data shows that

Mexican exports to the US market increased by 16.5%

Mexico has gone from producing 505,202 cars in 1988 to

while Japanese exports grew 3.5%, which means that

2,933,455 in 2013. “Many people think of Mexico’s economy

Mexican exports grew over four times as fast as Japan.”

as baed on maquiladoras. Not many people know that we

As a result, Mexico overtook Japan in early 2014 as the

are actually exporting more than we import. Last year

second-largest automotive exporter to the US, with some

we imported US$10.4 billion worth of automotive goods

experts predicting it will become the number one exporter

and we exported almost US$23.5billion worth. That is not

as early as next year.

evidence of a maquiladora industry but of a real value added sector,” says Solís. AMIA expects Mexico’s annual

Car assemblers and auto parts manufacturers hit

light vehicle production to reach four million by 2017,

production and sales records in 2013, which are

based on investments that have already been announced.

only likely to keep climbing and further investment announcements have continued throughout 2014. “The

In the first six months of 2014, Mexico’s vehicle production

recent investment announcements by luxury OEMs like

surpassed Brazil’s due to a 16.8% drop in the South

Audi, Mercedes-Benz, Nissan Infiniti, and BMW change

American heavyweight’s output, and an 8% increase in

the face of Mexico as a vehicle manufacturer and give the

Mexico’s production. “In 2013, Brazil produced almost

country tremendous credentials to continue its growth,”

500,000 more vehicles than Mexico, but this year already,

asserts Solís. A look at Mexico’s trade surplus and

Mexico has produced almost 300,000 more vehicles than

deficit levels shed further illumination on the growing

Brazil,” explains Solís. Despite using Brazil as a comparison

importance of the automotive sector for the country’s

to the Mexican market, Solís points out that the challenges

entire economy. Solís explains that the automotive industry currently has a yearly trade surplus of almost US$39 billion, and in the period from January to April


of 2014, that surplus grew by 16.9%. “By April 2013, we had an $11.3 billion surplus, which increased to a US$13.2 billion surplus by April 2014. That gives you a sense of



the success of the industry and is testament to the value added contribution Mexico is making,” says Solís. Indeed 17%

the entire Mexican manufacturing industry had a deficit of US$3.9 billion last year, while the Mexican economy


itself had a US$2 billion deficit. 12% 19%

Despite positive production figures, the Mexican internal market has not exactly followed suit. Last year, new car sales in the country rose 7.7% to 1.06 million, matching the levels of 2004. Only around half of domestic automotive

0-5 years

sales in Mexico involved cars made in the country, with the

6-10 years

rest being imported. Despite the domestic light vehicle

11-15 years

market growing steadily since 2009, it has nonetheless

16-20 years

taken a full decade for sales to return to previously seen

21-25 years

levels. “Reactivating and deploying the domestic market is

25+ years

really the number one concern of AMIA right now, and that

Source: INA


is the dark side of the industry. Sales might have grown in

200,000 to 250,000 missed loan opportunities due to the

2013, but mid-point into 2014, sales are actually 0.3% lower

level of perceived risk involved, but Solís is hopeful that the

than this time last year and overall current sales match

country’s Financial Reform will go some way to addressing

those of a decade ago. This constitutes a lost decade for

the problem. However, until both the used car inflow and

the Mexican domestic market,” says Solís, who believes

the access to finance issues are resolved, Mexico’s internal

that domestic sales should be at 2 million units, but many

market will continue to underperform, he warns. “Brazil

obstacles need to be overcome before such potential can

has higher interest rates and taxes, and yet they sell 19

be realized.

vehicles per 1,000 inhabitants while we sell nine. We have

“In 2013, Brazil produced almost 500,000 more vehicles than Mexico, but this year already, Mexico has produced almost 300,000 more vehicles than Brazil” Eduardo Solís, Executive President of AMIA

A major obstacle to revitalizing the domestic industry is

similar per capita incomes, so there should not be such

the constant influx of used cars from the US. According

a big difference,” explains Solís. The clear constraints on

to a study conducted between A.T. Kearney and AMIA

the internal market do not mean that opportunities do not

analyzing key constraints to Mexico’s automotive industry

exist however. Solís explains that Hyundai is the newest

growth, the excess inflow of used vehicles from the US is

member of AMIA, having recently made the move to

the main barrier. Stricter regulation is key, Solís explains.

Mexico. “Hyundai is coming to sell vehicles in Mexico with a

“The government will play a big role in whether or not

modest view of what it can achieve, but the possibilities are

the Mexican automotive industry will grow. If the right

interesting enough. The Hyundai niche represents about

operating environment is put in place alongside Mexico’s

3%, which is what Chrysler has already been selling for

automotive experience and its competitive advantages,

Hyundai, and the company expects to be able to increase

the possibilities are tremendous.” A second barrier is the

that a little to a 5-6% market share,” says Solís.

current availability, or lack thereof, of financing in the Mexican market. Solís explains that 50% of vehicles sold

According to AMIA, Mexico’s future lies in its potential

in Mexico are financed, but he states this figure should

to scale up the automotive production value chain and

be closer to 70%. “We have the opportunity for growth,

become a center for R&D development. Solís points out

but it is not happening because Mexican law helps the

that the automotive industry is the single most important

borrower more than the lender. For example, if a person

sector for CONACYT. US engineers are an average of 55

stops making their car loan repayments in Mexico, it can

years old today, while their Mexican counterparts are 27

take a lender up to three years to recover their vehicle. By

years old. In five years, 20% of US engineers are going to

contrast, in the US, if a person stops paying, a vehicle will

retire. “This will lead to a tremendous move of engineering

be repossessed a week later,” says Solís. During the time it

centers to Mexico, and with the 100,000 engineers

can take a lender to recover a vehicle, the value has usually

graduating here yearly, we have a huge opportunity,”

depreciated substantially. AMIA studies point to about

concludes Solís.

PRODUCTION DEC 2012-JUNE 2014 (thousand units)

287 246



Feb 2014

Mar 2014

Apr 2014


249 164 Jan 2014


285 241

238 Apr 2013


238 Mar 2013


246 Feb 2013






Jan 2013




100 50

June 2014

May 2014

Dec 2013

Nov 2013

Oct 2013

Sep 2013

Aug 2013

Jul 2013

June 2013

May 2013

Dec 2012


Source: AMIA


GUIDANCE TO THE INDUSTRY’S TWISTS AND TURNS Leading information provider IHS Global Insight is working

manufacturer’s objective and the reality about the actual

hard to calculate what direction automotive industry

volume that is produced. In the same vein, it may not make

concerns will take over the coming years. Guido Vildozo,

sense to look at sales projections in the earliest stages of

Light Vehicle Sales Forecasts Manager for Latin America

production, but IHS believes it is imperative. “We look at

of IHS, explained that the company’s analysts focus on

potential sales in certain countries compared against new

establishing the state of the industry for both sales and

and competing models, and then predict where the models

production. “The sales side has a unique set of issues such

are geographically and how much they are trying to sell.

as credits, used-car imports, and growth projection. For

All of this is very important information for a producer or

production, which is receiving a lot of investment, the

potential producer,” explains Vildozo. The average new

concern is always where the industry is going to go next,”

car plant does not see a return for two decades, and the

says Vildozo. Up to this point, the Mexican automotive

average new powertrain site does not see returns for 15

industry has been majorly dedicated to exporting to

years, hence making it all the more crucial for producers to

the US, but IHS sees Mexico becoming a replacement

understand the market.

production hub for some previously key manufacturing regions throughout the world. Chrysler’s recent decision

Given the range of its services and breadth of data, it is

to use Mexico as a base of production for cars to export

clear how IHS can help OEMs understand the market. But

to China is a key example of this phenomenon. “From

helping suppliers with different concerns and different

IHS’ perspective, the next step is going to be the hardest

budgets requires a modified tack. Dary believes that

because Mexico has a limited supplier base that needs

suppliers should utilize IHS’ market expertise throughout

further development. Suppliers are currently acting on

the entire production process, as “both the start and end

more of a free market basis in response to the needs of

of production are milestones for any supplier. If a supplier

every OEM, but there is no aggregate vision of what needs

can be provided with the accurate timing for when a

to happen,” says Vildozo. “Mexico is competing with the

model is going to start being produced, it is ahead of the

other Latin American giants for manufacturing, but these

curve in terms of responding to the request for quotation,

have already set firm goals for the future.”

and in understanding what the volumes are going to be.

“The next step is going to be the hardest because Mexico has a limited supplier base that needs further development”

Guido Vildozo, Light Vehicle Sales Forecasts Manager for Latin America of IHS


IHS Automotive has established partnerships with the

It can therefore set up capacity at the plant accordingly.”

local trade, manufacturing, and auto parts associations

Armed with this insight, Dary maintains that the suppliers

in several countries to ensure that its data comes directly

have the battle largely won, as they can go to the OEM

from the source, including close partnerships with major

better prepared than their competitors. “A supplier that

OEMs and Tier 1s. Roughly 60% of the Tier 1 industry are

does not currently do business with any OEM might be

clients of IHS Automotive, according to the company’s

reluctant to invest in expensive consulting advice, but

Sales Manager for Latin America, Raul Dary. In terms of

it should definitely do so,” Dary states. “That company

key opportunities for OEMs that IHS’ extensive analysis has

should have a good understanding of the programs that

identified in Mexico, Vildozo is conservative. “There is only

are about to start, as well as the attributes of the vehicle

limited room for surprises showing up in the future. The

that is going to be produced, in order to be prepared

one area that leaves room for exploration is the premium

and serve that demand,” says Dary. This is particularly

sector, in which we have seen Audi take the first step, but

important when establishing a plant, as many suppliers

that is premature, taking into account that the drivers for

get burned from pouring too much capacity into their

this move were Argentina and Brazil. At this point, there is

plant, resulting in huge financial outlays. “Excess capacity

a little bit of uncertainty as to whether that quota is going

is never good. If a plant is running at 50%, it becomes

to be extended past the first quarter of 2015,” says Vildozo.

very difficult to get to a break-even point, let alone the

According to IHS, there is often a difference between the

ability to go beyond it,” concludes Dary.


SEEKING INTEGRATION FOR AUTOMOTIVE SUPPLY CHAIN RICARDO HANEINE Partner at A.T. Kearney Q: How is Mexico positioned in the global automotive

imported from the Midwest of the US, and transportation


costs are high. Several large global steel manufacturers

A: We look at how Mexico is positioned to participate and

have announced the creation of new plants for that type

compete within North America, Europe and Asia, based

of steel in Mexico, and this shows the value of a deeper

on the development of the global automotive supply and

supplier base. Another aspect would be to build up the local

value chains. Mexico is fairly well positioned in terms of

Mexican car market. We used to sell around 1.5 million new

the level of productivity combined with the cost of labor.

cars in Mexico every year but this has dropped to around

China was historically more competitive but the trend in

800,000 because of used car imports from the US, which

the last three or four years, with the revaluation of the

has created a distortion in the prices of cars in the country.

yuan, has made Mexico more competitive. That is why

However, the slowing down of the new vehicles market in

Mexico is now in the top two for exports to the US, which is

Mexico has not only been due to the importation of used

the only sector where China has not displaced Mexico. Our

cars. The penetration of financing for cars by banks and

focus looking ahead is on how to bring more added value

lenders has been low. In the US, 90% of cars are obtained

to the Mexican automotive sector. One important factor

through financing, and this figure is between 50 and 55%

in this is the human talent aspect. Are enough engineers

in Mexico. Increasing financing will increase the number of

graduating? Are they graduating with the right skillsets, or

new cars being bought, as will regulations controlling used

do OEMs have to train them from scratch?

car importation. NAFINSA has been giving guarantees to the banks in order to encourage them to finance cars. To

Q: How can this added value be brought to Mexico’s

date, the lack of a national registry has made it risky for

automotive supply chain?

banks to engage in automotive financing here, but that is

A: We look at whether Mexico has evolved from

being addressed. The local market should eventually pick



up to its full potential of 1.3-1.4 million new cars being sold

manufacturing processes. 80% of our production goes

a year. Right now, the local market accounts for 20% of

to exports but how much value added is generated in

production, and showing OEMs that this could increase

our country? The automotive sector accounts for 3.5%

to 30-40% should provide a nice incentive for future

of GDP and around 20% of Mexico’s exports, but the






contribution to GDP should be much higher. The other aspect to ensure value added is to have more suppliers.

All our projects have led us to one question. Should

In many instances OEMs have arrived to Mexico with their

Mexico’s strategy be to continue being the producer and

own pre-established group of Tier 1 suppliers. These Tier

exporter of car parts and components, or should it seek to

1 suppliers often feel the Mexican supply market is too

export fully integrated cars? Many OEMs see that Mexico

fragmented and fear that the production of scale they

has the potential to increase car exports, which allows

require cannot happen here. We need to understand

the integration process to happen and begin building

how to build up our Tier 1, 2 and 3 suppliers to overcome

the needed talent, technology, and suppliers to generate

the stagnation this leads to.

much more added value. Mexico has been selected by many OEMs above other emerging markets that are

The strength of the local supply chain is key to bringing

centers for production, manufacturing, and design within

more OEMs to Mexico. Profit margins are very small in the

the automotive industry, such as Brazil, China, and Eastern

auto parts industry and we have looked at specific projects

Europe. The integration of the supply chains within NAFTA

to address this. We identified that high-resistance steel is

has been a huge help but suppliers and providers still need

key for the development of cars, but that the steel that

to fulfill the conditions and requirements that the OEMs

is manufactured in Mexico is more of a commodity. The

demand, in terms of the quality and service levels in their

sort of steel needed for the automotive industry has to be

supply chain.




2 3

Baja California



Toyota 1

Nissan 8

Honda 17

A Hyundai Translead

Nissan 9

B Kenworth

10 Daimler Group - Nissan

State of Mexico


Fiat-Chrysler 18



8 10


GM 19 San Luis Potosi

Ford 20

F Cummins

J Volvo


11 BMW (2019)

K Isuzu

3 3 Ford

12 GM

L Freightliner




4 Chrysler engines

13 Mazda

M Daewoo

Chrysler 5

14 Honda

N Dina

Fiat 6

15 GM

GM 7

16 Volkswagen engines


Freightliner C 7

G Hino

21 Nissan

Nuevo Leon



Navistar D 7

H Volkswagen

22 Audi (2016)

Mercedes-Benz E 7

I Scania

23 Volkswagen

2 Ford


Port of Manzanillo

Port of Lazaro Cardenas

D E C 6 4



11 F 12

Port of Altamira

G 16 15 14



M 19 20



J 18 K


Light Vehicles

22 23

Heavy Vehicles

Port of Veracruz




ROLLERCOASTER YEAR FOR THE HEAVY DUTY SECTOR 2014 is proving to be a hectic year for the heavy duty

overtake Germany as the number one exporter of Class

segment, including production records, plummeting

8 vehicles. As all class segments experienced a rise in

domestic sales and increasing exportation levels, which

production levels, ANPACT took note of an untapped

is gearing up to see industry records being broken.

segment in Mexico: Class 2b and 3 trucks. Mexico has

Miguel Elizalde Lizárraga, the Executive President of

a dedicated association that deals with light vehicles,

ANPACT, stated as much in a press release, predicting


that 2014 would be the heavy duty sector’s best year,

segment, but no association has done the same for the

as long as production numbers maintained the pace

middle segments. This gap led ANPACT to expand its

registered during the first half of the year. Elizalde

services, moving from focusing only on Class 4 to Class

Lizárraga attributes this boost to growing demand from

8 vehicles and up to include Class 2b and 3 models. “We

the US. “The economy of the US has been stable and

began to notice that our associates, while offering their

more industrial exports have been sent there. As a result,

customary Class 7 vehicles, were now including Class 3

manufacturing levels have risen.” In the first half of

units in their product portfolio,” says Elizalde Lizárraga.

2014, exports increased 50% for all heavy duty vehicles

This meant that ANPACT had to undergo a restructuring

compared to the same period in the previous record year

phase to accommodate this budding market segment.

2012. This growth has opened the doors to new potential

Upon including these new classes, Elizalde Lizárraga

markets for Mexican vehicles. For example, Colombia

discovered that while the government offers financial

used to be Mexico’s second largest export destination for

incentives for heavy and light vehicles, no such financial

heavy duty vehicles, but it has now fallen to fourth place.

schemes existed for other segments of the industry. “All

For Elizalde Lizárraga, this creates a perfect opportunity

regulations and norms must be applied nationwide in

to increase trade relations. “Colombia is a great potential

order to put all manufactured vehicles under the same

market to increase exports of heavy-vehicle units. This

standards, including Class 2b and 3,” he states.







will happen as long as Colombia changes some of its regulations and enforces the scrapping program to

Nevertheless, while Mexico catapulted to second place

incentivize the renewal of fleets and purchasing of new

worldwide as a main exporter of Class 8 vehicles, and


manufacturing levels soared to new heights, sales in the domestic market plummeted to an all-time low. Compared

This rise in production has led Mexico to become the

to 2013, sales dropped by 16.2%, but the drag factor this

second largest exporter worldwide of Class 8 tractors

caused on production levels was compensated by the

and trailers, having exported 63,040 units in 2014. The

boost in exports to the US. Elizalde Lizárraga attributes

vast majority of these vehicles were destined for the US,

this decrease in the domestic market to a variety of

representing 90.5%, followed by Peru with 2.6%, and

reasons. The first factor is the economic situation in Mexico,

Canada with 2.1%. Germany maintains its overall global

our economic growth from 3.9% in 2012 to 1.1% in 2013.

leadership with 85,509 exported units, but Elizalde

“Since internal sales are closely correlated to Mexico’s

Lizárraga believes that Mexico has the potential to

economic growth, this reduction had an impact on sales.”

HEAVY DUTY PRODUCTION APRIL 2014 (thousand units)

56.90 2003








55.70 2002












Source: AMIA


Jan-Apr 2014















within the sector. “The industry has certain regulations that all trucks must comply with, such as mandatory seatbelts, fire extinguishers and other criteria pertaining


to the physical and mechanical conditions of the units,”

6-10 years


Elizalde Lizárraga describes. The previous regulation

11-15 years


made allowances for extra weight capacity as long as

16-20 years


trucks complied with certain safety standards like ABS

21-25 years


brakes and specific horsepower. “The new NOM-012 is

26-30 years


proposing that double-articulated trucks will continue

31-35 years


to function under these standards, but single trucks and

36-40 years


buses will be allowed to move at their highest possible

41-45 years


weight capacity without these safety characteristics in

46-50 years


place.” Elizalde Lizárraga attributes this revised NOM-

51-55 years


012 as an attempt by the government to help operators

56-60 years


continue their businesses since they cannot afford to buy

More than 60 years Subtotal


newer, safer trucks. But ANPACT has an alternative in


mind. “If operators cannot purchase safe vehicles, safety


standards should not be lowered. Instead, you encourage


operators to buy these safe vehicles through financial

Not identified Total

incentives.” Although NAFTA allows the free flow of The second factor is the Fiscal Reform since, according

goods and states the regulation of heavy duty vehicles

to Elizalde Lizárraga, carriers and fleet owners are being

from 2009 to 2019, it also has specific environmental

more cautious about renewing their fleets until they are

regulations that must be followed. “The units that are

fully familiarized with the workings of the reform. The third

being imported conform to EPA 98 and these should

and most important variable has been the indiscriminate

not be allowed to enter Mexico, given that the country’s

importation of used trucks, where Elizalde Lizárraga

emissions standard mandates that all vehicles must meet

sees the biggest growth potential. He points to other

is EPA 04.”

“The imports of used trucks accounted for the majority of the 16.2% drop in the sales of new trucks in Mexico sold last year. Capturing that segment back would mean opening up a major market slice” Miguel Elizalde Lizárraga, Executive President of ANPACT

imbalances in the Mexican market, such as Mexico being

For Elizalde Lizárraga, it is crucial that all norms for the

the second-largest exporter of fifth-wheelers while being

automotive industry in the US and Mexico work together

the largest importer of used fifth-wheelers. The problem is

to promote better technology and vehicles, which is

further compounded by Mexico having become the main

particularly important for the renewal of the vehicle park.

importer of used trucks from the US, beating out Nigeria.

“Once all our standards are aligned with those in the US,

Where some would see this only as a negative situation,

Mexico will stop receiving all these obsolete vehicles.”

Elizalde Lizárraga sees a silver lining. “The imports of used

For the heavy duty sector, the federal government has

trucks accounted for the majority of the 16.2% drop in the

taken an important step in deterring the entry of such

sales of new trucks in Mexico sold last year. Capturing that

units by bringing Mexico closer to US standards with the

segment back would mean opening up a major market slice,

publication of the new NOM-086. This norm is renewing

which would make a huge difference to the industry. Our

outdated criteria and Elizalde Lizárraga predicts that, if

best ever year was 2007 when we sold a record number

correctly implemented, it will keep a portion of the older

of 51,000 units. If we compare this to the first semester of

vehicles off the roads. “This norm had not been updated

2014, we are 35% below that record sale.”

for the last ten years, so the new version will bring us closer to US standards,” he states. For the next few years,

High on ANPACT’s agenda is the promotion of a

ANPACT will continue to focus on improving safety and

legal framework and financial assistance scheme that

environmental regulations. “These norms must also be

encompass all segments of the industry. One of the

accompanied with aggressive financing schemes and

norms at the center of safety regulations, NOM-012, is

scrapping programs for operators,” concludes Elizalde

undergoing several changes, and has stirred controversy

Lizárraga. Source: INA



INDUSTRY REFORMS MODIFY SUPPLY CHAIN RELATIONS were previously unaccounted for. Deloitte also works with local suppliers, given the need for these to develop at the Tier 2 and Tier 3 levels of the supply chain. Nonetheless, in order to function as indirect suppliers for leading international companies, these local suppliers need to demonstrate their competitiveness. This is where Deloitte comes in. “Within the scope of our management consultancy, we advise clients on what sort of structures they need to have in place and Manuel Nieblas Rodríguez, Manufacture Industry Leader at Deloitte

Gabriel Renero, former Partner at Deloitte Consulting

then help them to implement those systems. SMEs have a lot of opportunities from a technological, process, and human capital standpoint, and we are trying to help them become

Among those advising the automotive industry, Deloitte

more sophisticated and grow as suppliers,” says Renero.

holds pride of place as its own executives say it offers its services to 80% of OEMS and Tier 1 companies in Mexico.

“The most familiar explanation of Mexico’s poor domestic

This position has been attained while Mexico has become

market is the influx of used, American cars. But while

highly competitive as a destination for foreign automotive

this is being worked on, there also needs to be better

investment. This trend has been characterized by mammoth

communication between the OEMs and the dealers. For

announcements such as Audi announce a plant in Puebla

example, a customer might enter a dealership looking for

and the BMW plant in San Luis Potosi, which have helped to

a black car with a sunroof, but the dealership only has a

keep global interest high in the Mexican market. But Gabriel

red car without a sun roof available. If this is successfully

Renero, a former Partner in Deloitte’s consulting arm, sees

sold to the customer, the OEM will receive an update from

potential developments outside the norm. “There is a big

the dealership indicating that red cars without sun roofs are

opportunity for Chinese manufacturers here. They are trying

selling well, when really the true demand was actually for

to understand how the North American market works and

the black car. This shows how recording and communicating

what they need to do in order to break into it,” he says,

the real need of the consumer is therefore key to increasing

adding that “as it stands, Chinese manufacturing is not up to

sales.” Deloitte has found this miscommunication extends

the standards required by the US for the most part. However,

to the dealership network where confusion often exists

Latin America is a good test market for them, with Mexico

about who owns customer data, how dealers should

being a particularly good opportunity.” He believes that with

report information, and to what extent this information is

the country having piqued the interest of Chinese investors, it

confidential or shareable. Many of the OEMs that have been

has secured automotive investment for many years to come.

in Mexico for a long time grew by implementing different systems for all different aspects of the sales process,

For companies unfamiliar with the Mexican tax situation,

which has resulted in many different solutions for how the

Deloitte also offers advice on tax compliance, transfer pricing

information is stored and shared. Renero suggests that all

and international taxation issues. Manuel Nieblas Rodríguez,

of this information should be integrated into one single data

a Partner specialized in auditing, explains that the most

system, which analysts could then use to mine data.

relevant issues in Mexico’s 2013 Tax Reform involve customs and importation duties. “Companies will need more capital to

As for the future of Deloitte’s services in the automotive

fund the VAT payments that are now necessary,” says Nieblas

industry, Renero predicts that the company will receive a

Rodríguez, “We are still waiting for the final regulations

raft of requests for market entry strategies as all aspects of

and requirements regarding certification to avoid the VAT

the industry grow. “Mexico may not have a large domestic

payments. The results of that will reveal the impact more

light vehicle market, but it is one of the most competitive

clearly.” However, Renero seeks to clarify one matter. “By the

markets in the world. Mexico is a price-sensitive market

very nature of their businesses, all of our clients are used to

but the luxury car segment is the fastest growing area. The

a certain level of change and uncertainty within the industry.

other sector that is creating a lot of demand for advice

This is to be expected in evolving markets around the world,

will be technology. With the development of high-tech

and most executives within the sector are used to witnessing

prototypes such as autonomous vehicles, inquiries will

change.” Therefore, Deloitte does not believe that changes

come regarding how these changes to the industry’s status

in the Mexican market are of much concern, especially when

quo will be assimilated by the consumer. Of course, this will

it comes to initiating or continuing investment. Instead,

call for a lot of interesting debate as the population tries to

companies are seeking the best way to assimilate costs that

find the balance,” concludes Renero.


SIGNIFICANCE OF AUTO PARTS TO MEXICO’S FOREIGN TRADE “Mature markets in Western Europe, the US, China and South

transmissions, make up 7% of Mexico’s total manufacturing

Korea should not expect to see soaring growth from their

GDP, whilst the automotive industry as a whole represents

automotive industries in the next five to six years,” predicts

16%. During 2013, Mexico was the world’s sixth largest

Oscar Albín, the Executive President of Mexico’s National

producer of auto parts with a production value of US$76.8

Autoparts Industry association (INA). He estimates that

billion, having been overtaken for fifth place by South Korea

these markets will see an average annual growth of 1.5% over

due to demand for home-sourced auto parts from Asian

that period, as opposed to a 5.8% average in Latin America

giants Hyundai and Kia, despite recording a 9.6% average

and India. Mexico’s automotive industry, in particular, is well

annual growth for auto parts over the last three years.

positioned to continue capitalizing on regional demand,

Electrical components are the most produced auto parts in

offering 16% savings on production costs when compared to

Mexico, making up for 17.4% of total production. Explaining

the US. The country is also benefiting from China’s reduced

the breadth of Mexico’s auto parts production capacity,

cost competitiveness. As a result, Mexico enjoys a positive

Albín says, “in Mexico, one can find every single component,

trade balance within the automotive sector, which reached

bumper to bumper. That being said, we are importing sub-

US$38.7 billion in 2013.

components to produce all these parts. For example, major

“We are not against the importation of used cars as this is an essential basis of our FTAs. However, there is a clear imbalance with the current situation” Oscar Albín, Executive President of INA

Vehicle production in Mexico is on target to exceed 4 million

lighting companies such as Philips, Hella, and Osram do not

units by the close of the decade, with export markets for this

have local production so they import electric bulbs for head

output expected to diversify. Back in 2002, 85% of Mexico’s

and tail lamps that are made in Mexico.” In 2013, the sector

vehicle exports went to the US, but this figure dropped to

employed 637,800 people and this is expected to rise to

68% in 2013 as the Canadian, Latin American, and European

almost 800,000 by the end of the decade. INA calculates

markets grew in importance. It is predicted that Mexico will

that each job created by an OEM leads to seven jobs being

produce 24% of NAFTA’s predicted 17.9 million vehicles by

created in the auto parts sector. US$57.83 billion in auto

2020. Albín believes that Mexico actually has the capacity to

parts were exported from Mexico in 2013, with 90.1% going

surpass this target, and to represent up to 50% of NAFTA’s

to the US, followed by Canada, and Brazil.

vehicle manufacturing. However, he stresses that increasing the country’s capacity to produce technologically advanced

The total value of Mexico’s auto parts production is forecasted

vehicles is crucial. Auto parts, including engines and

to reach US$81.5 billion in 2014, and is set to top US$94 billion



350 300 250

2nd 3rd

200 150 100

Source: INA




22th Others








South Korea

















55.76 2008








57.70 2007

























by 2020. The northern states maintain their historic hold on

balance between the countries due to the fact that Mexico

the industry, representing 53.6% of auto parts manufacturing

does not have exports to either of the Asian powerhouses.

activity. However, a huge influx of investment has seen the Bajio claim over 26%, followed by Coahuila with 18.2%. The

Looking to the future, INA sees Mexico’s success as being

move towards the center of the country is testament to the

dependent on the evolution of two major axes. The first

increasing diversification of export destinations, with access

is the promotion of the domestic market to a level that

to ports becoming increasingly important. Albín believes that

encourages significant investment, and the second is the

the major Latin American economies must work together to

development of Mexico as a top three destination for the

ensure that this diversification continues. “We need to work

design and production of vehicles and their components.

closely with Argentina and Brazil to develop synergies that

Tackling the first hurdle cannot be done without addressing

will benefit us all. We must also ensure that any such benefits

the inhibiting effect of used vehicle importation from

are balanced, as in the past, some countries have benefited

the US, which equated to 644,209 vehicles in 2013. The

more than others in certain similar situations,” asserts Albín.

cascade of used cars into Mexico has led to a situation

Figures show that harnesses were Mexico’s most exported

where 20% of cars on the road today are over 25 years old.

auto part in 2013, followed by seats and related parts, as

“We are not against the importation of used cars as this

well as airbags. With growth of 28%, electrical parts saw the

is an essential basis of our FTAs. However, there is a clear

biggest increase in exportation compared to 2012, followed

imbalance with the current situation. Cars that are only fit

by catalytic converters which experienced a 26% increase.

for scrap in the US are being imported for use in Mexico

In terms of imports, the US remains the largest supplier of

and this must be regulated,” says Albín. INA believes that

auto parts to Mexico, followed by China and South Korea,

the battle on this front can only be won in time through the

providing 54.6%, 11.7%, and 6.1% respectively. Mexico’s

application of emissions standards, mandatory mechanical

reliance on imports from China and South Korea is something

tests, and increased regulation to allow only vehicles in

that INA hopes will change as it has created a negative trade

good condition being imported.



0.2% Hidalgo



Mexico City


State of Mexico

Nuevo Leon





0.7% Tlaxcala


0.9% Durango


1.4% Baja California



3.3% Jalisco

4.8% Aguascalientes


5.3% San Luis Potosi




6.3% Queretaro














Source: INA


GERMAN KNOWHOW GROWS AS INVESTMENTS FLOURISH Mexico was the emerging market most extolled at the 2014

operations in Mexico have seen the company invest a total

World Economic Forum in Davos, with some US$7 billion

of US$8 billion. Its plant in Puebla, one of the largest in the

in investments being announced by global conglomerates

world, employs a work force of 17,000 employees, and has so

including PepsiCo, Cisco, and Nestlé. Along with Japan,

far produced more than 10 million cars for the global market.

much of the automotive investment into Mexico is coming

Mercedes-Benz also has its production sights set on Mexico,

from Germany. A significant chunk of the US$10 billion in

with the company’s Mexico President Pedro Tabera saying

automotive industry investments projected to enter Mexico

that “the existing automotive industry and the number

in the coming years is set to come from German entities

of cars being produced are a few of the great advantages

such as BMW and Daimler as well as major suppliers. The

in Mexico. The supply chain is also robust and there is a

President of the Mexican-German Chamber of Commerce

good labor force with low salaries.” The premium OEM has

(CAMEXA) Johannes Hauser explains that “there has been

identified opportunities in the local market and is planning to

a long history of German companies investing in Mexico,

branch out into the market for new generation compact cars

and today the automotive sector in the country is the most

through its A, B, CLA, and GLA classes. Whilst Mercedes-

important as far as Germany is concerned.” CAMEXA is part

Benz has not yet produced vehicles in Mexico, whisperings

of a three-pronged German investment promotion drive

of an imminent investment have been confirmed. Daimler will

powered by the German Embassy, Germany Trade and

produce small Infiniti and Mercedes-Benz luxury vehicles in

Invest, and CAMEXA.

collaboration with Nissan in Aguascalientes.

A CAMEXA survey released in the last quarter of 2013 reveals

The hype surrounding the impending announcement of a

that the investment intentions of German automotive industry

production plant investment by another premium German

players in Mexico remain strong, as 61% of interviewed German

OEM, BMW, paid off and those that placed their bets on

companies currently in Mexico have further investment plans

the Bajio as the location of choice were only slightly off

for 2014. In addition, 43% of these plan to increase their

the mark. At the start of July 2014, BMW finally confirmed

workforce in the coming year. These positive expansion

a US$1 billion investment in Mexico’s state of San Luis

projections come despite a general market slowdown seen

Potosi. BMW’s first plant in Mexico is scheduled to begin

in 2013. 75% of companies surveyed in 2012 reported profit

production in 2019 and will employ some 1,500 staff. The

increases, whilst only half of these reported growth in 2013.

announcement of a production plant by one of the most

Of those companies that did see growth in 2013, only 19%

technologically advanced OEMs can also only mean

reported an increase of more than 10%. Hauser stipulated

good things for Mexico’s future as a contender for R&D.

that the survey highlights a consistently positive trend in the

Indicating that technology development within Mexico by

development of German industry in Mexico. “Most companies

notoriously meticulous German OEMs is perhaps not such a

want to invest in the country and many plans to hire new staff.

far off dream, BMW’s Marketing Manager Hernando Carvajal

But we know that companies with a focus on the domestic

reveals that “BMW is currently only industrializing products

market have had a much more complicated time than those

in Mexico that have been developed by our headquarters.

with export-minded activities.” The survey also revealed that

However, this is an area that will certainly present long-term

the security perception of Mexico in Germany is improving.

opportunities in terms of generating more local R&D, not

Over half of survey respondents indicated that the security

only for BMW but also for the whole industry.”

situation was having a diminishing impact on their business operations, with just 39% reporting that insecurity affected

Suppliers themselves have seen no shortage of opportunity

their business compared to 49% in 2011.

brought about by the influx of German OEMs, with many Tier 1s following their clients to establish plants in Mexico.


Hauser’s reference to Germany’s long history of investment

Even before BMW has made a single car in Mexico, it

in Mexico is clearly evidenced by the celebration at the

is already contributing to the country’s supply chain

beginning of 2014 of Volkswagen’s 50th year of operations

development. “BMW is providing an example of how you

in the country. The OEM’s production levels in Mexico have

can integrate local companies into the supply chain. It

increased in the last five years to over 600,000 cars and

has actually developed a dedicated program for Mexican

500,000 engines. Marking the commencement of its sixth

suppliers as it is purchasing almost US$2 billion a year for

decade in Mexico, the OEM giant simultaneously announced

production sites all over the world. Audi will be the first

the onset of production of the seventh-generation Golf in

company to produce premium cars in Mexico, and will

Mexico, demonstrating its confidence in the country as a

increase the quality and technological capabilities of local

long-term automotive production hub. Volkswagen’s 50-year

suppliers,” explains Hauser.

CHINA VS MEXICO: LOW-COST MANUFACTURING SHOWDOWN On the global economic stage, China has played the role

spending spree of US$10 billion for manufacturing sites

of the unstoppable cost competitor to perfection by

in Mexico. The main pillar that has helped Mexico lure

producing cheap manufactured goods. But an old actor is

billions in foreign investment and spur the creation of a

making a comeback. For the first time in a decade, Mexico

dynamic manufacturing sector has been its cheap labor.

is becoming a credible competitor to China. Mexico’s share

Traditionally, China’s greatest advantage was its low

of North American production has tripled to approximately

labor costs that were a fraction of the hourly wage of

20% since 1994. Coupled with the 2008 recession, this

factory workers in Europe or the US. Nevertheless, the

has heralded a significant shift of production to Mexico

wage gap between China and Mexico has been closed,

from both the US and Canada. By 2020, Mexico will have

with a Chinese factory worker earning about US$4.50

the capacity to build one in every four vehicles in North

per hour compared to US$2.70 for their Mexican

America, a massive leap from one in six in 2012. Low labor

counterpart. Mexican wages that were once nearly

costs, geographical proximity, and government incentives

double China’s are now 20% lower, and are predicted

have each helped spur the shift, and with such favorable

to be 30% lower by 2015. Additionally, Mexican factory

conditions, transnational companies based in China are

wages are considered to be among the most stable in the

now considering relocating to Mexico to better serve the

world, even when accounting for inflation. This stability

NAFTA region and its surrounding markets.

is attractive to companies looking to make long-term investments in new offshore manufacturing sites. Some

Since NAFTA, trade relationships between the US,

regions in China have even experienced wage increases

Canada, and Mexico have significantly strengthened.

of up to 20% per year. Cheap labor costs have proven to

Economists have identified that the American economy

be a double edged sword for Mexico’s economic growth



and stability. While these stood as a pillar for attracting

to Mexico rather than to China since there is more





FDI, they are predicted to drag the economy in the long

production sharing. For example, 40% of the parts used

term. Between 2005 and 2012, labor income per capita in

in Mexican manufacturing come from the US, while

Mexico fell 6% according to the National Council for the

only 4% of parts used in China have a US origin. Also,

Evaluation of Social Development Policy (CONEVAL).

Mexico has more FTAs than any other nation, covering 45

Lower income means less private consumption, which

countries, which is more than the US with its 20 partners

in turn represents two-thirds of the GDP. Approximately

and China’s 18 combined. Mexico’s close proximity to

58% of the active Mexican labor force is informally

the biggest consumer market in the world, the US, is

employed, which signifies weak tax revenues and many

another major advantage. Shipping times between

workers having little power to demand higher pay.

Mexico and the US are significantly less versus China and the US, which results in a cost advantage and the

As Mexico treads the wage tightrope, the commercial

opportunity to create leaner supply chains. Additionally,

relationship between China and Mexico is evolving.

if quality issues with products should arise, it is easier,

According to ProMéxico, Mexican exports to China in

less expensive, and more efficient to send products back

2013 amounted to US$6.4 billion while imports from there

to Mexico for reprocessing. In fact, goods can be shipped

reached US$61.3 billion, of which 92% corresponded to the

from a manufacturing site in Mexico to North America

procurement of parts and components. In the past, this

in less than a day thanks to existing road and railway

commercial deficit with China was seen as a disadvantage,

connectivity. However, to ship from China to the NAFTA

but Mexican companies can now be competitive in the

region can take several weeks, and factors such as

global value chain. Furthermore, close ties with China

customs delays can introduce potential unknown costs.

enable Mexico to increase its exportable portfolio of goods to balance out and counteract this commercial deficit. As

There are other less obvious advantages to manufacturing

more investors evaluate the possibility of relocating to

in Mexico, one of them being the protection of

Mexico, the second step will entail incentivizing Chinese

intellectual property. It is important that a nation’s legal

investors to move to Mexico to better serve the NAFTA

infrastructure ensures the security of products and a

region. China is no longer seen as an invincible opponent

company’s ability to secure its investments in product

from the point of view of competitiveness, but as a

development. Mexico has clear norms delineating this

strategic partner. According to Ildefonso Guajardo, the

issue and companies seem to have more confidence

Minister of Economy, both countries will benefit far more


from a strategic collaboration than simply moving from






rights. Notably, the automotive industry is going on a

trade conflict to trade conflict.



Vehicle production in Mexico is forecasted to increase 39% by 2017, after record figures were already posted in 2013. An impressive 2,933,465 vehicles were manufactured in the country last year, of which 82.1 % were exported. Mexico’s 18 production sites in 11 states are being steadily added to as new plant investments continue to be announced by OEMs, and it is no longer just the historically outperforming Northern star that is rising. With Mexico’s export base seeing steady diversification, the North American border is no longer the final frontier, and access to Mexico’s ports has become critical for many. This has led to the firm positioning of the central region of the country as a hub for the Mexican automotive sector, and the area has seen unprecedented investment in recent years.

This chapter looks at the importance of the expanding presence of the light vehicle OEMs in Mexico’s development as an automotive manufacturing hub, as well as the development ambitions of the major players. Key OEMs discuss the crucial decisions underlying their investment moves within Mexico, the changing role of Mexico in the global supply chain, ambitions to initiate more in-country value added activity, and the impact of the sector’s development on the domestic supply chain. It examines the production levels and expansion plans of the top producers and looks at the impact of growing competition on the sector. As well as strategic insights directly from the CEOs, leading Purchasing Managers shed light on the factors driving procurement programs as localization measures create opportunities for Mexico’s supply base.





VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mexican Market Must Break Decade-Long Stagnation


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Purchasing Strategies in New Automotive Landscape


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Original OEM Presence Continues to Invest


Securing Rock Solid Presence from Small Market Share


50 Years of Evolving with Mexican Automotive Dreams


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Matching Right Vehicles to Desires of Mexican Market




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Innovation and Brand Image Ensure Continued Success in Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Bringing Right Premium Models to Mexican Market


British Luxury Brand Keeps on Roaring


Safety and Trust Key to Claiming Slice of Premium Pie


VIEW FROM THE TOP: French Giant Seeks to Bring Diversity


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Record Production Levels Depend on Strong Supplier Base


Experienced Player’s Next Steps


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mexico Benefits from Yen Exposure Vulnerabilities


Mazda SkyActiv Raises the Bar


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Younger Customers to Anchor New Era in Mexico


Preserving Iconic Status with Niche Market Share


Impact of Recalls on the Wider Automotive Industry



MEXICAN MARKET MUST BREAK DECADE-LONG STAGNATION EDUARDO SOLÍS Executive President of AMIA Q: What are the main priorities of AMIA and how do you

In Mexico, there is currently no such incentive. Five years

interact with the government to address your concerns?

ago, there was a 30% return on taxes, but this was taken

A: We have four major elements. The first is to reactivate

away completely after we lobbied for it to be increased.

the domestic market. We must do something to bring

This is because the government sees these incentives as

back the internal market to where it ought to be. 2013

a cost, not an investment. It viewed Mexico’s tax return

closed with the sale of just over 1 million vehicles internally

as creating a hole in its finances. That was under another

in Mexico, just above the 2012 sales of 980,000 vehicles.

administration and different legislatures, however. We

The market should be at 1.8-1.9 million vehicles at least.

must now work with the government that is currently

Despite the almost 9% increase from 2012 to 2013, the

in place.

numbers we have now are still too small. These numbers are similar to the ones that were seen ten years ago, and

Q: Do you believe Mexico missed the opportunity to

highlight what I call the “lost decade” in the domestic

establish a Mexican OEM?

automotive market. The numbers for the first quarter of

A: Today, I believe we still have the opportunity to create a

2005 were the same as those seen in the first quarter of

Mexican OEM. We need a major Mexican tycoon to decide

2014, and this comes after a period of constant growth in

that they want to get into the automotive industry. An

the internal market. The second pillar is to ensure the right

OEM was almost created through a joint venture between

business environment. We now need to continue working

Grupo Salinas and a Chinese firm, but the project was

on the supply chain, incentives, cost of utilities, human

shelved during the crisis of 2008. Mexico will eventually

resources, and quality. The third pillar is international

have a Mexican-owned OEM, but I do not think that this

market access. We have FTAs with more than 40 countries,

is absolutely vital. The automotive industry has already

but for a country like Mexico that exports more than 80%

become very globalized. For example, how American can

of its production, it is very important to continue looking

we say General Motors is nowadays? Therefore, OEMs

for new markets. Last year, we created a new agreement

being present in Mexico is more important as opposed to

with Peru and consolidated the existing one with Central

whom they are owned by.

America. We are on the right track, but we must continue to actively expand our markets. The fourth pillar is the

Q: What is your outlook on the potential growth of the

scaling up of the value chain all the way to engineering,

Mexican automotive industry?

innovation, and research and development. Studies show

A: Export growth depends on the demand of the

that more engineers are currently graduating in Mexico

countries on which our production depends. The US

than in the US, and we need to take advantage of that.

has been growing steadily since the 2008 crisis. That

We need to present Mexico not only as a manufacturing

crisis hit the Mexican automotive industry hard, and we

country but also as an engineering base. Thankfully, we

have been gradually recuperating. The contraction in

have already begun this transformation, and companies

the European market has also been a big loss for us, as

are taking notice of this.

Europe represents 8.5% of our total exports. We need to increase our presence in those markets we are already in.


Q: Does AMIA directly lobby for the creation of R&D

For example, while Japan has decreased its exports to

projects for the Mexican automotive industry?

the US, Mexico will continue increasing its market share.

A: We do lobby the OEMs to bring their R&D projects

We could be as high as 12-13% in the next three to four

to Mexico, but the government has to create the

years. A 1% increase for Mexico in the US automotive

right incentives and implement an adequate business

market share represents about 140,000 vehicles, so each

atmosphere in order for them to reap the benefits. For

percentage means a new plant, which requires a relatively

example, if a company takes an automotive R&D center to

big investment, the economic benefits of which should

China, it will receive a 100% tax return on its investment.

not be underestimated.


PURCHASING STRATEGIES IN NEW AUTOMOTIVE LANDSCAPE RAYMUNDO GARZA Purchasing Director of General Motors México Q: How does Mexico match up to other emerging markets

across the entire supply chain. We make outsourcing

as a procurement and production base for GM?

decisions based on a variety of factors, and cost is just one

A: A number of factors distinguish Mexico, including the

of those. Quality is one of the most important factors so

availability of raw materials and labor costs. Labor costs

we assess suppliers’ manufacturing capabilities to ensure

are extremely important to optimize manufacturing

that they can consistently meet our quality requirements.

capabilities, and we have lower labor costs here in Mexico

We hold our Tier 1, 2, 3 suppliers responsible for ensuring

than even markets like Thailand. Of course the other

they can meet these strict standards. We are moving in

major benefit is being close to our biggest market, the

the direction of selecting suppliers that are close to our

US, which enables us to optimize our logistics costs. There

facilities in order to reduce costs. In terms of logistics, we

are other potential benefits that come from using Mexico

have different strategies to optimize the process. Of course,

as a production hub, such as the government’s efforts to

we are always trying to optimize the costs of moving goods,

reduce energy costs. If Mexico is successful in doing that,

such as using trains instead of trucks where possible. This is

it really will be extremely competitive. The impact of the

a big country and we are working with the government and

automotive industry on the entire economy of Mexico has

suppliers to try and improve infrastructure.

the potential to be huge over the next couple of years, given how far its economic impact would be felt. I have

Q: Only 15% of GM’s parts and vehicles produced in

seen this happen in other countries, and I do not think

Mexico remains in the country. Do you see this changing

people here really even realize how big the impact can be.

in the future? A: The vast majority of our production goes to North

Q: What key factors are currently influencing purchasing

America. What will change is that the amount of components

strategies within the industry?

produced in Mexico will increase for the cars being produced

A: Purchasing managers are always looking for alternatives

in Mexico. Currently 50-70% of the parts are produced here,

to reduce costs. That applies to all areas, including

but we would like to increase that to 90%. Logistics are very

manufacturing, quality, and logistics, in order to make sure

expensive, and the goal will always be to produce needed

we bring the best value for the company. Our strategies

components for the cars as close to the production plants

also revolve around the availability of HR, particularly

as possible. That means aiming to produce components in

technical expertise, and the capability of the graduates

Mexico for Mexico, while the same applies in the US.

coming out of university. Other areas of concern include the environment, the availability of credit, and so on.

Q: In what ways is GM helping Mexican engineers to develop the right skillsets to succeed in the automotive

Q: How does GM approach supplier development to


create mutually beneficial OEM-supplier relations?

A: Mexico has a lot of public and private establishments

A: In general terms, we work in partnership with our suppliers

and the government is working hard to make sure that the

both globally and locally to try and bring technology to

right programs are in place to train engineers. A number

the market. To create this sustainable relation, we support

of states are prioritizing engineering studies that focus on

suppliers through a variety of programs. We encourage

aerospace and automotive, which is a new development.

them to develop their skills so that they can establish long-

I do not foresee a big problem concerning a shortage

standing relationships with us, by ensuring that they fully

of HR. This might become an issue in certain areas but

understand our requirements. Our Mexican suppliers are

it can be overcome. Doing so is really about private

taking the same approach as our global ones by investing in

companies working together with the public sector and

R&D and innovation. They really understand what they need

the government. GM provides training to its suppliers and

to do to be successful, not only in Mexico but also in the

we work together with public institutions to enable them

global market. We must ensure that quality is maintained

to offer the same training to their workers.




Q: You came to Mexico in 2010 when the automotive

and our local sourcing of materials. Ford has long had

industry was mired in recession. What were your main

an engineering presence in Mexico, because plants need

concerns and priorities at the time?

a support presence, but it was becoming more and more

A: The crisis was not over when I arrived, but we could

difficult to get good quality engineers in Detroit. This was

see the light at the end of the tunnel. The industry was

largely because the financial crisis forced people away

still in recovery, especially in North America, which is the

from Detroit and engineering careers lacked a glamorous

market that affects Ford the most. Our main objective at

perception in the US in the 1990s and early 2000s. The

the time was restructuring Ford North America along with

number of people in the engineering field has been

the rest of the corporation. We had to undergo a strong

dropping over the years in the US, Europe, and Japan. In

restructuring in terms of engineering and production

contrast, the Mexican government decided to promote

capacity. The second area of concern was to grow our

engineering as a career in universities, and the country

presence in Latin America by increasing our manufacturing

is now producing more engineers than the entire EU. On

facilities and engineering capabilities. This plan has been

top of that, the cost of an engineer here is about half of

very aggressive, and we have invested a little over US$5.5

the cost in the US, while we knew that labor in our plants

billion in Mexico since.

was highly skilled and disciplined. For these reasons, we decided to increase the amount of engineers we had in

Q: How exactly did you improve Ford’s production

Mexico. Our objective was to have 1,000 engineers by


the end of 2013, although it is also a matter of the work

A: We grew the capacity of our plant in Hermosillo, which

they are tasked with. An engineer straight from university

used to be the sole global production facility for the

understands the basics of engineering but not the unique

Fusion. It will now also be produced in Flat Rock, Michigan,

complexities of the automotive industry. We put our

as Hermosillo can no longer satisfy production demand

engineers through a very aggressive and comprehensive

alone for two reasons. Firstly, demand has increased as the

training plan that includes time in the classroom, as well

industry has recovered. Secondly, the Fusion has been more

as time spent at Ford’s main engineering facility in Detroit.

successful than we planned for, with our segment share in

The complexities of the tasks being delivered by our

the US growing faster than expected. We also decided to

Mexican engineering team have been increasing over time.

build a second engine plant in Chihuahua alongside the

Our local team will soon be able to develop the top hat

one we have had there for 30 years. The second plant will

of the vehicle, which is the main driver of the purchasing

produce the V8 engine for large and medium-duty trucks

decision of customers. The team will be able to develop full

like the F-Series. That plant started up in 2010 and we

top hats in 2014, which shows their capability has grown

have dedicated a lot of time to ensure it reached a stable

to be on par with other engineering facilities around the

level of production. We also fully refurbished our oldest

world. Ford’s core engineering is still done in Dearborn,

Mexican plant in Cuautitlán. Throughout its history, that

Michigan, and Cologne, Germany, but Mexico is third in

plant has produced a range of vehicles, ranging from full

terms of capability. We have tried to replicate the same

car assembly to a half truck, half car production until 2007.

processes in Brazil and China, but the performance in

But the plant was inefficient and not of the quality Ford

Mexico has been the best.

expected. We totally refurbished it and turned it into a car assembly plant. In 2010, it began manufacturing the Fiesta.

Q: What advantages has Ford received from being an early investor in Mexico?


Q: Why did Ford decide to make such a large investment

A: We have been in Mexico for 88 years, so it is natural for us

in Mexico?

to make regular investments as our need for extra capacity

A: In parallel to developing our plants, the most challenging

has increased. Ford has also wanted to take advantage of

undertakings were to grow our engineering capability

the competitive cost and quality benefits Mexico offers.

The availability of both skilled and low-skilled labor has

They created a process which takes thirty minutes using

been a major attraction. About 50% of the population

mathematical models in software that designs the piece

here is younger than 25 years old, which will lead to a

itself. We have been using the same processes forever and

steady workforce supply over the next 20 years. Mexico’s

suddenly these young engineers in Mexico are surprising

12 free trade agreements also offered many benefits

us with new innovations. This has made Ford’s top product

for us. While other countries have built walls to protect

management developers stand up and pay attention.

themselves, Mexico really opened itself up to the free flow of merchandise around the world. The influx of investment

Q: What is Ford’s strategy for investing in new technology?

is also bringing opportunities in terms of suppliers coming

A: Ford invests in technology because it is part of how it

in, which gives us more options as there used to be only a

views the automotive business. We have always tried to

few suppliers in Mexico. Five years ago, we were purchasing

innovate for our customers. This started way back when

around US$500 million of production materials in Mexico,

Ford was the first to use the assembly line. Ford’s main

while last year we bought over US$9 billion of materials in

philosophy is not to have technology for technology’s

Mexico. We have been investing in our plants but also in our

sake, but to apply it to a wide selection of vehicles and

suppliers. This investment has helped to grow their capacity

make it available to the masses. We are not Mercedes-

so they can supply high-quality, low-cost materials to our

Benz or BMW that use technology to justify a premium

plants in Mexico and around the world.

brand. We want everyone to be able to benefit from better safety, lower emissions, and lower congestion. We are also

Q: What have been the key achievements of Mexican

working on telematics, data exchange, and alternative

engineers that have forced the industry to recognise their

fuels. The future of propulsion systems is a matter we


have been tackling for some time. We are asking what the

A: Firstly, our engineering management team in Mexico

engine of the future will be like, whether it will be electric,

has a great deal of experience and has put together an

hybrid electric, or the fuel cell. Nobody knows for sure. It

excellent employee development plan. The team members

will depend on which technology becomes affordable for

are offered the chance to develop their management skills

the masses and meets their requirements. Electric vehicles

as well as their technical skills. Going from 100 engineers to

have the lowest level of emissions from production to end

1,000 means you need to find those people that can make

user, but their limited cruising range and lengthy refuelling

the right decisions and train them as supervisors, managers,

time does not make them useable for the masses. The

and directors. Developing your business also means

battery life and capability is increasing but we do not know

retaining the right people and removing the ones that will

how far they will improve. For now, hybrids are the most

not get where they need to be. We were disciplined in

viable choice, as drivers can use the electric or gas modes.

implementing the required procedures to control operations and work flow. Discipline was built in from the bottom up to

Q: Mexico has a young population, which is great from

make sure that everybody knew their priorities and which

a sales perspective. What should make Ford the car of

issues needed to be tackled at the right point in time. We

choice for these new consumers?

have very strict metrics to monitor performance, and when

A: There is a lot of potential for growth but many things

we measure these results, we see that the Mexican team

need to happen for it to materialize. For the last few years,

has really outperformed other teams. We will move beyond

local sales have stalled at around 1 million new units, dipping

the top hats and increase its ability to deliver sophisticated

to 700,000 during the deepest part of the recession. By

engineering and design projects.

comparing the Mexican market with the Brazilian market, Mexico should be selling about 2 million units. In 2013, it sold

Every single engineer in Mexico has some objective

near to 1.1 million so we have a long way to go. As for why

that Ford does not have elsewhere in the world. These

customers should choose Ford, we have the right strategy

objectives revolve around innovation, including very

in terms of product. We offer the same products all over the

complex designs, like the surface of the roof trim. The roof

world, so no one feels left behind. Why should consumers in

trim may look simple but it is incredibly complex to design,

Mexico not have access to the same model of the Fiesta as

as it must comply with safety and appearance requirements

those in Paris? The other elements center around our core

while also being high quality and low cost. This was done

areas. Safety is key and we are the only manufacturer in

at our design center in the US where designing that

Mexico to offer airbags in all of our units. We are constantly

one piece could take six weeks. We assigned this task

working to ensure we have the best fuel economy and the

to a group of young Mexican engineers and asked them

best quality. We have made vast improvements in these

to reduce the process time from six weeks to one day.

areas but a lot of work remains to be done.



SECURING ROCK SOLID PRESENCE FROM SMALL MARKET SHARE Peugeot Mexico’s Director General, Raúl Peñafiel, states

small and reasonably-priced cars, loaded up with the latest



safety items and can rest easy in the knowledge that they

the Mexican market. “Four years ago, Peugeot had a

will be driving a rare car in this market. The ideal customers

particularly Eurocentric way of thinking. Fully entering the

for Peugeot are young, middle-class professionals, a more

global environment forced us to make certain adaptations,”

discerning level of clients for whom the European range of

he explains. “We realized we were arriving too late to the

vehicles is thought to be best-suited.






markets and sometimes released products which were not ready for the conditions of markets like Mexico, Chile, or

To maintain this level of proximity with the customer, Peugeot

Nigeria.” He explains that Peugeot began a new chapter

had to make sure that its quality processes and dealers were

four years ago, with the French automaker vowing to

rock solid. To ensure this solidity is maintained, it has rolled

improve its positioning in the global market. In 2012, Europe

out the “Peugeot Cumple” program, which sees all its dealers

accounted for 37% of Peugeot’s sales, which reached 43%

having to be certified by Deloitte on certain quality standards.

in 2013 and is forecasted to increase to 50% in 2016. “This

“Through those standards, they must follow our processes

does not mean that Peugeot is focusing too much of its

in their workshops and in their commercial activities. If

attention close to home as its annual global growth of 10%

they do not achieve this certification, their profitability will

in 2012 was also fueled by sales in China and the Americas,”

suffer. If they still do not achieve it after a year, they lose

explains Peñafiel. Where Argentina grew 28% in 2013,

our business,” explains Peñafiel. He adds that this complex

Peñafiel states that the sales targets for Mexico and Chile

system does not intend to punish the dealers but is a part

were to increase sales by 40% in the same year.

of Peugeot’s capacitation program. This program has also sparked collaboration with the Technological Institute of

Peñafiel states that these high growth expectations are

Queretaro, in which a virtual workshop was created for use in

accompanied by a new strategy for the launching of new

industrial and engineering classes. The reach of this resource

vehicles, one in which Mexico has been included from the

has been extended outside the academic sphere as it is

very beginning. The particular demands of the Mexican

also used to train Peugeot’s aftersales team. This capacity

customer were taken on board for the launches of the

building program, coupled with Peugeot’s modest size in

Peugeot 208, 301, and the 308, winner of European Car

Mexico, has allowed its dealers in Mexico to have the parts in

of the Year, as well as the Tepee multi-purpose vehicle.

stock to meet 96.7% of customer problems. This even beats

The fall-out from this strategy led to a situation where

out the objective service rate of 95% Peugeot has achieved

Peugeot’s dealers in Mexico grew worried that repairs and

in France. For the remaining 3%, Peugeot is able to dispatch

aftermarket services had dropped. “This indicates that

the spare part and have it at the right distributor in 72 hours.

the jump in quality and our adaptation to Mexico’s market conditions were successful. This has become a challenge

To cut down on any problems, Peugeot is seeking to equip

for our dealers since they have to sell a lot of cars to

its vehicles in Mexico with the latest safety solutions but this

compensate, but it is good news for us,” says Peñafiel.

has not always been a priority for the Mexican consumer, according to Peñafiel. He admits that not all Mexican

However, Peugeot still has ground to make up in Mexico in

consumers are aware of the importance of safety, but this

terms of brand penetration, as opposed to its well-known

is no real concern for Peugeot which makes sure to include

status in Argentina where it claims 10% of the market. In

ABS, Isofix systems, double airbags, and emergency brake

Mexico, Peugeot’s market share is just 0.6%. Part of Peñafiel’s

assist in its vehicles. “You cannot find these systems in our

priorities for the future is to roll out a brand image strategy

competitors’ standard range of cars. Peugeot operates

to increase sales. Executing that strategy in Mexico differs

within 1% of the market but the customers that buy our

widely from Peugeot’s strategy in markets where it is already

vehicles will always have access to both safety and

strong. “Other markets involve a lot of benchmarking. There

comfort. Utilizing technology to create a difference in the

are instances where Peugeot is the leader and everybody

brand is crucial.” The carmaker’s latest slogan “Motion &

looks at what we are doing. In other cases, we view what

Emotion” is tied into its vision of a new driving experience.

others are doing. Although Mexico is heavily influenced by

For example, Peñafiel notes that Mexican drivers of the

the US, the Mexican customers also look to the example of

208 have noticed its cockpit is organized differently than

Europe. We find a space in the market among those who are

the Mexican norm and the driving position is also different.

keen to drive a different car.” Peñafiel explains that it is the

He states that Peugeot knew this design would stand out

unique advantages of the Peugeot brand that will attract

in Mexico from the very beginning. “It may be seen as a risk

Mexican drivers, listing as advantages that they will find

for us, but it will be a real advantage in Mexico.”


50 YEARS OF EVOLVING WITH MEXICAN AUTOMOTIVE DREAMS Few car companies have been part of the tapestry of the

car similar to the Golf has the technological advancements

Mexican automotive industry as much as Volkswagen.

that the new Golf has. The Golf VII not only looks good, it

Its flagship vehicle, the Volkswagen Beetle, remains one

also has more innovation than before. The new generation

of the most evocative cars in the country decades after

of engines offers the entire spectrum of alternative drives.

its launch in Mexico. Known as “Vocho” or “Vochito”, the

The Golf VII marks the start of a new era for the world and

Beetle has been part of the lives of many Mexican families

for the Volkswagen brand in North America.”

that found it a reliable yet economic car. This sentimental attachment to the Beetle was addressed by Ildefonso

According to Hinrichs, this success in Mexico today is

Guajardo, Mexico’s Minister of Economy, during the

proof that Volkswagen was strengthened here as the

celebration to mark the 60th anniversary of Volkswagen

local automotive industry grew. “Since 1974, Volkswagen

doing business in Mexico and 50 years since the creation

has manufactured 10 million cars and 11 million engines

of Volkswagen de México. Guajuardo referenced the 1970s,

in Mexico. Puebla is the fifth-largest Volkswagen factory

a decade during which “the Vochito was the first car of

outside Europe and ships products to all the markets where

many young professionals. The personal story that many

we are present,” explains Hinrichs. But the assembled

Mexicans have with Volkswagen is reflected in the great

dignitaries were quick to add that Volkswagen’s influence

story that the company has built alongside the Mexican

in Mexico went beyond mere economic contributions.

economy,” he stated.

“The impact of the company could also be measured in more than three generations of men and women who have

When the company arrived to Mexico in 1964, it was

contributed to the development of the state of Puebla

unsure of what the real opportunities in the market would

where the company began operations 50 years ago,” states

be. “Volkswagen found in Mexico a fertile land within the

Rafael Moreno Valle, Governor of Puebla. “Many German

closed economy that the country had at the time. Back

workers and former workers of Volkswagen Puebla have

then, the challenges were hard since the only true incentive

decided to stay in Mexico and make the country their

was the growing domestic market as opportunities for

home. The contribution of the German community to the


cultural, economic, social, and academic life of Puebla has





However, over the years, Mexican economic policy changed

been of utmost importance.”

toward turning the country into a free market economy. Mexico has signed international agreements with 45

50 years after the company first opened its doors here, it seeks

countries such as NAFTA or GATT. “This has allowed the

to remain a bastion of economic growth and employment,

automotive industry to plan its production facilities in

a fact brought home by Winterkorn announcing a new

Mexico to export vehicles to other regions, which has

investment. “We are satisfied with the ambitious government

transformed the Mexican industry,” explains Guajardo.

here, which is why Volkswagen stands firm by its side and by

According to AMIA, from January to May 2014, Mexico

the side of its plants and team in Mexico,” he stated. As a sign

produced 287,488 cars compared to the 255,474 units

of commitment, Volkswagen will invest US$7 billion in the

made in the same period in 2013. In that same year, 191,205

North American market until 2018, of which a large part will

vehicles were exported from January to May, compared to

be destined to Mexico to continue its shared success story

234,629 vehicles over the same time in 2014. These figures

with Mexico for the next 50 years.

show a growth of the automotive industry in the last year with 12.5% in production and 22.7% in exports. The foreign exchange generated by the automotive industry is now bigger than coming from the oil and gas sector. As Mexico has evolved, so has Volkswagen. The celebration came with the announcement that Volkswagen’s plant in Puebla would produce the Golf VII, a car that CEO of Volkswagen de México, Andreas Hinrichs, refers to as representing the essence of Volkswagen. “Volkswagen de México has a promising future now that the production of the Golf VII is on its way, while other members of the Golf family are soon to follow,” explains Martin Winterkorn, Chairman of the Board of Management of Volkswagen AG. “No other car apart from the Golf has its own automobile class, no



MATCHING RIGHT VEHICLES TO DESIRES OF MEXICAN MARKET ANDREAS HINRICHS CEO of Volkswagen México Q: What is the difference between VW’s current

A: In the past, we supplied our customers with the right type

production platform and its next generation platform, and

of vehicle for Mexico: simple, robust, affordable, and with a

what does this shift mean for your suppliers?

low maintenance cost. The Beetle was so successful that it

A: VW’s next generation platform allows for different cars

is still here. It was the best car for Mexico at that moment,

to be built on the same platform. It allows for the same

but we now have to change since the country is changing.

car components to be used on the Polo, the Golf, or other

Mexican customers will no longer only accept cars that

vehicles. This reduces the required investment levels, allows

are affordable; they also look for the latest technology.

us to have closer cooperation with our suppliers, and means

In the future, they will look closely at a wider range of

that we will be able to reduce the cost of parts. Suppliers

elements so VW’s philosophy has to be different from

play an active role in the development of parts, and the next

in the past. Customers must have a clear understanding

generation allows for them to expand their business. A lot

about what they get from VW, whether from a car that

of parts require the participation of suppliers across the

costs US$10,000 or one that costs US$100,000. We have

value chain, and the next step is to involve more suppliers

vehicles in Europe or the US markets that include a lot of

lower down the value chain. If we do not have the right

advanced technological components but we also offer

infrastructure to source parts here, we may need to get

lower price vehicles that come with less technological

them from more expensive markets like Europe. Therefore,


VW pushes suppliers to set up a strong foundation in Mexico. VW is not building up this production capacity on

Q: What are the points that you will emphasize to the

its own. The new plants of companies like Nissan and GM

Mexican consumer in order to grow your market share?

also help, as each step builds up supplier infrastructure. The

A: Our target for 2018 is to be the number one car seller in

announcement that Audi will build a new plant in Mexico is

Mexico. We will achieve this by bringing a greater variety

good news as it improves infrastructure.

of VW products to the country. SUVs are the main growing segment here so we need to have a locally produced SUV.

Q: How much of VW’s research and development takes

At the moment, the new Vento is being made in India but

place in Mexico?

we have to produce the next Vento in Puebla as it could

A: We have a development department which employs 900

well be the right car for Mexico right now. We are already

people but we are planning to increase our development

producing a hybrid Jetta but it is more expensive than the

activities over the next three to four years. Mexico has a lot

ordinary version, so 99% of production currently goes to the

of potential, but progress must be made step by step so

US or Europe. That could also become a potential product

the whole country can grow. For example, India developed

for Mexico so we are analyzing the right time to sell hybrids

at a drastic pace but is now slowing down since not all

in Mexico. One strong point for VW is the technology and

industries were able to follow. Everybody is discussing

the design of its cars. After three years, our design and

R&D in Mexico but few are actively working on it. It would

technology still hold up and the vehicles fetch a good price.

be more interesting for a country like Mexico to increase

Our cars need to look good, have a high safety rating, and

production and increase the number of people working

provide new technologies to our customers, which is why

in the industry. The first step for a market like Mexico is

we are improving technology for hybrid and electric cars.

to have an industry capable of producing high volumes

By 2018, VW needs to reduce its energy consumption, waste

before moving on to develop a strong R&D capacity. A lot

production, and water and gas consumption by 25%. The

of countries are forgetting this first step.

use of renewable energies and other technologies is helping us reach our targets, which is good for the environment

Q: VW in Mexico is traditionally associated with the old

while also reducing our costs. When we speak about this to

Beetle. What is your future positioning strategy for the

Mexican customers it helps us gain a positive image, but at

Mexican market?

the moment such initiatives will not help to sell cars in Mexico.


| VEHICLE SPOTLIGHT: VOLKSWAGEN GOLF VII Volkswagen has a proud history and a promising future in

a day, reaching 150 units by May. In July, this level had risen

Mexico. One car in particular is a symbol of this successful

to 250, still far below the Puebla plant’s designed capacity

union: the new Golf VII. The Golf is a compact car that has

of 700 cars daily. Historically, the Golf is Volkswagen’s best-

been produced since 1974, and which has been marketed

selling model and its arrival underscores Volkswagen’s

worldwide across seven generations. Volkswagen invested

commitment to Mexico as an automotive hub. Since its arrival

US$700 million in the modernization of the plant’s

in 1964 to the present day, Volkswagen has invested a total

infrastructure in Puebla to produce the latest iteration,

of US$8 billion in Mexico and its Golf VII signals its ongoing

with production having started on a GTI model and two-

commitment to Mexico. This has been set in stone with a

door and station wagon models to begin later in the year.

confirmed investment of US$7 billion that will be allocated in

In January 2014, the plant began to assemble seven units

North America in the period to 2018.

The new Golf VII comes equipped with the latest

and 150PS respectively, or 1.6l and 2.0-litre diesel

technological innovations of the Modular Transverse

engines with 105PS and 150PS. The Golf VII has a

Toolkit (MQB), defining as an intelligent lightweight

theoretical fuel consumption of 3.2l/100km and CO 2

automobile. Compared to previous generations, the

emissions of approximately 85g/km. Early production

Golf VII features a number of new safety systems, which

of the Golf VII will be destined to the US, Canada,

include multi-collision braking system, adaptive cruise

Brazil, Argentina, and the local market. In addition to

control, lane keeping assistant, driver fatigue detection,

the new Golf, the Puebla plant also builds the Coupe

and an automatic parking system. Its various models

and Cabriolet versions of the Volkswagen Beetle and

come with a range of potential engines, including 1.2

Jetta. In terms of technology, these models are also set

and 1.4-litre turbocharged petrol engines, with 85PS

to be equipped with the MQB.


INNOVATION AND BRAND IMAGE ENSURE CONTINUED SUCCESS IN MEXICO PEDRO TABERA President and Director General of Mercedes-Benz MĂŠxico Q: Mercedes-Benz had its strongest year in 2013, with 1.46

Secondly, we offer competitive prices, which will open

million vehicles sold worldwide. What role did Mexico

up the potential market even more. Finally, we rely on

play in this growth and how has its position evolved in

our finance company. Mercedes-Benz Financial Services

your global operations?

finances 40% of our sales but this will probably increase

A: 2013 was a very successful year for Mercedes-Benz.

in the future. The car market is constantly evolving and

Our sales in Mexico increased by more than 20%, very few

there will always be needs to address. We already created

countries can boast such figures, but we still have room

new segments with our M-Class and CLS-Class. We even

for improvement here. The premium segment is still a

generated unforeseen market needs with the Smart car.

small part of the total market, but it will continue to grow

Previous Smart models only had two doors but the new

due to the stability of the Mexican economy. In terms of

generation of the Smart car will have four. We see a huge

premium brand sales, Mercedes-Benz is not number one

market that will allow us to grow in the Mexican compact

yet. However, our latest generation of compact cars, the


A, B, CLA, and GLA classes, has been released in Mexico and will claim the number one spot in three to four years.

Q: What challenges do you face as a late entrant in the

Our image is fairly young in Mexico as we have only been

compact cars segment?

here for 20 years, as opposed to 120 years in some other

A: Being the first in a certain segment does grant us the gift

countries. Despite being a young brand, studies show we

of time, as we saw with the Smart and the CLS. But entering

are the top premium brand choice for quality, technology,

a segment does not depend on how late or early you do

and security.

so, we just have to bring better designs and innovations than our competition. Mercedes-Benz has always been a

Q: How do Mexican customers stand out in their design

pioneer, we are the OEM that invests the most in R&D by

and performance preferences?

far. We created the first diesel car, we designed the ABS,

A: Mexican customers are similar to US customers as they

and we are the owners of a Formula 1 team. This shows just

tend to prefer SUVs with powerful engines and a strong

how far ahead we are in terms of innovation.

performance. This distinguishes them from European consumers who tend toward compact and hatchback cars.

Q: What are the possibilities of manufacturing a luxury

Petrol prices continue to increase, but this is not a deciding

car in Mexico?

factor in the purchase of a vehicle so far, as people still

A: Mexico is producing over 3 million cars due to its good

want large cars with powerful engines. Our most popular

cost competitiveness, a strong labor force and solid

model in Mexico is the C-Class, which is a medium-size,

logistics. It would be beneficial for the image of Mexico to

luxury sedan. Right now, our consumer segment continues

produce premium cars. Mercedes-Benz mainly produces

to be that with the highest purchasing power, but our

in Germany, with plants in Hungary and Tuscaloosa,

strategy is to branch out to other segments through our

Alabama. Our market in China continues to increase,

new generation of compact vehicles.

and we hope to sell 500,000 cars there by 2020. India is gaining potential and we are already leaders in Japan.


Q: How much space is there for other segments and how

The automotive market in Europe will remain stagnant

do you continue to create new demand in the market?

in the coming years. We are very competitive in the US

A: We have three main strategies to successfully expand

market and we do want to open a factory in Mexico,

into new market segments. The first is to reach new

after also considering the US and Brazil as potential

potential customer through diversification of products.

locations. It will all depend on the incentives we receive

We are bringing in the A and CLA classes as well as the

from the government, as Mercedes-Benz already has the

GLA, which is our compact SUV. These new products

infrastructure, the labor force, logistics, and prices. The

are particularly targeting young adults and women.

final decision will be taken in late 2014.

Q: How do you promote Mexico as the ideal destination

technology cannot be transferred to a smaller vehicle.

for investment to your HQ in Germany?

For example, the BAS Plus cannot be incorporated into a

A: One of the great advantages Mexico has is the existing

Smart as this particular technology costs more than the

automotive industry and the number of cars being

vehicle itself. But a Smart can have the Tridion Safety Cell

produced here. The supply chain is robust and there is a

which makes the car as safe as the D-Class. A particularity

good labor force with low salaries. The number of FTAs

of Mercedes-Benz is that our engineers work across the

is another plus: producing cars in Mexico would allow

whole spectrum of our vehicles: they are involved in the

us to export them to more than 70 countries. These are

R&D for the Smart as well as the A-Class, S-Class, and SLS.

the main points that make Mexico a potential candidate

It is not the size of the car that makes it strong but the

for manufacturing. It is clear that we need another plant

technology it carries within.

in the NAFTA region, which represents 25% of our sales right now. This region will not increase like Asia but it

Q: As innovations like autonomous cars continue to

will definitely grow more than Europe, and we want it to

advance, a concern is that the enjoyment of driving will

represent 30% of total sales for Mercedes-Benz.

diminish. How reticent are customers to innovations that might impact the driving experience?

Q: How do you source your suppliers and are Mexican

A: People were cautious when cars changed from manual

suppliers as competent as those from places like Japan

to automatic, but it was accepted in the end. A car is there

and Germany?

for transportation purposes. When on a plane, people

A: We have a very good supplier market and we do not

want to arrive to their destination but they do not seek to

have any problems with the international and national

fly the plane. Autonomous driving is a technology that will

companies based here. In terms of innovation, the

come with time and which will enjoy a smooth transition.

relationship with suppliers is getting closer and some of

In Mexico, a car is not only a necessity but also a status

the evolutions are made in the supply chain and not in the

symbol. This is not an idle belief, people want to go to the

OEM. We work very closely with exclusive suppliers, and

best restaurant and also want to have the best car. We are

one of the main advantages of being our exclusive supplier

seeing a trend in Europe where young people no longer

is that we are the only brand that can afford to make a lot

want to drive because it means paying taxes and petrol, so

of investment in R&D. At the early stages innovations can

they walk, cycle, or use public transport instead. This is not

be very costly and there are brands that cannot afford this.

the case for Mexico. Young people like powerful cars as a

We are always striving to be a step ahead in the market

symbol of independence and status.

and our vision is always directed to the future. Q: As a company that invests heavily in R&D, what are the challenges of transitioning from a prototype to the actual application of a product into the market and the vehicle? A: We are not always successful in the application of innovations, since they are sometimes deemed to be unimportant or irrelevant when compared to other products. We continue to be leaders in Europe, Japan, and the US. The consumers always want innovations and we have unique qualities that allow us to offer the best technology. For example, our security items have really taken prominence in the market. Our BAS Plus emergency brake assist was a unique innovation developed by our own engineers. We have over 6,000 engineers in R&D working on a wide spectrum of trends from autonomous driving and comforts to sustainability and security.

Q: What are your expectations for 2014 in Mexico? A: We trust in the Mexican market because it has great

We will always aim to build the best car for every segment.

potential, not only in general terms but in the premium

Making a car lighter does not mean it is weak or unsafe,

segment as well. We hope the government will promote

and we make sure that our cars include all the security

the industry and develop Mexico’s high potential in the

items available. The only obstacle is that certain security

premium segment. There is a good future for Mercedes-

innovations can only be produced in larger cars as the

Benz in Mexico.



BRINGING RIGHT PREMIUM MODELS TO MEXICAN MARKET HERNANDO CARVAJAL Marketing Director of BMW Mexico Q: How has the marketing strategy for BMW evolved to

Q: Which role does constant investment in technology

boost sales in parts of the world such as Mexico?

play in living up to the customer expectations associated

A: We are focusing on promoting the same brand strengths

with a premium brand?

in Mexico that have kept us the number one premium

A: We invest in technology because we believe it is the

brand in the world. The real factor that singles BMW out

way forward. For somebody to be willing to pay more for

is the driving experience, referring to the joy and the

a car, we have to be able to offer a compelling product,

pleasure of driving a BMW car, as well as the technology

especially from a technology perspective. Technology is

and design facets of the brand. We also keep innovating

integral to the way that a vehicle is designed and built.

and pushing the boundaries of what efficiency can achieve

The way we use technologies in the engines is how we

since customers expect a BMW to be extremely powerful,

can keep being relevant in an era where government

but also efficient. We are positioned as a leading premium

conditions increasingly require manufacturers to ensure

OEM in Mexico and we keep on pushing those brand

vehicles emit less and less CO2. This is especially difficult

facets. Mexico is a relatively small market in comparison

to achieve in large premium vehicles, but we firmly

to our other main global markets today, but it represents

believe that investing in technology will enable us to

some of the fastest growth at more than 19% annually. This

produce lighter vehicles and more efficient engines. That

makes it a strategic market for us and we are projecting

way, we can offer both an efficient car and a premium

very healthy growth for this year. Mexico represents an

brand driving experience.

important market in the Americas region and is definitely one to watch.

Q: What makes the i brand technology unique? A: We designed the i brand to be electric from the ground

Q: What are the particular demands of Mexican customers,

up. The vehicle is fast, it accelerates swiftly, and is very

and how are you tailoring your products offering to meet

agile. That is due to the fact that we have built the vehicle


with composites and kept the weight down while the

A: You would not envisage that our target market is being

center of gravity is low, making the car extremely agile. In

driven by fuel economy considerations when purchasing a

research projects such as the Mini-e and the Active-e, we

car. However, it is definitely driven by the technology that

adapted a regular vehicle chassis to an electric powertrain,

creates fuel economy. That means that we have to keep

so we adapted a vehicle designed for internal combustion

pushing the message of efficient dynamics and offer top

propulsion for an electric powertrain. With the i brand, we

efficiency while making the car more fun to drive. This

opted for an architecture that puts all of the features of

key aspect really resonates with the Mexican market and

the power train as low to the ground as possible. We call it

our customer group in particular. Whether we are talking

the drive module, and it is entirely made out of aluminum.

about direct injection, a turbo engine, hybridization, or

The passenger seat, which we call the life module, is all

electric powertrains does not matter so much as long

built in carbon fiber. This is the first mass production car

as the end product drives very well. Every single OEM is

to be built with carbon fiber, which has allowed us to keep

under pressure to deliver smaller, more energy efficient

the weight relatively low. This also means that we are able

vehicles, but those units are often perceived as not

to use the electric powertrain more efficiently as well as

being very fun. We aim to deliver efficiency with a lot of

creating a car that is extremely fun to drive. The technology

fun. We have two hybrids on the market right now each

is designed to take this sort of powertrain to another level,

with 240 horsepower. We have also just introduced the

making the i brand car different from anything else out

BMW i brand, which is an all-electric vehicle that offers a

there in the market.

normal BMW driving experience. We are firm believers in


delivering what the customer expects so that they do not

Q: How does the car itself fit into BMW’s wider i

have to sacrifice driving pleasure for efficiency.


The car is in fact just one aspect of the whole puzzle. The

i Wallbox domestic charging point for electric vehicles,

way we source the materials is another important part

developed with Schneider Electric. In addition, we are

of our i philosophy. We have a partnership with SGL to

working with different companies such as Carrot, a car

produce the carbon fibers, which are taken to Germany

sharing company, and Ecobici. We will increasingly try

for production in our Leipzig plant. The energy to produce

to work with these sorts of service providers, and we

the car comes from hydro-electric power. The whole

are already making plans to bring the i brand to Mexico

concept was built on the idea of sustainability to ensure

because we believe that if there is any city that is suitable

personal mobility in the future and solve common mega-

for this it is Mexico City.

city problems. The whole i brand is built on the premise of individual mobility and the car is the central part of that.

Q: What current models are doing particularly well in the Mexican market?

Q: Is your customer base ready for this type of vehicle,

A: Mexico is a sedan and SUV market, and models such

and how big do you expect the potential market to be?

as the 3 Series and 5 Series perform very well. We have

A: The premium segment worldwide is huge, but

a very strong product pallet for this market. We have

conditions obviously have to be right for these vehicles

just launched our 4 Series, which we know will resonate

to be successful. It is difficult to imagine now how much

very well with the Mexican market. The 4 Series is very

the market will change in the future when compared to

dynamic, modern, and above all fun to drive. All of those

the evolution of electric vehicles in the past. Electric

cars are micro-hybrids and all possess engine start/stop

vehicles were not sold en masse in the past because the

systems and break energy regeneration. We focus on

infrastructure and mindset was not in place to support

these technological aspects to remind consumers that

sales growth. Looking at the development in Northern

these cars are also very energy efficient vehicles. Towards

European countries, where there is heavy taxation of

that end we are also introducing hybrid models. We are

CO2 emissions, we can see a far greater penetration of

selling the Active Hybrid 3 and we have launched the

electric vehicles. This will start happening more and more

Active Hybrid 5. We used the Mini E program in Mexico,

globally, making it easier for people to make that purchase

not for sale because that vehicle was never sold in any

decision. It is definitely nowhere near being a done deal

market, but to test the market reaction. We are trying to

in Mexico, but we are working with our partners, and

learn from local market needs what we need to do with

even our competitors, to ensure that the right conditions

our technology to ensure that we bring the right products

are created in the country. Everybody has electricity

to Mexico. We believe there is quite a bit of fuel in the

in their household so the source exists. The story today

premium segment in Mexico and we are expecting good

is about changing the paradigm and mindset. We are

growth. We are also developing our distributor network

definitely confident that electric vehicles will become a

to support this. Our distributor network is our face to

trend in the future, given the climate change conditions

the customers and we need to develop a very close

and government regulations. We are seeing a change in

relationship with them.

the basic S-curve of technology. The internal combustion engine was devised over 100 years ago, and today we

Q: How do you create the right buzz around new products

are essentially using the same basic technology. The only

when you are launching them?

thing changing is efficiency. Prices will also come down

A: This has definitely become more of a challenge.

when electric vehicle technology is produced in greater

However, one of our strengths is that we will be seeing

numbers, allowing it to reach a much wider customer base.

quite a bit of movement over the next year, involving the

Non-premium brands are doing a lot of electric research

launch of a number of new product lines. Creating the right

as well, which is indicative of a wider change taking place

buzz around new launches is becoming more complex, but

in the mindset.

the top priority for us is getting people behind the wheel. We know that if we get people to experience the feeling of

We are working together with local government officials

driving a BMW, we have a very good chance of converting

and we are talking to our competitors about the

that into a sale. We tend to extend our efforts on that aspect,

proliferation of electric mobility. We are all sure that this

while tailoring our communication on the technology and

will be a reality in the Mexican market, although it will start

the aspiration of owning a BMW. I believe the electric car

small. Local governments are showing more attention for

market will provide substantial opportunities for us. There

better air quality and living conditions. If the conditions

is going to be quite a proliferation of new models in that

are there, then an uptake of this technology will happen.

segment, which will allow us to focus on highlighting BMW

We will continue developing that technology, such as the

vehicle efficiency.


BRITISH LUXURY BRAND KEEPS ON ROARING The UK was once the world’s largest exporter and second

to make notoriously heavy SUVs lighter and so invested

largest producer of cars. In recent years, it has taken a

heavily in this area. All of the Land Rover engines are now

back seat, in terms of volume, in the global automotive

super-charged, and the smaller 2-liter engines boast 240hp

industry production chain. The Financial Times has

while start-stop engine technology also helps to improve

forecasted however that annual UK vehicle production

performance and reduce consumption. “Keeping up with

will once again reach, and this time surpass, historic peak

consumption norms and requirements for many brands

levels achieved in 1972 by 2017. Furthermore, in spite of

means producing smaller vehicles, but we are relying on

the smaller role the UK has played in manufacturing, the

technology without having to reduce the size of the vehicle.

country has remained a bastion of design and innovation,

The competition is definitely starting to take note of what

and little has been done to reduce the esteem in which it is

we are doing but we have a ten-year head start on other

held in this respect. Joseph ChamaSrour, Director General

players,” explains ChamaSrour.

for Jaguar Land Rover in Mexico, explains this further. “The UK has been a constant source of luxury vehicles, with

Whilst the Jaguar Land Rover consumer demographic

brands like Mini, Aston Martin, Rolls Royce, and Jaguar

certainly represents a small segment of the Mexican market,

Land Rover all enjoying high levels of prestige. All of

the company is enjoying increasing success. “From 2011 to

these brands are reputed for their British craftsmanship, in

2012, our sales grew 70%, from 2012 to 2013 this was 44%,

making handcrafted products that represent the ultimate

and we are on target to grow another 25%. In three years,

in refinement. The UK is not particularly known for its

our sales have tripled,” says ChamaSrour. This equates to

industry today but it is hailed for the strength of its design.”

1,500 vehicles sold in 2013 and an expected 2,000 for 2014, giving the company a 0.5% share of the market. However,

The Jaguar and Land Rover brands are undoubtedly strong

ChamaSrour reasons that a quick look at the automotive

examples of British success stories, and the company

purchasing choices of the top 300 leaders listed by Mexico’s

proudly asserts that all of its production, design, and

renowned Lideres magazine would show a 50% penetration

assembly efforts remain based in the UK. In 2008, India’s

level for Jaguar Land Rover. As this segment of the market

Tata Motors bought the company for US$2 billion and

is also not a natural consumer of the infamous second-hand

turned a profit of over US$3 billion in 2013, making it an

cars imported from the US, the company enjoys a natural

undeniably successful acquisition. Throughout its history,

protection from the associated constraints felt by larger

Jaguar Land Rover has managed to cultivate and retain a

volume OEMs. What does impact its sales levels, however,

strong brand perception synonymous with luxury, quality,

is the perceived security issues that accompany luxury car

and provenance, and whilst the UK might be a long way from

ownership. ChamaSrour says this is an issue particularly

Mexico both geographically and figuratively, ChamaSrour

for the Jaguar brand, which represents just 10% of the

explains that Jaguar Land Rover enjoys a strong brand

company’s sales. “There are not many Jaguars seen on the

image here. “We recently conducted a survey, which

road. For this reason, it can be too ostentatious a choice

revealed that the association with the UK in Mexico is very

for some.” The strategy for the Jaguar brand therefore is

strong and positive, particularly in terms of the Land Rover

to progressively bring more accessible units with a broader

brand. Interestingly, there are particularly strong aspirations

appeal to the market in order to increase the number of

towards owning a Land Rover. The respondents that did not

units on Mexico’s roads, making people feel safer with the

own a Land Rover had extremely high perceptions of the

brand, as well as attracting a younger consumer in order

brand and desired to own one of our cars.”

to rejuvenate the brand’s image. 2015 will see the launch of a car with a larger appeal, which will be available for


The handcrafted design elements that feature in the

purchase in a US$50,000 price range and is designed to

company’s vehicles remain a major pull, with leather and

compete with cars such as the BMW 3 Series and Mercedes

wood interiors being a standard in them all. The high-end

C-Class. There will also be a Jaguar crossover presented to

traditional feel of the vehicles is matched by equally high-

the market to appeal to the segment demanding an SUV-

end technology, with Land Rover producing the world’s only

style vehicle. ChamaSrour does not believe that introducing

two all-aluminum SUV models. Land Rover has pioneered

wider volume cars will impact the brand’s boutique luxury

the all-aluminum SUV, with the Range Rover and Range

image in any way. “The cheapest car in our line will be

Rover Sport being the only two such models in the world

US$50,000 so we remain quite exclusive. An average Audi

today. The technology featured in such SUVs was ten years

costs US$41,000, an average Mercedes-Benz or BMW

in the making and began with design efforts for Jaguar.

costs US$47,000, and an average Jaguar Land Rover costs

The company initially recognized the benefits of being able

US$83,000. We are therefore on the same level as Porsche,

which is our direct competitor,” says ChamaSrour. The

Another factor that distinguishes and constrains the

company has also commenced a product introduction drive

luxury vehicle market is the high prevalence of cash

for Mexico, which began with the arrival of the F-Type to

buyers. Credit purchasers still remain limited in Mexico

the market in 2013 and the launch of the F-Type Coupe in

as 80% of Jaguar Land Rover’s customers buy in cash.

June 2014.

It has therefore become clear that in order to attract significantly more customers, the company has to

The boutique feeling that accompanies the brand can really

increase the current 20% of customers that purchase

be personified by the Director General’s own approach to

vehicles through credit. “It is fair to say that there is a big

customer service, with ChamaSrour saying “all customers

segment of the market that would buy one of our cars if

have direct access to me as the Director General, and I am

they could purchase it on a three-year payment scheme,

available 24/7 for their needs.” Another crucial element

for example,” reasons ChamaSrour. For this reason

is the aftersales service. “Service is extremely important

Jaguar Land Rover has launched a strategic association

and in this vein, the supply of parts is a crucial element.

with BBVA Bancomer to offer attractive financing and

When people buy a luxury brand vehicle they often worry

leasing plans.

that they will have to wait a long time to get parts,” he explains. To ensure speedy parts delivery, the company has

Looking to the future, it seems inevitable that Jaguar

established a large warehouse in Mexico City. According to

Land Rover will have to expand production beyond the

ChamaSrour, this allows it to deliver ordered parts on the

British Isles. China is the number one market for the

same day in 90% of cases within Mexico City, and outside

company today, and it is already making plans to open

of that within a day. All Jaguar Land Rover vehicles come

a plant there. ChamaSrour explains that company’s UK

with a three-year, 100,000-kilometer warranty which gives

capacity for production is maxed out, with the plant there

bumper-to-bumper coverage. ChamaSrour insists that

currently running 24 hours a day. Therefore, producing

this, along with the technical capacity needed to service

in China will free up more volume in the UK. “Right now,

the cars, should sufficiently incentivize customers to

our biggest challenge is that we have a greater demand

return to the dealerships for service. “In the first quarter of

than we can supply. Some of our Range Rover models

2014, employees in our nine dealerships took a total of 800

have a four-month waiting list in Mexico, and those cars

training classes, varying from technical to management

sell for US$175,000,” says ChamaSrour, adding that “we

training depending on the relevant specialization. An

have also been looking at Brazil as a potential production

average service man probably took about 11 classes in

base for South America. That market is so closed that

the same period. We are investing in this level of training

producing outside of it is not as economical in terms of

to make sure that we can identify issues as soon as they

taxes and duties, and opening a plant there makes sense.”

arise,” says ChamaSrour. The level of technology in Jaguar

Whether or not the company will ever produce in Mexico

Land Rover vehicles means that virtually everything is

is unknown, but ChamaSrour does not completely rule

computerized, allowing technicians to assess the vehicle’s

it out. The US market is the company’s second largest,

health and history at the touch of a button. This highly

absorbing 60,000 vehicles a year, and Mexico may well

technical vehicle diagnosis ability requires specially trained

turn out to be a logical North American production site

technicians that can read the data properly.

in the future.




Luis Gerardo Sánchez, Director General of Volvo Auto de México

Volvo’s journey in Mexico

The improvement of Volvo’s sales in the Mexican market

began in 1999 but was

does not just depend on its own actions, as Sánchez well



knows. For the Swedish carmaker’s target segments to

hurdles, the sale of Volvo



grow, it needs car sales in the Mexican market to break

to Ford and the 2008

out of their rut. Sánchez believes this will finally start

financial crisis. Luis Gerardo

to happen due to encouraging signs coming from the

Sánchez, Director General

government and financial sector. In preparation for such an

of Volvo Auto de México,

expansion, Volvo is working on expanding two important

explains this journey. “After

areas, its dealer base and its brand image. “We currently

it was purchased by Ford,

have 20 dealers and three sales points, which we want to

Volvo’s goal in Mexico was

continuously expand,” says Sánchez. “But along with this,

to grow the premium sector. We began selling around 1,500

we are trying to build on the public awareness of Volvo

vehicles a year, which grew to 3,600 in 2005,” he explains.

as a premium brand. People should consider Volvo as an

This figure could have kept on growing but the worldwide

attractive, safe vehicle that is fun to drive.”

recession in Mexico and the US, as well as Ford’s intentions to sell Volvo, caused a perfect storm that stopped this growth

Although the look and feel of Volvo’s cars is evolving,

in its tracks. By 2009, Volvo’s sales had plummeted to 900 a

Sánchez is keen to point out that the company’s Swedish

year. After China’s Geely purchased Volvo in 2010, it chose to

background and association to safety will remain to be

start reinforcing operations in Mexico. “Our dealer network

seen as real competitive advantages. “There is a very subtle

was developed, and new products were brought to the

difference between the perception of luxury and premium,

market to ensure that growth returned,” said Sánchez. One

and Volvo fits into the premium category. Our Swedish

favorable aspect that Volvo is counting on in a country as

heritage and synonymous quality association is one of our

enamored with used cars as Mexico is the resale value of its

major values,” he explains. Volvo is not interested in trying to

vehicles. Volvo’s worldwide growth strategy aims to reach

outperform other OEMs in terms of razzle-dazzle as “it is not

sales of 800,000 by 2020. While the Asian market is a key

a showy brand.” Instead, according to Sánchez, its cars aim

component of the Volvo sales machine, developing markets

to “provide quiet luxury for self-confident people. People do

like Mexico are not being dismissed. Today, Volvo’s sales in

not buy our cars to show off.” He acknowledges this may

the country stand at about 1,700 units per year, representing

have been a hindrance in the past, allowing buyers to see

0.4% of its global annual sales of 427,840 for 2013. Knowing

Volvo as a step toward the premium market rather than a

that sales got as high as 3,600 in the past, Volvo has set a

full part of it. “We are working on changing this perception

target of 10,000 annual sales in Mexico for which it has

to reflect the reality that Volvo is a genuine premium brand.”

prepared a specific pipeline of vehicles. Ultimately, Volvo will be able to bank on its safety record, 2013 saw the launch of the V40 Cross Country, which

which has always been at the forefront of its communication.

Sánchez says was well-received. 2015 will see the launch

In 1994, when the company first started importing vehicles

of the new XC90 SUV, a car with which Volvo saw some

to Mexico, customers preferred paying less for units without

success in the past. “The XC90 was a huge success when

airbags but this has been changing. Sánchez recounts how

it was originally launched in Mexico. It contributed to the

customers have returned to Volvo after having bad accidents,

increase in 2005,” explains Sánchez. Predicting which

seeking to buy a new Volvo car out of appreciation for its

vehicles will succeed in which market is a natural part of

safety. Each accident involving a Volvo vehicle around the

any pipeline, but Volvo is not simply trying to recreate past

world is relayed back to Sweden, where a team of engineers

glories. According to Sánchez, the success of the XC90

scrutinizes what could have been done to prevent each

back in 2005 showed the demand for larger, quality cars

single accident. Seeking to stay at the forefront of security

with high safety levels. He says that back then, no other

technology, Volvo’s new V40 Cross Country hatchback

premium brands matched the product offering of the

comes equipped with the first pedestrian airbag, front-

XC90. “The updated XC90 will have an entirely new look

mounted to protect anyone being hit. These safety features

and will include a number of innovative features. We are

are being rolled out in Mexico at a time when Sánchez sees

aiming to bring a new look to Volvo. Volvo has historically

continuously growing awareness about the need for safety

had a colder look from the outside with a very warm

measures. This will make Mexico an interesting part of one of

driving experience inside. The new model will change this,

Volvo’s most intriguing commitments: to have zero fatalities

so that the external experience will surprise people.”

in collisions involving a Volvo by 2020.




Q: What role has Mexico come to play in Renault’s global

in the automotive industry. Without doubt it has been

and regional growth strategies and how has it evolved?

very productive and profitable for both brands. Carlos

A: International development is one of the key factors in

Ghosn has stated that creating and furthering the

Renault’s growth strategy. We have expanded operations

development of profitable synergies between brands

in Russia through an alliance with AvtoVAZ, and last year

is the foundation of the alliance. Thanks to this, many

Renault was the market leader among the international

industrial and commercial projects saw the light of day,

brands in the country and ranked second in the local

including Renault Mexico. In 1999, the CEO’s of Renault

market. Another example is China, where last December

and Nissan announced the return of Renault to Mexico

we signed an agreement with Dongfeng enabling Renault

with the support of Nissan. In 2000, Mexico became the

to create an industrial facility in the country. The Latin

first country where Nissan and Renault shared industrial

American region is the second in importance for the

capacity and commercial experience. Thanks to the

international growth objectives of Renault Group. South

alliance, Renault’s return to Mexico after 14 years was a

America plays a very important role in our growth

success. When Renault returned to Mexico, the brand

strategy, together with the industrial facilities the group

was able to benefit from the experience Nissan had in

has in Brazil, Argentina, and Colombia. With a local market

commercial and business development in the country and

of over 1 million vehicles, our strategies for Mexico are

integrate Nissan dealers into the Renault network.

centred on gaining market share with products adapted to local needs. In December 2013, our market share was

One of the main pillars of the alliance is to have separate

around 2.2% and our strategies focus on gaining more

brand identities while allowing for the sharing of best

market share with each passing year.

practices and profitable synergies, always with a winwin focus. The analysis and research of new synergies

Q: What strategies does Renault have in place to increase

is continuous and applies to different areas such as

its market share?

purchasing, engineering, industrial activities, logistics,

A: The first step entails introducing new models to the

and HR. The alliance in Mexico is recognized as one of the

market. Koleos was one of the first vehicles to be part of

best in the world thanks to the synergies that have been

our new growth strategy, which was launched in 2009.


Nowadays the bestselling car in our range is Duster, launched in Mexico in April 2012. Since its international

Q: Being two companies with development strategies,

launch in 2011, it has been an international success with

what have been the challenges that you have encountered

more than 1 million units sold worldwide and the same goes

in the development of the alliance in Mexico?

for Mexico with over 20,000 units in almost two years. Our

A: Each brand has its own development strategy, meaning

second most sold car in Mexico is the Fluence, an attractive

that despite the alliance, we compete with vehicles in the

sedan that satisfies the necessities of the consumer in this

same segments. The principle of the alliance in terms of

market segment. We will continue to focus on the main

commercial life is that every brand has its own objectives.

market segments as well as light commercial vehicles

Competition in the markets remains part of the game,

because there is an important opportunity for growth in

and to divide market segments between the two brands

that sector.

would be impossible in many respects. The nature of the alliance depends on the country. In Mexico, Nissan has a


Q: Which role has the alliance with Nissan played in the

bigger market share, but in France, Brazil, or Argentina for

development of Renault’s positioning in the Mexican

example, the situation is reversed with Renault being the


leader. The ultimate vision of the alliance is to optimize

A: The Renault-Nissan alliance has been present for 15

synergies without altering brand identities in order to

years and it is considered the most successful alliance

create profitable economies for both brands.

Q: Do you intend to develop production capacity in

A: We were offering the Koleos 4x4 in Mexico, but the cost

Mexico in the coming years?

of production was higher than for the 2x4 version of the

A: We do not have local production in Mexico; instead

car. Mexico is a price-driven market and we decided to

we import from Colombia, Korea, Argentina, and Spain.

stop supplying the Koleos 4x4 as there is no market for

In other countries, we share facilities with Nissan, but no

this product in the country. The market demands a 2x4

concrete project has been confirmed in Mexico. However,

vehicle for this segment since the 4x4 are more driven as

we are working on it.

pick-up trucks.

Q: How are you harnessing new technologies to improve

In the same vein, we launched the Duster 2015 in Mexico in

your product offering in the Mexican market?

May 2014 that will be price competitive and offers options

A: Our strategy as a brand is to incorporate innovations

for both urban environments and off-road settings. Its

across all vehicle segments and make mobility and

five models range in price from MX$229,000 (US$17,500)

innovation accessible to all. Technology and innovation

to MX$289,000 (US$22,200). The Duster SUV was first

have always been important for Renault, and alongside

launched in Mexico two years ago, and with 23,000 vehicles

Nissan we have made important advancements with

sold since then, it has become one of our biggest sellers here.

electric vehicles (EVs). The number of EVs sold by the alliance in 2013 topped 66,809 worldwide, and 37,000 of

Q: How do you deal with the differences in purchasing

those were Renault vehicles. Renault is the first brand in


the world to offer a range of four EVs. With 37% of the

European counterparts?

market, Renault is the leader in the commercialization of

A: In Mexico, people tend to have a faster approach when

EVs in Europe. The most important part of an EV is the

buying a car. People want to see the car, make the decision,

battery and our innovation in batteries allows us to sell the

and take the car right away. If we fail to fulfill their needs

vehicle in Europe at the same price as a thermic car. At the

in a short period of time, it is likely that the customer will

end of 2013, we presented the EV Twizy and Kangoo to

compare the car with other brands and buy a car that is

the Mexican market. Customers representing international

available right away, as they do not want to wait. We have to

brands with a presence all over the world have proven to

handle our stock with care, and we have to be very careful

be very interested in the EV Kangoo model in order to

because we do not produce in Mexico as other brands do.






integrate them into their fleets. We offer our customers the opportunity to acquire the EV Kangoo or Twizy

Q: How do you develop your dealership network to be in-

through Renault Enterprises, although these vehicles are

tune with the needs of the consumer market?

not yet available in our dealership network. International

A: Customer service quality is a very important issue for

companies contacted us directly as they were familiar

our brand. With 90% of clients recommending the service

with these models and were interested in acquiring them

received by us, Renault Mexico has the highest quality in

for use in Mexico. We could say that our strategy with

aftersales and customer satisfaction compared to the rest of

enterprises is proving to be popular, so EVs are soon to

Latin America. It is important to be close to the dealerships

be introduced. It took more time than we expected for

in order to understand what the customer wants and take

clients to get used to the idea of owning EVs. The project

their opinions into consideration. We have expanded our

is there, the economic equation is interesting for the

dealership network to 63 sales points, and as we grow in

customers, and Renault has the possibility of introducing

volume we will need a network that will expand with us.

this new technology to the Mexican market and many

Firstly, we have to ensure that the dealerships offer the

other international markets. It is important to have private

best quality in sales and aftersales service, while following

and public partners that will support the development of

our standards and the brand strategy. In the upcoming

the needed infrastructure as, for example, we have done

years, we will develop new dealers in order to keep up with

with supermarkets in France. Offering EVs to the general

our expansion plans. An interesting and differentiating

consumer market will depend on different factors, but

factor that distinguishes Renault in Mexico is the antique

the crucial one is the access to charging stations. This is

car clubs, which are very active and passionate, and they

why the enterprises commercialization model that we are

are our real brand ambassadors. These clubs transmit the

promoting is much closer to reality than selling EV’s to the

history of the brand, and it is important to maintain this

general public in Mexico.

time continuity because it gives us unique brand identity and brand strength. Through these clubs, we join the past

Q: What were the reasons behind the decision to only

and the present, allowing the customers to see our origins

offer the Koleos 2x4 and stop offering the 4x4 version?

and have a different vision of our brand.



RECORD PRODUCTION LEVELS DEPEND ON STRONG SUPPLIER BASE IGNACIO ALTAMIRANO Purchasing Manager of Nissan Mexicana Q: What are the pillars of Nissan’s business strategy in

45 countries have put it into a position of strength, as all


the countries concerned account for almost 65% of the

A: Nissan has a very clear and aggressive growth strategy.

world’s GDP. These are all countries that will buy vehicles

Our ‘Power 88’ strategy sets out this growth vision, which

from Mexico. Nissan now exports to 100 countries from

is to hold 8% of the global market share by 2016. Mexico

Mexico, which is clear evidence of the country’s reputation

is becoming increasingly important for Nissan’s global

as a quality production hub.

operations. Last year, the Mexico team achieved the best sales and manufacturing performance levels of Nissan

Q: With recent OEM investments, Mexican suppliers can

operations. As a result, Nissan Mexicana received the Global

select who they want to work with. Why would a supplier

Nissan President Award 2013 for best performance within

want to work with Nissan and vice versa?

the Nissan Corporation. Mexico has become a benchmark

A: Nissan is a very good company to have as a customer

for manufacturing worldwide. This is reflected in our new

as we have always been fair with our suppliers. We are the

Aguascalientes plant, which is the best performing plant in

leading automotive company in Mexico, in terms of sales

our global operations. Last year alone, we produced almost

and production. We are also a very strong company that can

684,000 units between our Morelos and Aguascalientes

ensure sustainable growth. We look for suppliers that have

plants while our domestic sales grew around 13%.

a global footprint and can facilitate contracts effectively at competitive pricing levels. We have no doubt in the

Q: Is the perception of the ‘Made in Mexico’ production stamp

capability of local industry players. Key suppliers in Mexico

improving to match other major global production hubs?

have experience exporting to the main global markets such

A: The country has demonstrated it has good quality and

as the US, Japan, and Europe. They have proven themselves

productivity at a competitive price. Mexico’s 12 FTAs with

to be capable and can compete with the industry in any part

EXPERIENCED PLAYER’S NEXT STEPS One of the most-recognized Asian players in the market,

Managing Director of Hyundai Motor Mexico. “Sharing a

Korean OEM Hyundai, was an early believer in Mexico’s

distribution network with Chrysler allowed Hyundai to prove

automotive production power. Having decided to make

the quality of its vehicles among more customers and create

Mexico its first overseas investment 25 years ago, its Tijuana

a positive image for the brand in Mexico.” The company is

plant has been manufacturing chassis and boxes for trucks

now working on increasing its visibility and opening up

since 1991. The US$250 million that the OEM has poured

Hyundai’s own distribution channels. Hyundai has decided

into the plant over the years stands testament to Hyundai’s

not to run its distribution network alone, and has picked

commitment to the country, which is now complemented

representatives to establish 20 dealerships across the

by an increasing focus on sales and distribution.

country. Albarrán says this decision came from the respect Hyundai has for the market. “Our job is to produce cars


Hyundai is currently seeking to sell vehicles through

and then pass them down to distributors that know how to

different channels. Starting in 2000, it began selling its

sell cars to the final customers. Those dealers have all our

vehicles through Chrysler-Dodge dealerships. “Since 2000,

support,” states Albarrán. He is aware of the opportunities

Hyundai sold near 350,000 vehicles in Mexico, mostly small

that the Mexican market still has to offer and states that

vehicles. This marked a good start and a very important

the market should expand if the right conditions are given.

endeavor for us. Throughout this time, Hyundai was able

“Judging by the reforms taking place, by the way Mexico

to learn a lot about the market and understand the habits

is playing in the global market, and improved credit for

and needs of Mexican customers,” explains Pedro Albarrán,

automotive purchases, we believe this market will continue

of the world. The companies that operate internationally

move knowing that having talented people on both sides

already have all of the resources in order to supply any OEM.

helps the entire industry.

Technologically, all OEMs have different approaches so we do have a supplier development group which helps companies

Q: How is Nissan optimizing its logistics to meet its

to understand the Nissan mindset and way of doing business.

production goals?

Nissan challenges its suppliers to understand our way and to

A: Logistics was a key part of developing our growth

apply it. We are increasing production in Mexico but we may

strategy, as producing 1 million vehicles by 2016 is

not greatly expand our supply base. We seek to keep the

complex. We conducted a study that showed the actual

same amount of suppliers but increasing the volume given

capacity of logistic companies is very limited in terms of

to each supplier. We also share future technologies with our

equipment. They do not have sufficient resources, such

suppliers in Mexico through an exchange process.

as the number of trucks needed to transport the cars. We are not a logistics company, but we need to be involved in

Q: Producing 1 million vehicles in Mexico by 2016 will

order to ensure that our vehicles reach their target market.

require major investments from both Nissan and its suppliers. How much risk is involved for both sides?

Q: What potential do you see for green vehicles and

A: This is a shared risk for both OEMs and suppliers. Nissan has

production strategies in Mexico?

a projected goal and we have made supporting investments

A: The Nissan Leaf is a very successful electric car that

to ensure we reach our targets. If we fail, then Nissan will

arrived in Mexico in the second quarter of 2014. In terms of

lose out financially. Likewise, suppliers make investments for

a clean manufacturing process, our Aguascalientes plant

the future knowing that there are risks involved. Growth and

now gets 45% of its energy from wind power and 5% from

risk are always interlinked. We continuously take steps to

biogas, which equates to a 50% reduction in fossil fuel

minimize risk and close communication with our suppliers

based electricity use in one year. We also aim to reduce

is one of them. The preparation needed to achieve this

emissions by using suppliers based close to our plants.

level of production does not just involve more buildings or

Also in Aguascalientes, we are developing a supplier park

machines, it also involves more people. Our HR department

with the help of Vesta, which will hold about nine critical

is planning extensively for this by approaching universities

suppliers. JATCO, our transmission supplier is already

directly to ensure we have sufficient man power for the

there, having made a US$220 million investment and a

future. To protect our personnel, we have agreements in

capacity of 400,000 transmissions. Posco, a steel blanking

place with our suppliers. If we can see the benefits of one

supplier, is there as well and we are looking to bring in

of our employees moving to a supplier, we will support the

other essential part suppliers.

to grow. While it is difficult to estimate this growth rate, we

the whole vehicle cycle. This experience starts with the

want to be a part of it.”

design of the dealerships and stretches to the service that customers get from sales personnel. “We have great

The Hyundai Elantra, the Grand i10 and the SUV ix35

dealerships with strong customer areas to look after clients

are the anchors of the company’s distribution in Mexico.

and provide them with an unforgettable service,” comments

For Albarrán, the models brought to Mexico are proof

Albarrán. “Hyundai takes a proactive approach by reminding

of how much Hyundai has advanced in terms of design.

customers that already own a Hyundai car to bring them

The advancements were made based on studies carried

to approved dealerships for maintenance.” Albarrán also

out by Hyundai to understand market needs, and these

mentions that Hyundai established a warehouse in Mexico

models were then adapted to Mexico, such as raising them

City to store the brand’s auto parts, making the city its

slightly to account for the speed bumps and potholes that

logistical center in the country. “Dealers usually have basic

are found on Mexican roads. “We studied the market. The

parts for minor and common needs, but when something

Mexican market is quite unique, Mexicans are looking for

more specialized is needed, they can call us before 10am to

the comfort found in American cars but they also want

get a same-day delivery.”

European designs. Evidently, we tried to cover a lot of those characteristics,” explains Albarrán.

In 2014, Hyundai wants to sell 8,000 vehicles and double that number for 2015. “We are looking to grow by

Taking a step in the distribution of its own cars puts some

exceeding our customers’ expectations at this time. We are

pressure on Hyundai’s product offering. As such, the

offering things that no one else is offering in a way that no

company understands the importance of service during

one is doing,” says Albarrán.



MEXICO BENEFITS FROM YEN EXPOSURE VULNERABILITIES LEOPOLDO ORELLANA President and CEO of Mazda México Sales and Commercial Operations Q: Why was Mexico chosen for Mazda’s recent major

whenever the yen strengthened, Mazda’s results weakened

investment in production outside of Japan?

substantially. Mazda was also the Japanese OEM with the

A: One of the main reasons for our major investment in

highest levels of local sourcing from within Japan. For these

Mexico was that we were seeking to relocate investment

reasons, we were more vulnerable than other companies to

from Japan to emerging economies. After an extensive

currency fluctuation. For that reason, removing production

analysis of several countries, Mexico was chosen. The

from Japan was a strategic decision for Mazda in order to

main advantages that we identified here were Mexico’s

create a low-cost base for production as well as a regional

labor force, its FTAs with 45 countries, and access to a

base for the Americas.

45 million-unit market. That allowed Mexico to stand out considerably from Brazil for example, which is a closed

Q: How established is your current supplier base around

market. The site that we chose in Salamanca has excellent


highway connections, a railway nearby, and good airport

A: There are three key suppliers from Hiroshima that

access. We are able to build local content in Mexico from

are now based in Salamanca to support our investment.

suppliers that are already established here. Although

The Salamanca government has been very professional

domestic demand in Mexico is not growing exponentially,

and supportive in helping suppliers to come to Mexico,

the expectations are that the regional market at large will

which has been immensely helpful. We are also working

keep growing. Looking at all of the factors in Mexico’s favor,

with suppliers that were already based here, and we are

it really is almost impossible for senior managers to choose

developing them in order to increase our local content

an alternative location for investment in this region.

levels. NAFTA regulations allow a five-year grace period for reaching the required 62% of local content, allowing us

Q: What were the main factors that led to Mazda moving

to have just 50% during that period.

away from home-based production? A: Prior to the establishment of the Mexico plant, 80% of

Q: To what extent is increased Japanese penetration

the production of Mazda was based in Japan. This provided

propelling production sophistication development locally?

excellent quality and a high technology base for the company,

A: The Japanese heritage of quality and technology

however, we were highly leveraged to the yen, meaning that

is undoubted and this is now being brought to the



Mazda has developed a series of technologies, known as

Current combustion engines waste about 70% of the

SkyActiv, that increase fuel efficiency and engine output,

fuel combustion energy before this is transferred to the

while offering additional benefits such as increased

wheels. Mazda aims to make combustion more efficient

safety performance. The focus of SkyActiv is on engines,

by developing engines with improved combustion ratios.

transmissions, bodies and chassis, sleeker external designs,

The SkyActiv G 2.0L engine improves fuel economy by

and lightweight structural components. The Mazda6 and

15% even when using regular gasoline. To achieve this, the

some versions of the Mazda3 and the CX-5 use SkyActiv

Mazda engineering team placed a dome on each piston to

technology. Leopoldo Orellana, President and CEO of

raise the compression ratio. The problem with this design

Mazda México Sales and Commercial Operations, explains:

is that fuel and air, when combined, ignite too soon. Mazda

“The economies of scale for hybrid and electric vehicles

therefore used cutting-edge engineering to prevent the

are just not there yet. For that reason we are focusing on

chamber from getting too hot. A high pressure fuel injector

making fuel engines much more efficient and this is why we

fires gasoline into the cylinder at 3,000psi to help keep

have developed the new SkyActiv technology.”

it cool. To get the hot air out without sending it into the

Mexican market. Our plant in Salamanca has world-

Q: What is the role of the partnership with Toyota in your

class technological processes in place, which is helping

Mexican activities?

to further develop the human talent in this area. For

A: We will be building approximately 50,000 Toyota cars

example, the height of the assembly line in Salamanca is

a year in Salamanca. We only share the production so the

adjustable according to the processes taking place, which

information remains individual, and Toyota plans its export

results in better working conditions for the technicians.

strategy independently. The technology of the car is going

One of the defining qualities of Mazda worldwide is the

to be new generation Mazda technology, while Toyota

flexibility of its assembly lines. Being able to change

is developing the top hat. The benefits for both Toyota

models within the same assembly line is a major benefit.

and Mazda are huge; it gives Toyota a production base in

Nevertheless, improving processes in assembly lines

Mexico and allows us to enjoy economies of scale.

through technology creates small benefits at a time; it is a slow march toward progress.

Q: What are Mazda’s priorities for the next year in Mexico? A: We are focused on consolidating the Mazda facility

Q: How challenging has it been to carve a market niche for

in Salamanca, where we are currently producing the

Mazda in Mexico?

Mazda3. We will start production of the Mazda2 at the

A: Mazda has been in the Mexican market for just nine

end of 2014 and our project with Toyota will be launched

years, which is less than half as long as many other

in 2015. The Salamanca plant has a capacity to produce

Japanese players. When we entered the market, Ford

230,000 vehicles a year. On the commercial side, Mexico is

was a partial owner of Mazda and that gave us an

currently the 8th market for Mazda worldwide. We want to

advantage. According to stock exchange regulations that

increase our current 3.7% market share to around 4-5%. To

gave Ford control of Mazda, we could not compete with

achieve this, we will need to compete with bigger brands

each other. Mazda was therefore able to take advantage

that offer older generation technology to the market. We

of Ford’s dealer network and we were able to pick the

are looking for new dealerships in places like Campeche,

best dealers. We spent a lot of time studying the market

Pachuca, and border cities. At the same time, we are

and understanding the motivations of the dealers, who

perfecting our aftersales customer service, which is one

were looking for an appealing new brand. On the other

of our main strengths. We eventually want to enter the big

hand, the consumer market was a challenge. We had to

Latin American markets, and Mexico could provide an ideal

effectively communicate our brand in a market saturated

export base for that. Our original plans for that market

by many brands. The perception of Mazda was one of

changed when Brazil adjusted its importation levels, but

a high technology Japanese brand, which was positive,

we hope to once again revisit that. We have not been part

and our sporty styled models helped differentiate

of the export quotas to Brazil as the country has enforced

ourselves from the competition. Mazda offers the soul of

a requirement for OEMs to have production in Brazil and

a sports car in a high technology brand, even if you are

Mexico at the same time in order to export there. Another

driving one of our SUVs, and that helped us carve out a

tax was created that amounted to about 30%, placing our

unique niche.

cars outside of that market for now.

other cylinder, Mazda added a longer exhaust manifold.

drive feel. Mazda thought of the first-gear smoothness

Overall, SkyActiv engines improve oil pump efficiency by

and controllability of a traditional automatic transmission

74%, water pump efficiency by 31%, friction on pistons,

and the direct connectivity and fuel efficiency of a manual

rods, and camshafts by 25%, and reduces the effort the

transmission, ultimately integrating the torque converter

engine exerts to suck in fresh air by 13%.

of a traditional automatic and the clutch of a manual. The SkyActiv Drive 6-Speed automatic transmission has an

In addition to engine efficiency, a car has to be responsive.

advanced control module that shifts with quickness and

A poor transmission will not allow the engine’s power to

precision, thus improving fuel economy by 7%. The SkyActiv

be efficiently transferred to the wheels. SkyActiv improved

Platform (body and chassis) is based on high engineering

fuel efficiency and responsiveness of transmissions. The

and uses intelligent materials, such as high-tensile steel that

torque converter transfers engine power to the transmission

is lighter yet stronger than conventional steel, to reduce the

through fluid, but the loss of power transfer through the fluid

car’s weight by 100kg, improve body rigidity by 30%, and

affects fuel efficiency. Mazda developed a torque converter

improve car crash safety performance. The suspension was

with a lock-up clutch, which locks the torque converter’s

also redesigned to make the car more agile at low speeds

turbine to the impeller to improve fuel economy and direct

and more stable at high speeds.


18% of North America OEM camshaft market and 5% worldwide. Casting and Machining





Tel.: +52 (461) 598 6500 y 175 5000 Fax.: +52 (461) 611 5224 Norte 7 #102 Cd. Industrial Celaya, Guanajuato, 38010, México ISO-TS16949:2009 / ISO-9001:2008 / ISO-14001:2004



YOUNGER CUSTOMERS TO ANCHOR NEW ERA IN MEXICO HORACIO CHÁVEZ REZA Commercial Director of Honda Mexico Q: What role does Mexico play in Honda’s global

institutions to deal with this issue. We are trying to get


more attractive plans specifically for the Fit through those

A: Honda started operations in Mexico in 1995 but we recently

financial institutions. AMIA also needs to work closely with

entered a new era for Honda Mexico with the opening of the

the government to address the issue of access to finance.

plant in Celaya. This plant is designed to expand production

Almost 70% of sales for this segment could potentially be

within the compact vehicle segment, which is very important

done through credit, so it is an important thing to resolve. In

for us. The first model to be produced there will be the Honda

terms of offering the right vehicles, the Fit is already in the

Fit, which is our last model not currently being produced in

Mexican market but its new model is loaded with technology

the US. Our main strategy is to build cars where the customers

and features, which is exciting for the young buyer. We have

are, and Honda North America will now produce 95% of our

been trying to make a product that is fun to drive and also

cars. This is not a strategy formulated purely for the benefit of

environmentally friendly, which we have achieved with the

emerging markets, as we opened our most advanced plant in

Fit. The new Fit will include the new Honda Earth Dreams

Japan last year. Logistics concerns are of great importance,

engine technology, making it one of the most fuel-efficient

and Mexico’s location makes it a very strong asset in this

vehicles in the market. Our new transmission plant will also

area. Celaya represented an US$800 million investment for

build CVT transmissions, which are more fuel-efficient.

the automotive plant, and a US$450 million investment for the transmissions plant. The transmissions plant will start

Q: To what extent do you drive demand for hybrid

operations in the second half of 2015.

technology by bringing the cars to the market? A: We have already brought the technology to the market

Q: What drove the strong growth that Honda experienced

but the demand is very low. It is a niche market, and we

in 2013?

are still wrestling with the cost of the new technology.

A: The Honda brand grew by 11.5% in 2013, and the Acura

The demand for the hybrid car that we introduced was

brand by 18.8%, which represented 11.8% growth for a

initially quite good, as consumers that are interested

company as a whole. We did very well in the SUV segment,

in environmentally friendly, low-consumption vehicles

which is our second-largest segment due to the CR-V. The

were immediately attracted to us. However, those niche

new MDX was launched at the end of 2012 and quickly

buyers cannot sustain the market indefinitely. Therefore

became our best-selling model in Mexico. The Honda Civic

this technology needs to have a broader reach to

did very well too, as we have been using it to target younger

enable producers to supply the cars. As the technology

generations. Appealing to that customer base is always a

becomes increasingly utilized in developed countries, its

challenge but we believe the Fit will allow us to target this

cost will lower and it will become more widely available

younger audience more effectively. Our brand image had

in developing countries. These vehicles could play a

started to become more associated with older family-style

significant role in helping reduce pollution problems in

cars, and we want to change that by highlighting products

Mexico but no infrastructure is in place.

that are ideal for the younger buyer. Q: How do you envision Honda’s future in Mexico? Q: What is your main strategy to more effectively reach

A: We foresee our CR-V continuing to be our strongest

this younger segment?

model, but we want to double our sales in the Fit segment

A: Our dealer network is the most important aspect, as it

as the first target for 2014. The Fit will be in the subcompact

enables us to be close to our customers. We will be expanding

premium segment, which is not a huge segment, but for us

our dealer network by about 20% while implementing this

can represent a big increase in sales nonetheless. We will

new marketing strategy. Financing presents an area of

also be bringing a new small CUV to Mexico called Vezel.

opportunity for us as well, and we are working closely with

Vezel is already produced in Japan, but at the end of 2014

our dealer association which has strong links with financial

we will also produce it in Celaya.


PRESERVING ICONIC STATUS WITH NICHE MARKET SHARE The vision that Antonio Barceló, President of Subaru

dealership base from 15 to between 30 and 35 dealers, and

Mexico, has for his brand’s future in Mexico is an original

to keep introducing new models and technologies. In 2014,

one. By 2017, Subaru aims to capture 1% of the Mexican

five separate Subaru models will hit the Mexican market.

sales market, representing around 10,000 vehicles sold.

“Introducing a model every couple of months will give

This target has been carefully chosen to maintain Subaru’s

our brand a dynamic image that is not common in small

exclusive status. “Subaru is a niche player; we do not want

brands like ours,” states Barceló. The company believes

to follow in the footsteps of our competition like Nissan or

that its core focuses of technology, safety, boxer engines,

other big players,” said Barceló. “Our strategy is to attain

all-wheel drives, and CVT transmissions will differentiate

a target market share of between 1% and 3% in countries

the brand. “The boxer engine is one of the key advantages

including Australia, the US, Canada, Japan, and China.

present across all our vehicles, and is part of the Subaru’s

Subaru does not want to position itself in the 10% to 20%

brand culture. It gives the vehicle a center of gravity that

market share segment. We construct our brand as a niche

leads to smoother driving and safety conditions. The

player and it is important to maintain that distinction.”

engine is also located below the feet, making it safer in

This strategy is evident in the way Subaru carries out its

case of a crash,” says Barceló. Much of Subaru’s R&D is

manufacturing. The company’s two main manufacturing

focused on solutions aiming to prevent collisions. It is

plants are in Japan and the US and a cautious approach

working on its own version of eyesight technology, which

is taken to regional investment, with a capacity of 1 million

sees two cameras mounted on the rear-view mirror that

vehicles being seen as the optimum level.

detect approaching obstacles and automatically decrease the car’s velocity. This is already on the road in the US and

However, despite these two plants being based in

Japan, and is soon coming to Mexico. Subaru’s vehicle

Subaru’s largest markets, the carmaker sees expansion

safety technology is not being pushed merely for its own

into surrounding developing economies as natural for two

merit, with Barceló explaining that “technology is one of

main reasons: to increase vehicle sales, and to establish a

the strategies used to maintain market share, given how

competitive supplier and manufacturing base. As a major

attractive it is to customers.”

manufacturer and exporter of cars, Mexico is perfectly positioned to benefit from this strategy. Subaru currently

This confidence is based on the appeal of its technologically

holds 2.7% of the US market and sees neighboring Mexico

advanced cars in the US, especially the Impreza WRX and

as a market worthy of more aggressive commercial

WRX STi. Barceló believes that this has led to significant

strategies. “Subaru wants to recreate its US success,

brand loyalty for Subaru, pointing out that 60% of the

where sales have doubled over the past four years, in

OEM’s clients in the US come from direct recommendations

Mexico and establish a strong base in the country,” says

by Subaru owners. It is this loyalty bred from the premium

Barceló. He adds that beyond this, Subaru’s headquarters

driving experience that Subaru hopes will be replicated

in Japan see Mexico as a market with very high potential

across the Mexican market. Defining Subaru as a premium

in its own right. Barceló points to the fact that a decade

brand also means providing first class after sales services,

ago both Brazil and Mexico had yearly car sales of 1

and this aspect is not being neglected, with Barceló

million but today Brazil sells more than 3 million units

explaining: “If one of our cars spends more than three days

while Mexico’s internal sales remain frozen at the same

in a workshop, we will lend another one to the customer.

level. Subaru believes that growth in the Mexican internal

We are launching this strategy in Mexico to help us support

vehicle sales market is inevitable. One major obstacle that

our warranty repair time.”

Subaru has to overcome is the time needed to build up its brand awareness as one of the newest entrants to the

Subaru currently has no plans to open a facility in Mexico

Mexican market. “We are undertaking a big marketing

but recognizes that additional facilities may well be

campaign to support brand awareness, and develop an

created as the brand grows around the world. One of the

understanding of Subaru as a premium Japanese brand

challenges facing each OEM working in Mexico is how to

offering the highest technology and safety standards,”

boost its locally sourced content. Looking ahead, Barceló

explains Barceló.

accepts that the company may not always be able to count on its technology and components coming from Japan.


Fortunately for Subaru, the brand’s success in the World

“In the US plant, some components are already being

Rally Championships has gone some way to positioning

sourced from US suppliers. Subaru’s production volume

it in the minds of Mexican consumers as a performance

will continue to grow and it will be increasingly important

brand. Further pillars of this strategy will be to expand the

to source components and parts locally.”

IMPACT OF RECALLS ON THE WIDER AUTOMOTIVE INDUSTRY The automotive industry is heading toward a record

of powerful and dangerous explosives in inflators that

number of safety recalls, amounting to 31.4 million vehicles

require careful handling and precise calibration. Takata

in the first six months of 2014. No OEM has been left

uses ammonium nitrate in its inflators, an explosive

unscathed in this process, and each year, carmakers issue

compound that is volatile and highly sensitive to moisture.

600 or more recalls, with the exception of a short period

A Defect Information Report by Takata identified several

during the economic crisis in 2009 and 2010. The number

manufacturing problems with its inflators, including at

of recalls continues to climb and this jump is the result

plants in Monclova, Mexico, and Moses Lake, Washington.

of tighter safety scrutiny and more companies using the

According to Reuters, these problems were due to a

same parts. The slightest fault can impact millions of cars

glitch that meant the inflator propellant in the bags

from multiple OEMs like a domino effect. Worldwide, the

could burn too quickly and blow apart the metal casing

value of automotive warranties being called upon can be

surrounding it, sending out hot gas and shrapnel. The

estimated at US$40 billion per year which correlates to a

issues in this recall became twofold with the insufficient

loss in sales of 3-5% in the OEM business.







problems with record keeping. The Wall Street Journal There are countless possible reasons behind vehicle

found that Takata’s records had proven to be incomplete.

recalls. The perfect storm comes about when several


OEMs share the same supplier and as a result, parts have

also confirmed that it had discovered a problem with

the same defects. Sharing suppliers is a common strategy

records kept at its plant in Monclova, Mexico. This forced

that allows car makers to save money on parts through

automakers to widen the recalls to cover vehicles that

economies of scale, but it heightens the risk of large-scale

might have inadvertently received the faulty equipment.

recalls. In 2014, seven major OEMs, Nissan, Mazda, Honda,

The problems with the air bag inflators have led to recalls

Toyota, Ford, Chrysler, and BMW disclosed that they would

of 10 million vehicles since 2009. Despite this massive

recall millions of vehicles combined, all equipped with air

recall, it is important to note that airbags, including those

bags that could explode under certain circumstances.

made by Takata, have saved countless lives since their

These airbags were supplied by Tokyo-based Takata

widespread adoption in 1990.





Corporation, one of the three major manufacturers of airbags and related components to major OEMs around

Recalls may wreak real damage to brand names and

the world. Honda, Mazda, and Nissan recalled 2.9 million

hurt trust in manufacturers, a situation no OEM wants to

cars worldwide, with Honda recalling 2.03 million vehicles,

find itself in. In 2014, GM was rocked by this process of

Nissan 755,000, and Mazda 159,807.

reverse logistics, having to issue 48 recalls which affected approximately 20 million vehicles worldwide, accounting

In a letter addressed to the US National Highway Traffic

for 17% of all recalls. These have varying degrees of

Safety Administration, Takata described the research being

safety concerns; for example, 3.2 million vehicles were

conducted to better understand the causes of incidents

recalled for possible faulty ignition switches. With GM

related to airbags. “The regions of Puerto Rico and Florida

under scrutiny, Chief Executive Mary Barra stresses



the importance of enforcing safety measures. “We are

had occurred have exceptionally high levels of absolute

going to continue to look at the data that we get, and

humidity, and that exposure to that level of humidity, in

we are going to take the action that we need. If we find

conjunction with potential processing issues during certain

an issue, we are going to deal with it,” she explains. The

manufacturing time periods that may influence aging

company raised its expected second-quarter charge for

stability, are the focus of Takata’s current research and

recall expenses from US$400 million to US$700 million.

investigation efforts,” read the letter.

This experience has led GM to state it would change its





culture, putting an ever higher priority on vehicle safety Moreover, this particular recall highlights the increasing

by emphasizing rigor and discipline in its analyses and

number of complex components in modern vehicles

decision-making process involving not only recalls but all

that can increase the number of accidents, especially

other safety related matters. The consumer market has

when used in areas such as the engine compartment

attached little stigma to GM’s safety recalls, with sales

that undergoes high temperatures as well as mechanical

rising in the US by 7% in April over the same month a year

and chemical loads. In order to work, airbags need to

ago. In Mexico, GM’s first quarter proved to be profitable

inflate in less than half the time it takes to blink, just 40

as well, with sales rising 2.6% with 79,591 units compared

milliseconds on the passenger side. This requires the use

to 2013’s 77,561 units.


Although significantly smaller than the light vehicle segment, the medium and heavy truck and bus segment is flourishing in Mexico, with 12 heavy vehicle and two engine manufacturers staking a presence in eight states in the country. Mexico’s heavy vehicle industry represents 35% of global production compared to 16% a decade ago, and the country is predicted to triple exportation over the coming two decades. 2012 saw Mexico produce 138,000 heavy vehicles, of which 104,000 were exported, representing the best year in terms of production in Mexican history. Increased competition combined with a year of regulatory change resulted in a slight drop in production in 2013 to 136,900, but the industry’s key players are confident that positive growth lies ahead. As with other segments of the Mexican automotive sector, the heavy vehicle industry is drawing mounting attention from Asian producers, and an increased penetration of lower cost options is forcing traditional dominators to innovate to stay ahead.

In this chapter we look at what is next for the main players in the Mexican heavy vehicle market in view of regional and global ambitions and expectations, while also focusing on the role the country is playing in the global supply chain. Included is also an analysis of the factors impeding the growth of the internal market, including the impact of the country’s aging fleets and used heavy vehicle importation.




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Natural Place to Build Heavy Vehicles


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Engine Market Leader Eyes Larger Market Share


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Diverse Product Portfolio to Maintain Market Share




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mexico Becoming Leader for NAFTA Truck Production


Heavy Trucks Born with Pre-Planned Second Life


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Combination of German Leadership with Mexican Touch


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Japanese Truck Leader Offers Personal Touch


Changing Heavy Duty Purchasing Patterns


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Forging a Niche amidst Strong Competition


Trusted Partner to Mexican Coach Fleets


Homegrown Body Builder Looking to Future


Unique Characteristics in Luxury Commercial Segment


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Brazilian Body Builder Comes to Rely on Mexican Engineering


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Bus Maker Pushes for Increased Sustainability


VIEW FROM THE TOP: European Models Take on Big-Nose Truck Dominance


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Gas-Powered Vehicles Future of Mexican Fleets


Mexican Bus Technology Finding Footholds Abroad


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Unique Korean Models in the Mexican Market




Q: What are the characteristics of a typical fleet in Mexico?

not the best year for the industry. Exports dropped by 13.4%

A: The average fleet age of buses and trucks is 17 years,

due to the economic situation in the US and changes in the

and for trucks alone, this rises to over 18 years. This is

rules in Colombia. This caused a chain reaction for exports

almost double the average fleet age in countries such as

and when sales drop, so does production.

the US. The benefits of having newer fleets include more efficient diesel consumption, reduced emissions, and better

Q: What is the biggest impediment to internal sales, and

road safety. Congress is proposing reforms designed to

what can be done to mitigate the current problems?

encourage the renewal of fleets. Right now, any bus used

A: Our biggest concern is the growing importation of used

on a Mexican federal highway cannot be older than 15 years.

vehicles. Last year, around 40,000 vehicles were sold in

However, there is no such limit for cargo and heavy duty

Mexico but an additional 12,000 were imported from the US,

trucks. Additionally, there are 140,000 registered carriers,

of which 85% were 10 to 20 years old, and the remaining 15%

and 80% of those are owner-operators, namely individuals

were over 20 years old. Some rules have been implemented

who own between one and five vehicles. Many owner-

to curb this, with SEMARNAT restricting the importation

operators have problems due to their lack of experience

of vehicles complying with EPA 98 or older regulations.

in business management. We are therefore working with

However, these restrictions have not been implemented

the government to create a mandatory requirement that

effectively due to the uptake of an amparo legal procedure,

owner-operators receive some training.

which allows for these rules to be circumvented. If the Supreme Court decides that the new rules implemented by

Q: How rapidly are production levels of heavy duty

SEMARNAT should be enforced, then it must also resolve the

vehicles growing in Mexico?

amparo issue. I hope that we can soon decrease the influx of

A: 2012 saw Mexico produce 138,000 vehicles, of which

old vehicles in order to improve the national market. In 2007,

104,000 were exported. It turned out to be the best year of

Mexico sold around 52,000 heavy duty vehicles compared

heavy duty production in Mexican history. To mark ANPACT’s

to 40,000 in 2013. This is selling ourselves short as ANPACT

20th anniversary, we conducted an in-depth analysis of the

predicts Mexico could reach sales levels exceeding 62,000

export market and concluded that heavy vehicle exports

by enacting legal reforms, providing training, financing, and

might rise up to 300,000 in the next 20 years. ten years ago,

enforcing scrapping projects.

Mexico represented 16% of the North American production


of heavy duty vehicles, but this has almost reached 35%. In

Q: What measures must be taken to improve access to

the same period, US production went down from 75.6% to

financing for owner-operators?

60.3% and Canada’s dropped from 8.4% to 2.3%. Mexico

A: In Mexico, more than 80% of heavy duty carriers are

is becoming the natural place to build heavy vehicles in

owner-operators, and these traditionally do not do well in

North America, and the relocation of manufacturing lines is

administrating their businesses. The majority of them do

proving this. The projected growth of exports to 300,000

not keep accounting records, they sometimes do not even

heavy duty vehicles does not only depend on Mexico

have bank accounts. To counteract this, we will implement

claiming a larger market share for production, but also in

administrative training for owner-operators through 2014.

exporting more to Asia, Australia, and Central America. Last

Our biggest challenge is that many of them cannot show

year, Mexico was the seventh largest producer of heavy duty

documents to support the success of the business in order

vehicles in the world, the third in America, and the fourth

to secure financing to purchase vehicles. We are working

largest exporter worldwide. Ten years ago, Mexico was the

with NAFINSA on schemes in which an owner-operator

ninth largest producer, which shows our rise in terms of

can use a federal permit as collateral for receiving credit.

production. Now, this sector employs 144,000 people, of

Getting financing from the Mexican government is not

which 22,000 are direct jobs, which translates to a current

cheap. These programs have interest rates ranging from

potential to produce 174,000 vehicles. However, 2013 was

13-15%, as compared to 4% in Brazil.


ENGINE MARKET LEADER EYES LARGER MARKET SHARE IGNACIO GARCIA Vice-President of Mexico & Central America of Cummins Inc. Q: How did Cummins reach its strong position in the

engines and then return to us. We have the most developed

Mexican market?

distribution network for parts and for services in the region,

A: Cummins’ growth story in Mexico began in the 1950s

which allows us to be ahead in terms of repair times and

when it began importing parts and providing services in

availability of parts and technicians.

the country. In the 1960s, we supplied engines to DINA, which was the only public company producing buses and

Q: How do you approach your aftermarket offerings?

trucks in Mexico. In the late 1980s, the government sold

A: Some customers like to have their own repair shops,

DINA to the private sector, and Cummins purchased a

especially big fleets and bus companies. They do not tend

50% share in DINA. The border opened up not long after

to go to distributors for repairs, while other customers

that and the industry grew massively as a result. Today,

use third party repair companies. Some OEMs want to

Cummins employs close to 6,000 people in Mexico

keep close control over their technology and control

across its manufacturing plants, aftermarket services and

the repair business, but customers are increasingly

corporate headquarters. The domestic Mexican market

demanding engines that they can fix themselves without

represents US$950 million for Cummins, and we export

the involvement of the OEM. We train technicians to repair

about US$1.2 billion of products to different Cummins

our engines, and only 10% of engines are serviced by the

plants around the world. We also buy about US$700 million

pure Cummins network, 50% are serviced by OEMs, and

worth of goods from Mexican suppliers, half of which are

the rest by third party technicians or customer shops.

used at our plants here and the other half are exported. Of the US$700 million we source in Mexico, about half covers

Q: What role is technology development playing in your

gears, electrical harnesses, sensors, castings, and forgings.

growth ambitions? A: We are consistently bringing new technology to the

Q: Where are you focusing your product offering in 2014?

market. Since Mexican emission regulations are behind those

A: Eight out of ten trucks in Mexico use Cummins engines.

in the US, we are using 2007 regulation engines but we

In the mid-range trucks segment, for Class 5 to 7 trucks, we

would like to start using EPA 2010 or Euro IV engines. The

hold about 38% of the market. In the urban bus segment,

main issue is that low sulfur diesel is currently available only

we have 15% of the market but we expect that to reach 30%

in a few cities, which is enough to cover 30% of demand. The

in the next few years. We are currently introducing our 2.8

government is saying it will import more to reach 50% but it is

and 3.8 liter engines to the light duty truck segment that

waiting on private sector investment. To support this, we will

consists of Class 3, 4, and 5 trucks. We have sold close to

make our Euro V engine available at the end of 2014. Natural

3,000 engines to that segment in the last two years, and we

gas engines are also an option, but the infrastructure is still

see this increasing to 2,000 engines a year. The plant making

developing. Mexico City has 17 points where you can get

the Chrysler RAM truck in Saltillo produces 600 trucks

natural gas, so the capability is there. We have implemented

a day with our engine for the US and Canadian markets.

a project with a fleet of 50 natural gas buses in Guadalajara,

In terms of manufacturing in Mexico, we focus mainly on

and another with 20 buses in Mexico City.

components for fuel systems, crankshafts, cylinder heads, alternators, and filters. We make more than 850,000

Mexico probably has the capacity to participate in R&D for

filters a week in our filter plant while also remanufacturing

components but I do not see it becoming a major center

250 engines per day for global demand. The automotive

for full-scale R&D. Large companies are building global

boom brought in a lot of competition from companies like

capability networks where different sites around the world

Caterpillar, Detroit Diesel, and Volvo, but the fact that we

participate in different aspects of the design and work

are still market leaders, while the majority of our customers

together 24/7. Mexico can be part of such a design network

produce their own engines, shows how much we have to

but will not do it on its own. The engineers here are still

offer. We have seen OEM customers switch to use their own

lacking knowledge, so their skills need to be improved first.



DIVERSE PRODUCT PORTFOLIO TO MAINTAIN MARKET SHARE RENATO VILLALPANDO RIVERA Director General of Paccar Mexico Q: Paccar (Kenworth’s owner) recently carried out an

Q: The Mexican market is affected by used trucks coming

investment of US$400 million. How was it allocated, and

from the US. In what ways are you trying to solve this

how did this change your production focus?


A: Paccar invested US$400 million in developing new

A: We are very concerned with this influx of used vehicles. In

products that we have begun to manufacture in Mexico.

November 2013, the amount of imported trucks amounted

This investment covered the design of the products, the

to 65% of Mexico’s monthly production. If nothing is done,

technology, and all aspects related to validation and

the amount of imports will equal the level of production. This

certification, as well as the manufacturing readiness.

is an unfair treatment for our entire industry and the Mexican

Since these products are completely new to the market,

government has to take urgent action. We are pushing for

they have to undergo a series of validations. Paccar has

regulations that would ensure any imported trucks are of

three plants that build these products: two are in the US

the right quality and age. The internal market is beginning to

and one is located in Mexicali. The time process from the

feel the pinch. Those that buy new trucks are not interested

start of R&D to the validation of one of our products can

in the imported ones, but the prices of used trucks have

range from four to five years. This is an extensive process,

dropped. The import of used trucks has devalued the entire

especially when compared to the validation process of a

used trade market. Customers used to trade three trucks to

light vehicle.

buy a new one, now they need five or six.

Q: What main differences have you identified between the

Q: To what extent do you consider your conservative

Mexican, Canadian, and American consumer markets?

nature to be an advantage?

A: It is fortunate that the Paccar brands have been in

A: In Mexico, we have held more than 50% of the market

the Mexican market for a long time and enjoy a strong

share in the 54 years we have been present here. People

reputation for high quality, reliability, durability, and are

know the Kenworth brand as a standard for quality. When

supported by a strong aftermarket dealer network. On

customers see a really new product, they will ask about the

average, 60% of the tucks in Mexico are dedicated to

aftermarket support, how well prepared we are to support

double trailer applications with more than 65-tonne gross

these new models, and where they can be taken to be

combined weight (GCW) rather than 36-tonne GCW

serviced. All these factors weigh heavily on the mind of the

in USA and Canada. During the product development

customer. Newer brands coming into Mexico have to deal

stage, the needs of the Mexican customers are taken into

with this aftermarket challenge, but we have the advantage

consideration to provide adequate solutions. For example,

here. Competition is getting tougher every day and more

the new product line includes the modernization of the

products are available in the market but we are setting a new

vehicles’ look, technology, serviceability, and comfort.

standard of quality and innovation with our new products.

The diagnostic processes are very meaningful for the end


customer as they spend more than 80% of the time behind

Q: In what ways are you continuing to improve your

the steering wheel. Little things mean a lot to them, so we

aftermarket service alongside the new vehicles that are

ask ourselves the right questions. How can we make the

being launched?

engine oil easier to check? Is the hood too heavy when

A: Another new product that was recently launched in

being lifted? How can it be made lighter so it can be lifted

Mexico is the new Paccar MX-13 engine. This engine was

with one arm? All these questions are taken into account

launched in the US three years ago but we are now releasing

when designing the trucks. One of our unique features

the Mexican version which has different emissions levels.

involves the clutch pedal. Normally, it takes a 35-pound

In Mexico, we are required to comply with EPA 2004, This

effort to engage and disengage the clutch. To reduce this

engine represented a new challenge to us. Currently we

effort, we hydraulically assisted it, giving our new models

have 130 service points, which is one of the largest networks

50% less stress on the clutch pedal.

in Mexico for any brand. Over the next three years, we will

be doubling our service capabilities, including certified

Q: How are you helping to bring hybrid technology to the

technicians and physical locations where customers can

Mexican market?

take their vehicles. The first phase of this plan is in process.

A: Hybrid technology is fairly new to the Kenworth

We have around 200 technicians trained to support the

product line. We began with a hybrid electric and diesel

new engines and trucks, while another 100 technicians were

combination, which is widely used in Coca-Cola’s fleet in

trained during the first quarter of 2014. All the spare parts

the US. In Mexico, we have about a dozen trucks using

are available at every dealership and our distribution center

this technology. It is not cheap and we need government

in San Luis Potosi. Launching a new product entails many

incentives in order to promote it. Unfortunately, hybrid

factors so we have made sure that the customer support is

technology is not really being embraced in Mexico.

there throughout the whole process.

Kenworth is also a leader in natural gas trucks. Part of the production for these types of vehicles is taking place

Q: Why does Paccar’s engine for Mexico differ from the

in Mexico but all are exported to the US. Five to six of

US version in terms of its EPA requirements?

these trucks are built each day at our Mexican plant.

A: This was a technical decision. For Paccar to apply lower or

This technology is aimed for shorter distances, so the

higher emission requirements to its technology, there needs

autonomy of hybrid trucks poses a challenge as they

to be the right level of sulfur content in fuel for the engine

need to carry large volumes of gas. We are seeking ways

to operate correctly and obtain the desired emissions level.

to allow trucks to go beyond their current range of 80 to

We can bring more complex technologies to the Mexican

100km without needing to refuel. Currently, these natural

market, but these will not provide the expected results and

gas trucks are ideal for urban use. Mexico City would

the components may be damaged by the quality of Mexican

be very suited to receiving them due to its pollution

fuel. Mexico does not have the right fuel to meet higher EPA

problems, and this technology will be coming to Mexico

requirements. There is a plan to improve the quality of fuel in

very soon.

Mexico but for the moment, the government cannot impose higher standards. The oil industry does not have sufficient

Q: What strategies do you have in place to capture

volume capacity to support this type of fuel, but we hope

new markets and what areas of opportunities have you

that the Energy Reform will result in increasing investment


in refineries so they can produce the right kind of fuel

A: Our market share of 54% is considerable, and we will be

at the required volumes. With these new rules in place,

able to gain additional market share in the future. The new

customers will have a certain timeframe to comply with the

products we are releasing are a statement that Kenworth

new legislation. All new trucks will be designed to comply

continues to be ahead in terms of product and technology.

with the emissions levels and older models will continue

We are aiming to secure more market share through these

to operate with the new fuel in older engines. Paccar has

new products but it is not our main concern. We have been

played its part in the evolution of emission requirements in

leaders in the tractor business for a long time and we are

Mexico. In 2004, Mexico moved to comply with EPA 98 and

now diversifying our portfolio for heavy duty trucks. In the

switched to EPA 04 in 2007. There has been progress but in

future, we want to become leaders in Class 7 trucks and

that time, the US has raced ahead.

smaller trucks as well.


| VEHICLE SPOTLIGHT: KENWORTH T680 The Kenworth T680 sets the bar high in the heavy duty

50-year tradition in Mexico has been focused on operational

sector. Its flowing lines have been tenderly honed through

efficiency, which is reflected in the T680 featuring a special

an exhaustive design process that culminates in ideal

aerodynamic package along with the optimized powertrain

airflow efficiency. The brand’s owner, Paccar, states that

combination of the PACCAR MX-13 engine or the Cummins

the craftsmanship that went into the T680 establishes

ISX15 engine integrated with the Eaton Fuller Advantage

a new standard, as its aerodynamics are improved by

10-speed automated transmission. The PACCAR MX-13

10% compared to previous models. This is achieved by

engine promises cost savings of US$4,000 per vehicle and a

incorporating longer side extenders for the T680 76-inch

fuel efficiency gain of 8% over the next best competitor. This

(1.93m) sleeper, lower cab fairing extenders, aerodynamic

is sure to resonate deeply with fleet and owner operators

mud flaps, and exhaust cut-out covers. The heavy duty OEM’s

that are looking to save money on fuel costs.

Paccar feels that what sets the T680 apart from its

resolution 7-inch color screen. NaviPlus also provides

competition is that during its design process, operators

wireless, hands-free telephone services. The T680 is

were consulted to evaluate the characteristics to be

designed to maximize performance in regional and line

included in the unit. The interior design systems bring

hauling, pickup, and delivery operations. The storage

together a sense of control with ergonomic comfort. The

capacity has been increased by 65%, and noise reduction

sleeper stands out because it offers a spacious and modern

reaches 40%, and its windshield is 50% bigger than

interior with homely amenities that bring an enhanced

comparable models, providing enhanced aerodynamics.

sense of ease. The T680 comes with Kenworth NaviPlus, a

Kenworth’s manufacturing plant in Mexicali, Baja California,

navigation system that presents cutting-edge telematics,

will supervise its manufacturing, with 300 units to be

diagnostics, communication, and entertainment in a high

produced in 2014 for the local market.


MEXICO BECOMING LEADER FOR NAFTA TRUCK PRODUCTION CARLOS PARDO Director General of Navistar México Q: What is your strategy to increase your market share in

important plant for Navistar worldwide, as it produces

the NAFTA region?

almost half of all of Navistar’s trucks, and is still growing.

A: The US and Canada are clearly our biggest markets. We

It produced around 45,000 trucks in 2012 and topped

lost some market share in the US last year, which affected

50,000 in 2013. It is located in Monterrey so as to be close

production, and we mitigated that with the closing of

to the US border, thus facilitating exports, but it is also

our plant in Garland, Texas, and shifting production to

close to the ports of Veracruz and Tampico, through which

Escobedo. In terms of improving our market share, we

almost all our exports pass to Latin America and Africa.

have specific strategies for each market segment and

When we closed our Garland plant in Texas, we brought

different goals per market as they are completely different.

the production of commercial vehicles to Escobedo while

For the heavy truck industry, we want to grow our market

our military business stayed at our plant in Ohio. We have

share from 22% to 35% in the next couple of years. Most of

not abandoned the US market as we still make buses and

our efforts will go towards that, as this is the market that

trucks there, and we also produce engines in Brazil and

is set to grow the most in the years to come. The medium


service vehicle segment is beginning to shrink worldwide, as customers refocus toward light trucks or heavy trucks.

Q: How have you structured your supplier strategy for

In Mexico, we still have good business with municipalities


for medium trucks, but heavy trucks will outpace them.

A: We try to secure the best suppliers worldwide through

We will invest and grow very aggressively in that market

negotiations carried out from our corporate offices. In

in the next five years. Our plan for 2014 is to sell around

Mexico, we would like to increase the number of local

11,000 units in Mexico. We will see 15% growth in our

suppliers in order to reduce our logistics costs, which is part

current business, and we can count on the new product,

of a worldwide strategy wherein we source local content to

the CityStar, that we launched in late 2013. The CityStar

have the best opportunities globally. Having to go back

can be either a Class 3 or a Class 5 truck, and we know it

to the US for our decision-making is not a challenge as

will prove to be a hit. .

the entire company is clear about the strategy we need to follow. It is in the best interest of our corporate purchasing

Q: Is the Mexican domestic market a priority for Navistar

office to increase local content in Mexico. Almost 50% of

or are you seeking to use the country more for its

our worldwide production is in Mexico so Navistar wants to

manufacturing potential?

make its operations here as profitable as possible.

A: As a partner in NAFTA, Mexico has seen aggressive growth










Q: What potential do you see for Navistar in the internal

manufacturing in Mexico is good, and skilled labor is

Mexican market?

available at a cheap rate. It therefore makes sense to

A: It is important to alter the age of the Mexican truck

develop important manufacturing sources in Mexico to

population. When trucks reach 18 years, safety issues and

export to North America and the rest of the world. Over

cost of operation become too much for our customers to

the last few decades, Mexico has been developing free

deal with. We want to bring the average age of our trucks

trade agreements with a lot of countries to become an

to less than 12 years. To do that, we have to stop the illegal

important manufacturing and logistical hub. Mexico is now

importation of trucks from the US. It is impossible to

one of the world’s key logistical spots, ready to receive or

create a used truck market if there are around 2,000 units

send goods from Asia, the Americas, or Europe. Navistar

coming illegally across the border every month. If we could

saw the opportunity to establish a manufacturing facility

reduce the age of trucks to 12 years, the vehicle market in

with strong labor quality in Mexico, as well as the chance

Mexico would double. Right now, the country is a 40,000

to incorporate Mexico’s localization strengths into our

unit market, which is nothing for an economy the size of

global strategy. Right now, our Escobedo plant is the most


Q: What measures do you take to ensure the success of a

with ITESM where around 16 engineers are working for

new offering to the market?

Navistar on product development. We have found a lot

A: The first step is to have a great product. Today, the ProStar

of talent present in Mexico, which speaks to the country’s

has become the most efficient truck out there since being

advance toward high-skilled engineering and design.

launched four years ago. The next thing is to have a focused

Finally, we benefit from a common advantage to our entire

dealer network. We have been working to change the

industry. The labor force is cheaper here than in the US, so

mindset of our dealers to move from being a medium bus

we plan to continue developing that side of our business

brand to allow Navistar to become a real player in the heavy

in Mexico. We will keep making fresh investments here as

vehicle market. The third aspect is to truly become a unique

long as the country’s financial and political environments

supplier for our customers. We normally say that we do not

are right for us to do so, and support us.

sell trucks, we sell transportation solutions. Everybody can sell a truck but we provide parts, finance, insurance, and a

Q: Your sales figures for 2013 were slightly lower than for

training center for our customers. A lot of attention is also

2012. To what do you attribute this downturn?

being given to fuel consumption. The next thing is uptime,

A: Two key factors led to this. The first was the political

how many hours the truck can work in a given month or year.

environment: 2013 was a very complicated year for the

Following on from that is ergonomics, as the driver needs to

entire industry due to various reforms. Customers were

feel very comfortable while operating the vehicle so he can

afraid to spend money and government expenditure was

do it in a more efficient way. The driver actually plays a big

also very low. Part of our business in Mexico is based on

role in fuel efficiency. If the driver is comfortable, well-rested,

huge government orders, so that had an impact. The other

and has a truck that is easy to operate, then we can get the

factor had to do with the currency exchange. Heavy industry

best from the vehicle. Navistar’s designs help reduce fuel

in Mexico is very sensitive to changes on the dollar. The

consumption, for example, through aerodynamics. When

value of the dollar was fluctuating throughout 2013 so it was

you talk about fuel consumption at a certain range of speed,

normal that the market slowed down a bit. These two factors

aerodynamics can account for 50% of fuel consumption.

together limited the market’s growth. So even though 2013

Our ProStar has proven itself in the US and in Mexico. The

was a good year for Navistar, we did not grow as much as

other important part for fuel consumption is the weight of

predicted. We work with a finance company to develop plans

the truck. Our trucks are not as heavy, which helps a lot. The

and programs to try to mitigate the exchange rate. We also

next important aspect is how well the engine communicates

installed a fixed exchange rate for some of our programs or

with the truck. The Cummins engine in our trucks provides

work with some customers in pesos to help close the deal. A

excellent compatibility, and most brands in Mexico use

steady peso always helps the industry.

Cummins. These engines can make differences of between 5% and 10% for fuel consumption.

Q: A huge market segment is comprised of single owneroperators with limited access to financing. How do you

Q: How is your dealer network supporting your brand

see access to credit being addressed?


A: President Enrique Peña Nieto has announced that he

A: Our dealer network is very focused on service. They

wants to increase access to credit in Mexico, and has

understand the importance of aftersales and we work

ordered different banks to be more aggressive in providing

with them to have the same service around Mexico and

credit. With the right help from the government and

the world. Our customers want to receive the exact

lenders, truck manufacturers will be willing to provide more

same service in Baja California and in Yucatan. We have

credit which will be beneficial for the country. It may well

a lot of different programs that we develop along with

convince small companies, those with between one and

our dealers to help accomplish this. We own a renting

five trucks, to comply with their tax payments. Navistar

and full-service lease company named Idealist, which is

is working with NAFINSA to develop a program for the

focused on aftersales and the renting of equipment. This

bus segment. NAFINSA is willing to take on the financial

is a unique offering in Mexico and has become one of our

risk if we operate the credits. We will start this program

key advantages in the market. Betting on aftersales and

with buses as they are the most complex segment. If this

on service is the right way to achieve sustainable growth.

program is successful, it will be easier to translate that success to other segments of the market. Reducing the

Q: Do you foresee moving development activities to

age of vehicles by providing credit is the only way to


create a bigger market in Mexico. This is one of Navistar’s

Navistar has already implemented a part of its engineering

top goals, but our competitors are also thinking about this,

development in Mexico. We have a collaborative program

so we are working together to reach that goal.



HEAVY TRUCKS BORN WITH PRE-PLANNED SECOND LIFE As heavy vehicle players up the ante to win more market

the right mindset to drive a truck and bus distribution



point. “Being a unique business, investors have to be really

restructuring. Volvo Group Trucks is playing its hand

committed. If investors are not found, then the company

with a new business model to obtain 15% or more of the

will invest directly. The company will then have one of

market share in Mexico. “For many years, we held around

the largest distribution networks in the country, which is

3%, but that business volume did not permit us to make

necessary for us to claim a 15% market share,” says Walsh.





needed investments. 15% or more will allow Volvo Trucks the reinvestment capability it needs, so the strategy is

Customizing products to customers’ needs and industrial

designed to get it there and even further,” states Matthew

applications ensures the consolidation of the brand within

Walsh, Director General of Volvo Group Trucks México. The

the domestic market. “The Mack product is such a highly

company is anchoring its expansion on its wide variety

customized product that if a client walks into a dealership

of operations in the country, ranging from the Volvo

to look for a simple Mack Truck, they will find it does not

and Mack truck brands, buses, construction equipment,

exist,” explains Walsh. The trucks are customized to meet

financial services, and its industrial and marine engine

the varying needs of clients in terms of robustness and

division, Penta.

longevity, as they will undergo heavy usage. “The company has a dedicated engineering group that just looks at

The company’s first bet in the market share game began with

customization opportunities for the vehicles. It is a very

the establishment of a diverse product portfolio tailored to

unique solution and it is one of the best in the market for

domestic market trends. Mack Trucks focused on vocational

offering a truck that is durable and reliable,” adds Walsh.

trucks used in residential and commercial construction, “but

Mack Trucks are not only customized to withstand extreme

we quickly realized it was not performing so well,” comments

conditions but also to undertake different industrial

Walsh. As a result, the product portfolio underwent a

applications, including being used as dump trucks, mixers,

massive evolution and now also incorporates highway trucks.

concrete pumps, and industrial drills. The main sector that

According to Walsh, the change “did not have as much of

serves as the platform for the group’s vocational trucks is

an impact for Volvo Trucks as it did for Mack Trucks, since

the mining industry. This sector has already seen a Mack

the first brand already had strength in that area.” In order

Truck adapted with a large 8x4 configuration on a heavy

to tackle this market segment with two products instead

dump body, which can efficiently operate underground

of one, the group introduced the Mack Tractor. “Having

with a 45-tonne load capacity. “Other companies’ vehicles

diversity in one market segment is an effective strategy,

need to undergo many post-factory modifications to

since competing with different brands in the same segment

present something similar, but by incorporating these

allows us to claim a larger market share.” Walsh admits that

industrial adaptations into the design of the product Volvo

the company previously made a mistake in other countries

Group is able to offer a truck to the mining industry for

by trying to make a decision for the market by only bringing

US$150,000 less.”

in one brand. “This limits customers’ choices and takes away their power to decide for themselves,” he adds.

An important quality that customers look for in trucks is the possibility of a second life. This means having a flexible

Having a strong product portfolio alone is not enough to

vehicle that can be resold later on, but according to Walsh,

instill confidence in the client as a strong dealership network

a lot of manufacturers build vehicles for a single purpose

is also a requisite. “Although Volvo Group Trucks had the

with no plan for a second life. “Extending the longevity of a

best products, clients were not confident in our ability to

vehicle in this way makes sense as the real profit margin is

support the products,” Walsh points out. To improve their

not in the sale of the vehicle but in the parts and servicing,”

confidence level, the group’s strategy centered on investing

says Walsh. Longevity thus does not diminish opportunity,

in the improvement of the dealer network and pushing

according to Volvo Group. It follows the logic that if it

private investors to expand it. This strategy helped to build

puts a durable product in the market that lasts up to 25

up the market size that private investors need for their retail

years, it can sell parts for that vehicle for that entire period,

operations, such as spare parts and service operations. The

which means more profit in the long run. Walsh believes

company has 38 sales points spread across Mexico but

that other manufacturers produce throwaway trucks that

its aim is to reach 65 by the end of 2015. Of these, Volvo

serve for three-year-long industrial projects before being

currently owns six but will seek to add at least 12 over the

scrapped. “Volvo Group Trucks represents an investment

next two years. Walsh stresses that during this expansion

that gives customers a number of years of revenue without

phase, it is important to look for local investors that have

having to pay off the cost of the product.”



COMBINATION OF GERMAN LEADERSHIP WITH MEXICAN TOUCH STEFAN KÜRSCHNER President and CEO of Daimler Trucks Mexico Q: How has Daimler Trucks’ investment and growth

pillars. The first concerns our product portfolio as the

strategy in Mexico evolved during the current automotive

requirements of our clients are constantly changing.


We have focused on providing the most fuel-efficient

A: All our brands are present in Mexico, including our cars,

products on the market, which helps to bring the cost of

buses, and vans, but our truck division is the biggest business

transportation down for our customers. We are the proven

unit here. This covers our Mercedes-Benz, Freightliner,

efficiency leaders in the US and Canadian markets, and we

Smart, and Sprinter brands. We also have Daimler Financial

have the most advanced products in the Mexican market

Services, which finances all our business arms. Daimler has

as well. This is one of the pillars we are going to build our

made a continuous commitment to this market for over 40

market leadership on although the customer will decide

years and we continue to grow and invest here. The truck

that. The second part of the strategy is our dealer network

division is the biggest because you need trucks too move

of 90 distributors that covers the whole country. We have

things in Mexico. The railroads are limited. To build up rail

a very active dealer network but there is always room

infrastructure would take a long time, meaning that trucks

for improvement. Daimler has German DNA in its veins

will remain the main solution. As for truck production, Mexico

so ease of doing business is our third pillar. Germans are

is a logical spot for production as part of NAFTA. Daimler

pretty good at defining processes, rules, and regulations

has invested a lot in its two plants for truck production in

but we want to make sure we are the easiest company to

Saltillo and Santiago Tianguistenco. The Saltillo plant in 2009

do business with. That is why it is a nice combination to

represented an investment of over US$300 million, while

be a German company with a lot of American influence,

the Santiago plant was updated in 2013 at a cost of US$45

given the US pragmatism in how to do business. We will

million. Our plants are responsible for 52% of the production

really put everything the company does under the X-ray to

of commercial vehicles in Mexico and we are responsible for

define only what is good for the customer. This will be done

58% of Mexico’s exportation of commercial vehicles. From a

across our supply chain, both upstream and downstream,

pure sales perspective, the trucks business unit is the biggest

leaving no stone unturned. You need people to do all this,

given the volume of trucks we move here. We are the second

which is the fourth pillar of our strategy. To become the

biggest player in the market for Class 4 to Class 8 trucks. In

undisputed market leader in Mexico, we need to be the

other NAFTA markets, we are number one and we aspire

most attractive company to work for. We have a strategy

to undisputed market leadership here as well. The Class 8

defined to specifically address this.

tractor is the fastest growing market segment in Mexico right now and our Cascadia truck is the most advanced such

Q: How are you facing up the competitive challenge posed

model in North America. This truck is perfect for the Mexican

by used trucks being imported from the US?

usage profile and for the country’s landscape. Based on the

A: One of the biggest problems Mexico is facing is

Detroit DD15 engine, we are offering a variation for this

uncontrolled importation of used vehicles from the US. The

market that was launched last November at ExpoTransporte

federal and state governments have to step in to curb this.

in Guadalajara. Mexico has now the newest product line-up,

Almost half a million used trucks are being driven around

with the newest engines and the most advanced technology

Mexico, 149,300 trucks are between one and ten years old

available for fuel efficiency.

and 120,000 trucks are between 11 and 20 years old. The last figure is unique to Mexico as 155,000 trucks are over 21


Q: What is your strategy to attain this position in Mexico,

years old. A vehicle population older than 21 years, especially

when the likes of Volvo or Kenworth are increasing their

in commercial transport, is not good for the environment,

investments here?

road safety, or fuel efficiency, while it is also hindering

A: The market will decide who is the leader. We have

economic growth. There are only two countries which have

redefined our strategy to become absolutely client-

no limits on importing vehicles: Mexico and Nigeria. The

focused and we have built up this strategy around four

OEMs need to come together to deal with this but more

| SECOND ROUND ISC FIELDS importantly, the country needs enforced standards. If it is

components we need to provide ourselves, such as our own

so easy to buy old trucks, why are companies still buying

transmissions, axles, and engines. Ultimately, the customer

new trucks at a substantially higher cost? This is because

will decide what the best choice of product will be. We can

Mexico has very professional transportation companies.

only show that the most fuel-efficient truck right now is

The fleets of companies like FEMSA or Grupo Bimbo are

the Cascadia combined with the DD15 engine. To build the

impressive, as compared to what we can find in the US,

best truck, the best suppliers are needed so it is a constant

Argentina, or Brazil. These companies look at total cost of

process of seeing what is out there and integrating it. As for

ownership and 15 year old trucks are no longer efficient.

hiring new talent, we offer internships through links to all

The technological advantages that new trucks bring can

the big universities in Mexico. I personally visit universities

raise their operating efficiency.

to talk about Daimler with students, and we have talent programs across the country that open the Daimler door

Q: How does Daimler Financial Services encourage the

to them. We also have programs within our Santiago and

purchasing of new vehicles through financing?

Saltillo plants, were senior engineers mentor younger team

A: This is one of our key advantages, we have a very

members. The engineers we hire are very capable, we have

competitive financing arm. This is part of our ease of doing

no problem sending Mexican engineers to work in the US or

business pillar, we are a one-stop shop as we can provide

Germany. The quality produced by universities is up to par

a full line of vehicles from Class 4 to Class 8 and offer


financing. This is a key point for us. Q: What potential do you see for inter-modal transportation Q: How does the fact that your trucks are being

as opposed to just transportation by trucks?

manufactured in Mexico rather than Germany or the US

A: Inter-modal is the way to go but it is limited here in

influence the perception of your brands in Mexico?

Mexico. Truck and rail are a perfect combination, Daimler

A: When I took up this position in September 2013, we

uses rail to send equipment to some of its plants, but

were the biggest producer and exporter of commercial

Mexico has limited rail capacity. The US still has an inferior

vehicles but we were in second place in the market. The

rail network when compared to Europe but over the last

first question I asked was why this was the case. We want

decade, it has built up several advantages on the rail side.

to be clear about the fact that we are a Mexican company.

All this will come to Mexico, but tunnels and bridges are

Our plant in Santiago Tianguistenco has been there as long

needed for this to happen. Mexico has the potential to see

as Daimler Mexico has existed. It provides a lot of work for

economic growth above and beyond what it has seen in

the local population and has won the Daimler President’s

the last couple of years. However, rail does not have the

Award for Quality six out of seven times on a global level.

capacity to be the backbone of this growth in the next five

All our plants are tied into the global Truck Operating

years but trucks can. This is why there will be substantial

System (TOS), we produce in Mexico according to our

growth in the truck segment in the future.

global quality standard while meeting Mexico’s regulatory standards. For example, we have a DD15 engine that meets the Euro IV standard, as well as the EPA 2013 version. We are more than ready to sell more advanced engines here once the necessary fuel quality is available. Rather than bringing old products and giving them a couple more years of life in this market, we take the most advanced engine and adapt it to the local environment. The government has promised that by 2017, it will be ready to roll out the latest environmental standards. Q: What criteria does Daimler use when selecting its suppliers and filling its talent pool? A: Saltillo is a perfect example of how we work with suppliers. When we built that plant in 2009, we invited key suppliers to join us in the surrounding industrial park, which was filled from the start. We rely on the technological advantages offered by our suppliers, while we are also developing in-house technology. We feel there are certain




Q: 2013 was a difficult year for many truck companies but

trucks provide. This gives us a clear advantage as the more

Isuzu’s sales figures improved towards the end of the year.

fleets use our trucks, the more our trucks are advertised

What can this be attributed to?

to potential customers. In our experience across all of our

A: Many fleet customers were hesitant to make purchases

dealers, it has become evident that once clients understand

at the beginning of 2013 as they were waiting to see

the benefits of our products, they want to buy them. After

the economic fallout of changes happening in Mexico.

initial sales, we also put a large focus on maintenance and

This impacted our results in the early part of the year.

servicing to keep our clients coming back. Large fleets in

We stayed close to our customers, however, and kept in

Mexico are naturally very keen on fuel efficient products.

regular contact with them. This meant that they thought of

Our diesel engines provide just that, since Isuzu is number

us when they began feeling comfortable about purchasing

one in its segment for fuel efficiency in more than 35

again at the end of the year. Our dealer network has also

countries. That reputation precedes us and helps us a lot.

done a great job, leading to our non-fleet business seeing

We have two kinds of diesel engines for Class 3 and Class

the best results in 18 years in 2013. While having non-fleet

6 trucks, making us the only truck producer on this level

customers is very important, we are very keen to maintain

to offer that. For those clients who are not so up-to-date

good relations with our large fleet customers as they will

with fuel efficiency issues, we recently carried out a vehicle

continue to grow in the future.

driving seminar, aimed at improving fuel efficiency.

Q: What factors motivated Isuzu’s entry into the Mexican

Q: What allows you to stand out from the other Japanese


companies that have come to Mexico?

A: Isuzu has been in operation for almost 100 years, and over

A: From the minute we entered Mexico, our aim was to

that time we established ourselves as one of the companies

provide the best service as rapidly as possible. One of our

with the longest history of vehicle exportation. Mexico may

major competitors came in two years after us, but that gap

be a new market for Isuzu but it is an important market

made a big difference in terms of how well entrenched we

nonetheless. Mexico was actually one of the last markets we

were here. Of course, new companies coming in later can

entered as part of our global growth strategy. There is a lot

build on the success achieved by others, so we have to keep

of room for growth here due to a rapidly growing population

pressing ahead. Another way in which we differ from the

and the increase in middle-class purchasing power. The

Japanese way of doing business is that our managers here

kind of service that we can offer is a service beyond what

really try to visit our customers in person. We can therefore

this market is accustomed to. Our trucks are sold in over

see how they are doing with our products and what we can

120 countries, and we are very familiar with what customers

do to improve our service. Isuzu is also one of the greenest

demand. In terms of installations, we have an assembly site

truck producers in the market, but the infrastructure is not yet

in Cuautitlan, and we are happy with the people, quality, and

in place in Mexico to support us in this segment. For example,

processes in place so far. We are assembling just two models

we cannot propose our natural gas products in this country

at this site for the moment, and the rest are being imported

as customers would not have access to refueling facilities.

from Japan. When you look at the investment needed in relation to the amount of trucks that would be produced

Q: Are you planning to expand your passenger vehicle

here, it is simply not economically viable for us to build an


entirely new production facility in Mexico.

A: This is the next step for Isuzu in Mexico, but it will happen further down the line. Buses are very expensive,


Q: How are you translating your value proposition into

and many old buses in Mexico need replacing. It may take a

actual sales?

long time for this to happen though, and it might well have

A: The big fleet customers in Mexico are very sophisticated

to entail government support. We have begun selling some

and they understand the superior performance that Isuzu

buses but this is only moving ahead little by little.

CHANGING HEAVY DUTY PURCHASING PATTERNS The Mexican consumer market is dominated by American

operate the units correctly and maximize benefits ranging

trucks, a preference obtained over the many years

from fuel efficiency to extending the lives of the units,”

American vehicles have been present in Mexico. But in

adds Suzuki. So far, 500 companies and more than 2,000

recent years, competition has been heightened by the

drivers have received this training, leading to a reported 31%

entry of new players, leading to a reworking of consumer

fuel efficiency improvement. José Armenta, Commercial

preferences. Hino is a relative newcomer, having begun

Director of Hino, says that “clients appreciate these

sales in 2007, but its Director General, Harumasa Suzuki,

concepts as a 31% fuel reduction creates a competitive

quickly realized the importance of consolidating Hino’s

advantage given the rising fuel prices seen in the last few

brand image in order to penetrate the market. Currently

years that have made it difficult for certain companies to

holding a 5% market share, Suzuki hopes to double that to

survive. Hino’s programs like Total Support and Eco Drive

10% by 2018 through marketing strategies tailored to the

help companies to continue thriving.” Having received the

purchasing tendencies of Mexican customers.

training, fleet companies can place Hino’s Eco Drive logo

“At the moment, Hino’s headquarters in Japan is considering major changes to the way it produces. Mexico could become our manufacturing hub for the whole of Latin America and serve part of the US market” Harumasa Suzuki, Director General of Hino Motors Sales Mexico

Hino sees it as important to be closely associated to the

on their trucks, which serves to improve their brand image

positive attributes of Japanese OEMs, such as advanced

and strengthens Hino’s presence in the market.

technological capabilities, while portraying Hino as being adapted to the needs of the Mexican market. Being a

Maintaining close ties with big fleet companies is important

Japanese truck company has allowed Hino to offer a

to Hino, both as a source of future sales and to road-test

more competitive price in the Mexican market. “A vehicle

future services. Clients are happy to adopt Eco Drive but are

brand’s origin is no longer a key concern for clients as

more sluggish to adopt greener technologies like hybrid or

the most important considerations are total cost of

electric vehicles. Hino recently launched its new generations

ownership, performance, and maintenance. Hino trucks

of hybrid trucks and is targeting large fleets, as they are

are not cheap compared to certain other brands, so we

usually more environmentally conscious. “Hino has already

are trying to obtain a competitive positioning in Mexico

sold ten units to PepsiCo, supporting its efforts to improve

without reducing the price of the products,” explains

fuel efficiency and corporate image.” As this demand

Suzuki. Hino has created three main strategies to increase

evolves, Hino expects sales for fleets of that size to reach

its nationwide position. The first is a focus on improving

between 30 and 50 units. “Nevertheless, many consumers

customer service, achieved by increasing the number

still view hybrid technology as being very expensive and it

of service dealerships. “This does not necessarily mean

will take some time to alter this perception,” adds Suzuki.

increasing the number of dealers, but encouraging the

Hino’s aim to double its market share in Mexico is predicated

existing ones to invest in service. The company currently

on expanding its product portfolio and entering new market

has 18 dealership companies and 46 points of service

segments, even if its hybrid and electric options are not

networks, and expects to see an increase of 5-10% based

taking off as of yet. “Hino plans on introducing its new

on training people in local workshops and giving them a

urban and suburban bus offerings. We are trying to expand

Hino inventory to become authorized service spots for

our product portfolio to increase volume and we want to

us.” Hino presents the opportunity to later attract large

give our dealer network more tools to increase Hino’s sales

fleets that use Hino vehicles as a major incentive to such

and presence in the market,” adds Armenta. This process is

workshops. To aid in this process, Hino gives its clients a

part of a transition in which the role of emerging markets

list of authorized workshops that can provide maintenance

like Mexico is changing for Japanese manufacturers. “At

for their units. The third strategy is comprised of training

the moment, Hino’s headquarters in Japan are considering

courses for client’s employees. This concept is called Total

major changes to the way it produces. Mexico could become

Support and was created to offer after-sale support to

our manufacturing hub for the whole of Latin America and

the customer. “These training sessions prepare the user to

serve part of the US market,” concludes Suzuki.




Q: What have been the hallmarks of Scania’s strategy to

ourselves and we are recognized as having a good product

succeed in Mexico?

and excellent aftersales service. Scania vehicles have

A: The consumer market in Mexico is unique in that a lot of

always been very good when it comes to fuel consumption,

customers want to buy directly from the OEM rather than

which is vital in Mexico given the distances the country’s

going to a dealer. This highlights one of the problems with

buses have to travel. An average bus in Mexico travels

the local industry, which is poor aftersales service. In Mexico,

approximately 25,000-30,000km per month, which is huge

going to the dealer for parts often poses a challenge since

when compared to developed economies. There are other

much of the attention is on the sale and not on the service. In

factors to consider such as altitude, climate, routes, road

response, we have developed a strategy for the service side

types, and PIT parameters. Our experience has taught us

that focuses on the needs of the customer. We started this

that our products need to conform to the environment they

slowly as, at the beginning, we did not have a presence in the

operate in. As such, we have been adapting to the technical

big fleets, only with smaller customers. That factor actually

necessities of the Mexican market since 1995.

helped us during the economic crisis of 2008 as we were not dependent on any one large customer. But now, by focusing

Q: How does the Mexican bus market stand out from other

our attention on tailor-made solutions for transportation

markets Scania is present in?

companies, we have managed to obtain a leading market

A: In many ways, the coach industry is actually more

share over the last two years. Nobody believed that Mexico

developed than in some European countries. Every time

had any major potential for Scania, but we have now

we receive industrial visits from Europe, people are

established an interesting market presence with very few

surprised at the sophistication. But this is not so surprising

resources. Brazil and Mexico are now competing to be the

when you realize that 98% of people travelling around the

number one market for Scania’s buses worldwide.

country use bus transportation. We will of course have to see what impact the Fiscal Reform will have throughout

Q: How much of a challenge was it to gain visibility in this

2014. A lot of clients think that in-sourcing their servicing is


the best way, but it really is not the most efficient method

A: Our operations in Mexico began in 1995, where we

Technology is moving quickly and servicing is more

established an assembly plant in San Luis Potosi. The

difficult than it was ten years ago, you need the right tools

brand was originally not represented in the right way and

and the right training. It is not only changing oils, filters,

this created a poor perception among our target clients.

and maintainance, it is really about understanding the

Considering this factor, Mexico had begun to look like a

complete technology. Individual TV screens, for example,

market which posed more difficulties than opportunities

create a headache on the technical maintenance side.

for us. Heavy duty brand names like Kenworth, Freightliner,


and Navistar dominate 95% of the heavy vehicles sector in

We also do not have a specific production line for Mexico

Mexico. This is why we decided to focus on buses instead.

today, while we have a very standardized way of producing

This has been a new journey for the group but tailoring our

our products. However, some specific components were

strategy for a specific market has given us more visibility.

required for this particular market, which were born here and

Scania’s brand presentation today is completely different,

then incorporated into our global manufacturing processes.

which was achieved through our attention to aftersales

Working in Mexico therefore turned out to be a very good

service. It is very easy to lose a customer but it is quite

field test for Scania. Both Brazil and Mexico present tougher

hard to win a customer, especially a large fleet owner. There

conditions than Europe, and although Scania is a global

are groups in Mexico that have fleets of 9,000 vehicles

company with a 120-year history, we are still discovering and

or more. When a company of this size is used to using

innovating due to all the countries we work in. We cannot

only one or two brands, it needs to be convinced of the

copy and paste parameters and concepts that are working

value of trying something new. We have now established

in Paris or Finland in Venezuela or Mexico.

TRUSTED PARTNER TO MEXICAN COACH FLEETS “Mexico’s transportation vehicle market is unique and

changes faster than any competitor from the engineering

has almost nothing in common with other markets in the

and design to when the vehicle is produced. In Europe,

world,” states Igor Fernández, Director General of Irizar. As

Irizar is currently manufacturing an integral coach after

a Spanish-based builder of luxury coach vehicle bodies,

acquiring the complete know-how to do just that. In

Irizar has acquired vast experience in coach manufacturing

Mexico, however, production follows the traditional model,



building the coach with an operational chassis. Fernández

after its arrival in 1999. This prompted a restructuring

says that there has been no identified need to develop

in the company’s vision, ranging from the adjustment

the new manufacturing business process in Mexico. This is

of manufacturing practices to the creation of strategic

largely due to the strong, strategic partnerships that have

partnerships and tailored supply chain development. “As a

been developed in this market. One of Irizar’s strongest

result of the efforts made to understand the local market,

partnerships is with Scania, and the two companies

Irizar currently has 60% of the market share in the luxury

collaborate closely to develop and integrate their products.

vehicle segment,” states Fernández.

“Scania’s core business is the power train of the bus and





Irizar’s core business and strength is the bodies, so we One of the most salient characteristics that Irizar has

complement each other very well,” explains Fernández.

identified in Mexico’s luxury vehicle market is its immunity to the problem of imported vehicles from US, which

To maintain a flexible business model and rapidly adapt to

poses considerable difficulties for other sectors. “This

market needs, a strong supplier network is essential. “60%

does not represent a problem for Irizar as the technical

of Irizar’s supply chain is located in Mexico,” comments

specifications of our products in the US are completely

Fernández, adding that “most of these suppliers have

different from the ones in Mexico,” explains Fernández.

started with Irizar and we have developed together. These

In fact, he believes the efficiency that Mexican companies

suppliers must share Irizar’s flexibility in order to keep up

expect to have in their units is higher than what US coach

with the continuous growth and technological advances.”

manufacturers are able to provide. Fernández attributes

40% of the supply chain is still located outside of Mexico

the sophistication of the luxury vehicle segment to the

for logistical reasons, with Fernández explaining that Irizar

fact that buses are still the preferred transportation mode

uses one single source for critical components to service

in Mexico. “You cannot get everywhere in the country by

all the plants worldwide due to the volume and investment

plane and even when you can, air travel remains expensive

involved. On a general level, Irizar’s supply chain in Mexico

while there are no other alternatives like trains,” Fernández

is strong, but Fernández believes there is still room for

explains. With a huge volume of people travelling by bus

improvement, conceding that “the need for local suppliers

per year, companies like Irizar see that Mexican passengers

should encourage existing suppliers to meet the needs

know how to identify differences between each bus brand

of the market in terms of quality, price, cost stability, and

on the Mexican market. Customer demand for high added

other factors that help make the customer safe.”

value bus services in terms of security, entertainment, and comfort has sparked fierce competition between

While fleet companies grapple with rising fuel prices,

bus companies. “In response, Irizar has attempted to

vehicle manufacturers like Irizar are tailoring their vehicles

differentiate itself from its competitors by adapting its


products to the Mexican market and being flexible enough

Manufacturing luxury vehicles that uphold fuel efficiency

to provide customized solutions to its customers,” says

qualities requires raw materials that are sometimes difficult

Fernández. Irizar’s main customers include Grupo ADO,

to source. Despite these procurement challenges, Irizar

Primera Plus, Flecha Amarilla, Estrella Blanca, IAMSA, and

has a strong program to reduce the weight of the units,

Grupo Toluca, among others.

since fuel efficiency is a proven way to increase market







share. However, Fernández states that the trend for better Irizar does not use a distribution network but carries out

fuel consumption is still in its early stages in Mexico. “In

its sales personally in order to maintain close relationships

Mexico, Euro IV has been required for the last years but

with customers, with Fernández saying that “most of

since January 2014, Europe has moved on to Euro VI. This

Irizar’s customers have been with us many years, so there

shows there is still a lot of inconsistency. Companies are

is already a common understanding and trust.” Irizar

investing in units containing the lightest technologies to

also distinguishes its business model by its horizontal

improve their fuel consumption and reduce emissions, but

structure, allowing for quick decision-making. Fernández

they are also forced to abide by conflicting rules. This is

believes that this structure allows Irizar to implement

part of the Mexican reality,” he says.


Nuestro objetivo es dar vida a las ideas de nuestros clientes, que trasciendan y pongan en manifiesto el cambio

Trabajo que aplica una filosofía de Innovación y Desarrollo en el perfeccionamiento constante de nuestros procesos con los cuales conseguimos un resultado final con un costo reducido y la mejor garantía de calidad

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BECCAR es la empresa especializa en el diseño y desarrollo de Carrocerías para el transporte público en todos sus segmentos de mercado: URBI, URBUS, URVIABUS y B330 son tan sólo algunas aplicaciones de carrocerías para transporte público

Los modelos con tendencias de diseño móvil, en usabilidad y aplicaciones que se extienden hasta desbordar las nuevas tendencias tecnologías que aún no conoces

Innovación, Diseño e Ingeniería


HOMEGROWN BODY BUILDER LOOKING TO FUTURE Beccar, a Mexican-based bus body builder, is a clear

imposed upon it. For instance, Becerra mentions that some

example of a local success story in the automotive industry.

companies have agreements with a single bodybuilder

Its founder and Director General, Julián Becerra, explains

that will dedicate 50% of its production to that brand.

that the company began as a spontaneous project that

The remaining 50% is open to the market, which is

then evolved into a full-blown business. Beccar traces

where the brands and models with the highest potential

its roots back to a workshop in Zapotlanejo, Jalisco,

must be identified, according to Becerra. In order to be

where it was founded in 1992 to conduct renovations on

competitive in this market and especially when competing

old bus units. Becerra quips that the company’s journey

with brands coming from overseas, Becerra stresses the

to becoming a coach vehicle body builder was done

importance of identifying clients’ needs and the terrain in

almost in reverse to the norm. “We began making buses

which they operate, and then offering a product adapted

without engineers. For us, this was a vivid and reversed

to these factors. For example, some vehicles have a higher

engineering experience, as we worked on rebuilding units

performance and simpler design, while other units are

until we knew how they were assembled. This saw us really

oriented to heavy work. “In flat terrain, a Mercedes-Benz

evolve into engineers,” explains Becerra. The company

vehicle might be the best option since they are lighter, less

has now grown to 18 engineers, focused either on design

complex, and consume less fuel. But in mountainous and

“As a vehicle body builder and assembler, Beccar is able to manufacture for any application, be it natural gas, electric, or hybrid” Julián Becerra, Director General of Beccar

or on manufacturing. In 2001, Beccar took the next step

difficult terrain, a Navistar International model could be

in its journey, beginning to develop joint ventures with

better, as these are heavier and have higher performance

companies such as Navistar, growing through strategic

parameters,” Becerra explains. It is this knowhow and its

partnerships. Having entered the urban bus segment back

relations with numerous brands that enables Beccar to

in 2002, Beccar developed a strong line of new models

offer truly tailored vehicles to the right market segments.

for this market. Vertical integration followed in 2005, with the company being able to match its manufacturing with

Beccar’s particular business trajectory has enabled it to

design, engineering, and technical processes. This allowed

amass a wealth of knowledge on the peculiarities of the

Beccar to find more clients, offering them fully assembled

domestic market. It puts that knowledge to good use as it

units. Predictably, this led to a boom in demand, which saw

currently covers the urban, suburban, and light inter-state

the company boost its installations to 50,000m and bring

sectors, with 18 different vehicle configurations. Despite

in the latest technology. New space and new technology

this breadth, Becerra believes there are still segments to

led to new models, giving it a total range of 60 different

be exploited. “Beccar has identified a gap in reference to

models used in the market for various brands. This

the cost difference between a light inter-state unit and a

expansion is accompanied by a US$3.5 million project that

luxury unit. Mexico has routes between municipalities and

will see warehouses for materials and accessories being

states that do not need a double-decker bus or a luxury

expanded, a further increase in production areas and a

bus,” tells Becerra. To take advantage of this gap, Beccar

designed space for R&D. “Through this internal investment

has decided to tackle medium to low segments and has

and development, Beccar is working alongside brands like

begun manufacturing buses that are better equipped and

Mercedes-Benz, Scania, MAN, Volkswagen, Navistar, and

can offer comparable services to their more expensive

Hino. This has seen us become the Mexican company that

counterparts. Beccar’s models have not just found regular

designs, manufactures, assembles, and does all the body

use on the open road, since its URBI is a regular feature in

work for those companies,” says Becerra.

Mexican cities. Becerra explains it was designed to provide


safety and maximum visibility in urban environments,


Strategic partnerships are crucial for vehicle body builders

with an ample body designed to be lightweight and

like Beccar, says Becerra, explaining that the automotive

durable. Next to it, the URBUS is more compact, allowing

market is versatile and that no single brand can be

Beccar to have product offerings for different passenger

requirements. Finally, the B330 is an inter-city option.

As a homegrown success and having been awarded the

Its aerodynamic design saves on fuel costs, important

Successful Company Award by the Ministry of Economy,

even for short trips, and Becerra maintains it has quickly

Beccar is also looking to give back. The first recipients of

become an industry staple.

its scholarship program are the children of its own staff. Those still in school will see their education costs covered

The ability to tap into automotive trends and incorporating

by the company, provided they maintain their grades at

them into its product portfolio has ensured Beccar a firm

a certain level. Furthermore, Becerra says he has steered

place in the industry. Through visiting markets such as

the company toward environmental programs. He explains

China, Spain, Belgium, and Argentina, Beccar’s executives

that the company has set up the creation and oversight of

have been able to detect trends there and consider possible

areas that are turned over to greenery, as well as a program

corresponding applications to the Mexican market. One such

to encourage the general public to start composting.

trend is alternative fuel use. “While visiting other countries, Beccar was exposed to several products that use natural gas


or electricity. As a result, a new project is being developed

manufacturing and production portfolio, one of the

to quickly bring a unit to the market that runs on natural

company’s top priorities for the future is to further

gas,” Becerra comments. “Beccar has also participated in

formalize its corporate structure and move away from

test runs for a hybrid unit in Mexico, which is in line with the

being a family-run business. “This direction will provide

government’s increasing interest in such units.” He stresses

new bases and regulations which the next generation

that in Mexico, vehicles should be renewed more frequently

of Beccar’s management can adopt in order to make

as they are sometimes used for up to 20 years, causing a lot

the company grow even further,” Becerra explains. It is

of pollution. Becerra wants to use Beccar’s market expertise

expected that by 2015-2016, the Becerra family will no

and knowledge to offer alternative options for its clients.

longer fully direct the company, as external managers are

“As a vehicle body builder and assembler, Beccar is able to

currently being considered. For Becerra, setting this new

manufacture for any application, be it natural gas, electric,

general direction and business management approach

or hybrid.” Beccar sees maintaining close ties to clients is

will offer a different vision which will allow the company

also important way to add value. “Beccar operates in both

will be able to grow even more. “New and experienced

the production and service business segments, and we

people will enter Beccar and strengthen the roots and

have a workshop where we service up to five insurance

motivations that first forged it.” The company already has

companies. In terms of customer service, we offer clients

a strong presence in Mexico but Becerra is now looking to

solutions for any workshop issue they might have,” explains

expand its reach abroad. “We have made certain tests in

Becerra. “To address nationwide coverage, Beccar provides

countries like Venezuela to gauge how we would fare in

training to mechanics across Mexico and then sends spare

new markets, the space we could claim, and in which areas

parts to their workshops.”

we could grow,” says Becerra.








UNIQUE CHARACTERISTICS IN LUXURY COMMERCIAL SEGMENT When Daimler reinforced its four-decade presence in

are work horses and they have to run day in and day out.

Mexico through the dedication of its Monterrey facility

That is where we differentiate the definition of luxury in

to production of Mercedes-Benz buses 20 years ago,

the two segments. In the commercial segment premium is

the market conditions at play differed considerably

synonymous with the erasure of unexpected down time,

to today. Jan Hegner, CEO of Daimler Buses México,

and consistently efficient operation.” Optimized uptime and

explains that while the Mexican transportation market

comparatively low TCO are the assets that have come to be

has immeasurably developed and evolved, what remains

the most important differentiators. Despite such strengths

unchanged is its priority for the company. “Right now there

the race to maintain and gain market share necessitates

is more competition in all segments, both from OEMs and

constant evolution. Daimler Buses continues to introduce new

wider product ranges, but all in all, we see the growth

technologies to the market, and is in the process of upgrading

in Mexico as an opportunity. On an international scale,

its product portfolio to meet Euro VI emission standards,

Mexico is increasing its competitive position and we want

currently under governmental discussion for implementation

to participate in this opportunity.” It is not only exports

by 2018. The company already has installed Euro V engines

drawing in Daimler Buses however. The bus-maker’s ability

in all of their raised floor vehicles. In terms of alternative fuel

to offer solutions for the challenges facing the local market

systems, Hegner explains that Mercedes-Benz Mexico can

including continuous growth, rising emission standards, and

tap into developments made by the wider Daimler group

increasing customer expectations regarding safety, quality,

in CNG, diesel, hybrids, full electrical vehicles, as well as fuel

and comfort, for both the urban and rural segments, give it

cell technology for different segments and regions. Mexico’s

strong leverage in the internal market. “With the ongoing

wealth of natural gas is invariably keeping the attentions of

reforms, the growing population and improving education,

many on CNG technology, which Daimler Buses is beginning

as well as the attractive production costs there are plenty

to offer to the urban bus segment. “We are focusing on

of opportunities to come. We hope to grow faster than the

the urban segment because that is where the market is

market and reclaim our 50% market share,” says Hegner.

developing and where the needed infrastructure can more easily be installed,” explains Hegner. However ultimately the

Daimler Buses identifies its main stake as being in the urban

aim of all new technologies for the sector is to reduce fuel

segment, which represents an important sales volume. The

consumption and exhaust emissions, and Hegner counters

country’s three largest cities, Mexico City, Guadalajara, and

that although CNG is considered to be a clean technology,

Monterrey, remain pivotal markets for the company. Their

it still involves combustion. “The long term target should be

respectively large populations have created heavy public

to replace combustions engines with non-thermic engines,

transportations needs, and Hegner explains that trends in

such as the fuel cell.” Hegner believes that for the next 20

these microcosms permeate other towns in the country,

years, diesel will remain the most significant fuel for ground

making them important commercial laboratories. “If we are

transportation. OEMs will need to continuously improve diesel

able to prove the quality of our products in those markets

engines in terms of reducing consumption and emissions.

then we can attract the attention of others,” asserts

In tandem the integration of electrical components for on

Hegner. However the company’s CEO is aware that as a

board aggregates and vehicle propulsion will offer further

full operator, Daimler Buses would be foolish to neglect

reduction potentials. “Diesel-hybrid technology is a bridge

wider segments. The premium bus maker has not had a

technology that needs to further be developed, as the fuel

presence in the coach segment for a number of years but

cell technology still is some 20 years away from widespread

believes that its ability to provide a combination of optimal

economic deployment. At the moment we have CNG and

TCO, quality, safety, and comfort give it a strong product

that is in what we will focus on,” says Hegner.

offering. Hegner explains, “We have a robust proposition with our new G7-product family with which we can cover

The entire market in Mexico must play a role in technology

all raised floor segments. We currently see that the market

adaptation including the maintenance network, dealer

place is appreciating the wide range of different models as

network, the large fleets, and the municipal depots. All

well as the high degree of customization.”

these elements will require education and preparation to successfully receive and embrace new, more efficient,


Discussing the impact of the positioning of Mercedes-Benz

but also more complicated technologies. Hegner warns

as a luxury brand, Hegner explains that there is a difference in

that if the proper circumstances in terms of knowledge,

perception of the very concept of ‘luxury’ in the commercial

maintenance and fueling infrastructure are not created,

and passenger segments. On the commercial vehicle side,

any new technology bears the risk of unexpected down

luxury means reliability. As Hegner asserts, “Heavy vehicles

time and subsequent economic losses for the operator.


BRAZILIAN BODYBUILDER COMES TO RELY ON MEXICAN ENGINEERING RODRIGO PIKUSSA Director General of Marcopolo de México Q: How has the role of Mexico in Marcopolo’s international

Q: How do you optimize the benefits of your partnership

portfolio evolved?

with Daimler?

A: Mexico was our second largest operation outside of Brazil

A: Our partnership with Daimler is global and it is our

for some time but our work suffered after the crisis. We

largest chassis provider. This partnership is very natural

were affected by a lack of definition regarding our product

to us and has proved its importance in Mexico and

mix, which kept us outside the coach market for two years.

worldwide. We have common interests and identities,

During that time, Colombia took over from Mexico as

and neither a body nor a chassis can be complete

Marcopolo’s second market. But when Daimler Mexico lost

without each other. As partners, we try to get us much

ground in the coach segment, a lot of other competitors

advantage as possible from our proximity. We work

entered the market. We are now coming back and we aim to

together whenever either of us is developing a product

recover our strong position by next year. We used to import

while sharing the same plant. This means we share one

almost completed bodies to fit over the chassis, but we have

facility, one cafeteria, and one security system as our aim

now changed our business model and we are assembling

is to maximize the benefits from the joint venture. As two

100% of the body in Mexico. This makes us more competitive

separate corporate entities, we naturally have our own

and improves quality. The idea behind this move is to change

unique cultures, but we have been working together for

from the importation of partially knocked down (PKD)

14 years. We have established an enduring joint culture of

units to completely knocked down (CKD) kits. We want to

understanding and cooperation.

localize as much as possible and be highly independent from imported parts. There is a lot of opportunity in Mexico but

Q: Where are you focusing your R&D efforts?

due to the level of competitiveness seen here, we need to

A: There is a huge demand for more efficient buses, and

be able to react very quickly. Importing from Brazil takes

costs are being pushed down at the same time. We are

time and causes delays that impact our ability to be fully

working together with Daimler to create safer and more

competitive. Therefore, Marcopolo’s strategy going forward

efficient vehicles, and in our coaches we have a very good

is to reinforce our production and engineering base in

combination of both. Marcopolo developed its generation

Mexico, connected with our engineering base in Brazil.

7 model, with incorporated advanced aerodynamics that gives a big improvement in terms of fuel consumption.

Q: How are you adjusting your product development

Daimler has developed Euro V engines that are much

strategy to pursue the goal of a more localized operational



combination of two developments offers a very good

A: Our corporate engineering base in Brazil is responsible

solution to the market. Some customers have been

for product development, but developing a model does

testing our double decker against European models and

not only mean developing the base concept, it must then

the fuel consumption differences are huge. The Euro V

be adapted to each particular market and customer. The

engine is not obligatory in Mexico but a lot of customers

role of our Mexican engineering presence is to be close to

are pushing for it nonetheless.






the market, understand its needs, and adapt our products whilst being respectful to our core strategy and design

Q: What are your main objectives for 2014?

concept. The Mexican market is the most demanding

A: We plan to capture 25% of the coach market and 20-

market in Latin America, regarding finishing, comfort,

25% of the city bus market, regarding complete buses.

electronics, and even safety. For example, European buses

That will take us to a volume of around 1,800 vehicles.

do not have the level of comfort needed for Mexican

However, it is more important for us to be recognized as

passengers. Bus operators are incredibly professional

the best body provider in the market than to sell a certain

and are pushing the market to provide an experience for

volume. We left the market for a while, but 2014 is the first

customers rather than just a transportation service.

big year of our comeback.



BUS MAKER PUSHES FOR INCREASED SUSTAINABILITY LEFT: Rafael Kisel Reinisch, President of Volvo Buses Mexico RIGHT: Ediltron Temporal Gomes, Director of Sales for Urban Buses and BRT of Volvo Buses Mexico

Q: What does Volvo Buses’ market penetration look like

government are also involved. Nonetheless, we really see

in Mexico today?

a big market potential in the city bus segment, with major

RKR: In the intercity and coach market, we are focusing on

opportunities coming up. Until the electric vehicle trend

the top-end segments rather than the medium and short-

grows, we will be able to offer eco-friendly diesel models.

distance segments. In terms of overall market penetration,

For the European market we only produce hybrids and no

we currently sit at just over 20%. In the city bus segments,

longer produce diesel, but the Mexican market is 20 to 30

we are specialized in Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) and in low-

years behind that.

entry models. We believe that city segments will soon begin a transformation toward more eco-friendly fleet

ETG: We believe that by combining the transport

systems, which will be more beneficial for passengers,

technology being developed within Volvo with the city

drivers, and the cities themselves. This will drive efficiency

bus segment, we can offer better transport solutions to

both in terms of energy and cost. In terms of BRT, the total

the market. The Mexican market has to recognize that the

market penetration is so low that our own participation

current way is not sustainable for the future. In Colombia,

does not say a great deal. Nonetheless, we are market

the market has changed and this country now uses back

leaders in terms of this technology. Eight BRT vehicles

engine models. Although such buses may be US$10,000

have been sold in Mexico so far this year and three of

more expensive, the cheaper models are three times more

those have been our 7300 BRT model. We will deliver an

expensive in the long-term. A lot of consumers think about

additional 17 BRT units in the next year. Volumes are also

life cycle in terms of time but they really need to start

still very low in the low entry segment, but all the deliveries

thinking about it in terms of kilometers.

that have been made have been from Volvo. Q: The government and industry associations are in talks


Q: Is Volvo Buses interested in entering the broader

regarding the renewal of Mexico’s bus fleets, which would

market in the city bus segment?

affect some 40,000 units. How involved is Volvo Buses in

RKR: The market is dominated by conventional vehicles,

this discussion?

which are generally higher sitting buses that feature the

RKR: We are certainly putting considerable efforts into

engine at the front. We do not participate in this segment

encouraging renewal, but also into advising on what we

as we do not believe that those models are the right

believe is the right way to renew. In our opinion, putting

solution for Mexico. Volvo is focused on providing the best

a bus body onto a truck chassis, which is the common

products for each market, not just on increasing sales. That

model in Mexico, is not the right approach to public

means providing vehicles that are safe, environmentally

transportation solutions. Our proposal centers on better

friendly, and featuring the right solutions for every user.

accessibility combined with electro-mobility. We see the

Our buses are also designed to be usable for all members

future of inner city transportation being in hybrids or fully

of the public, including those with mobility difficulties. We

electric vehicles, not gas. Volvo is a pioneer in this field, and

place our engines at the back of the buses rather than at

in Europe we have the largest fleets running with electro-

the front, which provides greater comfort for the driver. We

mobility. We would like to see the government in Mexico

also remove steps for the entrance, which allows for better

understand that this is the right way forward. We are not

passenger flow. The current solutions in city transport are

against natural gas, but we do not see combusting gas

not what people deserve. This results in a situation where

within the bus itself as being the most efficient solution.

people that have access to a car are far likelier to use their

The combustion can be carried out at an earlier stage in

car instead of public transport. Our proposal is to really

an electric factory facility and thereby utilized in a much

create a much more efficient and user-friendly transport

more efficient way. Mexico has big reserves of natural gas

system than what exists today. Of course, Volvo does

and the government is very concerned about making use

not have exclusive control over this, as operators and the

of these. The infrastructural costs to do so also represent

a big expenditure and the government is currently focused

launched two new products last year, namely the 9700

on making CNG gas available in the north of Mexico, as

Grand, which is a long-distance coach, and the 8300 S,

that is where the reserves are. However, the entire country

which is a short distance suburban type of coach. We sold

will require such infrastructural investment. This means

300 9700 Grand models last year and these were very well

the main infrastructural investments made toward hybrid

received by the market. ADO received more than 200 and

technology will come from Volvo, lessening the financial

centered all of its marketing efforts around our product.

burden being faced by the government. In industrialized

We sold almost 90 of the 8300 S in the first year and we

countries, the common optimal vision for a city is that the

expect the same this year. With the launch of these two

downtown area should be 100% electric, the peripheries

new products, we increased our market share to 33%.

would have access to hybrid options, and long-distance

We launched the 7300 BRT in 2014 and we will continue

areas would remain with diesel. In addition to all their other

renovating for that segment. However, we do not see the

benefits, electric vehicles are extremely quiet, providing

coach segment growing heavily in Mexico, where more

an extra bonus for inner cities. That is also more or less

than 95% of people already travel by bus. Low cost airline

Volvo’s vision for the future.

routes are increasing and the government is also discussing the possibility of establishing three railway routes around

ETG: The thermal efficiency in a combustion engine is

the country. That could impact the coach segment, but for

around 49%, but in an electrical plant that uses a compound

the most part we expect the market to stay the same. Our

cycle, this figure is almost 90%. By having the combustion

main way to capture a larger market share is to remain

in a power plant with the same amount of energy that

close to our customers and offer them excellent service

you would use to move one CNG bus, you can produce

and financial solutions. We have an ambitious target to

enough energy to move two hybrid buses. A lot of energy

grow our dealership network as we want to be number two

is needed to move a CNG bus because of the weight of the

in terms of dealerships by 2016 with more than 60 points

people onboard that need to be transported. With hybrids,

of contact between dealerships, spare parts outlets, and

however, the brake energy is used to move the vehicle so

service points. We are executing that plan and we have

there is a huge difference in the energy expenditure. The

already opened two new points this year. We will open 11

new hybrid plug-in technology allows for the reduction of

additional points in 2014, closing the year with 49 dealers.

fuel consumption by 70%.

Despite this expansion, we are more focused on helping our current dealers to grow in their regions rather than

Q: What factors led to the market share drop for Volvo

adding new dealers. The aim of this is to be very close to

Buses in the coach segment?

the customer and to be very perseverant in our philosophy,

RKR: The coach segment in Mexico is very stable and

which is to offer excellent quality and safety combined with

limited, sitting at around 1,500 vehicles per year. We were

offering high levels of productivity for our customers. We

the market leaders from 2000 to 2012, at which point we

want our customers to run successful businesses using our

experienced a small drop. Our market share was always

buses. We believe that we offer very good life cycle costs,

about 40%, but then dropped to 28%. One reason for this

and when customers see the overall costs associated with

was the effect of the constitutional reforms implemented

owning one of our buses they often opt for our buses over

by the government, of which the secondary laws came

our competitors.

out this year. The introduction of the new VAT regulations has resulted in extra cost burdens for our customers.

Q: Has brand perception been influenced by the market

Some have dealt with the extra costs by passing them on

share drop?

to their passengers, and others have absorbed the costs

RKR: On the coach side, there is no doubt about the brand

themselves. Neither solution has been optimal, because

perception of Volvo in Mexico. However, it is interesting

the ones that passed on the cost have lost passengers

that in the last brand survey we conducted, the company

and the ones that have absorbed them have reduced cash

scored high in the city bus segment, in which we have

flow. That has created a situation where our customers are

a very small niche orientated presence. That segment

delaying purchasing decisions. The second reason for the

represents less than 5% of our total volume and we have a

drop in our market share is the entry of newcomers into the

2-3% market share within it, yet the Volvo came up number

market. There is a limited amount of major fleet purchasers

two in the survey. That is because of Volvo’s perception

in Mexico, and in any situation in which newcomers enter

as a very advanced and state-of-the art transport systems

the market there is reduced opportunity. Any change in a

provider. Insurgentes in Mexico City is one of the most

purchasing decision can considerably affect market shares.

densely utilized roads in the world, so our buses gain very

We are in the process of renovating our portfolio and we

heavy exposure on that road.



EUROPEAN MODELS TAKE ON BIG-NOSE TRUCK DOMINANCE ERIK MERCKEL REYES Director of Institutional Affairs, MAN Truck & Bus Latin America Q: How have you taken on the challenge of getting Mexican

that put us in almost all market segments. Starting from the

customers to buy European vehicles over traditionally

Class 5 on up, MAN Truck & Bus now covers all trucks above

favored US models?

8 tonnes. This has led to different situations in different

A: Many Mexican drivers see the big-nose vehicle as offering

segments. We started in the big coach segment five years

more protection in case of an accident. However, the public

ago, and we are present there with almost all of the big

tends to see these larger trucks as being more dangerous.

players. We need to work to improve our brand awareness

Regulations in Mexico are also changing, with many states

and position our products for the middle range segment.

trying to reduce the prevalence of big double-trailer

This is particularly important as this segment covers buses

vehicles. Some companies are starting to only use bigger

between 12 and 17 tonnes as well as trucks between 13 and 26

trucks for long-distance jobs and choose different products

tonnes, covering Classes 7 and 8, and represents almost 60%

for the shorter journeys. This is where our products have the

of the market. We introduced the TGX truck to Mexico and

edge. They offer greater maneuverability, and huge trailers

it has proven to be a particularly popular vehicle for bread

are unnecessary for transporting smaller loads. Customers

transportation. This is an example of how our vehicles offer

like bread companies or plastic companies do need huge

something new. Many companies transport more volume

trucks. Removing weight from the nose allows for greater

than weight and our vehicles allow a 26% increase in volume

weight to be placed in the cargo hold. Our trucks also

capacity, which is coupled with a 5-10% improvement in fuel

have the same hauling capabilities as the big-nose models

consumption based on our Euro V engines.

because of their engine power. Q: How are you tailoring your products for the local Q: Mexico has a crowded heavy vehicle segment. What


makes MAN Truck & Bus feel it can succeed here?

A: Our chassis are extremely robust, which is vital in a

A: It will certainly be critical for us to take on our competition

market where little attention is paid to vehicle use and

here. Almost all truck brands are present in Mexico, and even

care. Mexico has many passenger and goods vehicles that

Chinese brands are beginning to make inroads into the US

are routinely overloaded. We install all the technology

market. Quantity alone does not lead to success here as the

developed in Europe, such as the Intarder transmission

most important factor is the specialization of the products.

brake, which generates 25% more braking efficiency. Three

The truck segment in Mexico resembles the American

years ago, we changed our engine range so 80% of our

market with big-nosed trucks being the most popular

vehicles used MAN engines. All our engines are developed

vehicles. When we entered Mexico in 2004, the market

in Germany but some of them are produced in Brazil, using

thought we would struggle as our vehicles were totally

two main technologies: the American EGR (exhaust gas

different. Another major consideration in Mexico is price.

recirculation) engines, and the European SCR (selective

To be competitive on cost means developing a production

catalytic reduction) engines with AdBlue. We were the first

facility for parts to serve the North American market. Finally,

company in the MAN group to use Volkswagen engines

almost all truck companies here have the capacity to export

with a MAN chassis, and we were forced to develop in this

vehicles across South America. Our competitors have huge

way in the Mexican market as we did not have access to the

factories here exporting to North and Latin America. This

four-cylinder Cummins engine for the Euro IV regulation.

makes it extremely important for us to be here. Q: What are your main goals for 2014?


Q: MAN Truck & Bus has set itself the target of increasing

A: We will be focusing on the middle-range segment

sales by 60% in Mexico. What steps need to be taken for

and on improving distribution, while also improving our

this to happen?

positioning in the large fleet segment. We currently have

A: We used to be present in just two market segments, but

the capacity to reach 2,800 units a year, which gives us

between 2012 and 2014, we launched ten new products

plenty of room to grow.


GAS-POWERED VEHICLES FUTURE OF MEXICAN FLEETS LEFT: Daniel Gutiérrez, President of Hyundai Truck & Bus México RIGHT: Raúl Hernández Kim, Commercial Director of Hyundai Truck & Bus México

Q: How has Hyundai approached the challenge of being a

for us to establish more local partnerships like this. Beccar,

relatively new arrival in the Mexican heavy vehicle sector?

for example, is located near Guadalajara but most of its

DG: Being a new company in Mexico poses the challenge

customers are in Culiacan, Hermosillo, and Tijuana. For this

of how to best open the market and communicate the

strategic reason, we are looking to get closer to Beccar.

quality of our products to prospective customers. Hyundai Truck & Bus began operations with two models four

Q: What were the main results of the pilot program with

years ago: the Aero Town, which has a length of 9m from


bumper to bumper, and the Super Aero City. We are now

DG: RTP launched a pilot program for a CNG fleet in

offering more than 20 models in Mexico and expect to sell

Mexico City. The local regulations changed as a result of

1,000 buses and trucks in 2014. On top of that, we are now

the program’s success. In the past, allowing a bus to run

assembling these vehicles in Mexico and given how the

on CNG was experimental but it is now commonplace

market is growing, we expect a 10-15% increase in sales

and anybody can switch from diesel to CNG. Since air

in 2015. We are the first company in Mexico working with

pollution is highly responsible for health problems, it

natural gas. The company is taking orders in Mexico City,

is in the government’s best interest to reduce harmful

Monterrey, and San Luis Potosi for trucks and buses. Clients

emissions and CNG vehicles can help achieve this. Hyundai

like FEMSA, Grupo Bimbo, and Jumex are already ordering

Truck & Bus and CANACINTRA have also been discussing

our trucks, although our work with these companies is the

plans to change the microbus fleet in Mexico City and its

first step in a trial process. We hope that by next year, we

metropolitan area. We succeeded in convincing public

can start working with other companies.

officials that natural gas was a viable fuel. We also asked for certain of the safety features present in our buses to

Q: How can your value proposition lead customers to

become standard in Mexico, such as ABS and floor height,

change their brand allegiances?

which are voluntary at the moment. We are receiving more

RH: The 80,000 buses that circulate in Seoul, South Korea,

orders as clients in the public sector can now attest to the

virtually all run on natural gas, and Hyundai makes 70%

quality of our products. RTP is the biggest bus company

of these buses. We are offering exactly the same product

in Mexico with almost 1,500 vehicles and it has a high

in Mexico, combining a steel body with a gas engine. This

replacement rate. We currently have orders for 40 natural

combination is as efficient as an aluminum bus with a

gas vehicles and 80 diesel vehicles from RTP. People

diesel engine, whilst being more durable and reliable. We

from Guadalajara, Monterrey, Chihuahua, and the State of

have beaten the competition when it comes to efficiency,

Mexico are asking for data on our company because of the

and we are improving the Mexican market by putting

innovation we are bringing to the Mexican market.

technology to the service of the users, yielding economic benefits for the owners of the vehicles and helping to

Q: How much potential do you see for this segment to

reduce pollution.

grow in the next five years? DG: Mexico is increasing its capacity to import cheap natural

Q: Is it difficult to establish partnerships as a recent arrival

gas from the US. We are seeing significant infrastructure

in the market?

developments that will increase the availability of natural

RH: Each company has a preference when it comes to

gas from the northeast region all the way down to central

partnerships. For instance, Marcopolo works with Mercedes-

Mexico as well as the Pacific coast. With these major

Benz and Navistar works with Ayco. Hyundai Truck &

pipeline developments, Mexico will have sufficient gas

Bus mainly works with a Korean bodybuilder but we also

supply to cater to demand in the next five years. We are

have a Mexican bodybuilder near Acapulco, Carrocerías

happy to be at the very beginning of a promising market,

Diamante. We chose this partnership because it provides a

and we expect enthusiasm for the gas vehicle market to

local option for this type of service. It would be beneficial

increase over the years.


MEXICAN BUS TECHNOLOGY FINDING FOOTHOLDS ABROAD Since it started making bodies for minibuses and chassis for

favoring such larger capacity buses but the market demand

GM and Ford, AYCO has maintained a steady line in bringing

is not very strong. “As we are now ready to market, we can

the latest technology on board. According to Javier Benítez

deliver 40 units if we need to but such an order would not

Núñez, Director General of AYCO, the company participated

be profitable. We need projects that are supported by the

with Ford in the engineering of the F350 cab chassis,

government that will target the renewal of public transport

transforming a heavy duty vehicle to one being designed

fleets,” he adds.

for passenger transport. Since this achievement, AYCO has worked with different manufacturers such DINA, Daimler,

AYCO’s success has seen it expand its markets further afield,

Volkswagen, and Navistar to create chassis for Class 7

especially in Colombia. “We managed to enter with 500

and 8 units. Benítez Núñez says the company also works

units for the three modes of transport used in Bogota. This

with Class 5 and 6 companies but he prefers working on

is one of the main export opportunities we have capitalized

heavy duty trucks due to the complementarities between

upon. We have participated in the development of units

the capabilities of AYCO’s plant and its partners “We have

that comply with the strictest norms at an international

always produced bodies and our policy is multi-brand so we

level,” explains Benítez Núñez. As the company has plans

do not have any problem working with different companies,”

to participate more actively in Peru, Ecuador, and the US,

states Benítez Núñez.

it has sought to familiarize itself the trends of each of these markets to offer the best technology and processes








required. “The differences between cities such as Bogota

advanced units. Its latest project has been the development

and Mexico City are significant. The internal height of the

of a low entrance chassis, headed up by MAN alongside

body is higher than our norms, as are the width, types

the participation of IPN and UNAM and funding from

and numbers of windows, the security monitoring system,

CONACYT. The result was the development of a bus

GPS system, collection system, and the types of seats,

seating 120 passengers that has just been released onto

but we are used to dealing with such varieties in Mexico.

the market. AYCO is in charge of producing chassis and

In Monterrey, the seats have to be tall, reclining, and air-

manufacturing has already started apace. However, this

conditioning is a must. In Guadalajara, certain seats and

bus hardly provides an economical option since the current

accessories such as reversing sensors are set to the rear

average price per chassis, either semi-forward control or

bumper and inside the vehicle camera, as well as the GPS

flat front engine, is close to US$120,000. On top of that,

system,” details Benítez Núñez. For its most challenging

the bodies cost US$70,000 apiece, almost double the

market, the US, AYCO has carried out detailed market

current average market price. Since tariffs for passengers

research. The company has found out that while in big

have remained the same, Benítez Núñez admits this option

cities buses are high-tech, in small population centers the

is not profitable for now. Certain clients in Monterrey are

bus chassis is still a viable option.


UNIQUE KOREAN MODELS IN THE MEXICAN MARKET ADÁN JOSÉ LECONA GUIZAR Director General of Daewoo Bus México Q: What have been the highlights since Daewoo Bus

Peña Nieto has declared that his administration will

entered Mexico in 2010?

prioritize the use of natural gas so we are counting on that.

A: We saw a great opportunity in Mexico and are opening

Natural gas presents a great opportunity for everyone,

a plant in Hidalgo this year. We spoke with the chairman of

including drivers who see diesel prices increase every

Daewoo International about the strengths of the Mexican

month. Daewoo was looking for a profitable solution

market and the opportunities that existed here before

and settled on natural gas. We believe the government is

creating Daewoo Bus México as a 50-50 joint venture with

willing to make a commitment to helping the environment.

American Coach. Daewoo had the financial resources to

I am confident the infrastructure will improve, which is why

invest in Mexico but decided on the joint venture due to

we are bringing this model to the Mexican market.

the experience American Coach offered us. Daewoo could have come to Mexico alone but preferred to enter with a

Q: What is your strategy to develop your customer base

partner that knew the market well, which is why the joint

as a new entrant in Mexico?

venture was the perfect solution for both sides. The plant

A: Urban buses will be our major focus, with 70% of our

is being built on around 60,000m2 in Ciudad Sahagun,

production being targeted to this market. We will also focus

Hidalgo. In the first stage, we will import most of the units

on tourism and interstate journeys. For this, we originally

to be sold in Mexico for 2014 and the beginning of 2015.

planned to sell 100 units in our first year of activity but

Over that time, we will work on building our assembly line.

given the interest we are seeing, that could well increase.

Daewoo has eight different models of buses, but we are

We are hoping to make between 1,000 and 1,500 units for

bringing one or two models to be built in Mexico. The sales

this segment once our production line is installed.

for other models are not very high so we will continue to import them from China and South Korea. However,

Q: How easy has it been to match the corporate cultures

servicing and spare parts for these units will be done here.

of American Coach and Daewoo? A: Daewoo is very open and we respect American

Daewoo is known in Mexico for its line of electronics so

Coach’s production line. Our plant in Mexico is going to

we are almost entering the market as a new brand of cars,

manufacture the models that American Coach would like

buses, and trucks. We need to position the brand and

to produce there. Daewoo does not have any bus models

understand and feel what impression it makes on people.

longer larger than 12m but American Coach has three

We have selected the products from our portfolio that are

models longer than 12m, so we hope to introduce them

the most attractive for the Mexican market and will be

in Daewoo’s portfolio. Naturally, there needs to be a very

producing the eight-meter long GDW6840K line in Mexico.

clear process for this to happen so we are working to get

As South Korea is a technologically advanced country

this transition right.

and has an important automotive market, the quality of the products we are bringing is great. The most attractive

Q: How have you been expanding your sales and

characteristic is the number of people our buses can hold.

distribution in Mexico?

Normally, buses exist for 45 people or for between 15 and

A: According to the SCT, between 6% and 8% of journeys

20, and there are virtually no options between those two.

in Mexico are made by plane, between 11% and 14% are

The GDW6840K can hold around 30 passengers, which is

done in car, and the remaining journeys are made by bus.

very useful for urban and short trips.

There is a huge opportunity for Daewoo to carve out an interesting market in this country. When we started

Q: What potential do you see for natural gas buses in

analyzing the market, we realized that Korea has 46% of


Mexico’s population, but its territory is 19 times smaller.

A: The lack of natural gas infrastructure is an issue that

Even though many brands already exist in the Mexican

affects us and many other industries. President Enrique

market, having a new option will certainly prove beneficial.


Mexico has been home to automotive suppliers for more than half a century, but for the most part these made up the low cost, low skilled maquiladora industry based along the Northern border of the country. As OEM presence has risen in the country, however, so has the need for a specialized and skilled supply base. NAFTA local content requirements of over 60% have helped catalyze the establishment of international Tier 1 operations within Mexico, and the country now hosts 89 of the world’s 100 leading auto parts companies. The country’s supplier landscape has now firmly shifted, and each international OEM investment has brought with it suppliers from the producer’s respective home country. Direct suppliers located on the doorstep of their OEM clients enjoy logistical and economic advantages and the announcement of one new OEM plant can result in an entire industrial park being established around it.

In this chapter we will look at how OEM investments are driving growth for Mexico’s Tier 1 supplier pool, and discuss the major trends with the country’s leading suppliers. We also explore how the global shift towards higher technology and more modern manufacturing has increased auto part manufacturing complexity, as well as the ways in which this is impacting the sophistication of the Mexican market.




VIEW FROM THE TOP: More Innovation Needed Among Mexican Suppliers


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Brake Pads Leader Eyes up Tougher Competition


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Innovation in Range of Industries Benefits Automotive Sector


How to Find Suppliers: Location, Location, Location


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Stringent Criteria for Suppliers Guarantee Quality


No Second Chance for Safety Products


Driving Home Automotive Safety in Mexican Market


Obstacles to Sourcing from Mexican Suppliers


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Suppliers Rewarded for Commitment and Innovation


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Local Suppliers Anchor Seat Maker’s Mexican Growth


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Unique Tire Offering Needed for Unique Vehicle Market


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Global Tire Leader Aims for NAFTA Region Supremacy


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Sustainable Rubber: Retreading Goals for Mexico’s Tire Future


VIEW FROM THE TOP: German Tire DNA in the Mexican Market


Advanced Belt Technology Running Across Vehicle Segments


VEHICLE SPOTLIGHT: Nissan Versa 2015


Uniform Demands Help Sideshaft Market to Grow


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Turbocharger Demand Will See Mexican Production Soar


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Bearings Company Finds Profit from Automotive Need


Lean Management Approach Helps Run Vast Portfolio


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Chemical Innovation Continues Despite Sourcing Troubles


Hybrid Technology First Launched in Premium Vehicles


Lighting Leader Seeing Mexico’s R&D Potential


Comfort is Crucial in the Auto Parts Market


Hot Stamping Becomes Press Hardening Process of Choice


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Advanced Suspension Systems Being Rolled Out Across Mexico



MORE INNOVATION NEEDED AMONG MEXICAN SUPPLIERS OSCAR ALBĂ?N Executive President of INA Q: Do you see a big difference between the capabilities

track, and the condition of the recliners. The companies

of international and domestic auto parts companies

that develop such seats, headlights, steering wheels, or

operating in Mexico?

radio and audio system, fall under the auto parts sector.

A: The domestic automotive industry was born 60 years

OEMs develop systems and processes, but the technology

ago when the government decreed that to sell a car in

that goes into the components is developed by the auto

Mexico, you had to build it here with Mexican components.

parts sector. Currently, the auto parts industry is growing

At the time, Mexican investors invested their money to

around the world, and engineering centers are sprouting

create factories based on technical agreements and joint

up. Now Mexico is becoming a destination for these

ventures with international firms. The NAFTA agreement

engineering centers while ten years ago we were not even

provided the opportunity for international firms to enter

on the map.

Mexico with 100% of ownership, which resulted in foreign companies buying the Mexican portions of the industry.

Q: What is the main reason behind the shift of the industry

This led to the local automotive industry disappearing,

from the traditional north to the center of Mexico?

leaving us with only five to ten professional and high-tech

A: The OEMs definitely act as the driver. Two decades ago, we

auto parts manufacturers. The same happened in Spain

were exporting 90% of our production to the US. Logistically,

and in South American countries. Today, we have around

it made sense to be no more than 200km south of the

200 companies that are dedicated to the aftermarket

border, which is why Hermosillo and Saltillo grew very fast

business. These companies manufacture parts such as

as vehicle producers. Today, around 65% of the vehicles are

brake pads, but they are not designing or investigating

being exported to the US, 15% to South America, and 15% to

new formulas for the braking system that will serve the

Europe. Those destinations are playing a role in the logistical

cars of tomorrow. They are building brake pads for the

components of the market. Today, many vehicles are being

cars that are on the road today. To conclude, we have a

exported through the seaports, which provide access to the

few leaders and many followers. Germany has about 40

Atlantic and Pacific Oceans, and those ports are closer to the

companies that compete internationally. But in general,

center of the country. The transit to Manzanillo or Veracruz is

the auto parts world has been shrinking in recent years

easier through the center than when coming from Coahuila.

as the largest companies are buying smaller players. Big

The OEMs, their logistics, and target markets have had an

names are disappearing or they are consolidating. Mexico

effect on the place of production.

has consolidated to about ten innovating companies, and that is a pretty good number.

Q: How has this move affected the supplier industry? A: It is having both negative and positive affects. Today,


Q: What role can auto parts suppliers play in the R&D

companies have two options in order to generate more

cycle in Mexico?

business: they can either expand their existing facility or

A: OEMs know how to build a car, but they do not know

create a new one. In order for a supplier plant to function,

how to build an air bag, how to design a brake system, how

it must be within 20-30km of the OEM it supplies. So this

to design an exhaust system, or how to cool an engine. The

shift has left manufacturers no option but to build new

real technology is in the auto parts industry. OEMs provide

facilities. Since then, the cost of the land in the Bajio region

auto parts suppliers with information about the shape

is growing as is the demand for people. The main problem

and design of the car and, for example, the seat. They

we are facing in that region is a scarcity of people to fill

provide specifics such as the seat’s required resistance

the required talent pool. Cities in the center of Mexico

during a crash test, presence of an electric track that is not

will not be able to provide the human resources needed

noisy, and cost parameters and durability. Based on this

to continue growing the automotive industry so they will

information, the seating will develop the foam, the stretch

need immigration, and immigration means a need for

of the foam, the stretch of the frame, the condition of the

better infrastructure.


BRAKE PADS LEADER EYES UP TOUGHER COMPETITION MIGUEL ÁNGEL GARCÍA Director General of Federal-Mogul Mexico Q: What are the main drivers of your business with OEMs

Q: How does the cooperation between Federal-Mogul

in Mexico?

and the OEMs work to create market trends rather than

A: The main drivers of our company are engine components

respond to them?

as well as chassis and friction sectors. Federal-Mogul is a

A: Federal-Mogul has an organizational system in place to

leader in friction so there is a very high possibility that any

work together with OEMs. Take the example of GM starting

new vehicles will contain our brake pads. Beyond this, our

an engine facility in Silao, Guanajuato. Federal-Mogul’s

aftermarket sector and original equipment (OE) sector are

office in Detroit defined all the details such as the cost,

operating in two completely different environments. The OE

design, and other aspects needed to obtain the project.

market involves the large volume shipping of a few products.

That work stemmed from the assumption that GM’s next

This can easily amount to a one-piece flow of 1,000 or

project would be installed near to one of Federal-Mogul’s

10,000 units per day. In the case of the aftermarket, we find

current locations. We have a communication team in our

the complete opposite: many orders from many separate

corporate offices, coupled with others at each of the

customers who all want a different product in relatively

manufacturing plants, who communicate on an internal

small volumes. This creates a very complex business.

business level. This allows us to take full advantage of the development of technologies, products, and materials that

Q: OEM investment is shifting from northern to central

are primarily developed for the OE market, but can also be

states. Are you feeling pushed to move to stay closer to

used in the aftermarket.

them? A: We are already relatively close to the clusters that have

Q: What is the best way in which Mexico can tap local

been created in Guanajuato, which are no more than a

expertise to become a global engineering hub?

three-hour drive from our facility in the State of Mexico.

A: Approaches from different corporations have been

We are already shipping products to GM’s plant in Silao

powering this change. For example, Chrysler has created

from one of our plants in Puebla, which is even further.

an engineering center in Mexico. Around 500 engineers do

We feel comfortable in our relative proximity to potential

a lot of design work locally, which has reduced Chrysler’s

projects in the central region and we are prepared for

overall cost of design due to lower labor costs here. We are

them. Nevertheless, Federal-Mogul is preparing itself in

seeing more companies following suit, and this trend will

different geographic areas that would more easily allow

only increase in the near future. We have started developing

us to become a supplier to OEMs developing new plants.

an engineering center for chassis. This evolution remains a sensitive area as companies might fear losing control of their

Q: What recent improvements in your manufacturing

design and technology processes but it marks an important

processes have allowed you to stay ahead of the

step for the growth of Mexico as an engineering location.

competition? A: Globalization has changed the footprint of every

Q: How are you dealing with the influx of competitors

company worldwide. Most corporations have become

arriving in Mexico?

very aggressive in defining the best locations to maximize

A: The automotive industry is the most dynamic and open

results, known as best cost countries. The idea is to begin

industry in Mexico. Every year brings more competition

bringing multiple projects to such countries. Mexico is one

among OEMs, but this competition exists on a much larger

of the best countries in which to make a variety of moves.

scale among suppliers. We are world leaders in the brake pads

In Mexico, Federal-Mogul has achieved a lot of projects,

sector, but there are now 85 different brands competing in

including groundbreaking technology. This success is due

the Mexican brake pads market. Not too long ago, there were

to a stable labor force and a solid economic environment,

just five. This demonstrates the ease of entering the Mexican

which have helped us to achieve consistent results at our

automotive market. That makes this industry challenging for

different facilities in Mexico.

any supplier as it is the new land of opportunity.



INNOVATION IN RANGE OF INDUSTRIES BENEFITS AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR RENE SCHLEGEL President of Bosch México Q: Given that Bosch operates in a wide range of areas,

has been invested in North America, and the region is part

how do you maintain direction and a leading position in

of the group’s strategy to strengthen its global presence.

each of these areas?

We all know that China is going to outgrow the US, but

A: Bosch does offer a huge variety of products and

North America will be bigger than China economically for

services, but the real key is to look at our common

many decades to come. Latin America as a whole has been



incredibly stable for a long time; its market is calculable,

environmental protection, and economic value. All our

and predictable to a reasonable degree. Mexico itself is an

products are striving to provide the best offer in these

interesting emerging market with similarities to Thailand,

four areas. The start/stop system for cars being produced

Turkey, and Colombia, but it will have different economic

at our plant in Toluca saves 6-7% in vehicle gasoline

rules for many decades to come to markets such as Nigeria.

consumption. The next version of that system currently

Mexico is a very hybrid market, which demands goods on

being developed will actually allow ‘sailing’, meaning that

the entire spectrum from cheap to expensive.





the engine will be turned off if it is not needed, which will provide another 6-7% in savings. Increasingly, we find that

Q: What is your current growth focus in the Mexican

our technology also has potential applications in initially


unrelated fields. For example, we have begun using

A: Automotive is a huge focus for Bosch worldwide and the

hydraulics and pneumatics products, originally made by

same applies to Mexico. In terms of general manufacturing,

Bosch Rexroth for industrial use, to provide hydrostatic

we want to produce more and we want to increase the

regenerative braking or hydraulic hybrid solutions for

value that we can add in Mexico both on our own and

large commercial trucks and buses. In terms of battery

through Mexican suppliers. In terms of R&D, we have been

technology, we have an advanced understanding of ion

very closely involved on the application and process side

lithium batteries, as we were one of the first companies to

until now, but we want to become much more engaged in

use different kinds of battery technologies in power tools,

the development of products while using more Mexican

prior to their use in electrical cars. This cross-sectorial

human capital. We are opening service and engineering

knowledge and innovation is a result of spending an

hubs in Guadalajara, based on the model we currently

average 8% of our revenue on R&D each year. We take

have in Bangalore, India, while we are also cross-training

an idea and quickly bring it to an industrial format where

our engineers. Engineers from India will be leading the

it becomes available to a larger end-user base. This can

program as they are accustomed to selling their services

be seen with antilock braking system (ABS) or electronic

independently. They started with few engineers but they

stability program (ESP). ABS was invented in 1986 and

have now grown to 12,000, which shows that they did

is now obligatory in most markets, although not yet

something right. We are currently hiring for the engineering

in Mexico unfortunately. This technology very rapidly

hub and we are more than happy with the number of

filtered down from luxury vehicles to medium range cars.

engineers graduating in Mexico, which has reached 145,000 each year. This is over three times as many as in Brazil


Q: Bosch’s center of gravity is still very much in Europe.

and almost as many as in the US. Bosch also has a special

How has the role of emerging markets like Mexico changed

edge in the aftermarket area as we actually create many

in response to harsher times in traditional markets?

of the components ourselves. This gives us an edge in not

A: In the past, the Americas were certainly not a strong

only understanding the products but in training our Bosch

focus for some European companies, who had long

Service franchisees, of which there are 14,000 branches in

enjoyed stable and prosperous conditions. Perhaps the

the world. Since we experience our own products in the

economic climate in Europe will not quickly become as

field when we repair and replace pieces, we can feed that

great as it was, but it will always remain a key focus for us

knowledge back to our OEM customers. This ability to share

due to its consumer sophistication. For 107 years, Bosch

knowledge gives us an extra advantage.

Q: What are the main trends influencing the direction of Bosch’s entire portfolio? A: Our focus is on energy efficiency and environmental protection, as well as safety, security, and convenience. We are also increasingly focused on connectivity and the Internet of Things. Take safety, for example. In the 1970s, the safety of an individual product depended on its use by a clearly defined user group or a single user. This was known as passive safety. Bosch is now far more interested in how to improve safety by collecting information from the relevant environment, which is known as active safety. A person’s ability to react to the surrounding environment is limited, so we need to provide information from that environment more directly. Our ultimate goal is accident-free driving. As products and devices are increasingly networked over the Internet, this provides huge opportunities for Bosch

Q: Which of your recent innovations have had the biggest

to create new business models and many chances for

impact on the automotive industry, and what is the next

cross-organizational solutions. Improved safety also

big development in your pipeline?

very often leads to energy savings.

A: Many sophisticated innovations have been seen in recent years, but the start/stop system might have had

Q: How are you going to ensure that you maintain access

the most far-reaching impact. This is another solution

to the right human capital?

like ABS/EBS that does not require a lot of additional

A: Bosch’s strength is in its diversity and what that offers in

hardware, although it does require software. I foresee it

terms of career trajectory. An engineer working for Bosch

first being bought by customers interested in fuel savings

has the opportunity to become highly specialized and

and then becoming mandatory to help countries achieve

gain a wealth of experience in different areas. Engineers

emissions reductions. Another example is the use of radar

often get tired of working in one area for a long time, but

to improve safety. The challenge for us is to create the

Bosch offers the unique possibility of working across a

smallest radar that can be positioned on the furthest

variety of fields. The 8% of our revenue that we invest

edge of the car to achieve the greatest range. This does

in R&D each year is also highly attractive to engineers.

not sound very complicated, but the smaller the radar

Bosch’s number of patent registrations is equivalent to 20

becomes, the less sensors are needed and the more

per working day. We produce products that make a lot of

accessible it becomes in terms of price, which makes it a

sense to produce.

very important development.

Q: Holding so many patents means that Bosch has to drive

Q: What are your future manufacturing ambitions in

trends rather than react to them. How does this influence


your relationship with OEMs?

A: The last few years have seen us invest increasingly in

A: The interplay between OEMs and top suppliers

Mexico. In 2013, we invested US$100 million, followed by

is extremely positive. OEMs are extremely receptive

around US$150 million in 2014. In July, we also announced

along the whole value chain to new ideas that make

an investment of US$546 million to come over the next few

their products more attractive to their customers.

years, accompanied by the goal of creating 3,000 new jobs

Most innovations you see at car shows are driven by

in Mexico by 2017. This represents a massive investment

suppliers. 50 years ago, OEMs could perhaps dominate

for a Tier 1 company in one country. We are investing in

every technological development inside a car, but they

existing sites. Today we are producing some of the most

can no longer do that. Today, given a car’s complexity,

sophisticated products in our product portfolio, such as

they rely on and collaborate with suppliers heavily for

parts for our newest ESP which is an important element

advancements. The race for who comes up with the best

for some top range cars, and we are confident that this

innovation is a very positive one, because you cannot be

product will be produced to the highest quality standards

competitive with commodities alone. Both the OEMs and

in Mexico. The ESP is a high-end, precise product aimed at

suppliers are equally focused on value added innovative

a demanding clientele. This confidence says a lot about our


trust in Mexico and our associates here.



Antonio González, Director of International Purchasing Office of BMW

Location, location, location

buying more in the dollar region. We have a big extra

is the name of the game

program for vehicles being built in the dollar region, and are



really looking to increase the amount of dollar purchasing,

endeavors. Perhaps it is


which also means building a bigger supply base.” To this



end, the company is increasing sourcing levels. In 2013, it

than in the planning of an


conducted roughly 600 audits amongst the local supply

effective procurement and

base in the entire NAFTA region, with the aim of adding



another 50 suppliers in 2014. For a luxury automaker like

cost reduction pressures

BMW, selecting suppliers is not only a matter of having

in the automotive industry

access to a large enough supplier pool, but also of finding




those capable of meeting its exacting standards. “Each

waning, procurement officers worldwide are well aware of



company has its own philosophy and culture. Over the last

the constant need to implement lean purchasing and supply

couple of years, we have been instilling an understanding of

chain management strategies. For those companies using

the BMW way in our suppliers, notwithstanding the synergies

Mexico as a strategic NAFTA base, localization measures

and cultural similarities that are helpful in companies that

must also be implemented to meet the applicable rule

have already worked for other German OEMs,” explains

of origin requirements to benefit from preferential tariff

González. Suppliers hoping to work with BMW must satisfy

treatment. The growing expediency of Mexico’s supply

the company’s four key standards of quality, cost, innovation,

base is evidenced from the sheer volume of products

and flexibility. González confirms that for the most part,

currently being purchased in country. In the last four years

Mexican suppliers are well versed in international standards

alone, BMW has gone from purchasing US$600 million

and technology trends. However, the reality remains that only

worth of components in Mexico to $1.6 billion, representing

a handful of companies within BMW’s local supply base are

6% of the group’s total purchasing volume. Despite not

actually Mexican. Including heavyweight players like Grupo

yet having its own production base in the country – BMW

Bocar, Nemak, and Grupo Kuo.

plans to start production of 150,000 units per year at its recently announced US$1 billion plant in San Luis Potosi

While the country’s supplier pool grows and evolves, BMW’s

by 2019 – its Mexico-based International Purchasing Office

IPO in Mexico is focusing on the industrialization of the

(IPO) works with 106 local suppliers, and as a result has

quality of its current supply base. “We are still importing

generated employment for 15,000 people, according to

a lot of tools and equipment from abroad, lengthening

IPO Director Antonio González.

the industrialization process. Therefore in 2014, we really need to focus on strong quality approvals and grades on

Contrary to the historic perception of Mexico as being

products,” González asserts. “We have a number of new

a low-tech manufacturing hub, according to González,

product launches coming up, and our suppliers play a big

Mexican suppliers are already proving their worth. “Just

part in ensuring we meet our required quality levels. BMW

because we are not yet building premium vehicles here

ramp-ups are very aggressive and we are launching products

does not mean that Mexico is not capable of producing

this year and next year.” According to González, 80% of

high-tech components. BMW is in fact being supplied

suppliers are reaching the target levels, with the other 20%

with a large amount of high-tech components produced

not far off the required level. “We also manage the PPM



rates very closely, and we have decreased the number of

components, chassis and powertrain materials, and



suppliers delivering non-conformance materials above our

interior components. He also confirms that Mexico

intervention limit from an average of 18 suppliers per month

continues to be a strong procurement base for lower

to six suppliers per month,” says González. When a supplier

tech products that require handcrafting, such as leather

is successful in establishing a long-term relationship with



BMW, González insists that the rewards are high, in spite of

handcrafting abilities of Mexican workers, we can make

the occasional low volume contracts involved. “We are not a

items such as harnesses, which are components with high

high-volume manufacturer, we are a premium manufacturer,”

labor requirements,” explains González.

says González. The lower volumes demanded by BMW mean







that, to a large extent, the company is not competing with


Profitability is the key driver in the fine-tuning of BMW’s

other OEMs for suppliers. Instead, it is focused on what

procurement strategy, and Gonzalez explains this further.

Gonzalez refers to as a “robust supply base that will enable

“We are looking to reduce our Euro dependency and start

BMW to do more business locally.”


STRINGENT CRITERIA FOR SUPPLIERS GUARANTEE QUALITY LEO TORRES Purchasing Manager of Ford Mexico Q: How do you view the role of Ford and other OEMs in

our supply base, but we are developing our Tier 2 and 3

helping Mexico transition from low-cost manufacturing to

suppliers in order to create a valuable local supply chain. It

an engineering and design hub?

makes no sense to have a global supplier in Mexico that has

A: Ford is betting hard on this process. Five years ago, we

to import all of its raw materials from China or Russia.

had 120 engineers in Mexico. Today, that number stands at 900 and we have plans to raise it to 1,200. Engineering

Q: How would you categorize the capabilities of Mexican

is one of the most important elements of the automotive

Tier 2 and 3 suppliers?

business. Someone can always produce a part but no

A: It depends who they are compared to. They are clearly

country designs a complete vehicle, outside the US, Japan,

superior to Chinese suppliers but need to refine their

South Korea, and Germany. Ford took the initiative to bring

technical skills, when compared to German counterparts.

engineering to Mexico, and our key suppliers are following

Mexico focused on the manufacturing element for so long

suit as they need engineers where the car is designed. From

that it became very good at labor intensive manufacturing

a purchasing perspective, we have jumped from US$500

processes, but forgot about the creative element of

million of purchases here to just under US$10 billion in

engineering. We are advising our suppliers to reinvest a

2013. Mexico supplies 36 of Ford’s manufacturing plants,

strong part of their revenue in R&D. Companies that do not

and there are very few Ford products without a Mexican

do this will not be successful in the long-term or will only

component. Mexico is Ford’s second-largest purchasing

be used as maquiladoras by other firms. Their strategy has

base, representing 13-14% of our global purchases.

to be clear. Many companies can be miserable as a Tier 1 supplier but become successful and profitable at the Tier 2

Q: American-made cars have a well-established reputation

level. Mexico has a cultural element of wanting to be good

among customers. Are there any risks associated with

at everything. A supplier could have injection molding in

cars being designed and assembled in Mexico?

one room, stamping in the next, and a painting room in

A: There is no downside. A key driver of the automotive

construction. Ford tries to coach them to think long-term.

industry is how fast a new product can be launched in the market, and the only way to do this is to have a

Q: To which extent is quality control your responsibility or

robust engineering force globally. Besides its engineering

that of the suppliers?

capability in Mexico, Ford has that same capability in the

A: Quality at the Tier 1 level is my responsibility. STA is

US, Europe, and Brazil, and will soon have it in China too. In

responsible for verifying the quality of the parts as well as

the past, launching a new product took four to five years.

the volume, rate, and mix. Beyond that, we have a segment

Now, we are looking to launch new products each year

which supervises Tier 2 suppliers. We do this by going with

and Ford has the newest portfolio of the entire industry.

the Tier 1 companies to visit their Tier 2 suppliers to perform

In 2013, we changed almost 60% of our products. In 2014,

quality control checks. Our suppliers must undergo constant

we will change about 40-45%. The only way to do this is to

training if they want to become a Q1 supplier, and they

have an engineering force with global rules.

understand the importance of becoming Q1 to be able to work on the initial stage of our next generation of products.

Q: What is Ford’s approach to developing its direct

Q1 suppliers must also meet all of our environmental


standards, such as our clear rules and targets for reusable

A: One might think Ford would teach its suppliers but

materials. We are producing cars with the best fuel economy

this process also takes place the other way around. Ford

and lowest emissions possible. Our supply base has to be in

has a global plan for supplier development, the Q1, which

line with that, the design has to be green from the beginning

reinforces manufacturing and design processes. Our supplier

and it is part of how we evaluate if a company is a good fit

technical assistant area (STA) works with the suppliers to

for us. At this moment, around 68% of our supply base is Q1

develop these necessary skills. We are not trying to expand

which means they meet all of our standards.


NO SECOND CHANCE FOR SAFETY PRODUCTS Air bags and other safety features are not mandatory for

Although Autoliv has no R&D centers in Mexico yet, Armenta

Mexican vehicles and are included only as add-ons with an

believes one will probably come in the next couple of years.

extra cost, resulting in a substantial percentage of Mexican buyers opting out of additional safety features. Markets

In terms of R&D, Autoliv globally invests approximately

such as Brazil have taken measures to make certain safety

US$500 million a year, part of which is specifically allocated

standards mandatory, such as air bags, but Mexico is yet

to testing, with specific software being used for simulation

to take this road. When Mexico does decide to increase

and data collection. “Our plant in Toluca has a SLED test

vehicle safety requirements, a number of leading global

facility where we can simulate an impact of up to 50km,” says

safety equipment suppliers already have a strong in-

Armenta. These data collection and software capabilities

country presence are ready to ramp up local market

are key for product development as they trace product

supply. With around 35% of the global market share in

characteristics. “With this, we are able to provide customers

passive vehicle safety equipment, and 20% for active

with details including when the testing was done, who was

safety, Autoliv is one such supplier. “We have developed

present, and what the results were,” says Armenta. Autoliv

a strategic technology-centered vision in order to drive

has 20 SLED and eight full-scale crash testing systems, and

growth in the local market and continue supplying the

its customers are able to test their first vehicles using the

OEMs now producing in Mexico for the export market,”

tracks, providing only 24% of the cost. The data gathered

says Raul Armenta, Plant Manager of Autoliv Mexico.

during these tests is essential to prevent future product

“Mexicans only have moderate awareness about the importance of safety features when purchasing a vehicle. The same is true for South America in general” Raul Armenta, Plant Manager of Autoliv Mexico

Autoliv has invested US$300 million in expanding its already

recalls. Having a solid and innovative product portfolio

significant footprint in Mexico. According to Armenta, its

and a good reputation in the recall area has led to new

operations are expected to grow by 15-16% yearly. “Mexicans

projects with OEMs. “Every Autoliv plant is equipped with

only have moderate awareness about the importance of

its own laboratories and spare equipment in order to ensure

safety features when purchasing a vehicle. The same is true

effectiveness of the products,” says Armenta. Bearing in

for South America in general,” says Armenta. “Nevertheless,

mind that a safety product does not get a second chance

a five-star safety rating puts a vehicle ahead of the

when placed in a vehicle, Armenta stresses that Autoliv

competition in terms of sales attraction. To achieve this, we

sees it as essential that everything down to the smallest

have developed new active safety products that incorporate

component functions properly, without exception. “It is more

radar and other technologies to provide warnings before

cost-effective for an OEM to produce state-of-the-art safety

a crash or by affecting the vehicle’s braking and steering.”

products and technology in cooperation with us. We are

Advanced safety features such as Autoliv’s night vision

completely dedicated to safety so we have higher levels of

equipment provide a clear picture on the dashboard of any

technology, R&D, and personnel. This efficiency is making

object in front of the car, giving the driver greater control.

technology more readily available and cost-effective for

Armenta explains that although this sort of technology

OEMs,” states Armenta.

might appear to be only accessible to the premium vehicle


segment, it is actually relatively inexpensive. Collaboration

Now that the Swedish firm’s reputation as a global leader

with OEMs has also paved the way for new developments.

is becoming more established in Mexico, supply requests

“For example, Autoliv installed a pedestrian airbag with

have been steadily been pouring in. “Our business with

Volvo, which will protect a pedestrian hit by a car by releasing

Toyota used to be practically non-existent, but now we are

an external airbag to cover the windshield and lessen the

quoting more and more to them. We are also continuously

impact.” When new technology becomes available, OEMs

receiving more requests for quotes from Nissan and Mazda,”

can reduce their own R&D costs. Autoliv holds 5% of patents

says Armenta. Autoliv’s Toluca plant now supplies American,

relating to safety components worldwide and has technical

European, and Japanese OEMs in Mexico, with Chrysler, Ford,

R&D facilities spread across Sweden, China, India, and US.

BMW, Volkswagen, and Nissan being its largest customers.

DRIVING HOME AUTOMOTIVE SAFETY IN MEXICAN MARKET As Mexico is fast becoming a hub for the production of

“the main cause of fatal accidents is when the vehicle leaves

automotive components for North America, companies like

the road, so in response, TRW developed a radar system

TRW Automotive (TRW), a leading supplier of automotive

that keeps the vehicle aligned on the road.” The added

systems, modules, and components to OEMs, are reaping

advantages of this system is that it is can alert the driver if an

the benefits. TRW’s main focus is on occupancy safety,

emergency situation is imminent and detects if the vehicle

which is reflected in its product range of airbags, seatbelts,

is getting too close to an obstacle and activates the breaks.

and steering wheels, as well as chassis, boosters, and master

However, improving safety standards is no longer enough

cylinders. The company’s Director General, Alberto de Icaza,

on its own as the latest innovations in the automotive

explains that the pace of growth witnessed in Mexico has

sector have moved on to trends like sustainability. “All these

been a positive surprise, especially when comparing auto

technologies are now being made more ecologically friendly.

parts for the Mexican and Brazilian automotive industries.

The steering wheel no longer uses engine power while the

“Sales for the auto parts industry in Mexico amount to over

braking system no longer needs a vacuum and no engine

US$80 billion yearly. In comparison, Brazil makes more cars

power is needed for that either,” adds de Icaza. “Lessening

than Mexico, but the Brazilian auto parts industry amounts

the use of the engine power lowers emission levels and

to less than US$40 billion a year,” he says. Mexico’s growth

helps promote a friendlier environmental brand image for

has clearly been fuelled by North American demand, but

our clients.” As these products enter the Mexican and global

even that market’s pace of growth has caught some off

market, TRW has seen growth in its electronics division. At

guard. “Growth in North America has been much faster

present, such technologies are demanded especially by

than we expected given the remaining fallout of the 2008

luxury segments, but they are slowly beginning to spread to

financial crisis,” states de Icaza. This growth has been the

other vehicle segments.

fuel through which TRW has increased sales and expanded its Mexican plants to 11, counting over 14,000 employees.

“Nissan first presented these advancements with the Leaf

Currently, 100% of TRW’s North American production takes

and Mercedes-Benz did the same thing with its S-Class,”

place in Mexico, but de Icaza explains that TRW now views

says de Icaza. “However, TRW is concerned that the fun that

the country as such a trusted base that it has made it a

comes with driving may be stripped away through these

global product site for products such as callipers.

innovations. The technology for automated vehicles is there, but we do not want to go too far that the enjoyment of

TRW understands that safety is one of the major factors

driving is lost.” Therefore TRW has set itself the challenge

affecting the consumer’s vehicle purchasing decision. As

of creating safer vehicles, while allowing the driver to retain

such, the company seeks to achieve the highest safety

full control of the driving experience. “For example, in case

rating possible by collaborating with OEMs to develop

of an emergency, the electric steering can take over and

the right products and successfully integrate them into

move the vehicle, but the force is not so strong that the

its designs. TRW divides safety into two main categories:

driver cannot also change the direction,” explains de Icaza.

active and passive. The prior refers to passenger protection such as seatbelts, steering wheels, and airbags,

As integrated safety systems expand to the whole vehicle,

while the latter tackles vehicle dynamics, including

they are also becoming a major consideration for the

chassis management, brakes, steering, and suspension. Its

consumer market worldwide. However, de Icaza believes

electronics division unite these two into one safety unit. De

this trend has not fully caught on in the Mexican consumer

Icaza explains how TRW has sought to keep up with the

market. “It is unfortunate that the Mexican authorities are a

increasing sophistication required in automotive safety

little behind on that,” he adds. Mexico’s vehicle production

systems. “TRW has a wide range of airbag systems that

is mainly for exportation so all vehicles meet the safety

are integrated into other safety systems like seat belts.

standards of any region, but de Icaza points out that OEMs

Sensors enable the airbags to calibrate their output, based

adapt vehicles for each market. “In Mexico, you have the

on several criteria like crash severity and occupant size.

option to have ABS and airbags, and including safety

The integration of passive and active safety components

products in a vehicle or not comes down to the decision of

into one single network has pushed the boundaries of

each buyer. Mexico’s safety protocols are similar to those

safety in the automotive industry.”

in Europe because the market conditions are alike and the focus is on protecting the pedestrians. In contrast, the

One of TRW’s most recent innovations is the electric

American market looks at protecting the vehicle and it has

steering wheel that incorporates electronics to help the

stricter rules regarding the protection of the occupants,”

driver maintain control of the vehicle. De Icaza says that

explains de Icaza.


OBSTACLES TO SOURCING FROM MEXICAN SUPPLIERS With the majority of automotive production in Mexico

Another challenge that any potential supplier must meet

targeting the US market, this country’s standards are most

is the ability to deliver products in low volumes. Moran

often used to assess whether a supplier is qualified or not.

explains that a lot of suppliers do not want to work with

This situation has placed Roberto Moran, Procurement

MAN Truck & Bus based on this limitation. “It is difficult

Manager for MAN Truck & Bus, in an odd position. The

to find suppliers who can provide the right volume levels.

Volkswagen subsidiary tends to use European standards,

Most of them work with light vehicle OEMs who require

but must deal with suppliers that are very US-centric

far larger volumes than we do. Suppliers have to see us

in their orientation and way of doing business. “US and

as additional volume rather than as their main customer.

European standards do not match perfectly, which means

They need to have a flexible production base in order to

spending time and money to clarify whether or not we can

supply us,” explains Moran. One important factor that

use certain products,” says Moran. “The main difference

can tip the odds the other way is that when a supplier is

is in the size and the measurements being used, which

chosen to work with MAN Truck & Bus, it has the chance

can result in some practical difficulties. Our drawings

to work with other companies in the Volkswagen group.

and specifications do not match theirs, so we need to

Moran acknowledges that these stringent standards and

align both sides.” Another difference is the variation in

requirements do make it hard for the company to source

emissions standards. Europe sets Euro standards while the

more local suppliers. The fact that the quality control for

US sets EPA standards. Furthermore, the Euro standards

Mexico is run out of Brazil only adds a further level of

become more stringent and complex each year, meaning

complexity. “It can take from six months to a year to bring

that MAN Truck & Bus has to address fresh challenges with

a new supplier on board. Not having the ability to establish

each improvement.

a new supplier here by ourselves means a lot of time is

“OEMs need to adapt their technology to the market they are in but suppliers must become better adapted to suit the variety of markets that might be supplied from Mexico as a production hub” Roberto Moran, Procurement Manager of MAN Truck & Bus Mexico


Moran explains that when analyzing which technology

being lost. We would like to have our own engineering and

to use in the Mexican market, MAN Truck & Bus must

quality processes in place in Mexico,” adds Moran. Despite

balance out the cost of its own investments versus those

these challenges, the company is looking for suppliers in

it wants to see from its suppliers. “The volumes we move

Mexico and the US for almost all areas, including axles,

in Mexico do not justify the investment needed to develop

chassis, engines, and lead springs. He points out that

a new engine for this market. OEMs need to adapt their

the government has launched initiatives to support the

technology to the market they are in but suppliers must

cooperation between OEMs and local suppliers by helping

become better adapted to suit the variety of markets that

the suppliers develop the right quality systems. MAN Truck

might be supplied from Mexico as a production hub,” he

& Bus has been working directly with the government of

says. He accepts that this adaptation is not easy to do for

Queretaro to host workshops that will train suppliers. The

suppliers and is beyond the financial capabilities of many.

amount of parts the company imports naturally varies on

This is why MAN Truck & Bus prefers to bring parts from

the product itself. “Around 25% of components for the

long-term suppliers in countries where the technology is

8-tonne trucks we produce are sourced in Mexico, with

already being produced. However, the company is now

the rest coming from Germany. For other lines, we source

actively looking to increase its Mexican supply base. A

most of the parts from Brazil. We are actively looking for

dedicated team visits potential suppliers to assess them

more suppliers in Mexico, and encouraging our Brazilian

on a variety of areas, including engineering, quality

procurement team to source here,” says Moran. Part of the

control, and purchasing. If any one section of the team

process in procuring more parts from Mexico is increasing

has a problem with a supplier, the selection process will

the Brazilian team’s confidence in the Mexican supply base.

halt. Any who pass this audit must then send prototypes

For this to succeed, Moran knows the next batch of parts

to MAN Truck & Bus’ offices to ensure their products meet

that MAN Truck & Bus sources from Mexican suppliers

the company’s own BBI quality system.

must avoid any quality problems whatsoever.


SUPPLIERS REWARDED FOR COMMITMENT AND INNOVATION DIRK GROSSE-LOHEIDE Vice President North America Purchasing of Volkswagen Q: How would you rate Mexico’s capacity to meet the

further proof of Mexico’s competitive position. We only turn

manufacturing and procurement needs of European

to suppliers and providers in the US to source technologies


that we cannot find here in Mexico. If neither of those options

A: Mexico has a very privileged position as it neighbors

is open to us, then we have to look to import from overseas.

the biggest market in the world, while its range of FTAs

We keep all our suppliers aware of our production plans,

allows for great exportation possibilities. Our competitors

and they all have the capacity to keep up with production. A

are aware of this and take full advantage of it as we do,

problem would only arise if we decided to abruptly change

which is why there is so much investment coming to Mexico.

our pace of growth. We also have an enormous network of 12

Most OEMs are present in Mexico, and the ones that are not

companies that could all be considered OEMs. Within those

present are publicly or privately contemplating it.

OEMs, we count with 40,000 engineers on a global level. Because of this, Volkswagen does not need to collaborate

Q: How are global automotive purchasing tendencies

with its competitors as we have enough resources to handle

affecting regions like Mexico?

all our projects through our own supply chain.

A: On the global level, the boom of three years ago is no longer present. China is growing but not at the same rate,

Q: What have been Volkswagen’s main contributions to

the US is also growing but faces competitiveness issues,

the development of the Mexican automotive supply chain?

and Europe is in a recession. The growth potential is mainly

A: Mexico is not a low-tech manufacturing country.

found in the North American region, specifically Mexico. As

Although there is a difference between Mexico and some

a company, we are consolidating our supplier base here in

parts of Europe, the difference is not that large. We have

Mexico and installing high technologies. Along with Audi,

brought the excellence and technology of Volkswagen to

we are pioneers in bringing luxury vehicles to the Mexican

Mexico, and our Audi technology has also become very well

market, including very complex technologies that are not

integrated. We are very concerned with reducing waste

present here but that must be made available immediately.

and energy consumption in our production plants. In the same manner, we encourage all of our providers to adopt

Q: What are the main criteria based on which you choose

the same philosophy. In fact, ten to 15 of the companies in

your suppliers?

our supply chain have formally committed to follow suit.

A: Suppliers must be prepared to deliver the quality and high

We also work on R&D with our suppliers at different levels.

technology that we require at a competitive price and in line

There is room for growth in local sourcing, especially in

with the Volkswagen mentality. Our principal suppliers work

finding suppliers of raw materials.

in conjunction with us to develop new technologies, and ultimately new cars, through a healthy competitive mindset.

Q: How have Volkswagen’s procurement priorities in

Volkswagen produces 25% of the material for its models

Mexico evolved?

and purchases 75% from providers. It is very important for

A: When I arrived in Mexico two years ago, our main task

us to have a good relationship with our suppliers to ensure

was to prepare our providers to ensure that they were

that everyone benefits. Many companies fulfill all of our

capable of meeting our future production levels. This

requirements, but these are not necessarily big multinationals.

was a necessary process after Volkswagen launched two

Last year, one of Volkswagen’s annual excellence awards was

production plants back-to-back. Our second challenge was

given to a Mexican company, A&P Solutions in Puebla. We

to get these same providers ready for the launch of the new

give out 25 of these awards worldwide and they are highly

Golf, the production of which was announced in January

competitive. This speaks highly as to the quality of local

2014 at the Puebla plant. Now, the growth in the market has

suppliers who can compete with the world’s best standards.

led us to reveal the Audi plant, which is our biggest project

90% of our suppliers for our Mexican plants are from the

at the moment. We are completely committed to Mexico,

North American region and 80% are from Mexico. This is

and we have put all our chips on the table to prove it.


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LOCAL SUPPLIERS ANCHOR SEAT MAKER’S MEXICAN GROWTH GONZALO ESPARZA PEDROSA President of Tachi-S Mexico Q: What role has Mexico come to play in Tachi-S’ global

Mexico in the past, such as chemical companies, will now

operations as the company increasingly looks for growth

invest in the country as a result of the automotive boom.

opportunities outside the Asia-Pacific region? A: Traditional production sites have certainly shifted in recent

Q: Tachi-S entered Mexico through a JV with Nissan. How

years, and we now have a strong focus on markets like

challenging has it been to gain new clients outside the

Mexico and Brazil. For Tachi-S, Japan has long been our main

traditional Japanese OEM-supplier model?

market and our main manufacturing site. 2013 marked the

A: We did start off as a joint venture, but when internal

first year that Tachi-S produced more outside of Japan than

changes took place within Nissan, Tachi-S took over all

inside the country, which shows how much the situation has

operations to become Tachi-S Mexico. We then began

evolved. Mexico is playing a big role in this evolution and is on

searching for new clients, although our natural clients are

track to become Tachi-S’ biggest manufacturing site outside

the Japanese OEMs. We already had good connections to

of Japan. We are opening two new plants, which will see us

them, and companies like Mazda and Toyota brought us a

double in size, growing from our current 2,200 employees to

steady flow of opportunities. We are not limiting ourselves

almost 5,000. Tachi-S Mexico has traditionally been a maker

to the Japanese market as we are in touch with OEMs that

of automotive seat set assembly and a Tier 1 supplier of

may be coming into Mexico such as Mercedes-Benz. We

seating systems, but we are diversifying our business model.

are actually being approached by clients as they need

We are now aiming to increase our Tier 2 presence to provide

good local suppliers, and they have heard about us and

connected products like seat covers and headrests.

our experience.

Q: Tachi-S sources 80% of materials locally. How did you

Q: What opportunities do you see for growth in the

put such a successful local supplier base in place?

premium segment?

A: My first job at Tachi-S 22 years ago was as Purchasing

A: One of our major goals is to move from producing

Manager. At that time, we sourced absolutely everything

traditional systems to luxury brand quality systems. We are

from Japan but we gradually started looking for more and

shifting in this way right now. We foresee an influx of more

more localization opportunities. Today, we have reached a

luxury brands, like Mercedes-Benz and Infiniti, and we want

level of 80% locally sourced content at the Tier 2 level. This

to be ready for that. Tachi-S already has these processes

level decreases as you go down the supply chain, and by

in place in Japan and based on this experience, we have a

Tier 5, only around 55% of the supply is locally sourced. The

good chance to secure this kind of business in Mexico.

deeper you go, the more and more difficult it becomes to source locally, especially when it comes to raw materials

Q: To what extent are local and federal authorities

or chemicals. That means that we have to continue

effectively supporting the automotive industry?

working hard to develop local suppliers and to grow our

A: The government of Aguascalientes has provided support

current relationships. We have been able to convince

with the cost of training young local talent and have helped

some foreign companies to come to set up operations in

us find the right land to expand our operations. Every state

Aguascalientes. The more content you can source locally,

is offering different incentives. At the federal level, our

the more opportunities exist to maximize the benefits of the

biggest concern is the implementation of the new taxation

NAFTA free trade agreement. In consequence, OEMs see

regulations, which result in additional costs for companies

our high levels of locally sourced materials as a real benefit.

like us. These measures may force companies to look for

With more and more companies establishing themselves

ways to reduce costs, but there are only two ways to do this:

in Mexico in the coming years, we will find it increasingly

pass the cost on to the customers or reduce the employee

easy to find local suppliers. I foresee us being able to get

base. We cannot take the first option, but we also do not

upwards of 80% local content, even at the Tier 5 level. I

want to affect our labor force. Unions must be flexible so

am certain that companies that were hesitant to come to

that we can share the impact of the taxation changes.



UNIQUE TIRE OFFERING NEEDED FOR UNIQUE VEHICLE MARKET MARTIN ROSALES President and Director General of Goodyear Mexico Q: How does Mexico fit in Goodyear’s strategy for the

Premium sports cars are also becoming more popular,


which is another segment we want to grow in. Trucks are

A: Latin America is a very important market for the tire

also very important in Mexico and many are imported

industry in general. Mexico is our second largest market in

from the US but nobody is producing radial-ply tires

Latin America after Brazil, and is considerably larger than

here for those vehicles. We are not pursuing volume for

the third largest market. Latin America was the first place

volume’s sake, as we only want to expand in segments that

Goodyear expanded to outside the US, entering the Mexican

offer the best growth projections for us and our dealers.

market in 1973. Since I took up this post in January 2013, my

Premium cars, premium radial light trucks, and premium

strategy has been to exploit the unique nature of the Mexican

SUVs present the best growth opportunities. Our run-

market to drive growth. Chile might be as open as Mexico

flat Dunlop and Goodyear tires are very successful with

for foreign trade but Mexico’s geographical location and

premium cars coming into Mexico from Europe, as the road

business climate make it unique. Vehicles come from all over

quality here means the right sort of tires are necessary.

the world into the Mexican market, creating a very varied

In the commercial vehicles segment, trucks tend to be

vehicle mix. Goodyear is seeing great results here, growing

overloaded here so our high-technology, heavy duty tires

38% year-on-year in a tire industry that is globally quite flat.

help give a better performance in those instances.

Q: How has Mexico allowed you to buck this stagnating

Q: What is the current brand perception of Goodyear in

industry trend?


A: A main reason for this strong growth is the time we

A: The end user that wants to buy a set of premium tires has

have spent conducting market research and analysis. This

different expectations to the one buying a set of economy

allowed us to identify the right products for the market,

tires. We want the end user to really understand our products,

in the right place and for the right price. Doing that is a

and we have launched a new brand awareness campaign in

must for the Mexican market, where the tire industry

Mexico to achieve that. All of our studies show that we have

is heavily dominated by major tire producers who are

the strongest brand awareness profile and purchasing intent

manufacturing tires locally. Nevertheless, around 60%

in Mexico. The last study we conducted showed that we have

of the tires used in Mexico are imported due to the vast

between 20-24% of purchasing intent in the market. We need

number of different segments that need to be catered to.

to keep increasing that level and keep investing in attracting

Some companies assume that the low-cost, second-hand

the younger customer. The US has a big influence in Mexico

vehicle market is the most active in Mexico, but it is not. A

when it comes to brand perception and desire to purchase.

lot of premium cars have been brought in from the US and Europe. Roughly 40% of the tire market is within the Tier 3

Q: What are your major sources for imports into Mexico?

segment, but that means around 60% is made up of mid-

A: We closed our production plant in Mexico in 2001, so

tier premium tires. The market is very interesting not only

we are now supporting the tire business by importing

because of the volumes of tires we can move but also due

products from all over the world. Most truck tires come

to the diverse range of vehicles we can service.

from the US, the economy truck segment is covered from Asia, we import car and SUV tires from the US and Europe,


Q: Where does Goodyear see the most appealing

and our high-tech plant in Luxembourg provides most of

opportunities for growth?

our high-tech products. The new cars that are imported

A: We have a major competitive advantage in the mid to

into Mexico are heavily dominated by Goodyear tires.

upper tier premium segment. Mexico has seen a major

We also sell to Nissan, Volkswagen, and Navistar locally

penetration of premium light trucks and SUVs, and

to support their production in Mexico. We mount 100% of

Goodyear can offer a superior product in these areas, for

Navistar’s tires for the Mexican, American, and Colombian

which our sales projections forecast continued growth.

markets, even when they are not Goodyear tires.


GLOBAL TIRE LEADER AIMS FOR NAFTA REGION SUPREMACY TOMÁS GRÁVALOS CEO of Pirelli México Q: How do your R&D capabilities in Mexico tie in to your

some point, so we get to know early on when this is going to

global R&D activities?

happen. We actively pursue vehicles that we believe we can

A: Technology has always been one of the drivers of Pirelli’s

add value to, and we had agreements to supply tires to OEMs

success, and our products have benefited the market through

before the ground was even broken for our plant in Silao.

innovation for decades. Our roots have always been in rubber products and working out how to optimize them, an area in

Q: How will Mexico rival Brazil in supplying the NAFTA

which we continue to invest heavily. For the startup of a new

region, and what position will Mexico have in Pirelli’s

facility like Silao, we have to bring in engineers from abroad to

global strategy?

get it swiftly up and running, while also hiring local engineers.

A: Pirelli’s global strategy has seen us focus on local

Many of the engineers we have hired in Mexico have been

production for local consumption. The NAFTA region

sent for training to Europe to get a real understanding of the

presents a critical growth opportunity for Pirelli. We

Pirelli way of working. When they return, their skill level makes

are the market leaders in Latin America where we have

them an integral part of the team. In the long-term, our goal is

been for over 100 years, but we are not the leaders in the

to continue growing the knowledge base of our Mexican R&D

NAFTA region. In order to reach our growth ambitions

group and fill it with local talent. Our global R&D center is in

for the premium segment, which is where we add the

Milan but our satellite R&D centers around the world play a

greatest value, we decided that we needed to have an

critical role in supporting it. As we move forward in supplying

additional manufacturing plant in the region. We chose

major OEMs in Mexico, we are also agreeing to supply locally,

Mexico as the base for this plant for many reasons

which requires local R&D. This has become a huge area of

including location, growth opportunities, education, and

importance to us. We are focusing our R&D in Mexico on

demographics. The technologies we are using in Silao are

“Green Performance”, which is our strategy to combine eco-

highly flexible, which is essential for the premium market,

friendly aspects with tire performance and safety.

and means we can produce many different types of tires in an efficient way. Some of the equipment is standard

Q: What is your approach to capturing consumer interest

within the tire industry and purchased from our suppliers,

in a market where your competition is already strong?

while other equipment is uniquely built and installed by

A: Capturing and holding on to our customer base among

Pirelli. Our technology is a combination of machine-based

OEMs is about creating long-term relationships, but

processes and human intervention that allows us to build

also about helping them to improve their cars. We have

high-performance but flexible equipment. Furthermore,

technology that makes the cars handle better, brake better,

our investment in Mexico gives us a three-day supply line

and achieve better fuel economy. In the premium segment

instead of a five to six week supply line, so we can be much

we are very good at fine-tuning the product to the car. These

more reactive to the local marketplace. We also have our

are very sophisticated vehicles that we can add value to.

own R&D center within the plant to create product lines

We also enjoy a very good brand perception amongst our

that specifically address the needs of the North American

consumer base. There really is a short list of tires that add

market, including all-season tires.

value and really give an extra edge. This is almost taken for granted now as speed-rated tires, H-rated and V-rated

We used to import 90% of what we sold in the NAFTA

tires, and low-profile tires were all invented by Pirelli. Some

region from outside, and many of the tires we sell today

of the early work we did with Ferrari involved creating tires

in Mexico are produced in Latin America and imported.

that were unheard of, such as the 17-inch tire. That type of

We have been doing that longer than most tire companies

evolution continues within Pirelli today and really helps us

have been in existence. But in a couple of years from now,

capture that consumer interest. Pirelli gets involved at a very

it will be a very different story. Our center will be full of

early stage of the design process. We know that every car

Mexican engineers and we will manufacture product lines

being made today will either be changed or discontinued at

developed specifically here for this market.



SUSTAINABLE RUBBER: RETREADING GOALS FOR MEXICO’S TIRE FUTURE DANIEL BENVENUTI President of Bridgestone México Q: The tire industry is predicted to grow to 2 billion tires a

various designs to help reduce rolling resistance, and the

year in the next three decades, which could place a huge

dispersion of the pigments in the spec of the compound.

strain on the supply of raw materials and rubber. How is

This works at the nano-technological level, where the

Bridgestone planning to address that in the long-term?

spec portion of the pigments is produced. The compound

A: The tire industry is very traditional as it continues

is uniform and measured in millimeters, hence why we

to use both synthetic and natural rubber. Our goal as a

need nanotechnology to disperse the pigments. We have

company is to supplant much of these raw materials with

other kinds of technology including run-flat, tires that can

environmentally friendly options. Bridgestone is conducting

run with no air, which improves safety. We are currently

an experimental study in Texas with guayule, a plant that

improving the third generation of run-flats for OEMs and

grows in desert areas and can replace natural rubber.

beyond. This technology was first produced in Japan and

Producing a rubber-free car tire requires at least seven

then extended to other facilities to sustain demand. With

years of research before production goes ahead, but with

our five technical centers around the world, Bridgestone is

guayule, it looks like production could start much sooner.

constantly coming up with fresh developments for its tires,

The new technology is in its testing stage and will be ready

such as new polymers.

for production in around two to three years. To replace raw materials, a reevaluation of the product is also needed, as

Q: What would you like to see happen in the next few

well as the establishment of new rules to determine if these

years to address the negative impact of used tires on the

products meet environmental requisites. I am convinced

Mexican market?

that in just five years, this industry will be drastically

A: Used tires and how to dispose them in accordance with

different from today. If such new materials are introduced,

environmental rules is the responsibility of companies, final

the way to produce cars will change dramatically.

users, the government and the community as a whole. Mexico does not prohibit the importation of used cars unlike

Q: What measures have you taken to reduce rolling

other Latin American countries. Every year, the government

resistance in your tires?

authorizes a quota of 1 million used tires a year for importation,

A: We have different kinds of technology applied to reduce

but the reality is that closer to 4 million used tires come from

rolling resistance. These efforts have two pillars: the design

the US annually. It is impossible to drive cars securely with

of different tires where one technology is applied to

such tires. But who will dispose of these old tires? Who is

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ultimately responsible? This is part of the major problem we

Q: What is Mexico’s importance to Bridgestone in terms

face with used cars coming illegally from the USA.

of its global operations, and what has been your strategy to drive growth here?

Q: What role do you think innovation should play in the

A: Bridgestone has a significant participation in Latin

industry in using old tires to make rubber?

America with different plants in countries such as Venezuela,

A: Along with Andellac and the government, we developed

Costa Rica, Brazil, and Argentina. In Mexico, we have plants

a national plan for the final disposal of used tires that

in Cuernavaca and Monterrey. Mexico plays a very important

started in Nuevo Leon with different points for final

role in our Latin America division, being the number

disposal. We recover 91% of the scrap and reuse it in our

one exporter of cars in the region with a close economic

Cuernavaca plant. For this program to fully succeed, there

relationship with the US. Our operations in Mexico are

needs to be a change in the Mexican culture toward the

strategic as the majority of the OEMs are already located

disposal of tires. Used tires can be used to build sports

here, new ones are arriving like Audi and BMW, and Hyundai

fields or can prove profitable in other ways. This is a big

may soon announce an investment. This means that in the

issue, but the government knows that more awareness

next two or three years, Mexico will become the number

about this is needed in Mexico.

one car exporter to the US. This will bring a major challenge to the industry regarding OE for car, light truck, and bus

Q: 40% of the heavy duty sector is made up of owner-

manufacturing, which Bridgestone is primed to meet. The

operators. How are you planning to capture more business

Mexican heavy vehicle industry produces around 140,000

from them and to encourage them to use new tires?

trucks and buses per year, and this total capacity is expected

A: Retreading makes the truck and bus sector different.

to double in the next ten years. As such, our expectations

The most important issue for owner-operators is the cost

for the future are bright, since the considerable investments

per kilometer and the lifespan of tires that can be obtained

entering the Mexican automotive industry are backed up

with retreading. Major fleets usually use new tires and then

by a positive economic situation. Bridgestone benefits

retread the tire carcasses two or three times. This requires

from already having a strategic position in Mexico as our

a good quality carcass which Asian tires lack, but they

Cuernavaca plant is 50% dedicated to OE. The engine of

still make up 50% of the market. Retread levels in the US

economic growth worldwide for the next ten years will be

stand at 1.5, meaning that the lifespan of tires circulating

in developing economies, as they offer greater possibilities

on US roads can be extended by 1.5 times. Mexico’s level

and potential for the future. For Bridgestone, Mexico is

is 0.7, due to there being 30% of poor quality carcasses

clearly within this group. During 2014, Mexico will probably

out there that cannot be retreaded. The retread market

return to healthy growth. Bridgestone expects to see growth

sees a variation in quality depending on the producer. For

across all segments of 2-2.5% above GDP for the next four

example, Bridgestone has a plant in Leon, Guanajuato, that

years, translating to growth expectations of around 5.5-6%.

produces all the retread compounds we need, and our Bandag brand covers 45-48% of all retreading in Mexico

Q: What business strategies has Bridgestone put in place

for the truck and bus sector.

to support this projected growth? A: Achieving this kind of growth is a big challenge. We

Q: What are you yearly investing in R&D, and how much of

already have 25% of the OE market share, and to support

that goes to the tire business?

it we need more investment and expansion to cover the

A: The most important investments we make are in tires,

new capacity Mexico is seeing in terms of car plants. Of

technology, new plants, and expansion in general. 80%

course, the challenge does not only lie in reaching the

of this is concentrated toward tires. The level of total

production level needed by the manufacturers, but also

investment varies from year to year but, in 2014, we are

to ensure our products continue to meet their evolving

investing US$16 billion in new plants globally. In 2011, we

quality demands as well. OE is a permanent challenge that

finalized the expansion of our Cuernavaca plant, which

pushes us to develop more competitive technology. We are

went from 16,500 units a day to 20,000 at a cost of US$100

talking about new green tires and ultra-high performance

million. R&D also takes up a solid chunk of our budget,

passenger tires, among others. Around 80% of our total

which is natural since Bridgestone is number one in total

production in Mexico is dedicated to the US market. All the

revenue for its sector. We have to maintain our number

cars that are exported to the US need to meet the highest

one place worldwide. In the US market, our participation

international standards in order to compete in this market.

varies between first and second place, depending on the

For this reason, Mexico provides a good opportunity for

segment. Across Latin America, except for Brazil, we are

Bridgestone to showcase its new technology and offer the

number one.

best to the final user.



GERMAN TIRE DNA IN THE MEXICAN MARKET JAVIER MENDOZA ALTAMIRANO Director General of Continental Tire for Mexico, Central America & The Caribbean

Q: What are the main opportunities for growth in Mexico

where we aim to develop skilled graduates for the

for Continental?

automotive industry.

A: Continental is recognized as a technologically driven tire company. Mexico is one of the most important countries

Our main opportunities for growth are with big fleets as they

for Continental, as is reflected by us having more than 10%

are more organized and have systems in place to measure

of our total amount of employees here. Furthermore, all of

savings. Owner-operators can also distinguish the difference

the group’s product lines are present in Mexico, including

between tires because they drive the vehicles and know

OE and aftermarket. In 2012, Continental acquired Parker

how much gasoline they put in the tank. However, small or

Group in Nuevo Leon, before buying Veyance in 2013.

medium fleets are difficult to convince because they usually

Nowadays Mexico is producing 3 million cars per year but

do not have control over such matters. It is difficult to show

in the next five years, this is expected to rise to 5 million

the cost per kilometer to a company that is unorganized. We

cars, indicating more business opportunities for us. The

have been working with Grupo ADO for ten years now and

strategy for Continental Mexico is to focus on the brand,

have about 45% of the total share of that fleet. Today, Grupo

expand our dealership network, and grow in the states

ADO is measuring not only the cost per kilometer or price

where we are not so strong. We currently have 15% of the

but also the service level, which is a new element where

OE market in Mexico, which means that 15% of the cars

we remain competitive. With OEMs, the real negotiation

produced in Mexico have Continental tires. We are leaders

takes place in the country of origin, such as Germany or

in rolling resistance for passenger vehicles, light trucks,

Japan. Nevertheless, we have direct contracts with Nissan,

and truck tires. Our current focus is to double down on our

Volkswagen, and Ford. We are also pushing door-to-door

environmental responsibility but also on the expansion of

sales by guaranteeing 36-hour delivery. We are open to all

knowledge through programs like Continental University,

the OEMs in the world, and we have good relationships with

ADVANCED BELT TECHNOLOGY RUNNING ACROSS VEHICLE SEGMENTS Gates began manufacturing goods and services for different

focuses on the development of high technology innovations

industrial sectors in the early 1900s. In the century since then,

in its laboratories in Europe, the US and Asia. But across all

it has solidified itself as a major automotive supplier based on

its operations, Gates seeks to instill one common belief. The

two main divisions: original equipment and replacement. In

firm believes that it is not just selling products, but providing

Gates’ OE division, the company works shoulder to shoulder

services while trying to stay one step ahead with innovative,

with its OEM clients to develop new equipment, new devices,

high-tech products that exceed the performance levels that

and new systems. Gates provides several high-performance

customers are expecting. Gates exports from its Mexican

products, formulas and designs that have provided an added

automotive facilities to China, Canada, and Europe. This

value in different areas within the automotive industry’s

broadening of export horizons leads Mendoza to believe that

value chain. Since the industry is constantly demanding

exciting times are here to stay, both for Gates and for Mexico,.

lower costs and higher performance, which implies the use


of a lot of technology both in the design of products and

Gates serves many industries, so it is no surprise that certain

in manufacturing processes. Gates’ clients motivate the

beneficial synergies exist as the company can transfer its

company to pursue such innovations, according to Victor

solutions from one industry to another. One clear example

Mendoza, Gates de México’s Director General. The company

is the high-tech light weight belt developed by Gates that

them all, despite our focus on German technology. Naturally,

certified by this program. All of the large international

we still work more frequently alongside German companies

companies could potentially do this, but we are the only

but we are aiming to increase our brand recognition so

ones that have made the effort to accomplish this. We are

customers are aware of our price, quality, performance,

providing 100% of the tires used by Penske, as it knows our

security, and technology. Pirelli, for example, has a good

quality and the money it can save through our technology,

image but we have more points of sale, which gives us more

and we are working with Kenworth, Navistar and other big

opportunities to educate potential customers. It is difficult

players, as well as with fleet operators, which are usually

to change OE tires when replacement shops are getting that

family-owned. We are also approaching big companies that

work. It is even more difficult if customers are only looking to

own large fleets like FEMSA and Grupo Bimbo, for which we

change one tire. However, when customers want to replace all

are now testing tires. Grupo Bimbo already has contracts

their tires, this presents a good opportunity for our dealers.

with Bridgestone and Michelin but they have a very strong

That is why we are opening up more dealerships, with the

focus on the environment and have seen good results with

most recent ones opening in Nuevo Leon, Tamaulipas, Baja

our tires. Our tires are 10% cheaper when compared to

California, and Sonora.

Michelin. And depending on the segment, Bridgestone can be 20% higher or lower than us.

Q: What role is Mexico playing in terms of R&D for Continental?

Q: What is the outlook for Continental Mexico for the

A: We are currently not developing technology in Mexico,

coming years?

although Continental Group just opened a R&D center

A: We had a very good second semester of 2013, in which

in Guadalajara with 2,500 employees. This center will

we completed our first ContiTech plant. However, the Fiscal,

develop technology for the automotive group, not for tires.

Labor, and other reforms caused a deceleration of the

Three years ago, we launched our ContiTech line of rubber

economy. Mexico does not have a good railway system so

products with its plant in Morelia, as this niche market is

90% of products move by truck. If we do not see growth in

particular for Mexico.

this sector, it means that the economy is not growing. For 2014, we plan to grow 10% in passenger and light trucks, and

Q: How does Continental technology match up against

14% in heavy trucks. For the former we are on track, but we

the technology of its key competitors?

are still lagging behind in heavy trucks. We are knocking on

A: The US Environmental Protection Agency has a program

doors, but companies are still organizing internally to absorb

called SmartWay Technology that tests and reviews the

the extra costs of the reforms. We are making a huge effort

performance of vehicles. Continental has the most products

to keep our prices competitive and to maintain quality.

is replacing heavy metal roller chains in power transmission

company has also developed an antistatic system in the

devices across various industries. For example, Harley-

belt for the automotive and industrials sectors, as well as a

Davidson has replaced all its metal chains for Gates belts, in

rubber that conducts electricity. In this way, the company

spite of the traditional image of motorcycles bearing roller

assures that better performance will not be accompanied

chains. Gates identified demand from the automotive industry

by sparks or static electricity that could ultimately damage

for a high performance, heavy duty leather transmission belt

the car. Staying close to customers means not only working

that would withstand the tough demands of a car engine.

with the OEMs themselves, but also with mechanics,

The decision was taken to swap leather for rubber and the

schools, and associations such as CEDVA. Gates provides

V-belt was born. The Gates philosophy of achieving change

methodologies, technical material, and training to enable

through innovation has remained a key driver ever since.

users to better understand the benefits of the high quality

Many of the products that Gates has launched, including the

products it manufactures and help owners improve vehicle

carbon belt now used by Harley-Davidson, have become a

efficiency. Gates also has an agreement in place with the CNT

benchmark for different industries.

(National Confederation of Workshops) to support them with training, courses, and conferences. According to a survey of

Recent innovation efforts have focused on different kinds

42,000 mechanics active in Mexico, Gates achieved an 85%

of power transmission belts with new, high, performance

preference rate. The company has nationwide contracts with

materials that can last 180,000km instead of the standard

several large companies, including Grupo Toluca, Quintanilla,

60,000km expected from regular belts. Gates proudly claims

FEMSA, and Grupo Bimbo, representing more than 14,000

that some of its products last longer than the car itself. The

vehicles using Gates products.









The new Versa is pushing the envelope in the subcompact

performance, is now the second-most sold vehicle in

segment and is solidifying its market position by integrating

Mexico. Having been manufactured in the country since

more technology and features in its Sense, Advance, and

2011, the Versa has fast become a lynchpin of Nissan’s

Exclusive versions. Its fuel economy stands at an EPA-

brand strategy as it has helped the OEM maintain its sales

estimated of 31mpg for city use and 40mpg on highways.

leadership for five consecutive years. From the launch

The Versa offers predictable handling and a quiet,

of the 2012 model to March 2014, over 300,000 Versa

comfortable ride. Nissan claims that the Versa has the

units have been built of which 30% supplied the domestic

most ample space in its class, which becomes evident in

market and the rest being exported to the US, Canada,

the rear set legroom. The Exclusive model offers additional

Argentina, and Brazil.

options include a multi-view camera, Bluetooth hands-free

phone integration, navigation system, push-button start,

not overlooked, as the Versa comes equipped with ABS,

and keyless entry. The Versa is powered by a 1.6-litre four-

stability control, and front, side, and side curtain airbags.

cylinder engine that produces 109hp. The engine features a

High efficiency remains key to Versa’s popularity, offering a

range of fuel efficiency enhancing technologies, including

practicality with a high degree of comfort and technological

a dual injector system that allows a wider injection of fuel

amenities make it the perfect combination for the life of

than other traditional systems. Likewise, smaller nozzles will

an average Mexican. The 2015 Versa will command a price

deliver a finer spray to help achieve a stable combustion.

upwards of US$14,039 in the domestic market and is the new

A five-speed manual transmission and front-wheel drive

generation of the model to incorporate Nissan’s innovative

are standard and a four-speed automatic transmission is

Pure Drive platform that focuses on sustainability, efficient

optional on the base sedan model. Safety features were

mobility, and reduction of C02 emissions.


Fidel Otake, Director General of GKN Driveline Mexico


Mexico are brought in by companies after being proven in

(GKN) holding 45% of the


other markets, the demands of the Mexican market directly

global sideshafts market

influence GKN’s strategy. Otake explains that Mexico is

and 75% of the Mexican

seeking premium cars moving to full transmission all-wheel

market, Fidel Otake could

drive, which requires more parts from GKN. A smaller

be forgiven for resting

front-wheel drive vehicle requires just two sideshafts, but

on his laurels. But as the

full transmission all-wheel drive cars can need up to eight

Director General for GKN

shafts, depending on the configuration of the transmission.

Driveline Mexico, the local subsidiary of the global

In order to cater to the evolving needs of the Mexican



market and the OEMs that move it, GKN has been investing

driveline components, he is aware that more growth in


in expanding its facilities in Mexico. By the end of 2013,

Mexico is there for the taking. “We are seeing significant

GKN had invested over US$233 million since 2005, with

growth in the NAFTA region, and one of our main strategies

US$40 million going to its facility in Villagran, Guanajuato,

is to grow the Mexican market, even beyond our current

in 2013 alone. “We want to increase our capacity in

75% market share,” he says. GKN’s presence in Mexico was

Villagran, mainly in machining which represents the largest

first established in 1979 through a joint venture, but GKN

part of our operations and is running at full capacity. We

took over 100% control in 2005, just as market growth

will be moving additional machining lines to that facility,

began to accelerate. At first, GKN’s strategy was for its

while the assembly line segment will also be growing,” says

US and Mexican operations to each service each country’s

Otake. While Mexico grows as a GKN manufacturing base,

domestic market. However, the small size of the US market

the company has also had to find the right suppliers to

soon led to realignment with Mexican facilities beginning

support that growth. Otake states that GKN’s purchases

to support the US market. Otake points out that since

are more or less equally divided between local Mexican

this decision, GKN has gone from producing 1.8 million

suppliers, the rest of the NAFTA region, and Asia. While

sideshafts in Mexico in 2005 to around 7.5 million in 2013,

the company has a conscious strategy to source more

and is seeking to reach 9.5 million by 2015. Establishing a

products locally, it has faced troubles in doing so. GKN

top-notch facility in Celaya, Guanajuato, has proved wise

now hopes to meet its targets for locally sourced products

twofold for GKN. It allowed the company to service the US

within the next five years. “The right suppliers are not easy

market from Mexico and put it in prime position to supply

to find, since the automotive industry has such specific

OEMs in the central region of Mexico.

requirements. Sometimes the volume of work is not large enough to justify a new supplier facility, which forces us

Today, this double priority sees GKN investing heavily in

to source from other parts of the world. The other issue is

its Mexican machine and forging operations to cater to

the quality our suppliers can provide since it can take up

the US and Mexican markets. “We mainly sell our products

to a year to develop and implement our full quality control

to OEMs based in Mexico but we do send some to OEMs

system with a new supplier,” says Otake.

based in the US. Our major clients include Chrysler, GM,


Volkswagen, and Ford, for whom we produce shafts for

GKN’s long history in Mexico has made it a desirable place

most segments,” says Otake. He explains that when it

to work, according to Otake, adding that this allows the

comes to shafts, all sections of the automotive industry

firm to pick the right people and make a difference to the

have very similar requirements, ranging from premium to

quality of the products it makes. “New plants are opening

low-cost vehicles. While cost remains the big differentiator,

in the center of Mexico, which is obviously increasing

the pressure to create low emission vehicles has seen

demand for employees, but that has not been a major

efficiency being scrutinized in all aspects of the car. This

issue so far. We added around 200 people in 2013 to take

has seen GKN working on revising all the joints it produces

our Mexican staff numbers to 1,800,” he adds. Engineers

to help reduce emissions. “Every two or three years, we

are often hired out of university and put through a

develop a new generation of joints. We have reduced the

one-year training program to reach a desired level of

overall weight of the shafts to make them more efficient

knowledge. Further career development takes between

while maintaining our quality and durability,” he adds.

five and seven years for the engineers to develop the right

Mexico is at the core of updating GKN’s joints as the

mix of competences GKN looks for. After that, specific

company’s local tech center tests and reviews all designs

specializations are open to them, such as becoming

for new joints. Where many technological advances in

product engineers.


TURBOCHARGER DEMAND WILL SEE MEXICAN PRODUCTION SOAR STEFAN DEMMERLE Vice President of BorgWarner Inc. Q: How does BorgWarner view the Mexican market, since

A: BorgWarner actively develops relationships with its

North America is one of the fastest growing turbocharger

suppliers through its robust global commodity management

markets in the world?

system. From strategy development to choosing the right

A: BorgWarner products are manufactured at four facilities

suppliers and ensuring sustainability in the supply chain, our

in Mexico, representing nearly all of our technologies. In

commodity strategy is based on delivering results. In fact,

addition to turbochargers, BorgWarner produces engine

our businesses have won awards for their risk assessment

timing systems, HY-VO® chains, ignition technologies,

models and commodity database tools. Both of these

transmission components, all-wheel drive technologies and

have proved highly effective in increasing efficiency for

exhaust gas recirculation (EGR) coolers, valves, and modules

BorgWarner and its selected supply partners.

in Mexico. This is the perfect site for our production base, as BorgWarner forecasts that turbocharger production

Q: Which products in your portfolio are most effective in

will more than double in the next five years, with global

improving engine efficiency?

volumes for light-vehicle turbochargers growing from 29

A: For engine timing systems, the key to improving engine

million in 2014 to 43 million in 2019. Since it was established

efficiency is reducing the power wasted through parasitic

in 2008, BorgWarner’s turbocharger plant in Ramos Arizpe,

losses. For example, friction wastes power, so reducing

Coahuila, has steadily increased capacity to meet growing

friction means there is more power available to move the

demand in North America. This plant supplies turbochargers

vehicle. Less friction also leads to improved fuel economy,

for passenger cars and trucks, including those powered

higher durability, and less noise. BorgWarner engineers

by Ford’s 3.5-liter Ecoboost engines. Besides, Mexico also

use state-of-the-art testing and simulation techniques to

offers excellent opportunities for BorgWarner’s Emissions

understand where and how friction occurs throughout the

Systems products, including EGR coolers, valves, ignition

engine timing system: engaging sprockets, around arms

coils, and modules, since volumes for these products are

or guides, and between links and pins. Our engineers have

expected to grow significantly.

developed advanced designs and manufacturing processes to reduce friction up to 25% or more. Precisely curved link

Q: Outside of Ramos Arizpe, how is the manufacturing of

backs reduce the contact area and friction while increasing

advanced engine timing systems in Jalisco for Volkswagen

contact pressure and promoting lubrication. Fine link

driving growth for the company?

punching technology reduces variation for less friction

A: BorgWarner’s engine timing chains and tensioners

between links and pins, while hard-coated pin technology

reduce friction and weight to help improve fuel economy

also improves durability.

for Volkswagen’s 2.0-liter and 1.8-liter DOHC I4 engines. Volkswagen is initially expecting to build over 300,000

Q: What have been the most successful innovations you

engines per year at its new engine plant in Mexico, with the

have made to improve overall operational performance of

potential for higher volumes in the future. We are pleased


to provide localized production to support its expansion

A: Our powertrain solutions have long aimed to improve

into the North American market. At the same time, the


government is increasing fuel economy standards, and

innovations have garnered numerous awards, including

consumers are demanding more miles to the gallon.

eight Automotive News PACE Awards. The most recent

BorgWarner’s industry-leading silent chains and hydraulic

award was presented for the Eco-Launch™ solenoid valve,

tensioners feature low-noise, low-weight, and low-friction

which helps stop/start systems improve fuel economy

technologies to meet just these types of market needs.

with smoother launches during restarts. Other innovations






include the first regulated three-stage (R3S) turbocharging Q: What criteria does BorgWarner use to choose its long-

system for diesel engines and the first mass-production

term suppliers?

turbocharger with low pressure EGR technology.


When it comes to

good is nev


product quality,

ver good enough.



BEARINGS COMPANY FINDS PROFIT FROM AUTOMOTIVE NEED CARLOS FERNANDO GARCÍA MARTÍNEZ Managing Director of Timken de México Q: How does Timken organize its operations in the

A: There is a market for everything here as Mexico is seeing

Mexican market?

huge demand for high-spec and high-quality products.

A: Timken has been operating globally for 114 years and

Investment in high-tech products has been growing since

has been established in Mexico for 61 years. During that

industries like aerospace and automotive require these for

time, Mexico has become a source of global growth for us.

their machines. Historically, Timken has been a leader in

Historically, Timken was focused on industries such as oil

the quality and performance of tapered bearings with a

and mining, but the automotive sector has now become

market share of 46%. However, this brings up a challenge

a strategic business area. The revenue that comes from

as introducing new products does not necessarily see them

our automotive division represents a significant part of

being used at a high level of sophistication. To counter

our total business operations. The automotive division

this, Timken goes to potential customers and helps them

is divided into three big segments: original equipment,

identify problems or areas with higher maintenance costs.

steel, and aftermarket. The latter is further divided into

We then develop an integral solution and proposal, as well

two subdivisions: automotive and industrial, which have

as conducting one-month trials with our product. If the

comparable levels of business. The industrial side is

product outlasts the competition by a month and solves

typically more profitable because of the high specification

the problem then we charge for it, if it is unsuccessful

of those products.

then it remains free. We do not approach business with a price list solution as we tackle problems and offer unique

Q: What specific growth opportunities has Timken

solutions. We do not use this business approach openly,

identified in the automotive sector?

just with larger companies. This process goes ahead every

A: There are great growth opportunities across all business

time we launch a new product. As the global authority on

segments. Timken is one of the most profitable bearings

bearings, Timken has the ability to go back and improve its

companies in the world, and in line with this, we have

bearings so they always outlast our competition.

considerably grown our portfolio and product availability in Mexico. We have doubled our part-number availability in

Q: How are your R&D and innovation efforts impacting the

important and basic line-ups like bolt bearings. Timken has

Mexican automotive industry?

also been acquiring new external companies to complement

A: Innovation is a source of growth for Timken and we make

its portfolio. One recent purchase was Interlube, a British

large investments in technology development. The focus of

company providing technological lubrication solutions for

our recent innovation investments has been to continuously

vehicles and industrial machinery. New products help us

offer new products for mid-range and heavy duty trucks.

better penetrate the Mexican market and take advantage

Offering new products that provide integral solutions is

of the new investments coming from OEMs and Tier 1 and

how Timken has seen its revenue grow in Mexico. These

2 suppliers. Our focus is to help these companies improve

innovations for trucks have led to a reduction in maintenance

their profitability. To achieve this, we created the biggest

time, an increase in performance, an improvement in load

authorized distribution network in Mexico. Our strategy is also

capacity, as well as a decrease in CO2 emissions and fuel

to focus on premium solutions since we are not interested

consumption. OEMs appreciate these advantages and they

in the volume business. We create tailored solutions that

have delivered positive results in the aftermarket business

address challenges that had previously not been solved by

as well. Technicians and end-users appreciate the lack of

other products. Timken strives to provide integral solutions

unnecessary adjustments to our products as they save

with high quality and performance, which means price will

money and improve the lifecycle of their vehicles. Other

always be the last of our considerations.

important innovations to Timken’s product portfolio have been a 10% capacity increase for tapered bearings and an


Q: Is the Mexican market more oriented toward quality

automated lubrication system that improves maintenance

and profitability or volume and cost?

by automatically lubricating gears and bearings.

LEAN MANAGEMENT APPROACH HELPS RUN VAST PORTFOLIO Counting down to the smallest screw and bolt, the

A lean management approach has been adopted across

average car compiles over 30,000 parts, so it comes as

the whole of Parker Hannifin’s global operations. The

no surprise that some automotive suppliers have a varied

need to produce in the leanest way possible means

product portfolio. Parker Hannifin is one such diversified

grouping production sites together, which has opened up

component supplier with eight different business groups.

the possibility of bringing new products to the Mexican

In Mexico, six of the group’s specializations are represented:

market. “When a product is released, we see if there is

fluid connectors, automation, hydraulics, filtration systems,

demand for its application in Mexico. If so, we offer it. Of

instrumentation, and refrigeration. “Across every sector,

course, there are cases where the volume does not justify

Parker Hannifin has more than 1 million products and

the investment in new machinery to manufacture these

we participate worldwide in the automotive sector with

products in Mexico. As Mexico’s potential increases, some

over 900 products,” explains General Manager Francisco

parts that Parker Hannifin had sent to be manufactured in

Dávila. This diversified product base has made it essential

China eight years ago are now returning here. Mexico has

for Parker Hannifin to follow a lean business model and

become more competitive and its proximity to the US is an

develop a consolidated brand image in the mind of

added advantage,” says Dávila.

customers. The company is now looking to build a plant in Mexico that Creating a unified front began with the merging of all

will incorporate two facilities into one while allowing space

sales points in Mexico, which was important for the

for new processes to grow. Bringing new products into the

efficiency of operations since Mexico holds an important

market may be the first step towards bringing full-blown

position within the company’s growth strategy and is a

R&D capacity here, and it is expected that the new plant

point of contact to a number of OEM customers spread

will contain a dedicated laboratory for specific products

across the US, South American, European, and even

and research. “Right now our Mexican operations lack an

Asian markets. Merging sales points creates an added

R&D focus, so we need to develop more research in this

advantage for the company’s distribution network.

market in order to reach our goals and move along the

“Distributors represent approximately 60% of sales

certification process.” In searching for a site for the new

in Mexico, while 30% of products go directly to OEMs,

plant, the company considered a number of locations.

and the remaining 10% is exported,” says Dávila. “Today,

Incentives were offered by some states, such as Queretaro,

Parker Hannifin has over 200 distributors spread across

which offered to pay for the training of the company’s

Mexico, who are all linked to an in-house system that

workers, but the final decision was made to settle on a

enables them to see orders and inventories in real-time

second site in Parker Hannifin’s current base of Toluca.

and place orders electronically,” explains Dávila. The

Dávila rationalizes the decision by explaining that most of

philosophy behind this service is presenting one face

the company’s skilled workers are already based there, and

to the customer by creating only one point of entry for

a survey of the staff revealed that 95% of them would be

orders, shipment locations, and invoices, for products

unwilling to relocate.

originating from all groups within the company. Its distributors serve most automotive facilities throughout the country, often located far from Parker Hannifin’s own sites. “This meant it was important to make sure that the distributors represent the brand properly in terms of customer service and quality,” states Dávila. All of the company’s divisions worldwide have to be certified by the Parker WIN certificate, which lies at the core of the company’s operations. “By the end of 2014, all divisions have to be certified and their quality and customer service achievements will be ranked as bronze, silver, or gold,” says Dávila. All divisions must first acquire the bronze level and then move upwards. Dávila expects that the Mexican operations will soon earn the bronze award, and strategies are already in place to move up to silver and then to gold within two years.

“When a product is released, we see if there is demand for its application in Mexico. If so, we offer it. Also, some parts that had been sent to be manufactured in





here. Mexico has become more competitive and its proximity to the US is an added advantage” Francisco Dávila, General Manager of Parker Hannifin de México



CHEMICAL INNOVATION CONTINUES DESPITE SOURCING TROUBLES LEFT: Michael Stumpp, President of BASF Group Mexico, CA, and Caribbean RIGHT: Frank Hezel, Vice-President Coatings Division of BASF Mexicana

Q: What are the main areas of interest in the Mexican

materials can take years to be approved. Plastic rims are

chemical industry for BASF today?

an example of this.

MS: Mexico is an important export country as part of the North American region, and at the same time a strong

Q: How much of a concern is the lack of access to raw

market in its own right for BASF products. When I was here

materials, and what other challenges exist?

20 years ago, money was leaving Mexico but now money

FH: The lack of raw materials has become a concern

is being invested, with generated profit being reinvested

because we are heavily dependent on importation of basic

once again. I see a newfound confidence in the country

raw materials for most of the primary materials that are

that was not here 20 years ago. Moreover, capital markets

converted into final products like paint or plastic parts.

have confidence in Mexico, a situation which differs from

Feedstock availability is a problem, as the general chemical

many other emerging markets that are seeing an exodus

industry in Mexico has to import 70% and BASF imports

of capital. Additionally, the debt rate of the country, when

90%. This tripartite relationship of feedstock availability,

compared to countries in Europe, is quite low. One of the

energy costs, and logistics flow has to be fully addressed

challenges still facing the chemical industry in Mexico is

in Mexico. Also, currency fluctuation and inflation issues

a general lack of raw material access. Nevertheless, it is

can negate the benefits of the very attractive labor costs

an exciting market that has occupied a prominent spot in

in Mexico and that is a problem that needs to be balanced.

the last couple of years and as such we must foster even more growth.

Q: BASF has six major Verbund sites worldwide, although not in Mexico. How developed are your Mexican sites

Q: How has the role of the chemical content in cars

today, and which areas are seeing particular investment?

changed, and what are BASF’s contributions to this?

MS: BASF has five major sites in Mexico, we are heavily

FH: Together with our partners, we are driving research and

invested in North America and have a strong presence on

innovation to develop leading automotive solutions. These

both sides of the border. Coatzacoalcos has become the

innovations will help automakers address the challenges

heart of basic chemistry in Mexico and it will play a big

of today and tomorrow, such as emissions reduction, heat

role in the future, but our customer base is not in that area.

management, passenger experience, e-mobility, weight

When selecting a site, it is important for us to have both

reduction, sustainability, and fuel efficiency. We work

sideward and backward integration. Sideward integration

closely with designers, engineers, and manufacturers to

means that one plant can use the waste stream of another

apply innovative ideas to develop an exceptional, sensory

plant as feedstock and create a balance of energy and

experience. Even the subtlest of vehicle encounters from

chemical processes on site since some processes generate

grasping a door handle to the sheen of the exterior’s

heat, whilst others absorb heat. Sideward integration

design shapes the passenger experience.

is something that is achievable and is currently being implemented at our site in Altamira, but backward

Trends are created by consumer demand, and in the end

integration is impossible there because we do not have

a trend is what people will pay for. One of the biggest

either production or access to raw materials.

trends right now is lightweight component development


to reduce fuel consumption. The creation of innovations

Many years ago, BASF had a plan to develop a chemical

in this respect is often borne out of joint brainstorming

production site in Tamaulipas with backward integration

sessions between automotive companies and suppliers.

and access to raw materials. However this did not

The chemical industry together with other suppliers

materialize as planned. It was an important plan for us but

has created many solutions and innovations. In terms

the site lacked backward integration and as a consequence

of innovation, the automotive industry is conservative

our Altamira site was also affected, now having to import

compared to other industries, and sometimes new

90% of materials.


Flemming Bjöernslev, President and CEO of LANXESS North America


how they behave in crash situations in order to analyze

President and CEO of

and adapt their products.” Combining the strong quality

LANXESS North America,

and safety standards backing the hybrid technology with



the pressures to meet new energy efficiency standards

between the automotive

make manufacturers eager to consider new material

and chemical industries

alternatives. The results are evident for Bjöernslev. “At

as a synergy of R&D.

the 2014 Detroit Auto Show, Ford introduced the new

As a leading specialty

2015 Ford F-150 which is 226kg lighter due to having



incorporated plastics and aluminum.” The rapid expansion


rate LANXESS has experienced around the world “shows


that its products can successfully compete with metal,”




segment noticeably









he adds.

performance polymers. He describes the participation process wherein an OEM will come to LANXESS with a

The adoption of hybrid technology has been smoother with

metal piece from a previous generation car and asks to

European car manufacturers, which have readily adopted

build the piece out of a lighter plastic. “The innovation

the practice so that once solely metallic components,

comes from making that part in plastic and still meeting

such as oil pans below the engines, are now made of high

the same design, shape, and functionality requirements,”

composite plastics. A prominent example that Bjöernslev

says Bjöernslev. “With innovations, we have had to show

offers is the latest generation of the Audi A8. “The entire

we are capable of meeting and surpassing the current

front end is made out of plastic composite that has the

standards of the automotive industry.”

same strength and is much lighter than the previous aluminum component,” he says. Striving to surpass

In response to the lightweight materials trend that is

the standards of hybrid technology has even made it

sweeping through the industry, LANXESS embarked

seemingly possible to let go of metal entirely. “Porsche has

several years ago on a quest to produce hybrid

introduced a brake pedal made out of LANXESS materials

technology, namely a mix of plastic compounds and

in all its cars, which is no longer made out of metal,” says

metal. “With hybrid technology, the total weight of a car

Bjöernslev. “The reason Porsche turned to this solution is

can be reduced by up to 30%,” says Bjöernslev. “Metal

not only because it is fuel efficient and lighter, but because

continues to be the number one material in vehicles. Many

it is also aesthetically pleasing.”

American OEMs still gravitate towards metal because they believe it to be more solid. But from a competitive

It is a common belief in LANXESS that to successfully

standpoint and depending on the application, plastics

drive a trend forward in the automotive industry, it is

can compete against different metals. The first challenge

better to start at the top of the luxury car segment and

for the industry is to make sure that the hybrid product

then move down to others. “This is obvious for certain

in the body of the car can be painted and placed in

reasons,” says Bjöernslev. “A car manufacturer wants to

the oven afterwards.” If the hybrid contains too many

sell innovative products in their luxury lines at the highest

different materials that expand and contract at different

price possible.” LANXESS is interested in this business



model as it allows it to gain more market penetration. As

difficult for the OEM. To overcome this barrier, Bjöernslev

for the presence of hybrid technology in the automotive

stresses the importance of LANXESS being involved at

industry, Bjöernslev says it depends on the variety of

the early stages of the development of the parts. This

brands. “If Audi decides to build a certain series and

allows it to show customers how the materials work

LANXESS’ products are in that series, then the composite

under heat and cold stress. Another important factor is

products are introduced to the Mexican market,” he

security, as Bjöernslev states that the assumption among

explains. But as pointed out, it is not habitual for car

OEMs is that a car is safer when it is more solid and

manufacturers to first roll out innovative products in their

metallic is a remnant of the 1950s. “This was erroneous,

mass produced vehicles. “Volkswagen begins with the

as in a crash incident, people would be squeezed and the

Phaeton, which is hand-made in Germany, before moving

car would remain intact. Today, cars operate differently in

down to the Golf.” Should premium cars become more

their crash behavior, they are often totally demolished in

prevalent in the Mexican automotive manufacturing, then

heavy crashes, but the cell of the vehicle remains intact.

LANXESS will be able to accelerate the roll-out of its

LANXESS and its partners test out hybrid materials to see

introduction process within the country.






Ignacio Moreno Betanzo, President & CEO of Hella Lighting North & South America

Ignacio Moreno, President

next few years, we will create more than 1,500 jobs, with our

and CEO of HELLA Lighting

company forming an attractive career path for talents in the

North and South America,

region of Guanajuato,” comments Moreno. For the company’s

is confident that his firm’s

vertical integration approach to be successful, it was also



important to localize its supplier base. According to Moreno,

electronics solutions have


besides bringing new technologies to the market, localizing

earned the reputation of

the supply base brings a significant cost reduction which is

being crucial to a vehicle’s

ultimately passed on as a benefit to customers. “Therefore,

safety and CO2 reduction.

in its ongoing search for Mexican suppliers, HELLA brings in

This reputation has been

the same extensive audits it uses in other parts of the world

added to over 40 years

to guarantee its standard levels of quality.

as HELLA has been present in Mexico since 1964 through its core business in high quality lighting and electronics

The second strategic decision entailed taking in-house

solutions. As OEMs continuously increase their presence in

responsibility for the full scope of the projects. This covers

the country, HELLA has already expanded its production

all processes from acquisition design and development to

footprint to four lighting plants and one electronics plant

production and aftermarket. “Prior to the aforementioned

in Mexico, now totaling more than 3,000 employees across

approach, HELLA in Mexico was not focused on R&D, but

the country. By 2020, HELLA aims to see its sales figures

only on production”, says Moreno.

steadily increase across all business divisions and foresees the employee base rising up to 6000.

This holistic approach was consolidated with the launch of one R&D Center for electronics located in the ITESO

Moreno explains that the company’s wide-ranging product

Technology Center and another center for lighting located

portfolio has been key on several levels: it has sealed HELLA’s

in El Salto, Jalisco right next to the lighting production

reputation across the megatrends of the automotive industry,

plants. “More than 100 employees are currently working

safety, comfort, styling and the reduction of carbon dioxide

in the area of R&D and are participating in special training,

emissions while expanding the company’s client base. “70%

lasting more than six months at our Germany headquarters,”

of our local production is sold to our clients in Mexico and

explains Moreno. These training programs allow Mexican

they export 80% of it. The remaining 30% is exported directly

engineers to boost their knowledge of HELLA’s lighting

to the rest of our customers to North and South America.”

and electronics solutions, from technology, processes and

says Moreno. However, HELLA’s growth is not solely reliant

particular solutions rolled out worldwide. He adds that

on the continued entry of potential customers, but on

that “all of these are recent Mexican graduates who were

implementing a strong, vertically integrated business model

recruited in their final year of university so they could be

that will be able to deal with the rising wave of demand.

properly trained by HELLA prior to working in our facilities. This was done as it is challenging to find existing engineers

In order to set itself on the right path in Mexico, HELLA has

specifically trained in these fields.” To tackle this, HELLA

implemented two strategic decisions in order to assure the

has been in discussions with representatives of technical

growth of the company. The first is related to production

schools and universities to develop holistic academic

operations: “We decided to concentrate, irrespective

programs to fit the required engineering skills it needs.

of the destination of the final product, all of HELLA’s manufacturing efforts for North and South American

In Guanajuato, HELLA has donated technical equipment to the

Markets in Mexico,” Moreno comments.

Irapuato Superior Technological Institute (ITESI), which will enable students to gain better hands-on, understanding the


To archive this target, an investment of over US$90 million

processes and the operating structures involved in HELLA’s

was made in a new lighting facility in Irapuato, Guanajuato.

facilities. This provides the double benefit of helping the

This plant already started production in 2013, producing

students expand their practical horizons and provides a source

headlamps and rear combination lamps for HELLA’s OEM

of skilled labor for HELLA. Moreno believes strongly in this

customers. “The production facility is strategically located

approach as on a broader scale, it helps to create awareness

and is setting a technological benchmark within the HELLA

among local engineering students about new technologies

Group. It is equipped with HELLA LED lighting products and

and global trends. “This investment will take time but it is a

contributes to the reduction of carbon dioxide emissions,

fundamental step in providing clients with locally made high

helping to create creating a cleaner environment. Over the

technology products in the near future,” he adds.

COMFORT IS CRUCIAL IN THE AUTO PARTS MARKET Clever engineers are taking care of advances in every

of the engineering and design centers of our customers

aspect of a car, from lightweight materials to fuel

in the Detroit area. “BOS used the crisis to consolidate.

efficiency to green tires. BOS Automotive is part of these

This entailed putting all our production in one place so

advances, but with a particular bent on one element with

the products would become more economical, and all

an immediate impact on passengers: customer safety and

aspects of our business that no longer offered possibilities

comfort. According to Hauke Jungnitz, General Manager

for financial growth were grouped together,” says Carlos

of BOS Automotive Products Irapuato, cost-optimized

Casado, BOS Automotive’s CFO for North American

development and production processes have placed the


company ahead of the pack as a key supplier of comfortfocused automotive products. Jungnitz is particularly

Another aspect that has constrained automotive players

keen on the importance of variation within the company’s

is human capital, which BOS is trying to take care of

product portfolio to ensure a smooth ride. “We have

through internal recruitment. “We try to retain our people

three main production areas: cargo covers and safety

as much as possible, naturally, but we also try to promote

nets, sunshades, and armrests. All systems produced are

internally to give professional growth opportunities in

functionally the same but range in variety from single-step

Irapuato, but also within the group to those with potential.

operation, to multi-step, and electrical.” This full range

Student trainees dot our ranks, but if they thrive with us,

allows for the accommodation of customer specifications

we offer them a place. This helps us get a highly motivated

from basic to the absolute high-end of quality.

workforce,” says Jungnitz. However, this HR strategy is in danger from the entry of more auto parts players into

“There is a natural difference in cost. For example, a

Mexico, which will likely send salaries rising. To control

Maybach car is fancy when compared to a basic high

this spiral, Jungnitz suggests the initiative of a human

volume model. The same variation is seen within our

resources network that will provide information on the

range of components,” explains Jungnitz. Although there

structure of salaries and ranges in the market. This could

are significant differences between BOS Automotive’s

also help BOS Automotive address its talent gap. “Skilled

low-end and high-end products, Jungnitz explains that

labor is easy to find for simple assembly operations, but

market demand has seen the low-end spectrum of the

it becomes much more difficult to recruit at the specialist

portfolio becoming loaded with many more features,

level and above, where operating machinery becomes

which has helped the company to see demand grow. BOS

more demanding.” says Jungnitz, adding that the sourcing

Automotive decided upon a diverse product portfolio due

of injection molding parts poses a fresh challenge for the

to the advantages it brought in terms of clientele. “Diversity

company. “Plastics are an issue in Mexico so we often have

is an intrinsic strategy for our product development. It

to import the high-quality plastic used for interior parts.

brings a strong and diverse customer base. The company

However, this leaves vast potential open for the local

does not depend on a single customer so if one goes

sourcing of plastic products. Mexican plastic suppliers

down, another client comes up,” says Jungnitz. This is not

need to develop specific knowhow, especially for interior

the case for all suppliers, he adds, illustrating this claim

parts.” According to Casado, recent tax changes, some of

with the example of seat suppliers that work in a capital-

them significant for the industry, were rapidly processed to

intensive industry. “They are required to produce within

become effective in 2014. However, he feels these should

a 40km radius from the OEM due to the large volumes

have seen further discussion before becoming effective to

needing to be shipped. They often work order to order so

allow companies to be better prepared in areas such as

they may even be forced to close a plant if they somehow

finances and operations. “We think that if BOS has to pay

fail to obtain the next order.”

taxes, we should just do it. But to facilitate or to increase capital investments in the industry, consistency, easiness

The economic downturn spelled out a transformation

and transparency in laws and rules related to taxes, cash

period of the company, starting with its previous production

repatriations, and international trade laws should prevail,

model. BOS Automotive used the crisis to consolidate its

avoiding risks from sudden changes influenced by political

North American manufacturing operations in Mexico and

agendas.” adds Casado. Despite this slight setback,

create a strong base in Irapuato with approximately 800

Jungnitz denies that growth is off the table. “There is always

staff. This consolidation has put it in a favorable position to

room for growth in Mexico. BOS Automotive is considering

participate in the Mexican automotive boom. Strategically,

immediate growth through the current expansion of its

BOS North American sales and development departments

facility to expand its logistics and production area. BOS

are located in Rochester Hills, Michigan in close proximity

Automotive is here to stay.”



costs more than low-carbon materials and González

components that are able

admits that “with highly complex processes, we require

to comply with stricter

high strength steel but it is complicated to source this



kind of steel in Mexico.” Gestamp uses Gonvarry Steel



Services, a company that imports steel from Europe, US,



and South Korea. “The support of its service centers is


upholding Average (CAFE)


beneficial because it reduces lead times for obtaining


materials from overseas and increases cost savings in

pushed the boundaries of

logistics and customs,” says González. The rising demand

manufacturing processes.

for high strength steel is however spurring the creation of

lower Luis Jaime González, Commercial Director of Gestamp North America

standards emissions

One of the most innovative

local steel mills, and through a joint venture with Tenigal,

processes in the industry, hot stamping, creates ultra-high

Gestamp hopes to source locally in the future. González

quality steel components that have the needed structural

admits that despite the fact that Tenigal has already

performance and lightweight qualities. The process involves

begun developing steel in Mexico, a lot of potential

heating steel to temperatures of 900°C, at which point

customers are still reserved about using the mill. González

it becomes malleable, can be formed, and then rapidly

predicts that “in a couple of years, Tenigal will be able

cooled in specially designed dies, converting the material

to manufacture high strength steel that will be approved

into high strength steel. Forming complex shapes far more

for use by the OEMs.” Furthermore, he anticipates that

efficiently than any other traditional stamping methods, it

local steel mills will make Mexico more productive and

is suitable for automotive components such as body pillars,

competitive, since this high quality in-demand steel will

rockers, roof rails, bumpers, and door intrusion beams. This

be produced in the country.

technology creates relatively complex parts in a single step and, as a result, multi-component assembly lines can be

To ensure success in a highly competitive industry,

redesigned, eliminating downstream processes like welding.

automotive suppliers dedicated to metal components

In order to increase safety performance, companies used to

must increase their technological competencies and have

weld together heavier and thicker parts in more than one

a varied technological portfolio. “Gestamp basically offers

process using methods like cold stamping. In many cases,

the same products as competitors but we apply different

hot stamping eliminates the need for these additional parts.

technologies that are adapted to the needs of customers,”

Hot stamping’s other significant advantage is that it resolves

says González. “Despite its benefits, not all OEMs are

problems with springback and warping, a common problem

convinced by hot stamping. There is a misguided belief

when forming high strength steel through other processes.

that the heavier and more solid the component, the safer it will be.” With four manufacturing plants, Gestamp has

Being one of the most advanced lightweight solutions

opted for a diversification of technology rather than of

for the car body structure, hot stamping has been swiftly

products. “The business model is to continue expanding

adopted by metal component suppliers. Gestamp, as the

but at the same time keeping the technology and the

largest global supplier of press hardening parts, traces

steel product specialization intact,” says González. Having

its roots to cold stamping of small parts, but through an

flexible manufacturing techniques means that if an OEM

ongoing commitment to incorporate new technologies

requires a certain type of technology it can be swiftly

into its manufacturing processes, it has now become a

incorporated into the operational processes.

company that uses multiple technologies, one of which is


hot stamping. Commercial Director Luis Jaime González

Despite the reservations some OEMs may have with regard

explains that as worldwide pioneers of this process,

to hot stamping, González predicts it will be adopted

Gestamp has now begun developing this technology in

by all of them. “It has been fully adopted by European

Mexico. As more highly complex manufacturing systems

manufacturers like Volkswagen, BMW, and Mercedes-

are put in place in the automotive industry, one challenge

Benz, and US manufacturers such as GM and Ford are

that arises is the sourcing of the right raw materials. One

also starting to use it. This process will dominate other

of the limitations of hot stamping is that it cannot be

technologies but one of the challenges of transferring this

applied to galvanized or pre-painted steel, only boron

to Mexico is that it requires highly qualified technicians.” To

materials can be hot stamped. This is due to the element’s

remove this barrier, Gestamp has begun sending workers

properties that give the material the capacity to change

for training at its US research center for them to bring the

from regular to martensitic when cooled. Boron steel

knowhow back to Mexico.


ADVANCED SUSPENSION SYSTEMS BEING ROLLED OUT ACROSS MEXICO OMAR FERNÁNDEZ Director General of Hendrickson Mexicana Q: What have been the highlights of Hendrickson’s

name. Along with weight savings, our team also strives to


deliver improved ride, handling, and stability on each of







automotive sector over more than 50 years?

our new axle and suspension systems. Through ongoing

A: Over that half a century, Hendrickson has been a

consultation with drivers and fleets, Hendrickson will

key contributor to the Mexican automotive market. We

continue to anticipate our customer’s needs, and design

introduced state-of-the-art suspension systems such as

and build suspension systems that deliver results that

the equalizing beam, as well as mechanical suspensions

exceed our customers’ expectations.

which are still widely used in Mexico today. Hendrickson Mexicana played a major role in working with the weights

Q: How have you transferred the demands of military

and dimensions law and helped to obtain approval for

applications to the medium and heavy duty sectors?

additional load requirements per axle on units using air

A: Hendrickson really took a different approach when

suspension systems. The usage of this type of suspension

it came to transferring technologies between military

resulted in the further protection of roads and increased

and commercial applications. In the late 1990s and early

safety. Hendrickson developed INTRAAX, the first fully


integrated air suspension and axle brake system in the

suspension that was introduced into military applications

Mexican market for trailer applications. Today, INTRAAX

and is still used today. This suspension was then rolled out

has become the standard trailer suspension system

in the commercial industry for large firefighting vehicles

in Mexico. In addition, Hendrickson was a pioneer in

used at airports all over North America. This was the

launching the Large Diameter Axle (LDA) on INTRAAX

one technology driven by military that transferred into

suspensions which delivered a stronger and lighter axle

the commercial industry. Since then, Hendrickson has

than the industry standard.

actually taken its commercial industry technologies and





transferred them to military applications. Hendrickson Hendrickson also launched STEERTEK, the first fabricated

used the independent front suspension technology for

front axle in the industry, delivering a lighter and stronger

recreational vehicles as a platform for development and

front axle compared to a traditional forged axle. Our latest

designed an integrated independent drive axle system for

contribution is the development of the TIREMAAX PRO,

both front and rear suspensions used on MRAP vehicles.

which constantly monitors and equalizes tire pressure

Hendrickson has also made other advancements with

by using the trailer’s air supply. It is the first tire inflation

components for military vehicles which will soon make it

and deflation system which extends tire life by continually

into the commercial industry.

maintaining a constant tire pressure on the trailer axles. Q: What is the added value of the new ULTIMAAX heavy Q: To what extent do consumer preferences influence

duty suspension system, and what differentiates it from

Hendrickson’s innovations?

the competition?

A: By anticipating the needs of our customers and the

A: Vocational fleets are demanding systems that need

industry, Hendrickson designs and develops products

components that stand up to punishing environments,

targeted at improving the efficiency and the bottom

provide a low total cost of ownership, are light in weight

lines of OEMs, fleets, and owner-operators. Many of our

to allow greater payloads and fuel economy, and deliver a

latest products, such as OPTIMAAX, SOFTEK NXT, and

comfortable ride when the vehicle is loaded or unloaded.

ULTRAA-K, deliver significant weight savings allowing the

The added value of ULTIMAAX is that it delivers a lighter

end user to haul more loads and improve fuel economy.

weight, higher roll stability, and a better ride. The ULTIMAAX

Although these products are much lighter, they must

shear springs and progressive springs were designed as a

also meet the unwavering standards for durability and

system within the suspension, which provides a smooth

reduced maintenance associated with the Hendrickson

spring rate.


Indirect suppliers, despite being considerably more diminutive in both scale and number than their Tier 1 partners, perform a crucial role in the automotive supply chain. On the path towards recuperation following the 2008 financial crisis, Tier 2, 3, and 4 suppliers are playing an essential part in rebuilding the automotive industry. There have never been more prospects in the Mexican market for domestic suppliers to formalize and capture opportunities to work with larger international companies. These opportunities are by no means going unnoticed and this segment of the market is receiving increasing attention from both the public and private sectors. With some 90% of Tier 1 supply needs still being met by imported goods, the need to develop the indirect supply chain cannot be overstated. The government is on the verge of announcing the formal creation of a body whose sole aim will be the strengthening of Mexico’s supply chain. Pro Auto will unite a number of key associations, the combined expertise of which will provide the right tools to support Tier 2 and 3 companies to strengthen their position in the supply chain.

This chapter will highlight the intricacies of supply-chain relationships and explore the importance of indirect suppliers in the final product. It will explore the technology trends, which are expediting their capacity and quality, and the top indirect suppliers will provide their experiences and perspectives on Mexico’s changing panorama.




National Focus on Local Supply Chain Development


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Complete Product Portfolio Reflects Automotive Evolution


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Major Seating Supplier is Expanding Tier 2 Business


VIEW FROM THE TOP: LED Allows for Brand-Specific Vehicle Lighting


VIEW FROM THE TOP: LED Lighting to Become Mainstay in Mexican-Made Cars


Preventative Mentality Needed in Automotive Health and Safety


Bright Future for Fine-Blanking Processes


Bearings Supplier Seeks Better Recognition




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Top-Notch Safety for Plant Relocation Services


Special Purpose Buildings Offer More Flexibility


Plastic Molding Firm Chooses Slow and Steady Approach


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Improved Local Supply Options for Aluminum Die Casting


Electric Heaters for Injection Molding Machines


Tooling and Texturing Needs the Right Technicians


Sustainable Coating Tech Meets OEM Specifications


Leading Automation Supplier Looks Beyond Mothership


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Honda Supplier Hurt by Mexican Fiscal Reform


Rubber Compounds Soon to Compete with TPE Alternative


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Demand in Mexico for Industrial Protective Footwear Grows


Metal Machinery Toolmaker Wants More Local Content


NATIONAL FOCUS ON LOCAL SUPPLY CHAIN DEVELOPMENT The indirect supplier base to the automotive industry, made

Solís. The governmental program will unite different entities

up of those at Tier 2 level and below, is receiving mounting

in supporting the segment including CONACYT, NAFINSA,

attention from both the public and private sectors as

Bancomext, and ProMéxico, who will join forces to offer a

an area ripe for development. Major OEM investment

single window for the needs of the Tier 2 and 3 segments.

into Mexico has brought with it hoards of investment from Tier 1 suppliers, with OEMs required to meet strict


local content levels of 62.5% to benefit from tariff free

successfully established footholds in Mexico and can

exportations under the NAFTA agreement. This has made

provide insight into what it takes to both thrive and survive

it necessary and virtually obligatory for many traditional

at this level. MPE Mexico, a subsidiary of a 40-year-old

direct suppliers to set up base with their OEM clients in

Italian company, provides injection molding, blow molding,

Mexico. The sheer levels of investment required to supply

and conventional molding to major Tier 1s, including ZF

a major Tier 1 automotive company, however, have made it

Sachs and GKN Driveline. The company’s General Manager,

impossible for most small suppliers lower down the chain

Olga Jiménez, explains that MPE has taken the decision to

to similarly establish new plants in Mexico. According to

remain specialized and resist the temptation to expand too

AMIA data, Tier 1 suppliers currently import 90% of their

quickly, which means knowing when to turn away some

required inputs into Mexico, presenting both a challenge

of the many opportunities being presented by growing

for companies trying to increase localization efforts and a

industry demand. “We have chosen to pursue slow and

significant opportunity for investments at this level.

steady controlled growth, thereby assuring the best







quality and performance to a small quantity of customers,” AMIA’s Executive President Eduardo Solís explains that

says Jiménez. This echoes the advice of Ford’s Purchasing

there are six key areas where Tier 2 and 3 suppliers are

Manager Leo Torres, who urges suppliers to specialize and

particularly in demand: machining, forging, stamping, plastic

not try too hard to “be good at everything.”

injection, casting, and molding. These six areas make up 80% of the demand from the Tier 1 segment. However to

There are many niche areas presenting opportunities for

enable companies to capture opportunities within these

those with specialist skills, such as the tooling and texturing

areas, ensuring increased access to financing is crucial.

market, with 95% of tools currently being imported into

“We know that there are at least three or four major issues

Mexico. Mold-Tech, a company specializing in the texturing

impacting the development of the lower-level supply

of new molds, carries out texturization and repairs for Tier

chain. The predominant is lack of financing,” asserts Solís.

1 suppliers, including TRW Automotive and Kasai. “Mold-

Supplying a large Tier 1 company involves major financial

Tech is currently the only option of its kind in the Mexican

commitment, with required machinery and infrastructure

market. Customers that do not work with us have to look

being prohibitively expensive for those that lack adequate

for options in the US,” explains Mold-Tech General Manager

levels of working capital. The second most pressing issue

Mario Partida. Partida expects to see increased demands

involves standardization of processes and technological

for molding repair in Mexico, as in-country toolmakers

capacity development, with certifications such as ISO 9000

start building new tooling systems, and is positioning itself

and QS 9000 being mandatory. Thirdly, the right human

to be able to supply the predicted demand.

capital development is necessary to ensure adequate provision of the many specialisms required, and finally, the

While the industry scrambles to increase the numbers

right corporate mindset is essential to allow companies to

of locally based indirect providers, some shrewd direct

interact effectively with sophisticated global conglomerates.

suppliers are taking advantage of supply gaps to branch out their own business lines. Japanese OEM seat supplier


One of the main tasks facing the government in order to

Tachi-S, which for the first time in 2013 produced more

address the challenge of developing these suppliers is

materials outside of Japan than inside, has identified

the implementation of the right public policy to support

opportunities to supply other Tier 1 providers itself. It

SME development. AMIA states that the government is on

has two new plants in Mexico that make trim covers

the verge of announcing a program called Pro Auto that

and manufacture pour-in-place headrests, allowing it

will address the creation of public policies designed to

to integrate many of the commodities that are typically

strengthen Mexico’s supply chain. “Pro Auto will be key in

outsourced by Tier 1s. If indirect suppliers can successfully

supporting Tier 2 and 3 suppliers in pinpointing the exact

establish themselves in the automotive supply chain, the

issues that are impacting the industry and preventing smaller

rewards to be reaped are plentiful, both for the suppliers

companies from passing muster as Tier 1 providers,” explains

themselves and the wider industry.


COMPLETE PRODUCT PORTFOLIO REFLECTS AUTOMOTIVE EVOLUTION FABIO NEGRÃO General Manager of Industrial Techniques of Atlas Copco Mexicana Q: How do you view Atlas Copco’s evolution in the Mexican

specialists work directly with a number of Tier 1 suppliers,

automotive market?

and we have a varying degree of presence with almost all

A: As a Brazilian, I have clearly seen the differences between

automotive players in the Mexican market. We are currently

the markets in Brazil and Mexico. The big difference between

solution providers, but our real ambition is to be a partner

Mexico and other South American markets is that Mexico

for all our clients. This would mean devising solutions in

is much more export-oriented. Atlas Copco’s production

collaboration with them. Product segmentation, team

goals are similar, but from an economic outlook perspective

segmentation, and top servicing to support all aspects of

we see far more opportunities to increase production

production are central to this aim.

in Mexico than we do in the rest of South America. Atlas Copco has been providing general solutions for the industry

Q: Given this breadth of services, how are you anticipating

in Mexico for 60 years. We have segmented into four key

and addressing all potential client needs?

areas: compressors, mining, construction, and tools. The

A: Every OEM wants to produce cars more quickly and

tools area is divided into three divisions: the motor vehicle

with fewer defects in order to increase profitability. Of

industry, general industry, and services. This has allowed us

course, every automaker has different goals and we need

to become more focused on the future needs of our clients

to adapt to those goals. Previously, design mistakes

in various sectors.

would be identified when cars were on the road, but today these mistakes are identified during the production

Our vision is to be the preferred production partner in

phase. For example, Nissan holds regular discussions

assembly, therefore it is very important to understand

about production increases, so Atlas Copco needs to

the trends surrounding new vehicles. For example, auto

be very dynamic to attend to such demands at the right

makers are increasingly using glue instead of screws. To

time. Whether production increases or decreases, we

cover this need, we recently acquired a German company

are able to adapt to our client’s needs. The most critical

called SCA Schucker that specializes in adhesives. Cars

aspect of logistics is service to avoid time delay for the

are also constantly getting lighter, which requires the

customer. We make sure that we have our people on site

use of innovative technology during assembly. When

with backup tools so that any problems can very quickly

cars get smaller, there is less room inside the vehicle for

be fixed. The process has become more complicated

technicians building the interior, so we need to devise

with the changeover from pneumatic tooling to electric

solutions for that. The focus of our tooling services is to

tooling as more elements now need to be looked after,

supply tightening solutions in assembly technology and

including software.

automation technology. We have different divisions to serve different types of assembly. Our Final Assembly

Q: To what extent do you need to diversify in order to

Western people serve Ford, GM, and Volkswagen, while

reduce your dependence on client production levels?

our Final Assembly Asian team looks after Nissan, Toyota,

A: It is true that a drop in production impacts our sales, but

and Honda. There is a lot more automation in the Western

production drops do not impact service. We are therefore

segment and a lot more manual work on the Asian side.

investing more in service to minimize risk in harder times.

It should be noted that the processes used do not alter

We are also very project-orientated and moving away

the quality of the final product, but it is important for us

from being only product-orientated. We make decisions

to have specialized engineers in both areas. We also need

based on production forecasts and new plants being

specialists to work with power trains and heavy vehicles.

established. Our forecasts point to a very bright future for

Furthermore, body shop work requires different expertise

Mexico for many reasons, and we see Mexico surpassing

such as tightening, mechanical jointing, dispensing, and

Brazil in terms of production. We are the number one tool

quality control. Producing engines, painting, and so on

supplier to the automotive industry and maintaining such a

also requires different approaches and solutions. Our

leadership position means constant innovation.



MAJOR SEATING SUPPLIER IS EXPANDING TIER 2 BUSINESS GONZALO ESPARZA PEDROZA President of Tachi-S MĂŠxico Q: What opportunities do you see for Tachi-S to find

Tier 1 companies that might need a supplier who truly

clients among top automotive suppliers?

understands their needs. Our Tier 1 business revenue

A: Our automotive business is growing rapidly in Mexico

will always be higher than that coming from the Tier 2

and across Latin America. OEMs and Tier 1 companies

segment, but the latter will continue to grow and become

located in the US are both looking for suppliers south of

a very important portion of our total business.

the border. Tachi-S has positioned itself as a company with 23 years of experience in Mexico, producing seating parts

Q: How did Tachi-S modify its operations to compete both

such as headrests and trim covers.

as a direct and an indirect supplier? A: As a Tier 2 supplier, Tachi-S is selling the same commodities

Q: Which products does Tachi-S provide as a Tier 2 supplier?

we use in our Tier 1 products. For the future, we will make

A: Our business growth in Mexico has been anchored

sure both sides of our business are equally well attended to.

around directly supplying Nissan and Honda. However,

As we are now producing for our own Tier 1 operations and

as our Tier 2 business capacity increases, we will look

for other direct suppliers, we must make sure the same level

to build up our market share with other customers.

of quality and competitiveness is present at both levels. We

Currently, we have two new plants that make trim covers

consider this dual focus to be an advantage for Tachi-S,

in Calvillo, Aguascalientes, and Ojocaliente, Zacatecas.

since we are able to offer a more integrated final product

The Ojocaliente plant also takes care of manufacturing

to the OEMs as a Tier 1 supplier, by relying on our own

pour-in-place headrests. We are ready to support other

production of components we offer at the Tier 2 level.

Global Seat System Creator




LED ALLOWS FOR BRAND-SPECIFIC VEHICLE LIGHTING LEFT: Sergio Villalón Antuñano, Director General of Philips México RIGHT: David Martínez, Sales Manager of Philips México

Q: How do you see Philips Lighting’s future in Mexico?

were used by OEMs as a success marker. LEDs allow OEMs

DM: Mexico is part of our emerging market strategy and is a

to ensure that their brands can be recognized at night

particularly important growth area within that strategy. We

and highlight the automotive industry’s commitment to

have more than 4,000 employees and five manufacturing

making use of the latest technology. Each customer has

sites focused on lighting in the country. 2014 will mark

its own personality and our design team has to align our

our 75th anniversary here, and we have a lot of ambitious

offering with each customer’s vision, and this is where we

growth targets in place. The government is investing

can prove to be very creative.

heavily in new energy efficiency regulations and initiatives, so this is also very good timing for us. We also see a lot of

DM: One out of every three lighting solutions in cars made

opportunities with major OEMs that are producing locally

today comes from Philips. We have lighting solutions for

in Mexico for their global supply, as these have the largest

every part of the car, but our core business is headlamp

operations. Ultimately, we are an indirect supplier and

lighting and LED lighting. We have seen the need to create

therefore dependent on our primary customers, but we are

unique technologies that can provide major benefits to the

seeing a lot of new headlight and taillight manufacturers

end user whilst also turning a profit for our business. The

coming to Mexico due to the boom in OEM investment.

premium carmakers now see lighting not only as a safety

They are being pushed to both come to Mexico and keep

feature but also as a way to create brand differentiation. The

their costs low, which helps Asia to maintain itself as an

advantage of LEDs is that you can shape and define the car

attractive production hub. Transferring goods from Asia to

by using lighting. With a light bulb we supply a commodity,

NAFTA is expensive, which strengthens Mexico’s hand. We

but LEDs are much more complicated and the lead-time is

are expecting growth in the traditional technology areas

therefore much longer, between 16 and 20 weeks.

of halogen and xenon bulbs, but LEDs will also see a lot of growth within the next five years.

Q: How are you adjusting your R&D strategy to factor in the growth seen in the local market?

Q: Bearing in mind that your primary customers are the

SVA: Our R&D takes place in Germany, but we are linking

Tier 1s, how do you stay close to the OEMs?

our product development process there with our technical

DM: Our global account managers deal with the OEMs and

experts in the US. We do not see the need for R&D in Mexico

the set makers. We have our unique products and we need

at the moment, but certainly technical support is important,

to communicate our technologies and their performance

as is more intra-team involvement. We also need to create

to them. Every individual country has a different approach

technology near to where our clients are doing the same. If

based on the unique factors at play in that market, which

a major client opened an R&D center in Mexico, we would

we also have to understand. Our R&D teams are focused

certainly have to implement capabilities nearby.

on working out the particular needs and competition levels in each market and tailoring our products accordingly. We

Q: What is your outlook for Philips Lighting’s future in the

can then communicate our value proposition to the OEMs.

automotive sector in Mexico? SVA: Philips Lighting in Mexico has been growing for the last

Q: What is the current focus of your automotive lighting

four years, both in terms of market share and manufacturing

solutions portfolio?

capacity. We are focusing on bringing more technology

SVA: Different technologies will continue to be used to

to our plants and factories, and assembling high-end

differentiate models and ranges, but we expect LED to

technology here. We plan to continue growing in Mexico with

replace halogen on a broader scale. The cost is still very

good support from our global office. We will have the benefit

different and this will of course be a factor, but it will

of having many products available in Mexico that have been

eventually come down once the uptake of the technology

locally produced. In the automotive industry, we expect

is more widespread. When LEDs entered the industry, they

many new plants to bring new sub-assembly opportunities.



LED LIGHTING TO BECOME MAINSTAY IN MEXICAN-MADE CARS PAOLO BORTOLAN President and CEO of Osram Mexico Q: What does the Osram lighting solution range for the

cannot say whether a model like the Tsuru will ever feature

automotive industry look like today?

LED lighting. The real crux is that once a company like Osram

A: Our portfolio includes halogen solutions, HID solutions,

offers an efficient solution combining design flexibility,

electronic solutions, and LED. In addition, we are able to

efficiency, and security, then that solution quickly becomes in

create a solid partnership for future development with our

high demand. LED lighting offers all such aspects, as well as

clients. This allows our LED range, for example, to include

having an optimal design to create previously unseen internal

finished products, modules, and discrete LEDs. This

space illumination. Just as ABS became widespread in the

represents a family of products that stands completely apart

market after first only being seen in cars like Mercedes-Benz,

from general lighting. Automotive lighting was made up of

LEDs are becoming more widespread.

standardized products to be installed in the cars by the set Q: Do you foresee LED lighting becoming the most

makers, but now LED solutions are preferred.

widespread lighting solution? Q: Osram says that half out of all cars produced today

A: In the next ten years, LED will undoubtedly become more

contain Osram LED lighting. How does this level compare

commonplace, but Osram still has very interesting solutions

in Mexico to the rest of the world?

with other types of lighting. Halogen lamps are very common

A: The market is naturally different from more developed

and highly efficient. We should not make the mistake of

markets. The most common car in Mexico is the Nissan Tsuru,

thinking that LED lighting is the solution to every single

and no Osram LED light is present in that model. However,

lighting problem in existence. Traditional lighting is of the

Mexican manufacturers are increasingly turning to LED

highest standard today. LEDs main strength is that it grants

solutions. We will see a boom in the near future, although I

design flexibility but it still remains a premium technology.

PREVENTATIVE MENTALITY NEEDED IN AUTOMOTIVE HEALTH AND SAFETY “Sustainability is comprehensive and must be approached

first served’ and has unique production concepts where



speed is crucial.” To increase productivity, automotive

performance, community relations, clients, safety, business

companies respond by adopting different production and

conduct and ethics, and leadership,” states Jaime Martínez,

waste management strategies that stand out from those



seen in other sectors. Martínez believes this uniqueness “has

sustainability consultant. However, such a wide array of

had an important influence on all quality standards. The auto

indicators makes it challenging for automotive companies to

industry is a pioneer in implementing quality systems because

develop their sustainability strategy without being subsumed

of the needs it has and the speed at which it develops.”









under too many goals. “To circumvent this, ERM asks its


clients to prioritize and focus on certain critical factors. They

Despite the industry’s leadership on many fronts, health and

must then show the results to their headquarters to prove

safety is not typically seen as a sustainability indicator but

that investing in these key areas is beneficial,” he adds. For

just another element of the management systems that the

Martínez, this strategy creates a virtuous cycle that enables

automotive industry has developed and implemented very

companies to regularly move onto other sustainability

well. Martínez identifies health and safety as one of the most

challenges. The automotive industry has a unique mind-set,

relevant elements of the sustainability concept. “Generally,

setting it apart from others in its approach to sustainability,

companies only solve this issue when accidents or fatalities

according to Martínez. “It runs on the motto of ‘first come,

occur. It takes such events for people to change their

We offer the product to the set makers who then have to

by both the growing market and the quality of the local

understand how they can implement our products into

industry. Looking ahead, Osram is already working on the

theirs. It is then up to the OEMs to understand how they can

development for models that will be implemented in the

adopt the proposal of the set maker.

next two to three years. Lighting is one of the most visible and impactful innovations in the vehicle park today, but the

Q: How is the local relationship between Osram and its

technology boom it is currently undergoing also makes for a

suppliers evolving as more R&D is done in Mexico?

very exciting sector.

The partnership between Osram and set makers is definitely changing in Mexico due to R&D being brought to the

Q: Do you foresee production for Osram automotive

country. Before this, we would just deliver products from our

lighting taking place in Mexico?

factory based on an international supply contract, but we

A: We are currently supplied by our factories in the US

can now get involved locally at the first stage of a project.

and Europe, and we do not have any production in Mexico.

How R&D develops in this country will depend on Mexico’s

Mexico is becoming increasingly important for Osram,

long-term engineering capacity. I am convinced that Mexico

but local production would require the investment of a

is able to provide a high level of engineering capable of

completely new plant. We currently have three plants

competing with the US. We understand lighting technology

to supply our global automotive lighting operations,

development and we are supporting the local development

and despite the importance of Mexico as an automotive

of products with our lighting solutions. Changing an integral

production hub, Osram’s automotive lighting does not

element to a car such as lighting requires advance planning

have the economies of scale necessary to open a factory

as it necessitates a gradual phasing in and phasing out.

purely for automotive lighting production. The technology required for producing automotive lighting is much higher

Q: What sort of growth has Mexico brought your

than for general lighting, requiring specific processes. The

automotive lighting division?

implications of a faulty light in an installed set are very high

A: Lighting for the automotive industry is one of our

due to the expenses incurred to fix that problem. There

highest growth areas in Mexico. Many automakers are now

is also the risk of stopping the production line to correct

bringing R&D to their Mexican installations, which changes

a problem. This means that the quality for automotive

the approach we take in our relationship with OEM clients.

lighting must be perfect and have zero defects. This

OEMs are trying to develop new lighting approaches right

requires fully automatized production at the absolute

here in Mexico, which means development is being driven

highest standards, making a new plant very expensive.

mentality.” According to Martínez, the importance given to

safety is approached in a preventative way rather than in

this indicator relates to the culture of the industry. “Big auto

a reactive manner.” Successful safety systems not only

companies spend millions in dealing with safety issues, but

benefit the workers but improve manufacturing processes,

the results remain unchanged, so they become complacent

decrease downtime, injuries, and fees.

and believe nothing more can be done.” Martínez believes this is unacceptable, and that automotive companies wishing

Despite his views, Martínez admits that “compared to

to change must adopt a behaviour-based approach.

other industries, automotive is more sophisticated in safety aspects because of its more automated processes.” Martínez

This approach requires a completely different culture and

acknowledges that automotive equipment and tools are seen

mentality towards health and safety matters. Martínez

as inherently being safe because safety has been ingrained

describes the evolution of incidents like a pyramid.

during the design process. This does not mean they are

Minor incidents are at the bottom, which progress to

exempt from assessment. “We helped an automotive client

major incidents until ultimately reaching the pinnacle:

in San Luis Potosi with a study to assess the hazards related

fatalities. The new approach driven by ERM turns this

to every piece of equipment,” adds Martínez. Checking

pyramid upside down, with the focus now on the minor

machinery might appear simple, but Martínez points out

incidents. “Taking care of the overlooked minor incidents

that a lot of equipment is imported and warning signs are

is important, because if these accumulate and nothing is

often only in foreign languages. Basic requirements under

done, a fatality will eventually occur,” explains Martínez.

Mexican law ask that all hazards to which the operators are

Focusing on the root causes of small incidents reduces the

exposed should be clearly communicated. It seems that

likelihood of fatalities, but most companies still follow a

a basic element of this system would be to mandate the

reactive approach. “Better results are certain if health and

translation of all warning signs into Spanish.



may be lacking and certain materials cannot be found.



“Some materials are sourced in Mexico but Celay still has





to turn to Europe or the US for some of its needs. However,

in the demand for fine-


as demand for qualified suppliers rises in Mexico, existing


suppliers will expand and improve their quality standards



the Mexican automotive industry. other Xabier Errasti, Managing Director of Celay



processes, distinguishes

while new ones while be established.”



One of the characteristics of fine blanking is that multiple


features can be simultaneously incorporated in one single



operation, but as a unique and complex process it requires

allowing the production

highly skilled workers. One of the biggest challenges for

of high quality precision pieces in one press stroke while

Celay, according to Errasti, is to transfer and translate

largely eliminating the need for post-processing. One of

knowhow and ensure factory processes are conducted

its biggest advantages is that its repeatability throughout

at the level envisaged by the company’s headquarters.

a production run makes the process economical for

“Fortunately, Celay has been able to find very good and

large production operations, characteristics automotive

capable engineers in Mexico,” says Errasti. The struggle to

companies are keen to seek out. However, this particular

find the right professionals is not limited to Mexico but to

technology entails higher equipment costs compared to

Europe as well. Celay has developed a training program in

other choices and higher tonnage requirements for the

Spain where engineers looking to learn fine-blanking can

presses. To date, the presence of fine-blanking technology

be sent from Mexico and elsewhere.

has been limited in the Mexican automotive market, but the automotive industry boom is leading to increased

The boom in fine-blanking demand coupled with the

demand. Celay, a company with 13 years of experience in

exponential growth Celay has experienced in the last

manufacturing metallic parts using this technology, can lay

couple of years has triggered an aggressive expansion

testament to this increasing demand as it acquired 60% of

strategy, with Errasti expecting gains of 24% in the coming

the market share in Mexico over the past two years.

years. To achieve this goal, Celay has adopted three clearly defined steps: optimization, increased production capacity

The difficulties entering the market can to a large extent

supported by a continuous training program for workers,

be attributed to the problems associated with implanting

and further automation of processes. This is followed

the fine-blanking process. “It demands a lot of experience,

by designs to increase the client base and exportation

knowledge, and technology, which in turn creates barriers

levels to other markets. For Errasti, raising production

for companies wishing to enter in Mexico,” explains Errasti.

levels will automatically increase the volume available for

The high machinery costs required from the outset represent

exportation. The desire to expand into other markets has

a huge investment. Upon its arrival to Mexico, Celay was

been spurred by Celay’s dependency on the US market.

fortunate to be supported in this respect by its corporate

“In the past, Celay’s growth depended on whether the US

headquarters, Elay Group. With over 40 years of experience

market grew or not,” comments Errasti. To circumvent this

in the process, Elay Group helped lay the foundations of

reliance, Celay has begun to export to other markets in

technology and knowledge required for the selective fine-

Europe, China, and Brazil, which has also helped broaden

blanking technique. According to Errasti, after 13 years, Celay

its fine-blanking client base. The continuing entry of new

now dominates this technology and acts independently from

OEMs and Tier 1 companies to the Mexican industry seem

its parent company. “Due to the highly complex technology

to paint a fine future for fine-blanking. “New companies

involved, many assume that fine-blanking quality levels in

are arriving and are trying to localize all their products,”

Mexico are not on par with other more developed countries,

says Errasti. Although many Japanese Tier 1 companies

but this assumption is absolutely wrong.”

are arriving to Mexico with their own suppliers in place, Errasti explains that this typically does not include fine-


In order to ensure the high quality required of fine-blanking

blanking specialists. This has created a snowball effect,

processes, a good supplier base is a key consideration.

as new entrants offer a good opportunity for established

OEM and Tier 1 companies are mostly uniform in their

fine-blanking companies to increase work contracts,

operations worldwide and are more willing to share

while the presence of fine-blanking experts offers even

technology. Errasti has seen that further down the supply

more incentives for the entry of players in need of such

chain at the Tier 2, 3, and 4 levels, essential certifications


BEARINGS SUPPLIER SEEKS BETTER RECOGNITION Over 100,000 patents have been poured into the creation of the modern car, across countless instances that have revolutionized the automotive industry and the very concept of manufacturing. While innovations like Henry Ford’s assembly line have been celebrated down the decades, one component has not received the acclaim it deserves: the bearing. In vehicles of all types, bearings are necessary so that connected wheel hubs may rotate unimpeded on the end of a stationary axle. Swedish bearing company SKF has

“We want to become known as reliable auto part suppliers. We already have a 20-25% market share in OE and aftermarket, we feel we can quickly rise to 40%” Jorge Fernández Avalos, Automotive Sales Director of SKF de México

held onto its roots by supplying the industry with bearings, seals, lubrication systems, and maintenance products for

improving the integration of machinery during production

over a century. Jorge Fernández Avalos, Automotive Sales

and repair. SKF’s close involvement in the drafting of new

Director of SKF de México notes that this commitment has

standards with organizations like ISO has had benefits on

brought unique product offerings to the Mexican market.

a number of fronts. These standards help OEMs to more

“SKF was the first to develop the unitized hub, a product

rapidly incorporate new products and processes during the

for which we remain market leaders.” In the past, bearings

assembly stage while also improving vehicle performance

and wheel hubs had to be assembled piece by piece.

and efficiency for end users. Fernández Avalos emphasizes

However, such processes required highly skilled workers

that the company has been making changes to deal with

and specialized equipment to achieve proper operation.

the increasing complexity of the automotive sector, such

Even the repair or replacement of these parts needed

as overhauling its teams of specialists to cater to specific

precise positioning and adjustment since the slight mistake

market needs. One persistent trend that SKF is dealing with

could damage them. SKF’s unitized bearing removes these

is the urge among OEMs to constantly reduce CO2 emissions

hindrances and lessens maintenance difficulties.

and to develop more efficient vehicles. To help this, SKF has thrown its weight behind the stop/start function, where an

The historic presence of bearings in the industry has seen

engine stops in traffic jams or at traffic lights and restarts

an increasing number of functions being incorporated into

instantly. SKF contributed to this technology with its Rotor

their production by companies like SKF. Most recently, the

Positioning Bearing, a magnetic field from the bearing

company has developed wheel hub units with fitted sensors

which provides the engine control system with the exact

that feed data to braking and traction control systems to

position of the rotor, allowing the engine to restart faster

monitor vehicle speed. “SKF has developed intelligent

and more efficiently. As a result, Fernández Avalos says that

products containing chips that can supply information

CO2 emissions are reduced by 30% in heavy city traffic while

about the state of a component. We have also developed

fuel consumption is drastically cut. SKF has also launched a

monitors that allow customers to control the precise state

new lubrication solution for hub bearing units that reduces

of certain auto parts,” adds Fernández Avalos. This means

friction by 9.5%.

that customers can find out when a component needs to be replaced, which avoids vehicles having to make

Scotseals have become the company’s most popular

unnecessary stops. While SKF is known as a leading Tier

product in the local market, given that most trucks are

1 supplier to OEMs, Fernández Avalos says this does not

constantly in operation this particular innovation is useful

stop the company from applying its knowledge to specific

since it wears down without damaging the truck’s shaft, this

products sold in the Mexican aftermarket. “We want to

means it can be replaced without having to substitute the

greatly expand our product range and increase brand

part or repair the shafts. This success has largely anchored

awareness for the OE and aftermarket sectors, as well as

SKF’s expansion plans in Mexico. “We are confident that

retailers, repair shops, and new assembly lines coming to

we can double our sales in Mexico by 2015, mostly thanks

Mexico,” Fernández Avalos explains.

to our bearing hubs and scotseals for heavy trucks,” states Fernández Avalos. “We have also increased the service life

The road towards achieving leadership in the OE and

of our products, and our sets of bearings and seals can now

aftermarket sectors starts with SKF’s components being

last 500,000km,” he adds. “We are seen in Mexico only as

transformed as new standards are put in place, such as ISO

a producer of bearings and seals, but we want to become

492 standards. This new standard incorporates Geometrical

known as reliable part suppliers for the automotive sector.

Product Specifications (GPS), which enables rolling bearings

We already have a 20-25% market share for our products

and the ISO GPS system to be installed on the same platform,

in OE and aftermarket, we feel we can quickly rise to 40%.”


| VEHICLE SPOTLIGHT: VOLVO BRT 7300 The Volvo BRT 7300 is an icon of the Bus Rapid Transit

of new components that offer high efficiency. The new

(BRT) system in Mexico. Now in its third generation, it

generation of Volvo DH12E engines offers the highest

has been redesigned to suit the needs of the domestic

performance in the BRT segment. This horizontal 12-litre

market based on an accumulated experience over

in-line six-cylinder diesel engine provides high torque

11 years in the country. 410 models of the 7300 are

even at low revs, which promotes fast response and

already operating in several Mexican corridors, jointly

smooth driving properties.

travelling an average of 30 million km per year. As a surface subway model, the 7300 has been designed

Its ASR and ABS brakes come equipped with sensors that

to combine the speed of light rail with the flexibility

detect wear and tear, helping to guarantee its passengers a

of a bus system, which is achieved through a series

safe journey while reducing the risk of accidents. Durability

is ingrained in the 7300 thanks to its high resistance steel

and also ensures a single channel of communication in

chassis. This strength will be put to the test since 65 new

after-sales services. As telematics are on the rise, the

models will cover route six in Mexico City, going from

7300 is equipped with a Multiplex system that monitors

San Juan de Aragon to Rosario, a 28km journey that will

components in the powertrain to diagnose their status,

transport 130,000 passengers daily.

resulting in the bus needing far less time in workshops, significantly reduced maintenance costs, and leading

The new 7300 is to be assembled in the State of Mexico,

to increased vehicle availability. The 7300 also offers

which distinguishes it from previous generations by being

an ITS4 mobility service, an intelligent transportation

entirely manufactured by Volvo. This guarantees quality

system for traffic control, passenger information, and

and synchronicity between the powertrain and chassis,

fleet management.


TOP-NOTCH SAFETY FOR PLANT RELOCATION SERVICES CARLOS TORRES CEO and President of Riggers Group Q: How did Riggers establish itself as a Mexican success

A: We do not have our own trucking company as it is

story in just a few years?

extremely expensive to own your own fleet, instead we

A: We started in Monterrey in 2006, but we moved our

partner with five top trucking companies. For moves

operations to Queretaro which gives us excellent logistical

from Asia and Europe, we use three reliable shipping

advantages. We recently opened a new sales office in

companies. In terms of rigging equipment, we utilize the

Irapuato, Guanajuato, to complement our Puebla sales

SC&RA network to connect with partners who can provide

office. This expansion saw us reach the fourth position

the right equipment at the right location. We use our own

in the industry within our first year of operations, and our

project managers to supervise the process so that US or

next goal is to expand to Ciudad Juarez and Hermosillo. The

Canadian companies do not have to send their people to

Specialized Carriers and Riggers Association (SC&RA) listed

Mexico, which adds costs. We have our own equipment

us in its top 50 of worldwide rigging companies, signifying

in Mexico, and while 50% of our work is conducted with

we are no longer merely competing with Mexican companies,

that equipment, we also maintain close ties with four

but with US and global companies as well. We are very proud

trustworthy rigging companies in Mexico. We tend to only

of our record as the safest rigging company in Mexico.

use our own accessories for heavy lifting, such as chains and cords, because we can guarantee their integrity.

Q: How important has the automotive industry been to your ascent?

Q: How do you ensure you maintain your safety standards?

A: 80% of our business is within the automotive industry while

A: We have been ranked number one in Mexico for safety

the aerospace industry represents the other 20%. Within the

and we have a zero accident safety record that we are

automotive industry, 90% of our business involves moving

incredibly proud of. All our employees are certified at least

existing plants and 10% involves establishing new facilities.

once a year for the various certifications related to driving,

The amount of automotive investment, in particular in the

aerial, electrical, industrial safety, and confined spaces,

Bajio region, has given Riggers increasing opportunities.

among others. Secondly, we believe communication is

We do not deal directly with the OEMs because of issues

extremely important. Our project managers meet with

like penalties and unions. Tier 1 companies are our major

their teams every morning to talk about safety, flagging

clients, and they subcontract to companies that integrate

potential areas of danger, and generally instilling them with

services for setting up new plants, which is where we come

a focus on the subject. We also invest a lot in preventative

in. The large OEMs and Tier 1s are establishing new plants

safety measures and checking equipment. The SC&RA

in Mexico, and the Tier 2 and 3 suppliers are following,

could not give us its safety award as we are not an American

leading to many relocations taking place from Asia and

company, but it received all of our insurance information

Europe. The amount of work involved in moving an entire

and was amazed to see our zero accident history.

factory is enormous, and companies are under extreme pressure because of the time penalties involved if a delivery

Q: What are the pillars of your growth strategy?

is delayed. If we were to drop or damage a pivotal piece of

A: We do not want to grow too fast as this could result in a

equipment, that could potentially delay product delivery for

loss of control, and control is central to maintaining our safety

months while a new machine is ordered. Safety is therefore

record. We currently have 70 employees and we do not aim

of the utmost importance in our line of work. We are not the

to go beyond 150. It is better for us to really identify the best

cheapest company, but we make large investments in new

customers. We seek to work with clients that need a very

equipment and intense training for our personnel to ensure

specialized service and to whom safety is very important,

that we maintain our safety record.

as they tend to understand the added value that we offer. Building long-standing relationships is also key. When we


Q: How do you logistically and materially manage the

move an entire factory for a client, the job is done and the

relocation processes?

client may not need relocation again for a long time.

SPECIAL PURPOSE BUILDINGS OFFER MORE FLEXIBILITY O’Donnell has been a leading developer of logistics and

partner has been Prudential Real Estate Investors (PREI),

manufacturing buildings in Mexico. Since 1996, it has

ever since a co-investment agreement was signed

developed, acquired, and now manages over 1.16 million

between the two in 2004. As PREI’s first such venture in

square meters of industrial properties strategically located

Latin America, this collaboration proved fruitful as from

in 15 markets across Mexico. O’Donnell’s investment

2004 to 2008, the leasable area of O’Donnell’s industrial

strategy is to add incremental value by building speculative

portfolio grew at 50% annually. This allowed it to run the

industrial buildings in the country’s primary distribution and

fifth largest industrial portfolio in Mexico. Over the next

manufacturing centers. The automotive sector represents

two years, O’Donnell took on 39 more buildings. In 2013,

approximately 30% of the company’s portfolio throughout

it allowed its assets to be included in PREI’s industrial

the country, a percentage which has been increasing

real estate investment trust (REIT) in Mexico, known as

as more automotive companies invest in Mexico. The


company’s CEO, David O’Donnell, says this expansion is due primarily to the flow of Japanese, Korean, and German OEMs coming to Mexico, bringing Tier 2 and 3 suppliers with them. This led the company to now manage over 100 hectares of land throughout the country that is earmarked for future developments, providing O’Donnell with a rolling inventory to adapt to clients’ needs in automotive and

“We do not chase markets. We focus on major markets and if we spot an opportunity, we capitalize on it”

beyond. O’Donnell builds flexible speculative properties to

David O’Donnell, CEO of O’Donnell

accommodate anticipated demand, while it builds custom buildings to suit company’s particular needs. To ensure long-

In terms of location trends, O’Donnell says that the Bajio

term value, special purpose buildings are always designed

region will continue to be a preferred location for the

to incorporate long-term flexibility to ensure minimal cost

automotive sector to establish new plants and to expand

and expense when retrofitting a property once it is vacated.

existing ones, given the number of existing and new automotive assembly plants that are, and are soon to be

O’Donnell’s service portfolio for the automotive industry

established, in the area. Demand has been fueled over the

mainly consists of built-to-suit facilities. Such properties

last five years by Mazda’s and Toyota’s new assembly plants

are specially designed for companies that have special

that are now producing cars, and is expected to continue to

requirements for their operations that existing buildings

support growth at the new Daimler plant in Aguascalientes

would struggle to fulfill. As such, more investment is needed

and BMW’s planned plant in San Luis Potosi. As investments

in terms of time and resources, but the client ends up with a

continue to flow into Mexico, other automotive firms will

customized plant that can be used long-term with little need

plan their entry, which will create the new wave of demand,

for modification. O’Donnell was recently awarded the right to

he predicts. “When these define where they will establish

build and manage the Audi supplier park in San José Chiapa,

themselves, then another wave of suppliers will come along.”

Puebla, a 232,000 square meter complex to serve just-in-

The company’s CEO also predicts heavy investments going

time, just-in-sequence the new Audi Q-5 assembly plant.

to Monterrey due to Kia’s proposed new plant there, and

Other successful build to suits in the auto sector include

also to Puebla to serve the new Audi plant.

Magna in Toluca, and Autoliv and Rockwell International in Queretaro, to name but a few. O’Donnell explains that the

It is this ability to quickly respond to major trends of important

company’s success is rooted in its relentless focus on realizing

growing industries which anchored O’Donnell’s growth. The

its mission, which is to increase its client’s competitiveness by

company built its first industrial park in Queretaro in 1996,

providing impeccable customer service, strategic locations,

and built and leased facilities for such notable automotive

intelligent engineering and quality construction, proven and

companies as Autoliv, Rockwell International, and Johnson

reliable leadership, and offering space at a competitive price.

Controls. Recently, it has expanded its industrial park to

In terms of spec buildings, O’Donnell lists Grupo Modelo,

accommodate Mitsubishi Automotive, demonstrating its

Bombardier, Unilever, Hellmann, and UPS among its clients.

ability to respond quickly to satisfy demand. As such, its goal has been to invest in major markets where there is high

The company’s foray into Mexican real estate began in

demand, avoiding acquiring land that will become obsolete

1996 when it first developed a 34 hectare industrial zone

and speculative. “We do not chase markets. We focus on

in Queretaro. But although GE Capital and JP Morgan

major markets and if we spot an opportunity, we capitalize

provided its first loans, O’Donnell’s most trusted financial

on it,” tells O’Donnell.


PLASTIC MOLDING FIRM CHOOSES SLOW AND STEADY APPROACH MPE has been producing plastic parts in Italy for 40 years

and GKN Driveline. These relationships led to greater

but increasing globalization has seen the company pushed

things, and MPE Mexico now exports to GKN Driveline’s

to follow its main customers further afield. The company’s

plants in China, US, Spain, France, and Brazil. By the end

first plant outside Italy was established in 2006 in Charlotte,

of 2011, the company had duplicated its sales, and by

North Carolina, but in 2008, with the world economic crisis

the end of 2012, sales had increased a further 30%. “We

just beginning, MPE made its first move into Mexico. Being

prefer to pursue continuous growth, so that we can control

a small company means MPE is able to keep in close touch

our processes and increase the quality of the products,”

with its customers, allowing the company to understand

explains Jiménez. Both the technology and the materials

their needs and co-develop required parts. MPE specializes

for MPE’s injection processes are imported from Europe,

in three different processes for the production of plastic

and the client largely drives the selection of plastics. With

parts: injection molding, injection blow molding, and

so many of the parts being designed in Europe, Jiménez

conventional blow molding. MPE Mexico’s General Manager,

explains that the materials also need to be brought over,

Olga Jiménez explains that the difference between the US

which means MPE Mexico relies largely on its headquarters

and Mexico operations is that MPE US only uses injected

in Italy to source and supply materials. PEMEX does supply

blow molding while MPE Mexico uses injection blow

some resin locally, but only in small quantities.

molding and injection molding. For this reason, MPE Mexico exports parts to the US. “We have molding processes that

Applying a cautious approach to growth means that MPE

use both blow and injection processes, which means that we

Mexico must avoid the temptation to try and capture

can control the characteristics of the part we are making,”

all opportunities being presented by Mexico’s growing

explains Jiménez.

automotive industry. “We have chosen to control our growth and thereby assure the best quality and performance to a

Jiménez says that the company’s Mexican operations were

small quantity of customers. We received 15 new tools in 2013

able to survive the difficult years of 2009 and 2010 with

to support as many projects in 2014 as possible, focusing

the support of its Italian headquarters by taking a slow

on bigger volume production for existing clients,” explains

and steady approach to growth. By 2010, MPE Mexico was

Jiménez. The company is expecting to grow 20% in 2014,

able to supply clients such as Magneti Mirelli, ZF Sachs,

fueled by new upcoming projects with Volkswagen and Ford.

Contact: C.P. Julio César Doctoriarena Torres Gerente General de Administración (492) 491 40 10


IMPROVED LOCAL SUPPLY OPTIONS FOR ALUMINUM DIE CASTING TOSHIHIKO OKUMURA President and Director General of Ahresty Mexicana Q: What role has Mexico played in Ahresty’s global and

near the Honda and Mazda plant in the state of Guanajuato

regional operations since you set up shop in Zacatecas?

but the following factors have to be met: proximity to the

A: Ahresty has over 60 years of experience in the production

OEM, price of land, labor cost and availability, and finding

of aluminum die casting but in recent years, its global

managers who are skilled and capable.

strategy has undergone some change. Our production volume in Japan has been reduced and has moved to North

Q: What strategies has Ahresty developed to align the

America, China, and India. It is in these three regions that

increasing demand from clients with the sourcing of

Ahresty is expecting significant growth. There are also

skilled labor?

two plants in the NAFTA region: one in the state of Ohio

A: Having both low and high skilled workers is important

and another in Zacatecas. There are several reasons why

for Ahresty, especially as capacity is increasing. In this

Ahresty decided to establish a base in Zacatecas, such as its

region, one of the challenges we have encountered is hiring

geographical position near main customers like Nissan and

experienced people as technicians or supervisors for the

JATCO in Aguascalientes.

plants. These roles are important in order to efficiently operate and maintain a high level of quality and security. As



a result, we have begun to provide education and training

accommodate growing demand from its client base and








for operators, while the next step will be to offer training

how has this investment been allocated?

for other levels, such as technicians. In order to improve

A: In order to accommodate this growing demand, Ahresty

the performance of our workers, we are cooperating with

invested US$200 million in six main stages, spanning

local universities such as the Technological University of

from 2006 until today. When operations began, the initial

Zacatecas. We decided to send some Mexican workers to

investment was US$50 million. In the early stages of the

Japan to receive training, which was not as beneficial as

Mexican die casting plant, its production capacity was focused

expected due to communication difficulties. The Zacatecas

on supplying Nissan with a wide range of components.

plant has 1,600 employees and 20 Japanese workers. Salaries

Operations began with three assembly lines but another two

in China are increasing, making Mexico’s low labor costs one

lines were added when JATCO joined our client list. In terms

of its strongest features. There are a number of Japanese

of machinery, Ahresty experienced a fast expansion in the

companies planning to establish themselves in the region so

space of three to four years. At the beginning, we had seven

we have to be careful in order not to create a salary spiral.

small die casting machines with a capacity of 362kg, and ten big machines with a capacity of 1,020kg. There are now 22

Q: How has Ahresty tried to develop and create a supplier

die casting machines but this expansion means additional

base in Mexico?

training and human capital is needed.

A: We used to source 80% of our aluminum material locally, while 20% was imported from the US, but this year we are

Q: What factors were taken into consideration before

importing 50% from the US despite high logistics costs, and

Ahresty invested in the new plant?

we are sourcing 50% locally. The reason behind the drop of

A: Many factors were considered including geographical

locally sourced material is because it is difficult to obtain

location, availability of human capital, and client demand,

scrap materials in Mexico due to the very long lifespan of

but when we began our expansion in Zacatecas, these

vehicles. As the volume of production rapidly increases in

factors took a backseat as the demand from our clients

the automotive industry, the need for this resource increases

was very strong and we needed to increase our production

too. Ahresty has had to import more scrap from the US

regardless. The decision to open a new Ahresty plant is yet

in order to compensate for the lack of availability in the

to be finalized and the decision-making process might take

Mexican market. In the past, we had two local suppliers, but

two to three years. Japanese companies tend to be located

as the demand increased, they did not have the capacity or

in close proximity to OEM clients. We would like to be located

the financial backup to keep up.


ELECTRIC HEATERS FOR INJECTION MOLDING MACHINES The call of the automotive industry in Mexico is becoming so

was a challenge. The company’s first sales were made

strong that it is attracting veteran entrepreneurs from other

through small quotes, while capital expenditure was also

sectors. This was the case for Ernesto Limón Escalante,

low. “When we got our first big project, our relationship with

Director of Lemon Analyzers. After finding success by

Watlow was very good. They allowed us 30 days grace for

providing gas measuring equipment for industrial players

payments, which allowed us to collect the sales funds first.

to track their emissions, Limón Escalante was drawn to the

In this way, we never required a huge amount of capital to

automotive industry. Partnering up with Watlow Electric,

start,” says Limón Escalante. This sober financial approach

Lemon Analyzers brought electric heaters for injection

allowed Lemon Analyzers to later reap the rewards. “Lemon

molding equipment to the Mexican market. “We sell electric

Analyzers only has ten staff members but we have managed

heaters that help liquefy the plastic for injection molding

to turn the same profit as companies with five times our

machines,” explains Limón Escalante. “We also sell the

payroll,” he adds. That turnover was also down to high sales

temperature sensors and controls, thereby covering the

of the heaters. Given that Watlow’s heaters were already

entire loop. I wanted to enter this specific field to get

widely utilized in the market, it is not surprising that those

involved in the automotive and aerospace industries.”

companies approached by Lemon Analyzers soon saw the

“With automotive companies, you really need to be on call 24 hours a day. We had a stroke of luck by being in the right place at the right time, and we managed to turn a profit more quickly than usual for start-up companies in this sector” Ernesto Limón Escalante, Director of Lemon Analyzers

The benefits of the heaters themselves are what really

benefits as well. Limón Escalante talks of how “companies

convinced Lemon Analyzers to enter this new business.

were amazed that we could halve their costs while providing

Limón Escalante narrates the process through which these

a good service.” In its early days, Lemon Analyzers’ sales

are sold. “Our heaters can really help clients to reduce their

were modest, but reached US$500,000 in its second year,

energy costs. We visit the premises of our clients, work out

from sales to its first client alone. Such results mean that

what they are spending, and then advise them on how much

Limón Escalante has expansion in mind. “I was lucky with

they could save by using our heaters.” Lemon Analyzers

the automotive industry as we are based in Hermosillo,

was not seeking to bring a wholly unknown technology to

which is also the home of INC, a company manufacturing

the market. Watlow Electric’s heaters are already known

many plastic products for the automotive sector.” INC was

throughout the industry, and many injection molding

an early client but Lemon Analyzers now covers three other

machines come with such heaters already installed. As this

states: Chihuahua, Sinaloa, and Sonora. “We are continuing

is not a universal practice, Lemon Analyzers has found a

to grow and we expect to open an office in Tijuana in 2014.

niche to break into the market through companies that

This office will target the more than 1,000 maquiladoras in

do not already use the heaters. “In order to establish the

that region.” Setting up bases in Guadalajara, Sinaloa, and

brand, we focused on building customer relationships to

Durango is also on the horizon, although security conditions

make sure to establish trust in the product,” says Limón

in the latter two have delayed this move.

Escalante, who found working in the automotive industry very different to the mining industry. “With automotive

Lemon Analyzers is also considering the potential of

companies, you really need to be on call 24 hours a day.

mixing and matching its two businesses by bringing its

We had a stroke of luck by being in the right place at the

gas measurement technologies to the automotive sector.

right time, and we managed to turn a profit more quickly

Heating and soldering plastic produces emissions and

than usual for start-up companies in this sector. We were

Limón Escalante sees his experience in the mining industry

lucky that we acquired a big project so fast.”

as being highly transferrable. “These emissions need to be measured like any others in order to ensure the health of


Although Watlow Electric has a manufacturing plant in

the workers, which means monitoring systems are needed.

Queretaro, Lemon Analyzers was its first distributor in Latin

A lot of emissions are also produced when OEMs paint

America. At first, despite experience in the mining and

and heat their vehicles, opening up a space for continuous

chemical industries, adapting to the automotive industry

emission monitoring centers,” he says.


already have the right people to take charge of these new



processes,” explains Partida. To make good on its pledge

market is underdeveloped,

to continue training Mexican workers, Mold-Tech brings in

as 95% of the tools in

experienced technicians from abroad that know the right

the Mexican automotive

patterns and tools. This has been its strategy since 2004,



when it first brought in an American technician to train its


initial crop of Mexican staff. “The complexity of the tooling



foreign explains Mario Partida, General Manager of Mold-Tech Latinoamérica



and texturing industry means that the training period is not

General Manager of Mold-

to be underestimated,” says Partida. “Potential technicians

Tech Latinoamérica. “For

may need to study for between three and five years before

texturing, there are local

they can carry out jobs for Mold-Tech without supervision.”

competitors that can do basic things with acid but they work for non-automotive industries. They do not have

By training its people to master new technologies, Mold-

the knowledge or infrastructure to gain OEM approval

Tech has another solid advantage in the priorities it sets

or to properly carry out orders in accordance with OEM

for its own R&D investment. The first is laser technology,

procedures,” he says. However, Partida does not feel

for which the company is developing new equipment to

Mold-Tech is in the same position. The company has been

texturize products for operations which are still done by

developing mold and texturizing technology for over 60

hand. For Partida, laser technology represents the future

years and Partida believes that the Mexican market does

of automotive tooling, but he explains that it must first

not provide any direct competition at the moment. For

evolve to be able to handle any tool, regardless of size or

Mold-Tech, the automotive industry represents 60% of

geometry. “We also need to see if OEMs are going to be

its sales in Mexico while the other 40% is divided across

happy with the finishes that lasers can provide, since these

industries such as electronics and furniture. Despite this

differ from the ones they are used to,” explains Partida.

automotive dominance, Partida acknowledges that its

The second line is the development of original designs

automotive services and product portfolio in Mexico is

and textures for newly released vehicle models. “We

small as compared to its global operations. “We are here

work directly with our clients to help our designs match

to support and give service to the tooling that is textured

their original ideas and industry trends. For example,

in Canada or the US,” explains Partida. “We provide

one Japanese designer wanted the pattern of a leaf on

repairs and general changes so customers do not need

its car. To make this vision a reality, we scanned the leaf

to send tools outside the country,” he adds. In 2013, the

pattern, and developed the prints to begin acid testing and

company expanded into a new facility in Queretaro that

get as close as we could to the original idea. This close

specializes in texture repairs. Since the facility’s opening, it

duplication of natural patterns is currently very popular

has netted Tier 1 and 2 clients, including TRW Automotive,

among automotive designers.”

Mann+Hummel, Nihon Plast, and Kasai. Beyond working with established companies, Mold-Tech also has the

Given the level of automotive growth seen in Mexico,

capacity of texturing new molds for automotive suppliers

Mold-Tech firmly intends to claim its own portion of the

that enter Mexico without texturing capacity.

market. Partida points to domestic toolmakers beginning to build an increasing amount of molds, which will help the

“Mold-Tech is the only option in the Mexican market.

texturing business to grow. Furthermore, with the likes of

Customers that do not want to work with us have to look for

Honda and Mazda now being mainstays in the country’s

options in the US. We are able to work with suppliers and

automotive market, the company has set itself the target of

OEMs by bringing specialized technicians to repair tools

growing 25% year-on-year in Mexico. “At first, we expect to

in the most important automotive centers,” says Partida.

see more demand for repairs while we wait for toolmakers

This has seen Mold-Tech’s Mexican technicians become

to start building new tools in Mexico. We are also busy

very familiar with the needs of OEMs and tool providers

securing the approval to use the proprietary patterns of

in the country. Although training this team specialized in

Mazda and Honda. When these OEMs are ready to secure

local tooling and texturing needs is an evident advantage,

such patterns within Mexico, Mold-Tech will already have

Mold-Tech has one more aim in mind. “Given that most of

the procedure and the grain approval tech data. This does

the technologies used for these purposes are new to the

take time, however, as we must match the textures for

Mexican market, Mold-Tech needs to improve the skills of

each pattern of each OEM. It is complex, but we can do it,”

the relevant labor force to exploit these opportunities. We

claims Partida.



Luis Gerardo Barrales, Head of Sales of Eisenmann


first eyes the local potential for each product in different

with Volkswagen is one


markets. “It is likely that a product that is not suited for

of the reasons Eisenmann

the European market might find a place in Asia, Brazil, or



India. It does not make sense to build a product in Mexico

Mexican base in Puebla,”

and ship it to Germany because of costs and logistics, but



perhaps the design could find a use in Germany,” explains

Barrales, Head of Sales

Barrales. For instance, last year Eisenmann developed a

of Eisenmann. A leader

skid conveyor system specifically tailored for the Mexican

in plastics painting and

market. Barrales says Volkswagen requested this product

coating applications, the

and that it was designed, built, and installed by Eisenmann’s





company has also worked

Mexican engineering department. “I see a lot of potential

with Honda in Celaya on painting plastic parts for interiors.

opportunities for this skid conveyor system. The idea is that,

The company’s client list bears little relation to geography

once we increase its installed base, we will share it with

as Eisenmann is as comfortable working with Nissan, Toyota,

the rest of our subsidiaries. Our local developments can

Daimler, and BMW among others. Nevertheless, Eisenmann’s

be used globally by the rest of the company and for other

success stories and capacities have increased as it forayed

clients.” To ensure the company’s standards are complied

outside Germany, given the technological specifications and

with in its Mexican subsidiary, local engineers who work for

requirements put forward by Asian OEMs alone.

Eisenmann have received training in Germany.

At the moment, Barrales says his company is working to

Eisenmann’s commitment to the environment goes beyond

cover a growing demand for plastic components and

its coating technology, according to Barrales. The company

wheels, areas in which Eisenmann has plenty of expertise. In

recently entered the markets of eco-applications and

fact, Eisenmann has a specific department in Germany that

environmental technologies. “Sustainability has become

concentrates on the development of painting applications

really important, particularly for larger companies. We see

for aluminum wheels. The company is also working in

a lot of opportunities not just on the automotive side, but

powder coating applications. Barrales comments that in

also in the food and beverage, pharmaceutical, and chemical

this segment, products can be distributed through Tier 1

industries.” In addition to increasing its presence in the paint

companies or directly through body shops. For instance,

and body shop lines, Eisenmann is also aiming at expanding

the E-Scrub is a sustainable coating system, focused on

its portfolio in environmental technology, such as water

automotive applications, that uses an electrostatic paint

treatment and air purification systems that can be integrated

separation system implemented to reduce the amount

as part of its paint lines. In cases where a customer is looking

of waste material. This results in savings by using less

for certain environmental advantages, Eisenmann can fit its

paint and producing less waste material to be stored and

technology to the customer’s requirements. Furthermore,

handled, by ensuring a very low percentage of remaining

Barrales claims most of his company’s applications fit well in

particles in the exhaust air. Similarly, the E-Cube technology

the automotive industry. “In the case of Volkswagen’s Think

can be used in any wet paint application, and is based on

Blue strategy which seeks to reduce CO2 emissions, we work

a filtration method that removes overspray from the air

with the OEM to make sure that our systems provide efficient

without the need for chemicals, water, or other additives.

solutions for reducing polluting emissions. Eisenmann is

Barrales explains that instead of using expensive water

willing to develop new things with our customers if needed,

treatment processes, Eisenmann developed a separator

although most of our technology fits their needs well already.”

method of modules (cartridges) that remove paint particles


for the overspray (air). Motorized shutters ensure that

Eisenmann’s strategy for Mexico is to develop a supplier base

E-Cube modules can be individually removed and replaced

consisting of third-party organizations. The purpose is to

during periods when the plant is not in use. Waste material

reduce costs while maintaining the company’s international

goes into the cartridge, providing storage in little space.

quality levels, helping it to increase its installed base in

“This technology allows end customers to use painting

Mexico, as well as increase its presence in Central America.

materials in an efficient way, while reducing the amount of

For example, Eisenmann has two suppliers in Puebla that

scrap with the cartridges. These have to be changed once

develop products with quality standards similar to those of

per month, depending on usage,” says Barrales, adding that

German-based suppliers at very attractive prices. “We avoid

this technology reduces waste material from 20% to 10%.

paying additional costs in taxes, fees, and transportation by

Every time Eisenmann develops a product, the company

having good suppliers in Mexico,” tells Barrales.

LEADING AUTOMATION SUPPLIER LOOKS BEYOND MOTHERSHIP Being part of Fiat Chrysler Automobiles has not been a

base was created in the town of Tepotzotlan in the State of

hindrance for Comau in comforting its leadership position

Mexico. This breaks with the trend of most Tier 1 suppliers

in process automation. However, Alberto Tolomelli, General

seeking to work out of the Bajio region or the northern

Manager of Comau Mexico, is keen to explain that Comau’s

states in order to be close to the OEMs. Tolomelli explains

reputation has been forged through superior product

why Comau went in a different direction. “We realized that

offering and engineering. “Fiat Chrysler Automobiles

the area of Tepotzotlan is not highly industrial, but we

only provides about one-fourth of our business. Like any

selected this location due to the logistics advantages it

other customer, they are welcome to choose the best

offers; from this site it is easy to reach our clients all around

option in the market and Comau has to prove that it is

Mexico,” says Tolomelli. The company has a long affiliation

competitive,” he explains. The best way for Comau to

with the town and its employees have gained knowledge

prove its competitiveness is by relying on the technological

and skills that would be hard to replace. “It is a challenge

developments it has created through the years. “Suppliers

for us to stay in the State of Mexico but moving to another

are taking a more aggressive approach and companies are

location in the country would mean losing our workers. We

increasingly having to become technology developers.

have trained them and raised them to the needed level, so

Comau shares this view and is now involved in all its projects

moving would represent a big problem for us,” he adds.

from the outset. This has given us better understanding of our projects across the supply chain, and it allows us to

Comau has a total turnover of €1.4 billion per year, to which

suggest ideas or to arrange for the incorporation of new

Mexico contributes with around €33 million. While this may

technologies that we have developed,” adds Tolomelli.

not seem to make Mexico a major component of Comau’s

“Suppliers are taking a more aggressive approach and companies are increasingly having to become technology developers. Comau shares this view” Alberto Tolomelli, Director General of Comau Mexico

Comau provides advanced manufacturing systems and

strategy, the country forms part of the company’s focus on

solutions of machining, assembly modules, body welding

emerging markets, alongside Brazil and India. Mexico’s links

systems, and integrated robotics, across five main business

to the automotive industry in the US also make it a valuable

units. “The core of the company is body welding, which

cog in the Comau wheel. In terms of staff, Comau has 500

is engaged in production systems for the bodies of cars.

people on the ground in Mexico, as compared to 2,000

We also focus on powertrain systems for engines and

in China and over 7,000 in Brazil, but Tolomelli is certain

transmissions. Our third unit concerns robotics, where we

his charge will continue to grow while Brazil will stabilize.

offer industrial robots as well as robotized and integrated

“Comau is well-known in other countries as we started the

solutions. The fourth unit is dedicated to Adaptive Solutions,

process of positioning the brand there long ago, but this still

the business unit that has extended the automotive

needs to be done in Mexico. The company knows it has to

competences of Comau in other industries such as heavy

raise awareness of its presence in Mexico, and to do so, we

commercial vehicles, agriculture & machining, aerospace,

will double our staff here by 2017, reaching 1,000 people.”

and our final unit is focused on maintenance and service.

Tolomelli says the company is not likely to develop wholly

This naturally sees us providing services to automotive

new solutions for the Mexican market but will follow the

customers, but also to those in chemicals, mining, and steel

path it has already set in the US. Given that the production

production,” says Tolomelli. All five of these units draw on

of cars in Mexico will keep increasing, he sees Comau’s

a wellspring of new technologies and production solutions

body welding unit as showing the most potential here.

that flow from Comau’s development centers, with Mexico

Looking further ahead, continued sector growth will make

benefiting from the center in the US.

maintenance and service another area of growth although Tolomelli predicts this will take more time. “We must

With a presence in 13 countries regrouping over 14,000

first look to produce more products rather than maintain

employees worldwide, Comau pays close attention to where

our current production level,” he states. “We have all the

its bases of operations should be set up. In Mexico, that

opportunities to grow and develop here in Mexico.”



HONDA SUPPLIER HURT BY MEXICAN FISCAL REFORM HISASHI NISHIMURA President of YUSA Autopartes Mexico Q: How has your understanding of the Mexican market

to Mexico because of the low cost of labor. However, we

evolved since Yusa’s market entry?

cannot produce all of the products here as some of the

A: We originally chose Mexico because our parent company

raw materials we need are not available in the country.

in the region is based in Ohio. By settling in Mexico, we

Moreover, quality is very important to our customers,

expanded our North American operations. Yusa studied

which forces us to import certain products, particularly

potential investment locations across the Bajio region

specialized parts that are used in ensuring a vehicle’s

including Queretaro, Aguascalientes, and San Luis Potosi,

safety. Nonetheless, the cost competitiveness issue is

as well as Nuevo Leon. The reason we chose Zacatecas

very important in the automotive industry. You can bring

was because all players, including the government and

down cost in the purchase area in several ways, including

the Mexican embassy in Japan, were very cooperative and

R&D targeted to reduce production costs.

helpful. We completed our first plant here in 2011, and in 2012 we began analyzing the possibility of opening a second

Q: How is Yusa participating in the global automotive

plant. Yusa’s commitment to Zacatecas was welcomed by

trend to make lighter weight vehicles?

the state government. Our executives met with the Secretary

A: The majority of our products in the past were made

of Economic Development of Zacatecas, who showed

of steel. We have now switched to aluminum or resin

us exactly what the state was doing to make life easy for

brackets, which aid in making cars lighter while ensuring

automotive suppliers arriving there. The main purpose of

that our products continue to be reliable and safe. Safety

Yusa Mexico is to manufacture specific rubber parts such as

is paramount. An engine mount is made so that when hit

suspension bushings for the Honda Civic and Honda CR-V

by a certain impact, the engine will not move or fall off. If

that are manufactured at the plant in Celaya, Guanajuato. We

the aluminum version of the engine mount did not meet

began cautiously as we were not sure about the capabilities

this requirement, then we would not be producing it.

of the local labor force, and these parts are relatively easy to make. We are right on schedule in the execution of our

Q: What impact is the Fiscal Reform having on Yusa’s

five-year plan. We have invested the planned amount and are

financial growth in Mexico?

currently using ten of the 20 acres of land that we purchased.

A: The Fiscal Reform is hurting us. It is very political in

We told the government of Zacatecas we would need 1,000

nature and we have been badly affected. For example, we

people, and we currently have 900 employees, but we need

have not received the VAT refund that had been agreed

to hire more people since we are close to hitting all our

upon, and we have not received an answer as to why. It is

targets. Plans to build a third plant, which will make slightly

a significant amount, and we need to get it back. We are

more complex products like hoses, are in the works.

very disappointed because the government is answering our queries with a lot of bureaucratic questions. The same

Q: What is the balance between the proportion of your

goes for a lot of other companies. The problem seems to lie

production that is exported and sold in the domestic

within the federal government and this is clearly affecting


our investment plans.

A: We export 95% to the US and the other 5% is sent to


Tier 1 companies with a presence in Mexico. In the near

Nevertheless, we are aiming to increase sales by 1.5% in

future, we will be sending about 10-15% to Brazil and to

2014, which means producing more in Mexico. We will be

the Honda plant in Celaya. Our Mexican plants will then

completing our second plant this year and construction

be supporting our operations in both the North and

will start on our third plant in the near future. We have

South American markets. We used to import a lot of

expanded very quickly, and while that is good, we need

parts from our plant in the US for our customers here,

to fix some operational problems before beginning the

but every year we produce more and more parts locally

third plant. Our customers must be prioritized so we need

in Mexico. We have tried to shift most of our production

to assure the right quality levels before moving forward.

RUBBER COMPOUNDS SOON TO COMPETE WITH TPE ALTERNATIVE The potential of Mexico to act as a trade bridge, for all

largest base of operations, jointly with China and behind

types of companies, is nicely typified by the reflection

the US. The location of its two plants in Aguascalientes and

of HEXPOL Compounding, a leading global supplier of

Queretaro is no coincidence. Their proximity to Mexico’s

rubber and its derivatives. “HEXPOL Compounding has

main automotive hubs makes it much easier to bring new

placed a big bet on Mexico. We are here to support the

technologies and products to the market. This geographical

Mexican industry, but we are also looking ahead. The need

advantage combines with HEXPOL Compounding’s focus

for rubber will grow across Latin American markets, and

on internal R&D. “We know that in the automotive industry,

Mexico is the perfect platform to support domestic growth

R&D is essential for a company to survive. We are constantly

as well as to supply the US,” explains Saúl Reyes, Managing

investing in R&D and are working on new products to meet

Director of HEXPOL Compounding.

market expectations. Synergies with key companies in the sector guide our R&D, and based on interaction with OEMs,

“The product line in Mexico is focused on rubber pieces

we can make products that adapt to specific applications

for almost the entire car,” explains Reyes, but he already

the customers need,” states Reyes. Importantly, HEXPOL

envisions a future where the Mexican automotive sector

Compounding has actively begun R&D in Mexico itself,

begins to look at alternatives for rubber. Other materials like

a process that is being supported from its labs in the US.

TPE compounds, for which HEXPOL Compounding already

A shared database exchanges key information between

has a division in Europe, will soon be able to compete on


an even keel with rubber. “Our TPEs are beginning to have

Compounding to maintain its global technological vision

a presence in the NAFTA region and we already have some

while ensuring local tailoring for its products in each market.






distribution in Mexico. Eventually, as we grow and increase our market share, it might well make sense to start TPE manufacturing in the region,” explains Reyes. However, he adds that the development of new technologies like TPEs does not mean that rubber will begin to disappear. The company’s plant in Queretaro came about when HEXPOL Compounding bought a local rubber leader that had been in operation since 2000. Given this company’s market presence for rubber products, HEXPOL Compounding kept its brand name alive in some of its products. “Whenever a company becomes part of our family by bringing a brand that enjoys good reputation and value, we honor that and

The future for HEXPOL Compounding in Mexico is clear.

we do not try to replace the name,” states Reyes. “We only

Rather than focusing solely on expanding its client base, it also

change the brand to our own when doing so can bring

wants to develop stronger relationships with certain valued

more added value.” That brand name recognition is the

customers. “We do not just want to focus on big OEMs. Some

reason HEXPOL Compounding chooses not to carry out

of our customers started off buying a few kilograms per

major marketing campaigns to attract customers among

month and they are now big players in the market. They have

the OEMs, although it already works with several of them.

become key links in the Mexican automotive supply chain

It supplies them and other suppliers with a wide range of

and are strategic vendors for OEMs,” says Reyes. In this line, it

rubber applications, including engine and chassis vibration

has triggered a strong campaign to approach new investors

mounts, treading and retreading solutions for tires, fuel

and help them come to Mexico. Reyes has been in the US and

emission components, and hydraulic and radiator hoses.

Europe giving presentations about Mexico, not only to sell the

“We build a reputation upon the performance and quality of

HEXPOL Compounding brand but also to attract investors.

our products, which has given us important exposure to the

“A lot of foreign companies are willing to invest in Mexico

automotive community in Mexico. Our systems are aligned

and this number will only grow. The business opportunities

to what the automotive industry is expecting from Tier 2

in Mexico over the next decade are going to justify the direct

or even Tier 3 vendors. We choose to focus on the quality

investment made here by companies like us,” states Reyes.

and consistency of our products, as that is what builds our

Given this potential, HEXPOL Compounding is betting on

reputation,” explains Reyes.

three mainstays of the Mexican economy: automotive, oil and gas, and mining, as well as keeping its eyes set on Central and

HEXPOL Compounding’s two production facilities in

South America. For the moment, however, Reyes says the

Aguascalientes and Queretaro make Mexico its second-

priority is preparing for new launches in the Mexican market.



DEMAND IN MEXICO FOR INDUSTRIAL PROTECTIVE FOOTWEAR GROWS HÉCTOR MARTÍNEZ GARCÍA Brand Manager of Bata Industrials México Q: What is the history of Bata and how does the

of two different densities for different floor types. The

automotive industry fit in your portfolio?

shoes are specially designed so the foot is perfectly placed

A: Bata was established in the Czech Republic in the 1970s

and is not rubbing against the steel toecaps. Our footwear

in response to the growing need in several industries for

incorporates top-grade leather and composite caps made

industrial footwear. We now have over 5,000 retail stores

out of fiberglass, which makes them light and durable. As

in over 80 countries. We were the first company in the

part of the automotive manufacturing process, painting is

world to develop PVC boots and antimycotic technologies,

done at a temperature lower than -30°C, creating a snow

which allowed us to become a leader in quality and sales

boot that is ideal for these conditions. Another important

volumes for industrial PVC safety shoes. Bata has been

innovation we have incorporated into the shoes is Aula

in Mexico for 35 years representing the Sandak and

technology used in space suits. This technology regulates

Bubblegummers brands as well as our own industrial

the temperature of the shoes. For example, in a mining zone,

footwear line, introduced 20 years ago. In 2013, we decided

temperatures during the day can reach 30-40°C and can

that we should expand here through our leather footwear

drop to -20°C at night. This technology allows for an ideal

range for the oil, mining, and automotive industries.

body temperature to be maintained during the day, while during the night, the stored energy is slowly released. We

Q: What challenges did you face breaking into the Mexican

introduced this technology in Chile in the biggest mine in

automotive sector?

Latin America, where Codelco (National Copper Corporation

A: Bata Industrials supplies footwear to Volkswagen in

of Chile) now uses our products. We have also introduced

Germany, and we hope to apply this experience to Mexico.

Kevlar technology, making the shoes even lighter.

The Mexican government is actively promoting the sector’s growth, which is what first led us to begin introducing

We are slowly attracting interest from the automotive

our products to this market. The biggest challenge in

industry, although demand currently comes mainly from

launching the brand in Mexico is that companies here do

international companies. In Chihuahua, we are beginning

not necessarily opt for quality but rather kowtow to union

to receive orders from companies that have undergone

demands. If a union demands shoes, the company will

initial trial tests. Consolidating our market position has

often look for the cheapest shoes possible. We are fighting

been difficult but we are confident that we will succeed

against this mindset and we are offering the best footwear

once companies see the results of the field tests. The price

with the highest quality, although it is not the cheapest.

range of Bata footwear goes from US$25-135, covering our

Bata Industrials has led the charge against inappropriate

economical, medium, and premium lines.

footwear by visiting companies and performing field tests with workers and supervisors. After conducting field tests

Q: What are you expecting from the Mexican automotive

with Volkswagen, the company became interested in our


products and we are beginning to work with them.

A: One of the biggest advantages in the automotive industry is the adherence to strict quality control norms. At


Q: What are the real differences between Bata’s higher

the moment, companies are importing footwear, as Mexico

quality footwear lines and more economic alternatives?

has no adequate footwear technology. Mexican quality

A: We are concerned for the wellbeing and comfort of the

norms are not as strict as American and European norms,

workers. It is important for us to offer a durable product that

and often they are established by the manufacturers based

avoids sprains and is very light. Our footwear distinguishes

on what they can produce locally. Our footwear adheres

itself in several ways. It lasts twice as long as many alternatives,

to European certifications which are the most stringent

and incorporates technologies such as phylon, which is also

worldwide. For example, Mexico requires 120 joules of

used in sports shoes. We combine phylon with rubber to

toecap protection while our footwear offers 200. Our

make more resistant shoes, and we combine polyurethane

products exceed Mexican norms.


Although Disma is keen on expanding its portfolio to a



wider array of products, it acknowledges that Mexican



companies lack the high-tech awareness to compete with


the international companies coming to the country. For

expected for distributors of

Soto Barrionuevo, the Mexican government could help to

machinery such as Disma

level the playing field by providing assistance and incentives

Metalmecánica (Disma). As

to support the homegrown members of the automotive

more OEMs are establishing

industry. “When the government talks about the Mexican

in the country, the talk has

automotive industry, it really is just talking about international

been all about how the

automotive companies established in the country,” she says.


booming, come

Rosario Soto Barrionuevo, President of Disma Metalmecánica

Mexico growth



“The Mexican government seems unaware of the importance

become stronger. But Disma is aware of how hard it is to try

of the domestic industry. The government loves that Audi

and sell to OEMs, as these companies are not always fully

is here and that Nissan and Volkswagen are growing, but

confident about local distributors. Often enough, Disma has

it ignores the Mexican industry that is supplying those big

found that OEMs bring their machinery with them from their

OEMs. There have been no effective policies to boost the

home country. “We have participated in different seminars,

local industry.” The current administration of President

where we have seen that the main investment decisions are

Enrique Peña Nieto has begun to roll out products in order

being taken outside of Mexico. This means that it is difficult

to bring new equipment through a friendlier financing

for us, as a local distributor, to participate in the industry.

scheme for SMEs. For example, a laser-cutting machine can

There is a lack of trust from executives in other countries

receive up to 60% financing with a very competitive interest

about the quality of local suppliers,” explains Rosario Soto

rate, while the SME will have to pay the remaining 40%. “A

Barrionuevo, President of Disma Metalmecánica. “They often

few Disma customers that are developing automotive parts

see Mexico as a low-cost manufacturing hub without trusting

have participated in this program. We are beginning to see

in our local experience to develop a product. Companies still

certain efforts, so we really hope these programs work out,”

look for international brands to assist them.”

says Soto Barrionuevo.

Disma is a distributor of machine tools for cutting and

Disma is one of the first companies of its size in Mexico to

forming sheet, plate, profiles, tubing, aluminum, and PVC

have hit upon the use of technological apps for its clients.

components, many of which are used in the automotive

One of its apps is a calculator providing equations for

industry. The company has seen more success in the heavy

folding, rolling, and puncturing, which was downloaded

duty segment than with light vehicle OEMs. This has made

over 6,000 times in its first year. “This app service is well-

the bus sector important for Disma, given its heavy use of

established worldwide but it has barely taken off in Mexico.

metals which requires machinery for steel laminating and

It is a benefit that we provide to our customers, but it also

other processes that it has provided to the likes of Volvo.

represents a marketing strategy that positions our brand

Beyond this, the machinery that Disma has sold to major

among the end users of the machines we sell,” explains

clients like Nissan and Volkswagen has been approved for

Flores. The company has five different apps, including one

prototypes or testing. This means that while it is used in

that provides instructional videos about machines after

the labs or the maintenance procedures of OEMs, Disma’s

their picture is scanned from a magazine.


equipment has not found its way to the production line as of now. “Mexico only has three or four companies that

If the Mexican market remains as stable as it has been in

sell this type of machinery and have the metal working

the last few years, Disma is looking for exponential annual

experience necessary to fully assist and support clients in

growth of up to 20%. “However, we do not have a lot of

their operations. Disma is one of those few companies, and

influence in the automotive industry, so the continued

distributes primarily to Tier 1 to Tier 3 suppliers,” states

boom of the sector in Mexico would not necessarily have

Soto Barrionuevo. Disma’s General Manager, Roberto

a major reflection on our results. We are expecting to see

Flores, explains why these segments are the right targets.

15% to 20% growth for 2014 and 2015, but this will not all be

“Those companies pose fewer problems as they are already

fueled by the automotive industry,” says Soto Barrionuevo.

used to sourcing locally. Normally, satellite companies that

Nevertheless, Disma will continue to approach Tier 1, 2,

revolve around OEMs look for local assistance.” Playing

and 3 suppliers for OEMs, while prioritizing the bus and

both ends, Disma is now seeing more business on the

heavy duty sectors which offer the company its best

service side than for machinery sales.

opportunities for growth.


Mexico’s Border Industrialization Program (BIP), also know as the maquiladora program, was launched in the mid-60s in response to the end of the Bracero Program which left hundreds of Mexico-US border dwelling workers jobless. The program became a resounding success and continues to serve as inspiration for emerging economy governments worldwide. Nonetheless, whilst Mexico’s automotive maquiladoras were busy producing low cost parts en masse to feed the US market, the global industry engineered and innovated its way to technical heights, leaving Mexico with few revolutionary experts of its own. Today Mexico has at most two small niche OEMs and only a handful of real homegrown competitors in the global automotive playing field. Some of these successful domestic companies have reached lofty international heights, serving as both an example of what can be achieved from within Mexico, and as inspiration for those with ambitions to enter the arena.

This chapter places a spotlight on the most competitive and successful Mexican companies and explains how they have carved a foothold in a market rife with stiff competition from global players. The leaders of these companies discuss how the tropicalized local knowledge of Mexican entities can benefit the sector, and what local entrepreneurs can do to tap into opportunities that are arising. We also look at efforts from both the government and leading private companies to support the growth of local suppliers, and the success that has been enjoyed to date.




Homegrown Talent on the Horizon


Mexican Auto Parts Industry Must Command Better Respect


VIEW FROM THE TOP: The Brakes Are Off for Automotive Innovation


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Biggest Aluminum Component Supplier Expands Worldwide


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Localized Automated Tooling Solutions for Bajio Growth


TECHNOLOGY SPOTLIGHT: Energy Efficiency Quest Influences Transmission Technology


OEMs in Need of Expert Transmission Providers


Camshaft Maker Seeks to Broaden Reach among OEMs


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Quality Protective Clothing Priority in Assembly Plants


Personalized Bodywork Solutions for Bespoke Design


Track-Ready Road-Legal Super Car Made in Mexico




Future of Mexico’s First OEM Hangs in the Balance


Tropicalizing Established Sales Strategies Pays Off


Listening to Customers Key to Escaping Financial Crisis


Hoy No Circula Makes a Comeback


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Exhaust Industry Crucial to Emissions Reductions


Composite Fibers Offer Frontend Weight Reduction


Patience and Capital Key to Success for Truck Suppliers


South American Demand for Mexican Bus Bodies Rises


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Lubricant Technology Origin Segments Brand Perception


Filter and Lubricant Maker Proves Export Worth


HOMEGROWN TALENT ON THE HORIZON To outsiders, perhaps one of the more perplexing elements


of Mexico’s successful rise as a global automotive hub is its

companies have so far been identified at the Tier 2 and

own dearth of both manufacturing and supplier companies.

3 segments of the supply chain. The country’s auto parts

The country became successful as a low-cost, labor-intensive

sector is seen as a key area for its potential contributions

manufacturer on the back of its maquiladora industry, but

to the North American value added production chain.

fell behind as creative engineering hubs drove industrial

According to the US International Trade Commission, the

development, stifling local companies’ competitiveness

domestic content of Mexico’s transportation equipment

in the global arena. The country’s sports car automaker,

exports to the US currently stands at 26.9%, and Mexico’s

Mastretta, recently announced an abrupt halt in production

Ministry of Economy wants to see this increase. To this

of its only commercial vehicle and the company’s future

end, the Ministry and organizations like INADEM are

remains uncertain. This leaves just one niche automotive

working with leading private sector companies to grow

manufacturer in the form of VUHL, which will produce

local capacity and capabilities, with the development of

just 50 of its lightweight VUHL 05 sports cars in 2014.

technological sophistication topping the list of priorities.






Nevertheless, the fact that Mexico has managed to build a thriving automotive sector without a strong domestic light

Ford is one OEM that is working to develop local

vehicle OEM is a clear testament to the country’s ingenuity

suppliers, and Purchasing Manager Leo Torres explains

in attracting the global cream of the automotive crop. Some

that “Mexican Tier 2 and 3 suppliers are clearly superior to

believe this ingenuity should now be directed towards

Chinese suppliers but they need to refine their technical

fostering Mexican corporate talent. The Executive President

skills when compared to German counterparts. We are

of the Mexican Automotive Industry Association (AMIA),

advising our suppliers to reinvest a strong part of their

Eduardo Solís, however believes that the fact that Mexico

revenue in R&D. Companies that do not do this will not

does not have its own OEM has become a moot point,

be successful in the long-term, or will only be used as

bearing in mind how globalized the industry has become.

maquiladoras by other firms.” Mexican companies also

He feels that Mexico will eventually have its own OEM, but

need to define a clear strategy. Companies that are

he does not see this as key to the country’s success. As true

underperforming at the Tier 1 level might find success and

as that sentiment may be, the strengthening of Mexico’s

profit working as Tier 2 suppliers, according to Torres.

domestic automotive base would undeniably bolster the industry’s long-term economic stability, and both the

Despite the diminutive nature of Mexico’s own bank of

private and public sectors have recognized the need to

automotive industry companies, there are a number of

foster homegrown success stories.

solid homegrown success stories that local companies


Oscar Albín, President of National Auto Parts Industry (INA)


By Oscar Albín - The

entered the national automotive arena, including Johnson



Controls, Lear, Bosch, Federal-Mogul, and Dana, among

industry was largely born


others. As the economy of the NAFTA region grew, many

of the need for OEMs

OEMs changed their manufacturing strategies in Mexico

establishing in Mexico to

to produce one or two high-volume models instead of



several low-volume models. Production was intended to

set levels of domestically


be exported while suppliers could now settle in Mexico and

made components in order

own 100% of their companies. This was the big change

to sell cars in the country.

that the Mexican auto parts industry needed in order to



grow sustainably. When the local content regulation for

multinational corporations

the automotive and auto parts sectors was removed,

looking to settle in Mexico had to comply with the condition

many Mexican Tier 1 and 2 companies vanished, leaving

of having a Mexican majority shareholder. During this

the market in the hands of transnational competitors. Few

period, a number of leading international manufacturers

Mexican companies overcame the challenge of growing

“The fact that Mexico does not have its own OEM has become a moot point, bearing in mind how globalized the industry has become. Mexico will eventually have its own OEM, but it is not key to the country’s success” Eduardo Solís, Executive President of AMIA

can seek to emulate. Founded in 1929, SANLUIS Rassini is

with the customer based on mutual respect and needs.

the world’s largest producer of suspension components

Testament to this is the fact that our first contract in

for light commercial vehicles as well as the largest

India was with one of our global customers,” explains

fully integrated brake rotor producer in the Americas.

TREMEC’s CEO Robert Neal. Nemak is a further Mexican

Supporting industry experts’ sentiments about the

company to provide inspiration, producing high-tech

importance of technological development is the fact

aluminum components for the global automotive industry.

that SANLUIS Rassini’s R&D focus has played a major

Established in Mexico 30 years ago, Nemak now has more

role in the company’s success, with the company now

than 20,000 employees working in 35 manufacturing

boasting four technical centers located in the US, Mexico,

plants located across 15 countries.

and Brazil. “Our consistent focus on engineering and technology development has enabled us to secure 40

Looking to the future, Solís believes Mexico’s best shot at

new contracts since 2012. For one major automaker, we

developing its own major OEM will come from investment

will be in six out of ten vehicles by 2016,” explains the

by the country’s major tycoons. Mexico actually came

company’s CEO Eugenio Madero. During 2013, SANLUIS

within a whisper of having its own OEM back in 2007

Rassini was awarded new contracts that the company

when Chinese automaker First Automobile Works and

predicts will secure additional sales of more than US$500

Mexico’s Grupo Salinas agreed to establish a joint venture

million over the next five years.

for the production of small low-priced vehicles for the Mexican market. However, the plan, which included the









that part

of of


establishment of a production plant with a yearly capacity


of 100,000 vehicles in Michoacan, foundered due to the

corporate giant Grupo KUO. TREMEC supplies major

global economic crisis in 2008. Until a similarly ambitious

OEMs including GM, Chrysler, Ford, Case New Holland,

plan materializes, Mexico’s hopes center around two

and Volvo. Such is the trust that TREMEC has built up

areas. It must go ahead with the development of its

with its global customers that it has now made initial

supplier network and capitalize on the opportunities

first forays into the Indian market. “TREMEC’s long-term

that exist for it to follow in the footsteps of international

partnerships are a result of the wish to have a relationship

success stories and forge more of its own.

their own businesses while global competitors were taking

quality standards. Without these characteristics, it will

over the market. Today, those that have thrived include

be impossible to promote the Tier 2 and 3 components

major companies like Nemak, TREMEC, Metalsa, Bocar,

of the Mexican automotive industry’s procurement chain.

Arbomex, Macimex, and SANLUIS Rassini. As a result, the

The federal government has to play a crucial role in this

Mexican auto parts industry now faces the challenge of

development through the promotion of direct foreign

recovering its Tier 2 and 3 production volumes. As for Tier

investment by supporting and attracting suppliers that

1, many parts are still produced here, but the rest of the

can complement the production chain, such as those

supply chain has not followed suit. Over the past 20 years

manufacturing steel, fabrics, electric cabling, forging, and

OEMs have encouraged their trusted Tier 1 suppliers to set

machining. Finally, it is important to remember that Mexico

up nearby. Tier 1 companies have been only too happy to

is not the only destination where transnational auto parts

take up this opportunity, but have largely remained focused

companies are being invited to follow OEMs. Countries like

on assembling components in Mexico while importing raw

Russia, Brazil, China, India, Czech Republic, and Poland

materials from longstanding suppliers in their countries of

are also seeking to attract employment sources and


technology. Therefore, in such a crowded environment, Mexico must not rest on its laurels but adopt a highly

Considering low need from OEMs and the absence of

aggressive stance towards promoting itself.

national content regulations, Mexican suppliers need to become competitive in terms of cost, logistics, and

Oscar Albín, President of National Auto Parts Industry




continued strong financial results as more automakers invest

development of the automotive industry, and what role

in Mexico and more business pours into the country. Many

does Mexico play in your regional and global operations?

automakers are establishing or growing their operations in

A: Rassini is a leading designer and manufacturer of

Mexico this year. GM, Ford, Chrysler, Honda, Mazda, Nissan,

suspension and brake components for the automotive

Audi, and Volkswagen have all announced expansion plans

industry, mainly focused on OEMs. It is the world’s largest

in Mexico and are expected to invest close to a combined

producer of suspension components for light commercial

US$10 billion over the coming years. We are poised to

vehicles as well as the largest fully integrated brake

leverage this growth, as our headquarters, production plants,

rotor producer in the Americas, including foundry of

and operations facilities are strategically located throughout

gray and ductile iron, machining, coating, anti-corrosive

Mexico. In addition, we continue to invest in state-of-the-art

treatment, and assembly. We have eight manufacturing

equipment in order to promote superior quality and service,

sites strategically located in the US, Mexico, and Brazil,

along with tailored technology and integrated services that

in addition to four technological centers in the same

include design, engineering, and technical support. During

countries. As an engineering driven company, Rassini

2013, SANLUIS Rassini was awarded new contracts that will

has greatly contributed to the ongoing strength of the

secure additional sales of more than US$500 million over

automotive industry in North America. We are at the

the next five years, maintaining growth rates well above the

forefront of technological innovation in manufacturing and

industry average.

are ranked within the top 100 North American suppliers by Automotive News. Our consistent focus on technology

Q: In what ways does the manufacturing and design

and engineering development has enabled us to secure

process for the company’s suspensions differ between the

40 new contracts since 2012. For one major automaker,

light and heavy vehicle sectors?

we will be in six out of ten vehicles by 2016. Of course,

A: The structural features are vastly different for light

Mexico plays an instrumental role in our regional and

vehicles versus the heavy duty sector. Leaf springs are

global operations as we are headquartered in Mexico

used for the heavy duty industry and larger full size pick-

City. We also have production plants and operations

up trucks to support a heavier weight load. We focus on



using the highest grade materials and design parts that are

with locations in Mexico City, Puebla, Piedras Negras,

very specific to each vehicle platform. In both instances,

Xalostoc, and Queretaro. In addition, we are expanding

we are able to use our advanced engineering processes

our brake rotor facility in Mexico. Our site is the only fully

to help eliminate several iterations at the design phase

vertically integrated brake rotor facility in North America,

and provide the end product to the customer much more

comprising foundry, machining, coating, stress relief, and

quickly. Additionally, with these improvements in design

ferritic nitrocarburizing anti-corrosive processes. Including

and higher quality steel grades, we are able to reduce

the new foundry, which will be ready by the end of 2014,

the weight in pour parts while simultaneously resisting

our plant will be equipped to handle a capacity of 180,000

harder loads and protecting against unfavorable weather

tonnes annually, equivalent to 15 million rotors.

conditions. All of this helps to improve the life of our




products, the vehicle’s overall performance, and reduce Q: 2013 saw you reach record sales levels worldwide. What

gas consumption.

role did Mexico’s automotive sector play in this success?


A: The strong surge in Mexico’s automotive industry has

Q: What opportunities has the company identified to

greatly contributed to our growth over the past several years.

diversify into other vehicle segments?

This led to the achievement of our strongest financial results

A: Taking advantage of our current installed capacity, we

to date, with the highest level of sales, EBITDA, and cash flow

have made an initial investment of US$6 million to expand

generation in the company’s history in 2013. Rassini expects

our suspension offerings in North America to now include

leaf springs for the commercial truck market. According to

consumers – free of noise and vibration issues on the brakes

a recent Frost & Sullivan market insight study of commercial

side, and offering smooth performance on the suspension

truck markets, sales in 2014 are expected to reach their

side. We have also added a production process known as

highest levels since 2008. The rapid growth forecasted for

FNC (Ferritic Nitro Carburizing with Stress Relief Process)

the regional market has already given us the opportunity to

that helps double the life of Rassini rotors and protects

secure a 5% market share since launching the business in Q1

against corrosion. Rassini’s four technical centers located

2014. We expect to see that share grow to 20% by 2018. We

in the US, Mexico, and Brazil, are equipped with state-of-

also have extensive experience in the Brazilian heavy truck

the-art testing equipment, advanced analytical software,

market. We hold a 63% market share in South America,

materials development labs, and a highly trained team of

and are capitalizing on this success in the North American

talented engineers focused on the constant development of

market. By leveraging our current success in both the light

novel products that exceed customer needs. We are the only

and heavy truck markets throughout North and South

Mexican-based supplier to receive the 2012 and 2013 GM

America, we are using our position as a leader in engineering

Supplier of the Year Award, winning it for our brakes division.

development to provide our quality products and awardwinning technology to a new group of customers.

Our rotors, which improve stopping distance and allow for increased air ventilation, are now being used on several

Q: What have been the main innovation strategies that

high performance platforms such as the Maserati Ghibli,

have led to the company to become a preferred supplier

Quattroporte, and Lincoln MKC. For brakes, we currently

in springs for light trucks in the NAFTA region?

have a 15% market share in North America, which is

A: We have steadfastly focused on ensuring that our

expected to grow to 28% by 2016 given our current sales

customer needs are met and that we are providing superior

backlog. Our team on the ground in Plymouth, Michigan,

technology solutions. We provide our OEM customers with

allows us to stay closely connected with many of our larger

integrated services that include design, engineering, and

customers. We also continue to invest in technology and

technical support. Our engineers work closely with our

research. For example, we have the capabilities needed to

customers from the moment a platform is first designed

produce all the machining and tooling needed for all of our

to develop specific products for use in each particular

plants. Rassini has also invested heavily in technology like

platform. We also help develop custom steel alloys to

3D printing and prototyping programs that enable us to

meet our customers’ requirements. OEMs increasingly

cut production time immensely.

value the quality of these customer-tailored services, while continuing to emphasize cost competitiveness and consistent high quality. In our suspensions division, our advanced product and process engineering groups successfully developed lighter suspension components using strengthened materials, which have already been approved by our main customers. An alternative heat treatment process is also being developed in order to increase material strength that will result in even lighter products. Our proprietary RDDP (Rassini Digital Design Process) has been implemented in our suspension business, which reflects a seamless integration of several digital analytical tools that reduce product development cycle time by 60%. During 2013, high-tech equipment was installed to produce lighter coil springs with strengths of 1,350MPa and lighted leaf springs above 1,400MPa. We also tightened dimensional tolerances, which significantly improved product performance. Q: What have been the biggest contributions the company has made to the automotive industry? A: Both the brakes and suspension system play a critical role in a vehicle’s ride and handling. Our goal is to develop technology that helps ensure an enjoyable ride for



BIGGEST ALUMINUM COMPONENT SUPPLIER EXPANDS WORLDWIDE ALBERTO SADA Vice President of Business Development of Nemak Q: What has anchored Nemak’s journey to becoming a

Furthermore, given the expected automotive boom in

leading supplier of aluminum engine heads and blocks to

Russia before 2020, Nemak is dedicating US$60 million

a diversity of OEMs?

to building a plant that will manufacture aluminum engine

A: Having started in 1979 as a subsidiary of Grupo Alfa

components for the Volkswagen brand.

accompanied by an investment from Ford, Nemak is today


the world’s largest independent maker of high complexity

Q: Where is Nemak focusing its R&D efforts, particularly to

aluminum components with revenue of US$4.4 billion in

enable further weight reduction in aluminum components

2013. This success is largely due to Nemak having been

and blocks?

able to capture a great part of the aluminum penetration

A: Nemak invests close to 2% of its revenues on product

in engine heads and blocks since the 1990s. The company

development and R&D, and has a dedicated team of

has since built a strong relationship with the most

over 400 people working on product development and

important OEMs worldwide, including Ford, GM, Fiat

R&D. These investments are focused on producing the

Chrysler, Volkswagen, Renault Nissan, Daimler and BMW.

best products that support our customer’s initiatives to

This dominance in our areas of expertise and our tightly

improve engine efficiencies and reduce fuel consumption.

knit relations with major clients has allowed Nemak to

Nemak works hand-in-hand with its customers to improve

grow above 20% per year on a compounded basis for the

its product design and specifications. Our more than

past 20 years due to both organic growth and acquisitions.

70 patents provide us with technology to deliver new

Nemak has made selective acquisitions in the last years

lightweight solutions to our customers, such as aluminum

that have helped the company capture new customers

diesel blocks and high complexity structural components.

and enter new business segments. The company has also

We will continue to offer products and solutions to the

leveraged its success on its technological leadership and

OEMs to help them improve fuel efficiency as automakers

on its 35 state-of-the-art facilities across 15 countries.

look to reduce vehicle weight to comply with regulations.

Moreover, Nemak can rely on its Product Development

On top of that, we also collaborate with our clients on using

Centers, all of which are strategically located to best serve

state-of-the-art technology to mitigate our environmental

its customers. Through this network, we have the capability

impact. 90% of all the aluminum now used by Nemak is

to launch over 150 products per year.

obtained from recycling sources.

Q: Although Nemak is a Mexican success story, how

Q: What measures have you been implementing to

important is the country’s automotive industry for you

develop your human resources to fuel growth in Mexico

now, given your 35 manufacturing plants in 15 countries?

and what common challenges do you encounter?

A: Nemak supplies components to the North American

A: Throughout Nemak’s history, our focus on talent

market from all its plants in the region, including our

development has been key to its success. We support the

facilities in Mexico. Our established history with our

development of our people through robust training and



specialization programs so our employees can not only

automotive industry expansions, both in Mexico and

reach their full potential but also put it in practice in the

the rest of the region. In 2014, we are making a US$370

workplace. Another example is the partnership we have

million investment to anchor our expansion in markets like

established with technological universities to co-design

China, Germany, Russia and India. US$80 million will go

programs that generate highly prepared technicians in

toward an expansion of our factory in Chongqing, China

areas like industrial maintenance and metallurgy. This had

to produce heads, blocks and transmission parts for Ford,

the advantage of significantly shortening the learning

Volkswagen and Audi. US$61 million will also be invested

curve these technicians must undergo when they enter

in Germany for the installation of a new production line,

the workforce, but also makes them more familiar with

which will make blocks and heads for Audi and Porsche.

Nemak’s programs.







LOCALIZED AUTOMATED TOOLING SOLUTIONS FOR BAJIO GROWTH HUMBERTO SĂ NCHEZ Director General of Metalistik Q: How did you make the transition from the IT industry

curve technologically, by getting the right certification, and

into the automotive industry?

by creating an experienced team.

A: I was one of the founders of the IT industry in Mexico, but after 30 years, I decided to change industries because

Q: What are your sales targets for the years ahead?

I saw great potential in the auto parts market in the

A: The amount of machines that Metalistik will buy depends

Aguascalientes area. In 2013, the local government asked

entirely on the purchase orders it receives. The machines we

me to form a cluster of small companies to kickstart the

have now came with the company but we are beginning to

indirect supplier industry in Aguascalientes by acquiring

update the roster. In January 2014, we ordered a 200-tonne

state and federal grants and combining them with a

machining press. In terms of sales targets, we currently have

long-term vision. This led to the foundation of the GIRAA

letters of intent from Gestamp and Nissan. We expect to

(Industrial Group Related to Automation in Aguascalientes)

make a net profit in three years, as we will see returns in a

cluster, of which I am the president. I brought together a

short time through the aftermarket. Refaccionaria Rogelio

group of 40 small investors to be part of Metalistik after I

sells almost US$2 million a day nationwide, but it does not

acquired the company, which was founded as a tooling and

have many providers of parts in Mexico itself. It is bringing in

manufacturing firm, providing machining, stamping, and

a lot of parts from China and the US, but Metalistik intends

automated tooling solutions for OEMs and their suppliers.

to push it to look locally and trust us. We also want to enter

Our location in Aguascalientes puts us close to the plants

the aftermarket business by the end of 2015.

of Nissan, Honda, Mazda, Volkswagen, and GM. Our grand opening in February 2014 was attended by the governor

Q: Do Mexican companies entering the automotive market

and big firms like Nissan and Flextronics. Although we are

today receive enough support?

currently a Tier 1 supplier, it might be more profitable being

A: The support exists, but a graduate entrepreneur might

a Tier 2 supplier since they do not exist in Aguascalientes.

not know that. A bright student graduating with the right idea but without the right contacts may find it very difficult

Q: How are you assuring your competitiveness in the

to enter the industry. However, Mexico has a lot of money

automotive industry?

available for the right types of automotive projects. One

A: We are trying to put best practices in place. We have

aspect that cripples companies is the lack of consistency

been developing for two years, and we are already ISO

in their management teams, especially on a project basis.

certified and are implementing APQP (Advanced Product

Automotive projects in development frequently change

Quality Planning). We started from scratch but we have

directors, sometimes a couple of times a year.

not faced much local competition. When Nissan came to Aguascalientes, it decided to work with Japanese suppliers.

Q: What priorities would you set for the automotive

Therefore, my competition is found among the international

industry in Mexico?

companies that accompanied OEMs here. American OEMs

A: There are three types of providers in Aguascalientes. These

establish their supply chain differently and develop suppliers

are consolidated international Tier 1s, traditional, second-

locally, which has seen important Mexican suppliers rise in

generation family-owned businesses, and newer, often

the northern states. That is not the case here as Japanese

small, companies that have difficulty accessing credit. The

companies settled in the Bajio region. They have had to

market of today has created a need for all these providers.

revise their original plans though. Given how Japanese OEMs

For example, Nissan tells me it is in dire need of pipeline

are booming, they are struggling to find enough supply

maintenance, for which it would be willing to pay millions of

to meet their growing demand, which gave Metalistik the

dollars, but it cannot find anyone to provide this service in

chance to get its foot in the door. We needed to demonstrate

Mexico. There are many needs to attend in different areas

the quality of our machining and tooling solutions, which

of the automotive sector. However, if we do not act quickly,

we have done by ensuring that our plant stays ahead of the

foreign companies will come to take these jobs.



consumers,” Neal explains, while adding that both can be


compared to automatic transmissions. AMT transmissions

Efficiency in CO2 emissions and fuel economy have become

shift on a prescribed schedule which makes the engine

important topics for OEMs. In order to reach their self-set or


mandatory CO2 emission reduction targets, companies are

transmissions is that the user will feel the shifts, while AMT

considering different approaches. This is where TREMEC

also sees certain losses in the torque converter. DCT takes

steps in. The American manufacturer of transmissions tackles

care of the shifting without the user feeling it, making DCT

CO2 emissions and fuel economy together by investing in

closer to automatic transmission. Neal states that this ease

new technology for its products, covering both matters.

of shifting gives DCT the efficiency of a gear set without

TREMEC has R&D underway at its Mexican and Belgian

suffering the hydraulic losses that occur in automatic

plants. Mexico oversees the development of mechanical

transmissions. “We would like the DCT being developed

subsystems and parts while mechatronics and software are

by TREMEC to get the market excited. It brings good fuel

researched in Belgium. The company has already innovated

efficiency and value to the OEM, meaning that it will make a

in typical manual transmissions to reduce CO2 emissions by

real difference in their transmissions.”






reducing the overall weight of the transmissions, helping to improve fuel efficiency. “The transmissions we make today

Whatever Neal’s aspirations are, the use of each type of

are much lighter than the transmissions made ten years ago.

technology will be determined by the market. In Europe,

The ones we will make tomorrow will likely be even lighter

transmissions have gone from manual to DCT, but in North

still,” says Robert Neal, CEO of TREMEC.

America these have gone from manual to automatic. These decisions are based on the preference of the drivers, which the

means TREMEC has to educate the market on what to expect

development of new types of transmissions. The acquisition

each time it comes up with a new transmission technology.

of a mechatronics group in Loppen, Belgium, at the

Regardless, technological transmission advances are hitting

end of 2011, led TREMEC to start producing automated

the market. Neal states that passenger cars in North America

manual transmissions (AMT) and dual clutch transmissions

will soon have access to DCT while light commercial vehicles

(DCT). “AMT and DCT offer great benefits over traditional

or commercial vehicles will start with AMT and eventually

transmissions and are focused on different markets and

move to DCT.










OEMS IN NEED OF EXPERT TRANSMISSION PROVIDERS TREMEC has 50 years of experience in designing and

important player in the market. “We have been building

producing torque transfer solutions. Starting off as a

one transmission for an international company for at least

company focused on manufacturing robust manual

12 years while we probably supply around 70,000 units

transmissions for rear-wheel drive passenger cars, light

a year to OEMs,” says Neal. “25,000 to 35,000 of these

trucks, and commercial vehicles, today TREMEC serves

units are sold just in the Mexican market.”

demanding markets and has operations in Mexico, Belgium, and India. Its operations in Mexico remain its absolute

Neal has confidence in the engineering ability of

priority with its Queretaro base accounting for 95% of the

TREMEC’s workforce in Mexico. However, he admits it can

company’s total sales and employing around 1,600 staff.

be a challenge to ensure that the workers’ capabilities

With a focus on R&D and technological development,

and knowledge stay up to date. “A lot of training and

TREMEC has put out a steady pipeline of products. Its

coordination takes place between Mexico and Belgium to

T-56 transmission, bought in 1997 from BorgWarner, has

bring the latest techniques and skills from the European

received various updates until its current incarnation as

car market to North America,” explains Neal. The transfer

the six-speed TR-6066. This transmission is now used by

of knowledge between its European and North American

GM, Ford, and Chrysler. TREMEC’s seven-speed TR6070

operations is part of a process Neal refers to as cross-

is being implemented in the new C7 Corvette. Finally, the

fertilization, which means trading compatible skills

company released the TR-3160 in response to a need for a

between two organizations. Complementing the Mexican

smaller transmission for lighter horse power applications,

operation, TREMEC’s setup in Belgium takes care of

which was utilized in the small luxury sedan Cadillac ATS.

engineering development and mechatronic assembly for

As for the medium and heavy duty sectors, TREMEC

elite niche customers. TREMEC has also recently set up

remains a small player but it is actively seeking ways to

shop in Pune, India, which it has identified as presenting

modernize its products to appeal to these segments.

the best growth opportunities. Neal recognizes that

“There are a lot of opportunities for growth here with the opening-up of export laws between Mexico and South America. These laws will allow TREMEC to export to the likes of Brazil and Argentina” Robert Neal, CEO of TREMEC

The arrival of new OEMs to Mexico has triggered new

entering India entails a totally different challenge. One

opportunities in the market. Robert Neal, TREMEC’s

major obstacle is choosing the right items to feature

CEO, explains that the company is looking to work with

in a market that needs new products to strike the right

those incoming companies whose strategic needs match

tone with Indian customers. “Indian customers are

up with TREMEC’s plans. “When a new OEM decides to

totally different customers,” Neal comments, “They are

come to Mexico or North America, we have to create a

purely concerned with value, which means they look

progressive link with them. We achieve this by looking

for functionality at a competitive cost. They appreciate

at what the OEM does and how it lines up with our

refinement but are not focused on it, and it does not play

transmission or transmission component businesses,”

a part in the purchase equation.” Despite this expansion

explains Neal. TREMEC feels this specialized attention

and plans to soon open up in China, TREMEC realizes

and focus on customer needs has led to long-term

more opportunities remain in the Mexican automotive

partnerships with key players such as GM, Chrysler,

sector. “There are a lot of opportunities for growth here

and Ford. The company is also a significant component

with the opening-up of export laws between Mexico and

supplier in the medium and heavy duty vehicle markets

South America,” comments Neal. “These laws will allow

where it works with Volvo, Case New Holland, and Eaton.

TREMEC to export to the likes of Brazil and Argentina.”

“Many OEMs are not coming to Mexico with full engine

The company already has business in South America so

or transmission plants, so they are looking for product

these developments are well-tailored for its growth plans.

designs that meet their needs or to build their product

As for North America, TREMEC is looking to become

in existing facilities,” Neal explains. TREMEC’s ability to

well-known for its application of dual clutch transmission

cover both these contingencies has positioned it as an

technology for medium and heavy duty trucks.


CAMSHAFT MAKER SEEKS TO BROADEN REACH AMONG OEMS Recovering from the depths of the 2008 financial crisis by

However, finding the right customers at first was not as

quadrupling your production capacity at the behest of a

simple as knocking on doors and demonstrating products.

major OEM is no mean feat. This is exactly what Arbomex

Rodríguez says he has to be very careful when deciding

did when Chrysler, having clawed itself back from the brink,

which potential customers and partners to approach.

asked the Mexican company to provide camshafts for a

“They must fit a profile which will ensure a win-win deal

batch of 880,000 engines. This represented a US$35 million

for both parties. Joint ventures will play an important

investment and involved a production capacity four times

part in the growth of Arbomex for the near future, but we

larger than Arbomex had at the time. With other contracts

have to be cautious,” he says. Early on, Arbomex showed

pouring in, the company went from producing 500,000 to

a penchant for an elite clientele as it approached only the

4 million camshafts in just two years. Despite this expansion,

leaders in the OEM market to convince them of the quality

Arbomex could barely keep up and Chrysler initially had to

of its products and its processes. For Rodríguez, the

reduce its requested volume of camshafts. But according to

strategy was simple: his company benefited from what he

its CEO Mario Rodríguez, Arbomex was able to survive due

refers to as a Japanese work scheme, far different to most

to the support it received from its direct and tool machine

Mexican firms of Arbomex’s size. “This allowed us to focus

suppliers, especially the ones from Germany and the US. “In

on the twin aims of constantly seeking to innovate while

reality, we owe the survival of our company to our suppliers

reducing costs and making the business more efficient,”

and the faith our board had in Arbomex.”

says Rodríguez.

“Working with Chrysler meant high exposure, which put extra pressure on the company. We were representing both our business and our country” Mario Rodríguez, CEO of Arbomex

Working with a well-known international OEM such as

This attitude seems to have struck a chord with the market,

Chrysler had its benefits and challenges. “We learned

given Arbomex’s solid market share with OEMs and in

a lot from working for Chrysler. We have developed

the aftermarket. “When Arbomex needed to diversify its

into an international standard supplier thanks to them,”

business line and increase its inclusion in the aftermarket,

explains Rodríguez. “But working with Chrysler meant

Chrysler seemed to be the perfect match. The collaboration

high exposure, which put extra pressure on the company.”

between the two companies began with a two-year project

Arbomex unarguably reaped the benefits of its success,

to provide V8 camshafts for Chrysler engines. This proved

but Rodríguez says a failure would have been highly

to be a huge challenge but we already had experience in the

visible. “We were representing both our business and our

production of camshafts and were able to deliver. Arbomex

country,” says Rodríguez, adding that due to its positive

was even able to reduce maintenance costs on these engines

results, Arbomex is now the Mexican leader in producing

by 30% without affecting the quality of the final product,”

and supplying camshafts for the automotive industry,

explains Rodríguez. “The demand for ductile iron camshafts

supplying the likes of Daimler Trucks, Detroit Diesel, and

is increasing. The process that we have developed for these


has resulted in added value for the Arbomex brand, since assembled camshafts are 30% more expensive than iron

Arbomex has over 30 years of experience in manufacturing

camshafts. The company is investing in a small camshaft

precision cast products and tooling, such as crankshafts,

assembly line, allowing Arbomex to cover all three types of

wheel hubs, and its most successful product, camshafts.

camshafts: ductile irons, chill iron, and assembled.”

Arbomex’s plant in Tlalnepantla produces components for


tooling production, supplied by Grupo Carborundum and

Rodríguez is aware of the company’s dependence on

Engine Power Components, while its Celaya facility makes

Chrysler, and would be happy to see this reduce to around

precision cast products. Although it has been working

50% if such a move increased overall sales. “Arbomex is

since the 1970s, it was not until 2001 that it entered the

targeting new clients. We recently travelled to Germany to

automotive industry. This proved a wise move, as today,

visit BMW and have been working hard to get in with them,”

80% of Arbomex’s total sales come from this industry.

he comments.


QUALITY PROTECTIVE CLOTHING PRIORITY IN ASSEMBLY PLANTS JUAN VARGAS President and CEO of Guantes Vargas Q: What role will the automotive industry play in the

these products. These employees receive training in how to

future growth of Guantes Vargas?

apply the latest innovations, solutions, and technology, as

A: The automotive industry represents 33% of our business.

well as specific training in order to reach our objective of

Another 33% is composed of the oil and gas industry, and

zero accidents. We are now taking this one step further. In

the last 33% is made up by the mining sector and the beer

the automotive industry, we have expanded to maintenance

industry. In the automotive industry, we have had long-

and tool production. This flexibility also sees many of our

term contracts with companies such as Ford, Volkswagen,

products being made exclusively for a certain company or

and Magna, and we have been continually growing along

even for a certain plant.

with them. Every time they open a new plant, we get more work. Now as Mexico sees plants being opened up by many

Q: What innovations and certifications guarantee the

different companies, Guantes Vargas is ready to grow in

efficacy of your products?

size, adding more plants and more employees. This will be

A: Our biggest innovation concerns the machines we use

a great opportunity for us as we are already well-known

to build various products in a fully automatized manner.

for our automotive experience. Beyond Mexico, our short-

We have been in the market for 62 years, during which we

term priority is to expand to Argentina and Brazil. In the

have remained a strong company under the same name,

immediate future, we want our first international plant to be

managed by the same family. Volkswagen has been hailing

set up in Brazil, and then Argentina. In the medium-term, we

our performance for a long time. Back in 1998, we received

will open a facility in Detroit to give us a presence in the US

the Corporate Supplier Award for flexibility, quality, and

and to be closer to some of our clients, such as Ford. Right

service from the Volkswagen Group in Germany. We remain

now, we are also looking to start working with Nissan. Today,

the only Latin American company to have received this

our business is purely with major companies, as we do not

award in our sector. In 2012, Volkswagen’s operations in

deal with small or medium-sized companies. Obtaining these

Puebla gave us a similar award for North America. In Mexico,

large contracts is facilitated by our history and certifications.

the Treasury awarded us the National Personnel Protection

We are growing at about 7% annually across every industry

Award in 2011 for the products we provide to the public

we operate in and have survived several challenges, such as

sector. We sell our products based on a desire to eliminate

the entry of Chinese companies into the market in the 1990s.

all accidents, reducing downtime and insurance costs for the

Guantes Vargas came out stronger thanks to our quality.

automotive sector, while our focus on ergonomics results in productivity increases. This has to be provided to our clients

Q: How has your company’s integration helped it maintain

at a price that is internationally competitive. Competitors

its competitiveness and expand its business?

that could not achieve this are long gone.

A: Having integrated processes has helped us not only to grow but to survive globalization as well. Each branch of our

Q: How confident are you that you will reach your targeted

business acts as a separate company. We are very proud of

growth rates?

our ‘6 in 1’ business model as it extends throughout our entire

A: We are very cautious about our growth rate, as seeing very

value chain, helping to ensure quality and reduce costs. Our

accelerated growth is not healthy. It also does not just depend

products cover all manner of protection, from head, eyes,

on us. The government must work on reducing taxes for

body, hands, legs, feet, and respiratory apparatus. This

Mexico to be able to compete internationally. We have very

integrated approach allows us to protect a worker from head

high taxes compared to the Asian market. We compensate

to toe. We now have more than 250 moldings of gloves,

somewhat with our lower cost of labor, but we continue to

and also produce a great quantity of clothes and shoes. We

lobby the government so that, at the very least, taxes do not

have over 4,000 employees across all of our plants, making

go up. The government has been able to reduce inflation, and

gloves, clothes, and shoes for a total of 7,000 products.

Mexico now has a stable economy which allows our company

This makes us the biggest manufacturer in the Americas for

to grow in this country and across South America.


PERSONALIZED BODYWORK SOLUTIONS FOR BESPOKE DESIGN As personalization has become an important characteristic

Air Design was chosen by Nissan Japan as the company was

in the automotive industry, niche-oriented companies

prepared to work with smaller orders than major automotive

have grown more powerful. In the North American market

lighting suppliers. With technological advances within

alone, the aftermarket for specialty equipment is a US$45

vehicles coming faster, Ávalos Sartorio understands the need

billion industry. Miguel Ávalos Sartorio, Director General of

to be at the forefront of trends, materials, and production

Air Design, sees this as offering major potential. But as he

technology. “Our reaction timeframe has become extremely

points out, the opportunities in the market might be great

fast and we can turn our products into a reality for our

but as norms and validation procedures become more

customers extremely quickly.” For example, the company

demanding, it is mandatory to fully understand the market

has developed fast prototyping technology and soft tools for

before entering it. “Air Design has had to understand

injection, combining speed with technological adaptability.

the market very well when offering its services. This enables us to increase the premium feel of cars through

Ávalos Sartorio foresees that OEMs may start producing

unique technological and design elements for bodywork,

special edition series in Mexico within a couple of years, which

accessories, and interiors. Air Design’s operations cover all

is where Air Design comes in. “We offer innovative and cost-

aspects of specialty equipment development, from concept

effective solutions that enable auto manufacturers to make

design to rapid prototyping. We do our own production in-

an impact in the market. When a particular model reaches

house and are focused on developing and designing special

the peak of its lifespan, the car needs a new fresh image. For

edition series to avoid competing against huge global

an OEM, the process will take a long time but Air Design can

companies,” says Ávalos Sartorio.

come up with a new design quickly,” says Ávalos Sartorio. “Air Design sends systematic drawings and bespoke design

Air Design started as a small family business but has since

suggestions to OEMs for their approval, making proposals

grown to provide personalized bodywork solutions for over

that suppliers focused on higher volume orders are often not

30,000 cars from different OEMs. Although the company

willing to take on.”

does not provide its services in large quantities, Ávalos Sartorio says it is recognized as a Tier 1 supplier for OEMs. Air

According to Ávalos Sartorio, Air Design’s multicultural

Design is currently focusing on accessing markets in Central

approach to business has proven to be an asset in terms

and South America. It is already working with one of the

of bringing in state-of-the-art technology from around the

largest car manufacturers in Brazil but is looking to explore

world, while staying ahead of the latest automotive design,

opportunities in other markets like Colombia, Peru, Chile, and

technology, and material trends. Air Design accentuates this

Argentina. Ávalos Sartorio even adds that smaller Central

point by hiring industrial designers and engineers from other

American countries like Guatemala, El Salvador, and Panama

countries such as Singapore, Hong Kong, Germany, Australia,

are beginning to see demand for vehicle personalization.

England, the US, and Canada. This is not because it sees

In Mexico, one of Air Design’s flagship successes has been

Mexican professionals as incapable of doing the job. “Some of

its collaboration with Mexican sports carmaker VUHL. The

the best designers we have had have been Mexican. Mexicans

second version of the VUHL 05 is planned for release in 2015,

have a fantastic work ethic, they are reliable skilled workers

with Air Design having contributed to its design by working

with the will to learn,” explains Ávalos Sartorio. The reason

on the development of its front windshield and body painting.

Air Design hires an international team is to ensure it develops a global vision to its business. As niche markets grow in

Air Design has also worked with recognized brands beyond

importance around the globe, that vision may well come to

Mexico’s borders. It has teamed up with Volkswagen on

fruition. For Ávalos Sartorio, a desire for personalization is no

new features for the Beetle, including a new spoiler and

longer limited and consumers in Brazil are just as aware of

aerodynamic elements. The company also supplies the styling

the latest advances in products ranging from spoilers to on-

kits for the Jetta A6, Golf, and Polo. Apart from Volkswagen,

board entertainment as German consumers.

Air Design has designed and produced styling kits, spoilers, and other lightweight plastic parts for some models of GM, Ford, Mitsubishi, Peugeot, Renault, Seat, Mazda, and Nissan. One interesting project is the involvement of Air Design in the development of the roof lamp for the updated version of the Nissan NV200 that will serve as the New York taxi, now being produced in Morelos. “It is a really great project for us as it gives us good exposure,” comments Ávalos. He explains


TRACK-READY ROAD-LEGAL SUPER CAR MADE IN MEXICO characteristics on the track and on normal roads,” explains Guillermo. To ensure this, the VUHL 05 has been tested on tracks in Europe and Mexico as well as on Mexican highways. Iker himself has driven the car from Mexico City to Acapulco and Valle de Bravo along winding roads, and assures that the car can be used on Mexican roads. The development of its suspension took place between the UK and Mexico so as to be tuned for all manner of surfaces. Iker Echeverría, Project Director of VUHL 05

Guillermo Echeverría Director General of VUHL

A critical success factor is gaining the trust of respected

The “Made in Mexico” label in the automotive industry is not

names in the industry. “The networking cost us a lot of time,

naturally associated with high technology, high quality, or

both because we were looking internationally and because

innovative design. This meant Iker and Guillermo Echeverría

we were selling a plan, not a dream,” explains Guillermo.

faced a number of obstacles when they first started working

The Echeverría brothers chose their partners based on the

on their dream to make a race car. With a motor-sport

quality, skills, and expertise, but also the size of the company.

heritage coming from their father’s 40 years of experience,

They found an early supporter in TechBA, a program started

Iker and Guillermo also brought a strong background in

by FUMEC to help Mexican enterprises rapidly expand their

engineering and industrial design to the table. VUHL’s first

international horizons. This business accelerator led Iker and

steps were made in 2008, just as the global financial crisis

Guillermo to Detroit where they were able to run through

dealt a body blow to the automotive sector. These adverse

their project with industry experts. With the VUHL 05

circumstances might have sunk many fledgling projects, but

now being for sale, the Mexican government is interested

the brothers saw this as the right time to start their project as

in further promoting the project. “They recognize that this

the industry was open to considering new proposals based

is relatively new for Mexico. The project has the possibility

on different business plans.

of changing the country’s automotive image as well as attracting more investment in this industry and beyond,”

Iker explains that early on in the project, he and Guillermo

declares Iker. The car was unveiled by President Enrique

sought to define the niche they were seeking to enter.

Peña Nieto at the Ministry of Economy’s Entrepreneur Week

“We were targeting die-hards that recognize the little

in 2013. Throughout the first three years of the project,

race details in a car and in its aggressive look.” For Iker,

heavyweights such as Michelin, Ford, and Hella all came

the starting point of the design came from Guillermo’s

forward to express an interest in working with VUHL, and

experiences in Mastretta. “An early design decision was to

these companies remain part of VUHL’s partnership network

strip down the weight and equate the driving experience

today. The design of this Mexican race car has caught

to that of a motorcycle.” This left the VUHL 05 model with

the attention of the world media, leading the Echeverría

no windscreen and no roof, which also helped the brothers

brothers to focus on the marketing of their brand. They have

save time, money, and effort. “VUHL offers a unique, pure

appeared on the BBC’s Top Gear and the History Channel’s

experience where man and machine really come together

Ultimate Wheels, while hoping for famous figures such as

thanks to the high wind-to-weight ratio,” adds Guillermo.

Carlos Slim, Sergio Pérez, and perhaps even Jay Leno to

During the design stage, VUHL reached out to several

own the VUHL 05. Sony has also contacted the company

companies for help, but did not find the support it was

to include the car in an upcoming Playstation 4 videogame.

looking for until it contacted Esiste. Highly respected as a provider of automotive concept modelling, Esiste’s client list

VUHL is producing its first batch of cars for sale in 2014

is a veritable ‘who’s who’ of auto manufacturing, including

which will command a price of US$89,000. “By the end of

Lamborghini, Ducati, Volkswagen, Audi, Alfa Romero, Fiat,

the year, we will have produced from 20 to 30 cars, and

and Maserati. The collaboration with Esiste provided the

these will be delivered during the last quarter,” explains

exterior design for the VUHL 05, which was essential to

Guillermo. The parts and components for the car are being

reach their target niche, but the brothers state that 80%

manufactured by 95 suppliers outside Mexico and will be

of the investment going into the project went toward the

brought to the country to be assembled here. “Towards the

engineering. For the engineering, VUHL turned to well-

end of 2014, our plant will have a showroom where people

known consultants such as Multimatic and Magna Cosma.

can see the cars and the production process. This will be

“These companies helped design a car that would be

interesting to see, especially for those who have made the

attractive, not only because of its looks, but because of its

initial deposit to purchase the car,” comments Iker.


| VEHICLE SPOTLIGHT: VUHL 05 Designed for both mortals and track racers, the new

engine that delivers a total of 285hp. This output is

VUHL 05 is a prime example of the new sparks of life

combined with the car’s 695kg dry weight to reach a

indicating an indigenous automotive industry trying to

power-to-weight ratio of 400 horsepower per tonne.

get started. The car’s provenance is truly international;

This means that performance is not a problem for the

its carbon fibre body was made in Canada, its handling

VUHL 05 as it can sprint from 0 to 100km/h in just 3.7

optimized in the UK, while the chassis and final

seconds and has a top speed of 245km/h. Opting for the

assembly is conducted in Mexico City. In its creation,

award-winning Ford engine means that VUHL is paying

several renowned brands took part, such as Magna

homage to the glory of the 1970s Cosworths and places

Steyr, Multimatic, and Ford. Under the hood, VUHL 05

it in competition with the likes of the KTM X Bow and

packs a Ford 2.0-litre DOHC turbocharged EcoBoost

Ariel Atom.

Its contemporary silhouette hides the best ergonomics

from RTM reinforced plastic, carbon fibre is also an option.

available in the industry, its founders believe. The VUHL

VUHL’s minimalist design pays precise attention to detail,

05’s unique X-Vario platform is constructed from 6061-T6

like the HD camera mounted into the bulkhead between the

aluminum extrusions and aluminum honeycomb. Its extreme

seats which offers a perfect video of a driver’s spin on the

torsional stiffness allows the suspension to be finely tuned

track or on the road. Its bare bones design still manages to

for both road and track. Bolted directly to the passenger cell

incorporate a racing style kill switch, carbon bucket seats,

is a chrome steel sub-frame that houses the engine and rear

a water-resistant, suede-covered steering wheel, and an

suspension. It also provides exceptional protection for the

electronic data acquisition dashboard. Ultimately, VUHL 05

occupants with its three-stage forward crash structure and

is designed as a highly intuitive machine that is fun to drive

double layers sidewalls. While the standard body is made

for sports car aficionados.

FUTURE OF MEXICO’S FIRST OEM HANGS IN THE BALANCE In May 2014, Mexico’s Mastretta announced it was halting

Mastretta name, Mexico, and the car’s transverse engine

production of the country’s much-anticipated first sports

configuration. Designed entirely in Mexico and powered

car, the MXT. Shortly after, the OEM’s founding owners

by a Ford 2.0-liter Turbo Four engine, the car has received

Daniel and Carlos Mastretta declared that they were

considerable global attention for being the first car almost

parting ways with the company. Certain critics will herald

entirely developed in Mexico without any foreign input.

this development as evidence that Mexico is not yet ready

Following sizable international exposure the brothers

to host its own automaker, but a look at Mastretta’s journey

partnered up with a distributor in England and after some

shows how close it came to success.

promotion in Europe, in 2011 the Mastretta’s were contacted by the BBC’s eponymous Top Gear. What should have

Calling on years of experience in the transportation

been a glorious moment for the company turned into a PR

sector, Daniel and Carlos Mastretta began a bus body

shambles, with the show pouring scorn on the idea of Mexico

manufacturer in 1987 bearing the Mastretta name. After

producing a serious sports car. The incident caused a minor

Mexico was sent reeling from several financial crises,

diplomatic spat between Mexico and the UK but ultimately

the company was restructured in 1996 with the brothers

proved the old adage that no publicity is bad publicity. “This

realizing they needed to expand their business model.

exposure landed us 20 orders for the MXT,” explained Daniel

The new vision saw the Mastrettas carry out car designs

Mastretta. “That order was too large for us to handle, so we

in-house and build actual prototypes from their base in

had to adjust our investment and business strategy. We

Mexico City. In 1997, Mastretta began making replica cars

were close to building one car per week, and our idea was

of the 1959 Corvette and the Porsche 356 for the Japanese

to build up to producing two a week by the end of 2014,

and American markets, but after a brief success, the

and four a week by late 2015 in order to reach our long-

country was rocked by another crisis, forcing the company

term sales targets.” Those targets saw Mastretta come up

back to the bus sector. In partnership with CONACYT,

against serious competition. The niche market for two-seat,

Mastretta was able to produce an alternative version of

rear engine vehicles includes experienced manufacturers

the Metrobus, which is still running today. That same year,

that produce anywhere from 50 to 1,000 cars per year. The

Mastretta partnered with a company from Guadalajara to

pressure to increase output was therefore no small weight

work on a joint system for the city’s Auto Tren unmanned

for the Mexican company with big dreams to bear.

train. Despite this brief foray into rail, the Mastretta brothers have predominantly devoted their attention to

Funding for the development of the car proved to be

their true passion: the sports car.

an ongoing challenge, and backing originally provided by CONACYT eventually ran out, leaving the brothers to

The focus of this attention has been on the brother’s

continue development with their own funds. In 2013, in need

MXT creation, the initials of which are a nod towards the

of a secure source of funding, the family-owned business sold



Sergio Díaz Torres, President of the Board of Bardahl, traces

sales in Mexico.” Having a tropicalized sales strategy gave

back his own origins in the company to a fateful encounter.

Díaz Torres the opportunity to become its Director of

“While working at a service station, a man arrived asking

Sales, Credit, and Collection in Mexico City in 1964, a nice

for an oil change and I offered him a Bardahl additive,

step up from being a simple distributor. According to Díaz

explaining to him the benefits of the product,” Díaz Torres

Torres, starting out in the distribution side of the automotive

recounts. “He was so impressed by my explanation that

industry offers a unique glimpse into the knowhow and

he reached for his wallet and pulled out his business card.

workings of the industry. “Throughout my career, I have

He turned out to be the President of Bardahl.” This proved

discovered that the most successful way to sell a product

to be a turning point for Díaz Torres, as he would later

and ensure future sales is by carrying out demonstrations,”

on become an official Bardahl distributor that shared the

Díaz Torres states. This demonstration-focused approach

same cultural affinity with the company. “Because of my

was also endorsed by the founder Ole Bardahl, who used to

in-depth knowledge of Mexico, its culture, and consumer

fill his oil pan with one of Bardahl’s famous formulas, drain

market, I was able to effect on my own 40% of all Bardahl

it, and then drive it for 100 miles. This demonstration came

a majority shareholding to private investors, with the hope of

advance both the MXT and the racecar MXT-R version to

being able to use the funds to gain European Community

become well-defined and viable concepts. The sports car

Small Series Type Approval. The agreement saw the brothers

envisioned by Mastretta was designed not to copy those

hand over control of the company to Latin Idea Ventures,

developed by traditional producers, but to stand out in

which saw the parachuting in of the investors’ own executive

its own right. The vision and achievements of the brand

into the role of CEO. “We knew from the beginning that it

have also inspired the Mexican automotive industry itself.

would be difficult to remain independent forever. We never

The launch of the Mexican developed VUHL in 2013 can be

had the economic power to do it ourselves. We never had

directly attributed to Mastretta. One of VUHL’s founders,

the resources for any project really, but this one in particular

Guillermo Echeverría, studied under Daniel Mastretta.

is very costly. Therefore, we had to get money from outsiders,

“Echeverría, after having worked at Mastretta, told me

as the family-owned company route was not the way to go

that he wanted to do the same thing, and I told him to go

anymore,” reasoned Daniel Mastretta.

for it. He saw Mastretta cars as a motivation and we must continue to do just that, to motivate each other. There

Sadly, despite hard work to perfect the Mastretta MXT

are many areas where Mexico must improve, and there

sports vehicle under the Mastretta Cars brand, the company

are many possibilities here to do just that. The number of

has finally reached what seems to be an insurmountable

people thinking outside the box is increasing.” While the

stumbling block. The decision to hand over majority

future of the Mastretta brand remains uncertain for now,

control to a third party appears to be one the brothers

hope remains that Mexico’s journey to cementing its own

have lived to regret. Explaining the Mastrettas’ decision to

successful OEM will continue, and eventually succeed.

part ways with their own company, their representatives released the following statement: “It is the contention of the Mastrettas that the new management team made poor strategic decisions, failed to achieve any of the agreed goals, and wasted valuable funds that should have been earmarked for development. It is also alleged that despite a contractual agreement being in place, investors have withheld the second installment of funding. The Mastrettas maintain that they have repeatedly warned their board of the potential consequences of management policies, including delays to the approvals program, but with no action being taken on either this, or the implementation of the subscription agreement, they felt that they had no other choice than to remove themselves from the business until their concerns are addressed.” Despite the many challenges encountered by Mastretta in the development of the MXT, the company managed to

to be known as the No-Oil Run and is carried out worldwide.

the company has continued to be entrenched in the Mexican

According to Díaz Torres, taking control of the distribution

consumer culture. “We carry out intense market studies

network was no easy job. “Due to past mismanagement and

and we travel twice a year around Mexico to visit our

dubious practices, there was not much growth and it was

distributors to discuss areas of improvement,” Díaz Torres

up to me to reorganize the company.” Straightening out

explains. Moving away from a period of instability, Bardahl

operations began with a visit of all the distributors in order to

has increased its product portfolio which accommodates

understand the logistics of the network. When finishing the

a range of industries aside automotive. In addition, the

evaluation, the company decided to divide Mexico City into

company is the only one in Mexico that has in-line blending.

eight zones. “I restructured the sales team and dynamics.

“Other manufacturing sites combine light and heavy oils

Some would sell, others delivered, and the rest would collect

with additives in a tank and leave the mixture to settle for six

the money,” Díaz Torres adds. “I commissioned ten more

hours,” Díaz Torres details. “Conversely, Bardahl’s tanks have

demonstration machines to be made, and in that year sales

open valves that are controlled by computers and the liquids

went up dramatically.” Dividing the sales operations and

are added simultaneously according to the formulas, making

basing the sales strategy on demonstrations offered Díaz

the mixture perfectly homogenized as the tanks are filled.”

Torres more transparency. This success and ambition led him

He proclaims his pride that, after 62 years in the market, the

to acquire 25% of the company and then take full control,

company has never shied away from evolving, making it a

making it entirely Mexican-based. Despite its transformation,

leader in motor additives and fuel additives.


LISTENING TO CUSTOMERS KEY TO ESCAPING FINANCIAL CRISIS Back in the 1980s, the automotive distribution network in

under. It was a disaster.” To provide a perspective, JAZ

Mexico was concentrated around five OEMs that wanted

says that Zapata lost all of the capital it had built over 40

their distributors to work exclusively for their brands:

years in a period of 12 months, with annual sales dropping

Ford, Chrysler, GM, Nissan, and Volkswagen. Each group

more than 75% year-on-year. Although aftersales income

of dealers focused on one brand and grew along with it. J.

dropped substantially less, very few vehicles were being

Arturo Zapata (JAZ), Executive President of Corporación

sold. JAZ gives the example of one of Zapata’s dealerships,

Zapata (Zapata), recalls that as new OEMs started coming

which sold 400 cars in May of 1994, and then sold just

into the market, a lot of emerging dynamics began playing

seven cars in May of 1995. Zapata clearly could not keep

out. Newcomers did not want to find investors in other

its staff and make sense of it financially. However, laying

fields and teach them everything they needed to know

people off was never an option. The company survived

about the business. Instead, they approached established

the crisis without firing a single person. Those dealerships

dealers who knew the business and worked with the five

that survived the crisis eventually started buying others,

original brands. The five OEMs, which had been the only

and what ensued almost naturally were dealer groups

players in Mexico for more than 40 years, clearly did not

with multiple brands. This business strategy had two basic

welcome this move. “What started happening was that

strengths: the more stores and brands a dealer group

there was an opportunity for dealers to grow, resulting

owned, the more efficient it could become. This multiple

in a back-and-forth loyalty struggle,” recounts JAZ. At

brand strategy also allowed dealer groups to diversify

the same time, there was an unfortunate turn of events:

risk and minimize exposure to the cycles that every OEM

Mexico’s 1995 macroeconomic crisis caught all dealers by

faces. “There has been consolidation in the industry. Before

surprise, just as they were starting to expand. The outcome

everyone made a little bit of money but after the crisis,

was enormous damage to the dealer network.

things became much tighter and much more competitive, just as in many other markets. Efficiency and diversification

Additionally, most of the dealers found themselves

became the name of the game,” recalls JAZ.

overextended as banks had been happy to provide them with almost unlimited funding so that they could finance

However, Zapata opted for a different route. “We

their customers. Yet, neither the banks nor the dealers

defined our global competitive strategy as one where

paid much attention to matching the financial terms of one

we would grow organically, hand-in-hand with our

another. As a result, when the crisis unfolded, it revealed

customers, providing ever more integrated solutions

amongst other imbalances that while funding was provided

and an extraordinary customer experience.” In order

by the banks at variable rates, financing to customers by

to achieve this, Zapata established limited yet very

the dealers was offered at fixed rates. “Inflation skyrocketed

strong partnerships with a few OEMs and other industry

along with interest rates, and hundreds of dealers went

leaders. “People see Zapata growing and expanding

HOY NO CIRCULA MAKES A COMEBACK In the fading twilight of the 1980s, air pollution in Mexico

as “vehicular verification”. The capital also has agreements

City became a concern that policy-makers could no longer

with states with similar programs to enforce Hoy no Circula on

ignore. To address this issue, the government implemented

visiting cars from Guanajuato, Hidalgo, Michoacan, Morelos,

the Hoy no Circula (No-Drive Days) program, restricting

Puebla, Queretaro, and Tlaxcala. Although the program was

certain cars from traveling on a determined day from

intended to decrease the number of vehicles running in

Monday to Friday. The day in which a car cannot run depends

Mexico City, richer drivers simply bought additional cars in

on the last number on its license plate. The program was

order to be able to drive any day of the week.

initially intended to operate during the winter months as an


environmental measure as temperature inversions increased

In order to promote the use of newer, less polluting cars,

the concentration of air pollutants in the Valley of Mexico,

it was decided in 1997 that cars manufactured after 1993

but the program became permanent after the winter of 1990.

could be eligible to run daily as long as they had efficient

The Hoy no Circula program has been accompanied by the

fuel consumption levels, catalytic converters, and up-to-date

constant monitoring of emissions from vehicles registered in

verification documents. As a result of this, by 2003, only 7.6%

Mexico City, which have to be examined every six months to

of Mexico City’s cars were affected by these restricted transit

determine if they are eligible to run daily, a procedure known

rules. The program was extended to include Saturdays for

into new markets, assuming that we represent multiple

car that best suited their needs. Hence, Zapata looked

brands when in fact we do not. Over time, we tend to

for the right partners and then launched autocosmos.

become an important partner for those OEMs that we

com. Today, is the leading automotive

represent, not only in terms of volume, but also and

portal in Latin America and the US Hispanic market.

most importantly, in terms of customer satisfaction. One

More recently, Zapata created an automotive auction

of our key strengths is our ability to stay close to and

company called V4B, with the objective of supporting

listen to our customers,” comments JAZ. For example,

its customers to dispose of old vehicles in a transparent,

Zapata noticed that customers such as leading beverage

effective, and efficient way, and one that could fulfill all

manufacturers and large pharmaceutical companies were

of their compliance requirements.

“We tend to become an important partner for those OEMs that we represent, not only in terms of volume, but also and most importantly, in terms of customer satisfaction” Arturo Zapata (JAZ), Executive President of Corporación Zapata (Zapata)

having a hard time managing their fleets. This led Zapata

JAZ says that while most of its subsidiaries are wholly

to search for the ideal business partner which it found

owned, Zapata prefers to find the right partner rather

in the Holman family, owners of Automotive Resources

than starting a new enterprise from scratch. “Selecting

International (ARI), who were already considering

a partner and then managing the partnership so that it

entering the Mexican market. Eventually, through a 50-

can be successful and rewarding over the long-term is

50 joint venture, Ariza de México was founded. Today,

clearly more complicated than running a wholly owned

Ariza is among the market leaders in fleet management

subsidiary. However, when you do it right, one plus one

and leasing in Mexico. Another example was when Zapata

can add up to much more than two,” says JAZ. Regarding

realized that most of its heavy truck customers required

partnerships and joint ventures, JAZ claims three

much stronger support in some of the key geographical

elements have proven essential: choosing a partner who

regions in Mexico. While geographical expansion was not

shares the same values, running the company adhering

initially contemplated in the company’s strategy, Zapata

to the best business practices in terms of transparency

decided to provide the required support to its customers.

and compliance, and keeping your partner’s interests in

Today it has even expanded to several markets in South

mind, at least as much as your own. “Twenty years ago

America with the sole objective of supporting key

when we first implemented this innovative strategy,

customers. A similar process took place while listening

it seemed rather risky. However, it has turned out to

to individual car customers. As the number of brands

be a very rewarding experience in every possible way

expanded exponentially in the late 1990s, car owners

for our customers, business partners, employees, and

felt that it was becoming impossible to search for the

stockholders.” JAZ asserts.

cars over 15 years old as of 2008, since pollution levels during

lead fuels have helped reduce greenhouse emissions more

weekends were similar to those on any given weekday.

than Hoy no Circula. He believes the program now mostly

Later still, Hoy no Circula was modified to prevent the

benefits owners of verification centers, as car owners have

more polluting vehicles from running twice a week. Under

to pay MX$290 (US$22) twice per year, resulting in a MX$31

the latest rules, hybrid and electric cars can run every day,

million (US$2.4 million) business last year. Other critics

vehicles under eight years old can run daily but have to

claim there are better ways to reduce both pollution and the

undergo verification according to their acquisition date, cars

amount of cars circulating in the city, such as an intelligent

between nine and 15 years old must rest one day a week and

scheduling of public works so that these do not heavily

two Saturdays each month, and vehicles older than 15 years

affect traffic, the addressing of corruption in construction

cannot run one day a week and every Saturday.

permits so that high traffic projects are not built in sensitive areas, and the implementation of carbon credit schemes

Academics from UNAM have stated that this measure

in industrial areas surrounding the city. The government

discriminates against private car owners, yet leaves old

of Mexico City, nonetheless, is very optimistic about the

and polluting microbuses, unregulated taxi cabs, and diesel

program and it estimates that 560,000 vehicles will be off

fueled heavy duty vehicles free to run without proper checks.

the streets every day, a 288,000 increase from the number

Carlos Madrazo Limón, a former Congressman from the

in June 2014. According to the Mexico City government, this

State of Mexico, believes improvements in low sulfur and low

will reduce air pollution levels by 11% annually.



EXHAUST INDUSTRY CRUCIAL TO EMISSIONS REDUCTIONS FERNANDO TURNER Director of Katcon Q: What role do Katcon’s catalytic converters play in

are working on tuning development, which is the sound

helping companies meet emission reduction standards?

of the exhaust system. Tuning is going to be essential in

A: Levels of carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, and hydrocarbons

hybrid cars that run more silently. For safety purposes, a

are regulated in most countries in Europe as well as in the US

car needs to sound as it would with a combustion engine.

and Japan. The laws and programs governing the emissions regulations are launched years before they will actually be

Q: When you acquired Delphi’s catalytic converter

enforced. For example, by 2020, international standards say

business, how did you integrate its technology and

that carbon dioxide emissions have to be reduced to 90g/


kg. Many of the international emissions standards currently

A: We were ready to take on that role. We knew that

in force mandate levels around 180g/kg, so we do not know

managing its technology would be challenging but not

how we will accomplish the 2020 goal but we have six

impossible. It was challenging as we wanted to take that

years to figure that out. This project obviously involves a

innovation forward in an opposite way to how Delphi

wide range of efforts for the automotive industry, ranging

was doing it. We thought Katcon should be more nimble,

from reducing weight and improving energy efficiency to

flexible, and frugal but you cannot take risks in the

trying out different alternative fuels and modifying engines.

automotive industry. It is not enough to believe that an

Katcon is currently applying two different technologies: one

idea is good; it has to be thoroughly tested. The process

is a catalytic converter for gasoline engines and the second

for testing technology is very conservative and has not

is diesel technology. We are designing our own solutions

changed much in years because people do not want to

but we also rely on guidance from our clients, such as GM

take risks. We would like product development, particularly

that has a number of experts on these topics.

testing and validation, to be simpler, quicker, and cheaper but it is not easy to achieve this. We can be certain that a

Q: How does your R&D center in Monterrey contribute to

new product is going to work on a computer by running

Katcon’s global operations?

software that tests temperature, vibrations, and flow but

A: Katcon’s research and development is done in

the customer wants us to build prototypes in order to see

collaboration between all its centers, but most of our big

the real materials, for the product to be put inside in a real

conceptual engineering ideas come from Europe, the US,

car, and have the car undergo testing in various conditions.

and Australia. Monterrey has a big portfolio of five projects


that are all in different stages of development; some of

Q: Do your development strategies revolve around

them are just getting started while others are getting

acquisitions or organic growth?

funds through bodies like CONACYT. One project that will

A: The exhaust industry has been consolidating, and big

become a technological spin-off of Katcon is focused on

companies are merging in the largest and most traditional

carbon fibers and other advanced materials. This project

automotive markets like the US, Japan, and Germany. Our

is getting support from the government as carbon fibers

position in 2009 placed us on the map outside Mexico

will be needed for aerospace, sports equipment, boats,

and Venezuela. Katcon may be small compared to global

and other industries. Our second project is an active valve

players but it is present on all the continents, with 12 to 15

which will be smaller, cheaper, and much lighter than

solid global clients and an additional 15 in China. We are

a muffler, which is being supported out of our Michigan

perpetuating our business with existing clients, products,

plant. The Monterrey center has made the prototype and

and plants. On the other hand, we also seek to acquire

placed it in engines for testing. Our third project is to

businesses in the whole spectrum of the exhaust emission

make the exhaust system lighter through different welding

industry. We have been pursuing this strategy for over a

processes and materials. This is important to meet carbon

year now and we are looking at a wide range of companies

dioxide emission reduction targets. Our fourth project is to

from sales and engineering to manufacturing in both gas

design products for heavy duty diesel vehicles. Finally, we

and diesel.





while the rest of the piece can be filled with lightweight



foam to keep its weight down. He mentions that Audi is



looking to adopt this kind of technology in its car parts and

innovation and technology

A&P Solutions is looking to offer its services.

are the most important

Valente Espinoza, President of A&P Solutions

attributes for a company

For Espinoza, one of A&P Solutions’ most attractive elements

in the automotive industry.

for OEMs is its new business development unit. It develops

“These are the two areas

technology while providing solutions for client requests and

where one company can

helping products mature. “When products are mature, they

stand out from the pack and

are integrated into the plant’s portfolio,” explains Espinoza.

attract more customers,”

“The transition from the new business development unit to

he says. Espinoza states his position very clearly when

the plants is done efficiently as the managers of each team

explaining his vision for A&P Solutions, a leader in providing

work together to provide their different visions on each

foamed structural and interior plastic components for

product. This means key information about each product is

vehicles, as well as for aviation and wind turbines. Its quest

reviewed several times before it goes to the market.” A&P

for innovation led to a series of mergers and acquisitions.

Solutions sees this separation between day-to-day operations

Two existing firms, AKsys and PADSA, merged in 2010,

and the new business development team as allowing for far

expanding the company’s offerings in plastics technology

faster reaction times to customer needs. To keep up with the

and in SMC (sheet molding compounds). A&P Solutions

tailored solutions A&P Solutions offers to its customers, it is

then purchased TTM in Puebla, now known as AMP

essential for the company to have suppliers that can help it

Exteriors, which has helped the company offer solutions for

to provide solutions, some of which are outside Mexico. “One

lightweight materials and decorative plastics. This process

of our best suppliers is a German company that provides

has enabled A&P Solutions to now offer components

tools for the making of frontends. We have combined their

for the interior, exterior, and underbody of vehicles that

processing to our mold manufacturing process, which has

provide advantages ranging from making them lighter, to

given us a competitive edge,” explains Espinoza. He adds that

reducing noise and manufacturing heat isolation. All these

A&P Solutions uses its strong links with OEMs to empower its

characteristics are attractive for OEMs, which has allowed

suppliers by bringing them in for the whole manufacturing

A&P to net a big customer in Volkswagen. John Deere is

process, not just one part of it. An example of this is the

another major customer for whom the company produces

production of the new frontend for Tesla which A&P Solutions

roofs, fenders, and injection components.

has been awarded. “We are involved in the mold production process for that contract, and we are bringing a dedicated

The biggest technological innovation that the company has

team together to work on this project, including a team of

made is in the frontend. SMC technology can replace the use

engineers that can manufacture the Tesla design, meet all its

of metal with strong resin made from paintable fiberglass or

requirements, and eliminate the chance of quality problems

fiber carbon, and the company has hired a Class A surface

after the launch. This keeps our suppliers happy as they are

component expert to take these developments further. This

involved throughout the process. We already did this five

has allowed it to produce 5 million frontends for different

years ago with the Volkswagen frontends, and they had no

vehicles that it describes as “lightweight, strong, cheaper,

problems during launch,” states Espinoza.

and with flexibility that metal cannot match.” At its facility in Hidalgo, the company produces SMC, GMT (glass mat

Now that it secures contracts at this level, A&P Solutions

thermoplastics), GLF (glass light fiber), and paints SMS

is competing against a different class of rival: international

Class A components. The company is hoping that SMC will

Tier 1s looking for major projects in emerging countries.

provide a 30% weight reduction for current parts through

One way of standing out is by becoming a link between

the introduction of carbon fibers. “We have the knowhow,

OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers that do not know Mexico or do

we have demonstrated this technology to the OEMs, and

not have installations in the country. “We can help them

we expect it to be launched for the 2016 models,” states

overcome challenges and become part of the general

Espinoza. He adds that the company’s focus on innovation

sourcing of products,” explains Espinoza. The arrival of

and technology is particularly apt when tackling a specific

new Honda, Mazda, Toyota, and Audi production facilities

challenge, such as making lightweight products that are

is bringing major new opportunities to the Mexican market.

strong in certain specific areas. For the frontend, the areas

For Espinoza, the challenge Mexico has to face is in ensuring

where screws are bolted in must be significantly stronger,

it has the right technology and manufacturing capacity.


PATIENCE AND CAPITAL KEY TO SUCCESS FOR TRUCK SUPPLIERS Being a supplier for major truck OEMs is no easy task. It

in Queretaro,” says Mirandez Jr. 20% of the company’s

requires a number of capabilities that companies need to

production is directly exported from Mexico, but this figure

maintain over time in order to prove that they can live up

rises to 80% of production by adding indirect exports

to the highest standards expected of them. Sisamex is one

based on products being integrated into trucks that end

such Mexican company that has been successfully working

up in another country. The company exports to Brazil,

with some of the biggest truck OEMs and has even been

China, Australia, and the US but Mexico remains Sisamex’s

awarded for doing so. Sisamex’s product portfolio includes

main market.

axles, brakes, and gears for commercial vehicles, but it also operates in heavy vehicles and medium-sized trucks and pick-

Sisamex’s main focus is to use its expertise and its ability to

up trucks. Restructured in 2003, Sisamex is a joint venture

acquire new business. For example, Sisamex supplies Daimler

between Grupo Quimmco and Meritor Inc, with each side

with shafts for its new transmission line that will be launched

bringing its own advantages to the mix. Grupo Quimmco has

in 2015. In order to supply Daimler, Sisamex had to invest in

other companies that can supply Sisamex, providing good

new machinery and capacity building. “This is the first time

integration. Meritor is responsible for products, engineering,

Daimler has produced this part outside its plant in Germany,

and the commercial side of the business.

and Sisamex is the one company that can do this within the

“Supplier development is a medium to long-term activity. It involves a difficult process in which firms have to make investments that might take as much as six or seven years to pay off” Armando Augusto Mirandez Jr., former President of Sisamex

For the last ten years, the company has been steadily

Mexican industry,” explains Mirandez Jr. Daimler is Sisamex’s

increasing its market share to around 60% for rear axles, 20%

biggest customer and has helped the company grow by

to 30% for front axles, between 50% and 70% for brakes,

allowing it to manufacture the designs provided by Daimler’s

and 20% for drive shafts, according to Armando Augusto

lauded engineering teams. One interesting fact that Sisamex

Mirandez Jr., former President of Sisamex and current Project

has to deal with is that most heavy vehicles in Mexico are

Director of Grupo Quimmco. He sees this result as stemming

outdated and purchases of new and more advanced trucks

from Sisamex’s great capacity for execution. In 2011, the

are low. However, Mirandez Jr. points out that the real

company invested heavily in process technology in order

problem does not lie in Mexicans renewing their trucks, but in

to place itself ahead of the curve. According to Mirandez

Americans having to learn to keep their trucks for more time.

Jr., such investments mean Sisamex can ensure state-of-

By doing this, the flow of second-hand trucks would tarry

the-art procedures and keep up with the highest quality

and customers would look at opportunities to buy more new

standards. “Gear cutting sparked a major evolution in our

trucks. “Designers have made better products and extended

processes. This helped us develop better flexibility as a focus

warranties, so it makes sense to keep the trucks for longer,”

for our plants, so we are comfortable in handling medium

explains the former President of Sisamex.

and small volumes of products,” explains Mirandez Jr. “These endeavors have become more important since commercial

“Supplier development is a medium to long-term activity.

vehicles and their unique specifications require extremely

This is not well understood by many companies in Mexico.

precise processes. These processes are sophisticated and

It involves a difficult process in which firms have to make

keep the customers pleased, as the company maintains its

investments that might take as much as six or seven years

competitiveness based on the quality of its products.”

to pay off. We identify the suppliers, we make sure the industry is familiar with them, and work to make sure they


Sisamex has three plants in Monterrey and is focused on

can stay competitive in the long-term.” Looking to the

keeping its manufacturing processes located in Mexico.

future, Sisamex does not forecast any significant growth

“As new OEMs come in, there will be more business

in the truck business for 2014. Mirandez Jr. believes this is

for commercial trucks. Almost all the big players of

because the automotive industry, especially the truck sector,

this sector are present in Mexico. Even Volkswagen’s

is still recovering from the 2008-2011 crisis and because the

Brazilian subsidiary now has trucks being made by MAN

Mexican economy did not see expected growth in 2013.


Paulo Dellanoce, Director General of Novacapre

As a Mexican bodywork

to reduce travel times and fuel consumption with buses

company, Novacapre has

that respond to demanding conditions in every way,”

found success designing

explains Dellanoce. Beyond its technological capacity,



Novacapre also places a strong focus on R&D. It has kitted

bodies for urban buses.

out its development processes with the latest systems,



incorporating high-tech components, and redesigned its

field, its client list stands

models to meet market expectations and new government

testament to its expertise.

regulations concerning the bodies of heavy vehicles. “Our

The company works mainly

facilities are complemented by top-of-the-line equipment

with Volkswagen Bus but

for most manufacturing processes to produce windows,


manufacturing 60





plastic injection molding machines for the making of

Navistar, Mercedes-Benz, Isuzu, Hyundai, and Hino, as well

various seats, accessories for buses and equipment,

as on some microbuses for GM and Ford. Paulo Dellanoce,

vacuum form for plastic sheets, and fiberglass parts. That

Novacapre’s Director General, explains that the company has

gives us strong product integration, new technologies, and

become highly flexible in order to produce bodies for various

global competitiveness,” says Dellanoce.

types of buses. This has led to the company becoming almost wholly vertically integrated, with Dellanoce explaining: “We

A strong focus for Novacapre’s engineering and design

can produce fibers, plastics, seats, and windows in-house.

teams is the green trend running through the automotive

We source 92% of our materials locally, and we could reach

industry. Whilst bus body manufacturers do not need

close to 100%. This allows for a fast lead time, and reliable

to consider what fuel a bus will use, they can help to

materials for our production.”

significantly reduce energy consumption by reducing a vehicle’s weight. Novacapre has been working on this

Novacapre has set a target of selling 3,000 buses by 2016

for some years and Dellanoce now confidently states

on a global level, which would see the company’s ratio of

the company’s bodies are one tonne lighter than the

exports to domestic sales reach around 50-50. Novacapre

competition’s. “Thanks to exteriors made of aluminum

already has contracts in place to sell its products in

lamination and some high strength materials, we are helping

Colombia, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Salvador, and Peru,

to achieve lower fuel consumption and operating costs for

which are all seeing bullish growth in the industry. “Mexico

our customers and reduced maintenance requirements

remains a strong production hub for chassis manufacturers

for parts such as brakes, tires, and suspensions,” explains

for both North and South America,” says Dellanoce.

Dellanoce. Novacapre also makes floors of a lighter,

“It currently costs US$5,000 to transport a new bus to

more resistant material. While the cost of such changes

Colombia, which makes Mexico a cost effective hub, given

is higher for the OEMs at first, Dellanoce says that in the

the cost advantages in Mexico and easy logistics for that

long run, lighter vehicles are more cost-efficient and the

travel route. Although regulations for passenger transport

customer ends up paying less. “The mentality of making

are specific to each country, the basic rules all handle

every product lighter has been integrated from the design

similar issues. We also carefully study the rules that apply

stage,” explains Dellanoce. “All of our engineers look to

in each of the countries to which we export.” Novacapre’s

make our pieces lighter when considering what materials

current production facility in Mexico is enough to fuel

to use. We do not have a specific R&D center, but our

the company’s growth ambitions. The site currently

product engineers come together to brainstorm ways to

produces 800 to 900 buses a year but has the capacity

lighten our bodies and products.”

to push production up to 2,500 units. Dellanoce states that the decision to significantly scale up production

Novacapre plans to open more regional sales offices and

for the domestic market will depend largely on whether

is working with its national distributors to increase market

moves are taken to upgrade a lot of the current units in

share and coverage. Whilst aiming to be the Mexican leader

operation. “The renovation of the vehicular fleet in large

in bus body manufacturers by 2019, the company believes

cities will play an important role. There is still much to

it will have to remain on top of any shifts in the balance

be done and there are many types of buses that can be

of trade in the region. “If you look at US-Mexico logistics

renewed to allow for higher passenger capacity. Changes

today,” Dellanoce explains, “it has reached a point where it

have already begun; almost all large cities have programs

does not matter anymore which side of the border you are

in progress or at least modern transportation projects to

producing on. A similar trend will soon happen between

improve ecological sustainability. The common purpose is

Mexico and South America.”



LUBRICANT TECHNOLOGY ORIGIN SEGMENTS BRAND PERCEPTION JORGE LOYA RAMĂ?REZ CEO and President of Raloy Lubricantes & Kronen Q: What business strategies have enabled Raloy to gain a

incorporate Mexican technology, due to the differences in

bigger market presence in Mexico?

infrastructure, quality of diesel, and even the driving culture

A: Our client base is focused on OEMs and big transportation

of the two countries. We must tropicalize the products to

companies and fleet owners such as Grupo ADO, rather

enable customers to take full advantage of them. We are

than the aftermarket. We supply OEMs not only with

investing all the time in R&D and we look for new technologies

original equipment but also with products for assembly

to bring to Mexico. Our R&D always looks at what OEMs are

lines. Our logistics systems allow us to provide on-time

developing and from there we begin to identify the trends

deliveries, enabling OEMs to be permanently supplied with

that will shape our product portfolio. It is important that

our products, and as a result we contribute to the reduction

our additives and base oil suppliers also carry out R&D and

of standstill delays. We recently identified a new trend in

maintain high standards.

the industry for synthetic, high performance products, and in response we decided to introduce a new brand with a

Q: Due to higher quality oil and the resulting extended

particular focus on German technology, leading to the

replacement intervals, what measures do lubricant

establishment of a new company called Kronen.

companies take to compensate for lower volumes? A: It is true that high quality oil extends the replacement

Q: Why did you establish an entirely separate entity for

time, which can impact our operations. Since longer

Kronen, rather than incorporating it into the Raloy brand?

lifespans have led to a reduction in volume demand from

A: Focusing on German expertise opened the doors to

our present client base, we are looking for new clients to

German OEMs like VW and BMW, as well as to other European

compensate. This is not easy since our competitors are

manufacturers. European technology and especially German

doing the same. However, we will always promote products

technology, is very advanced and high quality. We decided

of the highest quality, no matter if the replacement time is

not to merge Raloy and Kronen in order to create a separate

longer. We naturally look for profit but we must also give

brand perception. Raloy products are of high quality, and

our clients the best option available. To further compensate

we supply many OEMs like Volvo, Mercedes Benz, GM, and

we work on improving the efficiency of our manufacturing

Honda, but in order to supply the consumer market, we have

processes to reduce costs, to improve the formula of our

to adopt another strategy as consumer perceptions differ.

products, and to optimize our supply chain.

Consumers prefer to see a German name because they associate it with high quality. We invited representatives of

Q: What areas of opportunity have you identified in

Kronen to Mexico and established a joint venture. We are

sourcing raw materials for your products?

currently in the start-up phase of creating the brand. We

A: Our supply base is international and we source from

have established a new network of sales points and dealers

Finland, France, Germany, US, and even Singapore. The

for Kronen since it is an entirely new product and brand.

majority of our raw materials comes from abroad. In Mexico,

Our target client base for this brand is European OEMs. Our

PEMEX is a supplier of base oil but its quality is not great.

intention is for Kronen to supply small volumes at a good

In order for our products to receive OEM approval, we must

price, which will give us a solid turnover.

use materials of the highest quality. All of our products go through an infrared tool that allows us to see the quality


Q: How much energy and time are you investing in R&D

clearly before it is passed on to the OEM. In Mexico, most

for lubricants, and how closely do you interact with OEMs

SMEs focus on Group 1 base oils and it is important that the

and suppliers in this respect?

government incentivizes them so they can begin producing

A: Raloy’s traditional operations center around oils for diesel

Group 2 oils. For Raloy, we receive Group 2 and 4 oils from

and gasoline engines. These two operate in different markets

the US and Group 3 oils from Europe. It would be good if

and they have different technology requirements. While

PEMEX could begin supplying more complex and refined

we endorse the use of German technology, we must also

oils, but at the moment this is too difficult.

FILTER AND LUBRICANT MAKER PROVES EXPORT WORTH R&D allows companies to stay ahead of new technology

quality of its products. “The company understands the

and processes, yet the Mexican automotive industry still has

dynamics of the automotive industry, which is why we have

few companies with laboratories or departments focused

one of the most complete laboratories in Latin America to

on this area. Grupo Gonher provides an example of how a

develop cutting-edge technology for filters, oil, and heavy

strong R&D department, as well as a clear business vision,

duty equipment, among others.” This laboratory is certified

can position a company as a leader in its sector. Conceived

by the Mexican Organization of Accreditation (EMA), the

in Monterrey as a small family business dedicated to filter

General Directorate for Standards (DGN), and by the

manufacturing, the enterprise is now a group that holds six

Ministry of Economy. According to González Calderón,

different companies and has diversified its market into the

Grupo Gonher’s laboratory also contains some of Mexico’s

production and sale of lubricants and batteries.

most qualified and specialized technical staff. “This ensures

“We have one of the most complete laboratories in Latin America to develop cutting-edge technology for filters, oil, and heavy duty equipment” Rodrigo González Calderón, CEO of Grupo Gonher







that the latest needs and trends in the automotive industry

batteries for both light and heavy duty vehicles while

are reflected by our research in materials, new processes,

being one of the few companies that produce all the parts

new equipment, and new products.” Grupo Gonher has

for its products. The company supplies filters to OEMs

even introduced nanotechnology into its laboratory

such as Ford, Nissan, GM, and Chrysler, while its plants

and has participated in research projects conducted by

produce Grupo Gonher’s own brands, as well as products

CONACYT and CIMAV in this domain. These studies led

for clients’ brands. “Being able to offer this kind of service

Grupo Gonher to launch Gonher Nanotek®, a line of high-

is the result of our quality constantly topping that of

quality lubricants for gas, diesel, and industrial engines.

original equipment,” says Rodrigo González Calderón,

Grupo Gonher’s battery company, Enerya, has a technology

CEO of Grupo Gonher. Nonetheless, Grupo Gonher has

partnership with East Penn Manufacturing to manufacture

to face the competition’s low-priced products in some

lubricants and batteries, and develop new technologies to

areas. The company finds it difficult to compete on a

cover client needs in the US and Mexico. Collaborations

purely price basis with cheap, low-quality merchandise

with OEMs are also common for Grupo Gonher, particularly

and even illegally imported products. González Calderón

when developing new solutions for filters. Apart from

underlines that unlike with Grupo Gonher, quality is not the

industrial R&D, the company collaborates with ITESM and

main concern of all providers out there. “We are able to

with the University of Monterrey to promote research

compete in the market by focusing on productivity and

activities at the academic level.

efficiency, which maintain the quality of our products, and keeping costs at a fair rate.” A further area of strength that


Grupo Gonher can count on is its distribution network,

struggling and many went bankrupt, Grupo Gonher was

according to González Calderón. The company has more

able to do something that few could: it grew. The company

than 36 direct distribution centers throughout Mexico, 120

acquired Mighty Auto Parts which helped it expand in

in the US, and three in Costa Rica. In Mexico, the network

the US market. “The Mighty Auto Parts business was a

can also count on almost 20,000 shops located across the

good match for us in terms of expertise,” says González

country that sell Grupo Gonher’s products. Its products

Calderón about the first acquisition his company made

can be found in over 22 countries, and the company is

outside Mexico. Grupo Gonher is now searching for new

focusing on increasing its exports with plans to sell 50% of

partners that could help it further expand its presence in

its product catalogue abroad.

the US and South America. Although González Calderón







asserts that Mexico will remain the company’s most González Calderón emphasizes the efforts the company

important market, he views entering the US and the Latin

puts in R&D, as it conducts meticulous research projects

American markets as an important step to secure the

and documents all internal processes to increase the

group’s future.


As Mexico transitions from being a low cost and low skilled production base to highly competitive host for the automotive industry’s premier players, much debate is taking place surrounding the country’s capacity to leap into real high-technology development. Today, many of the major European, North American, and Asian OEMs rely on their home based headquarters for the vast majority of R&D activities, but little by little technology centers are springing up around Mexico. Least open to doubt is the potential of Mexico’s work force to fuel high-technological growth, with the country graduating some 100,000 engineers a year and boasting an average employable engineer age of 27 compared to the US’s 55. A quarter of all US based engineers will retire as Mexico’s talent pool bursts at the seams. The Mexican Government has been working on a triplehelix drive with the education and private sectors to share resources and foster both human capital and technology development, and this three-pronged approach is making headway.

This chapter will analyze Mexico’s ongoing transition from low technology to high technology manufacturing and explore evidence and opinion surrounding the country’s long-term prospects to develop groundbreaking technology. The leading universities, technical schools, and private organizations now producing R&D in Mexico will shed light on the key strengths and weakness impacting the country’s technical evolution, as well as highlight where the most interesting activity is already taking place.




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Adoption of Higher Technological Sophistication


Mexico Must Prove its Technological Capabilities


Defining the Boundaries of Vehicle Telematics


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Supporting Increased Electrical Content in New Vehicles


Software Bridging the Technological Gap of SMEs


VIEW FROM THE TOP: New Plants Need SAP Systems Ahead of Time


LED: The Future of Automotive Lighting


VIEW FROM THE TOP: R&D Center Provides Numerous Advances for OEMs


Lightweight Trends Weigh Heavy on Aluminum Debate


Simulators Train Well-Rounded Bus Operators


Innovation Spreading Across All Automotive Segments


Green Tire Demand Boosts Fuel Economy Standards


Rise of Avant-Garde Manufacturing Technology


Process Control Improves Manufacturing Practices


Rise in Popularity of Ultra-Low Sulfur Diesel


Market Segments that can Most Benefit from ULSD


DME Heralded as Alternative Fuel of Choice


Joint International Efforts Benefit Growth of SMEs


Boundless Opportunities in Energy Availability


PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: Environmental Sustainability Integrated into New Pirelli Plant


Transition from Supply Chain to Supply Network


VIEW FROM THE TOP: ITESM Spin-Off Helps to Inspire OEMs


Innovation Park Seeks to be Developer and Incubator


Laying Foundations for a Knowledge-Based Economy


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Industry-Academia Recipe for Success


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Carving a Niche in Automotive R&D



ADOPTION OF HIGHER TECHNOLOGICAL SOPHISTICATION MARÍA VERÓNICA ORENDAIN DE LOS SANTOS Director General of the Directorate of Heavy Industries and High Technology at the Ministry of Economy Q: In what ways does the automotive industry promote

Q: How will Mexico shift from promoting a low labor cost

the adoption of high technology in Mexico?

workforce to added value jobs in its investment attraction

A: The automotive industry is crucial in the pursuit of more


high technology in Mexico. What distinguishes this industry

A: Our labor force enables the adoption of higher

from the rest is that it has a multiplier effect that promotes

technological sophistication. Because of this, Mexico is

technology across the entire supply chain. To foster

changing its strategy and shifting away from promoting

technology, the industry needs skilled human capital. 19.7%

itself as a source of low cost labor. We understand the

of manufacturing employment, which amounts to 644,000

new rules of the investment game and we have to improve

jobs, currently comes from the automotive industry. On

our position within the global value chain. The automotive

average, salaries offered by OEMs established in Mexico

industry’s labor force is a model that generates skills and

are 2.1 times higher than other manufacturing industries.

abilities which impact other sectors like aerospace. The

Given its ties to global value chains, the technology and

areas particularly reported to have high technology and

manufacturing processes of the industry also have to be

better salaries are in R&D and aftermarket services while

up to par with international standards. This is the main

salaries are lower for common manufacturing processes.

driver for the incorporation of high technology in Mexico.

However, there are specific processes that are considered high value due to their complexity. Since the automotive

Q: What role does the Directorate of Heavy Industries and

industry is closely linked to global value chains and

High Technology play in this process?

markets, international influence results in higher salaries.

A: This directorate plays a part in attracting FDI alongside other entities like ProMéxico. We elaborate the best strategies

Q: What strategies are put in place to promote this human

for the promotion of investment for the automotive sector.

capital transformation?

The automotive industry serves as a reference for the design

A: From the 644,000 jobs in the automotive industry in

and implementation of Mexico’s industrial policies and as

Mexico, 5,000 are in the added value areas of R&D and

a benchmark to evaluate our performance in attracting,

aftermarket services. To increase this number, the federal

retaining, and increasing investments in Mexico.

government is focused on developing human capital. Via the Innovative Development Program (PRODEINN), the


Q: How does the Economic Complementation Agreement

government is implementing a sectorial policy to create

55 (ACE) with Brazil impact industries like automotive?

what we call an “ecosystem for technical innovation” in

A: ACE is an agreement that grants companies preferential

which, for example CONACYT supports industrial innovation

access to the Brazilian market with a reduction in tariff

through the Sectorial Fund for Innovation (FINNOVA) and

payments. An internal amendment passed in 2012 between

the Innovation of Technology in Education and Training

the two governments established a limit on annual

(INOVATEC). It is important to note that we help companies

importations of lightweight automotive vehicles. There is an

be more proactive when investing in HR, but at the end

import quota mechanism which has been agreed to by OEMs

of the day, the investment comes from the private sector.

present in Mexico. There is a process surrounding the quota

The public sector simply accompanies this investment for

mechanism, impacting the decision of which companies will

two reasons: reducing risks and costs, and incentivizing the

gain preferential access to Brazil’s market. It is important to

improvement of the technological profile of workers within

note that this amendment to ACE is temporary and we are

the sector. Given the synergies the automotive industry

waiting for it to be renewed. No OEM receives preferential

has with other sectors like metallurgy, electronics, and IT,

treatment when we allocate the quota. Their participation

we have a concrete megaproject for the development of

depends on how well the OEM used its given space in the

competences in advanced manufacturing, like molding, die

past. New OEMs can enter but it depends on investment

casting, and tooling. This project is already underway and it

conditions they have to meet.

will impact the automotive and engineering industries alike.

MEXICO MUST PROVE ITS TECHNOLOGICAL CAPABILITIES There is no ghost in the machine that drives the automotive

two systems standing out, those focused on materials had a

industry forward, but rather a highly specialized labor

share of 21% and those working on powertrains represented

force, working in cutting-edge laboratories and centers,

14%. The Mexican-run laboratories in the industry were

that brings true innovation to the table. As Mexico

more oriented towards material characterization and

advances to higher added value activities and stages

metallurgic analyses. The two automotive systems with the

of technological development, it is crucial to identify

highest technological infrastructure were electronics and

the technological capacities of the industry. For María

powertrains. According to the study, a broader Mexican

Verónica Orendain de los Santos, Director General of the

focus on all systems improves the possibilities of capturing

Directorate of Heavy Industries and High Technology at

added value jobs, especially in specialized systems such

the Ministry of Economy, facilitating the mutual exchange

as exterior design. As Orendain de los Santos points out:

of knowledge between the industry and the federal

“Adopting an integral approach allows the development of

government will make this possible.

all players within the industry, no matter how advanced the systems may be.”

A.T. Kearney carried out a study in April 2014 to identify Mexico’s technological potential by bringing together both

Having identified the technological capabilities in each

the public and private sectors. According to Orendain

system, the study then proceeds to define how these

de los Santos, such a study carried out by the federal

are spread across the country. The states with the

government alone may have run the risk of lacking in-

highest concentration of installations are Queretaro,

depth details, while such research being done within the

Aguascalientes, and Guanajuato, with close to half of the

industry might not have seen its findings shared with the

installations in these states being laboratories. The number

public. “This collaboration proved to be successful since it

of design centers across Mexico exceeds 100, far outpacing

makes it possible to distribute the information to all parties

the number of testing centers. An important finding was

involved,” adds Orendain de los Santos. What distinguishes

the willingness of industry players to collaborate with each

the Inventory of National Capacities for the Development

other, a crucial element for rapid and integrated growth.

of Automotive Technology is that associations like AMIA,

“95% of the surveyed entities were willing to lend their

ANPACT, AMDA, and INA all collaborated on it. 11 OEMs,

equipment to third parties,” says Orendain de los Santos.

16 Tier 1 suppliers, 14 academic institutions, and nine R&D

“This is important, as when new investment projects come

centers also took part in drafting the design of the study.

to Mexico, we can look across the industry to see if we have

The study identified the strengths, existing infrastructure,

the necessary infrastructure available and position the

and the investment carried out by universities, public

project accordingly.” According to Orendain de los Santos,

bodies, and private companies. Additionally, it traced

one of the valuable findings of this study is that Mexico’s

the automotive R&D network spread across Mexico, the

network of R&D centers can be used as a technological

HR profile needed to achieve the added value projects

platform by various players to carry out specific innovative

and finally the areas of opportunity. “This study will give

processes. “The federal government places infrastructure

the industry the certainty of knowing exactly where the

at the service of the industry that is valuable and costly

technological capabilities of Mexico are found, as well as

to implement on a private investment level,” she explains.

in which segments and product types,” says Orendain de

The link between universities and the industry has been

los Santos.

demonstrably tightening as a consequence of Mexico’s R&D growth, with 39% of projects carried out by R&D

During the development of the study, A.T. Kearney sought

centers made possible through alliances with universities.

to show Mexico’s technological capacity across all vehicle

The study predicts that these alliances will see their

systems. These systems were divided in the following way:

number of projects increase, leading to a more efficient

bodywork, electronics, powertrain, chassis, vehicle testing,

transfer of knowledge and technology.

materials, exteriors, and interiors. Countries with high technological development focus on all vehicle systems, while Mexico is within the top three main suppliers to the US for a wide range of such automotive systems. The inventory identified 106 design centers spread across all systems, with 16% directed to bodywork and 14% to electronics, while the least capacity was found in vehicle testing with only 5%. 247 laboratories were reported with

“We understand the new rules of the investment game and we have to improve our position within the global value chain” María Verónica Orendain de los Santos


DEFINING THE BOUNDARIES OF VEHICLE TELEMATICS The electronic technology and computing integrated into

the data acquired by the technology: auto makers, vehicle

a vehicle are known as telematics. As the demand for

owners or third parties? Tjahny Bercx, CEO of LeasePlan,

built-in car electronics has risen, the telematics industry

the largest fleet and mobility service provider in the world

has had to rapidly develop in response. Worldwide, the

with a fleet of 1.4 million cars worldwide and which is rapidly

telematics market is poised to grow exponentially, with

increasing in Mexico, is pondering the same question. “This

approximately 104 million new cars expected to have some

is an ongoing debate in the automotive industry. Telematics

form of connectivity by 2025. The penetration of integrated

generates a lot of information and the debate revolves

telematics is expected to reach 88% of new cars by 2025,

around who will ultimately have ownership of all this data,”

according to Ernst & Young, with smartphones and driver

he adds. For Bercx, not one segment yet has the upper

safety regulations being of particular importance in this

hand, but he believes that as a mobility integrator and motor

advance. This technology ranges from satellite navigation

insurer, LeasePlan deserves a slice of the cake. “With such a

GPS to wireless options like Bluetooth.

large vehicle park, we have the right to see the information as

“This is an ongoing debate in the automotive industry. Telematics generates a lot of information and the debate revolves around who will ultimately have ownership of all this data” Tjahny Bercx, CEO of LeasePlan México

As the fourth exporter of vehicles worldwide, and having

the vehicles belong to us, and we want to manage the units

surpassed Japan as the main exporter to the US, it would

and their costs.” According to Bercx, that is where the crux of

be natural to see the seeds of telematics being sown in

the matter lies. “OEMs also want to have the information to

Mexico. This is especially true when considering that the US

better set their pricing. But as a result, a conflict might arise

market is expected to welcome over 16 million new cars with

in terms of what the pricing of the vehicle should be because

telematics by 2025. Track and trace currently dominates the

of the various types of information provided by telematics.”

Mexican telematics scene with sales of GPS devices rising 20% annually. The most common application of telematics

LeasePlan’s services are centered on reducing Total

in Mexico so far is vehicle and trailer tracking, which enables

Cost of Ownership (TCO), covering all the variables that

companies to track workers and plan important and

go into procuring and managing a fleet, ranging from

complicated routes. This has already proven the usefulness

license plates, vehicle damage, component replacement,

of telematics to Mexican fleet owners, as such equipment has

maintenance, mileage, fuel costs, and insurance. “When

resulted in increased efficiency by cutting down on human

offering TCO management services, it is imperative to

errors. The launching of GM’s OnStar and BMW’s introduction

have knowledge of the car brands, maintenance, usage,

of its ConnectedDrive premium service hail the entry of new

and all the dealership networks that are trying to sell

telematics solutions into Mexico, with applications including

the units to us to get a better price,” Bercx explains.

roadside assistance, navigation functionality, and safety

“Being a company that provides detailed TCO and fleet

integrated systems.

management services, LeasePlan is now considering telematics as a must. It will provide us with all the


The intended users of telematics can be divided into three

information about the cars, which will help us to improve

layers: end users, the companies that deliver those services,

the fleet policy of the company.” Telematics will offer

and the stakeholders who manage the information. In the

LeasePlan an opportunity to enhance the efficiency of its

automotive industry, telematics will offer OEMs an improved

business model, while it can also spark innovation. The

manner to interact with their customer base and expand

company has already picked up on the consumer market’s

brand experience, while auto suppliers will develop human-

fascination with telematics gadgets. “At the moment, we

machine interface (HMI) technology to present telematic

are working on a project that makes it possible to inform

offerings to auto makers. Even dealers will better be able

drivers via mobile phone when they have to bring in

to understand customers by interacting with them on an

the car for servicing,” Bercx adds. While the telematics

ongoing basis. Given the fast-paced growth of vehicle

debate rages on in other countries, it is yet to fully arrive

telematics, a key question needs to be answered. Who owns

at Mexico’s doorstep, according to LeasePlan.


SUPPORTING INCREASED ELECTRICAL CONTENT IN NEW VEHICLES HÉCTOR GUTIÉRREZ Director General of Delphi México Q: How has Mexico developed as an investment and

center of technology innovation. In Mexico, Delphi has over

production destination for Delphi Automotive since 1978?

2,000 engineers and three technical centers in Ciudad

A: Delphi has been in Mexico for 36 years. We began with a

Juarez, Saltillo, and Queretaro. The Mexico Technical

plant and 500 employees in Ciudad Juarez in 1978 and we

Center (MTC) located in Juarez is the biggest that Delphi

now have 45 manufacturing plants and more than 60,000

has worldwide, and it serves hundreds of customers from

employees. Today, four of Delphi’s divisions are based in

25 different countries. Since its creation in 1995, the MTC

Mexico. Our Electronics & Safety division includes body and

has generated 316 patents, 1,069 records of inventions, 75

security, powertrain control modules, and safety and power

meritorious awards, and 17 trade secrets.

electronics. Our Electrical Architecture division includes bussed electrical centers, harnesses, battery cables, and

Q: What have been some recent key technological

electrical connectors. Powertrain Systems covers smart

advances, and what role is Delphi playing in helping OEMs

remote actuators, fuel delivery modules, diesel fuel systems

produce lighter, less energy-intensive vehicles?

and valve train and ignition components. Finally, our Thermal

A: We would like to highlight a game-changing technology

Systems division incorporates HVAC modules, compressors,

that recently won a PACE Award, namely the Delphi’s

powertrain cooling condensers, and radiator fan modules.







content in vehicles has increased, so have the size of the Q: What role do continuous R&D initiatives play in

connection systems, making them too large to be made

allowing Delphi to provide innovative products, and how

by hand. Delphi’s ErgoMate™ Mechanical Assist System

do you cooperate with OEM clients to produce tailored

enables vehicle line operators to be more successful by

automotive solutions?

mating the connectors with a single-handed action that

A: Delphi has a global footprint that is aligned with the

requires no pre-positioning or awkward grip changes. This

growth plans of the leading vehicle makers that are our

single, ergonomic mating action reduces assembly time,

customers. Our service model is to work on a global scale

improves success with ‘blind mating’ of connectors, reduces

with regional capabilities. Our 45 plants, three technical

mating force, and has a strong tactical feel to provide

centers, and customer service offices in 22 cities support

positive feedback to the operator. Additionally, the system

our business for North America. Mexico is also now our

helps to improve quality and performance by solving

manufacturing center for the North American market.

warranty issues of mismatched connections. Concerning Delphi’s role in helping OEMs produce more eco-friendly

Delphi supplies the top 25 OEMs in the world. Our top ten

vehicles, we must highlight that this is one of the global

global customers are Daimler AG, Fiat Group Automobiles,

trends that shape our entire portfolio. We are focused

S.P.A., Ford Motor Company, Geely Automobile Holdings

on developing innovative, safe, green, and connected

Limited, General Motors, Hyundai Motor Company, PSA

products that consumers care about and demand. Some

Peugeot Citroën, Shanghai General Motors Company

examples of safe products include active safety systems,

Ltd, Toyota Motor Corporation, and Volkswagen Group.

driver state alerts, safety electronics, battery disconnects,

Our relationship with these customers is focused on

human machine interface, and occupant classification

providing solutions for their problems. This means that

systems. Our green product line includes gasoline direct

we work very closely with them on a global scale with

injection, diesel fuel injection systems, fuel economy

regional capabilities, so we can be a world-class supplier

and performance technologies, next generation energy

that is perfectly positioned in the local markets. Delphi

efficient AC, and hybrid and electric vehicle technologies.

invested approximately US$1.7 billion in engineering and

Finally, what we call our Connected Product line includes

research worldwide in 2013. We have 19,000 scientists and

vehicle infrastructure interface (VII) and vehicle-to-vehicle

engineers and 15 major technology centers around the

interface systems, telematics, digital receivers, connected

globe. We really can say that Delphi’s global team is at the

vehicle, and satellite, audio, video, and data systems.




producing and its running time. “In terms of supply chain

manufacturers with high-end technologies and local






management, the system notifies the company’s supplier

companies that are yet to incorporate sophisticated

when raw materials are needed. This in turn creates just-

technological advancements in their processes,” explains

in-time operations,” says Barajas. “This can then ease the

Gunther Barajas, Commercial Director of Epicor. His

transition toward lean manufacturing. Even if the company

company has undertaken the task of levelling this digital

already has modern equipment, this can be easily

playing field between hyper connected companies and

connected to the PLC systems and then controlled. The

emerging ones. As an enterprise resource planning (ERP)

information is online regardless of the equipment running

software provider, Epicor strikes a balance in its solutions.

in the sites, so our contribution brings easily applicable,

“We have different versions of our product. The enterprise

high-tech solutions.”

solution is aimed at multinational companies while the Express solution is for smaller, national players.” Epicor

The biggest hurdle Epicor and SMEs both have to overcome

has identified that transnational companies established

during the sales process is cost. Barajas believes mid-sized

in Mexico often come equipped with their own software.

companies willing to invest in technological tools often

Barajas says it is important for international companies to

look to big corporations. “They see the millions invested

adopt local software solutions since they are then able to

in software and, as a result, believe it is out of their reach.

control local production and assembly lines far more easily.

To overcome this entry barrier, Epicor offers financing

“We are a bridge that connects the company in Mexico

options to customers so they do not have to provide all

to its headquarters’ ERP system,” he explains. According

the money upfront,” Barajas explains. Epicor notes that

to Barajas, another practice of OEMs is requesting all

customers sometimes do not necessarily focus on the cost

its suppliers to adopt a particular software solution to

of buying the software but on the ongoing cost of running

ease the interaction. “With the new technologies we

the software. “To keep costs further down, we manage all

use, the company can be connected to any old software

professional services within our sphere, covering software

platforms. This is why foreign companies entering Mexico

support, maintenance, and development.” To encourage

are open to working with us and adopting a local solution

maintenance, the company has an annual support and

while maintaining ties to their general ERP,” he says.

upgrade subscription. First year customers are asked to

However, Epicor sees the SME segment as offering the

subscribe as most questions arise during this period, but

most potential. “Our prospective clients are SMEs that

a subscription becomes optional for the second year on.

wish to increase efficiency and incorporate automated

“90% of our customers renew their subscription in order to

processes to enhance their competitiveness and gain

maintain their software,” Barajas states.

the ability to evolve based on industry needs,” Barajas notes. In order for them to be able to weather the fickle

Finally, Epicor feels that the biggest hurdle that is yet to

winds of change in the industry, Barajas believes SMEs

be fully overcome is Mexico’s low broadband penetration.

have to see flexibility as a must have quality. A peculiarity

While the company’s express and cloud solutions put

Epicor has perceived is that many such companies are

SMEs on the right track, the varying Internet connection

family owned, and there are instances where the original

speed across Mexico is the biggest deterrent for Epicor to

founders are set in their ways and prefer to follow an

seal deals with small companies. But Barajas sees a silver

outdated methodology. “Local companies sticking to

lining. “The telecommunications reform will encourage

their traditional roots can actually be an advantage for

competition in Mexico that should lead to better

Epicor,” says Barajas. “Most of these companies want

communication services over time.” For the company, it

their information to be presented in a clear, visual, and

is without doubt that the Mexican government is making

concise way. This is possible since the core technology

an effort in helping the automation and productivity of

and software of the company remains unchanged, the

SMEs. “The government is now stepping in and helping

only variable is how information flows.”

companies obtain certification, financing, machinery, and equipment through different funds and programs”


The software provides a classic electronic data interchange

says Barajas. As the Mexican government puts forth

(EDI) connectivity, which can control a wide spectrum of

financing solutions that encourage the investment in new

factors ranging from demand to supply chain management.

technologies, Epicor is also benefiting from the financing

This solution applies to both market segments, as it allows

scheme from the Ministry of Economy that will in turn

companies to track how many items they have shipped

further support the technological rise of Mexico-based

and control each machine in terms of what it will be




Q: If an OEM uses SAP, are their suppliers obliged to run

and we have actually stopped selling on-premise solutions

SAP in order to be integrated in the supply chain?

for customer relationship management, human capital

A: They can use whatever they want, but all the information

management, and marketing.

that an OEM like Volkswagen sends will be through SAP, so it is easier for its suppliers to be connected through SAP as

Q: How do you convince people of the safety of cloud-

well. It is not an obligation but no supplier wants to argue

based solutions?

with its main customer. We also offer a solution where, for

A: 90% of data leaks within companies come from

example, Volkswagen would host SAP for its suppliers.

employees. We show our clients that BMW, Coca-Cola, and

This creates a collaborative community which uses SAP

even the Mexican government have turned to cloud-based

together. Walmart, Nestle, Procter & Gamble, and Coca-

solutions for security purposes. Another opportunity is

Cola all run these communities with their suppliers.

created by the fact that few companies want to put their data on servers in the US due to the Patriot Act. This represents

Q: How do SAP’s solutions improve the functioning of the

a huge opportunity for SAP in Mexico. In response to this,

automotive supply chain?

we will be creating a massive SAP data server in Mexico and

A: We split our solutions based on the different tiers of the

we will be partnering up with companies like Telmex that

supply chain. We have solutions designed for the OEMs

already have data centers.

as almost all of them run SAP, but the issue is with Tier 2 and 3 suppliers for whom we offer two kinds of solutions.

Q: What are the most successful customized solutions you

One of our solutions is cloud-based, integrating various

have for the automotive industry?

aspects like the back office and manufacturing, which is

A: We implemented one solution for Volkswagen. It was

particularly attractive to Tier 2 suppliers. We also created

having problems with suppliers running SAP so it asked us

a pre-configured solution that can be implemented in six

for a very specialized connector to share information, such

months and integrates the entire supply chain. Automotive

as schedules or requirements for the just-in-time program.

companies are very interested in talent management

That is our most successful case in the automotive industry

solutions, given the talent war raging over there not being

because Volkswagen is so open with its suppliers. We

enough engineers to supply the industry. Such solutions

were notified about the new Audi plant two years ago and

can later be reinforced with product lifecycle management

Volkswagen asked us to start preparing projects based on

(PLM), but that is not an immediate concern.

the specifications of the new plant.

Q: What is your R&D focused on right now in order to

Q: What is the vision in SAP’s global headquarters for the

offer added value to your existing customers?

Mexican market?

A: Almost all our R&D is geared toward moving our

A: We are victims of our own success. We tripled our

solutions to the cloud. This will help us provide simpler

business in three years so the view is that the Mexican

solutions with an implementation time of no more than

subsidiary can do anything. Our headquarters strongly

three months. Many of our clients do not use the full

believes we can grow by 20% or 30% again, year after year,

functions of our solutions, on average they use 45% of

as we have already done so. We may be able to do that for

what our solutions have to offer. With the cloud, we want

one or two years but doing so beyond that would be very

to be able to start a solution with 45% of its functionality

tough. SAP’s targets for emerging markets are much higher

to help speed up implementation for a particular client.

than for developed countries. The goal might be to grow

The customer might want a solution with all the bells and

in North America by 10%, but for Mexico, Colombia, and

whistles but we first advise them to start with the functions

Brazil that target could reach 30%. Automotive companies

they are sure to use, and potentially expand functionality

are placing the vast majority of their growth expectations

at a later date. All our clients want cloud-based solutions,

on emerging markets like Mexico as well.


LED: THE FUTURE OF AUTOMOTIVE LIGHTING Vehicular lighting has come a long way since its advent in

advantage of LED is that its design offers a combination of

the 1900s when candles illuminated the way for nocturnal

flexibility, efficiency, and security.

drivers. Today, high-tech LED lighting is commonplace in automotive lamps, as lighting set makers are driven by

Osram provides lighting technology to major set makers

demand for efficient, safe lighting solutions combined

like Hella, who in turn supply leading OEMs like Audi

with greater styling flexibility. LED lighting was first used

and Mercedes. For premium car makers that can charge

in automotive lighting for Center High Mount Stop Lamps

premium prices, the latest in LED technology makes

(CHSML) in the 1980s, and although its initial adoption

clear sense, with Hella’s Mexico President Ignacio Moreno

has been slow, LED headlamps have gradually been used

Betanzo explaining that “LED lighting lasts much longer.

with greater frequency as accessibility to the technology

Even visually, a car looks much more luxurious with LED

has increased. Currently, at least 20 vehicle models in

lighting. It is not only a question of energy saving, but also

circulation have incorporated LED headlamps, ranging

of safety. Better lighting simply creates a safer car.” LED

from luxury models like the BMW i8 to more affordable cars

projector headlamps are becoming ubiquitous in cars like

like the 2014 Toyota Corolla. Even within the LED lighting

the Audi A8 but more affordable options pick cheaper

segment, different grades of technology are in use, with

reflector designs. Bortolan argues that LED lighting will

all-LED models contending with hybrid headlights that use

become much more widespread in the next decade,

LED low beams and halogen high beams.

although Osram is not abandoning traditional lighting solutions like halogen. “We should not make the mistake

LED lighting offers a longer service life, vibration

of thinking that LED lighting is the solution to every single

resistance, and shallower packaging compared to most

problem that exists in lighting. Current traditional lighting

bulb-type assemblies. Evidence has shown that safety

is of the highest standard today.” Osram is not seeking to

is also improved due to LED’s faster lighting times.

drive the adoption of LED at all costs, but rather offers all

Conventional brake lights like incandescent bulbs require

its available products to set makers, which in turn leaves it

250 milliseconds to reach 90% intensity, while LED lamps

up to OEMs to decide which lighting solution is the most

rise to full intensity 100 milliseconds faster. Paolo Bortolan,

appropriate and viable for each of the particular models

President and CEO of Osram Mexico, asserts that the best

in their stable.

Moving Forward with the Automobile

Ficosa is a multinational corporation devoted to the research, development, production and commercialisation of systems and parts for automobiles.


T.: 52 81 8154 0400


R&D CENTER PROVIDES NUMEROUS ADVANCES FOR OEMS LUIS HERMAN ELIZALDE Director of Operations of Ficosa Mexico Q: What role does Mexico and Ficosa’s technology center

base so any such growth will not be a question of physical

in Monterrey play in the company’s global operations?

expansion, such as building new facilities or plants. Instead,

A: Ficosa is headquartered in Barcelona and has a presence

our growth will be dependent on identifying where Mexico

in 19 countries on four continents. Our North American

offers the greatest potential for us.

presence is entirely dedicated to the automotive industry, and we offer solutions to OEMs ranging from mirrors,

Q: How does your relationship with OEM clients impact

command and control devices, light cables, washer systems,

product development and design?

to electronics. This makes an important contribution to

A: We are not a typical supplier as we are able to develop

Ficosa’s global automotive division’s global sales of US$1

a client’s vision beyond the initial request, which is a far

billion. In North America, we have four manufacturing

broader service than that provided by most suppliers. For

facilities and two engineering centers. One of these centers

example, we introduced the new heater for the Chevrolet

is in Detroit and the other one was opened in Monterrey

Suburban and for the Mercedes ML500. In the past, OEMs

in 2005. Our engineering center is an R&D base where we

owned all of the design and technology, but now the

essentially create new designs from scratch and pitch them

supplier base is involved in R&D too. Around ten years ago,

to our clients. Of course, those clients need our designs to

OEMs tried to pull back from technological development.

meet particular concepts, but our long-term experience

There must now be equilibrium in the automotive supply

enables us to propose the best engineering solutions to

chain and the development will never be entirely up to one

them. The knowledge is shared between both our centers

side or the other.

in Mexico and the US, and our engineers have the capability to follow up with data using the CAT system. We have

Q: How do you manage your procurement strategy in

very good engineers in Mexico, but the majority of our

Mexico and what room is there for local Mexican suppliers

development takes place in Detroit because this is where

to work with you?

our main clients are located. We have developed a number

A: Ficosa’s Product Purchasing System is one of our

of patents related to lighting engineering, signs, blinkers,

standards, which helps us to apply specific methodology

and mirrors, while we have also developed integrated vision

and rules when sourcing suppliers. As a global company,

system cameras. One of the interesting products that we

we look for the best suppliers around the world to feed the

produced in Monterrey was a heater to help quickly defrost a

entire company. In Mexico, we choose a panel of suppliers

windshield in colder climates using a special fluid. We invest

to visit in order to assess their suitability. The information

4% of our total sales in R&D, which is a constant investment

obtained from that assessment is submitted to our corporate

that is very necessary given the strong competition we face.

head office in Barcelona. It is only once our head office approves a supplier that we can move on to develop them

Q: Where are you looking to increase your business in

here in Mexico. We do have the ability to choose our own


suppliers locally, but they have to go through the Ficosa

A: We are trying to increase our market share in North

Global Purchasing System. Most of our suppliers for the

America as a whole. We are growing a lot in Mexico due

North American market are based here. Our polymers still

to the new OEMs entering the country. We have a varied

come from the US for the most part, but some are sourced

customer base, including the major US OEMs. We provide

from Mexico. Most of our Mexican suppliers are in the

parts for Volkswagen, both for its operations in Mexico and

northern part of the country, although we are now building

to its plant in Chattanooga, as well as for Mercedes’s ML500.

up our supply chain in the central region. Logistically, there is

We are suppliers to BMW in the US so we are seeking to get

always a challenge when a company’s operations are global,

more work from them in Mexico, and we supply to Honda for

but we have a lot of experience and we share our knowledge

its CR-V vehicle and Nissan for its new facility. We already

between our locations worldwide. Ficosa’s standards are

have the capacity to expand and grow beyond our current

present throughout all of our processes.


LIGHTWEIGHT TRENDS WEIGH HEAVY ON ALUMINUM DEBATE What automotive industry experts all agree on is that,

aluminum bodied vehicles also boost safety levels by

irrespective of the energy source, weight reduction will play

ensuring shorter stopping distances.

a crucial role in reducing energy consumption. The race is on in the chemical industry to devise innovative solutions

According to a survey conducted by Ducker Worldwide

for the replacement of traditional metal components

on behalf of the Aluminum Association, more than

with plastic composites, but the solution with the most

75% of pickup trucks produced in North America will

widespread application potential may well be another

be aluminum-bodied by 2025, with Ford, GM, and Fiat

metal: aluminum. Aluminum is by no means a newcomer

Chrysler predicted to be the biggest users of aluminum

to the automotive industry as it has been used in cars for

sheet over the next decade. This would undoubtedly mean

over a century, despite widespread uptake being slow to

big business for the aluminum market, with the body sheet


aluminum industry currently valued at roughly US$300 million a year. If all cars were to go all aluminum by 2025,

As early as 1900, aluminum was being used as an alternative

that market would leap to be worth over US$7.5 billion. The

to steel, although sheet aluminum was, and remains,

report findings show that Tesla, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and

more expensive than steel. Cast aluminum brackets have

Ford will all exceed average aluminum content by 2015.

historically been even costlier. From the outset, aluminum

Pickup trucks by these OEMs will contain an average of

has been the preserve of the premium vehicle, with cars

249kg of aluminum per vehicle, E segment sedans 248kg,

featuring sheet steel body panels manufactured for the

SUVs 186kg, and minivans 180kg. The total North American

masses, and those with aluminum body panels restricted to

aluminum consumption for light vehicle construction is

more exclusive lines. Modern vehicles that have benefited

expected to increase 28% by 2015, compared to figures

from aluminum incorporation have been the Audi A8, the

recorded in 2012.

Jaguar XJR, and the Tesla Model S, which are all luxury vehicles. Nonetheless, the prevalence of aluminum use in

Due to ongoing cost barriers, increased aluminum use in

the automotive industry has steadily been increasing over

cars has mostly been focused on substitutions for auto

the last two decades while the lightweight alternative to

parts such as engine blocks, castings, and wheel rims. The

steel has been the focus of significant R&D investment.

reason for this is not only because of the expense related

According to research released by the Washington DC-

to the raw material cost, but also increased fabrication

based Aluminum Association, aluminum can provide

costs. The stages involved in assembling aluminum-bodied

5-7% fuel savings for every 10% of weight reduction when

vehicles far outnumber those for the assembly of their

used to replace traditional steel components in vehicles.

steel-bodied counterparts. The industry’s current leader

Aluminum also has a 20% smaller lifecycle CO2 footprint

in terms of production of aluminum-bodied vehicles, and

than steel. When aluminum structures are used in hybrid

purveyor of the world’s first all-aluminum SUV, is Jaguar

vehicles, 13.5% better fuel economy is observed, and

Land Rover. The company produces 95,000 all-aluminum

aluminum-bodied diesel vehicles net a 13.1% saving. Lighter

bodied vehicles a year, including its leading Jaguar XJR



One of the fundamental areas that allow the smooth sailing

have become pioneers in the creation of training courses.

of the transportation sector is the training of operators.

The first Master’s degree in Passenger Transportation seen

Today, as Mexico’s transportation sector sees more new

anywhere in the world was inaugurated in 2014 by CANAPAT

buses hit the roads, this has become particularly relevant.

and UNAM. Similar degrees are found in Europe and the

This importance is further exacerbated by the fact that

US but their academic content is oriented more toward

behavior at the wheel is directly connected to fuel efficiency

the logistics, carrier, and courier transportation sectors. In

and the maintenance of vehicles. Learning how to operate

comparison, 14 passenger transportation companies took

a bus is a studied mix of classroom, simulator and behind-

part in the development of this Master’s degree, making it

the-wheel instruction, all with a common goal: to create

truly unique in the world in terms of its content and focused

the safest bus operator possible. Mexican transportation

objectives. The transportation companies behind the course

companies, in collaboration with educational institutions,

view simulators as a major component of the process, as

and Range Rover models, at its plant in Solihull, UK. A look

F-150 closely. Should Ford pull off the all-aluminum feat

at the complexities involved in the assembly processes

hitch-free, other car-makers are certain to follow suit. The

highlights the reasons for the higher associated costs.

extent to which aluminum bodies will be brought to the

Traditional processes for affixing aluminum sheeting to

mass market in the near future is uncertain. However, Ford

vehicle frames involve thousands of rivets and meters of

has already demonstrated how the knowledge gained

adhesive, both of which are highly cost-intensive. Jaguar

from the development of the F-150 can be applied to other

Land Rover is currently purchasing 353 million rivets a year,

models by presenting its Ford Lightweight Concept Fusion

using 3,722 per Range Rover. Affixing all of these rivets

vehicle in June 2014. The Concept Fusion showcased a 25%

requires meticulous checking and insertion processes, and

weight reduction making it as light as the compact Fiesta,

any mistakes can lead to costly delays. Unlike some OEMs

by reducing the weight of the 2013 Fusion, which weighs

that closely safeguard assembly processes, Jaguar Land

in at 3,431lb (1556kg), by 800lb (362.8kg). The Lightweight

Rover has actually invited major competitors to its British

Concept Fusion features a 1.0l, 3-cylinder EcoBoost engine,

plant to observe production of the all-aluminum Range

with 30% of the weight savings coming from the suspension

Rover, the first all-aluminum SUV to be produced. Jaguar

and 35% from the interior and the glass. The impressive

Land Rover hopes that cooperation among industry

weight reduction was achieved with a mix of aluminum,

players will help to reduce the number and cost of complex

ultra-high-strength steels, magnesium, and carbon fibers.

processes involved in assembling aluminum bodies. However, for the time being at least, the expenses involved The first all-aluminum bodied mass-production vehicle,

in such innovations make them commercially unviable for

the Ford F-150, will go on sale at the end of 2014, and

mass-market vehicles like the Fusion. While OEMs scramble

represents both a milestone and a risk for the US giant.

to find ways to utilize aluminum to its full potential,

The truck’s all aluminum body will reduce the weight of the

longtime supporters of steel may also be making headway.

5,000lb (2267.9kg) F-series, Ford’s most profitable vehicle

The World Steel Association’s automotive division, World

and the bestselling vehicle in the US, by 700lbs (317kg).

Auto Steel, is pushing the benefits of the UltraLight Steel

The new F-150 features an aluminum cab and bed, affixed

Auto Body (ULSAB), with strong support from Porsche.

to a fully boxed steel frame, which has also seen its weight

In a joint project, the OEM and the association revealed

reduced by the use of high-strength steel. Ford is aiming

that an ULSAB structure has been assembled, weighed,

to produce 650,000 of these vehicles a year, almost seven

and proven to be lightweight, structurally sound, safe,

times as many as the vehicles produced by Jaguar Land

executable, and affordable. According to the study, the

Rover in its well-established UK plant. 2 million rivets a

ULSAB structure offers 25% weight savings at no extra cost,

year will be purchased to assemble the truck. Of course,

an 80% improvement in torsional rigidity, 52% improvement

Ford benefits from the fact that it previously owned Jaguar

in bending rigidity, and a 58% improvement in first body

Land Rover and played a significant role in devising the

mode, as well as meeting all mandated crash requirements.

systems currently in use in the UK factory, arguably giving

Perhaps the ultimate lightweight vehicle of the future

the OEM a head start on other mass volume producers.

will include elements of all technologies currently being developed. What is clear is that industry-wide collaboration,

Bearing in mind the challenges faced by the complexities

along with bravery on the part of those currently holding

of the assembly processes, other major OEMs will

executable innovations, will bring advances to benefit the

undoubtedly be observing the success or failure of the

industry, the consumer, and the environment.

they offer operators the experience of driving a bus in tough

chance to familiarize themselves with sections of the road,

driving conditions. Simulators come designed with an exact

while learning the right speed recommendations.

replica of the operator’s dashboard and with a virtual frontal view of the bus seen from the inside. They are able to visually

Grupo Flecha Amarilla has taken a step forward in adopting

reproduce the sensations of driving such as acceleration,

this technology in its training courses. The company

braking, speed, and the environment. The simulators include

already has four driving simulators that reproduce the

a steering wheel, a seat, clutch, brake and accelerator pedals;

driving characteristics of MAN Ferrostaal 8 gears, Scania

a shifter according to the brand of the bus and a screen

7 gears, Irizar PB Confort 7 gears, Volvo 7550 8 gears, and

tracking the name of the operator and instructor are entered

Volvo Bus 9700 12 semiautomatic gears. To complement

while the exercises are performed. At the end of each activity,

this series of attributes, the company’s simulators can

the simulator evaluates the performance and guides the

detect when the operator is tired, deviates from the

operator to try again based on the errors identified by the

road, or is driving too close to the vehicle in front or a

software. An interesting quality of the simulators is that the

pedestrian. Following the steps of Grupo Flecha Amarilla,

scenarios are designed as accurate visual representations of

CANAPAT hopes that this technology will complement

the routes the operators must take. This allows operators the

existing training courses offered by companies.



Juan de la Concha, Business Director of International Business Group of 3M

67 years ago, 3M took a

the pieces while reducing the weight by 15%,” says de la

chance on Mexico as the

Concha. “All OEMs are pursuing such trends, putting an

next great prospect for

onus on suppliers to rapidly develop, manufacture, test

the automotive industry.

and make such products readily available. According to the

This gamble has paid off

market, the differentiation factors will be focused on fuel,

as today Mexico is seen

aesthetics, and engine performance, depending on the

as a prospective cash cow

segments OEMs focus on.” However, 3M identifies another

for the company. “Mexico

trend that will play a part in this differentiation process:



comfort. De La Concha explains that a lot of investment

hold a place in the top

revolves around interior design and finishing. “While all





OEMs follow the same trends, there are different adaptions

worldwide,” says Juan de la Concha, Business Director of

that result in different cars.” Comfort is a wide-ranging

3M’s International Business Group. Given the vast range of

concept that encompasses many areas, from acoustics

products that 3M offers, R&D is never far from the forefront

and insulation to visuals and aesthetics. For example, 3M

of its operations. “5-6% of our global US$30 billion

puts forth mechanical fasteners made of foam, acrylic and

turnover is invested in R&D, and Mexico’s part of this global

adhesive. “Instead of using screws to fasten two parts

investment is likely to increase,” de la Concha remarks.

together, using tape increases comfort, diminishes noise

The company seeks to collaborate with the engineering

and increases the durability of said parts,” explains de la

centers of OEMs and Tier 1s to better understand the

Concha. Acoustics also play a part in comfort, through

needs of the market and develop new ideas and proposals

areas such as temperature and sound transmission.

involving its 46 technological platforms worldwide. The

“Our Thinsulate™ product provides exceptional sound

innovation process begins in the main engineering centers

absorption and excellent thermal insulation.”



of OEMs and Tier 1 companies, before flowing to 3M’s own labs and then trickling down to local engineering centers in

De la Concha points out that the engineering innovations

Mexico. 3M has also been working on improving the roles

that mark the key differences between various OEMs are

that such local centers can play in this process. “Normally,

becoming crystal clear in Mexico. “Mexico is a new market

the local research centers receive simple engineering tasks

for engineering so OEMs have been releasing products

to adapt products to the local market,” says de la Concha.

depending on the maturity of the market. For example,

“However, investments over the past decade have made

we can see variations in interior design depending on

Mexican engineering centers undergo radical changes. We

regions of the country as local R&D begins to naturally

are jointly transforming the capacities of these centers so

affect these areas,” he says. But as innovation spreads

that Mexico can have the ability to not only design locally,

across all vehicle segments, 3M seeks to stay in the

but for the entire world.”

game as much as possible. It has recently launched new products with an aesthetic bent, offering films for plastic


With over 6,000 products circulating in Mexico and over

moldings that can provide either a metallic or wood

80,000 worldwide, 3M has kept its finger on the pulse

finishing, which he says makes an important difference

of the main automotive trends. Core products such as

for the consumers. 3M’s keen interest in incentivizing R&D

sandpaper and masking tape are just some of its bestsellers

in Mexico also took the form of an R&D center in San Luis

that can trace their roots back to the automotive industry.

Potosi in 2013, with an initial investment of US$7 million.

Today, motor efficiency has made sustainability the

“We invested in people and laboratories and we now want

leading trend that 3M must cater to. As part of this, the

to use our global capabilities to bring more products to

company has launched a product called Interam™ for

Mexico that are being developed in other places,” says

catalytic converters. “Catalytic converters are pieces of

de La Concha. While it may seem that 3M develops its

pottery containing precious metals that convert harmful

innovations based on the particular evolutions of specific

gases into ones that can be released into the atmosphere.

segments, customer feedback brings them all together.

Interam™ works as a seal for this critical piece in terms

De la Concha stresses that the company always seeks to

of pollution,” de la Concha explains. Alongside this, 3M

tie its R&D investments into getting closer to each of its

tackles weight reduction for vehicles, another key aspect

markets and to better serve local customers. As such, the

for emission reductions and sustainability. “For example,

opening of 3M’s engineering center in Mexico is part of

we have products for plastic parts modelling that use

the company’s goal to differentiate its product offering

microspheres that maintain the structural composition of

for the local Mexican automotive market.

GREEN TIRE DEMAND BOOSTS FUEL ECONOMY STANDARDS By LANXESS - With so many vehicles, it is no surprise that

This is why most new hybrid cars now come outfitted

North America is the largest global market for tires. The US

with low rolling resistance tires. The typical consumer

tire dealer industry includes about 11,000 companies with

who replaces original equipment tires with a set of four

combined annual revenues of about US$30 billion. Most of

low rolling resistance tires can save at least US$150 in fuel

the tires sold are replacement tires for passenger cars (50%)

over the life of the tires, according to calculations made

and commercial vehicles (20%), with the rest going to car

based on average US prices of gasoline. Considering that

manufacturers. The level of demand for tires is correlated

a low rolling resistance tire costs on average only US$20-

with vehicle usage, which in turn depends on the economy.

30 more than an aftermarket tire sold now, the benefits

As governments continue to ratchet up fuel economy

to consumers are clear. At higher oil prices, as has been

standards, car manufacturers have embraced the benefits

the case in recent years, lifecycle savings with low rolling

of low rolling resistance tires. Rolling resistance describes

resistance tires are close to double.

the amount of energy dissipated when a tire rolls across the road. The greater the rolling resistance, the more energy the

The selection of materials has a very large impact on a tire’s

engine must generate to propel the vehicle and the more

rolling resistance. About 50% of the energy dissipation

fuel the engine must consume to produce that energy. Thus,

in a tire occurs in the tread, and the types of materials

decreasing a tire’s rolling resistance is an effective way to

used there have a large effect on rolling resistance. The

increase a vehicle’s fuel efficiency.

key challenge is to formulate polymers that have low visco-elastic losses but still maintain tire grip on the road.

A tire’s performance is determined by three main qualities:

Specialty chemical manufacturers such as LANXESS have

traction or grip, durability, and rolling resistance, besides

focused on the development of exactly such polymers

attributes such as ride quality and noise. In the past, improving

suitable for tires. For example, LANXESS has unveiled

one of these qualities meant that the others suffered a

polymers that have been produced with neodymium

decline. Thus, reducing rolling resistance had adverse

catalyst systems (Nd-BR) to be used for tire compounds

effects on traction or durability. In recent years, however,

showing the potential for simultaneously improving rolling

thanks to improvements in tire materials and technology,

resistance and durability. The Nd-BR compound also

it is possible to increase tire fuel efficiency without having

has very good resistance to flex cracking and fatigue.

an adverse effect on other performance attributes. Due to

Additional advancements in materials technology through

innovative high performance rubbers, tires have improved in

tailored structures is widely expected and could lead to

all performance criteria. Today, it is possible to improve all

new materials that have directionally tailored properties

factors simultaneously. The result is a growing market of fuel

best suited to tire construction.

efficient tires that save consumers money by reducing fuel consumption and emissions, which protect the environment

In Europe alone, according to the Clear Air Initiative, studies

and lower dependence on foreign oil in countries such as

have shown that introducing green tires and labeling could

the US. Tire technology continues to improve, holding the

result in a reduction of some 20 million metric tonnes of

promise for even greater benefits in the years to come.

CO2 emissions and fuel savings worth US$8 billion annually. As such, from November 1, 2012, any tire sold within the


EU has to have a sticker that shows its rolling resistance,

perspective as it is possible to improve fuel efficiency

wet grip, and noise performance. European policymakers








significantly without incurring high costs. It is much harder

want tomorrow’s cars to have much lower CO2 emissions

to improve fuel efficiency in the engine or the design of

through technological innovations like low-carbon-footprint

the car body. According to calculations, every percent of

biofuels, green tires, and lightweight plastics. It is not only

fuel economy gained by improvements to the engine costs

the EU that is implementing tire labels. Countries such as

a carmaker somewhere between US$30 and US$40 but

Japan and South Korea have already implemented tire

a 1% improvement through an upgrade to the tires costs

labels. Brazil is already preparing to introduce a tire label

far less than that, at between US$6 to US$8. This makes

in 2016 and other countries like China will likely follow. In

improvements to tires one of the most cost effective

conclusion, tire labeling is an essential tool to making the

technologies for automakers to meet rising fuel economy

market for low rolling resistance tires more efficient and

standards. Hybrid electric and pure electric vehicle fuel

transparent and to help consumers make more informed

economy is more sensitive to tire rolling resistance because

decisions. It is an easy way to achieve increased fuel

these cars tend to be heavier due to their large batteries

economy while improving safety and reducing greenhouse

and extra weight, which means more fuel consumption.

gas emissions.



from Mexican companies in investing in manufacturing


technology,” he says. This was made evident at Chicago’s

manufacturing spread

annual International Manufacturing Technology Show,

across a wide range of

where the largest international delegation was Mexican.

industries, with automotive

“This reflects Mexico’s desire to seek new technology and


go further in the understanding of sophisticated systems.”




exception. markets










manufacturing technology that enters Mexico goes to the

distinguish themselves due

automotive industry. As a result, between 2012 and 2013,

to the rise in demand and

the consumption of manufacturing technology increased

consumption of advanced

by 10% and Morteral expects to see this grow by 15% in 2014.

Mexico Carlos Morteral, General Manager of AMT




manufacturing technology in their automotive sectors. The Association for Manufacturing Technology (AMT),

Despite there being more automated and sophisticated

with 112 years of experience, has witnessed the evolution

systems entering the Mexican market, there is still a

of Mexico into one of the largest export destinations for

long road ahead to reach full integration. “Sourcing local

manufacturing technology for the US. Mexico’s proximity to

components in Mexico is an attribute to be fostered that will

the US means it has acquired a 90% market share for such

promote the adoption of more technology. Local Tier 1 and

equipment, amounting to approximately US$3.5 billion of

2 companies trying to become global players can become

manufactured technology in a range of applications. Carlos

so by implementing the right level of technology to meet

Morteral, General Manager of AMT, traces the manufacturing

the expectations of international customers,” Morteral

relationship between the US and Mexico back to the 1960s,

points out. The idea of Mexico hosting more technological

when the Mexican manufacturing industry began to bloom.

capacity has strengthened in AMT’s agenda through the

“The US industry was among the first to invest and show

Manufacturing Process Advisory Board initiative. “The

interest in Mexico back in the 1960s and 1970s, creating a

board meets every six to eight months, gathering plant

long-term preference which AMT had made its best effort to

managers and presidents of international and domestic

maintain and nurture.” A competitive advantage Mexico has

companies from a wide range of industries to discuss

developed by being a primary consumer of manufacturing

sourcing plans and the further integration of parts and

technology is the country’s familiarity with both imperial

components,” he explains. These meetings have also borne

and metric standards. This means that blueprint readings,

witness to an evolution of Mexican industry. The traditional

systems, and programming of controls are simplified.

industrial background of Mexico has tended to be in the northeastern states. However, the recent boom in the


As Mexico continues to rise as a global industrial player,

central regions has led AMT to begin promoting business

while the NAFTA region continues to dominate as a

development tour focusing on places like Irapuato, Silao,

consumer market, Morteral predicts sophistication will rise

and Queretaro to generate the adoption of technology in

in manufacturing processes. “AMT has seen a lot of interest

the plethora of manufacturing operations emerging there.

PROCESS CONTROL IMPROVES MANUFACTURING PRACTICES The automotive industry and its manufacturing practices

to carry out the measurement motions while the CMM

have gone from bulky and unrefined to complex and

machine moves in its linear fashion.” The automotive industry

concise. Alejandro Silva, Director General of Renishaw

adopts any practical innovation that will reduce costs, reduce

Mexico believes this evolution stems from the OEMs’

scrapping, and increase efficiency and leanness in processes.

increasing presence in Mexico that has pushed Tier 1 and

“Having a full understanding of the process control

2 companies to ramp up their performance. As a global

mechanisms can benefit customers by reducing scrap and

company with core skills in metrology, motion control, and

operation time,” says Silva. “Companies can fully automate

precision machining, Renishaw has flourished under this

the process and remain confident about the quality of the

change. “In the first year the company experienced a growth

components. The successful application of this technology is

of 45-50% and for our second year the expected growth

embodied in Renishaw’s manufacturing site in the UK, where

is approximately 25%,” Silva explains. As the automotive

operations are carried out 24/7 and are unmanned. There are

industry is driven by innovation, one of the new technological

about three or four workers running 20 machines and the

arrivals to Mexican shores is additive manufacturing,

products meet the defined tolerances complying with quality

commonly known as 3D printing. Renishaw’s additive

standards,” Silva comments. “Process control minimizes

manufacturing technologies encompass laser melting and

labor force size and reduces bottlenecks and scrapping to

injection molding technologies. The laser melting process is

almost zero.”

an emerging technology with a presence in the healthcare industry as well as the aerospace and high electronics

Renishaw has identified that in more developed markets

sectors. This technology is a digitally driven manufacturing

there is a higher incidence of these developed products.

process that uses laser energy to fuse metallic powders into

“Transnational companies are more likely to adopt these

3D objects. “Renishaw has recently introduced a 3D printing

methods in Mexico, where new Tier 1 and 2 arrivals are

system to Mexico, which utilizes metal to create new body

already entering with the machinery and technology in

forms for either prototypes or assembly manufacturing,”

place,” says Silva. However, as the innovation race continues,

Silva explains. This process is especially applicable to the

Mexican based Tier 1 and 2 companies must also step up their

automotive industry since it helps the creation of designs

game. “Renishaw is working on educating these companies

that were impossible in the past. This is important since

about the benefits of these systems and how the technology

laser melting significantly lessens the constraints on design.

works,” Silva explains. “Some companies have the false

“Having a full understanding of the process control mechanisms can benefit customers by reducing scrap and operation time. Companies can fully automate the process and remain confident about the quality of the components” Alejandro Silva, Director General of Renishaw Mexico

The demand for excellence is seen in the rising demand for

perception that faster CNC machines and cutting tools

metrology. “OEMs are requiring 100% inspection of parts,

improve production time, but if the part that comes out is in

and every part has to be measured for 10 to 20 features,

bad shape and does not meet quality standards, then it is a

depending on the component,” Silva comments. Some

complete waste. Technology can represent a big expense for

components go through more thorough revisions like

companies, but the processes are top quality and the return

engine blocks or suspension cases and it can be very time

in investment is significant. If companies can reduce their

consuming. “If all production has to be evaluated and there

production costs by 25%, it entails large savings.” Renishaw

are several CNC machines producing these parts, a huge

has been able to reduce costs by over US$500,000 in just

bottleneck is created in the CMM Inspection Lab, which

scrapping. The system only costs a fraction of this and it

slows down production,” says Silva. “In response to this,

is the only existing tool that can control scrapping.” With

Renishaw has created a revolutionary product designed

OEMs demanding more from their suppliers, companies are

to maximize the CMM throughput while maintaining high

looking for alternatives that will maintain quality, and probing

system accuracy. Revo is a dynamic five axis measuring head

systems have proven to be the heart of machines, and as

and probe system which can measure much faster than any

Silva states: “Probing solutions in machine tool and CMM is

other system. This is achieved by allowing the REVO head

the foundation for a successful manufacturing process.”


RISE IN POPULARITY OF ULTRA-LOW SULFUR DIESEL For many consumers, diesel conjures up images of smoke

emission standards. Oscar Silva, Director Advisory at

belching trucks and clattery passenger vehicles. Those

KPMG, explains that Mexico does have an established

negative perceptions have been put to rest with the

norm for fuel standards, NOM-086. According to NOM-

entry of a new, cleaner-burning type of diesel fuel named

086, PEMEX should have supplied the nation with ULSD by

ultra-low sulfur diesel (ULSD). Combined with advanced

2009, but the supply is still limited to the northern border

emission control technologies, ULSD reduces the sulfur

and the metropolitan areas of Monterrey, Guadalajara, and

content by 97%. Sulfur, a natural element of crude oil,

Mexico City. Silva attributes this lack of compliance to the

is one of the main causes of soot in diesel, which is the

lack of strong investment in additional refining capacity by

main culprit of noxious black exhaust fumes. New engines

PEMEX. As a result, US exports of ULSD to Mexico have

powered by ULSD utilize a particulate filter. As the soot

more than quadrupled from 25,000 barrels per day in

particles accumulate in the filter, pressure in the exhaust

2009 to 109,000 per day in 2012. This in turn has adversely

system increases, and once pressure has reached a certain

affected the implementation of advanced technologies

point, a sensor tells the engine management computer

in the Mexican automotive industry, with suppliers being

to inject more fuel into the engine. This causes heat to

forced to adapt their engines and other parts in order

build up, which burns the accumulated soot particles. This

to function with the remaining low quality fuel. Renato

entire cycle occurs within minutes and is undetectable by

Villalpando, Director General of Paccar Mexico, describes

the vehicle’s driver. ULSD has pushed automakers to the

this downgrade. “We launched a new engine in the US

limits in developing diesel vehicles with advanced emission

three years ago, and we are now launching the Mexican

control systems that meet emission standards as strict as

version with different emission levels.” The downgrade is

those governing gasoline-powered vehicles.

due to a technicality, as in order to apply better technology, the right fuel and sulfur contents are needed for the

Governments around the world have taken steps to

parts to operate correctly. “We can bring more complex

make diesel vehicles much cleaner by implementing new

technologies to the country, but these will not provide the

emission standards. As of 2006, almost all diesel-based

expected results and, in some cases, the components may

fuel available in the UK, EU, and the US is of a ULSD

be damaged by the Mexican fuel,” he adds.

type. The change first started in the EU with the Euro IV standard in 2005 that specified a maximum 50ppm, which

Despite the fact that the implementation of NOM-086 has

was followed by Euro V in 2008. In the US, new standards

moved at a snail’s pace, 2014 signals a change that could

were proposed by the Environmental Protection Agency

spark the full coverage of ULSD in Mexico. “KPMG has

(EPA) in 2007 and 2010. According to EPA estimates, the

a positive outlook. For example, gasoline efficiency has

implementation of new standards for diesel will see NOx

increased from 11.8km/l in 2008 to 13.1km/l in 2013, and are

emissions reduced by 2.6 million tonnes each year and

set to reach 14.9km/l by 2016, while CO2 emissions have

soot particulate matter will drop by 110,000 tonnes a year.

been lowered from 198g/km to 180g/km. The government

Mexico has lagged behind in its approach to implementing

has taken further steps by establishing NOM-163 that states



“Cummins has always tried to be on top of technology

Mexico is nine years behind the most advanced emission

related to emissions, and to exceed the emissions

regulations in the US and Europe, Cummins is seeking

regulation requirements in each of the countries we

to help bridge that gap with its technology. Hope has

work in,” explains Pedro Zermeño, ABO Components

been kindled with certain regulations in the oil and gas

BU Leader & Marketing FBU Mexico & Central America

industry as these should change the availability of needed

of Cummins. In the US, for example, it was ahead of the

technology. “The government is saying Ultra-Low Sulfur

game, since Cummins engines that complied with the

Diesel (ULSD) will be available in 2017, which will allow

EPA’s 2010 regulations were ready for the market by

us to introduce products that have lower emissions,”

2009. 18 years ago, Cummins was able to develop after-

Zermeño explains. “In the US, heavy duty vehicles face the

treatment systems which are now still part of the emission

strictest regulations. This makes sense, given the type of

controls rolled out in 2013. Zermeño says that considering

equipment that circulates in cities.” In this sector, Cummins

a standard method of measuring CO2 emissions, where

chance to offer new after treatment products for all engine

none previously existed. These norms seem to have shaken

types. “Public transportation vehicles in metropolitan

Mexico in the direction of compliance. In the first quarter of

areas, like Metrobus in Mexico City, are currently using

2014, the elaboration of ULSD by PEMEX reached 100,900

emission reduction technologies like Euro V,” says Pedro

barrels a day, a quantity that stands 14% above 2013 levels. In

Zermeño, ABO Components BU Leader & Marketing FBU

addition, the Energy Reform will incentivize this production

Mexico & Central America of Cummins. This is because

even further,” says Silva. “The Energy Reform that took

heavy duty OEMs are not giving a choice for engines

place and the expected FDI it will bring will make NOM-

with lower emission standards, they are only providing

086 official, and Mexico will then be able to keep up with

Euro V options. “This is a sort of self-regulation in which

international standards,” Silva comments. The automotive

companies are buying the only product available,” he adds.

industry likewise shares the same hopes. “We hope the

According to Zermeño, the government is already trying to

Energy Reform includes investments in refineries in order

retrofit old fleets with after treatment systems to reduce

to produce the required volumes of cleaner fuels. We have

emissions in Mexico City, Monterrey, and Guadalajara.

big expectations that what is being proposed will become a reality,” Villalpando shares.

As OEMs introduce Euro V technology, Tier 1 suppliers like Cummins are entering the fray. Ignacio García, Vice

Tied to the availability of ULSD and NOM-086 are the

President of Cummins, acknowledges that while ULSD

proposed changes for Mexico’s heavy duty vehicle

only provides 30% of the demand and the government

emissions standard, NOM-044. This new regulation aims

will import more to boost the figure to 50%, there are

to significantly lower the emissions of particulate matter

good incentives to introduce new technologies. “We are

and NOx from trucks and buses by requiring heavy duty

constantly bringing new technology to the market and we

vehicles sold in Mexico to be equipped with the latest

will make our Euro V engine available by the end of 2014,”

emission control technologies and diagnostic systems.

García states. The company recently launched its new ISX

These norms in unison will align Mexico’s regulatory

engine to meet Euro IV and V standards, and the five test

framework with international standards. The International

units circulating in Mexico have achieved an improved fuel

Council on Clean Transportation (ICCT) carried out a

efficiency of 5%. García feels the new emissions law will

cost benefit analysis of the modernized NOM-044, which

be implemented by 2018, while Silva bets on 2019. “These

found that tighter standards would result in a net benefit

investments will be deployed quickly and in the space

of US$123 billion for Mexico, also taking into account the

of five years, those fuels will be available,” Silva states.

value of avoiding 55,000 early deaths from air pollution.

According to him, the delay is partly beneficial because

While NOM-044 depends heavily on ULSD, the ICCT is

as soon as those fuels are available, even older models will

positive that the government will seek opportunities for

become more efficient. To successfully implement ULSD

early adoption. Over 30% of diesel fuel sold in Mexico

requires high technology as Garcia explains: “There is

already meets the ULSD standard. “The government is

a lot of complexity in the on-board diagnostics of these

well informed of the benefits this will bring the automotive

engines; the market is not ready for that yet.” With these

industry. All the pieces of the puzzle are coming together

hurdles to overcome, OEMs and suppliers are targeting

to bring the industry to an optimal level,” says Silva. Some

certain segments of the market. “Public transport is a huge

companies do not wish to wait for the government to

market and all OEMs will pour in to take advantage of its

pass the right laws. This haste has provided Cummins the

potential,” Silva comments.

has a good participation on the engine side where it has

The lack of availability of ULSD in Mexico to date has led

a solid market share. “For mid-range trucks, we have

to inventive alternatives for reducing emissions. “Natural

about 34% of market share and 28% in buses,” he adds.

gas engines have become a viable option, and Cummins

Hence, the company aims to push the envelope for such

implemented a project with a fleet of 50 natural gas buses

vehicles. Mexico City is notorious for its pollution issues

in Guadalajara, and 20 more in Mexico City. Natural gas

but, according to Zermeño, it will try to emulate what

engines result in a 40% fuel cost reduction, which is bound

California has done in terms of emission regulations for

to provide a good incentive for their increased use,” says

older vehicles. “California set a deadline for fleet owners

Zermeño. The company is also working on projects that

to have at least 60% of their fleets kitted out with emission

will seek to power units with energy created from the

control systems,” he adds, “In Mexico City, old engines are

methane gas obtained from trash. “We have double cycle

still working and although there are no set regulations, the

products in diesel, natural and methane gas,” he adds. But

government is working to reduce emissions from fleets.

while these alternatives hold potential, Cummins has set its

Suppliers like Cummins are now cooperating with the

sights on the future availability of ULSD and the fount of

government on this, and although the cost might be high,

technology and components it will bring to Mexico in the

the benefits are countless.”

years ahead.



Matthew Walsh, Director General of Volvo Group Trucks Mexico



propane, have



you the same distance. With DME, you only need to carry 30% more,” adds Walsh.


their time in the spotlight

“As fuel costs continue to go up in price, the awareness

and are now the most

of alternative fuels is also beginning to increase,” explains

widely known alternative

Walsh. Indeed, operators are looking for anything that can

fuels. However, none of

minimize their fuel consumption and improve profitability.

them have been wholly

“As the need continues to grow, the quest for alternative

convincing and the search

fuels will get fiercer. Therefore, developing DME has become

for the next alternative

a priority for Volvo Group as customers see the company as

fuel continues. For some,

a technology leader,” says Walsh. “The company’s biggest

dimethyl ether (DME) is the real fuel of the future. Volvo

weakness in the past was that although it came up with

Group is among those convinced of this and has been

technological innovations, it took too long to offer them

involved in the development of DME since the idea first

to the industry and competitors ended up beating them to

appeared. “As a world leader in creating alternative

the market. In the DME race, therefore, Volvo Group is at

energy solutions for heavy vehicles, the group made

full throttle to get the fuel out there. It has been tested in

the commitment to test eight different alternative fuels

Europe, and it is currently being tested in the US, Brazil, and

globally for the last decade, and recently launched a big

Australia to gain several points of view on just how flexible

program in the state of California for DME fuel,” says Volvo

it is as a fuel resource. We will make natural gas engines in

Group Trucks Mexico’s Director General, Matthew Walsh.

conjunction with DME engines enabling us to answer those who are determined that natural gas is the future.”

DME is a clean, colorless gas that is easy to liquefy and


transport. Used as a common propellant in aerosol

Having evaluated eight different options and deciding DME

sprays, in many personal care products, and lubricant

is the fuel of choice, Walsh admits that some barriers must

oil, it has an excellent long-term safety record. Recently,

still be dealt with before DME vehicles reach the market.

it has drawn attention for the remarkable potential it

Incentives must be provided by the Mexican government

holds as an automotive fuel as well as for electric power

to offset the initial cost structure, according to Walsh.

generation. Some of DME’s promising qualities are that it

“To get DME from a natural gas fueling center might cost

has a high oxygen content, it lacks sulfur and other noxious

anywhere between US$400,000 and US$1 million for the

compounds, and it provides clean combustion. Today, DME

conversion of just one location.” He points out that natural

production is primarily based on methanol dehydration, but

gas engines are popular in certain markets despite costing

one of its valuable characteristics is that it can be derived

US$30,000 more apiece than diesel engines. “This has

from a variety of abundant sources. “Volvo Group Trucks’

been made possible thanks to accelerated tax depreciation,

R&D department has found that agricultural products in

rebate programs, and access to contracts that depend on

over 90% of the world could produce DME, and you can

a certain percentage of a fleet running on natural gas.

even use some fossil fuels to make DME,” explains Walsh.

However, these same principles could be applied to DME

Research has shown that DME has evolved to become a

engines and trucks. Yet another barrier is presented by

modern and safe source of energy and compares favorably

the politics involved, including the fact that revenues from

to other energy sources. It provides low CO2 emissions and

PEMEX fund so much government activity.” For Walsh, it

a 90% reduction in NOx emissions compared with standard

is indisputable that the Mexican government is struggling

automotive fuels. Moreover, the automotive use of DME

with how to change the country’s heavy reliance on fossil

has the highest efficiency of all synthetic liquid fuels, with

fuel consumption. “The government is wondering how to

30% higher fuel economy than gasoline in passenger cars.

create the revenue stream for these alternative fuels, from

That is of course an attractive benefit considering ever

raising highway taxation to taxing tires,” says Walsh. As

stricter CAFE standards. According to Walsh, natural gas

many countries are facing similar scenarios, Volvo Group

is good for regional haul and light distribution, but it does

Trucks has begun meeting with governments around the

not fare well for long haul or heavy loads as it lacks the

world to prove that alternative fuel solutions can be made

strength to power vehicles in such conditions. “DME has

to work in markets facing high pollution levels and other

approximately 72% the strength of diesel, while natural gas

issues. “It is a no-brainer that clean technologies have to

has just 45% of that. This means you would have to carry

be brought in to compensate for what has been done to

about twice the amount of natural gas than diesel to get

the environment over the last century,” Walsh concludes.


Guillermo Fernández de la Garza, Executive Director of FUMEC

One of the lesser known

impact and cover a broader set of objectives. In line with

results of the signing of

this, FUMEC developed the TechPYME program for Mexican

NAFTA was the creation

companies focused on strategic niches in the automotive,



aerospace, medical, and other highly dynamic sectors. This

Brown Jr. United States-

program helps to build innovation and support networks




for SMEs to enable them to improve on a wide range of







capabilities, from certification standards to better business

of FUMEC’s main goals

models. “SMEs find it very difficult to develop the resources




needed for strong innovation programs. They need labs, and


advanced IT capabilities,” adds Fernández de la Garza. As




dealing with each individual company challenge separately

in important industries for the US and Mexico, with the

would be impossible, FUMEC has grouped companies with

automotive sector being one of the institution’s early

similar synergies, enabling them to tackle these challenges

targets. It began by focusing on the automotive industry’s

together. Working with over 200 advanced manufacturing

pillars of competitiveness: the drive toward innovation, the

companies, FUMEC has developed strong links to the

understanding of market trends, manufacturing processes,

automotive industry, and is working hard to develop SME

and technology. It saw the future of all these factors as being

capabilities. This is being achieved through a large national

dependent on certain advances, such as better ties between

support network as part of the TechPYME program, and the

companies, education and research institutions formed

international network of its Technology Business Accelerators

within government programs, the internationalization of

(TechBA) program which is spread over eight global offices:

Mexican technology companies, and improved educational

five in the US, two in Canada, and one in Spain. TechBA’s HQ

platforms. One frequent concern for automotive companies

in Mexico is acting as an international accelerator of growth

looking to hire is whether the training that engineers receive

for Mexican technology companies. The TechPYME program

at universities is compatible with the needs of the industry.

begins with a group of business technology advisors who

FUMEC’s Executive Director, Guillermo Fernández de la

work with automotive companies in identifying their needs in

Garza, sees the need for a shift that would start at the very

product development, production processes, and marketing.

beginning by “developing basic education capabilities in

The SMEs’ role within the value chain is analyzed to spot

schools and helping children develop cognitive skills through

what specific contributions they could be making. Finally,

the technique of learning by doing.” This viewpoint was

articulators facilitate interaction between the companies

supported during the 2013 launch of the US-Mexico High

and the specialized technical groups of universities and

Level Economic Dialogue (HLED), when US Vice-President

R&D centers. TechBA provides support for international

Joe Biden, discussing the need for increased skilled labor,

acceleration of the SME’s, and the TechBA office specializing

referred to cognitive capability as “the new currency.”

in the automotive industry is based in Michigan and works

Spurred by this vision, much of FUMEC’s work has focused

closely with the ProMéxico office in Chicago. All TechBA

on promoting education innovation in technical high schools

offices work together to facilitate the interaction of small

and universities. “To bridge the gap between automotive

companies within a larger automotive industry support

companies, universities, and R&D centers, FUMEC partnered

network. An example of this was seen in the case of

with the AERI program of CONACYT, in order to provide

Industrias Forza, a company based in Morelos that produces

guidance to universities in respect to the future needs of

plastic covers to be used during the assembly process of

companies,” says Fernández de la Garza. For universities to

new cars to allow the vehicles to be moved around without

be effective, he calls upon them to improve their educational

damage to the exterior. Company representatives travelled

processes and have research infrastructure in place that

to Detroit, where they were able to interact directly with

will allow them to keep up with advances in the automotive

purchasing staff from large OEMs and Tier 1s, leading to the

industry. AERI targeted specific issues within the industry,

establishment of relationships with Nissan and other OEMs,

depending on local universities for support. “For instance,

both in Mexico and abroad.



FUMEC has worked with universities to help them develop the capabilities to train people in embedded software for the

As the automotive industry evolves in Mexico, it has

automotive industry,” states Fernández de la Garza.

become evident to Fernández de la Garza that stronger Mexican innovation promotion institutions, like FUMEC, will

For Fernández de la Garza, focusing on strategic niche

be needed to support more sophisticated manufacturing

markets presents the opportunity to create a stronger

processes, both within the educational and private sectors.


BOUNDLESS OPPORTUNITIES IN ENERGY AVAILABILITY With 40 years under its belt developing solar energy

be lowered. “New laws in Mexico mandate that companies

solutions for a wide range of sectors, Mexican tech firm

can reduce their tax bill by generating energy from

Skylab has identified a change in the automotive industry

renewable resources,” says Garduño. The trend among

regarding energy availability and consumption. “The

automotive companies gathering into clusters represents

industry is taking this matter very seriously and is looking to

an opportunity for Skylab to offer the development,

harness renewable energy in its manufacturing processes,”

implementation, and management of solar parks to

says Gerardo Garduño, Director General of Skylab. The

help clusters to reduce energy costs. “We provide the

significant energy needs exhibited by automotive firms

technology and investment. We develop the project,

granted Skylab the opportunity to enter this niche market

obtain the permits for self-supply, and we provide energy

particularly in the central regions of the country. “We have

without the automotive industry investing any money,”

developed a project in Aguascalientes that is moving along

describes Garduño. All the company asks in return is a

nicely. It already has 1MW up and running, but the license

power purchase agreement to be signed for the energy it

goes up to 3.8MW, for a total investment of US$60 million,”

will generate for the next 20 to 25 years. Beyond its solar

he explains. Through projects such as this, Skylab’s vision

intentions, the company has also been investing in new

is to collaborate with automotive companies in providing

materials that use nanotechnology that it sees as being

solar energy systems under the self-supply scheme. “We

well-suited to automotive firms. “This material has been

want to develop solar parks to generate energy at a

used in planes to generate the energy needed during the

lower price than CFE, allowing automotive companies

flight. We see potential for it to be used in cars in Mexico

to generate savings of 10-12% in their plants and other

and across Central America.” Given the complexity of this

facilities,” Garduño clarifies.

advanced technology, Skylab has taken steps to secure

“We want to develop solar parks to generate energy at a lower price than CFE, allowing automotive companies to generate savings of 10-12%” Gerardo Garduño, Director General of Skylab

Currently, most automotive companies use electricity

the right partnerships to develop brands and patents. It

generated by CFE from fossil fuels. One major exception

has developed a project with Nissan supplier JATCO that

is Volkswagen that powers its Puebla and Silao plants

will be used as a basis to offer services and products to

from the 120MW La Bufa wind farm in Zacatecas, saving

automotive companies in the central region. “We believe

US$3.5 million a year along the way. Should others follow

this is the tip of the iceberg as we foresee exponential

this example, both their CO2 emissions and tax bills will

growth in the automotive sector,” Garduño comments.

Alternatives of interaction with the automotive industry

- Engineering and development - Standar tests - Specialized training - Exchange of technical staff


CIMA - Tecnológico de Monterrey, Toluca Campus



reutilized onsite, and workers separate metals from plastics

manufacturer specialized in high-end, premium tires, made a

and textiles, regenerating materials like polythene while

decision in July 2010 to build a greenfield factory in Mexico.

the latest recycling technologies are applied. The factory at

The decision was based on an evaluation of the demand for

Silao is still completing its start-up phase and is currently

premium tires in the NAFTA region, the opportunity for skilled

manufacturing at about 40% of capacity. Menassi estimates

and cost-effective labor in Mexico, and upon visiting sites

that it consumes 30% less energy than the environmentally

in September 2010, on Guanajuato’s solid plans to build an

designed Romanian factory at the same stage of its start-

industrial automotive district with excellent infrastructure and

up. Pirelli views continuous improvement as a must so when

services. Giuliano Menassi, the Pirelli engineer who had just

its newest factory in Silao becomes fully operational in

finished overseeing the construction of an environmentally

2017, it will be one of the company’s most energy efficient

friendly factory in Romania, was selected to lead the project.

plants. Pirelli also signed an agreement for reforestation

Menassi’s design for the plant began with environmental

with the Institute of Ecology on November 1, 2013, adopting

aspects, starting with its energy consumption, efficiency

20 hectares for conservation of the protected natural area

from isolation, and materials. “The idea was to plan, from the

Cuenca de la Esperanza in Guanajuato. This three year

beginning, a sustainable factory,” he says.

project aims to plant 12,875 trees and maintain them during this period. These combined aspects make Pirelli’s plant at

Given the amount of sunlight in Silao, the building would rely

Silao a role model for how the industry can interact with

on a high percentage of natural lighting. Artificial lighting

the natural environment, creating a sustainable future for

would only be used at night, turned on when needed, in the

generations to come.

quantity needed, through the use of sensors designed to maintain a continuous level of light. Skylights would make

At a global level, Pirelli measures energy consumption per

up 8% of the roof’s surface, but Menassi was so thrilled with

ton of finished product; water consumption is measured and

the natural lighting beaming in through the skylights that

improved upon, while waste is measured in terms of kilos per

he created an internal garden to grace the entrance of the

ton of finished product as well as in terms of the percentage

factory. Building isolation was studied in detail in order to

recycled. CO2 emissions are also measured at the factory, and

maximize efficiency of air temperature conditioning. As a

the company conducts lifecycle analyses of each product

result, there is never a need to pay for heating, and there is

family, calculating its carbon footprint, as well as the carbon

no excess energy consumption by air conditioning systems.

footprint of Pirelli as a whole. Global goals for the company

Air is cooled by circulating it through water from a well in

include reducing energy consumption by 18% in 2020 over

the yard outside the factory. The well water has a constant

2009, which would reduce CO2 emissions by 400,000 tonnes

temperature of about 13-15°C, an adiabatic system draws air

in the 2014-2017 period, and reducing water withdrawal by

through the water and nebulizes it before the humidified air

58% in 2020 over 2009. Since efficiency and waste depend

is sprayed into the factory, cooling the atmosphere for free.

not only on building design, but also on the behavior and

Plumbing was also designed for sustainability. The water

culture of people, Pirelli invests time and resources in training

used for cooling is reutilized, as all of it is recovered and

its people on all aspects of sustainability.

recirculated. The water used in the manufacturing process is also treated internally and recycled. Even the bathrooms

The Silao plant, managed today by Fernando Madeira de

used by employees were designed with sensors to turn off

Toledo, produces premium tires for the North American

water and lights when not needed.

market, including so-called green performance tires. These are tires with improved environmental impact which also

The layout of the manufacturing process was another

feature high performance and safety traits. Worldwide,

important aspect in the design of the factory. It allows for

Pirelli plans for 48% of its total tire revenue to come from

an efficient flow of materials and people, including the

green performance tires by 2017. Innovations to help

use of the force of gravity as materials are loaded into

achieve this goal include the use of rice husks as a raw

a mixer and funneled down into the next stages of the

material, and high-tech sensors for truck tires that allow

process. Forklifts and carts also travel minimal distances

for greater safety and improved fleet management.

so the manufacturing process remains lean. 90% of waste generated during the manufacturing process is recycled and

Tomás Grávalos, CEO of Pirelli México



Ricardo Valenzuela, Director of Innovation, Incubation, and Development of ITESM

Universities are content

misunderstandings. The program has already seen groups

to align their courses and

of around 20 small companies formed according to

services to provide the

different specializations, for them to be taught together

industry with capable and

about how to improve and to set up regular follow-



up meetings to guide the implementation of CeDIAM’s

However, ITESM has driven

recommendations. So far, these recommendations cover

off the beaten track to find

nine areas, including strategic planning, quality control,

itself a far more ambitious

and maintenance of production levels among others.






According to Valenzuela, a company needs between 18

within the supply chain,

months and three years to be fully developed. “That timing

and elevating the competitiveness of suppliers and OEMs.

for an OEM or Tier 1 is understandable, but they cannot wait

The Development Center of the Automotive Industry

that long for their suppliers,” he adds. As a result, CeDIAM’s

in Mexico (CeDIAM) is where both of these goals meet.

model was designed to be fast, taking companies as far

Ricardo Valenzuela, Director of Innovation, Incubation,

as it can in a short timespan. To accelerate the project, the

and Development of ITESM describes that as this initiative

aforementioned groups were formed to allow specific players

gained momentum, CeDIAM drafted a strategic plan that

to be trained in a similar manner. “The cross-examination such

began with the enhancement of logistics capabilities. The

a process entailed actually benefited small companies since

first objective was to create synergies between companies,

trying to do business with some of these companies was

especially those involved in the ferrying of auto parts.

challenging,” Valenzuela admits, “CeDIAM ensured that the



companies were following certain rules, which also helped

suppliers and OEMs can be tricky, though. “It depends

us to see how the capabilities of each company limited their

on the culture of the OEM and the type of relationship

ability to work with OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers,” he adds. “The

it has with its suppliers. Japanese OEMs have a big

business dynamics of the automotive industry are changing,

influence over their suppliers but also have a more solid

evolving from a supply chain to a supply network. CeDIAM

commitment, whereas the relationship American OEMs

is aiming to create a network where information is available

have with their suppliers is more contractual. Suppliers

for all involved,” he explains. As such, CeDIAM has a website

commit to delivering parts at a certain cost, volume, and

where Tier 1s can see which companies at the Tier 2 level and

timing, based on the terms of a signed contract.”

below are supplying particular products, who their clients





are, and what processes they carry out. “Transparency is The synergies amongst companies forged by CeDIAM

important as a business relationship has to be clear. This is

enable the transfer of knowledge and technology to

achieved by having valuable information available to all the

suppliers further down the supply chain. To encourage

parties involved.”

networking between Tier 1 and Tier 2 companies, CeDIAM


created its own trade show, named Expo Partes. “At

Additionally, SMEs can take advantage of the automotive

such trade shows, Tier 2s can meet up with procurement


managers from Tier 1 companies. At each event we have

attributes this quest for specialization to a period in the

organized, five to ten companies have secured contracts.”

1980s where many OEMs jettisoned processes that were

Valenzuela stresses that SMEs suffer from a lack of

not part of their core business. This allowed specialized

guidance when seeking to move up the supply chain or

companies to come to the fore, providing important design

to become trusted companies to multinationals. Although

and technology developments. “This happened to Nissan

nobody is formally in charge of developing such companies

and JATCO. JATCO was part of Nissan but spun off into

or giving them the tools they need to compete, CeDIAM is

a separate company dedicated to transmissions. It now

helping to forge these tools through the creation of the

has the technology to develop transmissions and reach

National Suppliers Development Program, which is mainly

more clients,” says Valenzuela. “This will also happen lower

oriented to Tier 2, Tier 3, and Tier 4 suppliers. “Alongside

down the supply chain. We will reach a moment when

companies, ITESM faculty and external consultants,

small companies will sell their own unique technology. This

CeDIAM designed material for a basic consulting coaching

is part of our goal. CeDIAM is set to develop 100 Tier 2

model,” Valenzuela explains. He affirms that this program

suppliers in 2014, and once that goal is reached we are

does not seek to tell companies how to do their strategic

thinking about increasing to 300 Tier 2 suppliers for next

planning but coaches them and helps to resolve any

year’s development program.”








Q: Why was CIMA founded as part of ITESM and what is

Q: Working with companies like GM and Bosch really put

its function?

CIMA on the map. What helped you secure these projects?

A: CIMA was founded in April 2004 out of ITESM’s Toluca

A: It was mainly down to our experience, as CIMA was

campus due to close relations with automotive heavyweights

only a few years old when we won GM’s project. We can

such as GM, Chrysler, Nissan and Ford. The Toluca campus

count on the accumulated experience of ITESM’s Toluca

is one of the members of Partners for the Advancement

campus going back to 1982. This has allowed CIMA to be

of Collaborative Engineering Education (PACE) University

viewed on a broader scale than just being a university-

Program, which brings together 56 universities around the

affiliated center. The transition was not easy, and we had

world, including 6 in Mexico. Since PACE began in 2000, it

to knock on a lot of doors of a lot of big companies to

has helped bring together universities with companies like

show that we could develop an excellent project. At first,

GM, Siemens, HP, Autodesk and Oracle. Furthermore, CIMA

we faced rejection but now companies seek us out and

began just as ITESM launched the first Master’s program in

we don’t knock on doors anymore. For example, we have

automotive engineering in Mexico. As such, CIMA’s focus

a big project with Macimex in their Tenango plant where

was not just to solve industry problems using state of

we are developing a laser machine for heat treatment of

the art equipment and methodologies, but also to create

crankshafts, a new development that has attracted OEMs

highly trained professionals for the automotive industry.

like GM, Ford, and Chrysler. All of them are interested in

We have a software suite that is tailored to help students

the way this machine could change how treatments are

and professors run simulations or plan automotive-

applied to crankshafts.

related activities. Combined with our laboratories and infrastructure, this setup helps us run projects with OEMs

Q: What is your approach to staying ahead of the latest

and suppliers. Another advantage we have is our proximity

technological trends?

to GM’s Technical Engineering Center in Toluca, one of only

A: We are not looking to develop a lot of projects; we focus

three in the Americas, which has over 800 engineers in

on specific high-impact projects, sometimes collaborating

residence, and other engineering centers from companies

with other research centers. We have developed testing

like Chrysler, Ford, and Nissan that have been established in

equipment for GM and Macimex. A major project that we

or near to Toluca.

are developing was requested by GM through the PACE network. The Portable Assisted Mobility Device (PAMD)

2007 saw CIMA shift gears. Prior to that, it was widely

is a very small transportation unit, which folds up nicely

felt among the international automotive community that

and allows people to combine public transport and PAMD

Mexico had neither the infrastructure nor the knowledge

to get to work. GM asked us to develop the project, after

base to carry out research or engineering. We had to work

56 universities presented alternative designs for PAMD.

hard to show companies that these resources did exist in

Another principal focus of CIMA has been our dedicated

the country. This led to CIMA working on larger projects

work on electric vehicles. We do not work on all the parts

with OEMs and suppliers. Our new orientation led us to

of the car, but mostly on its structure, its energy control,

get funding from the government through CONACYT,

and energy management. We are currently developing an

COMECYT, and the Ministry of Economy. The government

electric vehicle powered by hydrogen cells, along with IIE,

has dedicated funds for such projects, making it appealing

CENIDET, IPICYT and the University of San Luis Potosi.

for companies to work with us, as they know 40-60% of

IIE in Cuernavaca is focusing on the hydrogen cells while

the budget will come from government agencies. This

we are working on the car’s aluminum structure. We are

increased level of collaboration has led to CIMA’s budget

currently broadening the spectrum of our electric car

for projects increasing to US$2-3 million per year. As a

expertise to envelop power systems, manufacturing and

result, companies such as Bosch, Chrysler, Ford, GM, and

mechatronic centers. These are the most important areas

Mastretta, to name a few, have come to us.

for CIMA at the moment.



says the cluster has come to rely on PIT2’s support due to

LEED-certified building on

its specialized laboratories and industry links that allow

the Chihuahua campus of

it to harness new automotive technologies. These ties

ITESM, the PIT2 (Innovation

benefit ITESM’s students as they graduate with advanced

and Transfer of Technology

technical skills, making it easier for them to swiftly find

Park) aims to be one of

jobs in the automotive industry. PIT2 has ensured that its

the foundation stones of

courses teach cutting-edge techniques. Its manufacturing



processes teach lean manufacturing and Six Sigma, while it

future. In 2010, the vision

has incorporated the use of software like CATIA, Solidworks

for PIT2 came from ITESM

and Siemens’ NX into its design classes. Many of the park’s


Antonio Ríos Ramírez, Director General of PIT2




as it sought to support

initiatives, including forging closer links with industry and

the needs of the government and private companies. The

offering more job opportunities for graduates, are tied to

PIT idea was born from a desire to support Chihuahua’s

partnerships with international institutions.


competitiveness by providing physical and organizational infrastructure to boost the role of SMEs in the state, and

Chihuahua has long been known for the manufacturing of

churn out highly employable students.

auto parts but Ríos Ramírez says PIT2 wants to be part of the state’s quest for an OEM. “The direction we are taking

Since opening its gates, the park has sought to become

is focused on design, engineering and testing. We have

a landing pad for all automotive companies coming to

agreements with companies like Ford and TRW to place

Chihuahua and the prospective automotive engineers

our students in their operations, allowing them to apply

seeking to work for them. The park has invested in

some of the technology developed within PIT2,” says Ríos

developing research facilities dedicated to the industries it

Ramírez. The technological park is also collaborating with

serves, has set aside space for companies wishing to work

TRW on bringing a new design center to the state that

there, and has forged links with Mexican and international

would focus on testing.

companies. The park’s Director General, Antonio Ríos Ramírez, says the first major coup by PIT2 was when it

Ríos Ramírez is confident PIT2’s track record will hold up to

landed Visteon as its first major client in 2010. The major

such scrutiny, but he is concerned about one area: the up-

auto parts supplier took up residence in the park and was

to-date technical knowledge of staff. “Around 30 to 35%

open to getting help from ITESM for its projects. “The park

of our professors are motivated to go into the industry

offers the chance for our students and staff to work on

and learn about new technological developments. Even in

various design projects for the automotive industry, as well

ITESM, which benefits from a high-tech environment and

as on specific Visteon projects, mainly revolving around

close ties to the industry, 60 to 65% of our staff is only

panels and lights,” says Ríos Ramírez. Visteon seems to

familiar with technology that is over a decade old. In the

have been satisfied with the quality of ITESM’s students

public education sphere, the amount of professors that are

since early 2014, when it grew the number of products

out of touch with new technology could reach 90 to 95%,”

it would be working on locally. PIT2’s metal mechanics

he clarifies. Ríos Ramírez adds that these old-fashioned

division has also been contracted by a client in Parral

professors are reducing the capacity of public education

to redesign a monoblock, and the park is collaborating

institutions to react quickly to the needs of the industry.

on developing new materials with CIMAV (Investigation

He calls for a major effort to overhaul this trend over the

Center for Advanced Materials).

next two to three years as it is slowing down Mexico’s progress. Up-to-date staff can also serve as a stepping

PIT2 has maintained close links with the Chihuahua

stone for the entrepreneurial ambitions of students and

Automotive Cluster over the last three years, and its links

recent graduates. “Mexican suppliers only supply 3% of

to the private sector have allowed it to help the cluster

the automotive industry in Chihuahua, which gives PIT2

set its priorities. “We have set out space for the cluster

and its students a massive opportunity to build up the

in our new PIT2 building. Around 80% of its meetings are

local supply chain. We provide a good outlet for students

carried out at our facilities, and our professors take part

who want to go in that direction. PIT2 has an incubator, an

in the cluster’s development,” explains Ríos Ramírez. In

accelerator and a venture capital program in place to help

order to focus its students’ efforts, PIT selects four or

them. I would like to see at least 20 companies created

five projects each semester and puts together taskforces

here to support the automotive supply chain,” concludes

of students and staff along with the cluster. Ríos Ramírez

Ríos Ramírez.



LAYING FOUNDATIONS FOR A KNOWLEDGE-BASED ECONOMY Nuevo Leon is one of the most developed regions in

as well as hybrid and electric models. A knowledge-based

Mexico, producing 8% of the national GDP. As speculation

economy not only increases and reinforces productivity

surrounds Mexico for its potential to become a high

in every economic sector, but also allows for the creation

technology manufacturer, the city of Monterrey has begun

of synergies and technological applications across a wide

to lay the foundations of a new paradigm: a knowledge-

range of industries. For example, Schneider Electric’s

based economy. Nuevo Leon stands as an outlier in the

PIIT tech center is developing an integrated energy

national context, in the sense that it does not compete with

solution that incorporates photovoltaic, electromagnetic,

the traditional Mexican economic centers but with areas

and software technologies through its team of 450

like Illinois, Texas, Brazil, and even Turkey. With the highest

engineers. “To create synergies across industries and

GDP per capita in the country at close to US$20,000,

foster collaboration between companies, PIIT allows

against the national average of US$10,000, it aims to

companies to collaborate with universities, get their hands

increase its high added value products and services in

on expensive technological equipment, have access to

different sectors in order to build on its head start. The

incubators, and use graduate students for their projects,”

strategy for creating a knowledge-based economy is a

says Parada Ávila.

complex puzzle that needs to be completed step-by-step through government initiatives, entrepreneurship, and the

He also discovered that, in order to complete the

participation of universities and skilled, talented people.

puzzle of a knowledge-based economy and consolidate

R&D parks are connecting the dots in this process, creating

Monterrey and PIIT as frontrunners, the creation of high-

a common place where strategic targets are pursued in

tech businesses is essential. Therefore, the government of

unison. The state-of-the-art R&D Park PIIT (Research

Nuevo Leon launched the Nuevo Leon Fund for Innovation

and Technological Innovation Park) was created in order

(FONLIN) program, which provides grants of up to

to foster this ecosystem of innovation, according to its

US$200,000 per case. This fund facilitated the creation of

President, Jaime Parada Ávila. “The completion of the

48 new businesses in two years in different areas ranging

project took seven years, a lightning pace when compared

from medical, IT, nanomaterials, and biotechnology to

to other international experiences where such parks can

automotive. “This has become a huge accomplishment.

take up to 15 years to be completed,” he says. Through the

In the past, there were no more than ten R&D centers in

collaboration of the triple helix of academia, government,

Monterrey but the region has now accumulated over 100.”

and the business sector, 35 R&D centers were created in PIIT. Of these, 14 belong to the private sector and the rest

The exponential growth of high-tech businesses is closely

belong to universities and the state government.

followed by the increased availability of professionals.

“In the past, there were no more than ten R&D centers in Monterrey but the region has now accumulated over 100”

Jaime Parada Ávila, President of PIIT

In terms of the automotive industry, PIIT benefits from the

Nuevo Leon now has over 150,000 students enrolled

northern region of the country long having been a reliable

in higher education programs and 15,000 in graduate

producer of components, auto parts, and assembled

studies. For Parada Ávila, there is an enormous obligation

products. This innovative and knowledge-driven ecosystem


is an important magnet for automotive companies wishing

opportunities or they will migrate to other areas. Spurred

to invest and expand their operations in Mexico. Katcon,

by this growing pool of human capital and after the success

a world leader in automotive exhausts, has decided to

of the PIIT project, Parada Ávila hopes the park will expand

establish a tech center in PIIT where it will develop new

to incorporate another 20-30 additional R&D centers with

products for the next generation of vehicles. Metalsa is

the ultimate goal of creating a community of 5,000-6,000

also developing a research center in the park to create

scientists and technicians. His final vision is for PIIT to have

lighter and more resistant frames in tune with the latest

around 50-60 R&D centers all operating together to form

environmental conditions, to be used for traditional cars

an important hub of knowledge and industrial activity.









INDUSTRY-ACADEMIA RECIPE FOR SUCCESS GERARDO VILLET Director of the External Affairs Division of the Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi (UASLP) Q: How are you bridging the gap between the skills of

65% of the scholarships for internships to students while

graduates and those the industry is demanding?

the rest is paid by the industry. In this manner, companies

A: We have close relationships with local industry

can bring promising students into their ranks, allowing

associations and the HR departments of companies

them to better develop the student’s skills. In the three

present in automotive clusters in and around San Luis

years that this program has been running, companies have

Potosi. UASLP uses its positioning and knowhow of the

retained 90% of the interns we placed with them.

Mexican automotive sector to provide services like training, certification, and development across the value chain.

Q: What role do incubator programs play in UASLP’s

Several groups within UASLP are working on modifying


our curriculum to meet industry demands, and this is done

A: 90% of the graduates from the engineering program are

every two years to ensure that we keep up with trends

working in the industry now, but our rector has demanded

in the automotive sector and beyond. Moreover, we have

that we see our students not only as future employees but

88 academic programs in the entire school, and we are

also as entrepreneurs. We aim to not only instill a deep

working on making internships mandatory from the fifth

understanding of the industry in our students, but also

semester for all programs. Another way we are bridging

to develop their creative thinking and business skills. We

the gap is through a program named Experimental.

have developed a program to support students that have

Through this program, we collaborate with the Superior

developed their own business plans, and this helps them

Education-Company Foundation, which is funded by

to find funding. However, although this program has been

Coparmex and the Federal Government. They provided

running for two years, no specific automotive projects


CARVING A NICHE IN AUTOMOTIVE R&D LEFT: David Ríos Jara, Director General of IPICYT RIGHT: Vladimir Escobar, Liaison Director of IPICYT

Q: What automotive industry projects is IPICYT currently

be made to be light-sensitive, as well as producing self-

involved in?

healing materials that could be automatically repaired

VE: IPICYT is highly interested in pursuing collaborations with






after a slight scratch.


conducts investigation processes for defective parts for

DRJ: The relationship between IPICYT and automotive

certain Tier 1 suppliers to help them identify the source

companies around San Luis Potosi was established last

of the problem. We also focus on other interesting areas,

year. We expect this interaction to increase in the future,

such as the development of magnetic materials that can

it is just about showing them the interesting projects we

be used in several components like engines. Another area

can offer the industry. Some of our scientists are working

of interest concerns special coating materials, which can

on fuel cells that could improve energy management in

have yet been initiated. One business plan was submitted

collaboration between the school and various industries

regarding machining, for which an automotive industry use

until 2023. For example, we are building an office for

was ultimately found.

technology transfer, which will allow us to identify ways to assist technological development. It will help R&D take

Q: What interaction do you have with other universities

place in San Luis Potosi and will also teach us how to

and think-tanks?

best protect our intellectual property. This is a relatively

A: San Luis Potosi is lucky in that it enjoys collaboration

new concept, which has not been seen before. Another

between top educational institutions and contains think-

problem we are trying to solve is that purchasing any

tanks that perhaps do not exist in other states. There is

equipment for the university can take up to three months.

already a group of universities and companies that work

We need to speed this up in order to cater to the various

together on various collaboration projects. This was

companies that want to work with us.

born in the COPOCYT, which is similar to CONACYT, but operates at the state level. Another group, named Polo









Academico, is made up of top universities in San Luis

government to the success of these programs?

Potosi that have been recognized for their quality. These

A: The Secretary of Economic Development of San Luis

collaborations aim to foster ties that will see graduates

Potosi, along with the federal government, promotes the

better equipped to enter the workforce. Moreover, we

majority of the programs in place. For example, we are

work with IPICYT on various research projects. We are the

active in the Program of Stimulus for Innovation from

biggest university in the state, with 380 researchers in the

CONACYT, for which the federal government gives money

National System of Investigators (SNI). However, other

to the industry to develop innovation in Mexico. CONACYT

universities are more specialized in certain industries or

will give a company 30-40% of the cost of the program,

technologies so it is always beneficial for all of us to work

but if the company is developing a project with a university,


then CONACYT will cover 70% of the costs. UASLP was called to participate in 45 of these innovation programs in

Q: How quickly are you able to adapt your strategy to the

2013, a major increase from the 20 programs we took part

needs of the market?

in just a year earlier. For automotive, Cummins is a very

A: The problem with being large is that we are slow to

active player with CONACYT and initiated seven projects

move. We have a long-term strategic plan to forge a strong

around San Luis Potosi in 2013 alone.

electric vehicles, as well as improve the distribution of the

part, models are required and a supercomputer facilitates

vehicle’s weight and its performance. In another project

the process of calculations and information management.

with Metalsa, we are looking to reduce the weight of the

If automotive companies do not have a supercomputer

chassis and improve fuel efficiency for heavy vehicles.

themselves, they have to send the information to third

Our researchers are identifying what metals can be


modified, and how to develop a composite of polymers and metal to reduce the weight. Valeo is also interested in

Q: How do you support small automotive companies

gaining access to IPICYT’s supercomputer center in order

aiming to pursue technological innovations?

to improve its product structuring modelling (BOM). It

DRJ: We have a specific program, Stimulus for Innovation,

currently sends physical data with needed configurations

which is focused on SMEs, although large companies can

to be made in France, after which French engineers

play a part in it too. This is a good way of establishing

make the necessary changes and send the data back.

relationships with SMEs in order to support them in their

This process can take up to a week, but with IPICYT’s

intellectual property and R&D development. Through this

capabilities, the waiting time could be reduced to days,

program SMEs receive 60% of the total project budget

or even hours.

from federal resources, leaving them to pay only 40% of the total project development costs. The strategy to

VE: Our computer center is highly developed as it has

enhance interaction between SMEs, R&D centers, and

several capabilities, from software design to processing

universities came from the federal government to stimulate

large amounts of data. When making a design for an auto

the participation of SMEs in the industry.


Mexico’s Northern States and their US borders have traditionally seen the most investment from the automotive and wider manufacturing industry, and today Nuevo Leon alone produces 11% of Mexico’s manufactured goods. Half a century ago the country’s largest automotive cluster was informally established along the US-Mexico border, and the region quickly became home to hives of thriving maquiladora activity. With 85% of Mexico’s automotive production still going to the US, the border states continue to be investment magnets. With every asset comes a liability however and the area’s prime positioning next to the US invariably left it heavily exposed to the harsh winds of the economic crisis, at a time when regional security concerns were also creating big business for due diligence experts. Incredibly the region emerged from this double blow altered but largely unscathed, and ultimately the demise of a number of traditional US manufacturing hubs has strengthened it further. Today the Northern region has specialized, leading the way in the attraction of high technology development to Mexico, and hosts the top R&D conglomerate in the country.

This chapter will examine the transition of the northern states from maquiladora to R&D hub through the region’s key public and private sector entities. It will also look at the real security situation as it stands and the measures being taken to address both the issues and the perception.




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Chihuahua Seeks to Build on its Automotive Investment History


Government and Academia Links Needed for Economic Development


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Chihuahua Looks to Past and Present to Define Future


Chihuahua’s Automotive Success Story


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Turning Students into Automotive Entrepreneurs


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Trusted Construction Partner for Automotive Plants


Finders, Minders, and Grinders for Growth


Rubber Components from Japan to Chihuahua


Baby Steps for Cooling Systems Made in Chihuahua


Shelter Services Remain Focused at the Border


Weight Reduction through Innovative Cabling


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Coahuila Strives to Achieve Industry Consolidation


Coahuila Spotlight


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Developing Mexico’s Research Hub of Tomorrow


Nuevo Leon Cluster Predicts Continued Pride of Place


Nuevo Leon Spotlight


Increasing Variety and Capacity Key in Marketplace


Metrology Leader Directs Investments toward Mexico




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Sonora’s Economic Growth Boosted by Automotive Advances


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Scanning Global Tooling Market to Bring Best Options to Mexico


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Investors Attracted by Removal of Economic Barriers


Baja California Spotlight



CHIHUAHUA SEEKS TO BUILD ON ITS AUTOMOTIVE INVESTMENT HISTORY MANUEL RUSSEK VALLES Secretary of Economy of Chihuahua Q: How has your government been promoting the growth

for investment, clarifying the incentives it is putting in

of the automotive industry in Chihuahua?

place to bring investment to the state. The incentives and

A: We are seeking to promote the automotive industry on

our talented workforce are Chihuahua’s major cards in

a global level. We are not only focusing on North America

attracting investment. Once the first OEM comes here, we

but also on Europe and Asia to attract automotive

will see a boost for the automotive industry and Chihuahua

investment to the state. We estimate that given the

as a whole. The rise of Asia as a crucial economic market

strength of our export manufacturing industry, we could

means that we are targeting that market to bring an OEM

see 30% growth in Chihuahua’s automotive sector. We

here. Although the Bajio is doing a phenomenal job at

also want to shift from a labor-intensive workforce to a

developing its own automotive sector, Mexico’s northern

highly skilled workforce. In order for that to happen,

states will continue to grow. We offer natural advantages

we are looking to secure an OEM setting up a plant in

to conquer the Asian market and get an OEM here to

Chihuahua. The government is establishing clear policies

export its vehicles to the US.

GOVERNMENT AND ACADEMIA LINKS NEEDED FOR ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT In 1973, as the maquiladora industry in Chihuahua was in full

involved, holding a series of meetings with Ford to help it

swing, the state’s private investors sought to have their own

negotiate with the government. The authorities set their

organization through which to help attract foreign investment

incentives but when a company sees it will have support

alongside the government. This led to the creation of DESEC

from the private sector in a given location, this will go a

(Economic Development of the State of Chihuahua). Given

long way toward making an investment happen. That is the

its roots in the private sector, DESEC sought to increase the

role DESEC played when Ford came here,” he says. Today,

state’s competitiveness in two major ways: selling the merits

DESEC still meets with investors to explain the advantages

of Chihuahua to potential foreign investors and ensuring

of investing in Chihuahua. In the 1990s, DESEC played a

better collaboration between industries, the government

larger role in the promotion of Chihuahua abroad, sending

and universities. “The broadening of Chihuahua’s economic

teams to international fairs and exhibitions to put on a united

horizons was accompanied by a growth in the complexity

front with the public sector. Changes in government have

of the manufacturing being done in the state,” explains

periodically altered DESEC’s focus over the years, but it

DESEC’s President, Alberto Terrazas Seyffert.

remains focused on certain major goals, such as attracting an OEM to Chihuahua.

Ciudad Juarez and the city of Chihuahua became early


assembly centers for the American automotive industry,

While DESEC runs its own programs, one of its foundations

but they have now grown to be automotive industry players

is to collaborate with the government and academic

in their right. Companies like Superior Industries and

institutions. As such, the success of its programs depends on

TRW manufacture wheels and auto parts in the state, but

their willingness to participate. Terrazas Seyffert examines

Chihuahua’s automotive crown jewel is Ford’s largest engine

this phenomenon by saying that in the 1990s, DESEC had a

plant in Latin America. Since opening its doors in 1983, the

successful program called Chihuahua Siglo XXI (21st Century

Ford plant has undergone three expansions, evidence of the

Chihuahua) that sought to arrange overseas promotion for

value it has found in Chihuahua. Terrazas Seyffert explains

the state. Upon a change in authorities, Chihuahua Siglo

that securing Ford’s investment was one of the early feathers

XXI fell by the wayside. A new body was created under the

in DESEC’s cap. “The private sector and DESEC were heavily

name of CODEC (Council for the Economic Development

Q: What incentives is this government going to provide to

Competitiveness and Innovation Institution, as a result of

continue its success in attracting automotive investment?

our strategic planning. We looked at the similar institute

A: The first incentive is to provide land for an OEM to

that exists in Monterrey as an example but we adapted its

build its facilities. We can also offer incentives on taxes,

format to the needs of Chihuahua. This institute will create

infrastructure, the labor force and the shelter program to

public policies on innovation to help make the whole

ensure a company entering Mexico can do so without facing

state more competitive. Our administration is certain

any labor or fiscal problems. Added to that, Chihuahua has

that investment in education and knowledge will lead to

gone ten years without seeing a single strike and our legal


framework is adapted to the particular working conditions of the state. Apart from these economic incentives, it

Q: What advantages does Chihuahua’s automotive cluster

is important to know that the business environment in

offer an OEM over other such clusters in Mexico?

Chihuahua is tailored to bring in investment. We are

A: We have certified sites, we have excellent infrastructure

seeking to develop a long-term economic and industrial

and we have a lot of space to offer. There is a lot of land

development plan for Chihuahua, and we are working with

where OEMs could establish themselves. We also already

the private sector and education institutions to make that

have a wealth of experience in knowing how to treat foreign

happen. We need to set medium and long-term objectives

companies that invest here. Chihuahua was one of the first

for Chihuahua for the next three, ten and 20 years.

states to bring foreign investment to Mexico so we know

Having these plans in place will mean that even when

how to grow business here. In terms of infrastructure, we

the government changes, targets will remain clear and

are also building a new rail line to access New Mexico and

subsequent administrations can continue working toward

Union Pacific is developing an intermodal terminal near

them. The governor has launched an initiative to create the

Ciudad Juarez.

of Chihuahua) and was divided across twelve regions in the

that fit Ford’s requirements upon graduation and can

state. While it might seem this added unnecessary levels of

therefore better find jobs within the giant’s operations.

bureaucracy, Terrazas Seyffert says these twelve different

Terrazas Seyffert says the creation of the cluster was

boards, comprised of municipal governments, private sector

a necessary step to bolster Chihuahua’s competitive

and university members, are better able to represent the

advantages for automotive business. Although the state

priorities of different regions. “These boards are beginning

received the largest automotive investment of any Mexican

to move in the same direction as Siglo XXI did. Each of

state over the last decade, it is facing more competition

these regions has different activities and priorities, the city

than ever before. “Chihuahua neighbors the largest market

of Chihuahua cannot decide what the priorities of Casas

in the world but we sometimes try to reach other markets

Grandes or Cuauhtemoc should be. The private sector

that would improve our competitive advantages. It is

understands very well how to combine the advantages of

important to broaden our markets but we have to remain

each region of Chihuahua to create an overarching strategy.

focused on the US for the moment. The automotive industry

The government needs to create a long-term plan that is

in Chihuahua has been focused on exports since the late

led by the private sector and universities as these do not

1970s, this has led to us having a tremendous wealth of

change every six years,” he explains.

expertise to draw on,” says Terrazas Seyffert. This wealth of expertise cannot distract from one important fact, outside

Within this new structure, DESEC retains its role as a

of the Ford engine plant, Chihuahua is home to no OEMs.

facilitator, as it has in the creation of the automotive cluster. Terrazas Seyffert says that DESEC used its international

DESEC responds to this reality by recommending that

links to bring people from different sectors to make sure the

Chihuahua blaze a trail in a different direction. Terrazas

Chihuahua automotive cluster could truly cater to the needs

Seyffert indicates that automotive companies are primarily

of the industry. The clusterization process itself represented

manufacturing hybrid and electric cars for the East Coast

a challenge for which DESEC brought in Spanish experts

and West Coast markets in the US. “Those companies are

who had set up similar clusters before. Although the cluster

not going to start selling electric cars around the world,

is independent of DESEC, it relies on the contributions of

they will sell to specific markets. If we see an OEM that

industry, government and academia to function. As such,

is focusing on the US market for electric vehicles, and if

DESEC has fostered links between these pillars for mutual

Chihuahua can develop the right supplier base, we will be

benefit. For example, Ford has reached out through the

able to make a good argument for such an OEM to be based

cluster to universities in Chihuahua to better train engineers

here. Tesla would be a good example of such an OEM.”



CHIHUAHUA LOOKS TO PAST AND PRESENT TO DEFINE FUTURE SERGIO MENDOZA President of Chihuahua Automotive Cluster Q: How has Chihuahua’s economy developed from its

creating their own integrated packages, strategies and

beginnings as a Maquiladora hub?

opportunities to attract automotive companies. Chihuahua

A: 30 years ago, Chihuahua was the home of the Twin-Plant

has learned from this history and must now choose how to

program. Offshore companies, known as Maquiladoras,

grow wisely and not just grow for growth’s sake.

would focus on labor-intensive operations while their US counterparts performed the capital intensive ones.

Q: What must Chihuahua do to further consolidate its

Chihuahua’s main advantage was its proximity to the

presence within the automotive industry?

US, with 80% of the processes focused in Ciudad Juarez

A: Several strategies need to be carried out across the

and 20% in the city of Chihuahua. Products would cross

whole supply chain. When the Auto Cluster began one and

the border from El Paso to Ciudad Juarez, carry out

a half years ago, nobody was fully aware of the real size of

the necessary labor processes and then go back. As

the automotive industry in Chihuahua. At a federal level,

the industry matured, Chihuahua started performing

Chihuahua was overlooked and that was hard to believe. The

more complex manufacturing processes, such as plastic

first step taken as a cluster was to run diagnostics to evaluate

injection moldings and die-casting of magnesium, zinc

the size and the current state of the automotive industry,

and aluminum. When Chihuahua began to develop this

and the results indicate we are one of the main engines for

expertise, it slowly started to be seen almost as an extension

the industry in Mexico. We felt that we first needed to set a

of the US. With this new mindset, some companies would

strategy regarding how we want to grow and then find who

send entire manufacturing processes to Chihuahua and

wants to grow with us. Secondly, the state needs to showcase

this maturity brought more suppliers to the State. Given

its experience, talents, and the opportunities it offers to

this history, Chihuahua only looked north for its market,

foreign investors. Thirdly, we must foster the creation and

customers, and investors. Most promotion efforts were

growth of local companies, either with local investors or

targeted to the US and Chihuahua was so successful that

through joint ventures. Chihuahua needs to create a virtuous

there was virtually full employment in cities like Ciudad

circle of growth, but this time with the participation of local

Juarez. There were even programs set to bring people

companies, a factor that was absent 30 years ago.

from other states as the demand for labor was so high. Then, the downturn came and brought a new category

Q: Can this wish list be achieved if the federal government

of challenges. In the process, other states woke up by

underestimates Chihuahua’s potential?



By Sergio Mendoza - Over the last decade, Chihuahua

Chihuahua’s proximity to the US was an advantage, but this

has received more automotive investment than any other

alone was not enough. Projects were launched to bolster

Mexican state. According to the Secretariat of Economy,

the availability of skilled people, such as the opening of

Chihuahua has received 25% of the US$18 billion invested

ITESM’s Chihuahua Campus, regarded as one of the best

in Mexico over that period. In fact, Chihuahua’s automotive

technical universities in the country. Today, the state of

exports surpassed US$9 billion in 2013, even without an

Chihuahua has the largest percentage of manufacturing

OEM assembly plant located in the state. This success did

jobs in Mexico. It is also home to a bilingual, bicultural,

not happen overnight. Several initiatives were launched over

and highly skilled population, with over 3,000 engineers

40 years ago with the support and coordinated efforts of

graduating every year from colleges located in the state

local businesses, government, and educational institutions.

and investment in education and technology continues to

At the time, the term cluster had not even been coined for

be a priority. Chihuahua is also home to five engineering

such communal efforts.

and design centers, with Delphi’s Technical Center being

A: We certainly need the support of the government. The

in the city of Chihuahua and funded by CONACYT. CIMAV

issue was that we felt invisible and to make ourselves visible

is CONACYT’s lead point for nanotechnology research,

to the authorities we have had to show hard facts and

among other things. This lab is collaborating closely with

figures. Chihuahua has 113 automotive companies present

Sandia National Laboratories in New Mexico. We are

and some have several plants in the state, such as Delphi.

also trying to establish a link with Stanford’s Centre for

There are two OEMs in Ford and Bombardier Recreational

Automotive Research (CAR). One of our initiatives with

Products (BRP), 44 Tier 1 companies, 52 Tier 2s, and 15 Tier

these R&D centers was to jointly develop an academic

3s. According to INADEM’s numbers, Chihuahua is first in

program specifically for automotive engineers. Engineers

direct employment for the automotive industry in Mexico,

with a wide range of specializations could enter this

with over 130,000 direct jobs as of 2012. No other state

program and be taught the specific knowledge needed to

comes near the scope of Chihuahua. This position is a result

enter the automotive industry.

of the state’s long industrial history and the coordinated efforts of the private sector, our government and academia.

Q: How viable is the establishment of an industrial corridor

However, it is important to note that most of the jobs are

in Chihuahua and how could this serve the industry?

low added value with low wages. This is because Chihuahua

A: The biggest testament to Chihuahua’s success lies in the

has many companies doing light assembly processes and

millions of auto parts being made here. Depending on the

few companies doing complex manufacturing, like forging

vehicle the OEM assembles, Chihuahua can manufacture

and die-casting. Automotive companies here occupy over

up to 60% of the needed content. We are seeing the Bajio

1.1 billion m2 of industrial real estate and our estimated sales

region benefiting from a well-defined industrial corridor

for 2012 were a little over US$9 billion. Chihuahua occupies

that stretches to the US Midwest. It is well-structured with

first place in foreign direct investment, and the direct payroll

excellent railways and border-crossing facilities, which

is a little bit over US$2 billion a year. Education is also an

are not that far from each other. It would difficult for

important asset with ten Mexican technical universities in

Chihuahua to play a part in this corridor, so we need to think

the state. Our mission is to make these figures known to the

strategically about a new industrial corridor. Chihuahua is

industry. To further consolidate Chihuahua’s role, we have

already trying to develop it. The absence of plants in this

begun to attend national cluster meetings and collaborate

region could be seen as a negative, but I choose to see it

with ProMéxico, the Ministry of Economy and, as always, we

as a positive. California represents 11% of the US market

keep working with the Secretary of Economic Development

and has a demand of over 2 million vehicles and Chihuahua

at a state level.

can service this market through that corridor. As EPA restrictions become more stringent in the US, there will be

Q: To what extent could Chihuahua become a destination

a need for more fuel efficient vehicles. This new corridor

for R&D in Mexico?

can service two different markets, which will become a

A: The cluster collaborates closely with the regional R&D

differentiating factor for Chihuahua. We are in the process

centers, such as the ones run by Visteon in the city of

of building enough data and marketing material to show a

Chihuahua and Delphi in Ciudad Juarez. We also work

strong case for automotive companies that are yet to be

with CIMAV (Advanced Materials Research Lab), located

established in Mexico.

the largest in Mexico. Located in Ciudad Juarez, it employs

The growth of the Bajio region during the last few years is

over 2,000 engineers who collectively generate the largest

a reality that threatens Chihuahua’s leadership with regards

number of patents in the Mexican private sector each year.

to foreign investment. Just a few years ago, automotive companies only considered Mexico’s northern states for

Automotive companies that consider establishing an

their location, but with the flood of new investment to central

operation in Mexico will benefit from what Chihuahua has

Mexico, projects are now spreading to wider and more

to offer. The existing supplier base already manufactures

diverse areas. The competition among states is continuing

millions of auto parts every year and some estimates

to intensify, and this has led Chihuahua to think seriously

calculate that about 60% of the components needed to

about the future. New strategies are being developed by

assemble a car are already produced in the state. The shared

the same three sectors that worked together 40 years ago

need for local suppliers for metal stampings, machined

to establish the Chihuahua Automotive Cluster.

parts, forgings, and castings has further propelled ongoing efforts to develop new suppliers, technologies, training

Sergio Mendoza, President of the Chihuahua Automotive

programs, and the expansion of infrastructure.




TURNING STUDENTS INTO AUTOMOTIVE ENTREPRENEURS GERARDO SILVEYRA Director of Engineering School of ITESM, Chihuahua Campus Q: What are the ambitions of the engineering school to

A: We have developed advisory councils with industry

support the automotive industry in Chihuahua?

leaders where we can identify their needs. We have noted

A: We are keen on supporting all the industries and clusters

that the industry is not looking to hire people with highly

that make Chihuahua tick, and automotive is among the

specialized skills. Companies are looking for soft skills,

most important. We are closely involved with the cluster

like teamwork, problem-solving, and analytical capability,

as the university is able to help it in one of its prime

as specific knowledge can be acquired by working in the

directives: innovation. ITESM is in the process of updating

industry. We are focused on developing those skills among

its education methods. We are investing in different

all of our students. We also allow our professors to be

technological platforms, such as smartphones and tablets

involved in real projects to keep updating their knowledge.

used in class, and we want to bring this modern approach

The technological park has around 25 companies which

to the automotive projects we work on. Another focus is

allow professors to work alongside them.

how to get our students involved in real industry projects. From there, we began developing technological parks,

Q: How does ITESM help students who want to start their

and partnered up with Visteon, an automotive design

own automotive companies?

company. Over the last six years, we have been involved in

A: We want to turn our students into entrepreneurs who

80 projects with automotive companies.

develop their own companies. We view an entrepreneur as someone with a positive attitude toward problem-


Q: How is ITESM working with the industry to assure that

solving. Our students need to develop their own ideas and

its curriculum conforms to real needs?

companies to support the automotive industry.


TRUSTED CONSTRUCTION PARTNER FOR AUTOMOTIVE PLANTS ALBERTO TERRAZAS SEYFFERT Financial Director of Grupo Copachisa Q: How did Grupo Copachisa navigate the process of

other construction materials. On the second expansion,

becoming a supplier for major OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers?

we provided all the steel structures. We have maintained

A: We have been doing construction for foreign companies in

a strong relationship with Ford through the years. Since

Mexico since the 1970s. Over the years, Grupo Copachisa has

then, we have worked on building plants for OEMs around

acquired all major international construction certifications.

Mexico, such as Mazda and Nissan.

We created a parallel company to manufacture joists, as many of our foreign clients demanded that our joists, our

Q: How did you go from building for an American OEM in

processes and even our welders all be certified by the SJI in

Chihuahua to Japanese OEMs nationwide?

the US. This company is able to meet those standards and

A: If customers see that you focus on their needs, it does not

supply the joists to our construction sites. The same goes for

matter where they come from. We have had construction

electromechanics and security, as Grupo Copachisa has built

projects with over 20 companies across Mexico in the last

a reputation in Mexico based on its adherence to international

two years and these come from Japan, Germany, France

standards and certifications for all these areas. Once foreign

and beyond. We are on the shortlist of any foreign investor

companies know that you can meet their specific needs,

looking for a construction company in Mexico. We do have

they are more than willing to work with you. This attitude

a few competitors, such as Urvitec and Docsa, but we are

needs to be more widespread among the entrepreneurs of

happy to compete with them, the quality of their work is

Chihuahua. If they want to play in the big league, they need

excellent so it drives us to be better.

to work as OEMs and Tier 1 suppliers require them to. It would be advantageous for Chihuahua and for Grupo Copachisa if

Q: How much is Grupo Copachisa focusing on getting

more companies committed to improving in this way. While

more automotive clients?

Grupo Copachisa might find itself facing more competitors,

A: We saw the current automotive investment boom

the whole economy of Chihuahua would improve and more

coming as early as 2007. Because of that, we set up steel

work would come our way. A rising tide lifts all boats.

production plants in Guanajuato and Queretaro to cater to incoming OEMs and suppliers. Our steel subsidiary gets

Q: How can Chihuahua’s clusters help this process to take

the raw material from Ternium or other suppliers but it is


cheaper for us to then manufacture our own steel close to

A: The automotive and aerospace clusters alike are working

where our customers need to build. 80% of our work is now

very hard to increase the entrepreneurship of companies

outside Chihuahua and it is focused on where growth is

in Chihuahua. A colossal amount of money is spent by

happening, particularly the needs of the automotive sector

those two industries on logistics in Mexico, importing

in the Bajio region. The region is booming so much we

needed materials and products from overseas. Having all

now use only 25% of the steel we produce ourselves and

their suppliers on the ground in Mexico would allow OEMs

75% is sold to other projects. We are now in a position to

to save money and make them more competitive.

supply other construction companies, not just produce the materials needed by Grupo Copachisa. For the moment,

Q: How did Grupo Copachisa enter the automotive industry?

we are only producing steel for the construction business

A: We started off by carrying out a number of engineering

but we are not ruling out the possibility of becoming a

and construction projects for Delphi in the 1990s. Since

steel supplier directly for the automotive industry, given

then, our reputation has taken off and we have been

the high demand OEMs have for quality steel. We also have

involved in construction projects for Ford, Visteon and

a machining company, Altaser, which is already supplying

TRW. We were not part of building Ford’s original engine

automotive companies like TRW. The problem with the

plant in Chihuahua but we have been part of two expansions

automotive industry is that it requires high volumes

since then. We handled the general construction for one

and provides low margins, as opposed to the aerospace

of the expansions, including supplying the steel and all

industry which is about low volumes and high margins.


FINDERS, MINDERS, AND GRINDERS FOR GROWTH Often overlooked, Chihuahua is a silent giant in the

of services, including contract assemblies, outsourcing of

automotive industry. Sergio Mendoza, CEO of Factoria,

engineering functions, local representation, warehousing,

a company that has offered support services to foreign

just-in-time deliveries, vendor-managed inventory (VMI)

suppliers since 1995, has concluded that in order for

and third party logistics (3PL). “For example, one of our

the industry to thrive in the region it needs the support

clients is launching a new appliqué that goes into Visteon’s

of finders, grinders, and minders. Grinders make up the

instrument panel. When their executive arrived, we provided

bottom of the business pyramid and carry out the bulk of

translators so he could speak with the operators,” Mendoza

the daily work, while minders form the middle management

explains. “Easing cultural barriers is not the only service. We

that direct the grinders. Finders are at the top, being the

also provide logistics, importation and warehousing for the

company partners responsible for winning new business.

parts and we supply to Visteon just in time. This way, their

In terms of the state’s managements finders are deeply

client do not have to have inventory on the ground.”

involved in the detection of business opportunities to attract companies to the State. In Chihuahua, the role of

These outsourcing services enable companies to adopt lean

these finders was traditionally played by local companies

business models that help them thrive. “Many companies

from the private sector. “Finder companies sell shelter

are opting for this lean model. Inventories are costly and

services, offering industrial land and buildings. They

if suppliers are overseas, inventories can become critical

normally go offshore and showcase what the Chihuahua

and quite large,” Mendoza comments. Factoria is able to

has to offer,” details Mendoza. However, with the Bajio’s

help its OEM and Tier 1 clients achieve their inventory goals.

magnetic pull, these companies have extended their

Mendoza explains how this is achieved: “We have the parts

services to other states, when previously they concentrated

here but they belong to the supplier and not the local plant.

only on Chihuahua. “Years ago, their resources were mainly

With our services, our clients do not have to lease a building

destined for Chihuahua. Now, the situation has changed

or even have a footprint in Mexico.” This means that through

and other regions are being showcased by them also. This

outsourcing it becomes easier for companies to simply have

is a positive change for the country as a whole,” Mendoza

a local representative. Providing engineering support is also

admits. While the investment has spread to other regions

important. “Our role is to help our client understand the

for the benefit of Mexico, this transition has left a void in

complexities and characteristics of the issue by providing

Chihuahua and the role of finder has to be filled. Mendoza

data,” Mendoza adds. Acquiring this knowledge is achieved

believes the state government has to play a bigger role as

by a close collaboration with the quality and engineering

a finder for the regional automotive industry.

departments of the Tier 1 and OEM clients. “Without this interaction, it would not be possible to obtain the proper

Minimizing risk and investment requirements enable

information. Once you earn the trust of these centers, they

companies to take advantage of the low labor cost and the

endorse you, and if you help solve issues in the assembly

strategic location of Chihuahua. Factoria offers a wide range

line, they refer you to their suppliers.”

RUBBER COMPONENTS FROM JAPAN TO CHIHUAHUA The 2008 recession brought opportunities for many

company produces gas hoses in its Mexican facilities and

automotive companies that needed to rethink their

will soon bring other products.

strategies if they wanted to maintain their businesses.


DTR, a leader in rubber products for the automotive sector,

As many Japanese companies are coming to Mexico, DTR

was one of those companies. After the recession, the

has focused on selling only to other Japanese companies

company decided to push production in Mexico in order

although it is aware of possible interactions with non-

to keep its costs in place. A plant was built in Chihuahua

Japanese companies. For now however, DTR is looking

due to its proximity to the US, enabling DTR to export

for more Japanese customers in Mexico. The company is

to the US market. “Chihuahua is near the border but it is

already working with Mazda in Mexico. In terms of local

much safer than other border cities like Ciudad Juarez,”

challenges, DTR has had to adapt to the cultural differences

says Masanobu Kawaguchi, President of DTR Mexico. The

between Mexico and Japan in order to find a way to share

BABY STEPS FOR COOLING SYSTEMS MADE IN CHIHUAHUA Global markets have allowed specialized companies to

Audi plant in Puebla. Most of these customers approach

venture into new territories. This is the case for Tristone,

Tristone because they have already worked with the

the German expert in the design and manufacture of

company in Europe. Still, Mexico is a competitive market

flow technology systems for engine and battery cooling.

and with the presence of Continental, the leader in the

Tristone already has a significant presence in Europe

flow technology sector, Blanco is aware that Tristone

where it is a trusted supplier in its niche for some of the

has to put in extra effort to become an OEM’s preferred

most important OEMs like Volkswagen, BMW, and Jaguar.

supplier. As such, it has sought to further customize its

These links saw the company being requested by its

product offering, covering hoses, connectors and multi-

clients to set up subsidiaries in other countries. Tristone

branched assemblies. The lack of local suppliers for its

has therefore opened operations in Mexico and China and

products is a particular challenge for Blanco. For Tristone

has started a joint venture in India. These plants add to

Mexico, it has been difficult to find any that can meet the

Tristone’s manufacturing roster which has already seen it

requirements of its customers. “We are pushing as much

build plants in Poland, Italy, Turkey, and Spain.

as possible to have local suppliers. We even have people dedicated to finding them, but in many cases our European

Tristone entered Mexico in 2011 but it did not start

customers impose their European suppliers,” says Blanco.

production until March 2012. The company decided

“This is reasonable since OEMs need to ensure the quality

to establish in Chihuahua after looking at a number of

of their finished vehicles and the only way to do so is by

locations in central and northern Mexico. The decision

relying on well-known suppliers.” This means that although

was swayed by Tristone being able to take up residence

Tristone is trying to develop its Mexican supplier base, it is

in a plant that was once used by Goodyear and Veyance.

not profitable for the company to do so. “It is expensive

This meant that the facilities already had some machinery

to invest in tooling and training for local companies. Even

installed, which made the process of starting a plant in

the logistical cost of bringing in parts and materials from

a new country significantly easier. “Being located in the

Europe is less than the investment needed to develop local

north of the country allows us to fulfill our main objective

suppliers,” says Blanco.

of supplying the NAFTA region. We supply 54% of our production to the US while the rest is for the local

At the moment, the efforts and investments being made

market. Being in Chihuahua makes the supplying process

by Tristone in Mexico are focused on increasing production

much easier,” states Jesús Blanco, Managing Director of

capacity as well as sales. Its production capacity in the

Tristone Mexico. Although Tristone only has two years in

state will double by 2016, but R&D and engineering are

Mexico, it already counts some of the major players in the

not part of short-term plans for its Mexican operations. For

industry in its client portfolio. The company is working

now, Tristone will keep its focus on manufacturing engine

with Volkswagen, BMW, Bosch, Chrysler, Ford, and GM,

cooling systems in Chihuahua, although Blanco stresses it

while also being in talks to start with Nissan and the new

can create a specialized product at a client’s request.

its knowledge and technology. “When teaching something

resources for DTR come from American Industries and they

to new workers in Japan, we do not dwell on small details

are focused on finding the right personnel for the company.

because we assume these are understood beforehand,

Kawaguchi explains that 2017 will be an important year for

but in Mexico we need to mention them because people

the company as many of the strategies it has right now will

here do not see the things in the same way,” explains

have to change. The company will not be able to use the

Kawaguchi. The best solution that the company has found

shelter system anymore and their IMMEX program will end,

is to provide examples of good and bad products so that

therefore DTR will be pushed to rethink its strategies and

people can understand what is expected.

find more customers and suppliers in Mexico. It still has not been decided if the plant in Chihuahua should remain there

American Industries, a shelter service company, has assisted

in the future and if it will grow, because those decisions

DTR in overcoming some of the issues it has encountered in

will depend on what happens between 2015 and 2020. If

Mexico. “American Industries has helped us a lot since it has

exports increase as they are expected to, then production in

worked with other Japanese companies before, thus they

Mexico will increase as well. Right now, DTR is selling US$6

are already aware of our culture and work ethics,” explains

million a year, and the company wants to double this over

Kawaguchi. Right now, the people in charge of human

the 2015-2020 period.


SHELTER SERVICES REMAIN FOCUSED AT THE BORDER An increasing number of small and medium-sized Tier

difficult. Companies have to navigate through foreign and

1 and 2 suppliers are coming to Mexico based on the

challenging cultural and business environments that exist

recommendations of OEMs with plants in the country. For

in this country,” says Russell. Mexico Shelter Manufacturing

these companies, entering a new business environment

Partnership (MSMP) is the business model Tecma has

can be a risky endeavor. “These companies are going to

adopted for Mexico in order to cover its clients’ unique

make huge investments in an environment that they do

needs. “This model helps them to produce quality products

not understand, so it is understandable that they might

at a competitive cost and to make timely deliveries, two

feel a touch of anxiety,” explains Alan Russell, CEO of

factors that are key to the success of manufacturing

Tecma. His company offers business solutions that enable

companies. The shelter services that Tecma provides can

manufacturers to establish their maquiladora operations in

be in a full-service package or contracted according to

Mexico. The main objective of the company is to make its

the customer’s specific needs,” explains Russell. He states

customers’ operations work more efficiently by providing

that many of the companies that Tecma works with have

shelter services, consulting, HR and accounting services,

operated at the same location for years and have never

and logistics and transportation. “Our primary focus is on

had to relocate a factory before, which is why shelter

shelter services, and our flexibility is what sets us apart

services can be a soothing balm when adapting to a new

from others offering similar services,” says Russell. “Tecma

business environment. “There is a need for the services

offers tailored services packages to each of its customers,

that we provide to help companies avoid complications,

based on the specific needs that each company finds

allowing their managers to focus on their own mission

when entering Mexico.”

of producing parts,” says Russell. The Mexican market is increasing its attractiveness to manufacturing companies

Starting as a contract manufacturer, Tecma did not

as it becomes more competitive with China, which is no

develop its expertise in any one particular industry. Russell

longer the obvious choice, and many factories once gone

says his company’s strength lies in being able to make

from Mexican shores are slowly beginning to return. “In the

things happen in Mexico. “There are many companies

past, we had to convince companies that they needed to be

that find themselves having to come to Mexico but feel

in central locations instead of offshore, but now companies

anxious about it as the ins and outs of this market can be

are looking to come to Mexico,” explains Russell.


Redesigning the way to make cable.

Innovation, Quality & Environmental Care, define the way that we make cable. We improve day to day working with high quality standards ensuring the customer satisfaction and offering them a new products portfolio. Our strategy is ensuring a continued growth and competitiveness in the global environment.

“LEONI Cable works with the best automotive companies providing excellence to the entire world.” 224


stable growth, the Mexican market is growing exponentially



and will continue to do so for the next 20 to 25 years,”

continued quality drives

says Ávila. The production of the Cuauhtémoc plant covers


20%-25% of the North American market for cables, and


Everardo Ávila, Managing Director of Leoni Mexico



innovation value

should reach 30% of the market by 2016. “The situation will

chain. For Leoni, a German


probably be different six years from now, and we will have

leader in the production of

invested in other regions by then. But at this moment, we

cables, cable systems, and

see Mexico as the future,” states Ávila. Leoni is very aware

wires, this has proven to

of the fact that the North American market is three to four

be true. The firm focuses

years behind the European market in terms of automotive

on pre-finished and ready-

technology. “While in Europe, all new cars have GPS, a

to-install systems which have been adjusted to each of

camera, and different applications, we are just beginning to

the 32 sites where it operates worldwide, including three

see these features becoming commonplace in the US,” says

locations in Mexico: Sonora, Durango, and Chihuahua. The

Ávila. Leoni has the advantage of knowing the European

first two are focused on the production of wire harnesses,

trends, and is developing the cables and the technology to

while the Chihuahua facility specializes in manufacturing

suit them. This gives Leoni’s American plants the ability to

cables. The latter is that Leoni is counting on to earn a

pick up on European tendencies and include them in their

stronger position in the American market. Located in

production lines. “By doing this, customers do not have to

Ciudad Cuauhtemoc, this plant began operations in 1998

develop new technology on their own or find a different

with just a small warehouse but was producing cables by

supplier as we already have the type of cable they seek,

1999. In the years of the financial crisis, the Chihuahua

which is likely to have been approved in Europe,” Ávila tells.

plant only had 200 employees but now it has closer to

Leoni works closely with its customers to develop solutions

700, after Leoni Cable invested around US$50 million over

that best fit their requirements and needs, and can even

the past four years.

design off-the-shelf cables and compounds to best suit the requirements of clients with specific needs.

Leoni’s automotive cables business unit is the leading manufacturer of single-core automotive cables globally.

Its ambition to stay ahead of market conditions is what

This positioning has come of the back of the company

pushed the growth of Leoni’s Mexican operations, even

harnessing the market’s latest trends, such as weight

in the midst of the 2008 economic recession that shook

reduction. For example, the company is improving special

the automotive industry. During this period, the company

conductors and finding ways to reduce the cables’ diameter.

made a risky decision by investing in new technologies

To achieve this, Leoni has been working for two years with

and equipment in the Chihuahua plant. This was done as

aluminum cables for batteries that will replace the 35mm

part of a strategy to prepare for the years following the

battery cable. “We are producing this aluminum cable in a

economic crisis. “We started to think about the future

13mm size to replace existing 35mm cables, reducing the

during the recession and began investing in technology,

weight and the amount of materials used down to a third,”

equipment, and talent in order to be prepared. Our idea was

says Everardo Ávila, Managing Director of Leoni Mexico.

to be able to offer clients interesting products while our

“Another device in Leoni’s innovation catalog consists of

competitors were figuring out what to do once the crisis

a coaxial cable used for telematics that can be installed

was over. We took a gamble and it paid off,” explains Ávila.

in GPS, cameras, and radios. With telematics becoming in

As more OEMs are coming into the country, Leoni Cable is

increasing demand for the automotive industry, this cable

sure its business will grow. “If strong German companies

allows for different options in a single component while

such as Audi or Volkswagen have set up operations in

reducing weight because fewer elements are used. Leoni

Mexico, it is because they see that this market will stay

is already coordinating with its suppliers to determine

strong for the next years,” assures Ávila. The companies

the specifications of materials used in conductors, with

coming to Mexico need suppliers to cover their needs in

a copper-steel mix being most frequently used in the

the region. Being a German company, Leoni is well-known

company’s cables.”

by other European firms as they have worked together in other countries. In this sense, Mexico will provide new



business opportunities with familiar faces. “Having the

international strategy, given the growth seen in the NAFTA







same suppliers in a new country ensures equal quality and

region. “While other emerging markets are experiencing

confidence,” states Ávila.



COAHUILA STRIVES TO ACHIEVE INDUSTRY CONSOLIDATION JOSÉ ANTONIO GUTIÉRREZ JARDON Secretary of Economic Development of Coahuila Q: What role has the automotive industry played in the

rescued the industry from the depths of the 2008 crisis,

economic transformation and social development of

and we are now facing an automotive boom in the region,


producing nearly 600,000 units annually.

A: Coahuila has had one of the most important automotive clusters in the country for almost 40 years. The southeast

Q: What is your approach to offering tax and land incentives

region of the state has developed over the years, with the

to the automotive sector, and what investments are being

presence of four OEMs to date. Socially, we can ensure

made into infrastructure to accommodate growth?

that a third generation of workers will become an active

A: Our government has always been proactive and

ingredient in this thriving industry. We can say that the

supportive of the automotive industry. It fully understands

automotive industry runs in the family in Coahuila. It all

that this sector lies at the heart of this region. Aggressive

started with GM and a Chrysler engine plant in the late

incentives are offered to newcomers, and our full support is

1970s and 1980s, before a Chrysler truck plant came in the

extended to established companies in order to guarantee

1990s, Daimler in the 2000s, and Fiat most recently.

that they stay and expand here. There is no secret in our strategy; it is all about support and commitment. The

Q: What progression has there been since the Automotive

state laws have been modified to provide aggressive

Industry Reactivation Program was implemented in 2009?

incentive programs in terms of land and taxes. The

A: To this date, companies are running three shift programs

infrastructure investments being made in the industrial

and the entry of new suppliers is imminent. The program

areas make Coahuila a world class location to invest in.

COAHUILA SPOTLIGHT As other states in the northern part of the country,

sector, Freightliner established itself in 2009 and has an

Coahuila’s economy has long had a strong focus on mining

annual production capacity of 30,000 vehicles. It generates

export oriented manufacturing. The latter sector alone

over 1,600 direct jobs and is specialized in the assembly of

represents 36% of the GDP of the state and employs more

buses and trucks. These three big players together provide

than 220,000 people. However, automotive has quietly

8,100 direct jobs and more than 10,000 indirect jobs.

snuck up to claim 19% of the state’s GDP, as it now produces


light vehicles, heavy vehicles and auto parts. Saltillo has

The establishment of OEMs has generated a snowball effect

hosted the GM and Chrysler assembly plants since 1981, as

in which suppliers of raw materials as well as auto parts

well as a Freightliner plant. The GM plant provides more

have begun operations in the state. The productivity in

than 6,000 direct jobs and is considered the OEM’s plant

Coahuila’s automotive sector is the highest in all of Mexico

with the highest productivity index in Mexico. It focuses

with one out of four vehicles made in the country being

both on the assembly of vehicles, and the manufacturing

assembled in the state. Starting during the administration

of engines and transmissions. On the other hand, Chrysler’s

of President Felipe Calderón, the government of Coahuila

plant began operations as an engine assembly plant but it

has established fiscal benefits for the automotive sector to

now works only on the assembly of the Dodge Ram and of

push the establishment of new companies. It also seems

the V8 and V615 engines. This plant contributes 500 direct

that the fact that recent OEM investment announcements

jobs to the state. In October 2013, Chrysler announced a

have targeted other northern states and the Bajio region

further investment of US$164 million in Mexico, which will be

has not unduly threatened the position of Coahuila as an

directed to the growth of its Coahuila plant and to start the

appealing automotive hub. Even when OEMs invest in

production of Tigershark motors. Within the heavy vehicle

other states, Coahuila can fall back on a strong automotive

One clear example is the Laguna-Norte corridor that

region. More than 280 automotive companies are located

starts in Acuña and ends in Torreon, Coahuila. This will

within a radius of 500km of our Laguna and southeast

create great logistic benefits for all companies investing

regions. In order to make that goal a reality, we are heavily

here. To fuel automotive industry growth, four regional

focused on strengthening our local supplier sector to

networking councils exist in Coahuila to develop stronger

help automotive companies meet their local content

ties among all industry participants. Additionally, the


state government participates in an association called CIDIAC that involves the OEMs and major suppliers, as

Q: What is your outlook on the contribution that the

well as research centers and universities. This association

automotive industry will make to Coahuila’s economic

creates strategies and promotes best practices among its


members to consolidate the region’s automotive cluster.

A: According to INEGI, the GDP of automotive and transportation equipment manufacturing in Mexico grew

Q: How can Mexico move from low cost manufacturing

12.6% in the first quarter of 2014 year-on-year. According

toward a more high-tech industry, and what role could

to specialists, the automotive industry in Coahuila is

Coahuila play in this?

expected to grow 7.5% during 2014. The growth rates

A: Coahuila is currently playing a role in this matter. We

shown by the automotive industry in Coahuila have long

have evolved with new high-tech companies in the region

been outstanding. From 1998 to 2010, the automotive

serving the automotive industry and the aerospace

industry in Coahuila maintained an annual growth rate

industry. Companies like Magna and Alcoa have established

of 2.7%. Today, the automotive industry represents 22.3%

new robotic plants in the region while Magna has also

of Coahuila’s GDP and creates one of every ten jobs. The

invested in a power train technology plant in the southeast

state of Coahuila represents 3.4% of Mexico’s GDP, ranking

of the state.

in eighth place nationwide. Additionally, we are one of the five states that jointly produce 75.2% of light vehicles in the

Q: How important is the attraction of another OEM to

country. Although the economy has shown conservative


growth in the last two years, the arrival of new auto part

A: We believe bringing in another OEM could consolidate

plants across the state shows that it will keep being a

us as the most important cluster of the North American

significant driver economic growth and job creation.

network that can supply in those companies. This possible

decided to launch a strategic project to strengthen

interaction between states has been made an objective by

capacities and knowledge in the research centers and

the current administration, in a project labelled as targeting

education institutions in the state. The idea is to take into

the growth of productive supply chains inside Coahuila

consideration the needs of the companies established in

and beyond. The tag of “the Mexican Detroit” is one that

the state, whether they are assembly lines, Tier 1s, Tier 2s,

Coahuila is fiercely trying to protect. Aware that it must

or SMEs to come up with joint solutions. Right now, the

benefit the rest of the country while maintaining its own

program is undergoing its third project, which has the

competitive edge, the government of Coahuila is using

support of CONACYT and regroups COMIMSA, CIQA,

state and national arguments to attract more companies

the Saltillo Technological Institute, and the Autonomous

within the sector. In the expos and fairs the government has

University of Coahuila. The main objective of this particular

attended, it has pushed the fact that Mexico is an extremely

project is to develop an environmentally friendly vehicle

attractive option in terms of manufacturing and assembly,

with innovative materials.

for its low labor costs and the 45 trade agreements it has with international markets. Coahuila is keen to show itself as


a profitable exportation platform in Mexico and highlights

components manufacturer, announced its plan to establish

its contribution to overcoming financial and innovation

in Coahuila, through an investment of US$20 million

challenges for the automotive sector across Mexico since

and the creation of 600 direct jobs. The Secretariat of

2008 through its Innovation System for Automotive

Economic Development and Competitiveness of Coahuila

Clusters (SIECCA). Taking the state’s southeast production

also announced that between 12 and 15 Asian companies,

region as an example, SIECCA seeks to provide an ideal

some of them automotive, are interested in establishing

model for a cluster, by coming up with a replicable system

plants in the state, showing the confidence that foreign

tackling R&D and financing. As part of SIECCA, Coahuila

companies have in the state and in Mexico.








DEVELOPING MEXICO’S RESEARCH HUB OF TOMORROW ROLANDO ZUBIRÁN ROBERT Secretary of Economic Development of Nuevo Leon Q: How pivotal is the automotive segment to Nuevo

Nuevo Leon because of our developed supply chain and

Leon’s economy?

logistics solutions. Finally, the last pillar of our competitive

A: The automotive sector has been the fastest growing

advantage is the triple helix based on the cluster strategy

sector in the last three years with a growth of 45%,

that we have developed since 2008.

surpassing even traditional manufacturing. Nuevo Leon is very much a pioneer in the national context. We

Q: Why has the cluster approach been so important for

stand apart from other Mexican states due to our main

the development of the automotive sector?

competitive advantage, which is that we do not compete

A: The founding members of the strategy were Metalsa’s

with traditional Mexican manufacturing hubs but rather

Enrique Zambrano, Vitro’s Hugo Lara, and Sisamex’s

against places like Illinois, Texas, Brazil, and Turkey. We

Armando Mirandez who now serves as CLAUT President.

produce 11% of all manufactured goods in Mexico, and

During his first trip to Nuevo Leon, President Enrique

with 4% of the country’s population, we produce 8% of

Peña Nieto spoke about the importance of clusters in

the national GDP. Mexico has to undergo a transformation

the automotive sector, and suggested that the federal

process and the only way is to shift GDP per capita. Nuevo

government should emulate our model nationwide. As a

Leon is aiming to reach GDP per capita of US$30,000, up

result, the Ministry of Economy is using Nuevo Leon as

from the current US$20,000 which is already double the

a point of reference for building up strategic economic

country’s average. To achieve this, we need a broad-based

sectors. Although we are concentrating heavily on the

economy, which is why we are shifting from traditional

automotive sector, we have a targeted strategy for

manufacturing toward more specialized sectors. One of

identifying key players that we would like to integrate

the Governor’s aspirations for 2015 is to bring the right

into the supply chain and that will add value to the supply

OEM to the state. We do not want to waste US$200 million

process. It is for this reason that Nuevo Leon stopped

on incentives to just attract any OEM. On the contrary,

going to investment fairs to promote the state. Instead,

we need an OEM whose strategic market is the US for

we are working with clusters to identify the essential

logistical purposes.

needs of the sector. Other states might give away land to attract a company, but Nuevo Leon offers something much

Q: As the country’s central regions continue to attract

more valuable: a genuine business case to integrate the


company into the supply chain and make it much more








competitive in Mexico.

A: Nuevo Leon has four main competitive advantages


that stand out. The first is our human capital, as we have

Q: What areas are you focusing on to increase Mexico’s

the highest level of education in the country, being an

added value as a production base?

average of 10.5 years of schooling per person compared

A: We are betting heavily on R&D in the automotive sector

to the national average of 8.5 years. Secondly, our logistics

and are working hard to tie labor supply and demand. Nuevo

platform is the main hub for the US market, since 85% of

Leon does not suffer, like other places such as the Bajio, from

Mexico’s economic activity transits to the US. Thirdly, we

a vicious cycle of human capital in which one employee can

are the supply chain capital of Mexico to the US. For the

move through several companies and end up with a salary

automotive sector alone, Nuevo Leon represents 27% of

that is 45% higher due to the scarcity of labor. The problem

the national auto parts industry. Within a 150 mile radius

we face is that of rotation. To fix this, we need to focus on

across the northern quarter of Nuevo Leon and its border

training, making employees more efficient, and targeting

states you will find 67% of all the Tier 1 and Tier 2 supply

the best talents for the sector through in-house programs.

chain. The Bajio region is growing on the back of a decade

We are also integrating local suppliers into the supply chain.

of economic promotion, but nonetheless the majority of

The main problem is that they often lack international

investment capital from Tier 1 and 2 suppliers comes to

quality certifications or simply their credit availability is

insufficient to sustain a 60-90 day policy that contracts

parks often have technical schools located beside them,

often require. The sheer scale of the OEMs is also daunting

which benefit from a lot of initiatives that seek to boost

as many establish contracts with their suppliers through

their development. We are currently moving towards the

their holding companies abroad. Another sector that is

IT sector and we have put in place reconversion programs

symbiotically tied to automotive is the white goods sector.

to turn general engineers into software programmers.

This is integrated with 85% of local supply, resulting in an

These are run in collaboration with the educational and

advantage for many suppliers since they could also be used

private sectors. We pay for the training, the university

for the automotive industry. Nevertheless, the automotive

provides it, and finally the company guarantees engineers

sector has higher quality assurance requirements, so we

a spot if they complete the program. We are doing the

have to scale up a notch. In comparison, the automotive

same in advanced engineering for R&D centers within

sector locally sources approximately 40%, and we are

the automotive sector. PIIT (Research and Technological

attempting to bring this figure up to 70%. Our local sourcing

Innovation Park) has become the jewel in our crown and it

percentage is directly related to cheap labor. We are trying

has been visited by many luminaries for its achievements.

to shift this to add value in the high-end bracket as this is

It demonstrates R&D capacity with practical applications.

where the area of opportunity lies.

We have invested over US$400 million in PIIT and that little microcosm now has 1,300 researchers, 34% of whom

Q: What systems has the state put in place to help SMEs

have doctorates.

undergo certification processes and gain better access to finance so they can meet OEM supplier standards?

Q: Do you think that Nuevo Leon has the capacity to help

A: Nuevo Leon has several organizations that work with

change the perception of Mexico as a viable source of

the clusters and with the private sector, such as the CCM


(Center of Competitiveness in Monterrey). These provide

A: This is a work in progress but there is a natural and

very specialized certification programs that surpass

gradual change in perception taking place. Mexico is not

established quality and credit standards. The government

just attractive for cheap labor. When comparing China and

of Nuevo Leon helps such programs by linking them up

Mexico, we find similarities, so where is the added value?

with federal funding and existing programs that directly

It is in the fact that Mexico is also creating, designing,

target the capacity building of companies. There has also

and producing. The mindset will change gradually, just

been a change in terms of the responsibility of allocating

as happened in Japan after the 1950s. China is starting to

resources. This used to be the duty of the state government,

specialize and outsource non-specialized manufacturing to

but now this has shifted to the federal government. This

developing countries. Nuevo Leon is also experiencing this

allows us to help channel resources directly to companies

shift. We are starting to see companies creating hubs here,

that most need them, through a mechanism from INADEM,

like GE which chose Nuevo Leon as its Latin American base

the National Institute for SMEs. These links to the federal

to consolidate all global financial operations. We have seen

government have also allowed us to begin collaborating

PepsiCo and Schneider Electric establish their Mexican

with Mexico City and neighboring states to put together

R&D centers here. Siemens is consolidating operations in

a more intricate and linked supplier network. These

Nuevo Leon, Mondelez International invested over US$600

particular projects even extend across the border as they

million last year, and Caterpillar added another US$500

involve Texas, Coahuila, and San Luis Potosi.

million. We are definitely starting to see a shift of locating R&D centers where production centers are.

Q: How much are you continuing to invest in human capital development?

Q: Do you think the security issue in Nuevo Leon still

A: Nuevo Leon is the state with the lowest poverty

merits discussion?

percentage and we have a US$90 billion economy that

A: It is really a battle of perception. You can see this in the

exports more than all Central American countries put

US State Department warnings. We may have decreased

together. We are the big industrial machine of Mexico

crime rates by 70% over 18 months, but to remove a US

and human capital is no exception. We have the largest

warning requires five to six consecutive cycles of positive

population of engineers, at over 6,000, as well as 11,000

evaluations. Even though we have the results, building a

technicians and operators. Nuevo Leon is the state with the

reputation takes a long time while shattering it takes an

largest population of adults with a professional education.

instant. The best judges of the real situation, however, are

We have the highest enrolment of students in the sciences

the companies themselves and they will remain here. The

and engineering at 15,000, and we have the largest amount

perception of insecurity lingers but we are overcoming this

of industrial parks in the country at more than 137. These

obstacle and we are regaining companies’ trust.



its Mexico factory now standing as the biggest truck

Nuevo Leon’s automotive

manufacturing plant in North America.

cluster, spurred

Manuel Montoya, Director General of CLAUT

was by

directly automotive

While Coahuila and Nuevo Leon helped each other rise in

investment in the north

the north, some in those states and beyond see the new





wave of investment happening in the Bajío region as a threat.





Montoya says that CLAUT has benefited, not suffered, from

states. Manuel Montoya,

this trend as investment has continued to come its way. For



example, Nemak will produce the engine blocks for the Audi

CLAUT, explains that the


plant in Puebla. “We do not compete with other clusters.

entire industry received

On the contrary, we sell to them or buy from them as we

a massive boost in the 1980s when GM and Chrysler

focus on different segments of the automotive industry.

established plants in Saltillo, Coahuila, soon to be followed

Furthermore, we should help to develop the national

by their Tier 1 suppliers. A surge of joint ventures took

companies through a collaborative initiative. Business

place, such as between the locally based Grupo ALFA and

is growing so we should all take advantage of that,” says

Ford, which resulted in the creation of Nemak. After waves

Montoya. “The Nuevo Leon region is home to a good

of investment to Coahuila and beyond resulting in growing

base of technicians as a result of the strength of its steel,

expertise and a skilled labor force, the official automotive

food, aerospace, and white goods sectors. 2,600 foreign

cluster, CLAUT, was established in 2007, making it the

companies are established in Monterrey, which has led to a

oldest industry cluster in Mexico. CLAUT came about

developed supplier base filled with expertise. For example,

largely as a result of US companies realizing they could

Mexico has a dearth of Tier 2 suppliers but many of those

not remain competitive while manufacturing in the US or

that exist are in Nuevo Leon. Stamping, plastic injection,

Canada. Navistar closed a factory in Canada right after

and forging amongst other areas are all fields at which we

the start of the financial crisis, followed in 2012 by the

excel,” says Montoya. A 2012 national study identified 160

closure of their Texas plant. This has led to 75% of the

Tier 2 companies in the country, 70 of which were focused

company’s production taking place in Nuevo Leon today,

on the automotive industry. Out of those companies, half

leaving just 25% in the US. Another example is Freightliner

were part of CLAUT, including those working on the latest

that established operations in Saltillo four years ago, with

automotive technology and R&D.



Nuevo Leon is one of Mexico’s vital industrial and economic

In May 2014, cheers must have resounded in the halls of

centers, contributing 7.5% of national GDP. While Nuevo Leon

Monterrey’s government buildings when Korean OEM Kia

is still waiting on an OEM to elevate its importance for the

Motors confirmed its interest in building a plant in the town

automotive sector, its auto parts industry contributes to 3%

of Pesqueria. Production would be divided into two model

of the country’s automotive industrial production. Of the more

platforms with a combined capacity of 300,000 vehicles

than 190 auto parts companies in the state, only 50 are of

a year. It would help satisfy demand in the US where Kia

foreign origin, showing the strength of its local suppliers. Due

and its affiliate Hyundai have been facing constraints in

to its proximity to the US, the automotive industry in Nuevo

their ability to supply the market, even though its plants in

Leon serves mostly the US market. The auto parts industry in

Georgia and Alabama are operating at or even above their

Nuevo Leon is the third largest nationally and employs over

official capacity. According to the announcement, the

60,000 people. Investment in the automotive sector in Nuevo

construction of the plant would begin with the intention of

Leon reached US$870 million in 2013. Nuevo Leon ranks

manufacturing the Soul, the Forte, and the Picanto models

first nationally in the production of cylinder heads, motors,

starting in 2016. Kia’s announcement brings hope to Nuevo

batteries, laminated and tempered glass, and harnesses. It

Leon since it will prove that its abilities go beyond auto

ranks second in the production of trucks and buses, electrical

parts manufacturing and extend to assembly too. Prior

and electronic equipment, and plastic parts for the automotive

to Kia’s news, Nuevo Leon’s automotive and auto parts

industry. It also produces bodies, transmissions, brakes, seats,

industry was predicting growth by 5% during 2014. The

metal stamp, tires, and steering and suspension systems.

role of Nuevo Leon’s auto industry has been to support

CLAUT has a very close relationship with CONACYT,

sense in Mexico anymore as it does not produce wealth

presenting about 15 technical projects a year from various

for the region.” For this reason, the cluster aims to support

companies. Moreover, the cluster has received a lot of

companies at the Tier 2 level to develop and grow. The final

support from the Ministry of Economy, which has stated

goal is to make the industry more integrated to support

CLAUT’s projects benefit the entire industry. Through

the development of high-technology production. “Many

the Program for the Development of Industries with High

international companies have realized that our engineers

Technology (PRODIAT), the government and clusters like

are good. Moreover, Mexico has a big supply of them

CLAUT are aiming to bridge economic gaps that exist in

compared to other countries, even the likes of Germany. This

industries like automotive. “We work directly with the

will enable us to move towards more R&D being conducted

government to establish the correct public policy that will

here,” says Montoya. He adds that the region’s success in

enable the industry to prosper,” says Montoya. The first point

terms of technological development is simply a natural

on PRODIAT’s agenda is to strengthen training programs.

progression. “Monterrey is no longer as cheap as other parts

Although Nuevo Leon is home to some of the best higher

of the country. If a company is looking to put labor-intensive

education institutes in the country, including a number

operations in place, Monterrey is not the most cost-effective

of government-sponsored technical schools, companies

location. However, for an operation with machining,

have complained that students often graduate with only

foundering, and stamping, Monterrey is optimal,” explains



Montoya. This sentiment is supported by the fact that a

Therefore, CLAUT has begun collaboration with educational

number of companies have already set up R&D centers in

bodies to better identify the skills needed by the industry.

the region. “Navistar started an engineering center in 2012,

“It is true that the industry has grown exponentially over the

and they already have 100 engineers designing trucks here.

past few decades, but now we find ourselves at a bottleneck

Yazaki has also established an engineering center. These

for trained technicians and skilled engineers. It is expensive

companies no longer see Nuevo Leon as just a place for

for a company to train all of their incoming employees,

manufacturing,” adds Montoya.




as it is to poach already trained employees of established companies. We need to facilitate this,” says Montoya.

Growth is expected to continue in the region that CLAUT covers, projecting 30% growth for the next three years.

Boosting the local supplier base in order to increase local

“We have already grown 100% since the economic crisis.

content levels is another important role of the cluster.

Before the crisis, Mexico produced 2 million cars, which fell

OEMs in the region say 80-85% of materials are sourced

to 1.5 million. Today, we are producing almost 3 million cars

in Mexico, but there is still room to grow. “A large part of

and by 2017, that number will reach 4 million. As we are a

this percentage comes from foreign companies based in

region of important suppliers, this million vehicle increase

Mexico, so CLAUT’s mission is to increase local content from

means a significantly larger market for CLAUT and its

local suppliers. The maquiladora concept does not make

members,” says Montoya.

the national sector through the integration of a strong

from chassis, wheels, fenders, coils, wheels, roofs, trunks,

local supply chain. ProMéxico promotes the development

engine structures, doors, and outside protections. This

of supply chains in the manufacturing industry in order

shift from imported steel to locally produced steel will

to link local suppliers with transnational companies and

act as a beacon for further automotive investment

importers. To date, this campaign has been successful in

and will have a direct impact on the reduction of costs

Nuevo Leon. The state is a national leader in attracting

for local manufacturers. Nevertheless, Nuevo Leon still

foreign direct investment, having brought in US$3.5 billion

needs to improve on some key areas, such as training

in investment in the first half of 2014. One industry that

and human capital, particularly given the technical level

will directly benefit from increased automotive industry

of manpower that OEMs like Kia require. Therefore, the

activity is the steel industry. Nuevo Leon used to have

government is pushing for the creation of vocational high

to import 100% of its steel but a recent US$1.1 billion

schools, or vocational courses within existing schools,

investment in a cold rolling mill by Tenigal, a partnership

that will graduate specialized technicians. Such an effort

between Ternium and Nippon Steel Corporation, will

should link up well with growing interest to establish R&D

represent a breakthrough. This investment is the largest

centers in the state. Metalsa, Katcon and Sisamex have all

investment in Nuevo Leon in the last decade and will

opened R&D facilities in Nuevo Leon already, while Italian

have a capacity of 1.5 million tonnes of cold plates and

automaker Fiat is considering following suit. Besides

400,000 tonnes of coated sheets. These are thought to

education, security has also threatened to hold Nuevo

meet the needs of the automotive industry in the state

Leon back slightly. But as crime seems to be dropping,

and the country. The steel coming from the plant will

the state’s business community has remained loyal, with

be used in the production of automotive parts ranging

foreign companies continuing to invest.




as volume. We have to recognize the growing needs of the

ranks as the fifth largest

Mexican market, and that means producing more kinds of








operations important

Toshio Tanaka, President of Aisin Mexicana



products through increased capacity.” The location of any


new production facility will, to a great extent, be decided on


the basis of Aisin’s major local clients. The supplier’s flagship

form part



customer in Mexico is Toyota, but demand is increasing from


fellow Japanese OEMs such as Honda in Celaya and Mazda

20-country presence. With

in Salamanca, as well as North American based players. For

competitors hot on its heels

now Aisin will monitor demand, with Tanaka saying that “the

however, Aisin Mexicana’s

location will depend on customer needs. If Honda Mexico

President Toshio Tanaka

has a key demand, we might decide to build it in Celaya,

explains that one of the company’s main challenges for 2014

but if our US customers are also increasing their demand,

will be to stay ahead of the pack. “Compared to just a few

we may consider sites in the North.” Mexico’s transportation

years ago, we are facing much more competition in Mexico.”

costs are also a critical factor when it comes to site location.

Aisin’s size in itself can sometimes act as a double-edged

“Our current products are small and therefore we could

sword, allowing smaller specialist suppliers to creep up in

send them to Celaya at an affordable rate, however Aisin

market share terms in specific products. “Aisin is one of the

Group produces many parts, and if our customers from

largest automotive technology manufacturers in the world,

Mexico require some bigger products here, we will need to

but some of our competitors specialize in just a single one

consider a particular location for that also,” says Tanaka.

of our products, allowing them to have very competitive costs,” says Tanaka. “Some years ago, we were the only

With plans for more local production and procurement

producer of these products in Mexico but new OEMs are

still in the making, Aisin continues to rely heavily on its

coming and bringing their suppliers too.”

innovation drive to maintain a competitive edge. Aisin can take up to eight years to introduce new advanced

Sustained and steady competition means that price pressure

technology for its automotive parts, largely because of

from customers invariably remains heavy, and Tanaka

the testing required. “Innovations across our product

reasons that while cost reduction requests must be seriously

lines focus on reducing size, weight, cost, and component

considered if the company wants to stay on top, lowering

numbers. Systems such as power sliding doors require

costs is not a straightforward matter. Tanaka believes

testing to resist extreme temperature changes and

that Aisin’s integrated production system has served the

impacts, among other factors. A doorframe unit might

company well in enabling it to compete effectively with

be updated every year but advanced parts like this need

new incoming suppliers, but the time has come to intensify

much longer periods for improvements,” explains Tanaka.

efforts to stay ahead. Having been in Mexico for 16 years,

For the time being Aisin Mexicana relies on its parent

Aisin is now looking to further localize its current supply base

company in Japan for R&D. “We have three global R&D

in order to reduce costs and enhance its competitiveness.

centers based in Japan, China, and the US, and we pay a

With 85-90% of general products and almost 100% of

fee to our Japanese company for the use of their designs

aluminum components already sourced within NAFTA, the

and drawings”, explains Tanaka. Whether or not Aisin’s

company’s regional procurement initiatives are very strong,

advanced technology development will ever take place

but Tanaka believes that Mexico can produce many of the

in Mexico will to a large extent depend on what its OEM

same materials, helping Aisin to improve localization.

clients do. “It is possible that we might start designing technologies here, but it all depends on our customers.


Aisin’s production in Mexico currently focuses on door locks,

Nissan has a design department in Toluca, but Honda,

door checks, and door handles, all of which were produced

Mazda, and Toyota have no design presence in Mexico,”

at the company’s facility in Cienega de Flores, Nuevo Leon.

says Tanaka. The main reasons behind this are practical, as

Globally, the company has been increasing its production

developers from Aisin are accustomed to working closely

capacity in emerging markets such as Brazil, India, and

with their OEMs on technological developments. Aisin has

China, but it has not yet decided if, where, or when to do

two approaches to design development, the first involving

so in Mexico. Tanaka explains that the company is currently

direct development from OEM-provided designs, and the

investigating the expansion of its capacity in Mexico, with

second based on Aisin’s own in-house design. In both

a final decision likely to be made by 2015. “Wherever it

cases the design departments of both Aisin and its OEM

takes place, the expansion will need to feed variety as well

customer work closely together.


Volkswagen. The company is in constant communication


with its clients’ quality, production, engineering and





product development departments, allowing for its heavy

needs of customers. The

R&D investments to be tailored to the market. In Germany,




Mahr works with the University of Göttingen in developing


new technology, and it has contacted ITESM, University of

comply with the highest

Nuevo Leon, and smaller technical universities in Mexico to

standards while companies

start programs focused on metrology. Currently, no Mexican



Jorge Escarcega, General Manager of Mahr Mexico







university offers formal training in metrology but Mahr has

equipment and innovation


not had problems in finding the right technicians. Escarcega

to help ensure that these

links this to the quality of universities and schools in the

standards are consistently reached. The automotive industry

regions where the company is present. “The programs or

has arguably developed the most advanced metrology

internships we establish help us to get qualified people that

technology in the world, a niche market in which Germany’s

we are able to train. At the moment, we have students from

Mahr has found a solid line of business. “With over 150 years

the mechanical and electrical engineering program of the

of manufacturing and selling a wide variety of dimensional

University of Nuevo Leon, but we also have people studying

metrology equipment, Mahr provides products ranging

accounting and logistics that are being trained in the way

from the most basic and standard machinery to high-tech

the company does business in Mexico. These collaborations

and specialized equipment,” says Jorge Escarcega, General

are a great experience for both the students and Mahr,”

Manager of Mahr Mexico. Despite its presence in other

states Escarcega.

industries such as aerospace, Mahr’s central interest remains in the automotive sector, where it focuses on dimensional

Even though the company seeks to keep expanding

metrology for special measurements of form, roughness,

its operations in Mexico, Escarcega does not see itself

length, and other parameters. “We have global agreements

becoming a particularly large player, preferring to retain

with the likes of Volkswagen, Bosch, Mercedes-Benz, and

its mid-sized nature. “The plan is to continue growing and

BMW, and in the US we are working together with Ford,

we are looking to have just the right amount of people for

Chrysler, and GM. We have agreements in Mexico for supplying

the market,” says Escarcega. “Mahr is certainly betting on

products and solutions for which our specialized technicians

Mexico. We are focusing on the central and the northern

provide 24-hour support,” explains Escarcega. Catering

regions, with a presence nationwide. We have sales offices

to such powerhouses, Mahr has developed measurement

and offer technical services in Guanajuato, Queretaro,

solutions for engines, transmissions, special shafts, and

State of Mexico, Mexico City, Puebla, Nuevo Leon, Sonora

applications for users across the automotive industry.

and Baja California. In Queretaro and Nuevo Leon, we also

However, it also has the capacity to create special products

possess demonstration areas where we can show clients

the discerning customer. For instance, it has developed

our equipment and where we can showcase certain special

advanced equipment specialized in roughness measurement

applications for our measuring services,” explains Escarcega.

for Volkswagen Mexico, which is more advanced than the machinery used by Volkswagen in Germany, according to

Mahr is now preparing for the future in an ever-changing

Escarcega. For GM, Mahr has designed specific equipment

industry driven by innovation. From its headquarters

for measuring diameters, surfaces, and other dimensions

in Germany, the company has began working with new

used in transmissions and engines.

market trends like nanotechnology, green manufacturing, and intelligent materials. Escarcega forecasts that these

With more than 17 years in Mexico, the company’s pace of

types of technologies will soon arrive to the Mexican

growth has been measured but it has seen its expansion

market. To understand the best rate of technology release

pick up speed in the last five years. This has seen Mahr make

in Mexico, Mahr Mexico reports to the US and Germany on

Mexico one of the main focuses of its global vision, and it is

the trends that are taking place here, especially regarding

planning on bringing more investment to the country as part

the expectations of customers like Volkswagen, Ford and

of its long-term strategy. “We are investing alone and with

Bosch. “Very interesting times for the automotive industry

other companies. We are also developing distributors and

are just around the corner. We are trying to keep our

representative offices in different areas of the country,” says

investments coming to develop and provide technology

Escarcega. Mahr maintains close ties with its customers as

that will match the evolutions that we see taking place,”

evidenced in its agreements with Bosch, John Deere, GM and

explains Escarcega.


| VEHICLE SPOTLIGHT: 2015 FORD FUSION The Ford Fusion could be said to be a milestone in the

some manufacturing was moved to Michigan in 2013 due

OEM’s history, as it is the tangible result of a change

to a need for additional capacity.

in Ford’s mentality, reflected in hybrid technology and innovative design. The Fusion, which has been in

The highlight of this car is the incorporation of hybrid

production since 2006, was the first car to showcase

technology. The Ford Fusion offers five powertrain options

Ford’s new grill. The 2013 line is based on the Ford CD3

with two hybrid variants. The regular versions come with

platform and includes three models that are available

Duratec powertrains and ElectShift six-gear transmissions.

in standard and hybrid versions: S, SE, and Titanium.

The Duratec engine works in an Atkinson cycle manner,

Although the final assembly process for the Fusion takes

providing more thermal efficiency in the air-gasoline

place in Ford’s Hermosillo stamping and assembly plant,

combustion process. Ford, as most OEMs today, considers

the rising costs of gasoline when designing and improving

Energi, with 40mpg for city and 36mpg for highway. In

vehicles, which has seen the Fusion models come equipped

tests, Ford discovered that driving techniques can improve

with EcoBoost engines. These turbocharged, direct

fuel economy by 24%. For this reason, the OEM included

injection engines are an affordable option that achieve

the Eco Driving mode in the Fusion, which rates driving

20% better fuel efficiency while reducing greenhouse

behaviors by analyzing parameters such as gear selection

emissions by 15% when compared to similar engines. The

and vehicle speed to allow drivers to know how they are

hybrid version has an EPA estimated fuel efficiency of

driving in terms of fuel efficiency. Other technologies found

44mpg for city and 41mpg for highway. Its gasoline engine

in this car include the SYNC system, which allows users to

also runs on Atkinson cycles, delivering 188hp. Since 2013,

use smartphone applications through voice commands,

the Fusion also has a plug-in hybrid model, the Fusion

and a camera that displays a rear-view on the dashboard.


SONORA’S ECONOMIC GROWTH BOOSTED BY AUTOMOTIVE ADVANCES MOISÉS GÓMEZ REYNA Secretary of Economy of Sonora Q: What factors have led to the major investments in the

This has led to the creation of teaching techniques and

automotive, electronics, aerospace, and metal mechanic

methodology courses that are implemented according to

industries in Sonora in recent years?

specifically identified industry needs. Sonora’s automotive

A: Several factors have led to investments in different

industry is constantly integrating its various production

sectors, but perhaps the most important factor is our

and assembly operations with high-performing suppliers,

competitive operational cost that has helped Sonora to

but it is still showing great potential for growth within its

distinguish itself in the creation of high-quality products

supply chain. The state government is currently carrying

recognized worldwide, especially in the automotive and

out an aggressive program to grow its industrial base

aerospace industries. We are considered to be the largest

and boost high value manufacturing sectors. This has

Asia-Pacific automotive cluster in the Americas due to

seen significant investments being made in infrastructure,

our natural access to the Pacific Ocean through the port

education, and training programs and incentives aimed at

of Guaymas. Each company must consider our state for

strategic investment projects. The state has demonstrated

future expansion thanks to our privileged geographical

its commitment to the industry through the direct

position and our excellent connectivity with the US and

involvement of highest government officials in articulating

the world by air, ocean, and land.

a strategic vision for the automotive sector. We also seek expert assistance when required from consultancy

Q: What role has the automotive industry played in the

firms, and team up when needed with OEM’s and Tier 1

economic and social development of Sonora?

companies on supplier strategies.

A: For the past several years, we have seen an economic growth close to 6%, well beyond the national average.

Sonora has the ability to attract leading OEMs through

Our manufacturing sector represents close to 21% of our

the presence of over 80 automotive companies already

state’s GDP, and accounts for the employment of just over

established in our state. We have become more diverse

180,000 workers, which is 16% of our active population,

in our industrial base and have looked into other sectors

which has an average age is 25 years. Ever since Ford

which can be of importance to the automotive sector. We

decided to invest in Sonora back in 1986, the automotive

are also incentivizing our Tier 1 suppliers to assume greater

industry has wielded great importance over its economic

roles in the centralization of their supply chain in order to

and social development. The automotive industry has

reduce costs. This will then foster regional production and

created strong links between the industry and academia

local content. With the Ford presence in Sonora, 61% of

with the dynamic participation of current plant production

the material that comes from Mexican suppliers originates

engineers in the development of practical training.

from the Ford supplier campus.

The turning point for Sonora’s automotive industry came in 1986 when Ford Motor Company decided to open a stamping and assembly plant in the state capital of Hermosillo. Following this investment, the automotive industry became seen as a key sector for long-term development. Numerous companies from the US, Canada, Japan, and Europe followed Ford to Sonora, including Euromex, Magna Steyr, IHS Global Insight, Yazaki, Leoni Cable, and Sumitomo. Nowadays, the Sonora automotive industry employs more than 15,000 people, contributing approximately 9.7% of the state’s GDP. With a production of 443,000 vehicles per year, the automotive cluster in Sonora is the largest on the Pacific side of the Americas. Ford remains the central piece in Sonora’s automotive edifice. The OEM has remained loyal to Sonora and, during Felipe Calderon’s administration, increased production in its plant with a new investment of US$1.3 billion. This expansion resulted in the creation of 1,000 direct jobs and 7,000 indirect jobs. The government now has to take steps to equalize the entire supply chain, which can only stand it in good stead when trying to attract a new OEM and more top tier suppliers.



SCANNING GLOBAL TOOLING MARKET TO BRING BEST OPTIONS TO MEXICO JUAN CARLOS ELIZONDO Director of Globextools Q: How does Globextools stand out in the Mexican

is that we are not married to one particular brand or product.

market where domestic suppliers have not always had the

We are constantly researching and studying all the options

capacity or knowhow to serve OEMs or Tier 1 companies?

available in the global tooling marketplace to make sure

A: Our market analysis has proved to us that while the

we are presenting the highest quality and value possible

Mexican automotive industry is expanding, it is underserved

to our clients. We are constantly adding new products and

by the existing supplier base currently operating within

replacing older technologies with newer efficiencies as they

the country. Too often, the industry is compelled to find

become available. There are always challenges in balancing

supply solutions outside of Mexico. Globextools is working

quality and cost benefits and ultimately it is our job to give

to constantly find solutions to this challenge by servicing

our customers a variety of options so they can make their

the industry from within Mexico. If the item in question is

own well-informed decision. We achieve this with product

not yet available in Mexico, then we source or develop it for

tests for proper evaluation so that our customers can have

our clients so that they have the convenience and speed of

confidence in their final decision.

working within the country. Many of the parts we supply to the automotive sector can affect the safety of a worker or

Q: Should measures be taken to reduce imports in

end user. We take the responsibility of safety and quality

areas such as tooling for industrial use to increase the

assurance extremely seriously as no profit is worth a human

competitiveness of Mexico’s automotive industry?

life. Naturally, specific requirements and policies vary from

A: We believe in the free global market. Mexico is one

customer to customer and from industry to industry but

of the best examples in the world of an emerging global

our cross-sectorial presence sees us take the best practices

powerhouse providing manufacturing of quality and value.

from each and apply them across all our operations.

In our opinion, reducing imports with protectionist policies only creates a weaker and less competitive supplier network

Q: How do you intend to address the implementation of

over the long-term. Reducing imports only postpones the

the right quality assurance methods and techniques to

inevitable and that is that a country has to compete on

avoid product interruptions?

a global scale. Most of our customers are manufacturing

A: We view this challenge as one of the larger opportunities

in Mexico, therefore their supplier base should also be

for us to succeed in separating ourselves from our

manufacturing as much domestically as possible. Our

competition. We are willing to invest in any quality

company is also competing globally by offering the best

assurance system our policy required by our clients. This

value whether that is through manufacturing a part in

investment makes us a stronger provider. Our company

Mexico or importing it. We believe this flexibility makes

adapts to the quality standards of each of our clients and

Globextools a more efficient supplier for our customers,

if they have not yet developed their own standard on any

which ultimately makes them more competitive in the

given part, they can be assured that we are providing the

global market. We are all related and our customers are

highest quality possible. 70% of our current customer

only as competitive as their suppliers and suppliers are

base was developed from a single part that a competitor

only as successful as their customers.

failed to provide to these customers either on time, at a competitive price, or at a specific quality needed. This has

Q: What is your outlook for the development of

shown the value of providing solutions for our customers

Globextools and the wider tooling segment in Mexico?

when our competition could not.

A: We will only grow at a pace that will allow us to maintain our extremely high levels of customer service and quality

Q: How does Globextools shape its product portfolio to

assurance. We are looking to increase our sales by 40%

stand out from its competitors’ offerings?

over the coming year. Few question the fact that Mexico is

A: We offer too many products and brands to list. More

on track to be among the top 10 fastest growing economies

importantly, what makes us different from our competitors

in the world over the next 35 years.



INVESTORS ATTRACTED BY REMOVAL OF ECONOMIC BARRIERS CARLO HUMBERTO BONFANTE OLACHE Secretary of Economy of Baja California Q: What factors have led to the investments made by the

strong training program has made our guest companies

likes of Toyota, Kenworth, and Hyundai in Baja California

extremely pleased with the quality of our skilled workforce.

in recent years?

We are committed to diminishing or eliminating economic

A: We have a privileged geographic location that provides

inhibitors. For example, we can now offer a new energy

easy access to the Western US market and a point of

supply scheme through a cogeneration contract with

entry to other important international markets. We enjoy

Intergen, to reduce energy cost in the summer months

manufacturing flexibility, fast transportation to the US, and

where there is a special tariff during peak demand hours.

our world-class infrastructure and industry expertise have

Additionally, we have natural gas at the most competitive

contributed to positioning Baja California as an attractive

prices in Mexico.

location for investments. This paired with a world-renowned skilled labor force makes Baja California a very attractive

Baja California has granted several incentives to automotive

investment location. In April of 2014, the transportation

companies and their suppliers, not only during their landing

industry had a work force of 23,778 highly skilled employees.

but also when they have consolidated expansion projects.

According to INEGI, there are 78 companies engaged in

For instance, a payroll exemption incentive is granted every

the manufacturing of components used in the transport

time a company has an expansion project. Other incentives

industry, and the off-road market has led to the growth of

include a 30% water discount on consumption over the

an additional 25 companies. Between 2008 and 2013, private

monthly bill for companies with in-house water treatment

investments amounted to US$5 billion. In the first 5 months

plants to recycle and reuse water and 100% exemption in

of 2014, the economy of Baja California created 34,947 new

water connection fees. Regarding infrastructure, there are

jobs, which is 81% more than San Luis Potosi, 78% more than

important projects for border crossing points and we are

Aguascalientes, 54% more than Queretaro and 7% more

undertaking great efforts to be able to provide railroad

than Guanajuato. Economic diversification has been a critical

connections between Ensenada, Tijuana, and Tecate, to

success factor, and from a highly concentrated electronic

offer cost competitive alternatives for exporting products

industry the state has now become a well-known location of

to California, Nevada, Arizona, and the East Coast.

aerospace industry, medical devices, automotive, and others. The key to creating a successful automotive industry in Of course we are always looking to attract more world-class

Baja California has been the cooperation between all

automotive manufacturing operations in Baja California; a

stakeholders. Academic institutions are participating in

good example is Hyundai’s recent expansion in Tijuana, of

innovation projects and are adjusting their curricula to

US$131 million to cast engines in-house. We work with the

meet current and future industry needs. Private and public

automotive companies to attract new suppliers. For example,

universities are focusing their efforts on matching industry

Uni-Pol will establish an operation in Mexicali in early 2015.

labor force needs. As proof, every year 18,000 engineers and 25,000 technical workers graduate to support local


Q: What strategy has been taken to create an optimal

industries. In addition, curricula and training programs

environment to attract and retain automotive companies

are constantly evaluated to keep up with technological

in the state?

requirements. The state government works closely with

A: We made our entire fiscal and non-fiscal incentives

their federal counterparts to develop programs and funds

package into a law that benefits new companies as well as

that foster innovation and technological development

already established ones. All companies that are investing

in key sectors, and to promote the inclusion of local

in our state receive a fair stimulus for the job creation and

suppliers into the value chain. Currently, Baja California is

economic impact of their projects within the region. We

one of the top five states that fund new products, design,

also have supplier development programs and funding

processes, services, and other measures to increase the

for innovation and technology co-development efforts. A

competitiveness of companies.

Q: What steps are being taken to support the local

automotive industry and with other industries in which

supplier base for the automotive industry?

their skills are valued, and we do this on a local, national,

A: We have a financial program in place that is exclusive for

and international basis to maximize their exposure. A strong

local suppliers. Once a local supplier establishes a commercial

local supplier base strengthens the whole automotive value

relationship with an automotive company, we provide a

chain and makes our state more competitive.

credit line with preferential terms that can be used to fulfill the company’s orders in a timely manner. When they deliver

Q: What is your outlook on the contribution of the

and invoice their goods and services, we give the company

automotive industry to Baja California’s GDP in 2014?

another line of credit on which the local supplier can

A: The production value of the automotive industry was

discount any invoice so that their cash flow is not affected.

around US$900 million in the first quarter of 2014 alone,

We also have a supplier development program that helps

representing 42% of the total value of the manufacturing

local companies obtain the certifications required in order

industry in Baja California, and we expect a growing

to better serve automotive industry clients, and we provide

participation by the end of the year. Our priority is

funding for the certifications so the final cost for the supplier

achieving better railroad connectivity and developing the

is very attainable. We promote our local suppliers with the

local supplier base.

BAJA CALIFORNIA SPOTLIGHT With a reputation as a maquila hub and bordering the

production of trucks and pickup trucks, in addition to

US, Baja California has one of Mexico’s most enviable

the remanufacturing of alternators, starters, engines, and

levels of economic activity. After the signing of NAFTA,

transmissions. This breadth of operation has seen more

Baja California’s fate became intricately linked to the US

than 80 suppliers to the automotive industry operating in

economy. Although Baja California has sometimes been

Baja California. Major names like like Hyundai Translead,

perceived as dangerous in the media, Mexicali, the state

ThyssenKrupp Budd, Honeywell Automotive, LN Safety

capital, is considered one of the most prosperous cities in

Glass, Autoliv, SKD Automotive, and Furukawa Electric

Mexico. Despite the high recognition for its manufacturing

serve the Mexican and US automotive markets from

industry, other sectors such as automotive, tourism, and

Baja California, manufacturing windshields, seat belts,

agriculture have taken pride of place in the state’s GDP.

sensors, radiators, engine parts, air bags, and harnesses.

The arrival of Toyota with a platform to manufacture the

These companies operate thanks to the labor of almost

Tacoma pickup truck in 2004 and the presence of Kenworth,

30,000 dedicated workers, ranging from basic labor to

assembling its tractors in Baja California, dominate the

specialized high-level professionals. 63% of the jobs in

state’s automotive landscape. The manufacturing of

the auto industry are located in the border city of Tijuana,

automotive parts and vehicle assembly are also showing

while Mexicali claims 27% of the human capital, followed

great development potential for Baja California. Major

by Ensenada with 8%, and the remaining 2% distributed

European, Asian, and American companies have all set

between Tecate and Rosarito. The manufacturing of niche

up shop there, but 78% of the automotive industry in Baja

vehicles, such as the Shelby Cobra 427, stands as evidence

California belongs to large and medium-sized companies.

that the Baja California automotive sector is capable of

The other 22% is divided among smaller enterprises, most

working on specialized products and processes.

of them local suppliers that have developed thanks to the opening of plants of foreign origin.

Just like many of the states with automotive industry activity in the country, Baja California has a dependency

Five industrial clusters have been built in Baja California,

on major OEMs like Kenworth, Toyota and Hyundai. In 2013,

catering to the sectors where the state foresees the

Toyota announced a planned increase in the production

most significant growth. These clusters are automotive,

of the Tacoma pickup truck, while Hyundai Translead

electronics, aerospace, medical, and renewable energy.

expanded its operations, incorporating its new die casting

However, the automotive sector has pulled ahead due

process for the manufacture of engines and transmissions

to its different segments present the state, ranging from

into its plant. The current Baja California administration is

assembly plants to manufacturing and remanufacturing

focusing its efforts on consolidating the automotive sector,


with activities throughout 2014 seeking to promote Baja







vehicles. For now, the industry is heavily focused on the

California as an attractive investment destination.


A notable bulk of the recent investment that has poured into Mexico’s automotive industry has been concentrated on the country’s central region, and it has been welcomed with open arms. Japanese and German companies looking to near shore operations for the North and South American markets in particular have been increasingly attracted to the country’s central states, which have been offering attractive incentives and vast labor pools. The region’s major NAFTA motorways, highways 45 and 57, are accessible from most states within the region, and forge straight through some, allowing easy access to the US, the country’s ports as well as major North and South American hubs. Some of the nation’s major industrial parks can be found in this region with more still under development and a number already almost at full capacity. Ripples from the stones broken on the ever-increasing sum of new plants are being felt in surrounding areas, propagating wealth and employment opportunities in once sleepy hollows. The Bajio region is now predicted to become the largest automotive cluster in Latin America as early as 2015.

This chapter will provide an overview of the automotive industry developments in the central region and looks at growth and opportunities within the most significant clusters and industrial parks. The region’s key players from both the public and private sectors will discuss the strengths buoying and the challenges shadowing the region, and shed light on what lies ahead.




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Guanajuato Strives to Ramp up its Industrial Capacity


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Clusters for Growth


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Inland Port Drives Guanajuato Industry Growth


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Investing in Engineers for the Bajio Region


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mexico Provides Advantages in Sunroof Manufacturing


Japanese Brake Suppliers Follow OEMs to Bajio


Zacatecas Spotlight


Korean Tubing Supplier Finds Home in Zacatecas


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Automotive Investment in Aguascalientes Heats Up


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Transmissions from Nissan Subsidiary in High Demand


Brand Diversity Helps Door Interior Supplier


Aguascalientes Spotlight


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Small State Dreams of Big Growth


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Triple Helix Collaboration Supports Queretaro Suppliers


Queretaro Spotlight


State of Mexico Spotlight




VIEW FROM THE TOP: San Luis Potosi Lives Up to its Reputation


Industrial Parks Reap Benefits of Regional Ripples


Steel Wheels Still Worthy Competitor for Aluminum


Mexico’s Free Trade Zone Pioneer Keeps Evolving


San Luis Potosi’s First Industrial Park Nearing Full Capacity



GUANAJUATO STRIVES TO RAMP UP ITS INDUSTRIAL CAPACITY HECTOR LÓPEZ SANTILLANA Secretary of Economy of Guanajuato Q: How has the trajectory for the economic plan of

beyond. We have been opening public high schools and

Guanajuato evolved, and what have been the major recent

universities with a focus on engineering. During the last


administration, 25 universities were opened, of which 90%

A: From 2005 to 2011, the automotive sector in

concentrate on engineering, and we have 92,000 students

Guanajuato grew by 53%. This is happening due to four

studying technical automotive careers. In this aspect we

factors. Guanajuato has invested heavily in a good public

are copying the German model. We have 20,000 students

education system, we have been receiving a significant

graduating each year from technical programs at institutes

amount of FDI, there is good security in the state, and

like the CONALEP and CETIS. We also understand that

the tough immigration stance adopted by the US has

an engineer who speaks English generally makes more

prevented some of our population from emigrating,

than twice as much as someone who graduates from

while others have returned. The wider North American

the humanities area who also speaks a second language.

regional context has been central to the plan that we have

We have been really encouraging both engineering and

developed for the state. Historically, raw materials and

language courses. Mechatronic and industrial maintenance

finished products have been imported from Asia to North

engineers who speak English make between US$1,160-

America, arriving at the Pacific Coast. Mexico has an

1,545 a month as a starting salary. In contrast, a business

advantage because it takes less time and is cheaper for

administration major who speaks another language makes

the merchandise to arrive at the ports of Manzanillo and

about US$770 a month. All Guanajuato residents are also

Lazaro Cardenas than to pass through the US. With this in

entitled to apply for the scholarships that we offer to enter

mind, Guanajuato is extremely well placed. According to

this field.

figures released by the Fundación Metrópoli de España, 45% of the Mexican population lives in 17% of the country’s

Q: To what extent do you work directly with automotive

territory, producing more than half of the GDP. This area is

companies to tailor educational offerings that meet their

made up of San Luis Potosi, Aguascalientes, Guadalajara,

specific needs?

Morelia, and Mexico City. At the outskirts of this key area

A: Much of the equipment, study guides, and instructors

are Guanajuato and Queretaro, and therefore we are in a

are chosen by private sector entities. We approach

natural spill-over location. In Guanajuato, 60% of the 2.5

companies directly to find out what type of equipment

million population is below 29 years old, and we have a

they need prospective employees to be familiar with.

slightly larger population than San Luis Potosi, Queretaro,

As a result, we have acquired computer numerical

and Aguascalientes combined. From 2005 to 2010,

control equipment and robots for use in our educational

Guanajuato experienced the second largest population

facilities. For example, both Mazda and Honda provide

growth in the country, growing by 14%, representing a

equipment to us. We have also created incentives for

labor force growth of 65,000 people annually. The GDP

companies to establish their own training centers, which

of Guanajuato has to grow at an annual rate of 5.7% for

will be incorporated into our systems. We are opening

the next ten years in order to accommodate the growing

institutes for Pirelli, Volkswagen, and American Axle.

population. We foresee the automotive industry helping

These companies will give us their training programs and

significantly to fuel this growth.

we will provide the equipment. This will help us bridge the gap between the graduating engineering skillset and


Q: What particular investments have you been making in

the practical requirements of OEMs and suppliers. At the

terms of developing this human capital?

same time, we have been working on the creation of an

A: We have steadily been developing the percentage of

automotive cluster in Guanajuato, essentially based on

suitable employees for sectors such as automotive. Today,

the model of the Nuevo Leon cluster. Various companies

we have identified this figure as 34%, and in the short-

are supplying us with prognostics of their required

term we plan to increase this to 38%, and then 45% and

personnel in the next five years, which we can use as

a basis for course development. Finally, the governor

to ensure competitive energy supply to fuel industrial

has authorized scholarships for 30 students to go to


Germany and ten students to go to Japan to be trained

A: Energy provision is a national concern, but we do not

in their respective automotive industries. These students

have a supply problem in Guanajuato. Although there is no

will be able to return to Mexico with a valuable skillset

short-term energy problem, we do have to prepare for the

in place.

long-term. This includes investing in sustainable energies such as photovoltaic, bio-fuels, and wind energy. We have

Q: Do you believe that Guanajuato has the capacity to

created a thermoelectric plant in Salamanca. We used

host greater amounts of technology development?

to generate electricity through the burning of fuel, but

A: We certainly want companies to bring major engineering

now we have switched to natural gas. We are conducting

processes. We do not want badly paid, low-quality factory

a pilot project with Desmex in the Puerto Interior for a

employment. We had that type of employment in the past,

photovoltaic plant in order to generate 1MW of energy.

and we have learned a lot from that experience. Now we

There is another project being done with Solartec and a

want sustainable, well-paid employment. The automotive

third one for a 30-acre photovoltaic park in Salamanca.

industry has brought along technology that ensures better

We are working with CFE in Guanajuato to generate the

employment for better-capacitated people. We must

correct environment and legal framework to create an

diversify into new sectors that involve more technology.

internal market for the use of renewable energies as well

Car design will continue to take place in headquarters in

as to facilitate investment. We are currently looking at the

Detroit, Germany, and Japan, however, we can do a lot of

possibility of providing all public schools and buildings

the engineering here in Mexico. A method we are using

with solar energy. This would facilitate investment and

to attract engineering investment in Guanajuato, and

would help make this technology more accessible. In the

at the same time capacitate our population, is building

northern part of the state, we have carried out studies that

technological parks. We are in the starting phase of this.

indicate that Guanajuato has the sufficient wind resources

Whether or not it will work is unknown but we believe it is

to power a wind farm, which we are currently investing in.

worth investing in. Q: What does the future hold for Guanajuato? Q: How much of a priority have you made infrastructural

A: Guanajuato will produce one out of every five vehicles


manufactured in Mexico by 2016, and the Bajio region will

A: In terms of logistics, Guanajuato is one of the most

produce two or three out of every five vehicles. In 2013,

well-connected states in the country. We have two

14% of the state’s GDP came from the automotive sector,

federal highways passing through the state, and we have

but in the next few years, this will grow to 21%. This will

developed a system of roads to connect these highways

have a very powerful impact on the size and quality of

to the ports of Lazaro Cardenas and Manzanillo. Other

the employment pool, and exportations will invariably

highways have been created to connect Guanajuato with

grow. In 1990, Guanajuato exported less than US$1 billion.

the Gulf of Mexico and the northern states. The road

Today the state exports more than US$13 billion, with

that connects Celaya with Acambaro is currently being

65% of this coming from the automotive sector. To ensure

finished to connect with Highway 15 and this will be a four-

that this trend will continue to grow we need to focus on

lane, toll-free highway. There is also a four-lane, toll-free

strengthening the supply chain. Ten years ago, no-one

highway that connects Irapuato to Penjamo. The freeway

even knew who we were and we had to fight for funds.

that connects Salamanca to Morelia all the way to Lazaro

Today the results of working hard to bring big companies

Cardenas is now being constructed from Salamanca

to the state are paying off. Now the challenge is going

to Leon, and then it will connect to the Aguascalientes-

to be the development of the supply chain to optimize

Guadalajara Highway. There is a highway between Silao

functionality and profit. There are many opportunities for

and San Felipe, which will connect to Highway 57, which

Tier 2 and 3 national companies to establish themselves.

connects the GM plants in Silao and San Luis Potosi.

Right now a lot of our public policy is concentrated on

As a result, San Felipe has become a hub of low-cost

trying to establish how to convert local businesses into

manufacturing for both plants, where Lear is making seats,

automotive providers. For example, shoe sole makers

Condumex is making harnesses, and another company is

understand injection mold technology, and some have

doing plastic injection.

become automotive suppliers. Some leather factories have also made the shift to the automotive industry. All of this

Q: Besides offering the right infrastructural and human

will take more time, but what has really generated interest

capital environment, which steps has Guanajuato taken

in Guanajuato is the velocity of its growth.



CLUSTERS FOR GROWTH FIDEL OTAKE President of Guanajuato Automotive Cluster

Q: What are the main priorities of the Guanajuato

on our agenda concerns shared service facilities. The state

Automotive Cluster?

is going to have a lot of automotive companies with special

A: The first priority of our cluster is to develop human

needs, but today we do not have anything to offer in terms of

resources. To do so, we link up universities, the government,

specialized services. We need metrological labs, for example.

and the industry in order to ensure the right supply of human

Although some companies have these incorporated into their

capital. Our second priority is to develop the supplier base,

plants, we need to provide these facilities independently.

especially local suppliers. When OEMs come, they often

This is something we have to work on in conjunction

bring their critical suppliers with them, but this approach

with the federal and state governments. We also need a

has its limitations. There are many necessities that these

dedicated government lab that provides measurements and

few suppliers cannot satisfy. The third priority is to increase

certifications. Another need is a state-owned technology

technology development. R&D is essential, and we need to

center that works specifically with the automotive industry

link existing technology centers more effectively with the

to support corporate technology centers.

automotive industry. We need to work on developing new products and processes. Mexico has very good scientists

Q: What have been the critical success factors for

and engineers, and it is capable of developing world-class

Guanajuato as an industrial hub?

technology, but we need to place a greater emphasis on this

A: Mexico’s industrial areas are in the north and the center

and bigger budgets must be allocated. The fourth priority

of the country. Guanajuato is strategically positioned in




Q: Since the establishment of the industrial park, how

connections, lighting systems, and power lines. Next was

successful have you been in attracting companies here?

the development of the logistical complex. We signed

A: During the first two years, we focused on planning and

an agreement with Ferromex to run an intermodal cargo

infrastructural development. The airport was already in

platform, and the government assigned 40 hectares of land

place, as were the railroad and the highway running past the

to the customs office. Six years ago, we sold the first plot

industrial park, but there was still some infrastructure that

of land to Faurecia, a French company. Today, we have 74

needed to be developed. We needed a new 150KW 30km

companies in the park representing a committed investment

power line from Silao. We set up a trust to safeguard the

of more than US$250 million and 15,000 jobs. This growth

relevant external and internal infrastructure for the park with

has been to a large degree driven by our close connection

a private industrial developer called Lintel. In accordance

with the Japanese investment community. In 2009, we went

with the trust, Lintel developed the infrastructure inside

to an aerospace event in Tokyo, and we recognized the

the industrial park including streets, water and sewage

opportunity to start working with Japanese companies. We

the center to connect with the US, with more highways

A: It is very important for us to believe in and develop the

and railroads being built through the state to facilitate that

local supply base. This is not easy to address and presents

connection. Another attractive aspect of Guanajuato is that it

challenges, especially early on. Initially, we will have to

has four or five main cities. This avoids the concentration and

import some parts from other states or from outside the

overuse of labor and other resources in one central location.

country. However, suppliers will eventually move here, but

We have some major automotive names here including GKN,

we must also develop local suppliers. In that process it is

American Axle, and Getrag. These companies have brought

important to be very close to the suppliers to guide them

new technology and state-of-the-art operations, and have

through capacitation measures. The government can also

raised the caliber of the entire state.

help by providing incentives, not only for big companies, but also for smaller, local ones. Technology is also an

Q: How will you balance the future growth of the cluster

important factor. Guanajuato has created a body to link

with an adequate provision of resources?

the government, academia, and companies in establishing

A: We cannot really control that situation. OEMs have made

technology projects that have the sole aim of helping SMEs.

the decision to come to Guanajuato, which has put a lot of pressure on resources, universities, and suppliers. OEMs

Q: How should clusters work together to increase their

often keep their investment plans secret until the last minute

value contribution to the automotive industry in Mexico?

as they have to negotiate with the government and address

A: The clusters have to act as a network in order to maintain

many areas before the announcement is made. Once plans

Mexico’s competitive edge over other countries. If the

are revealed, everyone has to adapt. We do not have years in

clusters work together to maintain our competitive edge,

advance to prepare for an adequate environment. Of course

we will be able to continue to grow. There are some areas

that presents challenges, but that is the way the automotive

that the national associations cannot address. For example,

industry works. For the most part, OEMs do come with all

Mexico has a shortage of electromechanical technicians,

the resources they need, as do big Tier 1 companies.

which AMIA cannot solve. We are not here to fight about issues that are already being worked on, but we do want to

Q: How can the cluster help SMEs meet the requirements

resolve issues as they arise in the cluster in order to be more

needed to supply global companies entering the market?

productive and create better synergies.

started working with Honda and Mazda, which led us to triple

is already crowded and the costs there are very high. Salary

our customer base during 2011 to 2013. Today, we have 35

rates here are lower and we have a very young population to

Japanese companies in the park and a total of 44 automotive

fuel the workforce. Perhaps in 20 years, the boom will move

companies, making up 173,000m2 of automotive industry

on to a different location, but the Bajio region will be the

space. 15 more companies have announced investments

most important automotive investment destination for the

in the park, representing an investment of US$377 million.

next decade.

Our goal is to reach an almost complete occupancy rate in the park with 120 companies and 25,000 jobs by 2018,

Q: Is the young population in this region really right to fill

and we expect most of this growth to come from Japanese

the ranks of the automotive workforce?

automotive companies.

A: Absolutely, since automotive companies need people that can be trained and we have a lot of easily trainable talent here.

Q: What are the main advantages of setting up operations

In the past, a lot of people from Guanajuato left for the US. We

in central Guanajuato?

had the third highest level of migration of any Mexican state,

A: Unfortunately, the northern border states are not as safe

but we have now fallen to tenth as people are staying here to

as the central ones. This is one of the main reasons why the

work. The city of Leon historically had a very strong leather

central area of the country, from Queretaro to Aguascalientes,

industry but many of the workers from that industry are now

has become the most important automotive cluster for

moving to the automotive industry. In the last eight years, the

Mexico. Just as once happened with Detroit, Alabama,

state of Guanajuato has also invested in developing technical

and Kentucky in the US, the entire central region is now

courses in universities. There are 27 new universities, and the

blooming. The infrastructure in the central part of Mexico was

budget of the state is focused on developing technicians and

underdeveloped in the past but it is now strong. Monterrey

engineers across these institutions.



INVESTING IN ENGINEERS FOR THE BAJIO REGION ALDELMO REYES PABLO Director of National Polytechnic Institute, Guanajuato Campus Q: What role does National Polytechnic Institute (IPN)

A: IPN stays in close communication with the industries


in the Inland Port and has a department in charge of








maintaining those links. The companies inform IPN of

A: IPN is one of the main institutions that offer

their areas of opportunity and the number of students

engineering training in Mexico. Its main objective has

they need, then IPN looks at its community of students

been to translate knowledge into practical applications

and evaluates their profiles to match them with the best

for various industries, including automotive. Five years

companies. All of our engineering students get at least

ago, there was no solid institution in Guanajuato offering

six months of work experience in the industry where they

engineering, which is why IPN established itself here with

acquire additional abilities to the ones obtained in class. At

the support of the government. With the industrial growth

the end of the program, there is an optional course where

taking place in the Bajio region, IPN’s presence was

students have the opportunity to tackle a specific industry

needed to fuel the creation of human capital and attract

problem within a set timeframe with the support of IPN

investment at the same time. It is only natural to create

faculty. This program benefits both sides, as students gain

that strong relationship with the industry in Guanajuato,

a better understanding of the industry’s needs and the

which is an industrial heartland, and it is important to

companies get help to efficiently tackle their problems.

have this institution established here in the Inland Port given companies’ need for highly skilled human labor.

Q: How is IPN helping students to develop a way of understanding the evolving technological requirements

Q: How has IPN developed its academic program to

of the automotive industry?

ensure students are prepared to successfully meet the

A: It is crucial for students to acquire knowledge about high

demands of the automotive industry?

technology as the automotive industry is now demanding

A: Before the arrival of IPN, Automotive Systems

this. We do not have the economic means to continually

Engineering courses did not exist in Guanajuato. In order

buy new equipment, but we ensure that students can stay

to ensure that the quality of the engineering programs

updated on the latest innovations through cooperation with

is adequate, the professors must have a Master’s or a

companies and teachers with industry experience. When

doctorate and speak fluent English since, as the world

students finish their courses, they have the opportunity

becomes increasingly globalized, it is vital to speak a

to participate in collaborative projects with students from

language other than Spanish. The professors must have

other institutions. We do not just make sure our students

experience in the automotive industry, or other relevant

stay ahead of the curve, we also arrange for our teachers

sectors, to be better able to arm students with the skills

to spend month-long stays in the automotive industry to

that they need outside the classroom. In terms of courses,

keep track of the evolution in technology.

IPN has launched Automotive Systems Engineering, Biotechnology Engineering, and Aeronautical Engineering

Q: How is your business incubation system helping the

which focuses on materials. Pharmaceutics Engineering is

growth of SMEs in the automotive industry?

also popular because of the presence of pharmaceutical

A: IPN’s next objective is to develop the incubation

companies like Bayer that have established research

system and help entrepreneurial students to start up their

centers in Latin America. Automotive is by far the most

companies. There is a major opportunity for small Mexican

popular sector on our roster. Out of a total student

companies to establish themselves in the automotive

population of 1,800, around 700 of them are studying

industry due to the lack of Mexican suppliers, which is

automotive courses.

causing suppliers to move here from other countries to fulfil the needs of the industry. This is the moment for


Q: How are you working with the industry to identify areas

Mexican entrepreneurs to seize the opportunity to grow

in which more human resources are needed?

and attend to those needs themselves.


MEXICO PROVIDES ADVANTAGES IN SUNROOF MANUFACTURING MARIO DIAZ Plant Manager of Inalfa Roof Systems Q: How successful has Guanajuato been for you as a base

Q: Does it make economic sense to ship sunroofs to

of operations?

Europe from Mexico?

A: There is one thing that is very important to our business:

A: We are not shipping a huge amount of sunroofs to Europe.

localization. Guanajuato is very convenient from a logistical

In terms of investment and capacity, the cost of doing so is

stand point. It is expensive to transport our products and

compensated by specific savings. Due to the volumes in

so, it is important for us to be close to the customer. From

question, it makes sense to produce them here in Mexico

Guanajuato, all our customers are in a 350km radius from

rather than establish plants in Europe because the amount

our plant. From this area, we can easily move material

of sunroofs needed there is too small to set up a complete

from the border and the ports. We can export or import

production line. The lines are standard but need some

material from Europe through Veracruz and Tamaulipas,

expensive tooling that is specific to the model we produce.

or from Japan through Lazaro Cardenas. We are also near the US border at Laredo. The state government gave us a

Q: What new technology are you introducing for your

lot of incentives while another major aspect is the safety

sunroofs and to your production processes?

we enjoy in Guanajuato. Our original plan for Mexico was

A: The main focus of our technical innovation is on reducing

to solely provide a service for the local market, but we

the weight of the sunroof. The new model that we are

saw such great results from the outset that after just two

producing has a weight reduction of 3%. This contributes to

years of operation, Mexico became a benchmark for Inalfa

the weight of the car, which affects gas consumption. We do

in other countries. Mexico has been home to the creation

not change the materials being used but the design of the

of many great ideas to improve our processes. Our main

sunroof itself. We make it lighter by removing components

customer in Mexico is Ford, but we are now starting work

that were superfluous. Improvements to our designs are

for GM and also have ongoing projects for Honda, Fiat, and

currently made by our design center in Michigan.

Volkswagen. The entire industry uses the same material to join the Q: What have been the main opportunities to increase

sunroofs to the vehicle, but we have a specific technology

your project portfolio?

that has given us a competitive edge. Our processes

A: More opportunities have been coming our way as

are semi-automated, making the best use of robots and

a consequence of good results. At first, Ford just saw

conveyers. We use human intervention for the assembly,

us a supplier to its Hermosillo plant, and the platform

and there are people supervising even in semi-automated

we were producing here was a direct transfer from the

stations. That is a standard process all over the globe for

one supplied to the Ford plant in Flat Rock, Michigan.

Inalfa, which is turned into an advantage here, due to

Now that Mexico’s potential has become clear, we are

Mexico’s cheaper labor conditions.

exporting from Mexico to Flat Rock. We are producing the sunroof for the Ford Fusion, which is being made in

Q: How successful are your efforts to localize your supply

Hermosillo, but we are also shipping these sunroofs to

base in Mexico?

Flat Rock and Valencia, Spain. We are also producing the

A: For our current projects in terms of sourcing by value

panoramic sunroof for the Cadillac SRX for GM that will

we are just importing 20%. 80% is localized here in Mexico,

be produced in Ramos Arizpe, Coahuila. Volkswagen is a

including plastic injections, motors, and glass. At the

big customer for us in Europe and did not know that we

beginning, it was hard to find the right Mexican suppliers

were in Mexico at first, but we are now working together.

as they were also just starting out. Our standards are

We also hope to expand our project portfolio with Audi.

higher than those of other producers, but now that our

We are planning to double our current plant size next

suppliers know our standards, it is easier to work together.

year, taking it to 3,716m . As more work comes our way,

There are other suppliers aligned to the global strategy of

a third expansion will most likely not be far away.

the company that are coming here for us from abroad.



JAPANESE BRAKE SUPPLIERS FOLLOW OEMS TO BAJIO The Bajio region has seen an influx of investment by

role the plant will play. “Strategically, we need to think

Japanese OEMs in the past few years, and their key suppliers

about what products we will make at our new factory in

have not been far behind. Akebono Brakes, a Japanese

Guanajuato. At first, we will just assemble disk brakes but

manufacturer of components for automobiles, motorbikes,

we will try to procure the materials needed from inside of

trains, and industrial machinery recently opened a new

Mexico. We need to do this to actually make a profit,” says

production plant in Guanajuato. Keiji Yamanaka, President

Yamanaka. “Importing the entire material portfolio does

for Akebono Brakes Mexico, explained that the production

not make economic sense, therefore Akebono Brakes will

plant was built entirely to serve Nissan, saying that the OEM

look to source more supplies domestically.” The company

has a very strong localization program in place, meaning

is particularly keen on finding steelmakers to create the

the supplier needed to come to Mexico to support it and

drum brake and ancillary products, as well as casting, as

others. “Our customers are consistently moving operations

these processes make up 85% of the brake pad. Otscon’s

overseas and we need to be there for them. Nissan,

Serrage explains that meeting regulations presents

Mazda, and Honda are all expanding production, and as

another challenge when seeking new suppliers to produce

their supplier, we need to follow their movements,” says

an auto part as vital to safety as brakes. “Any change, no

Yamanaka. He also confirms that although his company was

matter how minute, has to undergo rigorous studies to

driven by the need to service Nissan, producing in Mexico

ensure that it results in equal or better quality than the

also fits in well with the company’s own globalization

previous model.” Otscon currently imports mainly from

expansion strategy. Beyond Japan, the Mexican plant adds

Japan and the US, but is trying to improve on its present

to the company’s two factories in China, four in the US, and

40% of locally sourced content. Describing the processes

others in Thailand, Indonesia, and Vietnam. “We are really

this requires, Serrage says that Otscon “is installing

happy with our location in Guanajuato. The infrastructure

equipment right now to be able to make that transition.

is excellent and all of our clients are nearby,” proclaims

In order to pick a supplier, we have to conduct numerous

Yamanaka. Otscon, another Japanese brakes supplier, tells a

audits and ensure they have the right certifications. If

similar story. Otscon recently established a plant in San Luis

they pass these tests, they then have to go to our design

Potosi, and the company’s Plant Manager, Michael Serrage,

department to provide prototypes for testing.”

explained that the company works for Toyota, Honda, Subaru, and Nissan in the US, while the Mexican plant was

Whether or not such Japanese Tier 1 suppliers will also bring

primarily established to provide parking brakes to Nissan.

technology development with them to Mexico remains to

“Currently, our plant here has about 10% of the capacity of

be seen. Akebono is well-known for its braking technology,

our US facility. But by 2015, we expect to also be working

evidenced by its partnership with McLaren, which fits its

for Mazda, which is why our plant has a lot of room to grow.

P1 with Akebono brakes. With OEMs increasingly trying

We will need to add shifts, employees, and equipment, so we

to lighten their vehicles, Akebono is trying to offer more

planned the plant so that it would have the setup to double

aluminum products and is currently exploring how to

its capacity,” Serrage tells.

produce these more advanced products in Mexico. In

“Our customers are consistently moving operations overseas and we need to be there for them, and as their supplier, we need to follow their movements” Keiji Yamanaka, President for Akebono Brakes Mexico


Establishing an expensive new plant in order to be near

terms of technology development, the company’s Mexican

a major customer is not without its burdens, however,

operations presently rely on its technology institute and

with most major investments taking up to five years to

development in Detroit. Like Akebono, Otscon is focusing

become profitable. Yamanaka explains that one of the

on producing lighter components using materials such as

difficulties Akebono Brakes has faced in Mexico is the cost

aluminum, composite injection molding, and magnesium.

of supplies and energy, which he sees as not competitive.

However, Serrage reiterates Yamanaka’s viewpoint that

Whilst Mexico is a strategic location to supply the US


market, the company is still establishing exactly what

expensive to source them in North America.







ZACATECAS SPOTLIGHT Zacatecas, Mexico’s tenth-largest state, has long been

led to the company investing US$7.5 million in expanding

associated with the country’s mining and agriculture

its current capacity. “We thought we would have to double

industries, accounting for some 21% of Mexico’s gold

or triple our initial investment within three years but it

production and 53.2% of its silver. Recently however, the

became necessary to do so after just two years,” explains

state has begun to receive attention from the automotive


and aerospace sectors with the likes of Ahresty, Delphi, Entrada Group, and Yusa already having invested there.

Entrada Group, a company providing shelter services

The Asian automotive industry in particular has been

to a host of clients, invested in Fresnillo in Zacatecas

taking advantage of Zacatecas’s proximity to the many

after recognizing its potential to compete with China in

major investments taking place in and around Mexico’s

terms of labor costs. Entrada’s Vice President of Business

Bajio region. In April 2014, the Zacatecas government

Development, Douglas Donahue, explains that many foreign

announced that 2014 would see US$134 million invested

automotive suppliers have chosen to establish under a

in the state by five automotive companies from Japan,

shelter company in Zacatecas solely to provide for Mexican

South Korea, and China, generating 1,900 jobs in total. The

based clients that demanded they be closer. As time

state is particularly attractive to Tier 2 and 3 companies,

passes, such suppliers have gradually been taking greater

who commonly require greater support and attractive

advantage of the state’s strengths. “They come here with

rental rates. Takeshi Yoshida, the President of Koide, a

a basic concept, wanting to access cheap labor and to be

Japanese supplier of auto parts for Yusa, outlines some

close to their clients. However, they start moving on to more

of Zacatecas’s attractive features, saying that “Zacatecas

sophisticated processes, such as seeing up joint programs

offered more incentives than other states. We also aim to

with local technical schools and universities to develop

remain a medium-sized company with around 200 staff,

employees,” says Donahue. The news that Zacatecas is

so being in Zacatecas means we do not have to compete

becoming more than just a mining and agricultural state will

for personnel with larger companies in major industrial

of course take time to reach a wider audience, and the state

clusters. Over three years here, we have managed to keep

must continue to invest in modernizing. It seems certain

our turnover of staff very low compared to companies in

that the state will continue to benefit from the trickle-down

nearby states.” Koide established its plant in Zacatecas in

effect of surrounding Bajio investment, and its authorities

2011 exclusively to serve its major customer Yusa, but the

would do well to position Zacatecas shrewdly to seize on

wealth of opportunities being presented in the region has

any long-term opportunities that come its way.



KOREAN TUBING SUPPLIER FINDS HOME IN ZACATECAS Koide, a supplier of precision steel tubing products for Japanese OEMs, first entered Mexico in 2011 through a US$2 million investment to support the expansion of Japanese automotive interests in the country. It was not Koide’s first foray into North America, as it expanded its cutting and machining division with a plant in Tennessee back in 1998. Takeshi Yoshida, President of Koide Mexico, explains why Zacatecas was selected to open a plant. “The first reason is that one of our immediate customers, Yusa, is based here, while Zacatecas also offered attractive incentives. Finally, we want to remain a medium-sized company and being in Zacatecas means that we do not have to compete for personnel with larger companies in the major industrial clusters of Guanajuato or Aguascalientes.” Although the initial orders from Koide’s customers in Mexico justified












company and being in Zacatecas means that we do not have to compete




larger companies in the major industrial clusters of Guanajuato or Aguascalientes”

starting up one plant, the company quickly saw the demand

Takeshi Yoshida, President of Koide

for its tubing products far outstripped its expectations.

We have to count on suppliers for that and, unfortunately,

Yoshida states that more Japanese automotive companies

there is very little access to the right raw materials here in

came to Mexico than expected, leading Koide to begin

Mexico,” he says. On top of that, he adds that most suppliers

building a second facility in 2013 at a cost of US$7.5 million.

that do exist in Mexico have not been approved by OEMs,

The company has been regularly bringing new production

which means Koide cannot turn to them. Encouraging its

lines to Mexico and is currently churning out around 3 million

Asian suppliers to move to Mexico has proved tricky. “Our

pieces a month. “Koide is focusing heavily on growing its

suppliers know that the Mexican market is growing and that

tubing business, which has huge potential in Mexico,” says

coming here would enable them to access a whole range

Yoshida. The company currently imports raw materials from

of new customers for their products through Koide,” states

the US and Japan, but is trying to get its own suppliers

Yoshida. “They are eager to come but since their manpower

to bring their manufacturing here. “The pieces we require

is limited, they have to choose their priorities carefully,

for our tubing products come in a vast array of sizes and

between North America and Asia.”

dimensions that all go toward our anti-vibration devices for the automotive industry. This creates a large opportunity for

Koide only brought two Japanese staff to work in Mexico,

suppliers to work with us.” Koide currently sources 40% to

hiring over 70 locals to man its operations. Some hand-

50% of its content from Mexican suppliers but is committed

picked Mexican staff will be sent to China and Japan this

to increasing this number. “In Mexico, our production costs

year to be trained on the latest cutting and sharpening

represent 70% of the product’s final price so we are looking

machines and technologies for up to two years. During that

at how to optimize the production time, which machines

time, it will update its operations here, with the trainees

could help us speed up the process, and how to reduce

being ready to handle any new machines by the time they

inventory. Increasing local content is also a part of this

return. Yoshida explains that although the production

process as freight costs when importing materials from Asia

processes in Japan and Mexico are virtually identical, the

are high. Our customers understand the necessity of these

Mexican plant is less automated. Mexico’s labor costs have

imports so they still pay for these freight costs. But as the

led to Koide using more employees on the production line

Mexican market grows stronger over the next two to three

but it is now looking to increase automation to be more

years, they will no longer be willing to do so,” he says.


Currently, some of the raw materials used in Koide’s

Koide will keep bringing more machines to Mexico until

production process are difficult to find in Mexico, according

June 2014, a necessary consequence of growing from one

to Yoshida. “Tubes are produced from coils that are welded

customer to seven in three years. Koide has also brought

together. After welding, the large diameter tubes undergo a

over a sister company to Mexico to produce cold forging

tube drawing process, where they are fed through a die to

parts for the Mexican and US automotive markets. Yoshida

reach a smaller diameter. Koide takes care of this process,

explains that an investment plan has been outlined that

as well as cutting and shaping the tubes, but we do not

would see this company’s plant open in the same industrial

process the raw materials or make the tube ourselves.

park in Zacatecas by 2015.



AUTOMOTIVE INVESTMENT IN AGUASCALIENTES HEATS UP RODOLFO ESAÚ GARZA DE VEGA Secretary of Economic Development of Aguascalientes Q: What were the main factors that led to Aguascalientes’

parts were only being produced in that part of the country.

transition into an automotive industry hub?

After this experience, Nissan took the decision to reinvest

A: Before Aguascalientes became an automotive hub,

in other places where it already had a presence. Nissan

it played an important role in the railroad industry. The

evaluated several states in Mexico, but it already had a well-

maintenance and repairs of trains took place here. This

developed support chain in Aguascalientes comprised of

was the strongest and most important sector in the

education facilities, suppliers, and training schools. Also

state, but this industry closed 30 years ago, leaving many

Aguascalientes is a very safe place with a good business

people unemployed. It was during that time that Nissan

climate. We have not had a strike for over 40 years. The

appeared and employed many of the people that had lost

small size of the state is advantageous in the sense that

their jobs. Nissan became a lifeline for Aguascalientes and

security can be controlled far more easily. For example, we

the cyclical history of its projects here is interesting. 32

have introduced checkpoints and we have access to the

years ago, the current Governor Carlos Lozano de la Torre

Plataforma Mexico and the American database where we

was the Secretary of Economic Development tasked with

can obtain information on car plates. We are working very

coordinating Nissan’s investment in Aguascalientes. Over

strongly with the neighboring states to improve the roads

three decades later, as governor, Lozano promoted the

and the security.

investment of their second facility here. One of the reasons the state has grown so much and performed so well is

Q: Are you concerned that your reliance on one OEM

because of the strong relationships it has established with

could create vulnerabilities?

the business community, and our relationship with Nissan

A: Dependency on just one OEM is a concern for us, which

has played a crucial role in developing the local economy.

is why we are diversifying into other productive sectors. We

Nissan has had a lot of influence on many related sectors

are working on electronics, clean energy, and IT projects.

such as logistics and transportation as well, and we are

A lot was learned during the crisis, when both Nissan and

seeing this trend coming about again with the opening of

its suppliers had a hard time surviving. During that time,

its second facility.

the government and the companies worked together to find ways to continue production without cutting jobs

Q: What are the key factors that made Nissan choose

or restructuring entire organizations. From that point

Aguascalientes once again as the destination for a major

forward, our strategy has been to liaise closely with Nissan


and identify any problems and concerns before these

A: In the last 30 years, the Nissan Aguascalientes plant

arise. Currently, its only problem is that it does not have

has become one of the company’s most productive

enough production capacity to meet demand.

plants worldwide and holds the number one position for


several processes. Over this time, Nissan has developed,

Q: Do you have ambitions to attract another large OEM to

trained, and educated people to become highly skilled


professionals oriented in the Nissan way. We also have a

A: We currently do not have any plans to aggressively

strong communication bridge with Japan, and the presence

chase another OEM as we want to focus on making the

of Nissan has an impact on Japanese inward investment

Nissan project very successful. We do not want to have

in the entire automotive industry. I was based in Japan as

competition between two companies at this time. We

a trade commissioner in the Mexican embassy during the

recently received a German OEM that conducted a

Fukushima earthquake and tsunami. This natural disaster

physical study of Aguascalientes, and it concluded that it

had a strong impact on the way of doing business in

was interested in establishing here. We told the German

Japan, the country learned that diversification is important

firm that we would focus on Nissan, as we felt we were

in order to minimize risk. During the tsunami, production

not able to receive it properly at this time. It would have

lines stopped for several weeks, or even months, as certain

been unfair on them, on Nissan, and on us. This was a

professional approach, as we were essentially saying

controlled from this new facility. This shift in technology

that we did not have the current capacity to provide the

has been happening in Aguascalientes as we continue to

best operating conditions. Once the Nissan project is

focus on helping companies with R&D in order to have

consolidated, we may consider a new project. Another

better paid jobs and more qualified people.

benefit of only working with Nissan and its suppliers is that the working environment in Aguascalientes is very

Q: How do incentives in Aguascalientes differ to

friendly in terms of communication between companies.

surroundng states?

A group of Japanese companies in Aguascalientes, named

A: Some states are very aggressive in what they offer in

GIA, meets every month to share information on salaries,

terms of land donations and tax reductions. We are not

best practices, and many other things. They also have

as aggressive, since we focus our resources on creating

gentleman’s agreements in place, where they ensure that

secure long-term business plans, besides only attracting

staff will not jump from one company to another. All of this

the companies. We want both the needs of the companies

cooperation has helped secure the establishment of other

and the communities to be addressed for the long-term.

Japanese companies in the state.

Education is a major focus point and we are assigning specific funds for that as we want the companies to have

Q: In what ways are you ensuring and supporting the

people with the right capabilities and skills to fuel growth.

growth of automotive SMEs in Aguascalientes?

Another focus is creating a stable business climate. To do

A: The main concern for suppliers is being close to their

so, we have good relationships with the unions, which is one

clients and to have the best logistics. A trend right now is that

of the reasons we have not had a strike for many years. We

many smaller suppliers are starting to work for more than

have also invested in infrastructure to improve the logistical

one company. For example, a supplier of Nissan that comes

capabilities of the state. Although we do not offer land

to Aguascalientes can also act as a supplier for Mazda, VW,

incentives or tax reductions, in some cases, municipalities will

Audi, and other companies that are already here. This is due

offer incentives on permits and licenses. Another incentive

to our good roads, highways, airports and railroads, enabling

we offer companies that come here consists of a scholarship

easy access to the Bajio region. Suppliers are also exporting

that we grant for new people they hire. The government

to the US by taking advantage of Mexico’s FTAs. We have to

pays up to two minimum wages for up to three months per

help local companies to develop and reach the next level. In

company. This is an ongoing program, and even existing

most cases, they do not have the quality requirements for

companies that are adding more production lines can apply

the automotive industry, the certificates, the volumes that

for this scholarship. These things are intangible but have a

big companies need, or the pricing they demand. We work

long-term impact. Incentives like land or tax reduction may

alongside Nissan to identify the services and products it needs

have some impact at the beginning but tend to fade after a

and then work with suppliers so they can also contribute to


the automotive sector. Every year, the Expo Partes event sees Nissan and other major companies present their needs in

Q: What is the outlook for Aguascalientes’ automotive

terms of volume and quality. We are working with universities

industry development for 2014?

and technical schools to ensure the employability of students

A: We are currently seeing very strong growth in the

and create a skilled and knowledgeable workforce. The

automotive industry. However, we still do not know

automotive industry has specific requirements so the new

exactly how much the Nissan plant will produce once it is

campus of the Autonomous University of Aguascalientes is

at full capacity. Some of Nissan’s suppliers have also not

focusing on engineering, robotics, and other careers needed

yet started production here, and they are still importing

by the sector. The universities are focusing on what the

parts while they finish their construction. Once they begin

companies need, making sure that people graduate with a

operating and manufacturing here, we will see growth in

high skill set and are ready to form part of the sector.

terms of employment and economic development. We will continue to see connected growth in areas like hospitality,

Q: How important is it for the state government to

retail, and food. Although such links to Nissan are not visible,

contribute to more high technology bases?

they are clearly present. However, we are also focusing on

A: This is one of our main goals, and we are focusing on

other sectors such as clean energy projects, and we are

promoting R&D and developing a highly skilled force, which

also expanding our natural gas connection because many

is already happening. For example, Nissan is developing

industries require it, especially those that use heat for their

a regional training center where people from across the

processes. Moreover, we want Aguascalientes to become

Americas will come to train. We also have the biggest site

a sustainable state, and we plan on increasing our fleet of

server for Nissan, so all production and information will be

taxis using the electric Nissan Leaf.



TRANSMISSIONS FROM NISSAN SUBSIDIARY IN HIGH DEMAND HIROYUKI KAI President of JATCO Mexico (JMEX) Q: What propelled the decision to invest US$220 million

A: Highly qualified labor is one of the main requirements

dollars in a new Mexican plant exclusively to serve Nissan?

to ensure JATCO’s high technology products, and it is

A: Mexico is a country that is more than capable of

important for us to see a steady stream of highly skilled

supplying high technology products to main automotive

personnel from local universities ready to work with us.

markets. Nissan has been steadily allocating more

Aguascalientes’ geographic location in Mexico allows us

investment to the American vehicle market and JATCO, as

to meet competitive costs in the logistics operations for

part of Nissan Group, has been able to add an additional

NAFTA supplied parts from our local partners. Good road

annual production capacity of 400,000 continuously

communication networks also ensure the on-time arrival of

variable transmissions (CVT) by using a second site for

parts and allow continuity of manufacturing processes for

JMEX, our Mexican arm. This will allow us to support

our customers.

additional new production capacity and to match demand in both America and Europe for four-cylinder vehicle

Q: How is JATCO differentiating itself as competition in

models, mainly the Nissan Altima.

the industry increases? A: Higher demand by our main local customer Nissan has

Q: What investments are you making into R&D to meet

given us the opportunity to grow our manufacturing capacity

continuing demand for the most innovative technology?

locally. This has always been a steady source of growth for

A: JATCO’s high technology for CVT has seen the adoption

us, which our competition cannot match. At the same time,

of a new CVT generation called CVT8-ARO/ASO and CVT7

new potential customers are turning their eyes to Mexico’s

APZ. New additional products are also to be adopted by

automotive manufacturing capacities to meet their future

the end of 2014 for Nissan’s hybrid electric vehicles (HEV).

growth requirements and we stand ready to serve them.

In Mexico and outside, JATCO’s global volume capacity has been increased by over 30% due to new vehicle

Q: How are the dynamics of the industry changing as

launches such as the new Rogue and Altima in America

suppliers take a larger role in driving product design?

and Europe. We have become highly skilled in developing

A: The automotive industry is looking for high fuel

ecological CVT products and it is our plan to integrate high


technology products in vehicles that can perform at a high

environmentally friendly products. JATCO is fully ready

level of fuel efficiency such as the Infiniti JX.

to produce and support these kinds of components. We






want to keep meeting industry demands and to provide Q: How has JATCO’s developed its supply of products and

the right volume of products. We are therefore committed

services for the Mexican market?

to meeting and promoting suppliers willing to change

A: JATCO Global has identified and evaluated suppliers

and improve their processes to comply with quality and

both worldwide and locally in Mexico. We are aiming to

environmental policies.

ensure all our suppliers conduct quality operations by auditing them through our SQA team in order to meet

Q: What are JATCO’s expansion plans for Mexico for the

our high standards. After evaluation, suppliers should

immediate future?

be powered up and have the capacity to follow ANPQ

A: JMEX has already built an additional 62,500m2 of

Automotive standards in order to be fully validated.

production space. We also have developed a warehouse

After the standards have been launched and adopted, we

for parts and shipping and are considering a new case

monitor performance on a monthly basis for each supplier

sub-assembly line. All these areas represent an additional

according to our balanced scorecards.

700 new employees to cover the annual capacity of 400,000 annual CVT units. This will make JMEX capable


Q: How does Mexico’s attractiveness as a manufacturing

of meeting up to 1.7 million CVT units annually from 2014

base differ in comparison with your operations elsewhere?


BRAND DIVERSITY HELPS DOOR INTERIOR SUPPLIER Nissan’s investment in Aguascalientes brought with it a

notified by them that Kasai is a possible candidate to provide

host of suppliers, which set up shop in areas immediately

door fittings for their supply network, but the competition

surrounding the plant as well as further afar. The OEM’s

is fierce.” Another big problem for suppliers is the small

traditional suppliers in Japan were pressed to establish

volumes of auto parts often needed by the OEMs. “The

operations in Mexico to fuel the company’s local growth. In

volumes requested by many OEMs are not as high as what

turn, these have found room for growth, often surpassing

we are used to with Nissan. For example, Volkswagen wanted

their initial expectations. Kasai, a Tier 1 supplier of interior

fittings for just one car model,” says Sekino. The prospect

parts, established a plant in Mexico to supply Nissan with

of low volume orders from a client means weighing up

interior door fittings. Globally, Kasai supplies Japanese OEMs

economic viability against experience gained. “Even if the

including Nissan, Mazda, Toyota, Hino Motors, Daihatsu,

requested volume is quite low, we still need to invest in new

and Mazda, and although Nissan has been its main focus in

machinery and production systems for different parts. For

Mexico, Kasai has been reconnecting with old friends on new

example, our injection machine is the same machine needed

shores. Shuichi Sekino, Director General for Kasai México,

for our Nissan, Mazda, and Honda parts, so that way we can

explained that opportunities to expand its client base came

maximize our capacity use. We cannot necessarily benefit in

quickly, doubling the company’s size in Mexico in just five

the same way from German volume demand.” This is because

years. “Honda has its main Tier 1 suppliers in the US, but

German technology differs from Japanese technology and a

when it started producing the CRV in Guadalajara, it began

specific capacity is needed to fabricate parts and moldings

to search for suppliers in Mexico and preferred to go with a

for German OEMs. Despite all of these challenges, Sekino says

Japanese company.” With Nissan, Honda, and Mazda steadily

that these potential relationships will end up bringing a lot of

expanding operations, Sekino predicts another doubling of

business to Kasai’s doors. Further adding to his reluctance

growth for the supplier in a few years.

to incorporate whole new equipment, Japanese technology is still being adapted to the Mexican market, and Sekino

Being well-positioned to capture fresh demand from

explains that Kasai has developed a unique type of press

Japanese OEMs clearly presents opportunities but these also

molding that it is looking to bring to Mexico. “Kasai Press

exist through non-Japanese companies looking to source

Molding is vertical, unlike most horizontal injection molding.

more content locally. Establishing a new supplier relationship

This enables us to adjust the height of the pieces, use two or

is not easy however, as Sekino explains. “Supplying to

three different materials at once, and alter thickness, which

a new non-Japanese client involves a very complicated

helps in the creation of lighter pieces,” says Sekino. Kasai has

procedure. We have been in contact with German OEMs,

not yet brought this technology to the Mexican market as it

including Volkswagen, BMW, and Daimler. We have been

needs a commitment for a certain volume first.

AGUASCALIENTES SPOTLIGHT If necessity is the mother of invention then Aguascalientes

30 years ago jump-started the state’s entire economy and

has borne many offspring. Although it is the country’s sixth

has continued to do so ever since. The state’s Secretary

smallest state, its size indicates nothing about its powers

of Economic Development, Rodolfo Esaú Garza de Vega,

of regeneration. As its name suggests, Aguascalientes

explained that the 2011 tsunami that struck Japan shifted

began life as a thermal spa center. Many years after the

the country’s entire perspective of doing business, making

state’s water dried up, it built a name for itself as a train

diversification a key priority. In the automotive industry

maintenance and repair hub. But the eventual closure of

particularly, downtime can result in heavy losses, and the

the country’s railway industry also led to the evaporation

advantages of having plants in a number of worldwide

of work in that field. Luckily for the state, it was around

locations became undeniable. Nissan took the decision

this time, in the early 1980s, that Nissan decided to set up

to invest heavily in production outside of Japan, and

production in Mexico, and Aguascalientes was selected as

Aguascalientes in Mexico was once again selected. “Nissan

the state of choice for the Japanese OEM giant. The state

evaluated several states in Mexico, but in Aguascalientes

provided an ideal central location, along with a wealth of

they already had a well-developed support chain comprised

then-unemployed railway engineers to fuel the valuable

of education facilities, suppliers and training schools. It was

low-cost skilled labor that did and continues to make the

all these factors that helped Nissan make the decision to

country as a whole so attractive. The arrival of Nissan over

reinvest in the state,” tells Garza de Vega.



SMALL STATE DREAMS OF BIG GROWTH JUAN CARLOS ITUARTE ZARZA Undersecretary of Economic Development of Queretaro

Q: How has Queretaro forged its close relationship with

Even in tough times, our companies have implemented

the automotive industry over the years?

good productivity programs, allowing us to remain

A: The automotive industry is the main contributor to our

productive in the depths of the 2008 financial crisis.

economy, making up almost 10% of the total GDP, one-

We learnt a lot of lessons during the crisis, leading us to

third of our manufacturing GDP, and over 10% of our total

diversify our economy further by investing in other sectors

employment. This is not a new situation, although many

such as aerospace and biotech. This actually helped us to

recent investments have drawn more attention to the

increase competitiveness within the automotive industry

Bajio region as a whole. Queretaro has been the host to

too, as we obtained better research centers, improved

Tier 1 suppliers for a long time, which has kept us close to

institutions, and a generally more competitive industrial

many big OEMs. Companies like TREMEC have been here


for a long time, while US, Europena and Asian companies have been new arrivals. We do not have any light vehicle

Q: What sort of incentives does the Queretaro government

OEMs in the state, although we do have heavy vehicle

offer to companies looking to establish an industrial base

OEMs such as Scania and MAN Truck & Bus. Alongside


these, we have 67 Tier 1 suppliers and over 250 Tier 2

A: Being one of the smallest states in Mexico means that


we have certain limitations. We do not have unlimited land for development, and we have just one industrial

Q: Do you think that not having a light vehicle OEM hurts

corridor that goes from Queretaro City to the San Juan del

Queretaro’s international perception as an investment

Rio area. We are trying to expand our industrial corridor


as much as we can, but we have natural barriers in the

A: We are very well known at the Tier 1 level for our world-

Sierra Gorda area to the north. Our budget is also not

class production sites. Not having an OEM obviously plays

unlimited and we have modest finances in place. This has

a part, but when companies do their investigations in

led to us developing a strategy that focuses on bringing

Mexico, they are pleasantly surprised by the strengths of

the right companies to Queretaro. With that in mind, we

our state. That is actually a good thing since it means that

are focusing on developing suppliers and supporting

when companies choose to invest in Queretaro, they are

synergies between local universities and the private

doing so based on a strong business case built on solid

sector. We do not see incentives as a sustainable strategy

market research. We would like to have an OEM but it is

to attract FDI, therefore we do not offer land incentives or

not necessarily something that we are seeking at all costs.

tax exemptions. Instead, collected taxes are reinvested in

We are consistently in the top three choices when OEMs

initiatives that can help the competitiveness of companies

are looking for a plant location, so we are confident about

located here.

the future. Q: How extensively are you working to develop your local


Q: What are the main benefits of investing in Queretaro

supplier base?

for automotive industry companies?

A: We have a strong program to develop local suppliers

A: The human resources and the high levels of R&D

which contains many phases. Large companies based

taking place here are Queretaro’s main strengths. We

here, such as TREMEC, are opening their doors to local

have historically been better known internationally

companies so that these can understand what big

for the aerospace sector, although the automotive

companies do, what kind of parts they are using and

sector represents a bigger proportion of our economy.

buying, at what price, and at what volume. In the last four



years alone, we have identified opportunities for local

environment is very strong. We are a very stable state

automotive suppliers valued at US$3 billion. Thanks to the

with good union relations and without a history of strikes.

commitment and trust that large automotive firms have







placed in the government, more and more opportunities are arising for local suppliers. Most of the issues that these suppliers face have to do with materials availability and their technological capacity. We have therefore established a trust fund which enables us to provide low-interest loans and make technology available to these companies. To be a successful supplier, you have to take the leap from being a small company to a solid medium-sized one and there is no easy way to do that. We help as much as we can. Right now, one of the main challenges is the pace of growth in the Bajio. There have been major investments from Japanese companies, which came in very quickly. We need to make sure that the right conditions are in place to attract such companies. This includes the expansion of our industrial corridor by pushing investment to some of our smaller municipalities, and to the desert area of the state. Making that shift successfully means that we

The Queretaro government largely funds the universities

have to work closely with industrial developers. Most of

that specialize in doing this, but we also seek support

Mexico’s industrial parks are private, so we aim to show

from the federal government. Engineering is becoming a

developers the possibilities of developing world-class

much more attractive qualification. A few years ago, we

parks in Queretaro.

noticed that the level of engineers graduating in Queretaro was excellent but that we could not necessarily make

Q: Do you see the relationship between northern and

the right opportunities available to them. We therefore

central states as one of cooperation or competition?

started working with companies to offer opportunities for

A: We compete but we also compliment each other. The

engineering graduates in a variety of segments. General

difference between Queretaro and some northern states

Electric has an R&D center here, as does Ericsson, which

is the diversity of our companies. The northern states

elevates the entire industrial segment. Since we are a small

have more companies from the US, whilst Queretaro has

state with just two metropolitan areas and one industrial

a strong contingent of European and Asian companies.

corridor, our industrial community is very tightly knit.

Many companies sending their employees to Mexico are

As a local government, our doors are wide open and we

looking for a nice city that offers a high standard of living

enjoy regular close contact with the representatives of

for their executives, and we can offer that. We also work

all of the major companies operating here. We also work

closely together with northern states. Right now, we are

very closely with the Ministry of Economy, CONACYT and

working on a project with Nuevo Leon and Guanajuato,

INADEM to help provide the best environment possible for

along with JICA, the Japanese agency for international

our companies.

cooperation. Q: What are Queretaro’s expectations for growth over the Q: To what extent is the development of the right

coming years?


A: Right now, our expectations are very high. In recent







years, our GDP growth rate has hovered around 6%,

A: The task of establishing the right workforce to fuel

which is well above the national level. Our job growth is

economic growth is a joint effort between the public and

also well above the national level. The average income in

private sectors. Ensuring that the right types of graduates

the state has also increased from MX$270 (US$20) per

are available is crucial, especially in a state with a very

day to MX$310 (US$24) per day, placing us third in the

diversified industrial base. We work together in different

country. This is because we are growing very fast and we

areas as this task cannot be achieved by either side

have been focusing on adding value. The next aspect in

alone. Students need to be trained in the right way, and

need of improvement is the concentration of this growth.

graduates need to be given the right jobs, then trained and

Right now, our growth is focused in metropolitan areas, so

retained in the most effective way possible. For example,

we want it to have a broader reach. We need to not only

when a company establishes itself here and presents very

grow the number of jobs in areas beyond the metropolitan

specific human capital needs, we work together with local

center, but also increase the quality of jobs available, which

institutions to train students exactly in line with those needs.

poses a huge challenge.



TRIPLE HELIX COLLABORATION SUPPORTS QUERETARO SUPPLIERS ROBERT NEAL President of the Queretaro Automotive Cluster Q: What are the main characteristics that set the Queretaro

and Monterrey is about five hours away. People are also

Automotive Cluster apart?

attracted to Queretaro because of our links to the US, the

A: The cluster’s aim is to anticipate the needs of the

state’s safety, the fact that the cost of real estate is not

automotive industry in Queretaro from an educational

restrictive despite industrial growth, and the support of

and labor perspective. We also have a firm dedication to

the government in the development of industrial parks.

supplier development in order to help local companies become Tier 3 suppliers and escalate upwards. The

Q: What role is triple-helix collaboration playing in the

cluster wants to set the optimum stage for businesses

state’s development plans and how does the cluster

to operate in Queretaro through the expertise of those

support this?

companies that have been here for some time. Over the

A: Queretaro really encourages relationships between

last decade, the state’s economy has truly blossomed.

universities and the private sector. As part of my role as

The first day I came to Queretaro was my second day

president of the Queretaro Cluster, I participate in a joint

in Mexico, and my expectations were totally different

program sponsored by the governor, which brings together

from the reality. When I walked into TREMEC’s facility, I

the government, industry, and education communities.

was greeted with a world-class manufacturing operation,

The governor has recognized that in order to build a good

which genuinely took my breath away. Today, Queretaro

automotive foundation, the government must provide the

hosts companies like TRW and Delphi, while many others

right support, the education sector has to bring the right

have recently established operations here or are planning

people in, and the industry has to be able to count on these

to do so, as the state has a lot to offer. We are three

two elements. The importance of working together cannot

and a half hours away from the Chrysler base in Toluca,

be understated. We want to eventually reach the German








land incentives or tax exemptions. Instead, collected

Queretaro’s economic development. It makes up almost

taxes are reinvested in projects that can help improve

10% of total GDP, one-third of its manufacturing GDP, and

the competitiveness of established companies. The state

accounts for over 10% of total employment. It also helped

now has 300 companies that are active in the automotive

the state see a strong 4% GDP growth in 2014 so far, as

industry, of which 58 are operating at the Tier 1 level, close

opposed to a measly 0.8% growth in 2013. Queretaro

to 100 at Tier 2 and 3, and the remaining 140 lower down

benefits from having highly integrated commercial

the supply chain. Industrial parks have been the clear

ties with international markets, which is reflected in

beneficiaries of this diversity, with the El Marqués industrial

the amount of investment that poured in 2013. Of the

park alone having seen the creation of 1,000 direct jobs

77 investment projects that were launched in 2013 in

for automotive projects last year. The state of Queretaro

Queretaro, 23 represented a combined investment of

has garnered a reputation for attracting investment from

US$418 million in the automotive industry, generating

transnational companies, especially from Japanese and

over 4,000 direct jobs. According to the Undersecretary

American suppliers whose production is mostly destined

of Economic Development, Juan Carlos Ituarte Zarza, the

for exportation. While the state might not have a light

geographical limitations associated with being one of

vehicle OEM so far, its consolidated automotive industry

Mexico’s smallest states has enabled Quretaro to adopt

has led the Queretaro government to strive for higher

innovative and dynamic strategies when developing its

goals such as transitioning toward higher technology and

industrial capacity. Queretaro does not see incentives

netting more R&D centers, proving that attracting an OEM

as a sustainable strategy for FDI, so it does not offer

is not the only goal.

model where companies and universities work very closely

body, which deals with national issues. Regional needs

in product development.

are taken care of through local clusters. Manufacturing and assembly processes are also common factors in both

Q: Do you feel that the needs of the private sector and

industries, and require similar training. This creates a

the strategies of the state government are aligned in

natural pull for collaboration.

Queretaro? A: We enjoy close relationships with the federal Ministry of

Q: Was Queretaro disappointed not to host the new

Economy and the Ministry of Labor. To secure international

Honda facility?

investment, we have to work hard to compete and the local

A: The establishment of the Honda facility in Celaya has

government understands that. It provides assistance with

created many opportunities for suppliers in Queretaro, and

training and helps to build the supply base. There is a state

that in itself is incredibly positive. Companies that are already

program that partly subsidizes technological investments

here are expanding their capacity in response. For example,

by companies, and the state government also supports

Tremec has received two contracts for transmissions and

universities with general industry research projects in order to

transmission components in the heavy vehicle sector for

grow the sector. Support is also provided for land acquisition

international companies that need North American content.

and leasing, with the Queretaro industrial park partly being

Those two contracts will represent 10% of our sales over

sponsored by the authorities. There is an understanding that

the next three years. That is new business, and the same

the growth needs to be supported by infrastructure, so roads

is happening all throughout Queretaro. This state is quite

and flight paths are being developed accordingly. Today,

diversified in providing electrical assembly, machining, steel

getting from Queretaro to the US is straightforward. The

and aluminum manufacturing, stamping houses, and dye

airport underwent a complete renovation three years ago

shops. This mix means that the companies here do everything

and can now handle more than 15 flights a day, which are

form light assembly, component assembly, injection molding,

always full of executive teams from international companies.

to interiors, and we are extremely well positioned to supply regional production. We also have Case New Holland, as

Q: What do you think the automotive cluster can learn

well as Volkswagen Bus and MAN Truck & Bus based in

from the aerospace cluster?

Queretaro. Although they only assemble vehicles here and

A: There are many synergies between companies in the

do not manufacture them, they play the role of OEMs and

aerospace and automotive sectors in terms of educational

have good communication with the suppliers. All of these

and labor needs. I am part of FEMIA, the national aerospace

factors make our local automotive sector very dynamic.

STATE OF MEXICO SPOTLIGHT The economic dynamism that the automotive industry

The most important investments the state has received

imprints on the regions where it establishes itself makes

date back to the 2000s. In 2006, Chrysler announced a

it an invaluable sector to have. Few states in Mexico are

joint investment with its suppliers of US$1 billion with the

more aware of this fact than the State of Mexico, which

objective to assembling new models in its Toluca plant.

traces its relationship with the sector back to 1962.

In 2008, Ford announced a new assembly project in its

Its long automotive tradition places the state in third

Cuautitlan Izcalli plant, with the investment exceeding

place in terms of automotive and auto parts investment,

US$1 billion. Finally, in 2009, Chrysler invested US$500

generating 10% of the total value of the industry. The State

million again in Toluca to manufacture the Fiat 500. Over

of Mexico has one of the most enviable proliferations of

the first semester of 2014, the state has invested US$200

OEMs, such as GM, Chrysler, Volvo, Daimler, Nissan, Ford,

million in the development of industrial parks, benefitting

BMW and Peugeot. While the Big Three American OEMs

the automotive companies established within them.

all have assembly plants in the state, the others focus on the production of components, technological centers,

In terms of infrastructure, the State of Mexico can hold its

testing centers or even warehousing of parts. The state

head high due to its strong connectivity and developed

is currently in third position nationwide for the amount

infrastructure, with over 14,000km of roads and highways

of cars being assembled, and has generated 45,000

and over 1,400km of rail lines. Maybe its keenest attribute

direct manufacturing jobs with OEMs. Beyond this, the

is its proximity to the vast consumer market and workforce

assembled 243 Tier 1, 2 and 3 companies have created

of Mexico City, making it ideal for the establishment of

83,000 direct jobs.

OEMs and suppliers.


| VEHICLE SPOTLIGHT: CHEVROLET AVEO Aveo reigns supreme in Mexico’s automotive industry by

Aveo’s signature double grill, creased metalwork, and

being the bestselling car for the past three years, with

sweat-back headlights make it a stylish and distinguished

65,331 units sold in 2013. The Aveo is a subcompact car

member of the subcompact segment. Its light controls

that traces its lineage to GM’s South Korean subsidiary,

and its four cylinder 1.6-litre engine that provides 103hp

Daewoo, and is marketed worldwide in 120 countries

intend to make it easy to manoeuver around town and on

under six brands. It first became a household name in


Mexico in 2006 when it entered the market as the Pontiac G3. In 2008, the Aveo’s reputation was further bolstered

The Aveo LS and LT model come equipped with 14-inch

when it garnered a “Made in Mexico” stamp after it began

and 15-inch steel rims respectively, with the larger style

to be manufactured at the GM plant in San Luis Potosi.

coupled with aluminum rims to furnish the LTZ model

with a touch of style. One of the reasons Aveo’s ride

column, side impact door beams, and three-point seat

quality is undoubtedly smooth is the generous sidewalls

belts. Technological amenities, although modest, are

of its Goodyear Excellence economy tires. Another easily

sufficient enough to fulfill a driver’s basic requirements.

overlooked detail that actually places the Aveo above the

For instance, the four speaker sound system can be

class norm is its boot capacity of 290l with the rear seats

controlled from the steering wheel and it supports

in place, and 653l with them folded.

Bluetooth connection and has an additional USB port. This system enables drivers to have their hands on

This car is equipped with ABS in both the front and

the wheel at all times. As a vehicle that appreciates

rear wheels and includes security features like airbags

practicality and value, it certainly ticks all the boxes for

in the driver and passenger sides, collapsible steering

the Mexican consumer market.


SAN LUIS POTOSI LIVES UP TO ITS REPUTATION LEFT: Fernando Macías Morales, Secretary of Economic Development of San Luis Potosi RIGHT: Paola Félix Beltrán, Director General of the Secretariat of Economic Development of San Luis Potosi

Q: How did San Luis Potosi evolve to become a center of

container units. KCSM has its largest intermodal station in

automotive manufacturing?

San Luis Potosi, which allows for close collaboration.

FM: San Luis Potosi is one of the states with the oldest history as a center for manufacturing activities. The state was

FM: We do not believe in extremely fast growth as it is

founded as a mining center, but around 60 years ago, during

very difficult for infrastructural and social development to

the boom in the manufacturing of hard metal all over Mexico,

take place at the same pace. Problems arise with housing,

San Luis Potosi benefited from being midway between the

labor availability, and even with security. The development

Valley of Mexico and the north. Public industrial zones were

of San Luis Potosi has been extremely steady and that

developed in San Luis Potosi under presidential decrees,

means that we are able to offer a good quality of life and a

accompanied by an active policy to attract companies here.

supportive environment to the people that live here.

At one point, our collection of industrial zones was the largest in Mexico. Having a large metal mechanic industry along

Q: To what extent do you compete with neighboring

with some chemical manufacturing made San Luis Potosi


an ideal location for automotive manufacturers. We are not

FM: San Luis Potosi believes in regional development, and

the biggest hub in the country but we are one of the most

we do not compete with our neighbors. Competing with

strategic. Today, we are really focusing on creating long-term

neighboring states can push up the cost of incentives, for

sustainable growth by establishing incentives for medium to

example, which does not benefit any of us. Without regional

long-term automotive investment. This focus has paid off with

development none of the states will succeed, we need each

our success in bringing BMW to San Luis Potosi, and shows

other and there is enough industry for all of us to develop.

the well-earned trust that automotive leaders have in us.

Certain investments fit better in other locations than ours, and vice versa, and we have to be able to recognize that.

Q: Most central states credit their unique attractiveness to

As some investments are more strategic than others, we

their geographical location. How do you stand out from

should have enough communication with other economic

your immediate neighbors?

development bodies to work together. We have very good

PF: Our main differentiator is that we have one of the

communications with the states surrounding us.

most important roads running through the state, which is Highway 57, also known as the NAFTA highway. Highway

Q: Does ample room for growth remain considering the

70, which connects to the ports on both the Gulf of Mexico

number of industrial parks in San Luis Potosi that are

and the Pacific Ocean, also crosses San Luis Potosi, giving

already at peak capacity?

the state direct access to the ports of Lazaro Cardenas,

PF: Some of the private parks, such as the one in Colinas

Altamira, and Veracruz. It is true that we are in a very

de San Luis, have seen a lot of movement in the last two

good geographical location, but we also have very strong

years. We also have private investors looking to develop

infrastructure to support that. We are known as the ‘two

industrial parks in the metropolitan area. We are also

hour city’ as we are just two hours from Aguascalientes,

developing more industrial space in Matehuala, which has

Guanajuato, and Zacatecas. That connection really helps

universities, technical schools, and is two hours closer to the

facilitate companies to take optimal advantage of the

north than the city of San Luis Potosi. PEMEX is developing

developments taking place in the Bajio region. We are

a pipeline that will pass just 7km from Matehuala, and that

also working closely with Kansas City Southern de Mexico,

presents new opportunities for this land to be developed. It

which last year announced a rail connection from San Luis

is therefore an area of interest for development land from

Potosi to the railway line serving the port of Veracruz. The

private investment.

connection to the Altamira Port is also being worked on.


We do currently have a connection but we are expanding

Q: How has the presence of GM shaped San Luis Potosi,

the height of the tunnels to accommodate double height

and how useful was it in attracting BMW?

FM: GM arrived during a very difficult time and the plant was

Before investing to try and attract an OEM, every state

designed to have a larger capacity than it has today. During

should evaluate properly how much it has invested in the

the first few years, the plant produced no more than 45,000

past, and how adapted it is to the manufacturing industry

cars. In recent years, this has increased with the introduction

in order to support any investment made. We have proven

of the Chevrolet Aveo, the best-selling car in Latin America,

to many companies that we have the conditions in San

as well as trucks. As of today it is producing close to 130,000

Luis Potosi to support automotive companies. Incentives

cars and 270,000 transmissions. There is still room for growth

have to be offered in a very intelligent way and need to be

in that plant. We have recognized that San Luis Potosi still

assessed carefully in terms of value and return on investment.

needs to invest a lot in supporting that plant to convince GM

Assisting a company is very important to us, but we want

that is should bring more production to Mexico. We believe

to see companies expand beyond an initial investment

there is also room for another OEM, given our infrastructure

incentive. Expansion means a positive result was achieved,

and labor support. We also have a harmonious labor

and it means that companies found what they were looking

environment and have experienced no strikes. This is not to

for. We believe incentives need to be tailored to the individual

say that problems do not arise, but union leaders, companies,

company rather than sweeping incentive offerings. Certain

and governmental bodies have worked very closely to ensure

companies will require very specific incentives, and the state

that agreements are reached and problems prevented. The

will do the best it can to help them establish themselves.

BMW investment will generate 1,500 jobs by 2019, which will only serve to further encourage our economy, and the

PF: Right now we are working on a development center

accompanying suppliers will reinforce the state’s already

for Tool & Dye, which is being supported by CONACYT.

solid supplier base. BMW already has doubled its number of

INADEM supported this during the first stage, and CIATEC

Mexican suppliers to over 100 over the last four years, and

is now starting the center. CONACYT is studying the way

more opportunities are there for the taking.

this is being done, which will benefit all of the central states and the automotive industry. It is difficult to find Tool & Dye

Q: What is really needed to attract a major OEM, and why

manufacturers in Mexico. We are working with ProMĂŠxico

do you disagree with providing incentives?

to host a Tool & Dye conference that will connect suppliers

FM: Attracting an OEM cannot be compared to attracting a

from all over the world and Mexico to help develop this

supplier in terms of the investment it represents for a state.



INDUSTRIAL PARKS REAP BENEFITS OF REGIONAL RIPPLES Argo Industrial Group Director Gerardo Bocard explains that

for them, but leasing allows them to begin capitalizing on

San Luis Potosi’s industrial parks are benefiting from the

their investment,” says Bocard. On the other hand, Bocard’s

increased global visibility of the state. “San Luis Potosi has a

experience shows that Japanese companies tend to want to

long industrial tradition, but what we do not have is the same

own their buildings as they prefer creating a long-term year

tradition with marketing ourselves,” he says. Comparing

relationship with their suppliers lasting for several decades.

San Luis Potosi to Monterrey, Bocard says: “Around the

“It is part of the culture, and it is also practical. Nissan, for

time that Monterrey propelled the success of its one major

example, will see no need to change if a provider always

brewing company, San Luis Potosi was already home to

delivers.” It was for this reason that the Argo Industrial

seven brewing entities. We also had a mining industry when

Group decided to purchase land itself in the neighboring

Nuevo Leon did not have one. Monterrey was founded 100

Logistik II Industrial Park, enabling it to sell additional land

years after San Luis Potosi, and moreover, San Luis Potosi

to companies looking for a long-term investment.

has been the capital of Mexico twice.” Yet the growth of the relative newcomer has outshone that of the former capital.

Investing in the right infrastructure for Millennium Industrial

“The state has now been rediscovered and to the delight

Park was no small expense for the Argo Group. 18MW of

of foreign companies, we have all of the resources needed

energy was purchased from CFE in order to ensure that

for them to thrive here. Companies outside of Mexico have

each lot had at least 250KW available from the start.

started showing interest in settling in central Mexico during

The group also purchased water rights from the federal

the fourth wave of investment. The first wave started on the

government that allow for a well to be dug in the park. The

border with the US and each wave has progressively moved

excavation for the well found water at 500m but further

further down geographically,” he explains.

digging to 700m ensured a deep enough reserve of water

“The state has now been rediscovered and to the delight of foreign companies, we have all of the resources needed for them to thrive here” Gerardo Bocard, Diector of Argo Industrial Group

The Millennium Industrial Park, owned by the Argo Industrial

to supply the park for years. Given the desert present in

Group, covers 200 acres, and is currently filled to 80%

and around San Luis Potosi, such a find was essential for

capacity. The majority of the 26 companies with existing

the industrial park’s self-sufficiency. The well provides

operations in the park are active in the automotive industry,

capacity for the extraction of about 30 liters of water

including Cummins, TI Automotive, Continental, Mitsumi,

per second, but with the current 26 companies using the

Flexi-Tech, and Nobel. The remaining 20% of land is available

equivalent of four liters of water per second.

for lease and represents enough space to accommodate a


minimum of four companies and a maximum of 15. The whole

Looking ahead, industrial parks may well make one of

region seems to be enjoying the ripple effect of Nissan’s

most lucrative investments for savvy developers. Bocard

investment in Aguascalientes, with suppliers to the OEM

explains that most regional construction companies in San

giant arriving en masse. “The Nissan plant has taken up a

Luis Potosi concentrate on government infrastructure and

lot of the human resources. However, providers do not want

housing, with only five companies doing industrial building.

to be too far away from them, so they look to surrounding

“Last year the federal and state governments did not have

states. Mazda and Honda are in Guanajuato while Querétaro

money to invest which, coupled with a small housing crisis

has a lot of competition with other suppliers from the

affecting Mexico, reduced construction work significantly.

automotive and aerospace industries. As such, San Luis

Argo, however, enjoyed a very good year, and 2014 will be

Potosi provides an optimum environment for establishing

even better,” says Bocard. The group is in the process of

their business,” Bocard explains. In terms of the commercial

finishing a 5,000m2 building that will be ready later this

commitment suppliers are looking for, preference is often

year. 16 acres of land have just been sold to a Japanese

based on origin. “American and European companies feel

company for the production of air conditioning equipment.

that by leasing, they can concentrate capital on their core

Bocard also hopes that a 10,000m2 project will shortly be

business. Constructing a building is a dead investment

agreed, capping a busy and successful year for Argo.





aluminum alloy debate has been

José Alberto Enríquez, Regional Operations Manager for North America of Maxion Wheels



at least six workers however, and we will keep aiming to automatize some processes.”


time, and the jury is still not

Enríquez attributes the continued development of the wheel

entirely in on which comes

industry in Mexico to the increased availability of specialized

up trumps. Steel rims have

suppliers. Maxion Wheels used to import most of its steel from



Brazil, Japan, and Europe, but it is now expanding its Mexican

for their cost, relatively


supply base through providers such as Otscon, which has an



established presence in the country. Although Maxion Wheels

requirements, and long

imposes a strict methodology when choosing suppliers that

durability, but alloys offer

can see a supplier take at least a year to become accepted,

the driver a customizable product that provides a lighter

the company now sources most of its raw materials locally.

and more maneuverable driving experience. Unlike steel,

Maxion Wheels has been steadily working to reduce the

aluminum alloys can be cast and worked in varying designs,

weight of its steel rims. “Over the last three years, we have

allowing owners to personalize the appearance of their

been able to reduce the weight of each wheel by 450g or

cars. Alloy wheels can be polished, painted, machined, or

more,” Enríquez states. Enríquez does admit however that

chromed, although all of these finishes require specific

the tide is turning in favor of aluminum wheels, given the

care since alloys can be more vulnerable to damage from

material’s efficiency and weight reduction capabilities, yet

saltwater corrosion and harsh cleaners. The weight of alloys

he believes the installation of a weight reduction production

is also considerably less than steel wheels, resulting in less

line in the San Luis Potosi plant sets the company’s steel

stress on the suspension and better handling. Aluminum rims

apart. Maxion is also researching the capabilities of high-

can suffer more during road impacts, however, with bending

strength steel in Brazil. “The steel process is very complex,

and cracking a real possibility. On the other hand, these rims

and our current strategy is to use higher strength steel to

are less susceptible to heat, and this can result in better

reduce weight while maintaining the structural strength and

breaking and less heat damage to both rims and tires.

manufacturing process. In order to make steel wheels lighter while maintaining their original qualities, we have designed

Despite the many advantages of alloys, rim-maker Maxion

big ventilation holes in the wheels that help reduce weight.

Wheels is continuing to increase steel wheel production

Another benefit of high-strength steel is that it makes it

capacity in Mexico as a direct result of sustained demand.

possible to reduce the thickness and add a backbone of

Maxion Wheels is the world’s largest wheel-making enterprise

aluminum or chrome to improve the appearance of the

and entered the Mexican market in 2009 with the purchase

wheels,” Enriquez explains. Wheel appearance is indeed a big

of a Meritor plant in San Luis Potosi. The company has been

driver of demand, and Maxion Wheels is not sitting back in

growing globally and, according to Regional Operations

this respect. According to Enríquez, the company is engaging

Manager for North America, José Alberto Enríquez, has seen

in aggressive product development in order to create well-

a major rise in demand in Mexico. Maxion Wheels’ San Luis

defined steel wheels that could be mistaken for aluminum

Potosi plant focuses on steel and commercial wheels, and

alloys at first glance. Many SUVs and ATVs continue to use

its plant in Chihuahua produces alloys. “With both plants

steel wheels and by adapting the physical appearance of

currently operating at 90%, the company is investing to

these wheels and reducing their weight, Maxion’s steel

boost production, with the Chihuahua plant set to double its

wheels are serious competitors for their alloy counterparts.

capacity in the next two years,” says Enríquez. While Mexico

“We offer very good and innovative engineering solutions for

catches up on the automation front, the company is also

both kinds of wheels, and all those we produce are robust

focusing on reducing cycle time and waste, with Enríquez

and can stand all types of terrain,” Enríquez asserts. Steel also

maintaining that Maxion Wheels’ Mexico plants are among

presents many benefits, specifically in a country like Mexico

the highest rated in the world for efficiency. “Mexico remains

where road quality and corrosive air pollution must be taken

a complicated place to get fully automated processes in

into consideration. One challenge to Maxion Wheels’ support

place and is not at the same level as Brazil, the US, or Europe,”

of steel is that clients such as Chrysler and Ford have been

Enriquez comments, adding, “Machinery is expensive, but

reducing steel content in their vehicles. However increased

this is made up for with savings in labor costs. The machinery

demand is coming from Japanese OEMs like Mazda and

in our plants has the capacity for about 6.5 million wheels per

Honda. Diversifying the company’s client base to include

year, after a total investment of US$100 million. Increasing

more Japanese OEMs has created opportunities for the

investment in automation is not easy. Every robot substitutes



MEXICO’S FREE TRADE ZONE PIONEER KEEPS EVOLVING Mexico’s first free trade zone (FTZ) was established in

modal terminal was initially leased to Kansas City Southern

San Luis Potosi in 2008, in a bid to continue building

de México (KCSM) for a decade, after which period KCSM

the country’s attractiveness as a globally competitive

decided to purchase the land. A general cargo terminal is

investment destination. The interior port, known as the

currently being developed, which will be completed within

WTC Industrial, consists of about 1,300 acres located near

the next 5 years. Three commercial buildings are also

a major railway line and the main trade highway running

about to become available, with the zone’s Alpha Building

between Mexico City and US border at Nuevo Laredo.

currently being tenanted. Proving the WTC’s commitment

WTC is a hybrid zone, offering both domestic zone and

to the industry, automotive companies will enjoy the

FTZ services. Today, the WTC remains the only FTZ in the

services of logistic consultants such as Kuehne + Nagel or

central region and has become an attractive port of call

trucking and transportation giant J.B. Hunt that have set

for automotive companies and their suppliers alike, and 13

up facilities in the zone.

companies have already been authorized to use the WTC as a FTZ according to Esteban Puente, Commercial Director

Special legislation was passed to allow the area to be

for the WTC. Automotive tenants make up about 80% of

used as a FTZ. Duties and tariffs are deferred until the

the WTC client list. Many of these are Japanese suppliers of

merchandise is about to enter the local marketplace.

OEMs like Mazda, Honda, and Nissan, all of whom are based

The Mexican version of the free trade zone permits raw

in the central region and whose suppliers need to be close

materials and components to enter Mexico duty-free for

by. The WTC operates as an inter-modal terminal, enabling

manufacturing, assembly and other services, similar to

users to switch between trains and trucks. “Although

the maquiladoras. “Operating within a FTZ offers several

trucks have long been the mode of transportation of


choice, the railway is being increasingly used, given that

customs benefits. Looking at the logistics side, operating

its regulatory environment is being adapted to support

within the FTZ means that a container can be brought from

growth. “We receive 2,500 containers from Honda. From

the port without being opened. Under regular operations

the WTC, we send them on to Guadalajara while also

in Mexico, when a container arrives at a port, it is opened

ferrying containers to automotive clusters in Queretaro

by the customs broker, who has to check and catalog all

and Guanajuato,” says Puente, who explains that the inter-

of the merchandise. This then goes to the customs office





SAN LUIS POTOSI’S FIRST INDUSTRIAL PARK NEARING FULL CAPACITY Parque Tres Naciones was the first industrial park to be

security,” says Sánchez Ávila. Security remains a concern

established in the state of San Luis Potosi at a time when

for foreign companies coming to Mexico, and four guarded

industrial activity was concentrated in the north and

entrances and a force of 38 security guards on site provide

development in the central regions was in its infancy. The

security at all times. Sánchez Ávila maintains that one of

park, which is located along Highway 57, welcomed Daimler

the biggest incentives for companies establishing in San

as one of the first companies to establish a presence in the

Luis Potosi is quite simple: the weather, which plays a large

park, where it now has a national distribution center. “When

role in construction costs. “San Luis Potosi does not have

Daimler arrived to San Luis Potosi there was nothing here, it

hurricanes, volcanoes, or earthquakes, and the soil is hard

really saw the potential of the location,” explains the park’s

which is good for construction. There is also little humidity,

Director General, Cecilia Sánchez Ávila. “Demand has risen

which is particularly good for the automotive industry

so steeply that industrial land availability is now limited.

since it safeguards against component erosion. With no

Expansion space is available, but the park has just ten units

air conditioning or heating needed, the area also offers

for lease and built-to-suit projects remaining. Some 48% of

significant long-term savings on energy.” Keen to create

the park’s tenants are active in the automotive industry, and

a sustainable and self-sufficient operating environment,

come from Asia, Europe and the Americas.”

Sánchez Ávila explains that the park has implemented environmentally sound development measures. “From the


“The park offers full infrastructure, including natural

outset we had high environmental standards, and we are

gas delivery, electricity, pressurized water systems, and

continuously updating our standards to comply with new

which goes through the merchandise again if any red light

term collection of duties and tariffs. Mexico’s support of

has been flagged. This can cause delays and damage the

free trade zones highlights awareness of this.”

goods. By using a FTZ, the company only has to submit an electronic invoice, which passes through the customs office

WTC intends to keep pushing for Mexico’s FTZ industry to

and then the container comes directly to the company,”

evolve. “We want to smooth out the kinks in the customs

explains Puente. Furthermore taxes are only payable if the

program nationwide, as creating these sorts of free trade

merchandise is to be released into the Mexican marketplace.

zones adds to the economic attractiveness of the country,”

Goods bound for the US or other foreign markets can leave

says Puente. He dismisses the idea that a plethora of FTZs

Mexico free of any duties or tariffs.

springing up across Mexico would create competition

“Operating within a FTZ offers several advantages, including administrative, logistical, and customs benefits”

Esteban Puente, Commercial Director for the WTC Industrial

As Puente explains, the FTZ’s true intent is to attract more

for the WTC and offer a wider array of choices for OEMs

foreign direct investment into Mexico, particularly in the

and suppliers entering the country. “We are competing

booming automotive sector. This will put the country

as a country for investment with other nations that offer

on a better footing to compete with other international

free trade zones, so we all share in the success of these

trade zones, such as those in China. Although Mexico’s

programs.” In fact, he offers three pieces of advice for

maquiladora regime created incentives and implemented

anyone looking to establish a similar zone in Mexico.

efforts to reduce duties and tariffs for inbound materials,

“Firstly, you should view your relevant local authority as

the FTZ structure has an advantage over this prior scheme.

an ally not an enemy. Secondly, collaborate closely with

It is familiar and compatible with existing regulations

consultants, customs brokers, and private commercial

established by the World Trade Organization. Puente says

tenants to create the best environment as a team. Finally,

that “an environment is being created in Mexico where

comply with the requirements laid down by authorities

investments can flow freely, generating employment and

and ensure you have the capacity to invest fully in this

wealth, reap long-term rewards greater than the short-


environmental laws and requirements,” says Sánchez Ávila.

years. Sánchez Ávila explains that Tres Naciones works very

The park has even gone so far as to reject companies that

closely with the government and other industrial parks.

cannot meet internal environmental regulations, which must

The park also offers economic assistance to students who

be complied with by all tenants. Tres Naciones has its own

struggle to afford the four-year degree programs needed

closed water circuit, water well, and treatment plant, and

to enter the skilled parts of the manufacturing industry,

each company is required to use 20% of its space as green

while a number of students also gain work experience on

areas irrigated with treated water. The park’s emissions are

site. “Ten years ago, the government and the population

also reduced through collective transportation measures for

of San Luis Potosi were complaining about the levels of

workers. Major transportation companies, including TUM,

unemployment for graduates, and companies in turn were

FedEx, and Estafeta, work together in the park to provide

complaining about the lack of experience and specialization

multi-client single container transportation solutions for

of graduates. We saw that the needs of both were not

tenants. Multimodal transportation, railway services, and

aligned, so we cooperated with the companies and the

customs support is also available. “Even though we do not

universities and devised new criteria to be implemented in

have customs offices on site, this is located right beside

the courses,” says Sánchez Ávila.

us, so customs come to the companies here and seal containers, which are not opened until they arrive to the

This multilateral approach should make 2014 a good year

final destination,” explains Sánchez Ávila. San Luis Potosi’s

for the park. It is working closely with ProMéxico to come up

long manufacturing history has made its human capital

with the best strategy for growth. Sánchez Ávila remembers

factor strong. Demand continues to grow, with Sánchez

that when Tres Naciones started, the state was not usually

Ávila expecting that the number people working within Tres

considered as an investment for FDI, but it has now been

Naciones will increase from 13,000 to 20,000 in the coming

put on the map, in no small part thanks to the park.


As the sound of corks popping reverberates in excited OEM investment recipient states around Mexico, industry experts are anxiously hoping that the country’s logistics network can not only bear the weight of increased demand but also buoy success. With one major OEM increasing its local procurement levels from US$500,000 to US$14 billion in five years alone, the pressure on the country’s infrastructure network cannot be underestimated. Unlike the US, road transportation dominates railway in Mexico, and upgrading the country’s much used and abused artery of highways is no small task. The government’s six-year infrastructure plan promises a US$316 billion investment in upgrades to the country’s roads, railways, ports, and telecoms by 2018 and will potentially increase GDP by 5%. Whilst the burden lies on the public sector to churn out infrastructural upgrades before bottlenecks can form, the opportunities being created for logistics solution providers that can support lean supply chain management strategies are immense and varied.

This chapter will focus on the main logistical trends being addressed by the most established companies within Mexico, who will provide insight into the processes and systems currently oiling trade flows. Federal and state infrastructure plans will be illuminated, and opinions on the likelihood of these being rolled out quickly enough are discussed.




Uncorking Logistical Bottlenecks


Bajio: Land of Opportunity for Logistics


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Resilience Strengthens Links in Supply Chain


VIEW FROM THE TOP: One-Stop Shop for Automotive Logistics


VEHICLE SPOTLIGHT: Freightliner Cascadia


Logistics Provider Plays it Smart Through Multi-Tasking


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Adopting the “Made in Mexico” Approach to Logistics


Integrated Solutions Offered Around the Globe


Software Solutions Support Supply Chain Management


Logistics Service Providers in Demand


Technology Broadens Horizons for E-Logistics


Sustainable Supply Chains Key to Automotive Logistics


Streamlined Business Model Spurs Growth in Logistics


Logistics Provider Needs Supply Chain Visibility


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Private Freight Terminal in Mexico Bucks Industry Trend


Resilient Smaller Fleets Offer More Efficiency


Twenty Years Leading Mexico’s Trailer Industry


Mexico Needs Rail Freight to Take Rightful Place


Optimal Load Factor from Automotive Railcar Fleet


Port of Veracruz


Port of Manzanillo


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Top Rail Company Invests Ahead of Automotive Expansion


Well-Chosen Networks Lead to Logistical Success


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Port of Veracruz Sees Automotive as Top Priority


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Automotive Industry Stands to Benefit from Altamira Expansion


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Shipping Giant Expands Mexican Logistical Coverage


Port of Lazaro Cardenas


UNCORKING LOGISTICAL BOTTLENECKS Few are better positioned to comment on the state of

2016. Investments by major OEMs have in turn attracted

the automotive industry than Eduardo Solís, Executive

droves of international Tier 1 and 2 suppliers to Mexico,

President of AMIA. For Solís, continued exponential growth

providing more suppliers to assist OEMs in the quest for

of the industry is inevitable, evidenced by the steady rise in

the most optimized supply chain. In the last five years alone,

manufacturing and export figures. However, Solís’ optimism

Ford has gone from sourcing US$500,000 locally produced

is somewhat quelled due to potential logistical bottlenecks

materials to US$14 billion. This allows the company to fuel

caused by booming automotive production. “There are no

operations worldwide with high-quality, low-cost materials

bottlenecks today, but I certainly see bottlenecks arising if

sourced directly from Mexico. Today, Ford does not produce

the right actions are not taken over the next five years at

a single product that does not contain at least one Mexican

Veracruz, Lazaro Cardenas, and Laredo. We must do our

component. This puts an operational link between Ford

homework because the indicators show a growth of exports

Mexico and each of the company’s 32 global plants, links that

in the next five years of about 1 million vehicles. Mexico must

also exist within Mexico. Ford’s plant in Hermosillo produces

have the right ports, railroads, and infrastructure in order to

cockpits while its sister plant in Cuautitlan produces

keep up with this growth,” says Solís.

individual components.

“The indicators show a growth of exports in the next five years of about 1 million vehicles. Mexico better have the right ports, railroads, and infrastructure in order to keep up with this growth” Eduardo Solís, Executive President of AMIA

Today, 19 major global car companies already have plants

Access to optimal logistical solutions within Mexico is

on the ground in Mexico, with many planning to expand

therefore essential in the race to reduce procurement and

operations or enter the market. Nissan has recently

distribution lead times in an industry driven by cost. Indeed,

opened its second Mexican plant in Aguascalientes, at

according to Solís, logistical costs are one of the three most

an investment of US$2 billion, Audi is approaching the

important areas that automotive makers analyze when

same level of investment with a US$1.3 billion assembly

considering where to build a plant, along with labor costs

plant in Puebla to start making the Q5 model there, and

and government incentives. Therefore as plans for new

BMW recently announced a US$1 billion investment in San

production centers and increased production capacities

Luis Potosi. Projections have stating that production will

abound, concerns have been growing about the ability

grow to reach 3.7 million units by 2015 and 4 million in

of Mexico’s infrastructural development to sustain this

BAJIO: LAND OF OPPORTUNITY FOR LOGISTICS Logistics is the oil that keeps the automotive industry

one container for one destination. “We offer flexibility

running smoothly. “Behind a vehicle lies countless days

in adapting the solution according to the needs of our

of work, design, and supplies. Logistics ensures that

automotive clients and they in return can have savings of

everything arrives on time to the assembly lines,” explains

30% in their supply chain management.”

Ricardo Becerril, National Director of Operations of


Estafeta Mexicana. In response to the industry’s growth,

The transition of the industry to the Bajio region sparked

the company developed a tailored solution for the supply

interesting developments for the company. “Of our

chain called LTL consolidation. “The industry views time

US$33.8 million investment, US$21.4 million was allocated

as an essential added value factor so this solution focuses

to main infrastructure projects. One of these was the

on next day delivery,” he adds. LTL entails consolidating

creation of the new Logistics Center in Guanajuato’s

shipments of different sizes and characteristics into

Inland Port,” Becerril explains. According to Becerril, given

growth. Mexico’s automotive industry investment is often

established in the country. The company analyzes each

concentrated in urban clusters, but these clusters do not

site, its transportation needs for inbound goods, and how

always have easy access to the railroads. Industry analysts

best to answer those needs. An estimated volume for each

have also pointed to the fact that capital expenditure on

vehicle line is also established to understand how best to

new construction equipment has not increased adequately

deliver tailor-made logistic solutions for each OEM, each

in line with industrial manufacturing growth in Mexico. Ford’s

plant, and each type of vehicle.

Purchasing Manager, Leo Torres, believes that logistics is the area in which Mexico can improve the most, after

Given the export-dominant nature of Mexican automotive

engineering. “In Germany, trains move inside the plants.

production, the key for transport providers is how swiftly

Although Mexico has trains, they are not reliable and they are

they can get the cars to the country’s key ports or across the

not on time. It is not just about putting the infrastructure in

border. Ferromex’s business model therefore looks at every

place; you have to build a culture of logistics. Mexico needs

means of export for vehicles, not only for cross-border trade

a national automotive development plan that engages the

but also the entire global network. It is here that intermodal

government, private, and education sectors,” says Torres.

transportation solutions are really helping to improve

However, Mexico’s largest railroad operator, Ferromex,

efficiency and competitiveness within the automotive supply

is hoping to provide light at the end of the tunnel in the

chain. Ferromex controls a vital point for exporting vehicles

country’s quest for a sophisticated logistical network. The

in the port of Veracruz, enabling it to combine logistical

company manages over 8,500km of track nationwide, and

services. However, media reports have stated that despite

its specialized division Automotriz is attempting to address

currently undergoing a decade long revamp, the port is not

specific challenges faced within the automotive sector.

far off operating at full capacity, meaning that Ferromex

While capital expenditure in Mexico on new equipment may

will need to diversify its access to sea lanes. Furthermore,

have lagged in general, Ferromex itself budgeted US$450

the port is also not the most optimal location to service the

million in this respect in 2013, with US$57 million of this

automotive industry’s booming cluster in Guanajuato. Closer

going to the automotive division, according to Ferromex

hubs include the ports of Manzanillo and Lazaro Cardenas.

Automotriz’s Assistant Vice President, Alberto Sánchez

Collaboration between the port and Kansas City Southern

Varela. “This investment is specifically targeted at the impact

de Mexico (KCSM), Ferromex’s closest rival, has already

the automotive plants will have on our network. These funds

seen the Lazaro Cardenas-Kansas City rail corridor being

will be allocated to cover that growth segment, aside the

well utilized for around 15 years. KCSM has been reporting

natural expansion our business is undergoing,” he explains.

double-digit growth in car loads transported for the last few

For Ferromex, the announcement of the creation of a new

years. It enjoys the same alliances with US railroad companies

OEM plant in Mexico is rarely news since much of the firm’s

such as Union Pacific. Ferromex recognizes the pressure to

collaboration with car makers begins ahead of time. As

continuously diversify its logistical portfolio, and Sánchez

Sánchez Varela explains, developing relationships with new

Varela says the company is already talking to customers

investors a couple of years early allows the company not

about their business needs for the Pacific and is actively

just to be competitive, but also to anticipate how much time

considering how best to integrate that avenue into their

is needed to prepare for the extra volume of cargo and fit

logistics efforts. With so much investment and competition

this seamlessly into its natural growth. Ferromex has sought

between major providers like Ferromex and KCSM, there is

to provide targeted logistical solutions for each major plant

hope yet for Mexico’s logistical network.

the automotive industry’s crucial role in the region, it will

Connectivity is an essential factor in creating a logistical

test the logistics center in terms of extended collection

circuit and Estafeta is striving to expand its network by

hours and next day deliveries. “We will create a logistics

opening an additional 39 new sales points around Mexico.

circuit for collection and delivery times so we can connect

“We have strong ties with the ports in the Gulf of Mexico and

our clients with their suppliers in other regions,” he adds.

the Pacific and we also receive cargo from airports. We have

The company’s business model focuses on express cargo

an air fleet, which we hope to use in order to begin operations

with deliveries of up to five days operated via land or

at airports,” Becerril states. “The automotive industry is

air. Nevertheless, the location of the logistics center has

very stringent about timeliness, there can be no mistakes

placed the company in an area rich in opportunity. “The

in delivery and collection times. A lack of consistency can

intermodal Puerto Interior has recently been inaugurated

seriously affect the production times of companies.” With

in Guanajuato and being inside the inland port will see

this in mind, Estafeta is taking further steps to optimize its

demand for our services pick up.” This proximity enables

logistics services, mainly by increasing its connectivity. “By

the company to evaluate the dynamics of the railway

being in Puerto Interior and in close proximity to the airport,

transportation as a viable alternative for a specially

we will be able to ensure a multimodal transportation service

designed product or strategy clients may need.

that includes air, truck, and railway,” Becerril expresses.



RESILIENCE STRENGTHENS LINKS IN SUPPLY CHAIN JOSE LUIS GARCIA PÉREZ Vice President of Operations of DHL Supply Chain Mexico Q: How have recent changes in global manufacturing

One way to create resilience is to target more than

and procurement strategies in the automotive industry

one supplier for a particular component during the

impacted supply chain management strategies?

procurement phase. For example, with an engine you have

A: The emergence of new strategies geared toward the

to find more than one source because it is such a critical

regionalization of production is a trend in the automotive

component. You can also look at using alternate supply

industry. We are moving away from the scheme where cars

chains to have different methods of transportation like

were produced in one country and exported globally, and we

using trains, planes, and ships. The other crucial aspect

see vehicles being produced regionally for a specific group

of the supply chain is visibility, which means knowing

of markets. Mexico is one of the major nodes of production

where your product or raw material is at any given point

in this industry, and it exports not only throughout the

in any time during the delivery process. If there is any

Americas, but also to Europe and even Asia and the Middle

issue with the documentation or another potential issue

East. The government is also driving these changes with the

that may affect the transit time, you need to know so you

major reforms that are taking place, including the ambitious

will be able to calculate the impact at your plant or with

program for infrastructure investment. We are waiting for

your end user. Crucial times where the flow of goods is

the secondary legislation in order to understand exactly

at its peak, such as Black Friday, are a good example of

how the regulations will work. However, we expect the

the relevance of supply chain visibility. This year the bad

reforms will propel a positive change.

weather impacted supply chain times, and it is essential during these challenging times to be resilient.

Q: What significance is the new hybrid of lean and resilient manufacturing having on procurement strategies?

Q: As a supply chain manager, what role do you play in

A: This lean and resilient approach means that supply

process innovation?

chains are becoming more and more complex to manage,

A: In Germany, we are developing products to improve

and therefore companies must make sure they are

supply chain logistics. For example, we are creating

very robust. There is an increased cost pressure, which

delivery robots and humidity controls for warehousing. We

results in keeping inventories as low as possible while

also developed one of the best locks for containers, which

not endangering supply to the market. Inventories in the

can only be opened by satellite signals. One of the greatest

automotive industry can be very expensive due to the

values we bring to our clients is our engineering expertise,

high value of goods involved. Also, the product life cycle

but ultimately we are logistics experts. We can cover

is becoming shorter, which means that in the past we used

the whole supply chain between our three divisions. We

to see the same model being produced for around seven

can move goods by any means of transportation, deliver

or eight years. Now we see far more frequent changes. The

express parcels, and manage the entire supply chain. At

development cycle is also shortening; it used to be two

DHL Supply Chain what we do is manage transportation,

to three years, but now the target is closer to less than

inventories, warehousing, added value through sub-

a year. Shortened product and design cycles imply that

assemblies, re-labeling, re-packaging, and sequencing,

you need to be much quicker to market, and inventories

all supported by the most sophisticated IT solutions.

need to be much lower. This also suggests that the supply

We advise our clients on the best strategies and design

chain is constantly under much more stress than it used

solutions, and provide them with options. If a solution is

to be. Anything that happens globally may also affect

implemented, we also do shadow management in order

your supply chain, such as a natural event that causes

to understand how the process is working. This helps us

temporary blockages. Supply chains are also vulnerable to

identify issues that the client may not have been aware of.

political unrest. Therefore, you have to be resilient in order


to deal with these conditions and enable your supply chain

Q: What is your main advice to clients looking to plan a

to deal with more stress than it was designed for.

successful supply chain strategy?

A: The number one piece of advice that I can give is focused

wants to retain or delegate operational control. When it

on the importance of finding a balance between the level of

comes to warehousing we follow our customers. With

service you want to give a customer and the price you are

Ford Hermosillo, for example, we have 700 people inside

willing to pay. A higher level of service requires a higher level

the plant assisting. For other customers we might invest in

of cost and every business has the privilege of balancing these

an installation and have our people outside of the plant. A

factors, so we have to help them find that balance. Another

customer may demand a solution to lower costs for truck

interesting point is that in the supply chain you can adjust

transportation. In this case we would design a network and

various levers for different results. You can increase your

invest in strategically located cross-docks.

inventory, which will give you a quicker service but you incur a higher cost. At the same time, a lower inventory without an adequate supply chain can result in losses to your business, so you really need to adjust the two factors consciously and establish the right approach. Within the supply chain there are also different strategies; you can have all of your inventories in one place and supply from there or you can deploy part of the inventories to different geographical locations. This means that for some parts your service will be quicker but others may still require transportation. For carmakers the real need is a good distribution network, as they need to have such a broad geographic reach. Q: What particular automotive trends are forcing changes in supply chain management? A: The regionalization trend is changing the game when it comes to warehousing. There has also been a major increase

Q: How much development of Mexico’s infrastructure is

in terms of the available options to configure a car, which

required to meet demand?

means more parts. Hybrid electric vehicles also represent a

A: Mexico has always had logistical challenges due to the

new trend because the batteries are considered hazardous

geographic nature of the country. We do not have any

materials and therefore need to be stored and collected

domestic ship transportation within Mexico (cabotage),

(recovered when useful life is over) carefully. We are currently

and that is a great area of opportunity. We only have four

developing a special technology to achieve that. Full electric

major ports, so they need to be expanded considerably.

vehicles will also bring in different requirements.

The development of the Port of Veracruz was a project that was held back for many years while the environmental

Q: To what extent do you provide customized solutions

impact assessment was completed. Now the permits have

to customers?

been released and that will go ahead. There are 60 airports

A: We can customize solutions to a large extent, and this

in Mexico but four or five handle 80% of the volume. The

can be perfectly seen in our involvement in the logistics

airport of Mexico City needs to be developed as it is already

for Formula 1. In terms of how far we tailor services to our

operating over capacity. As far as ground transportation

customers, it generally depends on the particular needs

is concerned, 80% of it takes place by truck and that is

of the client. Sometimes the client himself does not know

a problem. We do not use trains enough while it is clear

what his real needs are because they can be hidden behind

that rail is the most cost-effective transport when you are

excess inventories, for instance. In this regard, we have a

shipping distances over 450km. We need a lot more multi-

broad portfolio of services we can offer to our clients. When

modal ramps to support this type of transportation too.

you look at large OEM plants, we can provide maintenance,

All of this requires a lot more investment, especially if car

repair, and operations (MRO) support, which means having

production is going to increase by up to 40% over the next

tools and consumables close to the actual production point.

two to three years. Mexico also needs to reduce its logistics

That can be as simple as having a single warehouse with

costs, as although the country is a logistics platform, these

those parts next to or inside the plant, or it can be as complex

costs are still far too high. Logistics here make up 9-13%

as having a number of automated delivery machines on site

of the average cost of the industry, while in a developed

that stock tools and parts for immediate access. How far we

country, this is generally closer to 6-7%. We participate in

go depends on a number of factors including the size of the

a number of forums with government and industry leaders

plant, the expense on materials, and how far the customer

in order to address this.




Q: What role has the automotive industry played in

A: Kuehne + Nagel has a unique operational system that

Kuehne + Nagel’s double digit growth?

is used worldwide for the end-to-end supply chain and

A: More and more OEMs are confirming or planning on

it also has a unique financial system. Kuehne + Nagel

opening manufacturing plants in Mexico. The biggest

does not work with third parties, which is a competitive

growth that Kuehne + Nagel will see for 2014 and 2015 will

advantage. In the local market, only 10-15% of logistics

be from the automotive division. The main concerns involve

companies fully use the benefits of technology; the rest

government reforms and the obscurity surrounding the

are yet to optimize and automatize their processes.

taxes on imports, as these will certainly change the game

Technology increases competitiveness and offers full

on the cash flow side. One of the areas of opportunity

visibility, enabling a company to pre-plan shipments,

that needs to be addressed is the development of human

manage warehousing, and handle customs and urgent

resources. The government’s strategies for developing

shipments. There is still a huge gap in the Mexican

human resources in the automotive industry are very

logistics industry, and technology will be the great leveler.

coherent. But other sectors, like logistics, are seeing a

Logistics is like an iceberg, and most companies focus

widening gap between the government, universities,

on visible aspects like transportation costs and transit

and logistics companies. The lack of specialized human

times. But there are many factors below the surface such

resources has created a high turnover rate within the

as technology, security, liabilities, customer satisfaction,

logistics industry, which is unhealthy. If local talent is not

packaging, and so on. There is much that is yet to be

fully developed, then logistics companies will continue to

explored in Mexico and Kuehne + Nagel is focusing on

bring people from abroad to fill this gap.

technology in order to uncover these areas.

Q: What is Kuehne + Nagel’s strategy to maintain its

Q: What demand are you seeing from the automotive

current client base while looking for new clients?

industry for warehousing in terms of size, location, and

A: We changed our business model in 2014 to focus on


our existing customers. These customers are expecting

A: The demand depends on the location and the type of

huge growth and we want to be there to support them. We

company, whether it works in production, distribution or

are cherry-picking new customers as we want to create

aftermarket. The biggest demand for warehousing is in the

synergies in our client base. For example, if they are going

Bajio region. There is a rising demand in the north from

to the same destination or have similar structures, we can

nearshoring companies trying to take advantage of the

combine their volumes and reduce their logistics costs.

proximity to the US in towns like Saltillo, Mexicali, Chihuahua,

By analyzing the end-to-end supply chain, we find these

and Monterrey. We have two main logistics models in terms

synergies and create economies of scale. We have a wide

of warehousing. One is called “Share,” which incorporates

range of customers, like Getrag and Volkswagen, while

warehouses for multiple customers in the biggest cities

we are also finalizing an approach with Ford and other

of the country. The “Dedicate” warehouses are built-to-

companies. We have a very strong proposal for over-land

suit and depend on each customer’s requirements. For

shipment in North America. If we are importing something

example, Pirelli has a built-to-suit warehouse inside its

for a company to the Chicago and Michigan area, we want

Guanajuato plant, which was built with our expertise and

to offer the same service to other importing or exporting

design. “Dedicate” can cluster up to three companies in one

companies that are going to the same destinations. This

warehouse, or it can be fully dedicated to one company. The

will help us to close the loop and offer a strong circuit

location of the warehouses depends on the logistics trends

dedicated to the automotive industry.

and the location of the customers. Mexico lacks Class A warehouses but there is no more land available in Mexico


Q: How sophisticated is the logistics industry in terms of

City. You have to go further out to build, and the country

technology and process automation in Mexico?

has to invest in these facilities.

Q: How willing are automotive companies to completely

Q: How has Kuehne + Nagel adapted its services to the

outsource their logistics management to companies like

changes taking place in the automotive industry’s global

Kuehne + Nagel?

manufacturing and procurement strategies?

A: This willingness to outsource logistics management

A: Historically, the logistics services for the automotive

depends on which part of the supply chain the focus is

industry were fragmented as the sector was very price-

on. OEMs tend to retain control over their logistics and

driven. There are now new trends that are opening up the

only outsource certain parts, especially since the current

industry, allowing for, more integration and synchronization

tendency for OEMs is integration and the adoption

of the supply chain. For example, we are consolidating

of the 4PL (fourth-party logistics) system. Tier 1 and 2

many services for Hella Automotive, such as international

companies outsource far more in terms of management


as they are more focused on the production side. Kuehne

distribution. We are not only servicing one plant but multiple

+ Nagel specializes in Tier 1 and 2 suppliers but it wants

ones in Mexico. This integration has an additional layer of

to become stronger in its links to OEMs by offering them

complexity because you need the right infrastructure and

integrated solutions.

IT resources. What distinguishes Kuehne + Nagel from its





competitors is its CIEL system, which offers greater visibility We have strategic discussions with our customers

across the entire supply chain to the customer. This allows us

every six months to discuss their future outlook and

to combine several services like air and sea freight, customs

needs. These discussions tend to include not only the

clearance, reverse logistics, distribution, and warehousing.

logistics and production staff, but also sales, financing,

On top of that we are offering 4PL, which Kuehne + Nagel

and marketing as these teams can come up with ideas

calls Integrated Logistics, where we create different

or solutions that impact logistics. It is important to

logistical models by analyzing distribution networks and

have these discussions given how quickly the scope

end-to-end freight audits. We also present improvement

of the1 automotive industry is changing. Some of these usExpress-Euro.pdf 05/06/14 11:49

projects to our clients as an added value service. This lets

companies are growing so quickly that we need to

us decide on one set of goals per industry, such as zero

develop a network analysis every eight months, since

line shutdowns for the automotive industry. Essentially, all

whatever was presented eight months prior in terms of

of our commodities and products are aligned with the KPIs

national distribution might no longer be applicable to

the customer is looking for; we combine various services

their needs.

into one single solution for our customers.


| VEHICLE SPOTLIGHT: FREIGHTLINER CASCADIA Freightliner, a subsidiary of Daimler, shows once again

incorporating the Detroit DD15 engine that reaches 90%

its innovative strength with its flagship model Cascadia.

peak torque in just 1.5 seconds. Cascadia incorporates

It is available in both efficient and high performance

BlueTec SCR emissions technology which provides a fuel

models as well as being sold in three variations: Raised

economy of up to 5%, rock-bottom emissions and also a

Roof, Day Cab, and Mid Roof XT. After an investment of

high performance of 350-600hp.

US$400 million in its development, and over one million man hours of development and testing, it is now being

The rise in operative and fuel costs has given Cascadia an

assembled in Saltillo, Coahuila. It has fast become one

opportunity to innovate and stand out. Cascadia is also

of the most exported units in the country. The Cascadia

available with the new Cummins ISX12 G heavy duty gas

is designed with total cost of ownership in mind,

engine that can operate with either CNG or LNG.

Freightliner has focused on the needs of operators,

hydraulic clutch system with the pedal having been made

aware that it was often going against the grain with the

easier to engage to reduce driver fatigue. Considered

Cascadia. High on the list of customer requests was a

to be the quietest truck on the road, according to

larger cab and Cascadia delivers on this by increasing

Freightliner, its sculpted lines at the back and side reduce

the size of its cabin by 20%. This allows for a larger door

the low frequency vibration of the body. Where panels

opening and bigger seats with more room between them,

on some other trucks may act like speakers, producing

offering more storage space.

a distracting low frequency rumble, this is not the case with Cascadia. By listening to operators, Freightliner has

Furthering improvements to driver comfort, Cascadia

engineered a truck suited to the high demands of the

has significantly reduced the clutch effort through its

consumer market.



trying to enter a market through this approach. Although

Cudia, General Manager

recalls have been happening during the last few years






because of some safety problems, we wish they would not



happen again. We cannot prepare our expansion with this

the market might have

kind of operation exclusively, we need to focus on regular

seemed late, but it arrived

logistics too.”


at the right time to claim

Gilles Cudia, General Manager of GEFCO México

an important share of the

According to GEFCO’s general manager, the proximity to

logistics market. “Before

the US is one of the most attractive features of Mexico. He

we came here, we carried

sees this country as allowing GEFCO to demonstrate its full

out market studies and

capabilities in the region before fully entering the US market.

concluded that it was safe for us to enter Mexico. The

“Given that the vast majority of all cars made here go to the

logistics of the automotive industry are very complex and

US, there are a lot of parts that are crossing the border,”

more global than any other industry, so being in Mexico

explains Cudia. “It is far more interesting for GEFCO to focus

has opened many opportunities for us,” assures Cudia.

on international flows for now, as this area will continue to

GEFCO has a presence in 37 countries and offers five main

outstrip the domestic market. Even as production increases

activities: inland transport, overseas transport, customs,

here, it will be impossible for the domestic market to absorb

finished vehicle logistics (FVL), and warehousing. GEFCO

the extra 1 million cars that will be made here per year.”

estimates that it will be carrying out the whole of its

The key for the success of the company is its customers

operations by the beginning of 2015, just two years after

in other parts of the world that support GEFCO because

starting its Mexican activities in May 2013.

they know how the company works. “We are like a start-up here because we are still small and not well-known in the

GEFCO provides added value through customization, post-

country. We are becoming more visible one step at a time.

production operations, and pre-delivery inspections that

It is important for us to have customers from other parts of

are done to ensure that there are no problems with the

the world, even when companies here do not know who we

cars. “When a country is as big as Mexico, logistics must

are, because our reputation changes once they realize the

be thoroughly organized before they are implemented. We

kinds of customers we have. That already speaks well of us

have done this through a range of studies to help us look for

and our services.” At the moment, OEMs are the main target

an angle to enter the market. Many competitors are already

for GEFCO, but the French company is aware that suppliers

here, such as those from Europe, North American firms and

also provide an attractive opportunity.

big Mexican players. It does not matter what we do in Europe,


this is the place where we have to prove what we can do,”

Logistics are becoming increasingly globalized, which is a

explains Cudia. GEFCO has a special card to play in Mexico:

challenge because it implies different types of operations.

its expertise managing automotive recalls. During one of

In just one operation there can be inland and maritime

the largest recalls for GM vehicles in Europe, GEFCO was

transportation, warehousing, and customs. Cudia claims

in charge of logistics for the entire operation. In the last ten

GEFCO’s expertise in bridging all of these processes is what

years, OEMs have faced a spate of recalls, which can benefit

sets the company apart from its competitors. “We have a

GEFCO’s positioning in Mexico. Although they might be seen

solid engineering team for long-term operations, and our

as a problem that damages the image of an OEM, Cudia sees

partners also subcontract our engineers. This differentiates

this as a way of preventing accidents. By taking care of their

us in the automotive industry. We organize everything with

customers, the companies improve their image. Apart from

our suppliers and partners, resulting in a mix of services

that, these recalls are a significant challenge for the logistic

that we can provide for different activities,” states Cudia.

companies. “A recall is a reverse logistics process. It is more

Right now, GEFCO’s strategy is to keep growing and finding

complicated than just sending a truck to the dealership to

customers. As a small company, everyone in GEFCO has to

load the cars and bring them back. One would think that if

take on several responsibilities, which helps to keep costs

we can go from A to B, we can go from B to A as easily. This

low. The company does not have its own trucks and it does

is definitely not the case, as it is much more complicated,”

not want to invest in warehousing. “We have to follow our

says Cudia. In Europe, GEFCO regularly conducts this reverse

strategy and start growing step-by-step. The market is

logistics process for cars that have problems. Nevertheless,

mature and there are many companies that have been well-

Cudia is certain that GEFCO’s expertise in reverse logistics

established for years. We have to prove ourselves in this

cannot be its area of strength to enter a market. “We are not

market and then expand,” states Cudia.



Q: How is Hellmann positioning itself to take advantage

the short term but it will gain momentum over the next five

of increasing investment in the Mexican automotive

to six years. My personal perception is that there will be a


drop in volume of automotive parts coming from China. At

A: We have a dedicated automotive team of 45 people

the same time, there will be an increase of raw materials

spread across our seven branches that take care of our

coming from other parts of Asia, and the European market

automotive clients and their needs. Our client base consists

will remain stable.

mostly of suppliers like Grupo Bocar, Johnson Controls, Federal Mogul, Continental Automotive, Mann+Hummel,

Q: Potential logistics bottlenecks are a real concern for

Benteler, and ThyssenKrupp. We develop relationships

the automotive industry. How are you helping your clients

with our clients locally but we apply our expertise globally.

through this dilemma?

The reason we focus on Tier 1 and 2 companies is that the

A: The lack of infrastructure is a great problem for our

profit margins are much higher than with OEMs. We still

customers. From the early stages, we work with our

work with Nissan and MAN Truck & Bus in Queretaro, but

customers on the strategic decisions that determine

these are smaller operations.

the location of their plants. Mexico’s infrastructure is underdeveloped, and it will take at least 15-20 years to reach

Q: How do you distinguish yourself from other international

the level where Europe and the US are today. We prepare

logistics conglomerates in the Mexican market?

our customers by making them aware of the situation.

A: The main difference between Hellmann and other

We bring all of our automotive clients together every two

freight forwarding companies is that we are a family-

years in workshops where they can exchange ideas and

owned company with a local philosophy. We entered

best practices. During these workshops, we present them

Mexico in 2001 through a joint venture with a customs

with the current status of Mexican infrastructure and our

broker and have developed our expertise in the Mexican

predictions on the development of the industry within the

market over 13 years. We have discovered that when you

country from an international perspective. This campaign

operate in a region like Latin America, business must

has been fruitful; it has led to our clients adopting various

be very personalized. To maintain that personalized

development strategies after frank and open discussions.

approach, human resources are crucial. The best company with the best procedures in place is bound to fail if it does

Q: Automotive clusters are trying to simplify customs

not have the right human resources; therefore Hellmann

procedures by installing FTZs, or having US customs

makes sure to maintain a low turnover rate. We also keep

processes done inside the parks. To what extent is this

the numbers of international staff very low, whereas other

strategy plausible?

companies bring international people into key positions.

A: The Bajio region has more potential for customs, as

For 2014, in collaboration with our global HR team, we are

the customs office and the state governments are more

implementing a new program that will enable our workers

flexible there. The governments are actively trying to

to go abroad to our branches in the US, Germany, and Hong

attract companies and make the location more attractive

Kong. We offer our workers the right motivations in the

for investment. This simplified process can only be possible

middle and long-term; this has led Hellmann’s operations

if the reforms are successful and give the forwarder more

in the Americas to have the lowest turnover rate.

rights and flexibility in the customs procedures. The only inflexible part of the Mexican supply chain is the

Q: To what extent is Hellmann focusing more on the

customs process. For Mexico to be more competitive,

Mexican market rather than on international freight?

it needs to work on its infrastructure and optimize the

A: We are certainly identifying a shift in the automotive

customs processes. The procedure is currently the same

industry’s manufacturing strategies as factories begin to

for transportation by sea or by air. Every permit requires a

move from Asia to Mexico. This will not be noticeable in

customs broker.


INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS OFFERED AROUND THE GLOBE The investment boom in the automotive industry has thrown

chain “does not happen often,” according to Minke, but is

a gauntlet down at the feet of logistics service providers.

gaining momentum in Mexico and other Latin American

They are now scrambling to find a way to provide integrated

countries. Even with typical bill of lading (BL) tracking,

solutions as the needs of the automotive sector vary, says

ULS’ software includes the list of suppliers and the

Sjef Minke, Director General of United Logistics Services

value of the merchandise in its reports to the customer.

(ULS). ULS analyses the client’s entire supply chain from

“Knowing when containers arrive has no added value, but

its suppliers and transportations modes to warehouses,

knowing when the inventory is in transit does. This means

and then combines these to deliver an integrated solution.

the client can keep track of how much inventory and

“For example, if an automotive client uses sea and trucking,

money is in transit while monitoring the performance of

ULS seeks to consolidate these areas in order to improve

their suppliers,” explains Minke. The global nature of the

lead times, costs, and even safety.” Through customized

automotive industry and its constant movement of cargo

integrated logistics solutions, Minke estimates up to 37% of

means that ULS’ system runs 24/7 and is continuously

supply chain costs can be saved for automotive companies.

updated by offices in Mexico and around the world

“The logistics industry is predicted to grow between 2-3% in Mexico for 2014. This means that maintaining a balance between an international and local vision is capital” Sjef Minke, Director General of United Logistics Services (ULS)

Being fully immersed in the nuances of the automotive

through a single communications platform, that does not

supply chain requires a proactive approach to software.

require manual input but sends the updates automatically

ULS’ system tracks bookings and cargo readiness dates,

to the clients.

which allows it to show clients a run-through list of suppliers, stating whether these are complying with

Pushing for integrated solutions has allowed ULS to gain

schedules, if their lead times are reliable and how they

deep insights into the workings of the automotive supply

are affecting inventory. This close scrutiny of the supply

chain. “The growth pattern of the automotive industry

SOFTWARE SOLUTIONS SUPPORT SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT Technology and logistics are never distant from one

trucks. Erik Markeset, Tsol’s CEO, says that the system he

another, and logistics and technology consulting provider

implemented accounts for all the variables and calculates

Tsol aims to bring them closer yet with a range of solutions

the lowest cost for TMM’s system requirements. After this,

to make supply chain management flow more smoothly.

the system’s execution mechanism directly messages the

The company’s tools include a warehouse management

right rail or trucking company, informing it of the order to

system (WMS), transportation management system (TMS),

move vehicles. It then tracks the order, delivering updates

fleet management system (FMS), and supply chain design

to the customer so the process can later be scrutinized

software (SLD).

and further optimized. Finally, Tsol can handle the settlement process when the carrier sends the invoice. In


One of its early successes, when it was known as CP

the US, an electronic EDI 210 invoice is sent, which enters

Consulting, was to offer a system that integrated the

the system for validation when the payment is authorized.

railway transportation and trucking services of Grupo

Tsol is currently working on an Oracle TMS for Mexico,

TMM, one of Mexico’s logistical leaders. TMM’s desire

looking into how the mandatory Mexican electronic

was to match the amount of finished vehicles to be

invoices could be received by that system and processed

transported with the optimal number of train, cars, and

for the benefit of automotive companies.

in Mexico has been erratic, compared to the worldwide

a strategy, but a must. ULS’s 24/7 system operating in

market that moves slowly.” Minke attributes the rise in

14 languages requires a highly developed communication

the demand for Mexican manufacturing to a decrease

network between branches. This means having “someone

in European manufacturing activity due to “a stagnant

who speaks Mandarin here is advantageous as he is

market and rising labour prices.” ULS sees companies

able to liaise between a buyer in China and a seller in

transferring operations to Mexico focus on two areas:

Mexico,” says Minke. This global approach emanates

moving machinery and finding the right operators.

from ULS’ determination to go “beyond being a typical

“ULS’ integrated system gives it an advantage in helping

forwarder.” Minke explains that “our whole scheme of

companies establish here by being involved in the early

solutions is not limited to Mexico. For example, our cargo

stages of such a move,” says Minke. “We run a complete

insurance is contracted in Hong Kong but provides global

door-to-door operation from packaging and insurance

coverage. This means ULS does not need to comply with

to follow-ups on maintenance. The service can go even

the additional constraints applied on Mexican insurance

further. For example, a Mexican client was sourcing raw

such as agreeing to travel only on toll roads with an

materials from Italy as this material was not available in

armed escort. A general worldwide policy allows ULS’

Mexico. ULS was able to find a supplier in China with the

deductibles to be far smaller.”

same certifications, which ultimately reduced logistical costs,” he adds. While such an integration process could

“Transnational companies that establish themselves in

appeal to companies of all sizes, ULS targets medium-

Mexico feel more at ease doing business with a company

sized companies for whom it believes it can add real value.

that has a global outlook,” adds Minke. However, maintaining an international perspective overall can

Maintaining a proactive and integrated service also

be detrimental when turning to the local applications

demands specialised human capital. According to Minke,

of logistics. Cultural friction and language barriers can

“there is a lack of experienced people in the logistics

be created when trying to interact with other types

industry in Mexico, which also suffers from a high

of workforce. For Minke, “establishing a business plan

turnover rate.” When ULS began operations in Mexico, it

requires a vision for the future, but at the end of the day,

hired highly trained people believed to be able to handle

you must focus on the daily demands of a business such

all its services. The company was soon disillusioned

as incorporating a local workforce into your culture.” This

as these experienced people often clashed with the

is all the more necessary in Mexico, which ULS sees as a

companys established business model. As such, it applied

crucial emerging market. According to Minke, “the logistics

a different HR strategy: hiring experienced staff for key

industry is predicted to grow between 2-3% in Mexico for

positions but training the rest up from scratch, so as to

2014. This means that maintaining a balance between an

be able to teach the company’s corporate culture and

international and local vision is capital, especially when

offer them career opportunities. At the same time, having

offering integrated solutions for the local supply chain and

an international staff has become “not a philosophy, or

then branching out to the globalized automotive industry.”

Markeset’s professional background in the US has helped

called Oracle Transportation Management (OTM) for

Tsol adopt a business model where it seeks international

finished vehicles. Other automotive companies like Subaru

solutions that could help the Mexican market. For example,

and Volvo use it worldwide,” explains Markeset.

the company has automotive clients in the US, although not yet in Mexico. It has been working to install its TMS

Tsol is now looking to make inroads into the Mexican

for Toyota, collaborating with Oracle to implement this

automotive sector, currently seeking clients it believes it

software for finished vehicles. The software is used to track

could assist on a number of fronts. “We can support clients

vehicles imported from Japan and will relay messages

by identifying what technology they might need on the

indicating the number of vehicles sent on certain ships

logistics side and provide this to them. We are also strong

to American ports. Toyota can thereby track the types

on network design, which helps to define where to locate

and quantities of vehicles that are coming in and plan

plants and distribution centers, considering the sources of

accordingly. Trucks will pick up the vehicles at the ports

inbound material, destination of products, service levels, and

and transport them to a railhead from where they will be

needed inventories,” states Markeset. High Jump Software,

distributed to Mexico, Canada, and the US. Mexico forms

which Tsol sells and operates, is already used by Toyota

part of this picture as Toyota produces trucks just south

for an auto parts warehouse in the Czech Republic and by

of the border. Most of its trucks are outbound to the US

Mitsubishi for a manufacturing plant in Brazil. The software

but the system loses those that stay in Mexico once they

helps automotive companies to manage inbound and

are picked up by the Mexican trucking company. “This is

outbound transportation, as well as warehouse operations,

a good example of how an OEM uses a specific product

such as receiving, storing, packing, and shipping material.


LOGISTICS SERVICE PROVIDERS IN DEMAND Although logistics are often seen as a cold succession of

company. As a result, we have been able to reduce the

processes, human capital, strong values, good interpersonal

turnover in the company.”

skills are often the key to success for a logistics provider. With 75 years of experience, German company Schnellecke

Few companies outsource their logistics in Mexico, but

decided to shift from being a transportation company

a growing interest in doing do so is becoming evident,

to becoming a logistics solutions provider. In Mexico, it

according to Vossler. He says the most underestimated

first entered the market as a joint venture with a Mexican

problem with outsourcing logistics solutions is that many

company, known as Seglo. However, Schnellecke has owned

companies do not understand how this process really takes

100% of Seglo since April 2010, but decided to keep the

place. “Many customers do not realize that they have to

brand name. The main reason behind this decision is the

establish their expectations and be able to translate these into

presence that the brand already has in the market, although

KPIs. There cannot be an improvement in the process if there

cultural matters also played a significant role. “Schnellecke

are no standards to be measured against, and that is what

is a very German word that might be complicated to

Seglo emphasizes when talking to its possible customers.”

pronounce and remember in the Americas, so we have no

Another problem with outsourcing is that companies might

plans to change the name of our Mexican branch,” explains

not want to give control over part of their operations to a

Volker Vossler, Vice President of Operations of Seglo.

third party. “The company needs to understand that it will

“There cannot be an improvement in the process if there are no standards to be measured against, and that is what Seglo emphasizes when talking to its possible customers” Volker Vossler, Vice President of Operations of Seglo

The company has expanded to 11 business units in the

give away certain responsibilities, but that we engage with

country, and logistic solutions for the automotive industry

them while doing so. We familiarize ourselves with our

make up 85% of its operation in Mexico. The company caters

customers in order to learn how to handle the business and

to OEMs like Ford, GM, Chrysler, Fiat, and Volkswagen, as well

culture of each company,” says Vossler. “The key for having

as to Tier 1 suppliers like TI Automotive. “In the future, this

a good relationship with the customers is for both parties

line of business will become more important because Tier 1

to respect the principles and values of each other.” Once a

companies will grow and need to improve their processes

good relationship is established, customers can see the real

and plants,” explains Vossler. In Europe, Tier 1 companies are

benefits Seglo can offer. “We are experts in logistics; we

already an important business for Schnellecke.

offer everything from IT, to process systems and personnel management. We can eliminate problems and interruptions

Vossler says there are notable discrepancies in Mexico’s

in the supply chain, reduce costs, and even change fixed

education system, with knowledge and skills varying greatly

costs into variable ones,” explains Vossler.

among people graduating from different universities. For


this reason the company has stressed constant training of

Seglo already participates in the consumer goods industry

its staff. Vossler is aware that offering career and personal

with P&G and Danone but is looking to expand into

development might sometimes be more attractive for people

other sectors, with automotive being a particular focus.

than money. “We focus on retaining our people. The salary

As more industries are looking at entering or increasing

has to be fair, but you also have to give recognition for

their investment in Mexico, Seglo has prepared itself for a

the job a person does and consider growth opportunities.

new and more diverse customer base. “Everybody knows

Sometimes in Mexico, a worker can be receiving good

that Mexico is a logistics platform with great geographic

remuneration, working conditions, and benefits, but if the

conditions and HR. It would be better for new companies

working environment is not healthy, they may quit. We have

to focus on their business and not try to fully tackle the

a system in which people are recognized before the entire

logistics areas in Mexico, which can be complicated. We

department in which they work. At first I was very skeptical

have adapted some of our German values and programs

about that system, but it works and it has improved the

to Mexico and have taken the best out of both cultures to

personnel’s satisfaction levels and the productivity in the

serve the market,” says Vossler.

TECHNOLOGY BROADENS HORIZONS FOR E-LOGISTICS “In the past, logistics would normally take a backseat to

inventory costs and making the most out of warehousing

innovation, especially at a time when a global approach

space through improved inventory control. “Dachser views

to logistics was not commonplace,” says Christian Speit,

e-logistics as the future,” says Speit. The challenge of

Country Manager for Dachser de México. “But the wave of

applying e-logistics to automotive companies in Mexico is

globalization has created a need within logistics companies

the lack of compatibility between various software programs,

to be flexible all around the globe.” This has proven to be

or in some instances, the lack of specific software being

particularly true as automotive companies branched out,

implemented in companies’ operations. However, according

leading to logistics becoming more sophisticated in emerging

to Speit, more and more companies are running on software

markets. Globalization represents a particular challenge for

such as SAP so it has become easier to exchange information

Dachser as its automotive solutions have become a vertical

via Electronic Data Interchange (EDI). “Companies have to

commercial product, rolled out on a worldwide basis, with

make a real commitment if they truly want to use e-logistics.

Mexico taking pride of place as its “commercial lead in the

I have often seen companies express their appreciation

Americas for the automotive business.” The expansion

for the track-and-trace system but they do not actually

to emerging markets also began to see manufacturing

implement it.” One unfortunate side effect of e-logistics is

and procurement strategies evolve within the automotive

the removal of personal interaction which, according to

industry. “A new model came into being, preferring flexibility,

Speit, is something most successful logistics businesses

lean management and quick decision-making, to which

depend on. To address this and maintain a balance between

logistics also had to adapt,” says Speit, adding that this is

technology and personalised service, Dachser has invested in

how Dachser seeks to position itself in the market.

a dedicated Order Management System (OMS) team that is able to operate the systems and invest in “human capital that

As a family-owned company, Dachser’s goals have differed

can help Dachser develop its product and approach potential

somewhat from public companies in their approach to

clients in a personalised way.”

adapting to the industry’s new needs. For Speit, Dachser is not “seeking to be one of the largest companies in

Despite such challenges, e-logistics has not only improved

the market. It wants to be a true alternative to clients by

the efficiency of automotive companies but has also opened

providing them with tailor-made solutions.” Dachser has

up new areas of opportunity. The growth of automotive

identified an area of opportunity in the links between Tier

entities in the Bajio region, especially in Guanajuato and

1 and 2 suppliers. According to Speit, logistics remain a

Queretaro, has created a niche market of “many companies

challenge in Mexico “due to a deficit of infrastructure and

that export smaller quantities of goods to Central America,”

a comparatively high level of bureaucracy.” Interestingly,

comments Speit. Speit says its one-stop shop approach

these barriers have allowed logistics companies to take

allows Dachser to help customers in a range of services

advantage of the growing need of automotive companies to

from “sending one truckload to Tennessee to shipping many

entrust all “their logistics to one source” to circumvent these

containers from Malaysia to Mexico.” As logistics companies

barriers. Dachser found that its one-stop shop approach

such as Dachser progressively expand their services, it hopes

demanded an integration of services only achievable

automotive companies will outsource their management

through technology. Therefore, the company designed an

tasks, allowing logistics to play a larger role in not only

in-house IT system to align all operations. “Dachser’s new

managing the supply chains but in their design and planning.

focus on e-logistics allows for more visibility throughout

This offers Dachser the possibility to offer yet another of its

the logistical process and provides the chance to be more

key services: contract logistics. Dachser occupies first place

productive,” adds Speit. It has also prompted a faster

in Germany and ranks third in Europe for contract logistics,

adaptation to trends in the automotive industry such as the

but for Speit this service “would be challenging to apply to

rise of intermodal transportation. “E-logistics has become

the Mexican market because it requires specific investment

a key component for intermodal solutions, since it tackles

and knowledge.” Although the transfer of knowledge would

the new logistical challenges of combining different modes

be challenging, Dachser’s future strategy is to amalgamate

of transportation.” E-logistics allows for a better tracking of

this new service to its existing portfolio in the Mexican market.

purchase orders, parts and pieces which is paramount for the automotive industry, given the staggering number of

Although problems remain, Speit sees logistics as having

pieces in transit at any given time. Dachser’s advanced IT

become easier in Mexico over the last 15 years. He firmly

systems allow its clients to track and trace their products in

believes the rise of e-logistics is not only inevitable, but

real-time through GPS. The advantage of intelligent logistics

desirable, as it provides companies like Dachser with the tools

is that they can help the client’s balance sheet by reducing

to help Mexico build a more efficient automotive industry.


SUSTAINABLE SUPPLY CHAINS KEY TO AUTOMOTIVE LOGISTICS Over 21 years in the industry, Saúl Romero Blake, Director

options ranging from rail, trucking, air and sea freight, and

General of logistics consultancy Seeds Linking Group, has

even the characteristics of each product. This latter point is

seen a complete change in the way multinational automotive

particularly important. “For example, customs will be familiar

companies approach the establishment of operations in

with simple products like aluminum rims. But if customs has

Mexico. He has seen them “transition from being somewhat

to deal with a complex product, then plans have to made

indifferent about logistics to identifying a real need to

about how taxes will be paid and how customs and borders

have their supply chains firmly in place upon their arrival

will be cleared,” Romero Blake explains. With existing supply

to Mexican shores.” Long before the first brick is laid for an

chains, the logic is simpler. “Only two steps can be taken: cost

automotive plant, companies undergo an extensive process

reduction and efficiency improvement. One way in which

evaluating Mexico’s potential as an investment destination.

Seeds Linking Group helps reduce costs in existing chains

“One of the most important deciding factors in that

is through a close SWOT analysis of production processes,”

process is the sophistication of the country’s supply chain

says Romero Blake. “A further important consideration is the

and logistics,” says Romero Blake. “Automotive companies

presence of third manufacturing countries in existing supply

are renewing efforts to optimize supply chains by paying

chains. This could see a company with a plant in Mexico

attention to certain aspects, such as the need to pay import

sourcing parts from Asia, first send those parts to Central

duties, access to free trade zones, and how to find the most

America to be partly processed before being dispatched

convenient gateways into Mexico, from entering via the port

to Mexico.” Romero Blake explains that this additional step

of Veracruz to rolling goods across the border from Texas.”

might seem like it adds a layer to the supply chain but

The role of logistics has evolved and companies like Seeds

actually can result in overall savings.

Linking Group specialize in analysing the processes in order to offer the best cost reduction options to their customers.

Improving the efficiency of a supply chain can be achieved

For supply chains that have to be built from scratch, Seeds

in a number of ways. Seeds Linking Group specializes in the

Linking Group factors in potential locations, transportation

adoption of sustainable practices, and one manner in which

STREAMLINED BUSINESS MODEL SPURS GROWTH IN LOGISTICS The business model of Senator International (Senator)

has set up a monthly review of its operations to keep track

has been streamlined to facilitate quick decision-making,

of performance and detect areas of opportunity.

a factor that weighs down numerous other logistics


companies, according to Luis Gómez, General Manager of

Senator has identified the growing importance of reverse

Senator Logistics. This focus on efficiency has been made

logistics as a core capability for companies in sustainably

clear in Senator’s warehouse management. Answering to

managing their operations. For example, it provides this

the automotive industry’s insistence for on-time delivery,

service for customers that need to send machinery or parts

the company has strategically placed a warehouse in Mexico

to Europe for repair. Most of the cargo involved in reverse

City’s airport. “Although the warehouse might seem small

logistics is sensitive machinery and must be sent using

compared to competitors, high efficiency is maintained

isolated packaging. For efficiency purposes Senator contacts

and a wide range of services is offered in order to comply

other packaging companies for support in creating special

with airline and carrier regulations,” explains Gómez. He

crates. Gómez illustrates that if the sensitive parts are sent

attributes this efficiency to a series of strategic partnerships

to Germany, thanks to an extensive network, a specialized

that help Senator to operate numerous segments including

Senator team is present in Germany and can deal with this

pick and pack, switch or break down pallets, and providing

type of packaging. Senator is looking to replicate the success

dunnage for sensitive and unstackable cargo. To further this

of its EU network here in Mexico. Although the automotive

streamlined model, the company decided to implement the

industry is building up its presence in the Bajio region, Gómez

Cargo-wise and Global Solutions software for its sales and

explains that constant communication with clients does not

marketing operations. “This new system enables a fluent

always require a company to move. “Although other logistics

communication between branches and partners operating

operators have been pressured to move entire operations

within the automotive industry,” comments Gómez. Senator

to the Bajio, Senator has not seen this need as Mexico City’s

it advises its clients to enhance sustainability is through the

are sometimes reluctant to engage in sustainability actions

optimization of the reverse supply chain. For example, Romero

due to a “culture of complacency and unwillingness to

Blake explains that packaging made for the automotive

change logistics practices.” Thankfully, the globalized nature

industry is made in the US with Mexican cardboard. This

of the automotive industry means that many OEMs and top

means that Mexican cardboard travels to the US to make the

suppliers have green policies that can be applied to their

packaging and is then imported back into the country along

Mexican supply chains. He calls upon the heads of Mexican

with the auto parts. To convert this into a green process, the

operations to open a dialogue with their international

companies can recycle packaging or even send it back to

headquarters on how to best apply these policies here.

the country of origin. Romero Blake says that “dealing with

Seeds Linking Group has netted its clients in Mexico up to

packaging might seem inconsequential but it represents a

US$2 million in savings by greening up their supply chains,

lot of waste, given the volumes of packaging involved in the

affirms Romero Blake. “Seeds Linking Group met this level

automotive industry.” Seeds Linking Group shows companies

of success in the automotive industry during a project with

that simple steps like recycling of packaging can save money

11 Tier 1 companies in the Nuevo Leon automotive cluster,

and optimize the production processes. Another strategy

and we are now looking to replicate this success with the

that can help to green up the supply chain is switching

San Luis Potosi cluster.”

modes of transportation. Some companies transfer a lot of freight by truck, which is less environmentally friendly and

Seeds Linking Group has acted as a consultant for ports,

energy efficient than rail. By charting the precise distances

inland ports, and intermodal terminals to enable them to

goods have to travel on each leg of their journey along the

better align their operations with the needs of the market.

supply chain, companies can figure out if they can use rail

“In the past, companies did not prioritise logistics when

instead. Journeys of less than 804km along the railway line

settling into a country or a new market, but it is now

are seen as short-haul journeys and cannot be integrated into

essential,” Romero Blake comments, returning to his original

the railway network in a cost effective manner, but Romero

point. “By ensuring that the clusters, the ports, the railway

Blake explains that a company can apply for rail use if the

networks, and all other logistics requirements are firmly in

distance to be covered is over 804km. Seeds Linking Group

place before automotive companies come to Mexico, the

uses this as part of its calculations about which companies

country will be able to add logistical efficiency to its cheap

should use rail or trucking. Automotive companies pose a

labor costs. Without logistics, there would be no expansion

particular challenge, however, as Romero Blake says they

in the automotive industry,” Romero Blake concludes.

“Although other logistics operators have been pressured to move entire operations to the Bajio, Senator has not seen this need as Mexico City’s airport is a hub for all airlines and offers many options” Luis Gómez, General Manager of Senator Logistics

airport is a hub for all airlines and offers many options.


However, with the expected boom in the automotive industry,

progressing in another of its roles: attracting investment

we will set up part of our operations in Puebla,” Gómez

to Mexico. Frequent concerns among potential investors

explains. Despite being the hub that Gómez describes, the

are the quality of Mexican infrastructure and the crowded

saturation of Benito Juarez Airport has prompted a need

nature of Mexico City. To solve these, Senator points

for greater air connectivity in the country and speculations

at the potential offered by alternative regions that

have begun about the possible building of a second airport

are less crowded, and proposes industrial parks that

in the municipality of Texcoco. Senator sees this possibility as

match companies’ infrastructure requirements. When

having a positive impact on its operations and the company

advising companies on where to establish operations

would consider a future investment in the new airport. “This

in Mexico, Senator recommends the Bajio region as it

forward thinking approach has allowed Senator to navigate

is advantageously located, with access to railway and

the waves of reform that Mexico is undergoing. The reform


generating a growing concern within the logistics and

services aim to meet one of Senator’s goals: moving

automotive industries is the introduction of a new VAT on

beyond the forwarding of freight to become one of the

IMMEX imports which will have an impact of around US$30

points of reference that companies turn to when entering

billion on these two sectors,” Gómez estimates.

the Mexican market, in the automotive sector and beyond.











LOGISTICS PROVIDER NEEDS SUPPLY CHAIN VISIBILITY Like butter scraped over too much bread, large shipment

Mexico, servicing over 30,000 zip codes, so connectivity is

and logistics companies face the danger of spreading their

a crucial element in maintaining its network. “We have more

operations to such an extent that they lose focus of their

than 390 access points in Mexico where our clients can ship

main core business. Daniel Miranda, Automotive Marketing

their cargo, in addition to having a presence in every airport,”

Segment Manager of UPS Mexico, stresses the importance

Miranda comments. These service centers are oriented to the

of overlapping a global logistics strategy with a local one to

automotive clusters spread across Mexico.

prevent this loss of focus. Considering the worldwide reach of the automotive industry and the fact that most decisions

In 2013, UPS launched a new product, Preferred Less-

take place in overseas headquarters, close ties with local

Than-Container-Load (PLCL), an expedited ocean freight

branches is essential. As a carrier and forwarder, UPS further

service between Asia and three Mexican cities: Monterrey,

maintains its unified front through its software system.

Mexico City, and Guadalajara. This service was initially

“Our systems are the same around the world. The tracking

launched in Japan in 2010 and in just two years, demand

number assigned in China for a Less-Than-Container-Load

led to the expansion into the US from 27 Asian ports and

(LCL) shipment remains the same when it arrives to the US

seven Western European ports to the US, Canada, and

or Mexico,” Miranda explains. “All our network and operation

now Mexico. “In this service, if a PLCL arrives from China,

hubs are connected, creating a seamless process for the

instead of taking it directly to a Mexican port, it goes to


Long Beach, California. From there, it makes an inbound

“We have more than 390 access points in Mexico where our clients can ship their cargo, in addition to having a presence in every airport” Daniel Miranda, Automotive Marketing Segment Manager of UPS Mexico


UPS’ ability to strike a chord on a local and global scale

movement to Laredo and then to the three cities in

makes it possible for the company to identify the most

Mexico,” Miranda explains. This service was created to meet

important logistics needs of the industry. In response to the

customer demands resulting mostly from the growth of US

close commercial ties Mexico has with the US, the company

nearshoring, as Mexico is quickly becoming the preferred

designed a new product called Cross Border Connect (CBC).

nearshoring location for US based companies looking to

This service integrates UPS’s brokerage capabilities to

manufacture goods for NAFTA. In order for PLCL to work,

reduce customs delays associated with border regulations

it uses the UPS CBC service, which integrates include

and lengthy paperwork. This means there is a faster transit of

speed, pricing, enhanced visibility, and reliability. UPS’

cargo that allows companies to have reliable networks and be

PLCL can potentially cut a typical three-week LCL ocean

better positioned within the supply chain. Having identified

transit time by up to 20% and offers cost savings of up to

issues at the border surrounding clearance processes and

60% versus standard UPS air freight. What distinguishes

the resulting bottlenecks, this solution eases the crossing

PLCL from any other ocean shipment is the level of

of goods. Miranda shares a success story with Chrysler’s

visibility it offers to customers. The integrated software

aftermarket brand Mopar. The company was experiencing

ensures that companies can anticipate and control their

issues with visibility, customs delay, and lack of control

inbound supply chain operations. This service is useful if

because the packages were small in volume. “In response,

the component is crucial for a just-in-time procurement

we developed a solution where we automated the outbound

mode that needs to arrive as quickly as possible to the

processes and this offered visibility,” Miranda explains.

warehouse. Miranda describes a success story where one

“These tools not only gave access to the shipper, but also

of UPS’ clients was shipping transmissions to the US using

the distributor, buyer, and end customer,” he adds. Miranda

charters: “UPS suggested carrying out the clearance at the

points out that the key aspect of visibility is the availability

airport, which is 30 minutes away from their site, and take

of information in the same platform. “In the logistics industry,

it to the customers’ warehouses in the US. While it would

other companies use different platforms for different

take longer, it cost 30% of what the company used to pay.”

applications, whereas we integrated all of our services into

This supplier used this service for urgent shipments and

the same system.” UPS’ fleet covers 35,000km per day in

now uses it as the normal mode of transportation.



Q: What differentiates Terminal Intermodal de Queretaro

from the automotive industry. As exports grow, we are

from other intermodal terminals in Mexico?

improving our operations to cater to this expansion. We are

A: Terminal Intermodal de Queretaro was the first private

expanding our courtyards and storage space to cope with

terminal in Mexico. That has given us a breadth of operation

the increased levels of freight coming through.

that many terminals do not have. It is likely that we have the most advanced technology, allowing us to provide

Q: What do you view as the major problems facing

continuous tracking of the customer’s goods from beginning

logistics in Mexico?

to end. However, having the most comprehensive equipment

A: The main logistical problem is interconnection. Our

and technology is enhanced by our accompanying expertise.

terminal can receive goods from all ports, but cannot export

Even though the initial study showed the state was not

to all ports. For example, we can receive a shipment from

perceived as offering a lot of business opportunities, I bought

the port of Manzanillo from Ferromex, but products cannot

five acres of land and built a customs area. This was in 1993,

be sent back as Kansas City Southern de México (KCSM) will

just before the financial crisis hit. Our debt went up but we

not take them. The use of intermodal solutions is essential

were able to overcome this adversity, in large part thanks to

for the development of logistics but the railroad network in

NAFTA. After this, I presented my plan for the terminal to the

Mexico is a real problem. Some companies, unaware of the

Treasury, which gave me permission to go ahead and develop

potential of Queretaro, have actually used highways to take

it in Queretaro. Soon after, GM became my first client.

their products to other states that have a direct rail link to the US. We keep spreading information about what our terminal

Q: What are your growth perspectives in a crowded

can offer customers, and we continue to attract customers

Mexican market?

who see that it makes sense to work with us. Intermodal will

A: NAFTA affected my business in a very positive manner.

become particularly relevant as more terminals continue

Today, along with Mexico in general, our terminal is growing

to invest and expand. The terminal at Pantaco is investing

and expanding to different sectors and different markets.

money to service all the country’s rail operators. The one

90% of the exports going through the terminal are bound

at Toluca belongs to KCSM. San Luis Potosi has authorized

for Asia, especially China. For auto parts and full vehicles,

the construction of three terminals but those operations

fortunes have been mixed. We currently move a lot of parts

will be expensive. That leaves Queretaro where the railroad

for TREMEC, but outside that, few auto parts pass through

itself does not need improvement. Currently, a freight train

the terminal. A few years ago, we also handled vehicles for

passes our terminal every five hours or so. This rate could

Honda and Land Rover, but these have since moved on to

be increased to a train every fifteen minutes. However, I see

other states. We depend heavily on railroad companies

this increase coming very slowly over a long period of time.

so if we do not strike an agreement with them, it will not matter if business booms in my area. As it stands, we do not

Q: What does the future hold for Terminal Intermodal de

have the cooperation of the railroad companies, which has


undoubtedly slowed down my business. Trucking remains an

A: This business of owning private terminals is not easy. You

option, but it is more expensive and insecure. However, this

have to be very specialized to understand this business and

has not majorly dented our overall business. We have four

to make it grow. I do not see more private investors wanting

important customers that each transport 500 containers

to start a terminal as you need a minimum of US$25 million. I

a month, and in total we work with about 4,000 to 5,000

am confident about our future growth but I cannot quantify it

containers a month. My finances are good because I do not

as I depend on the decisions of the government and an end to

have partners, which allows Terminal Intermodal de Queretaro

the lack of cooperation from certain freight train companies.

to maintain its streamlined working process, allowing me

Right now, we have the ideal terminal for Queretaro. We

to make quick decisions and keep my customers happy by

will grow over the next five years and even if we do not get

avoiding needless bureaucracy. 30% of our business comes

business from Honda, we will get business from its suppliers.


RESILIENT SMALLER FLEETS OFFER MORE EFFICIENCY “The business model of Don Miguel Transportes has

travel through this route. While the automotive industry is

been streamlined to promote efficient services and quick

transitioning to the Bajio region, de los Rios believes it can

decision-making, a factor that distinguishes us from other

serve that market from Chihuahua just as efficiently. “The

fleet companies,” says its Director General, Jaime de los

perception is that as industries go to other regions, fleet

Rios. Rebranded in 2008, the company started with 30

companies must migrate alongside them. I do not see this

truck units, but it has now expanded to accommodate 50

as necessary.” Despite surging costs like toll roads, for Don

units and 120 trailers. De los Rios ventures to say that “with

Miguel Transportes, the northern region of the country

50 trucks, we can accomplish the work of a company that

continues to represent a vast market of opportunity.

has 100. This is precisely because, by being a small fleet, we can control maintenance and other factors.”

The automotive boom has sparked ambitious growth opportunities for Don Miguel Transportes. “Already 40-45%

Don Miguel Transportes’ fleet is characterized by varied

of our business comes from that sector, especially from our

brands, like Navistar and Kenworth for which it owns the

biggest client Grupo Bocar,” says de los Rios. His target for

T600 and T800 units. Diversity is not seen as a major

the next five years is to double the number of units from

concern, according to de los Rios, who claims OEMs

50 to 100 to seize future growth. However, achieving this

change their models constantly and have different series.

expansion will require the consideration of many factors

It is also distinguished by its wide age spectrum. “The

besides fuel and toll road costs. Firstly, buying new units is

average age of our units is eight years, although we do

an important investment, according to de los Rios. “Today,

have new units from 2014,” says de los Rios. Having a

the price of units from OEMs like Navistar, Kenworth or

wide age range allows the company to comply with the

Freightliner oscillates between US$116,000 and US$120,000.”

demands of clients as the automotive industry is notorious

As an SME, purchasing these can seem daunting, but de los

for its high spec requirements in terms of fuel efficiency

Rios points out that associations like CANAPAT can help its

and green practices. For example, one client, Ryder, has

members acquire new fleets through government funding

a fleet age limit of five years that Don Miguel Transportes

and incentives. However, according to de los Rios, there are

complies with. “If there is a potential client with a particular

times when SME companies do not even get the chance

need, the company has to make sure that it is met, even

to buy any of these units from the association, as they are

if it means we need to buy other units,” he adds. While

largely snapped up by big corporations.

having a wide range in terms of age and brand in the fleet can pose a challenge in terms of maintenance and

The purchasing of new fleets is also influenced by government

servicing, it allows Don Miguel Transportes the opportunity

regulations such as Article 50 of the Law of Roads, Bridges,

to efficiently serve a client base with diverse needs.

and Federal Ground Transportation that regulates the use

“The perception is that as industries go to other regions, fleet companies must migrate alongside them”

Jaime de los Rios, Director General of Don Miguel Transportes


Rising fuel prices are not the only barrier fleet owners

of double-skip trailers. Don Miguel Transportes does have a

must overcome. For de los Rios, toll roads are becoming

few double-skip trailers, and for de los Rios, these reforms

more expensive and represent an ever higher cost. Don

will help regulate their use. When these units are used, de los

Miguel Transportes has identified a discrepancy in the

Rios ensures that they use toll roads as these are in far better

northern region of the country in terms of toll road costs.

condition than ordinary freeways. While some steps are taken

“The distance from El Paso to Chihuahua is 400km but

for the growth of SMEs, Don Miguel Transportes has a defined

involves the use of two expensive toll roads that cost over

approach in terms of fleet purchasing and management.

US$80. The same distance travelled is far cheaper in other

“Being one of the most used modes of conveyance by any

states like Nuevo Leon,” de los Rios explains. At a glance,

industry, the transportation of goods via trucks should be

US$80 might not seem like a significant expense but this

seen as one of the priorities on the government’s agenda. It

cost accumulates with the amount of trucks that must

must help that sector continue to grow.

TWENTY YEARS LEADING MEXICO’S TRAILER INDUSTRY Gabriel García Díaz, President of Utility Trailers de

also drove the company to expand these services overseas,

México, says the company’s holding group Utility Trailer

and it now has seven aftermarket locations in Mexico and one

Manufacturing supported him in the right way when he

in Colombia. García Díaz explains that the gross profit for a

opened up the Mexican subsidiary. Instead of pumping

trailer ranges between 10 and 20%, but this rises to 34% for

capital into the fledgling start-up, the group consistently

auto parts, with a net profit of over 10%. In 2012, for the first

supervised his planning and growth strategies to ensure

time, the company drew more profits from the aftermarket

Utility Trailers de México could stand on its own. This

than from sales. “This part of the business is good for us and

preparation allowed the company to survive the numerous

for the market as well,” states García.

challenges that have beleaguered the Mexican industry, such as the financial crises of 1994 and 2008, by showing an

The next challenge for the company will be to face

ability to adapt its services to market conditions. Soon after

changes coming from the establishment of the reforms,

the company was established in Mexico, the 1994 crisis hit,

especially the Energy Reform, and the formulation of the

leading to a massive devaluation of the Mexican peso. This

NOM-012-SCT-2-2008, often referred to as NOM-12. This

wiped out some of Mexico’s bigger trailer companies. Many

legally binding norm regulates the weight and maximum

of Utility Trailers’ investments were in US dollars, helping it

dimensions of trailers that can circulate on federal

to survive, while the NAFTA agreement allowed it to scale up

highways. The NOM-12 states that the payload capacity for

production. After 1995, the company began pulling in more

full double trailers has to be reduced by five metric tonnes.

investment, reinvesting in expanding its fleet of trailers and

“For the first time, the weight of the trailer has become

growing its market share. This expansion hinged on one key

a competitive advantage,” says García Díaz, certain this

aspect. Prior to NAFTA, Mexico was not allowed to import

norm will help Utility Trailers de México to stand out.

trailers from the US. After this, Utility Trailers de México

“Our 40-foot dry van trailer that is used in most double

became the first company to do so, allowing it to become

operations weighs 5,300kg, whereas the competition’s

the market leader and use the advantages presented on

weighs up to 7,000kg. This represents a 1,700kg difference

each side of the border. Today, this sees Utility Trailers

in each trailer, so if you use two trailers for double

produce 40,000 trailers a year. Refrigerated trailers, known

operations, the customers will save more than 3,000kg

as reefers, are made in Salt Lake City, Utah, while dry vans

in payload capacity.” The NOM-12 also forbids the use

are made in Arkansas. Automatized production lines mean

of double operations in petroleum tanks but PEMEX has

40 trailers are produced a day in Arkansas, as opposed to

around 150 carriers over the age of 20 working on double

just five a day at the plant in Mexico.

operations. Due to the norm, PEMEX will be unable to keep its fleet running as it is and will have to move from double

This savvy approach to trailer distribution has been

to single trailers in a five-year period in order to not affect

translated today to Utility Trailers de México having a

its distribution, García Díaz estimates. Utility Trailers de

balanced customer base across three segments. Big fleet

México is looking for a joint venture with Spanish company

carriers, namely companies that use their fleets to offer

Cobo to begin creating lighter tank vessels in Mexico,

transportation services to third-party customers, make up

while securing a competitive price for their import in the

40% of its customer base. Next, major private firms like

meantime. An alternative for the company is an agreement

Grupo Bimbo or FEMSA that own trailers to move their

with Polar Tank Trailers, a company in Minnesota that

own production take up another 30%. The remaining 30%

produces premium petroleum tanks but its products are

is comprised of owner-operators, most of which are SMEs

far more expensive than the Spanish ones. García Díaz

that often struggle to obtain financing to lease new trailers.

expects to sell around 100 of these tank trailers in 2014.

Having spotted an opportunity, Utility Trailers de México

Along with these partnership plans, Utility Trailers de

provides the financing itself by taking out loans from

México is also ramping up its expansion plans, by building

banks or financing companies and extending the credit to

new facilities in its 40,000m2 Queretaro property that

the owner-operators. Another example of the company’s

will include warehouses, offices, aftermarket, trailer sales,

adaptation to the needs of the Mexican market can be found

services, and assembly or manufacturing lines for tanks.

in its aftermarket services. After the financial crisis of 2008,

For 2014, García Díaz forecasts sales of 2,000 trailers a

Utility Trailers had to change its strategy and look for a way to

year which will bring in US$10 million. In 2015, he predicts

keep up its business. The company spotted the potential of

the sales volume will reach US$12 million. Interestingly, this

the unattended aftermarket business in Mexico and began to

growth does not come from selling more trailers. “We sold

invest in it. After just five years, Utility Trailers de México grew

2,000 trailers in 2012 but many of them had a low margin.

its aftermarket profits tenfold and gross sales fivefold. This

We need to be more selective with our customers.”


MEXICO NEEDS RAIL FREIGHT TO TAKE RIGHTFUL PLACE The privatization of Mexico’s railways in 1995 has led to

uncertainty surrounding the concession agreements and

steady rejuvenation in the industry. A report released in

instead advocates joint public private efforts to support

the first quarter of 2014 by the International Transport

infrastructural development in the coming years.

Forum of the OECD declared the sector to have made continuous


Despite present uncertainties about exactly how the

According to a report titled Railway Freight Development






sector will develop in the coming years, investment

in Mexico, railway traffic in the country has doubled since

is continuing and further growth is inevitable, with

the reforms, its contribution to GDP has increased 56%,


and its share of transportation has improved by more than

automotive industry in Mexico leading to heavy logistics

a third. Mexico’s railways now carry more freight than any

demand. US railway goliath Union Pacific owns a 26%

railway in the EU apart from Germany, more than those of

share in Ferromex, and Mexico is playing a major role in

France, Spain, Italy, and Austria combined, and as much

the company’s bottom line. Bernardo Ayala, President

general freight as Brazil. Nearshoring trends in North

of Union Pacific Mexico, explains that “the automotive

America have also played a major role in Mexico’s railway

industry accounts for about 40% of our business in

industry boom, while the country’s leading rail company

Mexico, making it our largest segment. In 2013, 10% of

Ferromex and close competitor Kansas City Southern de

our total revenues came from Mexico, representing US$2.1

Mexico (KCSM) have both reported notable growth levels

billion. We are also still forecasting growth for which we

in recent years. The performance of these two is on par

are excited.” The company predominantly moves finished

with many of the busiest rail freight systems in the world,

vehicles northbound and auto parts southbound. Auto

as they run the most productive freight railways in all of

parts move in box containers and vehicles on auto-racks

Latin America.

or multi-levels, which include bi-level and tri-level rail






“The automotive industry accounts for about 40% of our business in Mexico, making it our largest segment. In 2013, 10% of our total revenues came from Mexico, representing US$2.1 billion” Bernardo Ayala, President of Union Pacific Mexico

The announcement of potential reforms to the sector

cars. Ayala explains that bi-levels are generally used for

that relate to the exclusivity of the concessionaire

suburban units and pick-up trucks, and tri-levels are used

rights granted to Ferromex and KCSM at the time of the

for smaller compact models.

privatization has led to recent ripples in the sector. The


rights granted are not due to expire for another 13 years

Ayala believes that competition in the Mexican railway

and remain in place for a further seven years beyond that

sector is strong and the segmented nature of the market has

to support infrastructure management. Notwithstanding

resulted in healthy growth. “There is a lot of competition,

this, Mexico’s lower house has approved a bill that would

which is very good for the customers, and ultimately the

open up these concessions to increased competition by

integrated network has allowed a lot of growth. Each

forcing the owners to share line operation. The bill has been

railroad has different competitive advantages. Ferromex

put forward in response to concerns that the duopoly has

might have a very good offering to one location in Mexico,

led to stagnation in infrastructure development, although

which is also served by KCSM, but the service offering

ultimately the railway infrastructure remains under the

for that particular area might be better with Ferromex.

ownership and responsibility of the public sector. The

We will opt for whatever option has the best synergies,

Reform on the Regulatory Law of the Railway Service,

and of course the customer is free to choose any kind

approved in February 2014, and currently under debate,

of combination,” Ayala explains. “All parties involved are

proposes opening up the sector by obligating the existing

working hard to make sure the right product offerings are in

concessionaires to share their lines or risk having the

place nationwide, including ensuring an adequate number

concessions revoked. In addition, the government will be

of railcars to handle the increasing amount of shipments.

able to revoke a concession if the lines are not sufficiently

Railcars are contributed to a national pool, and whichever

well maintained. The OECD report advises against creating

company has the most cars has the ability to handle more

freight and therefore a competitive advantage,” says

the trucking segment. While only 30% of freight in the US

Ayala. To this end, Union Pacific is assigning more railcars

is moved by truck, almost 75% is moved by truck in Mexico.

and creating new offerings, such as the Autoflex, which

Intermodal therefore has an important role to play in

can be converted to either a bi-level or tri-level depending

optimizing the freight network, and Union Pacific recently

on the configuration needed.

initiated a new intermodal service between Laredo, Texas, and Memphis, Tennessee. “This route allows auto parts to

The right infrastructure is of course needed to support

be brought southbound to Port Laredo where they are de-

better railcar offerings, leading Ayala to assert: “This is why

ramped and trucked into Mexico. At the port of Laredo,

investment is so important, not only from our side but also

we have a pretty large intermodal terminal. We are able

from our Mexican counterparts, because we really need a

to offer steel wheel or through product into Mexico, but

fully integrated network. We are focused on making sure

we also offer trucking from the border into the country or

that we have the right assets and investments in place

from Mexico to our ramps at the border. The steel wheel

to allow us to provide the best service possible to our

product is a through train coming into Mexico by rail, and

customers.” Ayala is confident that the tunnels in Mexico

once this reaches its destination, it can then be brought by

are well-developed and railroads are being continuously

truck to the final plant destination,” Ayala explains.

invested in, although overall adequate infrastructure remains a challenge nationwide and further investment

A further way to improve efficiency in the rail sector

is needed. “There are good examples of infrastructure

would be the development of a Mexican version of the US

improvement right now. For example, Salamanca has

CDPEC program. Industry participants including Union

been developing excellent infrastructure to support the

Pacific have been pushing hard for Mexico’s equivalent,

establishment of the Mazda plant. This sort of investment

the MEC program. “If you have a free trade zone and are

needs to be kept up and demand dictates the need for

able to bring goods directly from the US to that zone,

additional capacity,” explains Ayala. The government’s

then a lot of pressure is relieved from the borders, helping

infrastructure plan promises further upgrading of roads

the entire industry. Zones for the development of specific

and ports, as well as proposed city bi-passes, and Union

parts can also be established allowing those parts to be

Pacific believes joint public and private cooperation is

shipped easily from the US to Mexico and supporting

needed to ensure these plans are followed through in order

greater fluidity. The more steps taken to decongest

to improve efficiency and competitiveness for Mexico.

activity at the border, the more trade will be promoted

Union Pacific itself is investing significantly in improving

between both countries,” asserts Ayala. The effective

transport lines. “We are investing in maintenance of the

execution of efforts to optimize Mexico’s railway network

tracks, commercial facilities, and new equipment. This

could undoubtedly see the sector become increasingly

year we are opening our Santa Teresa facility at El Paso,

efficient, but one area that must also be addressed,

which gives us the flexibility to ship by rail to Mexico and

according to Ayala, is the security situation. Railway lines

then switch to truck, or the other way around,” explains

continue to be subject to container theft and vandalism

Ayala. The Santa Teresa base, a state-of-the-art facility

of the tracks, which Ayala sees as preventing rail from

representing a US$400 million capital investment for

meeting its full potential in Mexico. “Rail lines, plates, and

the company, will play an important role in serving the

other materials are removed to be sold, creating a safety

Mexican market, primarily the central northern region.

issue that must be rectified immediately. Throughout

Union Pacific currently has six gateways to serve Mexico

the logistics supply chain in Mexico, there are high levels

and is continuing to invest in track maintenance for those

of theft and vandalism and these issues have to be

routes. Included in these are Nogales, El Paso, Eagle Pass,


Laredo, and Brownsville, all of which Ayala claims will see some investment this year. The upgrading of these

Overall opportunities remain strong and just looking

gateways also includes technology development and

at the economies of scale involved in automotive

the company is investing in developing CTC technology,

sector growth, there is undoubtedly going to be a

which will monitor trains coming into the gateways.

need for more transportation. Union Pacific believes

Whilst Union Pacific is largely responsible for the US

opportunities to create truck to rail conversions exist

side of the operations, it works closely with Ferromex.

as auto producers continue to look to the rail network

“Ferromex also invests heavily to mirror our investments

to address freight needs, and the railway will continue

on the US side because investment is obviously needed

to play a very important role in supporting that growth.

on both sides of the border to ensure capacity is matched

“As a network, the US-Mexico-Canada sphere will be an

effectively. KCSM is doing the same and is investing in its

important route for the long-term future. We are going

network,” says Ayala.

to be very focused on the automotive segment. With big OEMs announcing new production sites over the

While Mexico’s railway network continues to develop, the

next year, we expect more investment to support that

country’s logistics needs continue to be heavily served by

growth,” concludes Ayala.


OPTIMAL LOAD FACTOR FROM AUTOMOTIVE RAILCAR FLEET Mexico has been reaping the benefits of its natural

to covering that growth segment, aside from the natural

geographical position for some time, and arguably a

expansion our business is undergoing,” says Sanchez.

significant portion of investment has been captured by this strength alone. After all, a major determining factor in

Ferromex has worked as much as possible to find optimal

deciding where to set up shop is a country’s capacity to

logistical solutions for each new OEM plant before it is

deliver on the logistical side. By looking at the raw numbers,

officially announced. The first step in developing the right

one would assume that Mexico, with around 300 Tier 1

solutions is to analyze each site, its transportation needs

global suppliers for the automotive industry, has little to

for inbound goods, and how to best answer those needs.

worry about regarding the supply chain. Ensuring logistics

Once complete, the distribution market will shift for each

within Mexico are top notch has had a direct impact on

vehicle, and an estimate of volume is needed to understand

OEMs both domestically and internationally. As automotive

how best to deliver tailor-made logistics solutions for each

OEMs announce plans to increase their production capacity,

OEM, each plant, and each type of vehicle. This is where

Mexico’s logistics providers are doing everything in their

intermodal transportation solutions are helping to improve

power to upgrade the country’s transport links to handle

the efficiency and competitiveness of the automotive

the industry’s extra capacity. Such is the case of Ferromex,

supply chain. Given the export-dominated nature of

Mexico’s key railroad operator, which manages over 8,500km

Mexican automotive production, the key for transport

of track nationwide. The company expects OEMs to set up

providers is how swiftly they can get the cars to ports or

shop in regions with easy access to the railroad given that

across the border to US and Canadian markets. Fortunately

Mexico’s automotive industry is often concentrated in urban

enough, Ferromex’s services in Mexico are provided under

clusters. Ferromex earmarked US$450 million for capital

the same rules that the US and Canada expect. “This has

expenditures (CAPEX) in 2013, much of it going directly

allowed the process of taking a vehicle from a Mexican

to providing better logistics for the automotive industry.

plant to an American or Canadian sales point much more

Alberto Sánchez Varela, Ferromex Automotive’s Assistant

transparent,” says Sánchez Varela. “We have managed to

Vice President, says that US$57 million of this budget went

implement the same standards across North America, on

to the company’s automotive network capacity, with the

the biggest railway network in the world, which gives us

fleet growing by 55% to include 700 triple-level wagons (a

many advantages from a logistical standpoint. This makes

117% increase), 350 double-level wagons (a 26% increase),

the shipment of taking cars across the border much more

and 40 automax wagons (a 56% increase). “This investment

efficient since the US and Canadian governments feel

is specifically targeted at the impact the automotive plants

comfortable that any shipment coming from us can be

will have on our network. These funds will be allocated

treated like they would treat their domestic ones. That



API Veracruz is the main gateway to Mexico on the Gulf of

increase logistic and operative competitiveness. Veracruz is

Mexico. According to the National Infrastructure Program

aiming at enhancing its mobility and transportation services

2014-2018, Veracruz will receive a total investment of

with an investment of US$44 million that will connect

US$4.6 billion of which US$1.9 billion comes from public

the port with the Santa Fe Multimodal Terminal, which

funds. Veracruz holds the biggest market share with 71% of

will be covered by the rail routes of KCSM and Ferrosur.

automotive port movements. With the new infrastructure

However, in 2013, the port experienced a saturation of

plan, the port will be able serve 48 ships simultaneously,

vehicle merchandise as more automotive companies sought

increasing its cargo movement from 21 million tonnes to 110

to connect to markets in Central and South America.

million tonnes. With this investment, Veracruz will undergo

During the first trimester of 2014, the port experienced a

an expansion that includes specialised terminals, equipment,

decrease in mobilization of automotive cargo by 12%, with

and warehousing. US$3.54 million has been allocated to the

approximately 40,000 vehicles being exported. However,

establishment of the Logistics Activities Zone (ZAL) which

it is important to note that operations increased by 4% in

will contribute to the optimization of logistic activities

April year-on-year. Having undergone this saturation but

within the port. Likewise, US$385,000 has been allotted

now able to plan for new infrastructure thanks to additional

to the construction of a control center that will monitor

investment, Veracruz will hold its position as the preferred

the access and transit of ground transportation in order to

port for automotive operations.

helps us at border crossings and has given us the upper

in the Lazaro Cardenas port through its rail corridor for

hand against other modes of transportation.” One of the

around 15 years. One way in which Ferromex is seeking to

responsibilities of Ferromex Automotive is how to combine

stave off its competition is through the way it invests its

the company’s rail positioning and automotive solutions to

CAPEX, according to Sánchez Varela, as seen in the hefty

best service the customer. The main driver is for Ferromex

proportion of its 2013 investment that was given over

to be able to transport the cars to their final destination

to the automotive division. “Most class 1 railroads invest

in the shortest possible distance. As such, Ferromex has a

about 20% of their CAPEX but Ferromex will be averaging

range of options to chose from. To the east, one corridor

a 30% level of investment for the next few years. This is a

runs up the US’ Eastern seaboard and Canada, while another

huge investment but we have a solid revenue stream and

goes up the Western corridor. “We also have the biggest

are gaining more business. We look very carefully at how

fleet of automotive railcars that are used to transport these

to improve our capacity and our investment is integrated

vehicles. We have a huge and competitive load factor which

so that spending on one area of the business does not

eventually translates into savings for our customers as well

adversely affect another area,” explains Sánchez.

as having a fleet large enough to handle all their needs,” emphasizes Sánchez Varela. Logistics costs are one of the three most important areas that automakers analyze when considering where to build a plant, along with labor costs, and government incentives. As such, Ferromex has always sought to understand its place in the supply market, allowing it to grow from transporting 500,000 vehicles a year to 1.5 million in 2013. The firm’s business model looks at every export means for vehicles, not only cross-border trade. Ferromex controls a vital point for exporting vehicles in the port of Veracruz. However, it is also looking to diversify its access to sea lanes via the ports of Manzanillo and Lazaro Cardenas, among other possibilities. The company is talking to customers about business needs for the Pacific and is actively considering how best to integrate that avenue into its logistics efforts. On the other hand, KCSM, Ferromex’s closest rival, has been reporting double-digit growth in car loads transported for the last few years. It enjoys similar alliances with US railroad companies such as Union Pacific. In addition, the company has been present

PORT OF MANZANILLO The Port of Manzanillo holds the leading position in terms

to the surge in traffic of containerized cargo by 22% seen

of containerization processes, with the capacity to move

last year, it decided to create the Dedicated Container

over 1.8 million TEU. In the entry of containers (TEU), it

Terminal II (TECII) with an investment US$392 million.

holds a participation of 68% on the Pacific and 46% for

TECII will have a capacity of 400,000 TEU, which will be

the whole country. Positioned as the main entry point of

able to move 2 million TEU.

containerized cargo, Manzanillo holds a reputation for its security and social stability that allows it to attract major

The aim of the port is to reach an offloading capacity of

private investment. By 2020, it is predicted that the port will

4 million TEU, which amounts to the entire offloading

register an investment of US$5.7 billion. In 2013, Manzanillo

done by all ports nationwide. This new investment will

received the vast majority of port investments, according

boost Manzanillo’s role within the automotive industry as

to the SCT. Manzanillo has focused on developing its

it only holds a 1% market share. While the port manages

multimodal transportation services by collaborating with

annually 2 million containers of merchandise, it only has the

Ferromex and creating an intricate network with three

volume capacity to handle 65,000 vehicle units. To increase

ports on the Pacific and three in the Gulf of Mexico. It

its participation, the port is currently designing its first

stands in 66th place among ports worldwide and is fifth in

Specialized Automotive Terminal, with investment expected

Latin America for equipment and productivity. Responding

to reach US$192 million prior to completion in 2015.



TOP RAIL COMPANY INVESTS AHEAD OF AUTOMOTIVE EXPANSION JOSÉ ZOZAYA President of Kansas City Southern de México Q: How have you adapted your strategy to respond to the

Q: Which role does intermodal transportation play in your

shift in automotive industry activity to the Bajio?


A: All the automotive factories in the Bajio region are very

A: This is a crucial component of our services, and we have

well-supplied by our services as well as our trucking partners,

kept investing to grow our intermodal capabilities over

offering direct links to the US and all of Mexico’s major ports.

the years. We have three intermodal stations in Mexico, at

We also work together with federal and state agencies that

Toluca, Nuevo Leon and San Luis Potosi, which allow us to

promote investment around Mexico. When these agencies

provide better outgoing intermodal services. The automotive

hear of a potential new investment in a certain area of the

industry naturally receives vast amounts of auto parts, which

country, they invite us to participate in the site selection.

are mostly shipped in containers via inter-modal services. In

Companies often consider being located in two or three

every logistic movement, both we and our customers require

different states so meeting with keyservice providers such

the utmost efficiency. Therefore, every journey is analyzed

as Kansas City Southern de México (KCSM) helps to provide

on that basis to see if only using rail is the best option, or

some clarity as to which area would suit them best. In terms

whether it would be better to employ a combination of rail

of changing our strategy or expanding our coverage, we do

and truck, or even rail, truck and shipping.

sometimes talk with OEMs and manufacturers to discover the rail services they might require. The first concern of

Q: How much do you need to partner up with specialized

new arrivals is to find out which routes we operate, from a

shipping or trucking firms to meet your intermodal needs?

location near their plant site to Mexico City, to the border and

A: KCSM specializes specifically in rail, and this will always

within the US. We sit down with them to analyze our routes

remain our core service. Therefore, we have agreements with

and to match these with any needs they might have. Another

trucking and shipping companies, since we do not own such

crucial factor is our capacity to move a certain volume of

companies. We purely dedicate ourselves to providing an

cars out of the factory and to move containers inside. As it

efficient railway service. The permanence of our partnerships

stands, automotive makes up just under 20% of our business

depends on the total number of movements that we foresee

in Mexico, including auto parts and finished vehicles.

along a given route, as a one-time movement does not



The network of offices put together by logistics company

Baja California takes care of the opportunities that exist in

Sea Cargo has largely been motivated by the evolution of

serving the massive Californian automotive market. “The

the Mexican automotive sector around the country. Its CEO,

automotive industry and its suppliers are considered one

Eduardo Velez, explains how the company has identified

of the most demanding markets in Mexico. The rapid flux

specific objectives for each of its bases of operations. For

of the automotive production chain requires trustworthy

example, a big presence in Aguascalientes puts Sea Cargo in

partners and we are very focused on being one of them,” he

a prime position to cater to the Asian automakers that have

says. This ambition is shared by many logistics companies,

set up production facilities there. The Aguascalientes office

and Sea Cargo is battling them in the Mexico’s northern and

has formed strong partnerships with mechanical and auto

Bajio regions. Velez explains that Sea Cargo’s supply chains

parts companies like Donaldson that can be trusted suppliers

services in the Bajio revolve around stockpiling supplies that

to OEMs. The Queretaro office covers the automotive and

can be used to partially assemble auto parts within the main

aerospace industries alike, Chihuahua and Monterrey focus

plants. These parts then go on to other companies for further

on the automotive clusters in those regions, and Ensenada,

assembly, using more sophisticated technical processes,

require such a business partnership. Unlike Ferromex, we

work with AMPIP to spread awareness among automotive

have not found it necessary to begin our own automotive

companies of the advantages they will draw from having rail

division in order to provide such services internally. We have

access to their facilities.

different strategies and different ways of managing our businesses. KCSM is very efficient in the way we work with

Q: How can KCSM help the rail system in Mexico move

other services, without the need to own them or to establish

more than 30% of all the cargo in the country?

a formal partnership with them.

A: We are helping to increase that percentage every day by convincing customers to move their freight by rail. Mexico

Q: What should be set as government priorities in terms

will reach 35% in the next eight to ten years, which is a good

of infrastructure development?

target, considering that the US moves around 40% of its

A: KCSM has a firm commitment with the Mexican

cargo by rail. The geographies of the two countries are

authorities to increase the country’s industrial potential and

obviously quite different, however. The large flat sections

competitiveness. On the Pacific side, KCSM is working with the

of the US make it much easier to run a railroad while this is

port of Lazaro Cardenas to ensure all inbound and outbound

made more expensive in Mexico by its mountainous terrain.

freight is expedited through the terminal to maximize asset optimization. Likewise, we are working with APM Terminals to

Q: To what extent are you lobbying the government to

design the rail access for its new terminal at Lazaro Cardenas,

invest in expanding the country’s rail capacity?

which represents an investment of almost US$1 billion and

A: We are lobbying the government while making a lot

will double the port’s container handling capacity. On the

of direct investment ourselves. For 2014 alone, we have

Gulf of Mexico, we are expanding the rail infrastructure

allocated US$143 million to invest in our own network. But

at the port of Veracruz to allow KCSM to connect directly.

as shown in the National Infrastructure Plan, the government

This expansion will be able to accommodate the forecasted

has been making a large investment as well, including the

growth of the automotive industry in terms of the numbers

International Bridge in Matamoros, and the by-passes of

of finished vehicles that will pass through Veracruz. The port

Celaya, Manzanillo, and other cities. Our competitors like

of Veracruz already handles 70% of the vehicles exported by

Ferromex, Ferrosur and Ferrovalle are part of this process,

sea from Mexico and KCSM has invested sufficiently to be

while the building of new tracks and new routes could also

able to accommodate any growth that comes on top of this.

see fresh competition arise. This scenario is providing the

We are collaborating with the Intermodal Logistics Terminal

proper setting for public-private partnerships to thrive in the

of Hidalgo which, along with our own facility in Toluca, will

area of railway expansion and the development of general

handle much of the extra automotive movement coming

infrastructure. In terms of promoting the future of the railway

out of the Bajio over the next few years. KCSM works closely

industry in Mexico, all these companies and ourselves lobby

with big rail users like the automotive industry to facilitate

the government through the Mexican Railway Association

the connection to their sites, much to their benefit. We also

(AMF), of which I am the president this year.

before going on to final assembly. Sea Cargo is involved in

Cargo, particularly given the area’s reputation as the safest

overseeing the storage, the timing of the entire operation,

in Mexico,” says Velez. In other regions of Mexico, physical

and delivery to the final assembler. Mastery over this stage

safety has been a prime consideration for most companies,

of the process has seen Sea Cargo find clients among OEMs

as much as fiscal and infrastructural security. “Given how

like Volkswagen and direct suppliers like Continental. This

a stolen truck can cause severe interruptions to firms’

heavyweight client list helped Sea Cargo stretch its logistical

distribution flows and production, Sea Cargo attempts to

tendrils around the world. “We are active members of diverse

control the value chain as much as possible to ensure the

networks in the US, Asia, and Europe, through which we

highest degree of safety possible,” says Velez. The company

interact with reliable partners. Such partners are important

is making strides to get certified on the security side,

due to the variety in how supply chains can be structured,”

which Velez is counting on to gain even more credibility

says Velez. The globalized nature of the industry means that

among its customer base. Building up this credibility is key

automotive components could be brought into Mexico from

in a market where more logistics companies are jostling for

France or Germany, having been originally manufactured in

position. “We will be serving all industries, but Sea Cargo’s

South Korea, China, or Japan.

main priority is the automotive industry. We are looking to expand into the ports of Manzanillo and Altamira for that

“On a more local level, the trend of automotive companies

very reason. It is not an easy market to enter, but once you

investing in the Bajio region has been beneficial for Sea

are in, the synergies carry you forward.”



PORT OF VERACRUZ SEES AUTOMOTIVE AS TOP PRIORITY JUAN IGNACIO FERNÁNDEZ CARBAJAL Director General of API Veracruz Q: API Veracruz handles cargo for many industries. How

of this type of cargo, while we will also expand the existing

much specific attention is given to the needs of the

berths and storage areas in the current port.

automotive sector? A: The port of Veracruz has become the main entrance and

Q: What impact will the port’s expansion plans have on

exit point for the transfer of cars and auto parts in Mexico.

the range of services available to automotive companies?

It has solidified this leading position in recent years by

A: The expansion will be divided into two stages from 2014

transferring 65.6% of the cargo related to the automotive

to 2018 and from 2019 to 2030. The main impact will be

industry. Due to the limitations imposed by Argentina and

seen in the faster unloading and loading of goods, increased

Brazil on the commercial flow of vehicles, the port actually

storage capacity, and the new berthing position for special

experienced a decrease in volume last year. However, with

car carriers. Likewise, CPV and SSA are making investments

the entry of OEMs and the establishment of more assembly

to improve existing infrastructure. The permission papers

lines in Mexico, we expect volumes to increase once again.

are being drafted to allow the creation of a new automotive

The port’s main destination areas are the east coast of

terminal, which will improve the competitiveness of the port

the US, Europe, and South America, which are all markets

operators and provide more efficient storage capacity for

that OEMs are keen to tap into. Given the importance of

vehicles. The expansion of the port will help achieve higher

the automotive industry, improving the Port of Veracruz’

efficiency and safety in the handling of automotive goods.

infrastructure is high on the agenda. We have taken steps

This infrastructure project contemplates 35 additional new

to become the port with the most developed connectivity

berths that will be able to receive vessels of over 400m

by establishing more links with Ferrosur and KCSM. The

in length and with a draft of 18m. This means the port will

port also has links with 54 maritime routes and 27 major

allow the entry of larger, new generation vessels.

shipping companies operating within them. The development of the Logistics Activities Zone (ZAL) and


Q: How have changes in automotive manufacturing

the Support Center for Transportation Logistics (CALT) are

strategies impacted API Veracruz?

necessary in order to compete with other national ports.

A: Given the recent investment boom in the Mexican

The new ZAL covers 135 acres and will be able to receive

automotive industry and the ongoing establishment of

a higher tonnage of goods, while it will also incorporate

OEM plants, it is important for us to establish contact with

an intermodal service patio of 26 acres. Most importantly,

the OEMs in order to understand and develop strategies

merchandise will be able to remain in ZAL for a period of

to better serve the growing volume of automotive goods

60 months without having to pay taxes and will continue

the port handles. It is crucial for automotive companies

to be subject to handling, storage, distribution, and even

to establish ties with us as we can help them design and

maintenance. This is interesting for automotive companies

establish domestic routes, as well as reserve spaces and

that wish to import goods into Mexico. Additionally, the ZAL

warehouses either inside the port or in our Logistics Activities

has the capacity to park 650 trucks with well-structured

Zone (ZAL). Automotive companies have shown interest in

roads that improve mobility inside the port. We have

the Port of Veracruz because of its ease of handling bi-level

incorporated new monitoring and control technology that

and tri-level rail cars which increases cargo capacity, as well

allows us to measure in real time the movement of cargo with

as double stowage in containerized cargo. The port also has

trucks within the port area. Additionally, we have allocated

two assignees, CPV and SSA, in charge of the storage and

US$44 million for the construction of a new railway pass to

efficient movement of vehicles within the port. As we expect

Santa Fe. This marks an important leap to increase the flow

volumes in the automotive industry to increase, it is important

of cargo via rail. The construction now stands at near 80%

for the port to target essential development projects,

completion. When finished, it will provide a 19.5km route

including its expansion. For the automotive industry, we are

that will cross ZAL until Santa Fe where it will connect with

contemplating a new facility specialized in the management

KSC and Ferrosur.



Q: Which factors consolidated Altamira’s double-digit

Q: The National Infrastructure Program outlines an

growth, and what role did the automotive industry play

investment of US$4.7 billion in port infrastructure. What

in this growth?

allocation can API Altamira expect from this?

A: The Port of Altamira is very well-planned, as it is designed

A: According to President Enrique Peña Nieto’s statements,

to host any kind of industrial development. Because of its

the investments planned for API Altamira are estimated

wide territory, a client’s requirements can be adapted within

at MX$10.7 billion (US$830 million) from 2013 to 2018.

the port’s infrastructural capacity. It is worth mentioning

The most notable works will include the improvement of

that API Altamira is considered to be the most extensive

railway and other land transportation infrastructure within

complex in Mexico and Latin America. Since its creation

the port’s premises. These investments will yield great

in 1985, Altamira has been the most developed project of

benefits for the cargo segments, especially the automotive

its kind along the coast of the Gulf of Mexico. The port’s

industry, as railroad infrastructure will become more

maritime terminals contain state-of-the-art technology and

efficient, speeding up shipping movements.

highly qualified staff, and its Regional Environmental Impact Manifest facilitates the establishment of new companies

Q: How is API Altamira collaborating with Ferromex and

to take advantage of its expansion potential of up to 90

KCSM to improve its railway service?

docking positions. The port currently has 12 terminals and

A: API Altamira carries out specific promotion activities

17 docking positions. Regarding the automotive industry’s

in collaboration with Ferromex and KCSM in order to

role in the port’s activities, API Altamira closely collaborates

increase cargo volumes transported by railways, fostering

with this industry by handling auto parts as well as the

intermodal transportation and diversifying the logistic

importing and exporting of cars, trucks, and chassis. API

chain in the port. Ferromex currently offers a daily

Altamira is the second largest Mexican port in terms of

cargo service from Altamira to the country’s northeast

vehicle transportation through the Gulf of Mexico, mainly

region, receiving double and triple-level auto-carriers,

for exports to the US and South America.

double stack container trains, and single trains for the automotive industry. We also work with KCSM in pushing

Q: Which API Altamira facilities focus specifically on the

intermodal cargo movement, and we are working with SCT

automotive sector?

on modernizing and expanding the Valles-Rio Verde rail

A: API Altamira has a company specialized in automotive

section, which links API Altamira and Tampico with San

storage: AMPORTS de México, which offers clients a full

Luis Potosi and the central region. The expansion of the

coverage of their global needs, cargo loading and unloading

Valles-Rio Verde section will reduce logistics costs for

for ships and trains, inspections for pre-deliveries and

bodybuilders in the central region, making API Altamira

pre-shipping, interior and exterior cleaning services, tire

the best option for their operations.

changes and replacements, paint jobs, and minor repairs, among others. AMPORTS currently operates four terminals

Q: How has the Ports without Paperwork (PSP) system

in Mexico, at the ports of Mazatlan, Lazaro Cardenas, and

helped improve the efficiency of information transfers?

Altamira, as well as Toluca. It also operates in Salamanca,

A: The PSP model consists of a virtual platform that

Guanajuato, with a facility having an annual capacity of more

speeds up transactions, requests for maritime and other

than 500,000 vehicles, promoting direct vehicle distribution.

port services, and information exchanges among the

The AMPORTS terminal in API Altamira has 27 hectares of

different actors involved in the port’s processes. PSP

paved surface that is safe, fenced, and has proper lighting in

also helps to reduce costs, homogenize information, and

order to achieve the secure and adequate handling of vehicles

make information available at all times. Regarding the

given its annual capacity of 200,000 vehicles. The terminal

automotive sector, users will find a new benefit, consisting

also has 1.765km2 for additional construction of processing

of a mechanism that enables them to notify us of the

activities, such as assembly and mechanical operations.

services they will need and follow the status of their orders.




Q: Mexico is seeking for manufacturing to return here

A: The automotive industry plays an important role in

from Asia. How would this affect your operations?

this expansion as it is the fastest growing industry in the

A: Mexico has many FTAs which will ensure imports and

country. This industry is driving quality standards forward

exports will keep growing, so I am not overly concerned.

in Mexico, including the requirements for ports, for rail

There may be a drop in imports as more locally sourced

providers, and for maritime transport companies like

content is obtained. However, I predict Mexico will continue

Maersk Line. No other industry is pushing the boundaries

to import more parts, assemble the products here, and

of quality as much as automotive. The container terminal

then export the finished goods. We are seeing an increase

operators are eager to meet the automotive industry

in the exporting of finished goods to Costa Rica, Panama,

specifications, because this also satisfies all their other

Chile, and Peru thanks to the Trans-Pacific Partnership.

clients such as large retailers. This is the impact the

That tendency will prevail as Mexico has a skilled labor

automotive industry has on the general logistics chain in

force, efficient production, and low costs.


Q: How does the US$900 million expansion of the TEC2

Q: How do you balance cost, speed and efficiency in the

deep-water terminal at Lazaro Cardenas influence the

strategies you offer to your customers?

sophistication of the Mexican transportation infrastructure?

A: It is very difficult to strike a balance as the automotive

A: The terminal will be finished in 2016 but is just a part of

industry requires a premium service at the lowest cost.

the general infrastructure plan. As the automotive industry

Because the automotive industry has so much clout, it

grows, infrastructure is needed to support it. The port of

usually gets its way. Meeting that low-cost and high-

Veracruz is key for linking the Mexican market to Europe

quality demand is an ongoing challenge for us as a

and Brazil, but being the oldest port in the country, it cannot

transport provider. The automotive industry needs to

cope with the modern requirements of import and export. It

realize that just because it has muscle does not mean

is a heavily congested, multi-purpose port which sees a lot

it should always use it. Companies could end up with a

of activity take place in a limited area. There has been growth

supplier who accepts this challenge but ends up providing

in other ports, Lazaro Cardenas is expanding with several

a poorer service, leading to higher costs for operations

terminals and a new terminal has been built in Manzanillo.

and across the supply chain. This situation could even lead

Rail infrastructure is another problem. Links from the Gulf

to factories being shut down as needed materials do not

Coast and from Manzanillo are inefficient, but they are more

arrive on time. This industry has a huge cost focus but

effective from Lazaro Cardenas. The federal government

companies need to reflect on the balance between costs

must invest to support the ambitions of the industry.

and the need for quality. If a company wants to move a

Volkswagen, Ford, and Nissan can have all the ambition in

lot of goods at a low cost, it becomes less interesting for

the world, but if the government does not support them

us. Maersk Line would be more interested in a medium-

with infrastructure investments, those ambitions will not

sized company with less volume. Automotive companies

be realized. This is also a concern for Maersk Line. Our

need to reflect on what they need from their providers

entire industry interacts with the government, and we have

and how this matches up with their supply chain. Maersk

made it very clear that updating the port of Veracruz and

Line is good at delivering quality, but we are far from the

increasing investment in infrastructure are an absolute

cheapest. We provide a trustworthy service and our clients

must. The recent National Infrastructure Plan shows that

know their goods will arrive on time. We have the newest

the government is willing to take a step forward, but it must

fleet, the newest containers, and we have the best track

start implementing it.

record for reliability. Sadly, this is far from the industry standard as on-time arrivals hover around 50-60%. We


Q: How much of the expansion of the ports is being

show the automotive industry what we are capable of and

targeted for the automotive industry?

the automotive companies must figure out how much it

is worth to know that their containers will arrive on time.

A: Fuel is our biggest cost. We focus tremendously on

This strategy has been successful with a number of OEMs.

reducing our fuel consumption to minimize the environmental

We are now the largest carrier for Volkswagen in Mexico,

impact of out CO2 emissions from burning heavy bunker fuel

we have a significant presence with Nissan, and we are

and to reduce cost. Our main tactic to achieve these dual

growing our business with GM and Ford.

objectives has been to slow ships down so they burn less fuel. Transit times are slower today than in the past, especially on

Q: What can be improved in terms of rail transportation to

backhaul routes where trade is imbalanced. Mexico imports

enhance Mexico’s overall logistics performance?

many goods from East Asia but does not export many goods

A: Infrastructure must improve in central areas as the rail

back there. The import leg is competitive for the country

network in Queretaro is not sophisticated enough to support

so Maersk Line tries to meet its customers’ expectations in

the needed movement of cargo. As a result, trucks are used

terms of time. On the return leg, we reduce speed as nobody

to bring containers from Manzanillo, but that is not the best

is willing to pay for it. All of our global services have been

option in terms of sustainability, efficiency, and security.

shaped in this way to reduce our fuel costs and our CO2

Having efficient rail infrastructure would be safer, faster, more

emissions. We also integrate the latest technology, such as

reliable, and more environmentally friendly. The rail network

engines and construction techniques, to reduce our fuel

is only efficient from Lazaro Cardenas to Mexico City and

bill. Our latest ships, the Triple E Class, are the largest in the

Monterrey. Ferromex and KCSM have discussed plans for

world. Triple E means Economy of Scale, Energy Efficient,

the Bajio region but no steps have been taken to develop

and Environmentally Improved.” 18,000 containers can be

them. For example, there is no rail service for Honda’s plant

accommodated on each ship but their overall environmental

in Celaya, Guanajuato. Ferromex may have a terminal at the

impact is reduced.

Inland Port in Guanajuato but a lot more needs to be done. Mexico City has three large inland terminals, Queretaro and

Q: When wil Mexican ports be able to accommodate

San Luis Potosi need similar strategic investments to support

Maersk’s biggest ships like the Triple E Class?

the rail movement there. In particular, Ferromex needs to do

A: Only the port of Lazaro Cardenas is close to being able

a lot of work internally to provide a real value proposition

to welcome our biggest ships, but it is not there yet. The

that is interesting for the automotive industry. The two rail

improvement of infrastructure will be driven by demand.

operators have a de facto duopoly, Manzanillo for Ferromex

If the automotive industry causes Mexico to have more

and Lazaro Cardenas for KCSM, so they have not had to

imports and exports, then bigger ships will have to come

worry about how to get more cargo.

and ports will have to accommodate them. At the moment, we have the right size of ship, and there are no current

Q: How are you trying to reduce your US$7 billion fuel bill

plans to go bigger. In a couple of years, if a rise in demand

and how are you using trade imbalances between Mexico

justified sending bigger ships to Mexico, we would be

and Asia to save on fuel consumption?

willing to bring those ships in at Lazaro Cardenas.

PORT OF LAZARO CARDENAS With 35 years of existence, the Port of Lazaro Cardenas

global supply chains since it is connected to 150 ports and

is a young and dynamic port located on the Pacific Coast

38 countries. Lazaro Cardenas holds the leading position

in the state of Michoacan. Given its strategic geographic

as the main Pacific vehicular cargo port with 67% market

position, it has become a bridge joining the commercial flow

share. In terms of imports, auto parts account for 23% while

between Asia and Mexico. It is the deepest port in Mexico,

exports of auto parts make up only 8%. Lazaro Cardenas

with navigation areas of up to 18m, and has a displacement

manages 213,000 automotive units a year, and to further

capacity of 170,000 tonnes. Important investments totalling

consolidate its presence within the industry, it is creating

US$63 million have been allocated to the development of

the first automated terminal for cars in Latin America with

TEC2, which will have a capacity of 1.2 million TEUs per

an investment of US$40 million. During the first stages, the

year and will eliminate existing logistics bottlenecks and

terminal will have the capacity to handle up to 750,000

maximize efficiency in all processes. This new container

units per year, but once finished it can process between 1

terminal will promote Mexico’s competitiveness as it will

million and 1.3 million units. Lazaro Cardenas’ importance is

offer service to ships with the capacity to transport up to

unquestionable as it has jumped on the global port ranking

15,000 containers. Lazaro Cardenas has tightened its ties to

from 279th place to 94th in the space of eight years.


It is exports rather than internal sales that are driving Mexico’s automotive industry growth; however, the country’s domestic market is benefiting from wider economic growth and saw sales increase by 9% in 2013. While in the past American brands dominated the scene, the domestic market now features one of the most varied and diverse vehicle parks in the world. Some 40 brands and 220 vehicle models can be seen on Mexico’s roads. 2013 saw domestic sales climb over the one millionunit mark for the first time in a decade, although new car purchase levels on the whole remain disappointingly below their potential. For every 1,000 people in Mexico only 8 new cars are sold, which has generated fierce competition amongst dealers. While progress in the consumer car market remains sluggish, the fleet sector is seeing interesting growth opportunities, with some of the biggest fleet companies in the world operating in Mexico. The healthy competition and demand in the sector has sparked innovative fleet management strategies and driven down fleet rates, and recent fiscal reforms are incentivizing increased leasing.

This chapter will look at the growing internal market both in terms of distribution and sales. Key distributors discuss underlying factors impacting domestic sales and new business strategies applied. Mexico’s journey from a single-brand dealer network base to a dynamic and competitive multi-brand dealership environment is examined. Strategic insights directly from the leading fleet mobility service providers elucidate the growing trends of leasing and management outsourcing within Mexican fleet owners’ strategies, as well as the growing awareness of and focus on total cost of ownership (TCO). Major fleet owners discuss their fleet purchasing decisions and shed light on key influential factors including price and aftersales services. Finally, the major factors inhibiting internal market growth will be discussed, as well as the measures being taken to address these.




VIEW FROM THE TOP: Weak Internal Market Weighing Heavily on Distributors


Multi-Brand Dealerships Improving Business for All


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Integrated Solutions Spell Success for Brand Purveyors


Local CSR Initiatives on the Rise


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Leasing Increasingly Popular for Fleet Owners of all Sizes


PROJECT SPOTLIGHT: Porsche Plants the Seeds for Mexican Market Success


Steady Momentum for Fleet Mobility Services


Fleet Management Companies Build Trust


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Financing Solutions for Optimal TCO


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Outsourcing Fleet Management Reduces TCO


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Personal Touch to Commercial Automotive Financing


High Hopes for Nationwide Fleet Renewal


Considerations Driving Fleet Purchasing Decisions


Lucrative Leasing Segment Sows Seeds for Growth




VIEW FROM THE TOP: In-House Fleet Management Allows far Tighter Control


Small Carriers Need Greater Decision-Making Power


VIEW FROM THE TOP: The Backbone of Mexico’s Connectivity


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Domestic Bus Builder Eyes International Expansion


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Anticipating Passenger Trends


Interstate Transportation in High Demand


Making the Formal Choice the Right Choice


Natural Gas Opportunities for Mexican Fleets




around 7 million vehicles have been imported since then.

A: The Mexican Association of Automotive Distributors

For every new vehicle that has been sold in Mexico, a used

(AMDA) was founded in 1945 with the aim of representing

one has been imported from the US. In the past, analysts and

vehicle distributors in both the light and heavy duty

public officials believed used car sales had nothing to do with

segments. Throughout its long history, the organization

the new vehicle market since the consumer segments were

has witnessed Mexico’s changing marketing strategies, and

seen as being wholly separate. This theory was debunked

we currently represent over 1,500 dealers from the biggest

by studies conducted by A.T. Kearney and the Ministry

automotive brands. Nowadays, apart from representing

of Economy. A used car consumer is not a direct target

distributors, one of our major aims is to strengthen

purchaser for a new car, but the saturation of the market

the internal automotive market. American brands are

with used vehicles is having a clear impact. Almost 90% of

predominant due to the proximity of the US, but there are

those who buy a new vehicle will sell it after three to five

approximately 40 brands and over 220 vehicle models in

years. The resale value of those cars is impacted heavily by

the market overall. In 2013, the domestic market broke the

the inundation of vehicles around nine years of age. Mexico

barrier of 1 million units sold, but this is a small amount for a

has no technical inspection for cars and its auto parts market

country of 118 million people, generating fierce competition.

lacks specifications, so used cars can circulate ad infinitum

Our estimates show that Mexico is at less than 60% of its

until they finally break down. Close to 250,000 new vehicle

vehicle sales potential. Therefore, we have to lobby the

sales per year are missed due to this phenomenon. AMDA

government to try and strengthen the internal market.

has been generating public awareness on key issues. For example, there is a false perception in Mexico that technical

Q: How have you improved dialogue with the government

inspections of vehicles only work in developed economies,

about internal market constraints?

due to the extra costs they generate for the owners. However,

A: I was tasked with this very responsibility when I started

countries like Brazil, Argentina, and Panama are successfully

working for AMDA. I quickly realized that we did not

developing stricter vehicular inspection. Mexico City only

have a solid proposal with which to approach the federal

has verification requirements for pollutants, but another

government, but rather a list of complaints without studies

eight different types of verification exist in other parts of

to back them up and no practical solutions. Most branches

the country. This is totally absurd since it is possible to verify

in the association were working independently so we had

mechanical conditions and emissions at the same cost.

to consolidate all areas to create a cohesive proposal. We


needed solid evidence to present to Congress, as it directly

Q: How can AMDA help relations between OEMs and

influences the life of the distribution chain. We now do

distributors to develop in an optimal way?

our own studies and collate them with the media before

A: We look at these relationships from a standardized base.

presenting them to the corresponding authorities. If you look

OEMs are fairly guarded, but we do know that OEMs and

at Mexico’s current conditions and consider the variables of

distributors share a common strategy for sales, customer

population size, demographics, and GDP per capita, Mexico

service, motivation, and management. We try to work on

should be selling at least 1.6 million to 1.7 million vehicles a

those joint areas and stay out of more specialized issues

year. However, the goal of 1.7 million is very similar to the

like branding and certification for mechanics. We work on

goals we had back in 2004, which means we have undergone

a triangular network in order to effectively communicate

a decade of stagnation. For every 1,000 people, we are only

between OEMs and distributors. In recent years, we have

selling 8 new vehicles, which is similar to 1981. We have

started and continued to implement successful programs

analysed the issue and reached several conclusions about

with Chrysler and Nissan in which they certify distributors.

why the market is stagnating. The first is the importation of

We are aiming to replicate the same system with other

used vehicles from the US. In October 2005, the importation

brands. This leads to significant savings for distributors in

of foreign used vehicles into Mexico became legal and

the long-term.


Alberto López de Nava, President of Grupo Alden

Of all the stages on which

Alberto. Additionally Grupo Alden has become an important

the automotive industry’s

dealer for Audi and is responsible for 15% of its total sales in

battles have been waged,

Mexico. Becoming the most successful Audi dealership was

the distribution market has

not simply gained with a beautiful dealership exhibiting the

been among the fiercest.

vehicles, but also with a keen business sense. “In the past, we

“The domestic market has

had an issue with where to place our Audi dealership, so we

been stagnant for many

had a temporary tent with air conditioning put up in the State

years, but the number of

of Mexico. It certainly was not a typical dealership but we


managed to sell more than any other established dealership,”



from 900 to 1,800 in just a

Alberto recalls.

few years,” explains Alberto López de Nava, President of Grupo Alden. In the space of

“Managing 11 brands poses no challenge to Grupo Alden

30 years, Grupo Alden has amassed 32 dealerships across

as it adopts the best practices from each OEM and applies

11 brands, with the president attributing this success to the

them to its own business model,” says its Director General,

company’s capacity to transform according to the whims

Carlos Alberto López de Nava. He points out that this

of the industry. “In the 1980s, each player in the Mexican

change in processes began with the acquisition of the

distribution market focused exclusively on one OEM, relying

Toyota dealership. “After World War II, Toyota adopted its

solely upon it for its growth,” explains Alberto. He recalls

current lean manufacturing principles and believes in them

how he went against the grain by representing several

wholeheartedly. Upon securing a dealership for Toyota, we

brands. While some OEMs once viewed this as a conflict of

also had to apply these practices and we began to believe

loyalty, Alberto maintains that an open distribution network

in them as well.” According to Carlos Alberto, the principles

actually led to business improving for OEMs. “Ford was the

of lean manufacturing are first applied with the 5S system:

last one that held out and did not allow multi-franchises. As

sort, set in order, shine, standardization, and sustain.

a result, other OEMs were acquiring its best dealers.” Upon discovering this, Ford reconsidered its dealership practices


and Autofin, led by Juan Antonio Hernández, became

distribution business, it is crucial to standardize and







the first outside dealer to obtain a Ford franchise. While

sustain all procedures. All of these procedures, ranging

expanding into other brands may be profitable for all parties

from sales to service, must be reevaluated and reviewed to

involved, Alberto stresses the importance of not mixing

obtain optimal efficiency levels. “Every person is allowed

profits across dealerships, given that each brand stands as

to challenge the process. This requires us to have a good

an independent profit center. “We do not allow our salesmen

managerial attitude because you have to be willing to

for one brand to deliver a car from another. If they have a

accept criticism,” Carlos Alberto admits. This open-minded

customer that wants another brand, they have to send him

approach is crucial during the collaboration process

to another franchise,” he adds. This variety has opened the

with OEMs to adapt vehicles to consumer needs. When

doors to new opportunities, especially in fleet services. For

Toyota first entered the Mexican market, six dealers were

example, Grupo Alden has created a multi-brand division

appointed to discuss the vehicles and market opportunities.

where it delivers fleets from all its main brands, including

Carlos Alberto recalls the experience: “We openly reported

2,400 vehicles from Nissan, 1,600 from Volkswagen, as well

the adaptations needed in the vehicles and after four

as vehicles from Ford, Toyota and Honda.

months, the vehicles had been perfected. This is the sort of collaboration we have with OEMs when sharing our views

Alberto says that breaking paradigms has made Grupo Alden

on the vehicles.” Alberto emphasizes a golden rule that

stand out from its competitors, especially in the appearance

states no manufacturer or dealer can receive or transfer a

of its dealerships. While traditional dealerships are built

faulty product. “When quality is in question, the assembly

horizontally with the showroom looking to the street, Grupo

line is stopped to fix it. This principle is transferrable to any

Alden’s Ford Condesa facility stands out by being a vertical

business,” he explains. “Toyota stops the assembly lines in

structure. “It has six stories, -1 is service reception, ground

its plants all over the world thousands of times, for maybe

level is parking, the first floor is Ford, the second floor is

five or ten seconds, but even such a short delay costs a

Lincoln, the third floor is service center, and the fourth floor

lot of money.” Grupo Alden not only has adopted the lean

contains offices. With its 11 productive service spaces, it has

manufacturing principles but embraces them. For Alberto,

become the epitome of efficiency. Ford now encourages

quality is constructed along the supply chain, and dealers

this sort of efficient model for its dealership network,” says

play an important role in maintaining it.



INTEGRATED SOLUTIONS SPELL SUCCESS FOR BRAND PURVEYORS J. ARTURO ZAPATA Executive President of Corporación Zapata Q: What are the main trends in the Mexican market, and

Styling has always been a very important feature,

how do you anticipate them?

particularly for the younger generation. However, the

A: The market has evolved significantly, particularly

latest marketing trend today is to engage the customer

as relating to large fleet customers. They are already

into feeling identified with a particular brand; it is almost



as if they belong to a particular brand. Therefore, most

collection of parts and services for them to put together.

companies are trying to communicate that their brand

When Corporación Zapata decided to provide integrated

stands for something that customers truly want to be part

solutions for its customers, we did not see this as clearly as

of. Some companies are doing this extraordinarily well in

we do today, although we did have a bit of foresight. What

Mexico, such as Mazda and Volkswagen. These are indeed

customers want today is a turnkey solution. It used to be

important drivers in today’s market. If a company can

common for companies to hire 150 different suppliers to

establish a solid reputation for quality, together with an

build a factory; today, people want to get a factory up and

image that the customers identify with, it will truly pay out

running in one stroke. That is how we see the market today







and we need to be prepared to fulfill that need. There has been consolidation in our industry, but there has also been

Q: How much of a brand’s success relies on the quality of

consolidation on the customer side. Serving customers is

the car by itself, as opposed to the skills and capabilities of

becoming more challenging and demanding; the market

the service support that people receive when something

is also becoming tighter and the customer expects more

goes wrong?

from us. Integrated solutions are an effective way to move

A: A little more than a decade ago, Ford Motor Company

forward and provide value added services that can make

did a very thorough market study in the US to better

a key difference.

understand customer’s brand loyalty. One incredible finding was that customers who had experienced a

Q: What are the main drivers of your value proposition in

problem with their car, and had then received great

the primary consumer market?

service at their preferred car dealership, became far

A: Back in the old days, having a better financing scheme

more loyal to the brand than those customers who never

was a key asset; but as everybody started offering similar

had a problem with their car in the first place. This was

financing options, it was no longer a differentiator.

truly an eye-opener for me as every time a customer

Financing will always be a critical element, but financing

has a problem, it creates an opportunity for us to build a

instruments will have to become more sophisticated and

relationship for a lifetime.

personalized. The format of leasing a car for three or four


years, then returning and replacing it for another one, has

Q: How do brands communicate directly with potential

become very successful in the US market. This format has

customers in Mexico?

also become very popular with fleet customers in Mexico

A: Brands still communicate with customers mostly by

– where one of our subsidiaries, Ariza de México, is the

advertising in traditional media, but they are relying on

country’s market leader in providing fleet management

it much less than before. Most brands have realized that

and leasing solutions. However, as consumer interest rates

communicating with customers in a timely and relevant way

in Mexico continue to approach US levels, pure leasing

can prove much more effective. For example, we do most of

will start becoming popular in the consumer market.

our own marketing and advertising through Autocosmos.

Warrantees are another element that remains important.

com. This webpage, founded in 2000, provides automobile

However, if first time owners are going to keep their car

owners with all the information that they need, before they

for only three to four years, extending the warrantee from

decide on which car to purchase. All of the information is

five to seven years might no longer be perceived as an

delivered in an impartial, timely and relevant way, including

important value added feature.

test drive feedback. It is also a terrific platform for those

of us who want to deliver a message or provide a useful

already car-sharing systems in which people who need a

perspective to these potential customers, just as they are

car for a certain amount of hours, pick it up at an agreed

considering which car or light truck to buy. Autocosmos.

location and then simply drop it off at another. Car models

com has now become the leading automotive website

and features could become less relevant in such a system.

in the eight largest Spanish speaking countries in Latin

On the other hand, I believe that technology will play a

America, including the US Hispanic market.

key role in making cars more personal to buyers, in the same way that customers identify themselves with their

Q: As cars improve in both their durability and

cellphones. My take is that cars will start doing much

performance, what will drive people to continue renewing

more of that, resulting in people wanting to change cars

their vehicles?

sooner, in order to take advantage of the new features

A: Some claim that having better cars will deter people

that technological advancement will make available, such

from renewing their cars frequently. I do not know if this will

as improved fuel consumption and security features; but

eventually happen, but what I do know is that car companies

undoubtedly there will be many other electronic features

have no other option than to continue improving vehicles.

that will help people enjoy their car even more. Obviously,

A car is one of the most expensive purchases people make,

we do not anticipate that current cars become obsolete,

and the decision can be a deeply personal one. Could cars

but those customers who can afford it, will want to buy a

lose this element and become a commodity strictly aimed

new car because of new technology which will add more

at transportation? It could certainly go that way. There are

enjoyment to the driving experience.



to read and write. After the second grade, girls would quit

Responsibility (CSR) programs are becoming more prolific.





school and help their mothers at home. Today, not a single

As stated in its corporate mission statement, Corporación

girl leaves school before finishing the ninth grade. We have

Zapata seeks to have a positive impact in the community.

not gotten them to finish high school yet, but now parents

“I believe that, as part of our business, we need to help

would be outraged if their daughters did not finish ninth

build a community for those that do not necessarily have

grade,” says JAZ.

the opportunity to do so themselves. We are involved in many ways, in education to which we devote most of

Although these rural communities remain poor, their

our money, and also in healthcare,” comments J. Arturo

conditions have improved. According to a study carried

Zapata (JAZ), Executive President of Corporación Zapata.

out by the Ministry of Health, the communities’ health

For instance, the company has a program called Programa

standards are now equivalent to those of certain areas of

Niño oriented at helping 38,000 impoverished children in

in Mexico City and Guadalajara. JAZ emphasizes that the

the state of Hidalgo by covering their healthcare needs,

local dynamics have changed now that people are healthier

building schools, and helping in other areas as needed. JAZ

and both men and women receive an education, the results

says this program provides a good example of community

of which can be seen in the local economy. “People in the

building, as after 28 years running of Programa Niño,

community now have cars and there is even a bridge to

Corporación Zapata is now taking care of the children of

make the villages more accessible. Besides people enjoying

the people it first began to sponsor.

their pickup trucks, the overall well-being has improved in these areas,” says JAZ, explaining that previously, people

JAZ believes the most fascinating part about Programa

had to walk to work at the nearby factory. The factory has

Niño is the way it changed the dynamics of the

now had to buy land to construct a parking lot, which is a

communities. Once healthcare issues were covered,

reflection of the communities’ economic growth. “Having

Programa Niño started getting involved with the local

a car does give people satisfaction and exposure because

schools. The impact was most evident when one of the

they can go beyond their immediate environment and

schools Zapata is sponsoring came in fifth place of the

visiting distant places, gives them a different perspective

national school evaluation system. The improvement

on the world.” Corporación Zapata participates in many

of the local school system also had an impact on the

other social programs to fulfill its mission, but JAZ is

communities’ culture. “When we got there many years

particularly fond of the evident community building that

ago, there was a belief that women only needed to learn

Programa Niño continues to foster.



LEASING INCREASINGLY POPULAR FOR FLEET OWNERS OF ALL SIZES TJAHNY BERCX CEO of LeasePlan México Q: How has LeasePlan’s presence in Mexico evolved over

A: The primary trend is the need for better understanding

the past five years?

of a company’s fleet in terms of administration and control.

A: LeasePlan is the largest fleet and mobility service

The second main issue is that clients are asking how to

provider in the world, with over 6,500 employees

structurally reduce costs, and last but not least, they want to

worldwide. We service 32 countries with a fleet of 1.37

know how to manage the headache of the many regulations

million cars, representing total assets of US$26 billion.

they face here. A lot of companies buy the cars to form their

We have been present in Mexico for five years but only

own fleets. This represents a huge investment and is the

recently finished our startup phase. We now have 11,000

second highest cost for those companies after personnel.

units in Mexico and have been growing very quickly in this

However, with the fiscal reforms, more companies are

market, so much so that we are the fastest growing unit

becoming interested in Operational Leasing to reduce

within LeasePlan Group. Our business focus is offering fleet

their overhead costs. What transnational companies are

management and driver mobility services. By pre-financing

experiencing is that purchasing the vehicles is not the only

and taking all measurements to manage and control fleets,

cost. They must also account for ongoing maintenance

companies can benefit by utilizing that capital for other

and insurance costs, not even mentioning the residual

important investments and focus on their core business.

value risks. In Mexico, one of the biggest headaches for companies is fleet management. Managing the different

Q: What distinguishes LeasePlan’s product portfolio from

regulations about license plates and taxes of all the different

other fleet and mobility service providers?

states can be extremely complex, so they turn to service

A: We are the only leasing company worldwide that offers

providers like us to take care of it through programs like

Open Calculation. Open Calculation means reducing fleet

‘Gestoría’. LeasePlan can take care of its customers’ fleet

total cost of ownership (TCO) while companies obtain

management, even for those that do not necessarily lease

full and transparent insight into their fleet’s costs by only

our units. Fleet management is a huge endeavor requiring

paying for the actual fleet usage. The actual costs incurred

paperwork, constant interaction with the authorities, and

are reconciled to the budget; this means that companies

exacting knowledge of the federal and state regulations.

only pay for what they actually use. Secondly, the open book approach offers full insight into and full control of

Q: What are the peculiarities of the Mexican market and

the company’s fleet. A third important item is that there

how has LeasePlan adapted its products?

is no risk on residual value and maintenance. LeasePlan

A: In Mexico, a car is seen as an asset that is to be bought

takes all the risk. Finally within Mexico, we are the only

and kept. Instead of using a leasing company that offers

leasing company that also offers Gestoría services. Mexico

pre-financing and provides the opportunity to use the

has 32 states that have their own regulatory environment,

investment elsewhere, the companies would rather buy the

requirements regarding registration and de-registration

vehicle. After a certain time, companies sell the vehicles at

of cars, road tax, and environmental inspections. Within

an attractive rate to their employees, making it an additional

Gestoría, we also support our customers with police

employee benefit which almost 95% of employees accept.

statements and legal representation needed in case of

There is a huge part of the Mexican population that does

incidents such as accidents, lost documents, fines, and

not have a car, so when the opportunity to buy a cheap

vehicle repossession. Next to a series of products and our

car is presented, they take it. But over time, a shift is taking

solid financial position, it is our Open Calculation product

place, especially in times of crisis when companies need to

and Gestoría offering that really distinguishes us from

reduce overhead costs. Fleets are among the first areas to

other fleet providers.

be targeted, so the state of a market will lead to companies deciding whether to lease or purchase their fleets. We are


Q: What trends are you seeing for leasing demand in

now seeing more customers approaching us to achieve


cost savings, completely cutting out the practice of buying

| PROJECT SPOTLIGHT vehicles. Changing this mindset can represent millions of


savings. However, companies want to continue to offer


their employees the benefit of purchasing the car, so we

The story of Porsche in Mexico began in the early

offer them the opportunity to buy the cars from us at a

1960s when foreign sports cars were first brought to

low price. We are able to do this as the businesses have

the country. Soon enough Porsche’s models became

already paid the difference in the residual value. When we

favorites in the Mexican market but for the next 30

create the solutions, we calculate the possible loss and

years, all its vehicles had to be imported as the OEM

include that within the price of the leasing. We are fully

had no dealerships here. Porsche finally established

transparent about this approach when we discuss options

its first Mexican dealership at the end of the 1990s, as

with businesses.

part of a push for growth in emerging markets, where improving purchasing power had given rise to a desire

Q: What are the added benefits and challenges of offering

for the most advanced sports cars. Moving to today,

an entire product and service range?

Porsche has 11 dealerships in the country, located in

A: LeasePlan is involved in the leasing process during the

the cities of Puebla, Cancun, Guadalajara, Leon, Merida,

whole life of the car. This starts with the pre-financing by

Monterrey, and Torreon, as well as four in Mexico City.

sourcing the money for companies to borrow at low interest rates. That is followed by the purchasing of the cars and the

As the most recent of these to open its doors in May 2014,

establishment of solid relationships with dealerships and

Porsche Center Santa Fe offers a complete experience

repair shops. It is important to develop these relationships

to its customers and visitors. Located in the Santa Fe

so as to obtain good price levels for components and

district of the capital, an important finance and business

services. We also provide insurance with good coverage

hub, the dealership has a distinctive architecture in

across the whole of Mexico, and training for the drivers.

which cars are displayed at an intersection between

Our most important services are centered on TCO. We do

indoors and outdoors. Passers-by can appreciate, or at

account management for the companies, which means we

least gawk enviously, at models such as the Cayenne,

show them the whole scope of their fleet management

the Boxster, the Cayman, and the 911 Carrera. However,

from license plates, vehicle damages, and money spent on

no model takes pride of place above the new Macan,

maintenance and components. After that, we offer advice

a model recently launched in Mexico and that is

on how to manage the costs. For example, if a company

currently under the spotlight in Porsche Center Santa

uses a certain brand of tires but is spending too much on

Fe’s exhibition area. This vehicle has an aluminum body

replacement, we offer an alternative brand which will see

that contributes to weight reduction and fuel efficiency,

the fleet functioning better while we can obtain discounts

both characteristics that Porsche has perfected over

from the new tire company. These sorts of services come

years of development. The Macan is available in three

under TCO management. Another important service is car

versions: Macan S, Macan S Diesel, and Macan Turbo.

selection, and we help companies to find the car or model

The first is equipped with a twin-turbo V6, 3l engine

that best suits their needs. If one of our customers uses a

that generates 340hp and features active all-wheel

certain brand but the vehicles are constantly taken to the

drive with electronically controlled multi-plate clutch.

workshop, when the time comes to renew the fleet, we point

The Macan Diesel S version is suitable for long distances

out the spending levels and offer an alternative that will

and has a V6 3l turbo diesel engine. The main model,

better meet their needs. When offering TCO management

the Macan Turbo, is equipped with a twin-turbo V6 3.6l

services, it is imperative to have full knowledge of the cars,

engine and can generate 400hp.

maintenance, car usage, and all the dealerships that are trying to sell the units. Sometimes a more expensive car

Prior to the opening of the Porsche Center Santa Fe in

brand will suit a company much better than a cheaper car.

2014, the company made its interest in Mexico quite clear

With all these variables included in our service portfolio,

throughout 2013 with the broadening of its product and

our data warehouse is huge. Everything that happens to

services portfolios. Its Mexican dealerships now offer

the cars is in our system. We have GPS services that can

Porsche Assistance, a service for roadside assistance

track the mileage, and customers also track the car to know

without mileage limit for five years. Additionally, it offers

if the proper routes are being followed. We remove all the

a ten-year guarantee against body corrosion, beyond

pains of fleet management. As a company with 1.37 million

normal maintenance. These efforts, coupled with the

cars, we have far more bargaining power and we can obtain

opening of two new dealerships and the launch of the

better deals on vehicles and components than a company

Macan in Mexico are all signs of the German luxury

that has 1,000 cars.

brand’s growing interest in the Mexican market.


STEADY MOMENTUM FOR FLEET MOBILITY SERVICES The boom in Mexico’s automotive industry has been a

has identified that companies want greater control and

blessing for the country’s fleet sector at a time when the

standardization of costs, processes, KPIs, and financial

global fleet management market is expected to grow from

products. “Currently, in Mexico and the rest of the world,

a value of US$10.91 billion in 2013 to US$30.45 billion by

the Volkswagen Group is investing heavily to develop

2018. In response, Volkswagen established its Fleet Mobility

a wider range of systems to suit the global needs of our

Services division (VWFMS) in 2012. The new company

customers. In Mexico, we are in constant communication

has identified opportunities to offer services to both large

with our global matrix to support customers. Additionally,

corporate fleet owners and the smaller SME segment. José

we have introduced alternative technologies such as

Vantolrá Ruiz, Manager of Distribution, Fleets and Direct

telematics that allow real-time monitoring of the fleet,

Sales of Volkswagen de México, explains that since the

although currently these solutions remain more accessible

company started, it has developed a management portfolio

to large corporate entities,” says Vantolrá.

of 12,000 vehicles in the country. “We have identified the customers that really need mobility solutions and the

Historically, fleet sectors worldwide have grown with

combination of our strong brand and financial division allows

increases in taxation levels as company owners have looked

us to provide an attractive service for them. Ordinarily, fleet

for ways to circumvent government taxation policies. This

management is mainly focused on large fleets, but we have

has led to the company car becoming a prevalent employee

also identified significant potential in the SME sector, which

benefit in many regions. In fact, almost 60% of new cars sold

requires support but currently has no major provider,” says

in Europe are for use as company cars. Following Mexico’s


Fiscal Reform, leasing will offer more favorable VAT conditions

“The role of technology is critical to manage and control a fleet, it is essential to have robust, flexible, and reliable systems to ensure performance monitoring of each component” José Vantolrá Ruiz, Manager of Distribution, Fleets and Direct Sales of VW de México

Volkswagen’s market knowledge allows VWFMS to provide

to fleet lessors that may well incentivize more leasing.

the entire range of fleet management services including

Vantolrá explains: “With the recent reforms on taxes, leasing

vehicle selection, accessories selection, financial and

has become the best option to acquire a fleet. Although

insurance plans, maintenance, warranty, and administration

the deductibles for leasing have decreased from MX$250

for the lifecycle of fleets. “Identifying the right vehicle and

(US$19) to MX$200 (US$15) a day, expenses associated with

having easy access to parts and maintenance is crucial,”

the vehicle, such as gasoline, maintenance, and insurance,

says Vantolrá. To this end, VWFMS has a dedicated

remain 100% deductible.” Vantolrá believes the reforms will

network of suppliers, certified repair shops, and pre-paid

encourage growth while attracting more competition to the

maintenance schemes in place. Financing is obviously an

market. “We visualize the incorporation of new players, either

essential support mechanism for fleet establishment, and

entering from abroad or emerging from within Mexico,” says

Vantolrá explains that the company’s financial division

Vantolrá. Essentially, VWFMS aims to remove troubles from

serves the leasing segment heavily, with over 70% of its

any companies expending a lot of time and effort to manage

financial portfolio being comprised of leasing customers.

a fleet that is an essential part but not a central component of their core business. VWFMS is seeking to stand out from the




number of competitors operating in the Mexican market by

technology continues to evolve and the importance





providing a number of core services. It handles negotiations

of being able to electronically monitor fleet and driver

with OEMs when buying a number of units for a given fleet,

performance is becoming crucial to understanding and

by handling the acquisition and disposal of fleet renewals, by

reducing lifecycle costs. “The role of technology in the

providing funding alternatives to match a company’s needs

fleet management process is critical to manage and

to its budget, by ensuring that the vehicles receive servicing

control a fleet, it is essential to have robust, flexible, and

on schedule, handling the administration of fines stemming

reliable systems to ensure performance monitoring of

from breaking the rules of the road, and ensuring drivers can

each component of the fleet,” says Vantolrá. VWFMS

benefit from an established personal support system.

FLEET MANAGEMENT COMPANIES BUILD TRUST Almost twenty years ago, two companies, both leaders

to fleets of any size and composition, Ariza provides

in their fields, began a partnership with one idea in

coverage throughout all of Mexico.

mind: to provide integrated fleet management and leasing solutions to meet the needs of hundreds of

“Along the way, we identified that one of our key

highly sophisticated companies operating in Mexico. The

customers’ concerns was achieving transparency in their

result of this partnership, between US based Automotive

most critical processes,” says Dávila. As a result, Ariza

Resources International (ARI) and Mexico’s Corporación

devoted significant resources to develop web-based

Zapata, was the creation of Ariza de México (Ariza), a

applications through which its customers can trace all

50/50 joint venture which, after 20 years, has become

of Ariza’s processes, and many of these in real time.

a key market player in Mexico. “Our strategy has been

Ariza has also unearthed opportunities in the extended

to provide integrated solutions that help decision-makers

use of data by providing customers with substantial

maximize the contribution of their fleet to the achievement

and meaningful information to help them make better

of each customers’ strategic goals, while minimizing the

decisions regarding every aspect of their fleet.

costs associated with it,” says Carmen Dávila, Director General of Ariza. “Back in those early years, the concept

One of Ariza’s key differentiators today is the very

of outsourcing in general, and fleet management in

thorough reports that it makes available to its customers,

particular, was not widely spread in Mexico. Therefore, we

many of them specifically tailored to their particular needs,

devoted a significant amount of time and effort to explain

with the objective of providing a foundation for continuous

the substantial benefits that could be obtained from an

improvement and timely decision making. “As our

integrated approach to managing fleets: whether it was

customers’ challenges have become ever more complex, so

a distribution fleet composed mainly of light and heavy

has our list of fleet management offerings. We are always

trucks, or a sales and executive fleet of consisting of cars,

alert, close to our customers, and listening constantly,

Ariza could always help customers drive costs down,

which enables us to be flexible, adapt, and create new

avoid an unnecessary head count, and strengthen control

services,” comments Dávila. “One clear example is the new

of their fleets.”

set of initiatives that we have designed to support our









management in particular, was not widely spread in Mexico. Therefore, we devoted a lot of time and effort to explain their substantial benefits” Carmen Dávila, Director General of Ariza de México

Over the years, Ariza not only grew at an accelerated

customers’ ever more critical compliance and corporate

pace, but realized that as customers began to enjoy

governance practices. Among them, we have implemented

the benefits of this new approach to fleet management,

a whistleblower line known as Ariza’s Ethical Line, which is

they also started to recognize new areas of potential

operated by an autonomous third party, and supervised by

improvement related to their fleets. It is here where Ariza

our Board of Directors’ Audit Committee.” Other examples

has focused much of its attention over the past several

include advising its customers on changing government

years. “One particular capability that we have developed,

rules and regulations, tax efficient alternatives to direct

is the possibility of customizing our service platform to

ownership, fuel smart card solutions, and carbon footprint

address the particular and always evolving needs of each

measurements. In today’s ever more global environment,

customer,” says Dávila. Ariza’s fleet management solution

Ariza can also provide seamless global support through

embraces every single stage related to a fleet of vehicles.

ARI’s own infrastructure in Europe and a very extensive

That is, from the initial analysis and selection of the ideal

network in Asia, Australia, and Ariza’s own direct

vehicles, through each and every aspect of the life of

expansion into Latin America. “At Ariza we think that the

each individual vehicle, including purchase, delivery,

struggle between flexibility and control can be effectively



managed: we help our customers build as much flexibility

accident management and recovery, and finally the

as possible into their fleet management processes, while

vehicle’s disposal. As well as offering all these services

still maintaining sufficient control,” concludes Dávila.







FINANCING SOLUTIONS FOR OPTIMAL TCO TOBIAS WALDECK President and CEO of Daimler Financial Services México

Q: What financing solutions does Daimler Financial

A: We are focused on many different kinds of customers

Services offer worldwide and in Mexico?

and we know how to approach each of them. For trucks,

A: Daimler Financial Services offers a broad range of

tractors and vans, we provide services to owner operators

automotive financial services, including vehicle leasing and

who need between one and 20 vehicles, as well as to

financing packages, financing services for dealerships, fleet

companies that need a complete fleet of vehicles to

management, as well as insurance packages and banking

transport different products. For the passenger cars

services. Our products and services support the Daimler

segment, we talk to those looking for a luxury car, like

Group’s vehicle sales and seek to improve brand loyalty

Mercedes-Benz. There is also a special segment, known

among customers and dealers. We reached a landmark

as customers for new generation compact cars. These are

in 2013 when the number of vehicles around the world

usually young graduates that have started their careers

financed or leased by Daimler Financial Services topped 3

and want their first luxury compact car. They might be

million for the first time. There is a good reason as to why

looking for a Class A or CLA, or even our newest model,

our automotive financial services are in such high demand.

the cross-over GLA. We are able to offer them attractive

First, our financing makes it possible for customers to own

financing or leasing packages, according to their specific

their first vehicle bearing the three-pointed star, or get the

needs and credit profile. When a person arrives to one of

best TCO with a Mercedes-Benz bus or a Freightliner truck

our dealers’ agencies looking for a car, we have Finance

or tractor. In Mexico, about 60% of commercial vehicles

& Insurance agents ready to advise them about the best

were financed in 2013. Second, thanks to our leasing

financing option. In the passenger cars segment, we can

packages, drivers can trade their cars in for the newest

issue a credit pre-approval in around 30 minutes. For the

models on a regular basis. And finally, our insurance

vans segment, we have a three day fast-track approval,

solutions guarantee that our customers’ premiums are as

while for commercial vehicles, we require an average of

attractive as their vehicles are safe. On average, in Mexico

eight days since a more complex credit analysis is needed.

and around the world, we finance or lease four out of every ten Daimler vehicles delivered.

We have been in Mexico for 21 years, so we have learned about its market needs. We have changed along with the


Q: To what extent does Daimler Financial Services tailor

market over that time. Flexibility is the watchword of all our

its offerings for different customer profiles?

interaction with customers. Our tailor-made financing and

leasing plans respond to our customer’s needs. Some of

used vehicle, we offer them the finance package that fits

them, due to the way they manage their business or their

their needs. This way, we provide our customers with safer

finances, need a linear plan of installments. Some might

vehicles that are not as old as the imported vehicles, fewer

need an ascendant installment plan during their credit

maintenance costs and a better image for their company as

period, while others need a descending plan, grace periods

these units are less harmful to the environment.

or extraordinary installments, according to their financial structure or economic situation. To better understand the

Q: Defaulting on loans is a big concern for banks in Mexico.

local market better, we annually check our relation with

How does Daimler Financial Services view this problem?

customers through the Customer Satisfaction Index (CSI)

A: That has not become a big concern for us, as we know

carried out by a third party. This has turned up very positive

our customers. Knowing our customers allows us to

results since our CSI has been at around 95% for more than

adapt our financial offer to their specific needs, which has

five years on a row.

created loyalty to our integrated services. Proof of this is shown in our very first Mexican customer remaining our

Q: How do operating leases stack up as a financing tool

customer today. Auto Express Frontera Norte has been our

and what is the ideal customer profile for this service?

customer for 21 years. It has been transporting goods, and

A: Leasing allows us to provide maximum flexibility. Our

moving them between different Mexican states since 1974.

leasing offers allow customers to pay for the use of a vehicle

Today, it has a fleet of over 130 trucks, none of which are

rather than its purchase, which means they benefit from

older than 5 years.

low monthly rates and get incentives. Installments can be deductible and accounted for as a rental expense. At the

Q: How do you help raise awareness for the wider Daimler

end of the contract period, customers decide whether they


would like to switch to a new vehicle. This ensures that

A: All Daimler divisions know that long-term success

they can look forward to the newest models on a regular

requires not only fascinating automobiles and cost-efficient

basis, they do not incur big maintenance costs and they

commercial vehicles, but also first-class services and financial

do not need to provide a down payment. This kind of

solutions. That is why Daimler Financial Services provides

financial product is targeted to the person or company that

tailor-made financing and insurance services worldwide. In

understands the benefit of not “owning”, but “enjoying” the

total, we booked about 288,000 new leasing and financing

benefits of only using a vehicle during a period of time.

contracts in the first quarter of 2014, a 14% year-on-year increase. In Mexico, over the last 21 years, we have written

Q: How do you encourage owner-operators to opt for

more than 35,000 contracts. This country represents a

new financed vehicles over older and cheaper models

particularly strong truck and bus market, with 60% of our

imported from the US?

financial contracts being signed for commercial vehicles. With

A: We are aware of the events that shape the decision-

a portfolio of US$1.2 billion, our organization here in Mexico is

making of customers within the Mexican market. That is why

a strong contributor for Daimler within the Americas region.

we customize our financial offer accordingly. For example,

In the last 20 years, Daimler Financial Services Mexico has

when the customers’ economy allows them to look for a

financed more than 92,000 vehicles.



OUTSOURCING FLEET MANAGEMENT REDUCES TCO LEONARDO CORTINA RIVEROLL Managing Director Fleet Services of GE Capital Mexico Q: What role is GE Capital Fleet Services playing in GE’s

customer to identify areas of opportunity to reduce costs.

overall portfolio in the country?

During this process we make a full assessment of their fleet,

A: Our division has been growing consistently in Mexico

from the vehicle choices and the company policies to other

since we started here 20 years ago. We are now the

data that is important for the full analysis we make. For

biggest player in our sector in the country. Our profitability

example, it is very common for us to find that companies do

has been good and we greatly contribute to the financial

not take into consideration the cost of insurance, the cost

health of GE Capital Mexico. However, the country is still

of preventive maintenance, or the fuel efficiency at the time

learning about fleet management services. A few years

of making a decision on which vehicle to acquire. All these

ago, companies did not fully understand what a fleet

data points could have a big impact on the TCO. A company

management company could do for them; they relied on

might use for their distribution purposes vehicle A, but once

their own resources to handle their fleets. But now, they

you include all the costs of owning that vehicle, it might be

want to outsource the financing, the maintenance, and

better off with vehicle B. We put our knowledge, which is

services that fleets require to companies like us.

based on the millions of vehicles that we have data for, at the service of our customers.

Q: Once a company accepts the need for fleet management services, how do you convince them to rely on you?

Q: What is the range of profiles of your clients’ fleets?

A: Our promise is to reduce the total cost of ownership

A: Our customers range from having 30 vehicles to fleets

(TCO) of the fleet, so our discussions with clients revolve

of over 1,000. In terms of our priorities, we often target

around that. At first, our vehicle specialists work with the

companies with a lot of sales representatives as they


PERSONAL TOUCH TO COMMERCIAL AUTOMOTIVE FINANCING LUZ ELENA JURADO SOTO Managing Director of Volvo Financial Services Q: What are the main pillars of your portfolio of financial

Financial Services helps customers identify a full solution plan

services in Mexico?

because they prefer to work with captive finance companies

A: Volvo Financial Services is the financial services arm for

and avoid dealing with banks. The bus segment is a bit

the Volvo Group worldwide, offering financial services to its

different as 60-70% of the market is focused on corporate

dealers and customers. Volvo Financial Services has been

customers who do not need financing most of the time.

in Mexico for 15 years with finance products like floor plan


financing to the dealers and installment credits and leases to

Q: How do you customize your financial services for

the final customers. The financing needs and profile of each

customers with differing profiles and needs?

customer are different. In the truck segment, most customers

A: Volvo Financial Services needs to know the profile of

utilize our financing in order to purchase a truck. Volvo

our customer in order to design the right product for

need a lot of cars. Big companies are also very interesting

customers across Mexico. If the relationships with OEMs and

as there is more we can do for them on the consulting

dealerships are handled in the right way, they do not affect

side. For companies with smaller fleets, we also offer

our efficiency or our pricing. We have a dedicated team that

TCO analysis tools as well as our online capabilities that

reviews and monitors every single factor. Every three months,

enable them to see the cost performance of their fleet at

this team checks with every dealership how many cars were

any time. Naturally, we have consolidated our knowledge

delivered, which percentage of these were delayed, and

so we use the same infrastructure for customers with 30

why they were delayed. This constant review process allows

units or 1,000 units. In the case of customers with a larger

us to quickly identify and isolate problems. Ultimately, it is

fleet, we offer the option of a dedicated fleet management

our responsibility, and not the responsibility of the OEMs,

specialist. This person is in charge of periodically reviewing

to ensure that the dealers have the right customer service

the performance of the fleet with the customer and

attitude. OEMs leave it to us to select the right dealerships,

looking at areas of opportunity to keep improving fleet

we sign the service level agreements (SLA) and we train the

efficiency, which could be from a cost standpoint or from

dealers to best represent the brands involved.

a fleet availability stand point. In 2013 we launched a comprehensive online fleet management tool which gives

Q: In terms of financing, is leasing now seen as a viable

the fleet manager visibility to the performance at both the

alternative to purchasing?

fleet and vehicle level.

A: Leasing is growing as it makes sense for companies in terms of cashflow efficiency. When a new vehicle is sitting

Q: To what extent do you work directly with OEMs on the

in a dealership, it loses value. This does not happen when

specifics of the vehicles that will make up the fleets, as

a vehicle is leased, so it makes sense to lease in cashflow

opposed to relying on the dealerships?

terms. Leasing also provides an easy way to renew a fleet. If

A: It always entails a combination. The dealerships are

a company leases vehicles for 36 months, its fleet will be in a

ultimately responsible for delivering the cars to the

regular state of renewal. This removes problems associated

customers, so they play a pivotal role. We have agreements

with displacing its used cars or higher maintenance costs

with dealerships that outline how much time the delivery

that come in the later years of ownership. Leasing also

process will take across Mexico. In the Mexican market, the

allows companies to use their capital in their core business,

network of dealers makes our lives easier. They take care

by investing in core assets that will help them be more

of all the logistics needed to deliver cars from the plant to

efficient or increase their revenues.

each of them. We provide an assessment to guide them

a very close relationship with them. If a customer is facing

towards the best fit. We often receive clients who need

financial difficulties and they prefer to come to a friendly

financing but are not sure which financial product is best

agreement with us in order to avoid getting involved in a

for them. However, after assessing their personal financial

legal process, we work with the customer to determine a

situation, we are able to find the best solution for each

solution for this situation.

company.Some could need a grace period or maybe seasonal payments. We do try to tailor our services to

Q: Why should your clients choose new vehicles rather

each segment and each customer’s needs, and therefore

than cheaper, older vehicles imported from the US?

only sometimes launch a general plan. Volvo Financial

A: Transport companies know they need new equipment to

Services knows the transport market whereas banks

save on maintenance costs and this mentality has become

are not as knowledgeable about the specific needs and

wide-spread. Moreover, big companies demand that

requirements of the different market segments. With

operators do not have fleets older than ten years in order

banks, the credit approval process could take more than

to ensure on-time delivery. It is true that owner-operators

one week. With us, once the credit file is completed,

still do look to import used vehicles. In the long-term,

the approval process only takes from two to five days,

the gasoline subsidy will slowly be taken away, and the

depending on the size of the credit.

only way to avoid paying extremely high gasoline prices is to have a new model of vehicle that is more efficient.

Volvo Financial Services also has an advantage in that we

Moreover, the legal process for importation is lengthy and

know the customers, and in the majority of cases we have









metropolitan the





Eugenio Paci, President of the Automotive Industry Sector of CANACINTRA




gain US$15,000 for every truck that is scrapped in VAT,”


Paci states. “Our data shows there are 150,000 trucks


to be renewed by the Ministry of Communications and


Transportation and over 300,000 across Mexico with local

area Many






if it provided a fiscal incentive of US$30,000 it would

dinosaurs their

present a strong case to the Treasury. “We showed that



license plates, so this represents a large revenue stream.”


recent models go back

A slow movement toward fleet renewal in major markets

to 1994 and still cruise

such as Mexico City and the State of Mexico is creating

freely every day. Eugenio

a snowball effect that has driven renewal in other states.

Paci, President of the Automotive Industry Sector of

CANACINTRA itself has begun similar schemes in other

CANACINTRA, views these buses as a perfect example of

states like Guanajuato, Aguascalientes, and Veracruz. The

the necessity for fleet renewal program. Positioned as the

chamber, on behalf of the automotive sector, has drafted

most influential industrial chamber in Mexico, with excellent

state financing incentives where the government, OEMs,

relations with the three levels of the Mexican government

body builders, and other suppliers all invest some money.

thanks to its 50,000 members across 13 industrial sectors,

“If Guanajuato invests MX$500 million (US$38 million) for

CANACINTRA is a pioneer in the fleet renewal scrapping

the renewal scrapping program and offers MX$100,000

program. “For the past 12 years we have worked hard in

(US$7,700) for each bus or truck, while automotive

lobbying and drafting new regulations and bills that will

companies and body builders jointly provide another

help drive the scrapping program and the renewal program.

MX$100,000, the fiscal incentive will reach MX$200,000.

This year there are high hopes they will pass,” states Paci.

Nobody will have an excuse not to renew their old vehicles. This scenario means 5,000 units can be renewed,” Paci

The program was first published in CANACINTRA’s Federal

explains. OEMs are also independently pushing for

Register in 2004 by former president Vicente Fox and ten

renovation. After lobbying for 25 months, Navistar finally

years later, 34,000 to 35,000 trucks were scrapped. “At

succeeded in renewing Veracruz’s scrapping program.

the beginning, we forecasted 10,000 trucks and buses per

Paci adds that although the government normally favors

year, so the overall rate of scrapping units has been quite

investing in more visible projects, providing optimum

low. This provided real impetus for major changes to be

public transport to citizens is far more beneficial. “The

made to the program,” Paci explains. This program offers

second biggest expense for a Mexican household is

motor carrier companies and single owner-operators fiscal

transport. The renewal of public transport fleets, although

incentives of approximately US$15,000 for each truck they

less flamboyant, garners more votes for political parties.”

scrap. With this incentive they can then visit CANACINTRA’s dealerships and use the Scrapping Certificate (official

The lack of norms has also opened the doors to companies

incentive document) as a down payment for a new truck.

that do not comply with regulations. Such unregulated

CANACINTRA agreed with the Treasury and the Ministry of

companies enter the market with their own brand but do

Communications and Transportation on a new program that

not have the secure backing of spare parts, upkeep, and

will target small carriers with between one to five trucks

maintenance service. To a certain extent their entry has

and single owner-operators. “With this refreshed program,

hindered the renewal of trucks and buses in Mexico City.

if they scrap two trucks they get a double fiscal incentive

Additionally, it has affected other links in the supply chain.

of US$30,000,” Paci details. “If an owner-operator of five

Brake companies are concerned by the entry of Asian

trucks scraps two, he will obtain US$30,000 that can be

brake parts that are sold for one-third of the regular price.

used either to pay for 30% of a down payment for a new

These unsavory experiences have left operators wanting

truck or make a 50% down payment for a five or six year

more quality assurances and price certainty. Paci is swift to

old used truck with better financial conditions,” he adds.

point out that CANACINTRA supports the entry of Asian

Paci admits that to a certain extent, the Treasury is taking

companies as long as they invest, comply with regulations,

a cautious approach to increasing the fiscal incentives,

and offer aftermarket support. While facing twists and turns

as it does not see it as a viable recoverable investment in

on the road, Paci is certain CANACINTRA will continue to be

the short term. To encourage this program, CANACINTRA

the flagship of change. “We will continue to support norms

worked alongside other associations like ANPACT, ANTP,

and fleet renewal. While it might seem like a large investment,

and CANACAR in compiling hard facts and numbers to

it will have a great impact on the lives of all Mexicans.”


CONSIDERATIONS DRIVING FLEET PURCHASING DECISIONS Logistics service providers play dual roles in the growth of

Estafeta’s product offering is located where the roles of

the industry. While being tightly connected to the supply

service providers and automotive clients intersect. “LTL

chain through the supply of distribution and logistics

is a new product tailored to the needs of the automotive

services, they are also prized customers for the OEMs,

industry and it entails the consolidation of cargo,” Becerril

amassing fleets that require regular renewal. “Estafeta is a

clarifies. “LTL is for urgent, next-day delivery of parts that

partner that is fully integrated across the industry’s entire

arrive either to a distributor, specialized workshop, or retail

logistics chain while having a fleet of over 2,500 vehicles

shop.” Becerril is keen to point out that this particular service

that is renewed every five years,” explains Ricardo Becerril,

is fully integrated in the supply chain from manufacturing to

National Director of Operations for Estafeta Mexicana.

the aftermarket. LTL involves the consolidation of shipments

As a fully Mexican company operating within a vast

of different sizes and characteristics into a single container

network, Estafeta has had to adapt to the internationalized

for a single destination. According to Becerril, other logistics

conditions of the Mexican market, starting with its fleets.

providers wait for trucks to be completely full before

“We have close ties with the OEMs, and we work alongside

sending them to their destination, while Estafeta’s trucks

them in the design process of our fleets,” explains Becerril.

depart regardless of whether they are at full capacity or

“We also have close ties with the body builders and main

not. This strategy would seem to translate to high fuel costs

suppliers of parts.” When choosing a new brand, Estafeta

and inefficient operations, but Estafeta points to the brand

has strict criteria that OEMs must comply with. “Principally,

variety within its fleet as enabling it to keep costs steady.

we verify that the producer has the flexibility to design

“We focus on several OEM brands: we have two brands for

our vehicles according to our specifications,” Becerril

trucks, two for box trucks, and two for vans.” Depending on

comments. “There must always be a lot of interaction and

the demand for a certain destination, the company defines

customer service. Spare parts are important to us because

the vehicular format to be utilized. “If there is sufficient

while we have our own certified workshops, we must have

quantity to fill up a truck hauling two trailers, it is sent. If

full coverage in order to ensure efficient operations.” OEMs

not, then a single carrier is chosen and so on,” Becerril tells.

benefit from close ties with fleet owners such as Estafeta,

Closely designing the routes and logistics not only increases

as they can trial products for the wider market. “We are

fuel and operational efficiency, but the characteristics of the

trying out natural gas units with Mercedes-Benz and we

fleet itself enable the company to offer accessible solutions

will measure their durability, maintenance, cost efficiency,

and flexibility in its product portfolio.

and performance,” states Becerril. The company continues to overcome hurdles in its growth


Flexibility is a critical component in Estafeta’s fleet purchasing

trajectory, as despite the adverse economic conditions of

and management strategies. “Estafeta’s cargo is based on

2013, it grew by 6% nationwide and by double digits in

volume and not weight, and our containers are specifically

certain regions. The new obstacle looming on the horizon is

designed to have the maximum volumetric capacity,”

the future restriction on double-articulated trucks. “The use

says Becerril. This means that more cargo can fit into one

of two trailers has some operational cost benefits,” Becerril

shipment and according to Becerril, this specification offers

admits. “Their prohibition would be a terrible blow for

30% more efficiency in capacity than any other vehicular

transportation and logistics companies.” He believes such a

format, enabling companies to save on fuel and mileage.

ban would also cause costs to go up exponentially and the

The Estafeta fleet has patented containers that have been

environment would suffer. “It will damage the sustainable

specifically designed for the company’s operations. “Our

practices of the company and of the entire supply chain,”

containers are not attached to the chassis, which means

he disputes. The ban is attributed to the lack of regulation

we can exchange containers that are full with empty ones

in the transportation sector. “The sector is unregulated. The

so there is no time wasted between deliveries,” Becerril

fault lies with informal companies that go beyond weight,

describes. “Conventional truck designs would need three

speed, and dimension limits. Even worse, their vehicles are

trucks, but our designs allow us to only need two.” To acquire

in terrible condition,” he opines. “However, Estafeta makes

these low-bed containers with special configurations, the

sure that when our units have travelled beyond 1 million km,

company must go directly to the body builders. While other

they are swiftly replaced with vehicles containing engines

companies are increasingly opting for leasing, Estafeta

that meet the latest norms dictated by the government.”

only leases 30% of its containers. “We maintain this small

Estafeta expects that, through its tailored product portfolio,

percentage because leasing companies do not have flexibility

it will grow by 11.5% in 2014, reaching net profits of US$33.8

in terms of container styles. Therefore, our policy continues

million. US$6 million would then immediately be re-allocated

to be direct acquisition,” Becerril maintains.

to the renovation and expansion of Estafeta’s fleet.


Juan Pablo Loperena, Director General of TIP México

The trucking segment has

a lessor, TIP must be able to provide immediate quotations

been growing steadily in

and be able to handle any customization requirements the

Mexico, and the owner

customer might have. “If a company works in distribution,



we might suggest a certain model due to fuel consumption

Latin America is reaping

or cost of operation. For commercial vehicles, Japanese



cars are one step beyond their competition as their total

10,000 trailers in operation

cost of ownership is lower than for other brands,” explains



Loperena. For this reason, TIP’s relationship with OEMs

started leasing trailers in

must extend well beyond the initial fleet purchase, while

1994 to major corporations

communication lines are maintained open at all times with


both OEMs and their dealerships.





with TIP


Kimberly-Clark, and Frito-Lay. The trailer business was so successful that TIP branched out to lease a wide range of

Despite the potential market for leasing, a lack of financing

vehicles from compact cars to tractors. When the company

is still considerably dampening the market. “70% or more of

was acquired by HNA in 2011, the decision was made to

vehicles are financed in the US and most of that financing

drive growth by expanding into vehicle leasing. This proved

comes through leasing. In the US, you can walk into a

to be a wise move since, following the implementation of

dealership and walk out with a car after having only paid

this strategy in 2012, the company has grown in size by

US$500,” comments Loperena. Despite the harder conditions

35%. TIP has steadily expanded its coverage beyond Mexico

for leasing in the Mexican market, TIP believes leasing can

City to Monterrey, Guadalajara, Leon, Puebla, and Veracruz,

act as a major growth avenue for companies expanding into

with new offices being opened in Yucatan in 2014, driven by

Mexico. “It is not easy for a company with 100 employees and

growing demand from the tourism segment.

US$10 million in revenue that suddenly becomes a Walmart supplier to invest in 15 tractors, 35 trailers, and 70 operators.

TIP’s Director General, Juan Pablo Loperena, explains that

However, such companies can grow through leasing

the company took the decision to differentiate itself from

solutions.” Leasing also offers greater financial protection

other major fleet owners by offering both short-term and

to the lessor than normal financing options. Loperena

long-term leasing. “A customer can lease a trailer from

explains that recovery times for leased cars are much shorter.

one day to seven years, and we provide maintenance and

“Typically, a bank will take 30 months to repossess a car, by

insurance services throughout these time periods,” says

which time the car has devalued considerably. We are very

Loperena. The company’s customer base used to be solely

careful about who we give credit and lease to. But for most

composed of carriers and private fleet owners, but today it

leasing companies like us, collection is straightforward and

is also targeting medium-sized companies with revenues of

delinquency rates are very low, below 1%.”

between US$375,000 and US$75 million, bringing their target customer base to a heady 75,000. Market figures support

Both of TIP’s trailer and automotive leasing businesses grew

TIP’s faith in the leasing industry, showing this segment to be

50% in 2013, up 15% from 2012, and in terms of new leases,

far more lucrative than the pure sales market. “Unfortunately,

the company expects the automotive segment to become

there are no official figures for trailers, but we have done our

as large as the trailer segment in 2014. By 2016, TIP aims

own research and established that around 8,000 trailers,

to be one of the top five leasing companies for cars in

both dry vans and reefers, are imported to Mexico every year,

Mexico. For now, as Loperena explains, the market is heavily

and around 1,000 more are made in the country,” explains

dominated by one player. “GE is a very large competitor, and

Loperena. “For light vehicles, the potential is much larger. Of

the rest of the market is far below it. However, the market

1.1 million units sold inside Mexico in 2013, 50% were sold with

is big enough for all of us, although services will be the key

a financial solution such as credit or leasing.” Of the 550,000

differentiator.” TIP expects its growth to be compounded by

units that were financed in some way, around half were

the leasing industry, growing at a double-digit pace for the

financed through pure leasing or sale and lease back options.

next four or five years. “As for trailers, customers have been

TIP has estimated that 250,000 units are purchased through

replacing their old fleets in recent years, and this should

a leasing solution in Mexico every year, which comprises the

continue through 2014 and beyond. Renewal is directly

market that the company is aiming to capture.

linked to national economic growth, as opposed to the car market. Many economic reports have pointed to the leasing

To provide customers with the right range of vehicle options,

industry being one of the sectors that will grow the most in

TIP maintains close relationships with its OEM providers. As

Mexico in the years ahead,” says Loperena.


| VEHICLE SPOTLIGHT: NAVISTAR PROSTAR Navistar’s ProStar is designed to be at the pinnacle of fuel

To further improve this model’s fuel efficiency, Navistar

efficiency in the heavy duty sector. Its 13-litre engine with

has opted for an optimized engine and transmission

selective catalytic reduction (SCR) technology and Eaton

communication system. This includes intelligent shifting

automated 10-speed transmission achieves an increase

and down speeding which allows the engine to operate at

of 5% in fuel economy over the competition, states the

lower revolutions per minute and use less fuel, all without

OEM. The automated transmission helps reduce the

sacrificing performance. The aerodynamic design and

discrepancy in driving styles between experienced and

components also contribute to fuel economy.

inexperienced drivers. Automated transmissions are gaining acceptance in the industry and already making

Navistar poured five years of research and development

up 30% of the market, with ProStar leading the way.

and an investment that exceeded US$300 million to

create the ProStar. With the driver’s comfort in mind, the

truck to overcome any driving condition. At the forefront

ProStar eliminates 90% of blind spots, increases front

of innovation, ProStar’s components are directly integrated

suspension stability by 33%, and offers an overall better

into the computer’s electrical system, allowing for a faster

driving experience, stated Navistar upon the truck’s launch.

diagnostic inside and outside the vehicle. It is no surprise that

Productivity is also high on the list as ProStar now offers a

the ProStar was named “truck of the year” by the American

higher capacity for storage and a reduction in weight of 45kg.

Truck Dealers Association (ATD) in 2014. ProStar has

Its Cummins ISX engine purrs at 450-500hp while encased

accomplished its mission as it is now positioned at the top of

in high-impact fibre optics and high quality plastic material

Mexico’s truck sales and has also been a bestseller in the US.

moldings, making it lighter and less likely to crash. Factory-

Mexico can take pride in being the country to manufacture

installed roll-stability and traction control allow the ProStar

the ProStar at Navistar’s Escobedo site.


IN-HOUSE FLEET MANAGEMENT ALLOWS FAR TIGHTER CONTROL JOSÉ ELÍAS RAMOS DEL MAZO Fleet Manager of Bonafont Q: How extensive is Bonafont’s fleet division?

Q: When choosing a heavy vehicle product line, have

A: The fleet division at Bonafont is responsible for the

your brand preferences been changing as more truck

maintenance, availability, and purchasing strategy for the

producers enter the Mexican market?

company’s fleet portfolio. We now have 2,000 home and

A: We first looked at the country’s major fleet operators

office delivery units and almost 900 units for traditional

to work out what vehicles had proved successful for them.

market delivery, which covers all small local shops. Our

We immediately saw that the most commonly used line

primary logistics division, which covers our deliveries to

was Freightliner, and we opted for that brand. Last year, we

big retailing chains such as Walmart, OXXO, and Comex, is

bought 52 units, all of which were Freightliner. However, one

supplied by third-party logistics (3PL) providers. Therefore,

element we have been searching for is a better price point.

we do not own a fleet for that segment of our operations.

Freightliner trucks are fantastic, but they are not cheap. That

Everything related to secondary distribution is dealt with in-

is why we decided to try Hino trucks, but we encountered

house but all the rest is outsourced, with the outsourced

problems sourcing spare parts for the trucks. Sterling has

segment making up roughly 30% of our distribution.

the same issues. Their trucks are strong and reliable, but you can spend a lot of time waiting for components. Bonafont’s

Q: What are the most common characteristics that drive

home delivery trucks are from Foton, a low-cost Chinese

your purchasing decisions?

brand. Each of these costs around US$30,000 on average,

A: Our most pressing concern is safety, and our fleets all have

but again, there is a problem with spare parts. For example,

ABS, air bags, and speed control. Our trucks are also installed

it can take up to two months to receive a transmission as

with GPS and other telematics. This allows us to monitor the

these parts are brought from China. We have also tried Isuzu

behavior of both the vehicle and the driver, enabling us to

trucks, which are reasonably priced and have a performance

constantly improve and safeguard our operations. We have a

similar to Hino trucks. The parts for Isuzu trucks are also

regional structure with different managers in each area who

easier to source. During our fleet renewal process in 2015,

are responsible for collecting and reading the data from the

90% of the fleet will still be made up of Freightliner units,

telematics. If they identify a problem with suspensions, for

but 10% could be made up of Isuzu trucks.

example, we will devise an action plan to solve that problem.


If an issue is a driver-related problem, then we can address

Q: How important is the TCO in terms of fleet purchasing

that directly. The analysis of this information is a crucial part

strategies in Mexico?

of improving our operations. We currently use the collected

A: TCO is Bonafont’s main KPI. We evaluate fleet performance

information by telematics for our own purposes, but in the

each month to constantly be aware of how much money is

future, it could be interesting to share this information. The

going into leasing, fuel, spare parts and so on. We are not

use of telematics is not that prevalent in Mexico yet, and we

the owners of the fleet, so we pay a leasing fee each month,

faced some challenges early on in finding the right suppliers.

which is a decision taken by the Danone Group. Every month,

We had some problems reading information from the units

we know exactly how much each fleet is costing us. As soon

and a number of suppliers were only able to read certain

as we see that one truck is costing more than another, we

truck models. For that reason, we worked with vendors to

start the process of phasing it out and implementing the

develop technology and create a common package that

change of that unit. The first financial contract we signed

could read the data from all units. Today, this allows us to

to lease vehicles was for six years, but because of better

read data from Hino, Freightliner, and Sterling, whose units

maintenance and care efforts, we now believe we can take on

we use. It has really helped us track fuel consumption and

a leasing cycle lasting up to nine years. We will be performing

driving patterns by allowing us to identify which routes

a renewal of our nine-year old fleet next year, representing

are more complicated and design our operational strategy

around 90 vehicles. This incorporates just the city trucks,

accordingly. Within the Danone Group, Bonafont is the only

but in 2016, we will consider the renewal of our nationwide

company using telematics as a control system for its fleets.

trucks, which will represent around 200 vehicles.


Elias Dip Ramé, National President of National Confederation of Mexican Carriers (CONATRAM)

Within the vast network of

This allows them to benefit from the same prices offered

the transportation sector,

to large fleet owners,” says Dip Ramé. This pushing for



favourable costs has been important, given the disparity

gets overlooked is that of



that existed in the past. According to Dip Ramé, an OEM



might charge 5% interest to a big fleet company buying

and SMEs. For Elias Dip

50 trucks but hits owner-operators with an interest rate of

Ramé, National President

18%, putting them from buying new vehicles. He states that

of National Confederation

this differential treatment has had a major consequence:


the purchasing of obsolete trucks from the US has risen,



Carriers such


slowing down the domestic market. Beyond giving the

situation is incongruous,

same prices to all companies, CONATRAM is pushing for

bearing in mind the portion of the sector these micro-

equality in other areas. Access to financing for smaller

players make up. One of his priorities at CONATRAM is to

firms represents a serious challenge. OEMs have begun

make sure this under-represented crowd is better included

to provide financial services, but they are more reserved

in the industry’s decision-making. “This hive of SMEs

in offering credit to owner-operators that are seen as

and single owner-operators manages around 80% of the

less trustworthy. Therefore, CONATRAM believes that

national cargo, while the large transportation companies

a different level of financial support should come from

that claim all the attention manage just 20% of the cargo.”

the government and NAFINSA. “Congress must allocate

Some 10,000 companies operate within this segment and

a budget for the renovation of the vehicle park, and this

CONATRAM has kept itself busy helping them to evolve

should be a priority,” states Dip Ramé. “The government

to their greatest potential. This change in mentality

must take a more proactive role in financing developments

was needed for these small companies to survive in the

in the transportation segment.” Authorities have taken

competitive market. Dip Ramé says that CONATRAM’s

steps to implement scrapping programs, but CONATRAM

training model was based on innovations being made in

feels these could be improved. A petition of CONATRAM

the US, such as reducing lead times, warehousing, and

members has been given to the government, requesting

proper inventories. “The results were very effective. For

that units affected by scrapping programs should be given

example, ‘just-in-time’ services were unknown among

a value of US$19,040 and be considered as collateral for



the purchase of new trucks. Dip Ramé says such a scheme

transport cargo from Monterrey to Mexico City, but after

would make it far easier for smaller companies to renew

the implementation of proper processes, it just takes a

their fleets, without feeling they were losing out financially.

couple of hours,” he adds. Demand from the automotive

CONATRAM is not alone in this fight, as ANPACT and

industry was another driver for change. Dip Ramé

CANAPAT have joined it in its fleet renewal mission, but

explains that the logistics needs of automotive companies

Dip Ramé says progress remains slow. “It is imperative

railroaded carriers into adopting specific strategies. “A

that the government becomes more agile in its decision-

leading supplier might give an 11-hour deadline to its

making. It is not just about renewing the vehicle park, as

transportation company of choice, regardless of its size. It

doing so would reduce pollution and improve healthcare,

is then up to the company to figure out how to achieve this

leading to millions in savings for the country.”






service within the given time constraint.” The recently initiated Fiscal Reform is being viewed with For CONATRAM, the development of smaller carriers

wary eyes by the automotive and transportation sectors

depends on three main strategies: modernizing the vehicle

alike. “The manner in which it was approved by Congress

park, incorporating new technology into operations, and

has only increased stagnation for SMEs and single

personnel training. Among these, fleet renewal is already

owner-operators,” explains Dip Ramé. He predicts severe

a pressing topic in the heavy duty sector, which becomes

consequences as a result of Congress having approved the

a particularly challenging undertaking for smaller players.

reform without fully understanding the dynamics of the

To support companies in this process, CONATRAM has

market or the industry. “Ultimately, this reform benefits

established strong ties with the automotive industry

those that are already better off, but will push small, formal

in order to obtain favorable costs for fleet renewals.

companies back to being informal. There will now certainly

“CONATRAM is bigger than any large fleet company.

be small carrier companies that cease to exist. With its

This enables us to purchase a great number of units,

Fiscal Reform, the government has negatively impacted

which can be passed on to owner-operators and SMEs.

Mexico’s transportation sector,” he concludes.



THE BACKBONE OF MEXICO’S CONNECTIVITY GUSTAVO CÁRDENAS President of National Chamber of Passenger & Tourism Transportation (CANAPAT)

Q: What prompted the creation of the National Chamber

impact on the segment. The main issue is that we cannot pass

of Passenger & Tourism Transportation (CANAPAT) and

the impact of the new 16% VAT onto passengers, as the public

what are its main goals?

is not receiving an increase of 16% in its income. Therefore

A: CANAPAT was founded in 1989 but it used to be part of

CANAPAT’s members are trying to become more efficient in

the Chamber of Transport, which included both freight and

terms of technology and training in order to reduce costs.

passenger transport. Due to differences in operations, client

If the brunt of the cost is passed on to the passenger, then

base, and products, these two segments were then separated.

companies will lose clients. People will never stop moving,

CANAPAT was created as a result of this separation, in order

but they will migrate to another mode of transportation

to specifically tend to the needs of the passenger carrier

and might even opt for informal companies that use unsafe

segment in Mexico. CANAPAT’s objective is to represent

vehicles and do not pay VAT. The Fiscal Reform is almost

all formal companies that are dedicated to this segment,

counterproductive, given what the government wishes to

with the purpose of taking all their concerns and projects

achieve. To an extent, it will allow authorities to gain more

to the government. This chamber stands as a consulting

control over the market, but many people will opt for

board where the government can obtain information to

alternatives, which in turn will favor irregular companies.

determine which projects to develop in the sector. We cover approximately 600 companies, representing a vehicle park

Q: What strategies can be implemented to mitigate the

of close to 25,000 units. This quantity represents just over

impacts of the reforms?

95% of formal companies present in the sector in Mexico, as

A: The three main pillars to address are companies’

almost all established entities are part of CANAPAT.







implementation of technology. Fuel efficiency is a priority, Q: In what ways has the passenger carrier segment been

as well as the availability of spare parts for the maintenance


of the units. While trends in the automotive industry

A: It is a fact that 97% of people in this country use the bus

are focusing on alternative forms of fuel, with regards to

as their preferred mode of transportation. This segment is

passenger carriers there is no fully developed technology

the spinal cord of transportation in Mexico and represents an

that can replace the current form of fuel. This is largely

intense and massive market compared to other countries that

because our segment handles medium to long distances

may see trains, cars, or planes in stronger positions. In recent

and natural gas is not a viable alternative for that right now

years, the Mexican market has been seeing more vehicles

due to the lack of infrastructure.

equipped with better technology. There are many companies that started out as SMEs but have now expanded in size.

Q: What strategies does CANAPAT implement to push for

100% of the companies affiliated to CANAPAT started out as

the formalization of informal companies?

owner-operators. Today, the strong competition that exists

A: An important factor to consider is that the informal

within the market has resulted in the introduction of many

market within the passenger carrier segment is double the

vehicle modifications that are designed to capture market

size of the formal market. This situation will never cease to

share. Buses in Mexico have a host of features including

exist, so CANAPAT must work with the government to let

but not limited to Wi-Fi, luxury reclining seats, individual

that particular market evolve. We share the same roots and

entertainment centers, and meals. The level of sophistication

origins as the informal market players, as we all began as

and maturity in this market is unique.

single owner-operators. The evolution began when single owner-operators formed groups that then became licensees


Q: What are the main priorities on CANAPAT’s agenda

and then societies. This is the only existing path that will carry

and how do these address the concerns of your members?

these companies from informality to professionalization. The

A: Our main priority is to help the industry adapt to the

government should offer incentives so that these informal

implications of the Fiscal Reform, as this has had a strong

companies discover being formal leads to better business.


DOMESTIC BUS BUILDER EYES INTERNATIONAL EXPANSION JAVIER BENITEZ NUĂ‘EZ Director General of AYCO Q: What has AYCO identified as the principal needs of

the type of service they want to provide. This is possible

Mexico’s domestic bus market?

because the sector is not regulated.

A: Mexico used to see bus sales of 9,000 or 10,000 units per year, but since the 2008 crisis, this has plummeted

Q: What requirements does AYCO have to meet in order

to just 5,000. Despite the economic situation recovering,

to do business with an OEM?

the cheaper units remain the most popular. In terms of

A: We have to comply with engineering requirements

the parts that are made here, almost all plants handle a

regarding how the body is coupled to the chassis. We need

Mexican version of the semi-forward control chassis, with

to prove our ability in the processes that validate when

part of the engine inside the unit and part of it outside.

a body is appropriately installed onto a chassis without

This chassis takes up 80% of the market share, ahead

damaging any component. Each OEM has a guide for the

of the flat front engine and the flat rear engine chassis.

bodybuilder with indications covering drilling, welding,

The quality of our bodies is related to technology, R&D,

and electrical systems. If we meet all these requirements,

investment, processes, and materials. Through testing and

they approve the installation of the body on our chassis.

analysis of durability and rollover, we have tried materials

Our plant has a pre-delivery inspection process that verifies

and just launched front semi-control and flat rear engine

if our chassis meets all needed engineering requirements.

body models for all brands. These units are lighter by a

We have even shipped units to Detroit to be submitted

tonne, when compared with previous versions. This means

for analysis of their product durability. This allowed us to

a more profitable unit, with greater fuel efficiency and less

determine that our chassis have a lifespan of 1.6 million km

wear on tires. These aspects are important to the business

without damaging the structural integrity of the body. Most

of a transportation company. Although these units are not

recently, in April, we took some units to Wisconsin to a lab

the cheapest in the market, they provide a good balance

where crash and rollover tests were performed. This means

between price and quality. Our clients also know that

we can guarantee that our bodies are safe.

delivery time is one of AYCO’s competitive advantages. If LIPU asks for 200 units in May to be ready before the next

Q: What new opportunities has the current automotive

school period, we can provide them. Many customers also

investment boom brought to AYCO?

demand an after-sales service so we provide that service

A: In the past, we had some applications for light interstate

to all clients, even when they do not ask for it. This strategy


has led us to have a market share of almost 60% with an

participate more actively in that segment, due to a lack

annual production volume of 3,000 units. This translates

of chassis. Now Mexican manufacturers have the ability to

to 15 units made per working day, which is no mean feat.

produce chassis with certain characteristics, providing the






capacity, comfort, and power required for the interstate Q: How does the sophistication of the Mexican bus market


compare with other Latin America countries?

Mercedes-Benz, and Scania are all available, so we can

A: The Colombian market, for example, is very mature.

participate in this segment. The industry has changed and

In cities such as Bogota, buses are the only other means

AYCO has been invited to participate in other vehicle lines.

of transportation apart from cars. There is no subway as

There is a clear trend to modernize buses in Mexico and

the local geography does not allow it. Colombian public

make them similar to those seen in Europe or the US. For

transport is also very clear as colors are prominently

instance, we have built an integral low-entrance unit that

marked depending on the type of service the buses offer.

was developed by MAN with the support of CONACYT.

The Mexican market also tends to be mature, but only in

In 2015, we will participate more intensively in the light

certain ways. The specifications are clear here too but,

interstate sector, due to interest from several leading

in some cases, a carrier may change the specifications,

companies in offering complete vehicles for shorter

such as the color, lighting, or accessories, depending on

distance travel.








Q: What have been IAMSA’s greatest contributions to the

across all segments. All OEMs have something distinctive

development of the Mexican automotive industry?

to offer. Beccar does not have an engineering department,

A: All purchases of the groups that make up IAMSA,

so it does not drive technological innovation, but it has

including our partners, make IAMSA the largest consumer

departments that cater to the needs of its customers. Irizar

of coaches and buses in Mexico. The production capacity

works in a similar way. On the other hand, when working

of all automakers in Mexico, including Volvo, Irizar, Dina,

with the most technologically advanced OEMs, like Volvo

Mercedes Benz, Beccar, and more, should be about 4,000

and Marcopolo, we can specify the characteristics we

buses annually. The companies that make up IAMSA buy

are looking for and they can offer technologies that are

700 units annually. We also support our companies in the

already available in other parts of the world.

financial aspect and obtain credit for partners to acquire buses. We seek to be at the forefront of technology in

Q: How do you encourage the balance of costs and fuel

terms of what the industry needs both nationally and


internationally. For example, when we made the decision

A: To keep prices low, we have to keep a stable occupancy

to acquire 2,000 Volvo buses, we gave the right incentive

rate by closely monitoring the developments in each

to Volvo in Sweden so it could set up its plant in Mexico.

sector. If we see that the demand is reduced, then we

Initially, Volvo Sweden did not believe in the potential of the

have to reduce our services. We must also take into

Mexican market but it now views its development in Mexico

account competition and demand for all of our routes,

as a reference. This is true for all the bus makers except

as these two variables determine the price we can offer

Mercedes-Benz, which is associated with Marcopolo, which

to maintain profitable occupancy rates. For a service

does its own development in Brazil. In terms of regulations,

where we compete with air travel, such as Mexico City to

IAMSA sees it as vital that when a new technology enters

Monterrey, we have 600 seats available per day, while the

Mexico, it complies with pollution and fuel efficiency

airline companies have 3,000. We have to offer something

regulations. However, the Mexican regulation for pollution

that none of our competitors offer, no matter which mode

is not very clear so we comply with European regulations.

of transport is involved. Our unique service on the Mexico

Most of our buses already meet the Euro V certification.

City to Monterrey route is overnight transportation, which means that users can use our luxury service buses as an

Q: How do you create relationships with OEMs that enable

alternative to hotel accomodation. Another example is

them to meet your needs?

the Mexico City-Queretaro route, which is used by many

A: We explain our needs to the OEMs and jointly develop

businessmen as Queretaro is close to Mexico City. They

products, especially regarding technology and the interior

prefer a mode of transportation that enables them to work

of the buses, aiming always for comfort and safety. When

on the road, which we can cater to.

buying buses from an OEM, the most important aspect is


technology and fuel efficiency. Our buses travel up to 3

Q: What strategies does IAMSA have in place to increase

million km before they are renewed. For a bus to reach

its market share?

those 3 million km, it must use around 1 million liters of

A: The bus market will continue to grow but our strategy

diesel. If you divide this over the ten-year lifespan of each

is to grow at the same rate as Mexico’s population growth.

bus, the bus consumes 100,000 liters per year. If you

We are now entering the aviation and rail segments. We

multiply this amount by the 9,000 buses we have, we

have been running VivaAerobus for seven years now,

consume around 900 million liters of diesel every year.

and we entered that segment because we knew how the

This must be kept in mind when deciding which bus to

market was evolving. It was a strategic move, we knew that

buy, as well as identifying what interests our customers

the market and the country were changing and that we

the most. We have acknowledged that safety, comfort,

had to adapt to that. For the same reason, we are now

and time are the features that clients care about the most

looking to enter the railway business.

INTERSTATE TRANSPORTATION IN HIGH DEMAND Bus passenger transportation in Mexico has thrived due

driven developments in terms of body weight, powertrain,

to the absence of a comprehensive railway system and

and compliance with environmental standards for buses.

the cost of air transport. For this reason, bus companies

“The OEMs bring technology and global compliance and

like Grupo ADO have expanded the range of services they

Grupo ADO provides bus configurations with the best

offer to customers, as explained by Juan Carlos Uriarte,

features for Mexico’s highways and byways, meeting the

Director General of Grupo ADO. “The company started

needs and demands of Mexican passengers,” says Ramírez.

out in interstate transport, but it has ventured into other

Once the configuration phase is completed, Grupo ADO uses

businesses by following the needs of its passengers. Most

buses for pilot programs and tests. For instance, new models

of these services began in a rudimentary form,” says

are tested in different markets and driven along different

Uriarte. An example of this is the company’s shipment

routes and under different climate conditions. This leads to

service, which began when some people entrusted

a monthly analysis to verify performance, fuel economy, tire

parcels to the company’s drivers, who delivered them to

wear, and other factors and faults that may arise. Only once

the destinations where they were headed. Its entrance

all pertinent improvements are made, can a unit become a

into tourism transportation and the creation of Autotur,

fulltime part of Grupo ADO’s fleet. When purchasing a unit,

Grupo ADO’s brand for that segment, began similarly.

Grupo ADO focuses on market requirements, environmental

Customers flocked to terminals to to board buses heading

compliance, performance, fuel efficiency, and components

toward tourist hotspots, and Grupo ADO identified a

as well as brand perception among passengers. However,

great opportunity. “We realized that there were mature

buses of major OEMs may only have small differences in such

markets showing little growth, and we had to look for

aspects, meaning that aftersales service and infrastructure

other alternatives for expansion,” comments Uriarte. After

take pride of place in defining a sale. “The differentiator now

the 1980s, the group began to carry out its expansion in

lies in the support companies provide and the flexibility in

an institutionalized and planned manner. It became active

their portfolio,” says Uriarte.

not only in tourism and parcel transport, but also in urban transport services by creating brands like Turibus and

To guarantee the comfort and safety of its passengers,

Metrobus, both of which serve Mexico City.

Grupo ADO performs preventive, corrective, and predictive maintenance activities. Preventative maintenance refers

With a national market share of between 20-30%, Grupo

to following the manufacturer’s indications in terms of

ADO primarily serves the southeast region, the Gulf of

maintenance and the replacement of components. Corrective

Mexico region, and a small strip in northern Tamaulipas. For

maintenance relates to the solving of daily wear and tear, and

destinations in these regions the company offers interstate

predictive maintenance consists of maintenance activities

transport services in all its different segments, such as

based on statistics and component durability. Knowing the

courier services, travel services, and urban transport. With

mileage obtained by each component enables Grupo Ado to

its vast knowledge of the market, it is understandable that

change these ahead of time and prevent their failure. “Every

Grupo ADO has been pushing the development of the

time a bus enters the terminal, it is scheduled for maintenance

automotive industry in Mexico. Grupo ADO has maintained

according to the mileage it has. We have indicators that tell

constant communication with OEMs established here, such

us if we are following preventive maintenance. One of the

as Mercedes-Benz, Scania, and Volvo, to such a degree that

most important indicators is the number of breakdowns

these turn to Grupo ADO for assistance in improving their

happening out on the road,” explains Ramírez. When such

products. “When companies launch a new model in the

a breakdown happens, the terminal receives a message and

segments we cater to, the best place to test it out is with

the workshop gets a call so that Grupo ADO’s team can begin

ADO,” proudly expresses Gerardo Ramírez, Maintenance

solving the problem. Once the issue is taken care of, Grupo

Director of Grupo ADO. “We provide the opportunity to

ADO seeks the root cause to establish corrective actions.

bring equipment from abroad and configure it to suit the characteristics of a company’s operations in Mexico. Grupo

Grupo ADO will continue to provide the services for

ADO staff members often make contributions by suggesting

which it is recognized in the market, but it is now

improvements to products from OEMs and auto parts

looking to venture more strongly into urban and tourist

companies.” Grupo ADO’s involvement in these processes

transportation. “We want to be seen as a mobility company

responds to the need among OEMs to quickly become

and more than just a carrier. This means looking to meet

familiar with the unique features of the Mexican market,

our customers’ requirements from their front door to their

roads, and people. Grupo ADO offers training, technology,

final destination, whether they are travelling for business

and strategic partnerships that, according to Ramírez, have

or leisure,” says Uriarte.



“It has become commonplace that during the fleet renewal

ground transportation was

process, informal companies would end up with our used

already well underway in

units by buying them indirectly. However, this year we

the US, Mexico had little

sold some units back to Mercedes-Benz while others were


recycled and modified to be used in other sectors,” he says.



pave the roads needed

César Enríquez Morán, Marketing Director of Grupo Estrella Blanca

for this budding sector.

Despite its penchant for Mercedes-Benz, Enríquez Morán



admits that all the OEMs are very competitive and provide

was unregulated and it

excellent quality. This high competitiveness of OEMs has

was common to modify

made it challenging for transportation companies to



vehicles, such as the Ford

provide a differentiated service. Estrella Blanca finds its

T, by dismantling the back and placing wooden beams that

differentiation in customer service and amenities, although

were used as seats for passengers,” says César Enríquez

Enríquez Morán explains that its strategy is focused on a

Morán, Marketing Director of Grupo Estrella Blanca. The

combination of safety, technology, and choosing the right

company moved with the times, evolving from being a

partners. “Cameras and alarm systems are now being

single route operator in 1940 to a group that operates over

incorporated into the buses as has been done in some

10,000 routes and moves over 30 million people per year

countries in Europe,” comments Enríquez Morán. “It is now

after 74 years in the Mexican market. At the beginning, the

possible to determine if the operator is distracted or tired as

transportation sector was ruled by concessions from the

well as to measure speed, routes, and fuel consumption in

government offering the exclusive use of specific routes

order to increase the performance of our units.” The recent

to a single company. However, the concession system was

challenges faced by ground transportation companies, such

terminated in the late 1980s, leaving free competition as

as Fiscal Reform and the constant increase of fuel prices,

the new model to follow in the ground transportation

have incentivized the sector to search for alternatives to

market. “Upon the opening of the market, no rules or

increase productivity and profitability. Estrella Blanca has

regulations were set. No one could have predicted that

modified its logistics strategy by creating a new service

price wars would take place and that informal companies

called Futura Mix, where half of the passengers pay

would enter the market,” comments Enríquez Morán. “We

premium prices, receiving the benefits of a higher class

are concerned by these informal companies, since they do

service, while the other half pay economy prices. This

not renew their fleets, their operators are untrained, and

concept has enabled it to increase occupation factors in

their old vehicles cause road accidents,” he adds.

buses, increasing profitability during low demand seasons. The landscape of the ground transportation market was


In order to stay ahead of the race against informality,

irrevocably changed by the new Fiscal Reform. In the past,

Estrella Blanca considers that the regular renewal of

inter-city transportation was exempt from taxes, as it was

vehicles and a formal approach to their business offer real

part of the national ‘small contributors’ scheme, so each

benefits to its passengers, including defined bus stations

part of the group reported its individual earnings. Now

that establish security protocols and trained operators

these companies must pay 16% VAT and can no longer

that undergo regular drug testing to guarantee the

be denominated as small contributors. As a result, some

safety of its passengers. “We are Mercedes-Benz’s main

players have been able to buy up the market presence

customers. In 2014 so far, we have bought approximately

of smaller ventures. This has led to the traditional image

250 new units that include individual televisions, internet,

of the owner-operator beginning to slowly disappear

and comfortable seating,” says Enríquez Morán. Estrella

from the ground transportation sector, although owner-

Blanca works together with Mercedes-Benz, as the

operators continue to have a big presence in the cargo

latter has offered timely access to spare parts. While the

transportation segment. “Personally, I believe that the

transportation leader has its own workshops, every spare

government only thought of increasing tax collection,

part and component comes from OEMs. The group’s

but it did not take into consideration the impact it would

most sought-after components are windows and tires,

have on the ground transportation companies,” states

as these are easily worn down due to the conditions of

Enríquez Morán. “The increase in ticket prices due to the

Mexico’s roads and highways. Another important quality

VAT imposed by the Fiscal Reform has seen Estrella Blanca

that Estrella Blanca found in Mercedes-Benz was the high

and other companies lose competitiveness in long routes

technology used in its units, granting it a competitive edge

since air transportation has become a viable alternative for

while keeping CO2 emissions at the lowest possible level.

some passengers.”

NATURAL GAS OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEXICAN FLEETS Neomexicana de GNC is established as the leading provider

A new opportunity for CNG distribution is emerging in the

of off-pipeline natural gas solutions in Latin America.

Mexican transportation market. Given Mexico’s huge fuel

Having mainly been focused on clients in the heavy

consumption, even if just a tiny portion is converted into

industrial segment, it is now moving into other sectors like

natural gas, the market would prove immense,” explains

commercial, residential, and automotive. As a joint venture

Allier. The company is ready to provide CNG as fuel but

between the Brazilian firm NEOgás and Mexico’s Grupo

sees one major obstacle standing in its way. There are not

Diavaz, Neomexicana takes care of the entire delivery

enough gas stations providing CNG because there is not

process of compressed natural gas (CNG). It was the first

enough demand for the moment. Neomexicana will provide

company to get a permit from SENER to work with CNG in

a dedicated service to corporate customers, offering CNG

Mexico and was the first worldwide to obtain an ISO 9001

stations dedicated to servicing their fleets. This program

certification for CNG operations. The opportunities offered

will primarily be aimed at major organizations that own

by the automotive sector based on the potential of natural

their own fleets of commercial vehicles, such as Grupo

gas vehicles, as well as the expansion of CNG for industrial

Bimbo and Grupo ADO. Allier sees these as more than able

clients lacking access to the natural gas pipeline network,

to afford the investment needed to pay for Neomexicana’s

are two pillars upon which Neomexicana is basing its

services, and he predicts they will be convinced by the 25-

expectations for future growth in Mexico.

30% fuel reduction costs associated with switching to CNG.

“CNG distribution is emerging in the Mexican transportation market. Given Mexico’s huge fuel consumption, even if a tiny portion is converted into natural gas, the market would prove immense” Alejandro Allier, General Manager of Neomexicana de GNC

NEOgás’ focus on the Mexican market was proven last

The US is currently seeing a major trend among big

year when, after raising US$20 million from the IFC, it

fleet owners that are changing their fleets to natural

announced that between 40-60% of these funds would be

gas. In Mexico, Allier says interest in converting fleets

allocated to Neomexicana. According to Alejandro Allier,

to CNG is beginning to grow. For example, Walmart

General Manager of Neomexicana, Mexico’s many industrial

is undergoing tests to convert part of its fleet to CNG

opportunities make it a natural step to invest in the country.

which will bring advantages in terms of fuel autonomy,

Neomexicana is clear on where its opportunities lie in

reduction of maintenance costs, and security, while also

the automotive industry. “Companies like Ford, Mazda,

contributing to sustainability performance. To continue

or Nissan place their production near an existing gas

building up the appeal of CNG, Neomexicana knows that

pipeline,” he says. “It is unrealistic to provide CNG to a

it has to enter into alliances with engine manufacturers.

manufacturing cluster that has easy access to a natural gas

“The issue at the moment is that engines that run on

pipeline.” However, CNG can offer a temporary solution until

natural gas are not fully available in the Mexican market,”

a natural gas pipeline is built. Allier understands that the

explains Allier. The company is in talks with engine

natural gas business has the facility to be mobile so that

companies to seek an agreement: engine companies

if a pipeline extends to some of its clientele, the company

will increase the presence of natural gas engines in

can then move its units to another location. To incorporate

the market while Neomexicana will invest more in its

this into its business, the company already has a diversified

dedicated service scheme to accommodate the growing

business strategy and highly efficient technical procedures.

presence of CNG-fueled fleets. An important advantage

Allier is aware that it will face competition since it would be

for natural gas is its price, and Neomexicana took the

impossible for just one company to cater to the country’s

stability of natural gas prices in comparison with other

entire potential CNG demand for industrial customers. “The

fuels into consideration when creating its current 15-

length of the road network is 15 times the size of the natural

year operating plan. Although the company does not

gas pipeline network, which has a total length of 9,500km.

have an operating automotive project for Mexico, Allier

Even all the new pipeline infrastructure that will be built

expects that by the end of 2014, Neomexicana will have

over the next years will not be enough to supply natural gas

a couple of projects in this sector and aims to become

to the whole of Mexico,” he explains.

the Mexican market leader.



While Mexico’s domestic vehicle market struggles to reach its potential, the aftermarket segment is thriving. A combination of an aging car park and an increased trend for renewal has created plenty of opportunity for savvy aftermarket companies. Extreme price pressures caused by easy access to cheap Asian parts, as well as an historic problem with parts piracy, have created an aggressive and dynamic environment. Many companies did not see the double-digit growth they had predicted in 2013 due to profit erosion caused by investments demanded in marketing and advertising processes, as well as general administration. As major US retailers enter the market Mexico’s traditional refaccionarios are being forced to innovate or perish. Cataloguing, branding, and product development are all crucial in the race to attract and retain customers. Inventory reduction has become an invaluable tool in reducing costs while some retailers have shifted to not stocking inventory at all, warehouse capacity and logistics management are also playing a crucial role.

This chapter will look at the strengths and challenges presented by an inundation of aftermarket companies and brands to Mexico’s automotive sector. As competition increases an amalgam of well established and new market entrants provide a diverse perspective on the different strategies being implemented to capture market share. The changing market dynamics as increasingly sophisticated vehicle owners demand both quality and competitive prices are discussed, as well as efforts to educate consumers nationwide on the connection between the quality of aftermarket parts and safety.





VIEW FROM THE TOP: Competitive Aftermarket Drives Creativity


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Top Ten Global Supplier Absorbs Market Share


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Drive, Sell, and Retain: Winning in the Aftermarket


Pushing Cost-Benefit Ratio in Price-Sensitive Market


Mindful Timing Selection Trumps Premature Entry


Quality Battles Piracy in Aftermarket War


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Formalizing a High-Tech Aftermarket Presence


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Component Numbers Rise as Technology Advances


Family-Run Supplier with Heavy Duty Presence


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Aftermarket Investment Produces Dividends for All


Auto Parts Dealer Transitions to Manufacturing


Trans-Atlantic Partnership Makes In-Roads into Mexico


Identifying Supply Chain Pyramid Base Lifts Summit


Complex Filter Variations for Targeted Solutions


Roadblocks Remain to Aftermarket Entry


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Reducing Friction through Fusion


Building the Components of Success


Intervention Needed to Tackle Used Tire Misuse


Bringing Korean Ultra-High Performance Tires to Mexico


Certifying Workshops to Raise Quality Levels


Reducing Repair Durations One Spray at a Time


Aftermarket Success: From Sandpaper to Abrasives




with this movement, some companies opted for another

the aftermarket sector, and what are the main trends you

growth strategy which did not involve sacrificing their

have identified?

margins. Their strategy entailed warehouse management,

A: Having been founded almost 70 years ago, ARIDRA is

logistics, and efficiency. Inventory reduction has become

the oldest association in the automotive industry. One of its

a continuous trend, and some companies are relying on

distinguishing factors is that it has a wide variety of members

24-hour turnaround business from the manufacturers to

across distributors, retailers, manufacturers, importers, and

offer an express service themselves. Many retail shops now

agencies. This gives us a good understanding of what is

have no inventory. When a customer arrives, the retailer

happening in the market, as well as the opportunities and

only has to pick up the phone and ask for the components.

challenges our members face. We then share the information

Some businesses can ship in as little as 20 minutes.

with our members so they can also plan ahead. ARIDRA’s


focus is mainly on the aftermarket since companies in the

Vehicle owners are also becoming more demanding; they

OE segment are part of INA. Overall, the aftermarket sector

are looking for better products at a lower price. As a result of

is evolving drastically and becoming more aggressive. 2013-

the rising purchasing power in Mexico, we are seeing more

2014 has been a positive period for the aftermarket sector,

products in the entry and mid-price range levels. While most

although it did not always proceed as expected. There was

companies invest in their premium brands, they are now

slight top line growth but some erosion in profit due to

selling less premium units and experiencing sales increases

many companies’ investment in sales processes, including

at the mid and entry levels. The typical profile of a company

marketing, advertisement, and general administrative areas.

is a manufacturer that distributes its own products and has

The aftermarket is also becoming more demanding, as

its own brand. To change the consumer’s mentality, it is

companies need better tools, technology, inventory, quality,

important to reinforce the brand image, and offer workshops

and added value services. An important challenge for all

and training. The consumer market must be re-educated or

the players in the aftermarket sector is to be efficient in

we will begin to see more products in white boxes where the

cataloguing, branding, and product development.

difference will be defined only by the price.

Q: What have been the most recent sources of profit

Q: How does ARIDRA help Mexican-owned companies


become more competitive?

A: Many companies had very aggressive business plans for

A: A few Mexican-owned companies are members of

2013, and were expecting double-digit growth but this did

ARIDRA, like DAI and Grupo Gonher. One of the peculiarities

not happen due to two factors. The first was a lack of cash

of these Mexican companies is that they are focused on

caused by difficulties in the collection of payments from

one particular component and segment of the vehicle. The

customers, which in turn created mounting pressure to sell

challenge for the automotive industry is to develop local

even more products that the companies had to buy from

Tier 2 and 3 companies. When OE manufacturers cannot

the manufacturers. A tight, competitive environment was

obtain their products here, they search outside of Mexico,

created throughout the entire sector. Since sales were at

but Mexican companies can fill this gap in the market.

an unexpected level, companies began to lose ground, and

This will be the next step for the automotive industry and

as a result, they had to reduce prices or give discounts.

should be a priority on the government’s agenda. Mexican

Surprisingly, this had nothing to do with competitiveness, as

suppliers have to realize that the aftermarket sector offers

the market itself had gone soft and resulted in a slim growth

opportunities them. One of the advantages that SMEs gain

of 2%. There are only two ways of achieving double-digit

from being members of ARIDRA is that they can gain access

growth: taking advantage of market growth or grabbing

to information. Networking is also important since it gives

market share from other players. The best way to grab

companies the chance to get together, update each other,

market share is to reduce prices and offer discounts. Faced

and discuss market trends.


TOP TEN GLOBAL SUPPLIER ABSORBING MARKET SHARE GERARDO VARELA Director General of ZF Services Mexico Q: ZF Group is almost one century old. What role have

Q: How does ZF Services actively communicate its

emerging markets come to play in the group’s global

commitment to superior quality?

strategy over that time?

A: Superior quality means combining superior design

A: ZF Group is going to celebrate its first century in 2015

and functionality at a reasonable cost for our customers.

and we have expanded steadily throughout our history. ZF

This is combined with a proven service capability and the

is a global leader in driveline and chassis technology with

capacity to timely attend to the needs of any OE customer

122 production companies in 26 countries. As the eighth-

or end user. This is essential as our OE customers and end

largest supplier of OEMs worldwide, in 2013, the Group

users are demanding high technology products with a

achieved sales of about €16.8 billion with approximately

reliable service readiness. We rely on ZF’s own divisions as

72,600 employees. In order to continue to be successful

our main suppliers to ensure a standard level of OE quality,

with innovative products, ZF annually invests about 5%

as they are supplied by a supplier base developed for the

of its sales in R&D. This amount reached €836 million in

European markets and backed up local presences. Local

2013. Our global expansion strategy has been successfully

and regional suppliers become subject to evaluations


under the same quality standards and values.






partners who already had a strong global presence. ZF Group came to Mexico at the end of the 1990s after

Q: How is your Mexican logistical strategy evolving as the

making two acquisitions, a clutch company named Borg

market develops?

& Beck and Aralmex that produces shock absorbers. Over

A: Market needs are constantly changing. With the latest

the past decade, we introduced the manufacturing of

developments in areas such as IT, our responses to

transmission, steering, and suspension parts here in order

customers need to be optimized. We are adapting our

to expand our local product portfolio. Originally every

logistics strategy to properly serve our current distribution

single Mexican company was independent, working on its

network as well as new retail chains, such as AutoZone,

own with its aftersales partners. But the group decided

NAPA, and O’Reilly, which are growing faster than other

that all aftermarket products should be handled by one

distribution channels. E-tailing is another example of new

company, leading to ZF Services entering Mexico in 2007.

channels rising up with different requirements that also need to be covered. The world is becoming smaller in terms

Q: What are your main priorities in the Mexican market?

of distribution, so our export sales must be accompanied

A: ZF Group in Mexico has been focused on delivering

by a new logistics strategy to deliver customers’ orders

real customer satisfaction for its regional OEM customers

overseas faster. This can be done by incorporating supply

such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Volkswagen, Volvo, Nissan,

chain management techniques such as drop shipping.

GM, and Ford. This has been achieved in two ways. We introduced high technology and quality at competitive cost

Q: What expansion plans do you have in Mexico?

levels and lead times across our different components and

A: All of ZF’s Mexican plants are growing due to the new

service concepts, and we introduced new product lines to

OEM plants coming into the central part of the country.

offer a one-stop shop strategy for aftermarket customers.

Our shock absorber plant ended 2013 with a record sales

ZF Group implements this strategy globally and Mexico is

volume of 16.7 million units. It is on target to deliver 20

no exception. In Mexico, ZF Services has a market share

million units in 2015 and 30 million in 2025 based on the

of over 50% for its shock absorber line under the BOGE

OEM orders we have been awarded. Our aftermarket

brand and has the second-largest brand for clutches. We

sector is growing based on brand positioning and the

are now introducing a line of steering and suspension

introduction of new product lines, such as steering and

parts under the Lemförder brand, as well as continuously

suspension parts for passenger cars and commercial

variable transmission (CVT) components for repairing and

vehicles, and transmission parts for agricultural and off-

remanufacturing under the ZF Parts brand.

road vehicles.



DRIVE, SELL, AND RETAIN: WINNING IN THE AFTERMARKET DAVID YANES Director of Client Services of Ford Aftermarket Q: How is the auto parts sector in Mexico adapting to the

promotions to convince customers to go to a Ford service

introduction of new technologies?

shop instead of an independent shop.

A: The auto parts sector has had to acclimatize to the rise of technology in both components and vehicles. As part

Q: How important are delivery lead times to this strategy?

of our vehicles portfolio, we offer technology that has

A: We are very focused on ensuring that the parts are

been branded as MyFord Touch and MyLincoln Touch.

delivered to the dealership on time. We also measure our

We also need to take care of the infrastructure to service

performance in terms of the parts the dealer ordered and

that technology, which involves training sales personnel,

how many parts we were able to deliver. Sometimes there

as well as service shop personnel, to ensure that they are

are exceptions, such as when we do not have the parts

familiar with the new technology from the moment they are

available, but these are called back-orders and represent

exposed to our new vehicles. The sophistication of the auto

only a small percentage. If we do not have the part, we see

parts sector is reflected in the parts we supply, although

where it is available in Ford’s global supply chain and then

we continue to supply old parts like condensers since there

we use airfreight to bring it here, after which the part goes

are still old vehicles in operation that need them. There

directly from the depot to the dealer. Airfreight is used in

is an interesting mix in the Mexican market as it contains

order to speed up the delivery so that we continue to uphold

both very old vehicles and new vehicles that contain all the

our vision of delivering on time to the dealer. We deliver

latest technology. To be competitive within the aftermarket

parts within 24 hours around the country with the exception

sector, we have to be proactive. Vehicles are becoming

of the Yucatan and Baja California peninsulas. Our outbound

more complex and technicians have to be trained every

deliveries are based on trucks for stock orders, although air

day. When we find an opportunity to improve customer

freight is used for emergencies and back-orders regardless

experience, we seize it. The average vehicle age in Mexico

where the dealer is. Railroad is applicable for inbound but

is around 12-13 years which is something to bear in mind as

not for outbound. This is because we have the responsibility

we need to be smarter in attracting customers in that range.

to deliver the part on time to the dealer.

In the aftermarket sector, we are providing service for vehicles up to seven years old. The reason we stop above

Q: What is Ford Aftermarket’s capacity to supply SKUs

that vehicle age is because we are trying to attract specific

and what parts are primarily replaced in a vehicle?

customers into our service shops. We are not focusing on

A: Ford Aftermarket has the capacity to supply approximately

servicing older vehicles because those customers are more

350,000 different SKUs for the Ford and Lincoln vehicles

likely to pursue cheap, low-quality repairs.

that are in operation in the country. However, 3,500 SKUs make up over 80% of our sales because not all parts will be


Q: How do you differentiate yourself from other OEMs in

replaced in the vehicle. It is difficult to say what the ideal

terms of the distribution network?

percentage of SKUs is, because you never know what will

A: Time, product quality, and close ties to the customer are

break in a car. Therefore, what you have to do is be prepared

qualities that differentiate Ford from other OEMs in terms

with the parts and be ready to deliver to the dealer when

of its distribution network. Our focus is on developing long-

needed. The aim is to sell the part and solve the customer’s

term relationships with customers. We have an aftersales

problem. We have thousands of parts that we are able

strategy that has three key elements: drive, sell, and retain,

to distribute to the aftermarket, but at the end of the day,

and based on our key performance matrix, this strategy

there is only a small group of parts driving the revenue. This

has been successful. We have been increasing the number

is why managing lean inventories plays a role in helping to

of transactions passing through Ford’s service shops and

simplify the administration of the supply chain. We need

this is also impacting the retention rates. We have been

to understand which parts are driving the demand, how

able to attract older vehicles that had not been returning

many are needed, and where, in order to ensure the timely

to the shops in previous years, as a result of different

distribution of parts in every dealership within the country.

PUSHING COST-BENEFIT RATIO IN PRICE SENSITIVE MARKET “Dayco Products knows the importance of developing

application, as owners often opt for cheaper parts which

markets such as Mexico. We started operations in this

will only last for a few months,” says García Roldán. Dayco

country 15 years ago, but right now we are at our prime.

will relocate its aftermarket operations to a brand new

In fact, I would say we are really starting to do business,”

facility in the State of Mexico that will allow for increased

says Roberto García Roldán, Director of Dayco Products

productivity and the integration of warehousing and

Mexico (Dayco). The company is the market leader in

distribution operations. The company has the ambition

Mexico for tensioners and pulleys and is in second place

of covering the whole of Mexico, selling its products in

for automotive belts. “We are the best option considering

every state. It is therefore looking for distributors with

a cost-benefit ratio. Our company has excellent products,

outstanding selling practices.

being an OE supplier for several light and heavy duty brands, such as Mercedes-Benz, BMW, and Chrysler. In

García Roldán states that the relationship with distributors

Mexico, we are also an OE supplier for Chrysler, Nissan,

in Mexico can be difficult as there seems to be a natural

and GM,” says García Roldán. However, the company is still

resistance against new ways to sell. For example,

reliant on imports from plants in the US, Europe, and South

distributors’ profiles vary from state to state and

America to sell its products in Mexico. To better manage its

customers in Guerrero and Chiapas demand traditional

coverage, globally and regionally, the company is divided

counter service, which the company must maintain in

into two key businesses: aftermarket and OE. The company

these markets. However, in more sophisticated places

has acquired Metavation, an American manufacturer with

like Guadalajara and Monterrey, Dayco has distributors

a plant for crankshaft damper pulleys located in San Luis

with electronic catalogues. Dayco is trying to focus on

Potosi, for its Dayco Products OE Division. García Roldán

passing on better information about products to improve

says this acquisition was a way to leverage the company’s

its electronic tools, including apps, websites, and printed

presence and growth in the automotive market in Mexico.

catalogs, which people in Mexico still request. “Maybe in

“It is our first acquisition in Mexico and is intended to help

ten years, these customers will be aligned with electronic

us get started in the OE business,” says García Roldán.

tools, but they are not at the moment,” comments García Roldán. The company is also developing applications to

“The problem with ‘chocolate’

improve its communication with customers. One of these

cars is owners often opt for

and Dayco is currently working on rolling out a version for

marketing tools consists of an application for smartphones,

cheaper parts which will only last

the Mexican market.

for a few months”

Dayco is a supplier for AutoZone in the US, the second

Roberto García Roldán, Director of Dayco Products Mexico (Dayco)

largest retailer of aftermarket automotive parts and accessories in this country. García Roldán explains that his company only supplies to AutoZone in the US as it works

The Mexican aftermarket has traditionally been dominated

under different conditions in Mexico. However, efforts are

by Asian products and García Roldán acknowledges that

being made to work in a similar way in Mexico and foster

it is difficult to compete with such products, given the

collaboration between both companies. “AutoZone Mexico

price-sensitive nature of the market. “The aftermarket

is independent from its US parent company in terms of

segment in Mexico is not as large as the one in the US,

decision-making. The idea is to align the strategy for the US

although the import patterns are very similar. Traditionally,

with its Mexican operations. This way we can sell the same

aftermarket companies had agreements with OEMs to sell

brand to reduce costs and participate in the local market

parts only through their car dealers for a couple of years.

with AutoZone. We can take advantage of production in

Dayco already covers plenty of such brands, since only a

the US in order to supply in Mexico,” says García Roldán.

few OEMs remain outside Mexico.” However, a problem

He adds that Dayco wants to sell AutoZone’s brand instead

has now arisen as it has become more complicated for a

of its own, as it is better for its distribution network and

company like Dayco to cover all brands in the domestic

for local production. Cataloguing will remain a key part

market. In some parts of Mexico, ‘chocolate’ cars provide

of Dayco’s sales strategy toward AutoZone as product

really good clients for aftermarket services because these

categories in Mexico are different from the US. García

cars need repairs and new parts. “The ‘chocolate’ business

Roldán’s company has all the applications for the Mexican

is good for all the aftermarket companies, but not for car

market and great coverage of chocolate cars in the US,

dealers. The problem with ‘chocolate’ cars is found in the

covering 99% of this market.


MINDFUL TIMING SELECTION TRUMPS PREMATURE ENTRY The huge investments coming from both Asian and European

lines and support GMB’s expansion in South America as

OEMs in Mexico have made its aftermarket opportunities

well as existing sales in the US and Canada. Two areas

evident to even the most casual of observers. But spotting

that GMB only recently entered will be part of its Mexican

them is only half the battle, as seizing them at the right time

growth strategy: hard bearings and fuel pumps. “We have

is also crucial. “We may perhaps be a little bit late in fully

electrical component experience making water pumps for

committing to Mexico,” says Rodrigo Ajates, the former Sales

major Asian OEMs and installing these in hybrid cars. We

and Marketing Director of GMB North America. A regular

are now expanding on that expertise by starting to make

feature in workshops and garages in the US, GMB has sold its

fuel pumps. These will be part of our new product lines

water pumps, suspension parts, and pan clutches in Mexico

that we are counting on to make our product offering more

for 40 years. Ajates explains its tardy decision to build a

attractive in markets like Mexico,” states Ajates. Knowing

plant here was a result of the company’s careful timing for

the importance that Latin America as a whole could come

when to jump on the Mexican bandwagon. He reasons that

to play in its worldwide sales, Ajates explains that GMB has

GMB waited until it was sure Mexico could play a major role

already hired Spanish-speaking sales and technical service

in its worldwide supply chain, making it logical to invest

teams, backed up with a Spanish-language website. Aware

significantly in the country. “GMB’s analysis of the Mexican

of the importance of personal relations in Mexico, Ajates

market led us to realize that the aftermarket sector is slowly

adds that GMB is busy creating a carefully crafted network

becoming more professional, but that a faster evolution

of distributors and sales points. “It is not just about having

would be needed as the market changes. With 33,000

the right product with the right coverage at the right time,

family-run auto parts shops in Mexico, big US companies

it is also about having the right partners,” explains Ajates.

entering the market threaten to drive them out of business.

As part of this network, GMB established warehouses and

They will soon have to adapt or disappear, given how quickly

offices in Mexico despite the proximity of its facilities in Los

the market is changing,” Ajates warns.

Angeles. “Proximity is also essential for developing a strong relationship with the seller and final user. GMB has a strong

Now that GMB has taken the decision to fully enter Mexico,

series of technical seminars that we use to grow close to our

the next step will be to establish a top-notch factory in

distributors, and which allows us to get feedback on how to

the next few years that can manufacture needed product

improve the products and services we offer in each market.”

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QUALITY BATTLES PIRACY IN AFTERMARKET WAR High quality automotive spare parts suppliers have become

Countering this cultural habit is not an easy task and the

attractive targets for counterfeiters and brand pirates.

company has increased its number of people in the field

Within the tight, competitive environment of the entire

to educate installers and repairmen. “We are also working

sector, aftermarket suppliers battle for market share and

with governmental entities to increase education about

at the same time prepare for more aggressive measures

why changing brake pads is part of ordinary road safety,”

in protecting their intellectual property. Brake Parts Inc.

comments López. While various sectors of the automotive

(BPI), a supplier focusing on friction components including

industry suffer under the ongoing wave of imported

brake pads, is ready to tackle this rising wave of piracy.

vehicles, BPI sees it as a source of opportunity. “Some of

Vicente López Guisa, Director General of Brake Parts Inc.

our customers, especially in the north of the country, are

Mexico, explains that after being bought by Affinia in 2012,

specialized in these types of vehicles,” he adds. However,

the company is now focusing on the domestic market.

López stresses that while these vehicles may be part of

“We can produce whatever parts are needed and export

the company’s customer base, this is not its main growth

them around the world, however, 75% of our production

strategy. “Mexico should no longer be allowed to import

is for the local market and 25% is for export.” As it zeroes

older cars that can be bought here for US$1,000 and do

in on the domestic market, Brake Parts Inc. has inevitably

not follow the safety standards we uphold,” states López.

entered the fray against piracy.

After careful studies, BPI discovered that the consumer market is not littered with users purchasing only pirated

As BPI’s business strategy centers on Mexico, it detects

products, as thanks to their growing purchasing power,

the peculiarities that make this market a unique business

many consumers are now looking for high quality

environment. According to López, one of the biggest


cultural characteristics that sow the seeds of piracy is the

wisdom in Mexico says that only installers go to shops to

lack of prevention. “Brakes are a key element in a car that

buy replacement parts, but our own research found that

should be seen as a form of prevention, and it is cheaper to

a lot of Mexican vehicle owners buy replacement parts

replace brake pads with our parts than fill a gas tank in a

directly and then have them installed.” López attributes

compact car,” says López, who is baffled as to why people

this change to a lack of trust in garages, since going to the

are putting their lives at risk by buying a cheaper alternative

dealers directly cost more money but provides customers

for such a price. “When you see taxi drivers changing the

with a warranty and a sense of security. “Consumers are

brake pads on one side of the car and not the other so

smart and this lack of trust is leading them to buy their

they can use them up to the nub, and ignoring OEM safety

own parts and ensure that the repair is done as they want

guidelines, it becomes a cultural matter,” López remarks.

it to be,” he adds.






“Other automotive markets strictly enforce regulations when it comes to quality, but anyone can claim compliance with

As BPI continues to protect its intellectual property and

regulations and write any guarantees on their products in

educate the consumer market, López stresses that it has

Mexico. Our brands comply with international safety tests,

other priorities as well to follow the evolution of technology

but there are cheaper brands out there that choose to ignore

and performance standards and apply them to its products.

such compliance. Those cheaper brands fallaciously claim to

“Usually, brake pads are semi-metallic or ceramic, although

be using the same technology as we do,” he explains. For

carbon ceramic is used for high-performance vehicles.

López, the counterfeiters are becoming more devious in their

In 2014, we will launch a new formulation, LM3, which is

practices. “We have found some products that were just put

based on proprietary technology,” announces López. This

in a box with a fake brand name and with no information as

new technology will last longer, run more silently, collect

to the place of origin or the importer.” Pirate products claim

dust, and make braking distances shorter. As the company

to be made in the US or Canada when they are actually

embraces innovations in other automotive markets, these

made in Asia, but their outrageously low prices have allowed

will surely arrive to Mexican shores in time, helping it

them to capture a fair chunk of the market. Faced with this

successfully compete against its pirate adversaries. For

prospect, some might say that if the market favors such

now, the company is dedicated to serving the aftermarket,

brands, then suppliers should head in that direction. However,

but López does not rule out the possibility of entering

López disagrees wholeheartedly, saying that “to do so, we

other segments. While it is evaluating these opportunities,

would have to sacrifice the safety of drivers and passengers.

BPI is continuing its expansion into other markets, like

BPI stands by its quality, which shows in the fact that our

Europe. For López, the two manufacturing sites in Mexico

American Brake Lock brand is the market leader in the

shall serve as pillars upon which this ambitious expansion

aftermarket. 90% of installers know the brand and prefer it.”

phase can rest.



FORMALIZING A HIGHTECH AFTERMARKET PRESENCE CARLOS GÓMEZ General Manager of DENSO Mexico Q: What has been DENSO’s strategy to develop its

of vehicles. However, we are continuing to look at important

aftermarket business in Mexico?

national distributors that can give us a broader presence.

A: Although DENSO historically has had a strong presence

There are different profiles of UIOs in various regions of

as an automotive parts manufacturer in Mexico, the decision

Mexico, and any aftermarket company entering Mexico really

to formalize our presence as an aftermarket supplier

needs to understand these differences. For example, the

was driven mainly by the sheer evolution of the vehicle

border region is much like the US market. Therefore, products

population in this country. DENSO is a global supplier to

for that region need to have more of a US offering approach,

all major manufacturers in the world, so a large percentage

while also including options for the traditional Mexican UIO.

of units in operation (UIOs) in the country already had our parts. However, this number has really increased in the

Q: What trends are currently driving demand in the

last 15 years. The market had been evolving to include

aftermarket segment?

more and more light and heavy duty UIOs with DENSO

A: The most important trend in terms of the demand for

components, which established our aftermarket brand.

specific components is the increasing prevalence of new technology in both light and heavy duty vehicles. That

Q: How are you aiming to further consolidate your

trend has caused a shift away from a traditional demand

presence and expand your market share?

for lower technology products to a demand for higher

A: In looking at the most effective way to consolidate our

technology components for increasingly complex cars

presence, we established the importance of developing a

and trucks. Although DENSO has excellent technology in

strong distribution footprint for the Mexican market. Being

regular maintenance products, like spark plugs and filters,

a relatively new aftermarket brand in Mexico, we have the

we are particularly strong in the development and supply

unique opportunity to build an aftermarket distribution

of repair components. These can provide the best service

network that provides us national coverage but is

solutions for vehicles with systems that can only perform

consciously selective in nature. The network is now growing

efficiently and reliably by having the best OE technology

as we seek to work with distributors who value the quality,

components, such as the ones that DENSO supplies.

technology, and future opportunities of our brand in this market. An important aspect of our strategy is to enter the

Q: To what extent is DENSO innovating its business

market with as complete a product portfolio as possible. This

processes to stay ahead of the competition?

means being able to provide a complete range of traditional

A: We have realized that increasing technology in the

maintenance products and repair components for both light

automotive industry has also led to increasing expectations

and heavy duty vehicles, as well as specialized systems such

being placed on suppliers. This holds true whether for a

as those for diesel vehicles and air conditioning systems for

vehicle manufacturer or for a technician that has to provide

transit and interstate buses. DENSO differentiates itself

the right service solution to the vehicle owner. Recognizing

as an automotive components and systems supplier that

that, we are providing comprehensive technical training

significantly invests in continuous R&D as this consistently

programs for the customer sales organizations and deeper

improves the reliability and durability of our products.

technical training for technicians responsible for diagnosis and repair. We have to work with customers when we are


Q: On what criteria have you been building up your

dealing with complex equipment that requires a particular

distributor base?

new application, as is the case for bus air conditioning

A: Given that the vehicle population that requires DENSO

systems. In such circumstances, we have to work with

products is present nationwide, we need to ensure that

our customers to conduct detailed, specific application

our distributor base can achieve national coverage. As we

processes for the particular chassis and body of each type of

grow our distribution network, we have naturally achieved

vehicle, as well as conducting field testing to ensure the best

a presence in those areas that have the largest population

fitting and performance of our products on the road.


COMPONENT NUMBERS RISE AS TECHNOLOGY ADVANCES MIGUEL ÁNGEL GARCÍA Director General of Federal-Mogul de México Q: What are your most successful products in the Mexican

support we provide. An important factor is that we provide


a full range of products. We do not just concentrate on

A: We have been the market leader for years in several

the top few products; we offer a solution for the entire car

product segments, including spark plugs, chassis, and

market. Quality and service are a given for us, although

suspensions. We have also been very successful in wheel-

pricing is always a challenge. We have developed a

ends, namely the mold bearings and seals. Apart from that,

competitive pricing strategy in many cases, as having

we have been gaining a lot of market share in the friction

manufacturing locations in Mexico gives us that opportunity.

side. Brake pads have been one of our absolute successes

These manufacturing locations make our pricing strategy

over the last three years.

for products manufactured in Mexico more competitive. The challenge becomes larger with products coming from

Q: Cars are built to last a lot longer nowadays. Where do

overseas, but the market recognizes that as well. There is

you draw the line in terms of continuously improving the

a big difference in market recognition between products

quality of parts to keep the aftermarket going?

coming from the US or Europe as compared to China.

A: We certainly see that as a dilemma. On top of that, OEMs constantly require us to come up with more

Q: Federal-Mogul has been making changes to its logistics

innovative products, materials, and solutions. Such strong

and distribution processes. How have these changes been

products obviously reduce aftermarket opportunities.

manifested in the company’s operations?

We have seen this in product lines such as spark plugs

A: A major improvement we made is Federal-Mogul’s

and engine bearings, but that is the way the industry is

distribution center in Tlalnepantla, State of Mexico. It is

growing now. One new aspect we are seeing is that new

really focused on the aftermarket, which means that all

vehicles incorporating new technologies require better

the products Federal-Mogul makes globally are gathered

performances from their components. This implies that the

there. This required a more robust system to manage all the

aftermarket products have to comply with these quality

logistics resulting from increased SKUs due to the amount

standards. We have seen six-year-old vehicles in need of

of products, brands, and applications being stored. We

chassis components, despite still being relatively new. This

recently installed a new warehouse management system

does not just concern the chassis. Engines now include

that gives us the flexibility, speed, and productivity to

many new technologies, but these require greater numbers

respond to the needs of the market.

of new components, which increases the chance of components breaking down. This can happen with engines

Q: Imported used vehicles from the US need a lot of

that are on the road for less than a year, depending on how

replacement parts and maintenance but take away OE

cars are being driven and how careful their drivers are. To

opportunities. How big a concern is this for you?

conclude, components are indeed getting better, but as

A: It is difficult for Federal-Mogul to differentiate between

there are more of them, a large aftermarket opportunity

these two demands as both markets are very important to

remains. Fortunately, we are able to take advantage of

us. Last year, around 400,000 used vehicles were imported,

both sides of the industry: OE and aftermarket.

which is a lot compared to total domestic sales. That is obviously great for the aftermarket, especially for firms

Q: You compete with rivals on many different aspects

selling oil, belts, water pumps, and other parts that typically

such as price, quality, and service. How do you distinguish

experience a lot of wear and tear during a vehicle’s life. At

yourself from other companies in the market?

the same time, we are affecting the long-term quality of

A: Our aftermarket customers recognize when they are

Mexico’s auto market. To deal with this, Federal-Mogul is

dealing with an OE supplier, and our superior quality makes

focusing on vehicles ranging from being brand new to 15

up for the higher cost of our products. That quality creates

years old. We have limited coverage for the imported cars

confidence, along with the performance, warrantees, and

from the US as they do not represent a long-term business.


FAMILY-RUN SUPPLIER WITH HEAVY DUTY PRESENCE SYDA has been providing high-quality automotive products

is currently at 40% of our plant’s capacity, which means we

to the automotive industry since the 1980s, first as an

still have plenty of room to grow. We aim to be at 60% by

importer and then as a manufacturer. “We used to import all

the end of 2014 or early 2015, before reaching 90% by the

our materials as the available quality in Mexico was not that

end of next year,” states Elías Prieto. “The first stage of this

good at the time. Our contributions have been to first control

growth is to approach the purchasing departments of OEMs

what is being imported, ensuring the quality of the materials,

and top suppliers to offer them quality products, service, and

and then manufacturing the product here,” explains Jorge

counseling.” After that, the company approaches the design

Elías García, President of SYDA. The company imported

department to which it provides information about SYDA’s

finished products, such as clamps used in the motors, but

product portfolio. SYDA is actually in touch with OEMs

detected the possibility of providing complete products in

even before they enter the Mexican market to create brand

Mexico while making them in the country. SYDA is part of

presence and ensure that these new entrants know where to

Industrias Elías, a family business run by Elías García and his

find a quality supplier for the aftermarket.

brother, who is in charge of DAI. But while DAI is focused on light equipment, SYDA, is focused on heavy duty equipment,

The fact that SYDA is centered on the aftermarket sees its

especially in the production of constant-velocity (CV) joints

managers concerned about the new vehicles coming into

and hoses used in a wide range of trucks. Viridiana Elías

the market. When new models are rolled out here, SYDA

Prieto, Director General of SYDA and daughter of Elías

gathers information and begins working on products that

García, explains that the partnership with DAI has allowed

it anticipates will be needed in the next two years. “As we

both companies to focus on the needs of their respective

are focused on the aftermarket, we have to look to the

segments of the Mexican market. They teamed up to

future needs of those new vehicles. We are being proactive

work on the development of a complete line of CV joints.

and preparing our warehouse to be able to provide these

This gave SYDA the manufacturing expertise it needed to

products the moment they are needed,” explains Elías García.

make products for itself and for DAI, as well as distributors

“Our production right now is geared toward vehicles made

and OEMs. The latter category are firmly in Elías García’s

between 1995 and 2000. However, this market segment

crosshairs as he sets his sights on the opportunities to be

will decrease in importance as the proportions of vehicles

created by new plants coming to Mexico and by Mexican

made in 2005 and afterwards is getting higher. We will

firms going abroad. For example, Mexican truck manufacturer

keep providing service to older vehicles, current vehicles,

DINA is growing in Central and South America, with SYDA

and new models,” states Elías García. The company stocks

being one of its trusted suppliers. Another customer whose

three months’ worth of product inventory to be prepared for

expansion has been good for SYDA, is Grupo ADO that uses

any situation. “We can be a warehouse for our clients and

SYDA equipment in its maintenance workshops.

distribute the products when they are needed, from one day

“In the heavy duty segment, quality plays an important role since people are willing to pay more for a product that will guarantee the best performance of the vehicle” Elías García, President of SYDA


In 2013, SYDA reported 30% growth, which Elías Prieto

to another,” explains Elías Prieto. Steady growth has been

attributes to the company’s market approach. “A key to our

translated into a diverse product portfolio. Among its latest

success has been our focus on heavy duty together with the

innovations, SYDA is now offering silicon hoses that are

high-quality products we offer. In the heavy duty segment,

compatible with the clamps the company has been providing

quality plays an important role since people are willing to pay

to the market for almost 30 years. SYDA has also worked

more for a product that will guarantee the best performance

closely with a Mexican company to launch a new line of water

of the vehicle. The quality of our products is the reason

pumps. These developments are not only aimed at driving

why we have been in the market for 15 years and continue

growth, but also at better positioning the company’s brand

to grow,” explains Elías García. “It is what has positioned us

name. The company may have a solid reputation among its

apart from other competitors.” As the automotive industry is

clients but father and daughter alike understand the need for

growing in Mexico, SYDA will have to keep up. “Production

the SYDA brand to gain more exposure.


AFTERMARKET INVESTMENT PRODUCES DIVIDENDS FOR ALL SALVADOR ELĂ?AS GARCĂ?A Director General of DAI Q: What measures is DAI taking to increase exports and

several models, which implies a wide and varied need for

diversify its markets?

parts. Therefore, we have focused on a single product line

A: We are a Mexican company that has come to export to

covering transmissions, motor supports, and buffers. We

many South American countries like Colombia, Ecuador,

now have to convince people that quality products are

Venezuela, Peru, and Chile. In the future, we hope to start

an investment. If someone buys a vehicle for MX$150,000

exporting to Europe, particularly to countries such as

(US$11,500), they need to take care of that investment. The

Denmark, Germany, Spain, and the UK. We manufacture

same thing is true for someone who buys a car for twice

components that have rubber and metal parts with the

that amount, so we have to educate the entire market.

exception of wheels. We do not manufacture for all brands,

We do this through mechanic schools. Mechanics usually

but instead we focus on what the market demands. We

graduate from technical schools or automotive engineering

import what we do not manufacture, but those imports

schools, so they know that paying for quality is worth it.

must adhere to our quality requirements or we do not

There is no doubt that people will continue to buy cheap

accept them. At the moment, our group of companies has

products, but if a person buys only based on price, they will

over 38,000m2 of facilities where we process rubber, and

become victims of their own cost-cutting. We are leaders

we have four Banbury machines capable of producing 50

in the market because we sell quality products. If we did

tonnes of rubber a day that we sell to other companies. We

not, we would be on par with all companies selling cheap

have automotive stampings, workshops, and laboratories

products bought from around the world. Our parts have a

that have been ISO certified.

warranty and the mechanics recognize the value of that.

Q: How do you optimize your distribution network to

Q: What advances in technology has DAI taken advantage

provide the best products and services to your clients?

of with the growth of the automotive industry?

A: We are innovating in terms of the sales points for our

A: We want to continue innovating and strengthening our

products. We are training our personnel to familiarize them

image within the market. Throughout all of Mexico, we

with our products, to transmit their advantages, and to

have led a publicity campaign drawing attention to DAI

successfully sell them. We also offer courses and conferences

as being synonymous with quality, comfort, and economy.

for our sales people and we have alliances with institutions

We believe that to retain a position in the market, we need

like CONALEP and IPN where we show students how our

to show our brand and our quality. It is just as important to

machinery works and the quality of our goods. The courses

manufacture quality products as it is to carry out a good

we offer in telemarketing, counter-sales, and wholesales

marketing campaign. We have a presence of 66% in the

are completely free and are conducted nationwide. We

market and our plan is to increase that in all aspects. We

also employ graduates from mechanical schools who

have also developed a new packaging system called DAI-

have knowledge of aftermarket practices. They in turn

Pack. Our parts are placed inside a new plastic container

offer technical conferences to mechanics and workshops

and packaged in normal boxes. These plastic containers

representing this sector of the automotive industry.

are hermetically sealed, protecting the parts from adverse weather conditions, and creating added value for our

Q: How challenging is it to find a balance between quality

customers. The components are engraved with our logo

and cost in a market driven by price pressure?

to prevent piracy. We have found that some workshops

A: Mexico is seeing an increasing demand for quality

have sold fake products with our boxes and we have taken

goods. A vehicle has become the second most important

legal action to curb this. We respect our market and our

asset acquisition for a family, so if quality parts are not

distributors and stand behind our agreements 100%. We

used to maintain it, unnecessary expenditure is incurred.

also have new designs that we want to implement through

Our purpose is to consider quality above all things. More

our new plant that opened in early 2014, for which we

than 40 vehicle brands are being sold in Mexico, each with

have bought new machinery for plastic injection.


AUTO PARTS DEALER TRANSITIONS TO MANUFACTURING “Back in 1988, many American automotive suppliers were

NWO. This led to the opening of Aguascalientes Industrial

not very interested in selling their products in Mexico,” says

Autopartes, a manufacturer established in Aguascalientes,

Herman Borda, President of Herko. “They did not see the

a state that is part of the Bajio automotive hub. This

Mexican market as an opportunity and were not confident

success quelled the fears of other companies, leading

about the conditions in the country. This gave Herko an

them to follow the model and enter Mexico in partnership

opportunity.” Borda’s company identified characteristics

with Herko. With its logistics and partnerships in place,

of the Mexican market that could quickly benefit it. “We

Herko’s goal is to keep growing and start manufacturing.

saw that Mexico had major potential for manufacturing

With its joint venture allies interested in bringing their

auto parts. We began representing offshore companies

manufacturing lines to the country, the only thing still to

in the country and selling components in Mexico as there

be sorted out is the manufacturing cost in Mexico. “The

was a big demand that was not being serviced. In order

Mexican market was long dominated by Chinese products

to fulfill those needs, we had to look for manufacturing

sold at low prices, but now Mexico is becoming very

facilities not only in the US but also in Brazil, Europe, and

competitive. As Asian countries are experiencing rising

Asia. The first step for us, after sourcing the components,

manufacturing costs, companies are seeking other sites

was representing manufacturing facilities in Mexico,” says

to establish their production. It also helps that the quality

Borda. Once the company evolved from only having a

of Mexican manufacturing is very high. While everybody

commercial operation to developing its own products,

decided to go to China and buy cheap products to later

it opened offices to better serve its Mexican consumers.

commercialize them with their own brand, we decided

As one of the main distributors in the automotive sector

to concentrate on just one manufacturer. For each of our

for OEMs and the aftermarket, Herko now operates on

products, we have one supplier, one technology, and one

five continents. It is divided in divisions that specialize in

solution so our customers always get the same quality in

various vehicle systems. Its first division, focused on fuel

our boxes. Products that are manufactured by our partners

pumps, continues to provide products for OEMs and the

comply with all the quality standards required by high-tech

aftermarket. The Ride America brand distributes hydraulic

companies,” explains Borda.

clutches, prefilled units, complete hydraulic systems, and brake parts, Herlux specializes in ignition systems, ignition

As the Mexican automotive sector grows, Herko is aware

coils, controls modules, and spark plug wire set, while Herko

that companies need to offer added value to their

Emission Systems provides oxygen sensors, TPS, IAC valves,

customers. For Herko, that added value is its knowledge of

temperature sensors, and crankshaft and camshaft sensors.

the country and the market, elements that Borda says put his company ahead of its competitors. “Most companies

Building up such a varied product portfolio put Herko

that come to Mexico have their own price lists and catalog,

in a strong position, but getting all these products to

but these do not always match with the Mexican reality.

its customers required specializing in a new dimension:

The names of the cars change, the models change, and

warehousing. Since Herko did not have this specialty

the most important thing is to adapt the products and

in-house, it looked for the right acquisition. Acquiring

tropicalize the business plan to the situation in each

warehousing company Alfa (Almacen Latinoamericano de

country. We make our own Mexican catalog and pursue an

Fábricas Automotrices) allowed Herko to add two levels to

independent program. As a result, Herko’s sales have been

its logistics network: big importers as well as second-tier

growing at an average of 40% per year, and the company

distributors that could move smaller quantities of products.

is being aggressive with new developments to cater to

Once the company was selling its parts through Alfa, Herko

all the different types of cars that Mexico is importing

approached the manufacturing companies that it was

or manufacturing,” expands Borda. With Magneti Marelli,

representing to convince them to establish their operation

Bocar, Grupo Suma, and Air Team among its customers,

in Mexico through a joint venture process. At first, Herko’s

Herko has gone from a components distribution company

partners were concerned about the situation in Mexico, not

to a parts assembler. It is now aiming to become a

just about the violence but also about a potential lack of

manufacturer in the future. To do so, Herko plans on

economic security for their investments. “We offered to

integrating more parts made in Mexico into its catalog

invest jointly in opening facilities in Mexico since Herko

and reduce its dependence on offshore operations. “Our

already knew the market, the behavior of its customers, and

main competitor is China and as long as prices keep rising,

how to manage a company within the Mexican framework,”

our business model will become more successful. We are

explains Borda. The first company to agree on a joint venture

betting on Mexico becoming the most important supplier

with Herko was a ball bearing manufacturer in Brazil called

of automotive parts in the world,” concludes Borda.


TRANS-ATLANTIC PARTNERSHIP MAKES IN-ROADS INTO MEXICO “Partnerships are the future of the automotive industry as the

equal balance between aftermarket and OEMs and create

right collaborations will evidently make companies stronger,”

business for both companies,” Khanduja explains. Once

states Alejandro Sandoval, Director General of Sandoval.

news of the alliance hit the market, the first reaction both

As automotive competition heightens in Mexico, alliances

companies obtained regarding this alliance was curiosity.

enable companies to offer better quality products at fairer

“Customers asked what products we provided and looked

prices. This is the vision that spurred the creation of a most

to ensure the highest quality,” adds Sandoval. According to

unexpected alliance: Mansons, a rubber parts supplier nestled

Khanduja, sales by experience became the best idea. “We

in the heart of Mumbai, India, and Mexico’s Sandoval, which

tell customers to try out our products such as parts for

provides springs for suspensions. While most partnerships

suspensions and see if they work properly,” Khanduja tells.

in the Mexican industry are sought out in North America,

“We do not need to go around bragging about whom we

Mansons’ Director, Gautam Khanduja, says that he saw links

supply to, by namedropping OEMs or brands.”

that resonated between the two cultures. “India and Mexico are similar as countries and cultures, their people have similar

Business alliances provide latecomers like Mansons the

thought processes, and face similar governmental issues and

chance to adapt far more quickly to the quirks of the local

policies.” He even attributes the ease of the collaboration

industry. Khanduja admits that in the past, Mansons was not

to common approaches to logistics and fleet culture. “Fleet

ready to step into Mexico’s market, as 60% of its revenues

structure is also fragmented, since it is largely driven by

came from Europe with only a small percentage coming from

single owner-operators.” In terms of logistics, scheduling the

the Americas. “Entering Mexico required careful planning. We

movement of cargo can be challenging with distances and

had to ready a special team to cater to the Latin American

infrastructure being major sources of concern. “Mexico and

market as Mexico was a primary country we wanted to be

India have similar working mechanisms even in how products

established in.” Given this successful entry, Mexico is now

are used and abused. Overloading in trucks is a rampant

seen as Mansons’ gateway to Latin America. “It has given us

problem in India, as it is in Mexico.” Sandoval reflects this

access to acceptance in smaller countries and it will play a

same belief, saying, “At the end of the day we handle business

pivotal role in taking our products to the rest of the region,”

basically the same. We find areas where we can converge.”

says Khanduja. The adaptation period to Mexico turned up some curious discoveries. “One thing we knew was that most

This alliance proved to be symbiotic in nature given that

vehicles in Mexico are American. But the further south you

both companies are leading suppliers in the heavy duty

go in the continent, the more you begin to see European

industry. Both have complementing product portfolios

brands appear,” Khanduja points out. Therefore, once the

since where Sandoval’s expertise revolves around springs

first objectives of establishing the brand and sales force

and clamps for suspension of all types of vehicles, Mansons

in Mexico are fulfilled, the partnership will exploit available

focuses on an array of components like suspensions, axles,

opportunities through such discoveries. “We can do many

and anti-vibration devices. For Sandoval, the alliance was

things, even open manufacturing facilities in Mexico or India.

based on Mansons’ good quality and reasonable pricing.

It all comes down to how much we can take advantage of

“Mansons is known worldwide as a manufacturer. It sells its

this alliance,” Sandoval explains.

products to many OEMs and Tier 1s, and it has knowledge


of exportations,” Sandoval explains. As for Mansons, its

This unusual alliance has raised some eyebrows as it

decision was based on Sandoval’s simple distribution

goes against the conventional industry practices, where

model. “When choosing partners around the world, we

European or American brands tend to be perceived as being

base our decisions largely on the potential partner’s

strongest. “It is true that a German auto parts manufacturer

historical data, its strength as a domestic player, and its

may have the reputation and the quality, but it may not have

ability to carry our product out into the market,” Khanduja

the right pricing for Mexico,” explains Sandoval. Khanduja

describes. With 50 years of experience in India, Mansons

adds that as low-cost manufacturers, both Sandoval and

is well aware of the importance of such a strong domestic

Mansons have faced the same problems. “Customers ask us

presence. “Sandoval is driven to deliver better products

why we did not partner up with a German company. As I

to the Mexican market and, with 60 years under its belt,

mentioned, our partners’ domestic experience is vital to us.”

we chose it as a partner,” Khanduja adds. In terms of

Both men agree that this alliance was not one about Mexico

identifying opportunities, Mansons focuses on two areas:

and India, but about two companies with complementary

OEM and aftermarket. According to Khanduja, the Mexican

products and business strategies. As the world shrinks and

aftermarket sector is fragmented, leaving a wide market

price wars in the automotive industry continue, alliances

share open to independent players. “Our idea is to form an

and synergies offer great potential to both parties.


Schweitzer, General



parts of the vehicle.


spotted many peculiarities

Apart from being a reliable distributor for the bus segment,

in the Mexican market. A

EuroImportadora is also looking to diversify its market. The

key one is the significance

first strategy is to supply maintenance contracts, which are

of the bus segment as

used heavily in Europe and provide a full lease service for



which customers pay a fixed amount for three to five years


before beginning to pay for spare parts by the kilometer.



Norbert Schweitzer, Director General of EuroImportadora

components requires constant oversight across different






So, if a bus drives 10,000km a month in its first year, the

that comes to Mexico has

company will pay between US$0.28-0.33 a kilometer for

to learn about the market. The most important thing is to

a maintenance contract. The price includes not only parts,

understand the market by listening to people about what is

but also the use of mechanics and labor force, meaning that

going on in the industry. Being a leader elsewhere or having

the companies do not have to take care of anything apart

a well-known brand does not guarantee success in Mexico.

from paying for the maintenance. The concept was brought

Products for this market need to be specialized and meet

to Mexico by Scania, which brought it from Brazil, where

local requirements,” explains Schweitzer. “Mexico has many

maintenance contracts have been used in the bus market for

different types of customers but they are all looking for good

15 years. Schweitzer explains that these types of contracts

service, good products, and solutions to their problems.”

are very interesting once companies are clear about the real costs being incurred. EuroImportadora will be offering



maintenance contracts in Mexico by the end of 2014, with

for commercial vehicles in Latin America, including spare




Schweitzer saying that “our clients want to have a good

parts for transmissions, engines, brakes, and clutches. It

service at a fixed cost, allowing them to plan ahead. Our

specializes in buses and trucks of European brands such as

customers’ business is to transport people; they do not want

Mercedes-Benz, MAN, Scania, and Volvo. Schweitzer states

to have to repair their buses themselves. For the moment,

that the company is not only focused on being a spare parts

they do so since they do not have a choice, but we provide

distributor, but also on providing additional services to its

a choice that takes this off their hands and costs them less

customers. “We also test parts and follow-up on the parts

money, so they are naturally interested,” states Schweitzer.

we have sold. After all, a little mistake in the manufacturing of a product can result in damage to a bus.” Should such

The second diversification strategy is the branding of

a situation arise, EuroImportadora has elected to guarantee

the commercial side of EuroImportadora: Bus Express,

payment of the damaged spare part for associated labor

a bus parts company targeting small and medium-sized

costs, which it believes sets it apart from its competition.

customers. The company has already opened shops in

“There are many elements that can be analyzed in order to

Mexico City, Guadalajara, and Puebla, soon to be joined by

ensure better performance and consumption. That is what

outlets in Cancun and Monterrey. “There is a lot of work to do

we do, providing our clients with far more than just selling

first because we have to know which products will be needed

a part,” says Schweitzer. Aware that quality is needed at

for every site. To do so, we have to identify which buses are

every link of the supply chain, EuroImportadora ensures that

used in each site so we can place the spare parts where they

its suppliers also meet the requisite standards. Schweitzer

fit the best,” states Schweitzer, who personally analyzed the

explains that he worked out a complicated network of

cities to help Bus Express have the right information to get its

suppliers, tracking who supplied which parts to which OEMs.

inventory and logistics strategies up and running. The division

Once he established who the likes of Volvo, Scania, and MAN

is quite clear. Bus Express targets customers with between

trusted at which tier of the supply chain, EuroImportadora

one and 450 units, whilst EuroImportadora takes care of

knew who to approach. “We try to find the end of the chain,

the bigger customers to which it sells parts directly. “This

which is not always easy, but once we find them it is easy

double exposure benefits EuroImportadora at a time when

to approach them. Once we have the products, we start

the increasing cost of buses along with new tax regulations

testing them and we can quickly assess which ones can

in Mexico means companies need to maximize their services.

hold their own in the marketplace and be the fast movers,”

Our experience in terms of finding where the market is going

explains Schweitzer. Given the range of spare parts that

and what products are needed will help EuroImportadora as

EuroImportadora provides across Latin America, this

it seeks to grow beyond Mexico and enter Panama, Ecuador,

supervision of the supply chain and ferreting out of the right

and Colombia,” says Schweitzer.


COMPLEX FILTER VARIATIONS FOR TARGETED SOLUTIONS Filtration systems are needed by a vast range of industries,

but when the customer starts experiencing the benefits of

but automotive is such a dominant client that Donaldson

our new filtration technology, they readily adopt it,” says

Company, the leading global provider of filtration systems,


has divided its operations into two main groups: the industrials segment, and the engine segment, which OEM

The PowerCore G2 is not the only technology where

and aftermarket clients. “It is not just about selling a filter,

Donaldson has sought to adapt. “When our OEM partners

it is about understanding customers’ business needs. That

are designing a vehicle that will present space constraints,

is why we do not talk about the filter market but about the

an aspect such as the filters may not be foremost in their

automotive market, the oil and gas market, and the mining

minds. We work collaboratively with them to see how

market,” states Nathan Malek, Donaldson’s Marketing

we can continue to develop technologies that will allow

Director. To best cover all eventualities, the company

our filters to fit better but still provide the airflow that

is primarily focused on air filtration but also provides a

engines require to operate properly,” states Cardenas. Such

strong line of equipment for hydronic applications and

specifications provided by leading automotive customers

engine liquids.

are the key drivers of the technologies Donaldson invests

“The big difference between the aftermarket and OEM sector is that you only have a few minutes to convince the former why they should pay more for a Donaldson product” Nathan Malek, Marketing Director of Donaldson


The engine segment of its operations has seen Donaldson

in. “Donaldson has a lot of these cutting-edge technologies.

forge long-term relationships with OEMs, sometimes dating

We are the ones inventing them within our own corporate

back 30 to 40 years. Being vertically integrated, Donaldson

technology group,” specifies Malek. While this does lead to

ensures each of its departments are in touch with OEMs, so

a higher price point for Donaldson products, the company

that technology, design, and engineering are all incorporated

reasons that the higher engineering and design elements

in the specific applications automotive customers need.

create extra value. “However, the big difference between

“We need to understand what is going to be used and what

the aftermarket and OEM sector is that you only have a few

the constraints are,” says Franklin Cardenas, Vice President,

minutes to convince the former why they should pay more

Global Engine Aftermarket of Donaldson. For example, US

for a Donaldson product. It is about crafting a story that

automotive companies have a greater concern about engine

resonates with our customers,” explains Malek. Given the

cleanliness and have high specifications for fuel systems,

time restraint, quality and confidence in a brand become

requiring cleaner fuels that do not block the injectors. In

the most important features a product can have. “We go to

response, Donaldson provides products and technologies

the market with a well-recognized brand and a very well-

that allow OEMs to offer better protection to the injectors,

defined marketing structure which ensures that people

meaning that users will be able to operate vehicles without

understand what Donaldson stands for, no matter where

having to replace the injectors as frequently. Working

we are,” explains Cardenas. Part of Donaldson’s initiative

closely with OEMs has enabled Donaldson to identify major

to reach out to the market is to have the right coverage

market trends. One such trend that is driving product design

in terms of distributors. “We have about 4,500 distributors

is the deeper integration and connectivity of components.

around the world, and we keep expanding that network.

An example of this in Donaldson’s portfolio is its PowerCore

We need to make sure that we have the right coverage in

G2 Filtration Technology, which brings together several

every region of the world. We have about 14,000 or 15,000

advantages for OEMs. Lightweight with no metal parts,

active part numbers and any given region will have 5000

it incorporates Donaldson’s proprietary straight-through

SKUs in their price lists. We obviously have very different

airflow technique, and uses the latest in filtration advances.

price offerings in the US, Mexico, Brazil, and Europe,” says

This helps to reduce the weight of the vehicle and ensures

Cardenas. This strategy seems to be working out so far,

fewer maintenance requirements. “As with many new

since in 2013, the aftermarket sector accounted for 37% of

technologies, this can at first be daunting for the customer

Donaldson’s total sales, as part of an Engine segment that

as its features are different from those of traditional filters,

brought in 61.7% of the company’s revenue.

ROADBLOCKS REMAIN TO AFTERMARKET ENTRY Two aspects of the Mexican car park, its aging components

adds. Dorman Products’ plan for Mexico will seek to play

and a desire for renewal, make it a prime target for aftermarket

to the company’s strengths to avoid certain difficulties

companies. Founded in the US, Dorman Products spotted this

associated with entering the market. The company is

Mexican potential a decade ago. “Looking at the Mexican car

concentrating on its main lines and systems including parts

park, we realized that our existing portfolio meant we could

for engines, breaks, HVAC systems, electronic components,

sell 60% of our products and applications within Mexico

and chassis. At first, it will also supply headlights, taillights,

immediately,” says Victor Hugo Uribe, Sales Manager of

and door handles, as well as remanufactured electrical

Mexico and South America of Dorman Products. Nevertheless,

products. Dorman Products is looking to the Bajio region

Dorman Products is still considering how to best tackle the

to establish its facilities, while being aware that with

Mexican market and formalize its presence here beyond

80% of the cars produced in the region being exported,

sales. For the moment, it is identifying precise opportunities

aftermarket growth there is restricted. Uribe estimates

where OEMs are lacking in aftermarket capacity. This analysis

that it will take two years for Dorman Products to establish

leads Uribe to state that problems found in the Mexican OE

a firm presence in Mexico, over which time it will establish

aftermarket lie in price, speed, and service. “OE products are

a warehouse, install category management, and adapt to

not perfect, price pressure is extreme in the current market

the culture of Mexican distributors. “Traditional Mexican

and this can impact quality. When buying OE parts in Mexico,

distributors go through a product range line by line, they

customers usually do not get the level of service that the

do not really seek to invest in new products, but they

aftermarket requires,” states Uribe. This is where Dorman

know they need new lines in order to stay competitive.

Products plans on gaining market share, given a logistical

In their mind, they know that they can return products at

strategy that makes its parts readily available. Uribe adds that

the end of the year if necessary,” adds Uribe. Despite such

Dorman Products is also able to match or beat the quality of

cultural differences, Dorman Products knows supporting

OE products that it identifies as weak.

the retailers and mechanics it supplies is paramount. In the

“When buying OE parts in Mexico, customers usually do not get the level of service that the aftermarket requires” Victor Hugo Uribe, Sales Manager of Mexico and South America of Dorman Products

According to Uribe, the map of the aftermarket in Mexico

US, it developed its own courses to train mechanics, both

will be transformed over the next decade. “The aftermarket

directly and through video tutorials. The company also has

here is closed and very traditional, dominated by few

its full catalog available online and sends out new product

companies and focused on cheap parts. It is composed of a

announcements every four months to keep retailers

few Mexican companies with decades of experience in the

informed. Although Dorman is seeking to implement these

market and some American giants.” As a mature company

strategies in Mexico, Uribe is aware of the challenging

with 100 product lines and 100,000 SKUs, Dorman

characteristics of this market. “The US market has come

Products feels it has all the tools to fully enter the Mexican

a long way over the last thirty years, but it has remained

market. Before that happens, Uribe would prefer to see

at a standstill in Mexico. Mechanics and retailers are still

more investments being made to render the aftermarket

not very familiar with using websites. Physical catalogs are

more attractive by being more focused on technology and

still used in 90% of cases,” he explains. Uribe still believes

quality. “Traditional Mexican companies risk being wiped

that Mexico is developing an excellent environment for

out if they are not able to understand the significance of

the automotive industry but just has to overcome the final

new competition and new practices,” explains Uribe. One

aftermarket roadblocks. “Fighting in a price-driven market

such example will be the implementation of electronic

is not attractive from a profit perspective. This is a difficult

systems for ordering and tracking processes over the

market to make money in. We have to spend a lot of time

next three to four years. “Electronic systems can be used

building up our brand, or trade under another brand name.

to monitor the sales process and track potential losses

A quality regulation process that restricts the importation

and opportunities much more closely. This should be of

of low-quality products would go a long way toward

paramount importance to any aftermarket company,” he

making this easier,” explains Uribe.




Q: Bardahl is very well-known across Mexico, but what

a technology that prevents friction between metals and

new opportunities have you identified here of late?

has proven successful in extending the lifespan of the

A: Bardahl started out as an additive producer, so it has

engine, due to including Bardahl 1.

largely focused its efforts on protecting its leadership in additives for oil and gas, brake fluids, and coolants.

Q: Beyond R&D, how is Bardahl planning to increase its

In terms of increasing our presence in the automotive

presence in the lubricant market?

industry, we are always looking for ways to improve our

A: Bardahl built its brand equity with the animated

distribution, the service we give to our clients, and to

Carrazo Character, which was launched in the 1970s.

continue being the best option for the consumers that buy

Carrazo was so influential in raising the brand’s image that

our products. Bardahl’s priority lies in offering bestselling

it remains familiar to a lot of our consumers today. We are

products as part of a very solid portfolio in Mexico before

counting on that base to help the Fus1on lubricant launch

moving further afield. However, we also have the Motron

grab consumer attention and successfully penetrate the

brand that is focused on Central American markets.


Q: Bardahl has one of the most complete R&D centers in

Q: What are the main priorities on Bardahl’s 2014 agenda

Latin America. What are the main technical innovations

and what are the main long-term ambitions you are

being researched at the moment?


A: R&D is extremely important for Bardahl and we are

A: The launch of our Fus1on lubricant, in order for us to

strongly committed to innovation. In our lab, we carry

continue as one of the main players in the automotive fluids

out many experiments and tests on automotive fluids to

category, is very important. We are focused on showing

evaluate their quality and performance, but we also count

our clients and consumers the benefits of this product to

on our suppliers’ research since they help us to understand

quickly consolidate it and become part of the repertoire

the market and technology trends, and support us in

that every store must have. Every innovation always starts

upgrading our products to offer new solutions for cars.

from the inside with our employees, and moves outward

We recently launched a new product called Fus1on, which

until it reaches the end user. With products like Fus1on,

is making waves in the oil segment since it incorporates

we want to transmit the message that Bardahl will always

our most successful additive called Bardahl 1. Fus1on has

be an important part of the automotive industry.

BUILDING THE COMPONENTS OF SUCCESS After 33 years in the industry, Cadena Automotriz has

supply a wide variety of products with diverse quality levels.

witnessed how the aftermarket has changed. In the past,

“It comes down to finding the right manufacturers. The

most products were imported from the US. Eventually the

products that are available in China and Taiwan are varied;

market opened and some products came from China and

if you find a product in a price range that goes from US$3

even Taiwan. “30 years ago, there were very few importers

to US$10 then many dealers in the Mexican market prefer

but now more and more are coming in,” says Arturo Cadena,

the US$3 products because these are cheap, but what they

Director General of Cadena Automotriz. The changes in

do not realize is that those products are not a long-term

the aftermarket have forced companies to specialize. In

economic alternative to quality,” explains Cadena. “We are

the case of Cadena Automotriz, the company specialized

focused on finding competitive products that offer the best

in automatic transmissions, which requires many specific

cost-benefit ratio and that are an investment. There must

components. Although the OEMs are in charge of assembling

be awareness on the consumer’s side about purchasing

transmissions, they acquire components from external

value-driven components instead of the cheapest product.

suppliers. “No one in the industry manufactures a transmission

We provide our customers with the necessary information

itself,” explains Cadena, which is why it is important for the

to make the decision, but they have the final say when it

company to find the right suppliers for each part. Cadena

comes to choosing a cheap product or a quality one,” says

Automotriz is a distributor in the aftermarket, catering to


the same manufacturers that work with OEMs. Therefore, a transmission that needs to be repaired will require only a few

Since automatic transmission is a niche market, Cadena

products among those that Cadena Automotriz offers in the

Automotriz has a competitive advantage. “In a city like

aftermarket. The brands that Cadena Automotriz distributes

San Luis Potosi, there might be 50 specialized engine or

include names such as Transtec, which manufactures

suspension workshops but only four or five are specialized

transmission kits and power steering kits; Alto, an American

in transmission. In a bigger city, like Guadalajara, there

company specialized in manufacturing friction and steel

are probably seven to ten specialized workshops. These

plates as well as bands, filters, modulators, and seals; Filtran,

workshops usually have a spare parts section that supplies

the global leader in filtration systems; Rostra Precision

the shop,” says Cadena. Cadena Automotriz sells to these

Control, the largest manufacturer of cruise controls and

sections and ships to customers across the whole country.

transmission products in the automotive aftermarket; and

As the automotive industry in Mexico keeps growing,

powertrain solutions leader BorgWarner.

Cadena Automotriz has to look for new strategies to

“We are focused on finding competitive products that offer the best cost-benefit ratio. There must be awareness on the consumer’s side about purchasing value-driven components instead of the cheapest product” Arturo Cadena, Director General of Cadena Automotriz

Cadena Automotriz keeps a product portfolio that is

keep up with the needs of the market. The first approach

constantly upgraded to cover the market’s needs. “Parts

consists of expanding the range of products included in

change, new patterns emerge, and new parts come so we

its transmission oil cataloge. In 2006, the company began

should seek to have the best product selection and the best

selling transmission oil and lubricants as a response to

suppliers,” explains Cadena. He visits the manufacturing

client demand. Right now, Cadena Automotriz works with

plants of each supplier his company works with, whether

a company in the US and distributes not only transmission

these are located in the US, China, or Taiwan, in order to

oils, lubricants, and additives, but also gasoline engine

oversee the products’ manufacturing process as part of a

oil, diesel engine oil, hydraulic oil, and industrial oil. The

quality control mechanism. He also pays attention to the

next step in the company’s growth strategy is to open

customers these factories sell to. “If they have customers

new retail shops. San Luis Potosi is already home to one

in the US, it speaks of high-quality products since the

of these shops and the company is planning a second

standards in this country are very rigid,” explains Cadena.

one. However, the most important step for the growth

Although Asian suppliers are sometimes believed to have

of Cadena Automotriz will be the launching of its own

low-quality merchandise, Cadena has found that they

suspension brand in the coming year.


INTERVENTION NEEDED TO TACKLE USED TIRE MISUSE The global tire market is expected to see a yearly rise of

production and distribution. “Insofar as distribution, the

4.3% over the next three years, reaching 2.9 billion units by

profit margin has diminished by 50% in the last ten years.

2017, according to data from the Freedonia Group. Although

If distributors think that selling tires is going to be enough

this rise will be led predominantly by developing countries

to run a business, they are wrong. They need to evolve

in the Asia-Pacific region, demand will also increase in

from being basic tire shops into service centers. A service

Europe and Northern America. The US will continue to be

center can sell spare parts ranging from suspension and

the world’s second largest market for tires, accounting for

brake systems to ancillary services, with the ideal profit

13% of global demand by 2017. Despite certain limitations

equilibrium being 50% tires sales and 50% spare parts and

to growth within its internal market, Mexico’s proximity to

ancillary services.” The final pillar for the association is to

the US places its tire industry in a strong position. Mexico

act as a facilitator between the government, the private

has a developed OEM and replacement tire market, as well

sector, and all relevant associations. “The most informed

as strong demand in the heavy vehicles segment due to

people are the ones that make the best decisions, and

the high prevalence of trucks and buses on the country’s

therefore we aim to keep the industry well-informed of

roads. The Mexican tire market is dominated by global

relevant events as they happen,” says Castillo Arteaga.

industry giants and five companies have production sites based in the country: Pirelli, Bridgestone, Continental,

Unsurprisingly, challenges in the tire segment mirror those in

Cooper, and JK Tornel.

the wider vehicle segment, with Castillo Arteaga explaining

“The trucking sector has a major shortage of tires, leading to an amparo for the importation of about 1 million tires with the aim of providing raw materials for the rubber industry” Raúl Castillo Arteaga, President of Andellac


Andellac is the Mexican association of tire distributors,

that the illegal importation of used tires into Mexico presents

established over four decades ago and tasked with

a major hurdle. “The trucking sector has a major shortage

coordinating and communicating the development needs

of tires, leading to an amparo for the importation of about 1

of the sector. The association’s 3,000 members include

million tires with the aim of providing raw materials for the

all major tire producers, along with key players from the

rubber industry,” says Castillo Arteaga. However, according

country’s distribution network. Andellac’s President Raúl

to Andellac’s research, these tires are actually directly being

Castillo Arteaga, elucidating the recent dynamics of the

re-used on cars, creating a detrimental effect on market

local tire industry, explains that, “The automotive market

share, road safety, and the environment. “Tires are not

has changed radically in all sectors, but the tire sector

renewable and while a new tire will last about four years,

in particular has seen exponential evolution. In 2012, 33

a used imported tire will only last three to four months.

million replacement tires were sold in Mexico, reflecting an

What we are essentially doing is accumulating waste in

8 million net increase in just eight years. However, in that

our country. There is also a lack of regulation regarding the

same timeframe, the increase in tire sales to OEMs only

informal selling of tires, and while there are laws surrounding

went from 17.5 million to 20 million.”

this they are not enforced effectively,” he explains.

The association is working on three major pillars to

One way of tackling this is to renew second-hand tires for use

drive growth in Mexico’s tire industry. Its first aim is to

in the general car market. The federal government recently

help business owners who need help to adapt to new

commissioned a proposal on the potential uses for used

technology, improve their understanding of the operation

tires from the National Rubber Council, which sought out

of new complex machinery, implement sound business

the opinions of Andellac and SEMARNAT. Castillo Arteaga

strategies, engage in thorough environmental practices,

explains that “we have proposed that a used tire in good

and practice efficient inventory management. Secondly,

condition can undergo specific processes to be renewed

the association is working to establish business networks

completely and resold for general use. With the technology

that will connect suppliers and distributors. Castillo

that is now available, a used tire re-upholstered on time is as

Arteaga points out that big differences exist between tire

safe as a new tire.” Tire manufacturers have indeed invested

billions of dollars into research and established that a tire

Rubber’s natural resistance presents a challenge, however, as

can be renewed up to six times. According to Andellac’s

machines able to cut and compact it are very expensive. For

data, Mexico currently has an index of 0.75 when it comes

this reason, Andellac believes that a government incentive is

to renewed tires, meaning that only 75% of tires produced in

needed to encourage investment. However, the government

Mexico are renewed. “To put this into perspective, the US has

agency responsible for this maintains that there cannot be

an index of 1.5, while countries in Europe have an average of

an economic incentive for an industry that does not actually

2.5. Even Latin American countries like Brazil have an index

yet exist. Andellac is therefore petitioning Congress for the

close to 2.0,” explains Castillo Arteaga. In his opinion, rubber

rubber re-use industry to be included as an official sector

should be re-used in the same way as PET and aluminum. “If

with the Treasury, enabling the association to then petition

we can find other uses for the rubber, used tires can go from

for an incentive. “The Calderón administration wanted to levy

being a nuisance to a lucrative business opportunity.” Rubber

tax on every tire sold for re-use, which would actually act as

can be compacted and used for road safety barriers, a use

a disincentive for the sector. Fortunately, our proposal has

that has already been adopted in a number of countries.

been received with enthusiasm by the current administration

Another possibility is to follow Europe’s example, where

and we are confident that we will see progress,” says

tire rubber is often mixed with concrete to create a specific

Castillo Arteaga. To support this aim, the association is also

kind of tarmac. “Rubber can also be used as a temperature

launching a large campaign in collaboration with the public

insulator, while overall tire waste is very useful for renewable

and private sectors to educate consumers on the negative

projects because it protects against moisture and many

impact of black market tires and to encourage purchases

other elements,” says Castillo Arteaga.

through authorized sales agents.


BRINGING KOREAN ULTRA-HIGH PERFORMANCE TIRES TO MEXICO The value of the Mexican tire market is expected to hit

department and regular follow-ups on the performance of

US$8 billion by 2018. The catalysts of this growth are the

Hankook tires. “This means that if the tires are suffering from

rise of vehicle manufacturing and ownership in the country.

irregular wear and tear, we can identify the cause and report

Attractive investment conditions have sparked fierce

on these to fleet owners and maintenance managers.” Choi

competition among the biggest tire companies, and while

mantains that in most cases, people believe the tire is at

Continental, Bridgestone, Cooper Tire, and JK Tornel battle

fault while a tire malfunction is often due to external factors.

for the biggest share, other tire companies like Hankook

“Based on our aftermarket service, we can guarantee a

have begun to carve a niche of their own. “Hankook has

long lifespan for our products,” he adds. “One out of ten

had a presence in the Mexican market since the 1990s by

vehicles worldwide carries our brand and we want to

importing products straight from Korea,” explains Inho

become the first choice for clients when a tire replacement

Choi, Director General of Hankook Tires de México. “We

has to be made.” This ambition has spurred the creation and

consolidated our presence in 2011 by becoming a Mexican

expansion of the company’s distribution network around

company. By so doing, we are now able to give direct

the world. “Expanding our presence through this network

service to our distributors and facilitate the purchasing of

gives us more access to the end user and leads to a more

products,” he adds. With this consolidated presence having

established presence within the Mexican market.” However,

led to a market share of 3.3%, the company has set its sights

Hankook stands out from its competitors in that it does not

on increasing its participation to 8% in five years. “Hankook

have production capabilities in Mexico. To make up for this,

is currently in seventh position but our objective is to soon

it pours its resources into distribution. “A new plant will be

be among the five main tire brands in Mexico,” Choi states.

constructed in the US and will begin operations in 2016. It

In order to fulfill its ambition, the company has drawn up a

will be in charge of supplying 80% of the North American

careful strategy involving several stages, from improving its

market.” While Choi admits that Hankook has no short-

product portfolio to expanding distribution network.

term manufacturing plans for Mexico, a distribution center

“Tires are the second most important expense for a fleet so we take advantage of this by offering cost-effective and fuel efficient tires to fleet owners” Inho Choi, Director General of Hankook Tires de México

Prior to rolling out this strategy, the company has identified

was inaugurated in Queretaro in July 2013 to serve as the

which sectors of the industry it is to focus on. “In Mexico,

main distribution point for Mexico. Prior to this center, the

we do not have strong relations with the OEMs so we will

company’s logistics strategy was to supply directly from

focus on the aftermarket,” Choi explains. “In addition,

South Korea and China to the distributors. “Hankook offers

Mexico has one of the world’s largest bus and truck

its distributors a product that attracts a niche market and

fleets, which will drive demand for tires.” The company

strengthens their product portfolio in different regions of

is now proceeding to adapt its product offering to these

Mexico,” Choi explains. “Although we do not have exclusive

segments. Its products are commercialized in three main

distributors, there are shops that are 100% identified with

sectors: cars, vans, and light and heavy trucks. Within this

our brand.”

varied product portfolio, Hankook’s focus is on ultra-high performance tires, ranging from 35-50 inches and 16-24

A company can easily identify the status of its distribution

inch rims. The company also has tires for vans, ranging

network but it is far harder to understand the decision

from urban to all-terrain, while offering specially designed

making process of an end-user. In response, the company

tires for heavy duty fleets and owner-operators. “Tires

has developed aggressive marketing campaigns to ensure

are the second most important expense for a fleet so we

that it remains at the forefront of customers’ minds. “In order

take advantage of this by offering cost-effective and fuel

to increase our client base and presence in the aftermarket,

efficient tires to fleet owners,” states Choi.

we need to reinforce our sales team and sales points in order to be closer to end users.” The company has increased its


Choi stresses the importance of strengthening interaction

presence through different marketing mediums, including

with customers by having a capable technical assistance

TV, magazines, and radio in order to raise its profile.

CERTIFYING WORKSHOPS TO RAISE QUALITY LEVELS Capacity building and the continued acquisition of knowledge

offered by the CNT has become its most important program

are crucial to any industry, but are even more so for sectors

as established companies with ISO or QS certifications

in which most workers are self-taught. Furthermore, given

will traditionally seek partners with certifications. Beyond

the demanding nature of automotive companies when it

this, CNT is also responsible for maintaining contact

comes to quality, the certification of workers at all levels

between OEMs and public companies with certified service

is of paramount importance. CNT (National Workshop

businesses. An example of this is the links it has forged with

Confederation) represents the automotive workshop and

PEMEX and CFE who rely on CNT to find qualified personnel

repair industry. It brings together nearly 72,000 people in

to support their vast fleets. CNT also works with fleet

Mexico and in certain Latin American countries, making it the

managers who request the support of the confederation to

largest trade organization in the region. CNT began as a way

work with its network of certified workshops. Today, correct

to support a segment of the industry made up of businesses

business practices also must include a strong sustainability

in which most staff are self-taught, given a lack of access

focus, leading CNT to create the National Program for the

to specialized schools and sufficient technical information.

Support of the Environment. Through this program, it

“Our mission is to convey the point of view and experience of

provides over 150 courses a year to raise awareness within

auto parts installers to the automotive industry at large. We

workshops of the importance of protecting the environment

also support new workshops by sharing a vision that allows

and safeguarding national environmental standards. Once

them to consolidate in the market as solid companies,” says

they have successfully passed, CNT provides workshops

Rudi Esquivel, President of CNT. To train up its members,

with a stamp as evidence that they have an environmentally

the confederation provides access to various programs,

responsible focus.

among which its labor certification program is seen as the most important. CNT’s links to the government has led to

CNT has established synergies with auto parts companies

the development of more than 30 laws and regulations in

and aftermarket companies with the intention of providing

automotive repair standards. These have served to attract

direct support through training and labor certification.

strong players, such as AutoZone, within its ranks as well as

CNT works with leading brands, which in collaboration

independent workshops and official automotive mechanic

with the confederation train thousands of mechanics

schools. “Within the aftermarket industry, training does not

through local update meetings. These meetings represent

exist for the most part. The main vision for mechanics is

a new drive for CNT, and its 68 delegations nationwide

to do business in the short-term with little to no long-term


vision, and this keeps shops and businesses from growing. In

known as Automotive Technical Update Meetings. CNT

Mexico, most automotive shops businesses are SMEs. There

also works with 48 universities across the country, of

are more than 300,000 nationwide, but the lack of business

which polytechnic universities are prized for their training

training and future planning means 60% of new repair

of most of Mexico’s automotive engineers. CNT provides

shops disappear after a year,” explains Esquivel. Currently,

additional support including training, technical education,

CNT operates from the fees paid by the manufacturers and

and labor certification to prepare graduates for the labor

affiliates as well as a contribution made by the government

market. “Graduates often cannot work in the automotive

for labor certification. Beyond this, in order to curb the trend

industry without receiving additional training. Many of the

of mechanics swiftly shutting up shop, CNT has allocated

university programs were designed 50 years ago but, as

a special fund to provide computers, software, and other

a result, graduates enter the market without the technical

benefits to its members.

capacity needed to do their jobs,” explains Esquivel. In





addition to collaboration with universities, CNT established As the government is in charge of the formal vocational


training sector through schools such as CECATI, CNT focuses

mechanical, automotive, and mechatronic engineers can

on updating the knowledge that exists in the workshops. The

update their knowledge in the area of automotive diagnosis

confederation helps to form business-focused environments

and repair. Automotive shops, rectifiers, locksmiths, and

within the workshops, with small shops being strengthened

other professionals engaged in automotive repair also

by providing them a vision for the future. Since its inception

attend to update their skills and contacts. CNT seeks to

13 years ago, CNT has already helped to professionalize

consolidate its programs internationally and wants to

100,000 SMEs but it does not intend to stop there. “Mexico

replicate Expo Mecánico Automotriz Pachuca in Peru,

has around 1.15 million people working in the automotive

Argentina, and Colombia. “We want to take our crusade to

repair sector across more than 280,000 automotive repair

other automotive sites and bring our quality levels to other

shops that we can serve,” says Esquivel. The certification

countries,” concludes Esquivel.








REDUCING REPAIR DURATIONS ONE SPRAY AT A TIME The vehicle refinishes and repair industry in Mexico has

says Patiño. Offering training is another way in which the

historically been provided for by a wealth of small informal

company is attempting to effect direct change, with Patiño

outlets, which is changing as global suppliers are offering

explaining that “Sherwin-Williams has different sources of

better access to the latest in painting materials and application

training, including a fully equipped training center at our



corporate headquarters in Mexico City. We train customers

Finishes Division is one such provider and the company is



in the processes needed to utilize our products correctly,

using its global focus to deliver innovative products to Mexico

as well as color matching. Furthermore, we have a training

that help improve performance and reduce cycle times.

van that is unique in the market. This enables us to bring a

Today the company has the largest distribution network in

mobile training center to small body shops and teach these

Mexico in terms of automotive products, with more than

companies how to use new technologies and products.

1,500 distributors nationwide. Sherwin-Williams’ Director

These companies are open to using new technology, but

of Marketing for the Automotive Finishes Division, Arturo

they are not usually being shown how to use it directly.” A

Patiño, explains how the company has been attempting to

big part of the market is made up of under-trained workers

innovate. “We are looking to deliver products that reduce

that do not have facilities or set practices in place and have

repair times. A couple of years ago, we released the HPC-15

very little concept of safety. Therefore, Sherwin-Williams

Clear Coating, which dries in 15 minutes. There is no other

has a strong focus on encouraging the use of safety

product like it in the market right now.” This innovative paint

equipment in order to foster a safety mindset, which can

line does not require a spray booth for application or another

be seen in the training offering.

heat source for curing. Removing the requirement to place the vehicle in an oven to dry the paint saves both time and

The smaller body shop segment makes up the bulk of

money, reducing the overall cost of the repair. “We have also

the Mexican market, and Patiño explains that the level of

developed our High-Productivity Process line, which allows

competition is a challenge. “The technology being used by

the customer to perform a small repair in 40 minutes from

this segment is not new and it is easy for small providers

primer to clear coat finish. This helps to increase productivity

to enter the market. This is why we are focusing heavily on

at the body shops. We are also focused on using waterborne

the mid-sized segment. Larger body shops really need to

greener products,” says Patiño.

speed up processes so it makes economic sense to use our products.” According to Patiño, the higher end body shops

When it comes to the smaller body shops, access to new

and mid-tier multi-brand body shops that are affiliated with

technology is not the only barrier as the costs involved with

insurance companies are seeing particular growth and are

upgrading material lines are also often prohibitive. Patiño

rapidly adopting better technology. He explains that these

explains that while the higher technology finishing lines are

are opting for higher end technology although they do not

indeed more expensive, the reality is that only 7% of the

necessarily have the higher end equipment and facilities

repair cost comes from the paint. “Energy costs are a big

installed yet. For such companies, Sherwin-Williams claims

part. When you reduce energy expenses through the use

to be able to reduce the overall cost of repairs by 15-20%

of such products, you are actually saving money. The cost-

through improved processes. “Helping clients to reduce

benefit ratio is very attractive,” says Patiño. That being said,

associated ancillary costs, such as labor and energy expenses,

many of the small body shops are focused on using lower

is a valuable contribution. If we are only focused on reducing

priced products to immediately save money. The reality is

product cost, then we would be restricted. Focusing on these

that a small body shop servicing three cars a week does

savings with high-end body shops is helping us increase

not have the same time pressure as one that works on 100

our market share, as well as building business with the bus

cars a week. Customers going to such shops are also often

manufacturers,” explains Patiño.

unwilling to pay higher prices solely because better painting technology was used.

When it comes to technology development, Patiño does not rule out Mexico as a source of innovation. “Last year, we


Professionalizing the smaller body shops is one way to

won the bid for the manufacturing of a new type of paint

encourage greater uptake of modern painting technology

for the Mexico City subway. This required a specific type of

and the company is taking steps to this end. “For smaller-

product, which was developed in Mexico. As a company,

sized workshops, we are innovating products, such as

we are looking to have more global products, and these do

flexible primers that are more affordable and include higher

not necessarily have to be produced in the US. Products

technology, which are the sorts of products that help

produced globally can be utilized in other markets and we

smaller body shops to become more professionalized,”

are focusing on that development worldwide.”


AFTERMARKET SUCCESS: FROM SANDPAPER TO ABRASIVES JUAN MANUEL DE LA CONCHA Industry Business Director of 3M Mexico Q: What key products in 3M’s portfolio have made a

on repair system processes that revolve around polishing

marked difference in the development of the automotive

and sanding to improve finishes. Mexican consumers are


constantly seeking higher quality at the right price, so 3M’s

A: 3M has deeply contributed to the development of

products are focused on providing a better performance

the automotive industry by continuously introducing

and a better cost-benefit ratio.

innovative products that are adapted to specific market needs and requirements. We have been involved in the

Q: What are the distinguishing factors of the Mexican

Mexican automotive industry since our arrival here

aftermarket sector?

67 years ago. Over that time, we have established a

A: Unlike the US, where there is a strong do-it-yourself

strong presence in the aftermarket and we are a well-

culture due to labor being more expensive, it is common to

recognized brand within the auto repair segment. We

pay for car maintenance in Mexico. Mexicans request that

also have experience in creating products used for

services be done for them which changes the range and

painting and finishing details of cars. One of our first

types of products we distribute. 3M has no shops, but we

products was sandpaper, which has been one of the key

have a very strong and important network of distributors,

inputs related to automotive metalwork. We currently

giving us one of the most significant presences for

have sandpapers made with different grains that have a

aftermarket distribution in Mexico. The distribution

range of applications, from metallic parts to retouching

chain also has national distributing master locations,

of the painting process. Another well-known product is

which typically supply to paint shops. This is vital as our

masking tape, developed specifically for automotive use,

aftermarket business model is focused on paint shops.

which enables workers to paint a car while producing

These locations sell our products to small shops, as almost

clean lines with no mix between layers or colors. One of

every car in need of repair will require paint. However, 3M

our star product lines is the Trizact™ abrasive line, used

can also give direct attention to highly productive shops.

to correct flaws that occur during the painting process without needing to repaint the entire car. All these are

Larger retailers of aftermarket automotive parts and

crucial processes for the OEMs and workshops, and we

accessories are coming to Mexico. Big chains are

continuously strive to improve them.

important players as they add value to the market and demand good quality products. For example, in

Q: What trends have you identified in the aftermarket

these big chains, 3M sells its Meguiar™ brand that is

sector, and how does 3M adapt its products to the

well-respected in the car fan segment. Customers are

requirements of the consumer market?

migrating to shops with a better presence. In order

A: It is well-known that Mexico plans on producing over

to maintain a client’s interest, shops have evolved to

4 million cars a year over the next five years. As a result,

become cleaner and better designed, which helps grab

production capacity will grow and as the number of

the customer’s attention and trust. 3M is a reference of

vehicles increases, our opportunities within the aftermarket

quality that can complement this evolution in big and

will expand as well. Our targets are any shops focused on

small repair shops alike. We divide the market into two

auto repair and painting, ranging from large OEM shops to

clear segments that we can attack: the commercial

small, independent ones. The market is always demanding

and repair segments. The commercial segment is more

more quality in the processes of these shops. This is

focused on shops which provide parts like car fans,

motivated by insurance companies that are the main

since these provide routine maintenance to vehicles.

drivers of high-performance paint in repair shops, as they

The repair segment is concentrated on those shops that

are in charge of repairing a client’s car after an accident.

cater to vehicles that have been involved in accidents.

We provide these shops with aftermarket products that

Our distribution network offers specific products to

help them improve productivity, speed, and lower costs

each of these two segments.


Mexico is the world’s 13th largest economy in nominal terms, is positioned 2nd in Latin America, and is one of the fastest growing economies among developing countries. Both its maquiladora program and NAFTA participation are evidence of the country’s long tradition of welcoming foreign trade and business opportunities. Beyond its unalterably optimum geographic position, the country has many attractive qualities for potential investors including its labor force, natural resources, strong will to reform obstructions to growth and political stability. Of course, no emerging economy investment is without risk and Mexico continues to contend with its own unique set of challenges. The sweeping reforms taking place are beginning to impact various levels of business operations and whilst they are for the most part welcome, some are causing concern. Many of the ingredients for success exist for investors betting on Mexico, but both a deep understanding of the market and a clear development strategy are essential for success.

This chapter will examine the key factors to consider when doing business in Mexico. We will look at the state of play from a regulatory and taxation perspective, providing useful insights from industry experts. By giving a complete overview of both the investment opportunities and the challenges faced, this chapter will provide an interesting read for those unfamiliar with the Mexican automotive industry and the general business environment, being beneficial to both international and local players.





Proper Policies for a Thriving Industry


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Fallout of Recent Reforms on the Maquiladora Sector


Fiscal Law Shakes the Manufacturing Sector


Export Quotas Hamper Auto Exports to Latin America


Impact of Tax Reforms on Automotive Investment


Industrial Parks Part of New Business Landscape


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Industrial Real Estate to Suit the Automotive Sector


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Pro-Active Mind-Set Needed to Cater to Automotive Projects


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Local Real Estate Capacity for National Leadership


Shelter Programs Provides Soft Landing for Newcomers


SME Suppliers Need Business Development Help to Survive


Advantages Remain at the US-Mexico Border


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Global Leader Shores up Mexican Automotive Pyramid


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Shelter and Real Estate Services in Chihuahua and Beyond


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mix of Engineering and Consulting Services for Automotive Projects


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Automotive Drives Industrial Real Estate Demand


Foreign Companies Need to Pick Right Shelter Model


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Looking Out for Mexico’s Intellectual Property Rights


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Mexican Stock Exchange Keen on Starting Automotive Listings


Shaping Human Capital to Suit Automotive Needs


Fostering French Investment in Mexico


Trade Shows Good Marketing for Auto Firms


OEMs Need Right Studies to Understand Mexican Market





who need to participate, then the situation is going to


change.” He does warn that if action is allowed to be


taken outside the realm of public policy, then organized


crime will gain control over the situation, as in the case

evident that its success

of discarded American automobiles that have come here

can be attributed to an

through the black market. “An affordable car could also

early start. “If we put the

provide an alternative to combat illegal imports. I am sure



international OEMs would love to have a car that sold like

has been an evolution in

bread here while simultaneously suppressing the number

the automotive industry

of clunkers hitting Mexican roads. It is a daunting issue, but


development Mexican industry,

Miguel Jáuregui, Founding Partner at Jáuregui y Del Valle

at of




a feasible one too,” Jáuregui notes. This would obviously

overnight. It started over 40 years ago,” comments Miguel



require an interested manufacturer, although Jáuregui

Jáuregui, Founding Partner at Jáuregui y Del Valle. He

opposed the idea of founding a parastatal company like

highlights the long-established presence of companies

Dina and says such a car should be made with private and

like Delphi and Volkswagen, and the joint venture between

foreign investment but produced in Mexico. He points out

Chrysler and Automex as factors that shaped the national

that this has been tried before, as Grupo Salinas flirted

automotive industry. “Mexico was a large vehicle importer,

with the idea of building cars in partnership with a Chinese

which became evident when the country was flooded

company. This initiative failed due to high costs and a

with American Cadillacs during former president Miguel

lack of interest from Chinese manufacturers. Jáuregui

Alemán’s administration. If we follow history, it becomes

praises how Volkswagen eventually filled a gap that had

clear that there was a need to establish an industry. Its

lasted decades, giving people access to a locally-made

current track record shows an industry designed to grow

vehicle. In contrast, he mentions the Chevrolet Spark as

and increase productivity, quality, and innovation; and it is

an example of a car that is not filling a much needed gap

already proving itself.”

in the market. According to Jáuregui, the Spark could be a popular car for the masses, yet it is in the MX$135,000-

Jáuregui notes that public policy has been engaged

150,000 (US$10,400-11,500) price range. This is a

in enhancing the automotive sector’s presence in the

problem as a car costing more than MX$100,000 is not

Mexican economy over the past decade. The signing of

an affordable option for most Mexicans, as the Beetle was

NAFTA twenty years ago had a favorable impact, nudging

back in the day. Yet, OEMs are not selling anything below

Mexico firmly on a path of free trade, which caught the

this price.

attention of OEMs worldwide. The entrance of large


companies from Japan, Germany, and other nations over

Jáuregui believes that the right public policies, such

the last ten years has also had an enormous impact. For

as bringing in subsidies or financing assistance, could

Jáuregui, this demonstrates that a tangible evolution will

mitigate this situation, and he poses the question of

continue to take place as the Mexican automotive industry

how a solid domestic market in the absence of enough

matures to become a real global player. However, he points

available capital. Many in the regularized economy do

out an area of concern. The sustainability of the Mexican

not have enough money to buy a car after they cover

market will depend on the availability of financing. “For

their expenses. A second-hand car would be viable, but

the moment, the Mexican market has a lack of access to

the proper second-hand car market is dwarfed by illegal

financing and has not shown the need for a domestic OEM.

imports. This brings about the option of introducing

However, as Mexico evolves, its strength in manufacturing,

attractive financing models, which could be an effective

design, technology, and capital could allow for such a

policy to boost the sector while haltering the importation

creation. A Mexican OEM would be welcomed if it made

of used cars. This alternative would pull Mexicans from

quality, safe cars at the right price for the right type of

the informal economy into the formal economy through

consumer,” Jáuregui explains. “But instead, the Mexican

the incentive of buying a car. “People would be able to

market is harming itself by importing used cars from the

buy a proper car and the price of entry is to become a

US. This is a failure in the rule of law, and has benefited

formal citizen, that changes the whole scenario through

organized crime.” An alternative Jáuregui proposes is a

public policy. This angle is of great importance because it

scrapping program, a government-funded initiative to

lures people into regularity,” shares Jáuregui, adding that

replace old vehicles for new ones. “If Mexico implements

the right policy governing this aspect of the automotive

a scrapping program that is affordable for the people

industry could be a major turning point.

On the manufacturing side, there is competition between

that, despite their advantageous proximity to the US,

state governments as not all states are home to an

are avoided by companies coming to Mexico. Mexico is

OEM, or have a large automotive industry presence in

working on restoring the rule of law nationwide, but has

general. Jáuregui notes that a lot of state governments

not achieved it yet.”

offer land as an investment incentive but fail to provide the necessary urbanization levels needed for companies

Beyond these concerns, Jáuregui says it is common for his

to access and use the land. “This comes down to a

clients to ask about Mexico’s fiscal framework, importation

federalization of public policy, combined with local rule

quotas, distribution networks, and financing schemes.

of law, to establish compliance with verified obligations

“Even though some companies ask what to do in case of

at all levels of government. In other words, attracting

extortion, they tend to underestimate the extent to which



politics play a large part in the automotive industry,” says

the creation of a legal framework that is accessible,

Jáuregui. “For instance, a change in administration could

understandable, and applicable nationwide. In Mexico,

alter the way in which a company is taxed. These things

legislators create many cross-purpose laws and many

are impossible to predict, but they happen. The most

regulations that remain unknown and unfollowed. A

effective way to protect yourself from this is to adhere to

system’s success lies in its simplicity. For instance, if

best practices and demand that the government should

we had a simpler tax system, people would pay taxes.

respect your practices.” He adds that in these cases,

Similarly, people would adhere to a simpler automotive

entities like AMIA and a distributor network following the

promotion program.” Jáuregui believes that coordination

same best practices could help a company overcome such

needs to take place at the federal level to enable the

challenges. He also exhorts companies to verify their land

creation of support infrastructure for the application

rights, particularly in places where the rule of law is weak,

of the law and regulations for inspections. “This should

and to ensure they have clear and well-defined agreements

be done in conjunction with the reforms that are on the

for utilities like power.





way. If it is done right, the implementation will be easy as this is not a constitutional change but simply a market



counseling, and to have staff that have foresight and







dedication to indentify possible obstacles. The problem According to Jáuregui, the success of states such as

is that sometimes project developers, construction

Guanajuato, Chihuahua, and Sonora comes from the fact

companies, and permit obtainers do things that are

that they did not compete against federal regulations

beyond their remit by cutting corners,” notes Jáuregui.

but followed and enforced them. “These states created

The issue is prevalent in many industries but he believes

an environment of legal protection for companies that

the situation to be more delicate in the automotive

wished to establish themselves there. By this, I mean

industry given the explosion in the amount of factories

they enforced the law, which makes companies want to

that are currently at various stages of development.

invest in these states as the land use conditions are clear,

Regardless of the possible obstacles, Jáuregui believes

the roads are safe, and there are good public services.”

the automotive industry has benefited from mostly

Jáuregui says that a secure rule of law is the answer

positive policies. “I think the appropriate policies have

to attracting companies that can boost the economy,

been well-applied over all, unlocking possibilities for the

as opposed to an environment where businesses are

automotive industry. Otherwise, the Mexican automotive

harassed and threatened. “This is the case for some states

sector would not have reached this level.”







FALLOUT OF RECENT REFORMS ON THE MAQUILADORA SECTOR MANUEL PADRÓN-CASTILLO Partner at Baker & McKenzie Q: Which role does the maquiladora industry play in the

establishing a value-added production chain in Mexico,

development of the automotive industry in Mexico?

and so created rules to allow some of the production to

A: The automotive and maquiladora industries in Mexico

remain in the country. This triggered concerns from tax

are inextricably linked. The growth of the auto parts

authorities, but the need for economic growth was held

industry in Mexico has to a large extent been a result of

to be more important. It was envisioned as possible for

the maquiladora program itself, and the largest portion

maquiladoras to keep 100% of production within Mexico in

of the value of manufacturing exports comes from

order to enable them to supply the growing OEM base. But

maquiladoras. OEMs in Mexico did not grow as a result of

the recent changes seem to show that the tax authority is

the maquiladora industry, although some OEMs are now

once again dictating the state of play. The tax authority

looking at the maquiladora and IMMEX program with

does not want maquiladoras to keep their production

interest. In fact, most major OEM companies have secured

in Mexico and continue enjoying the same benefits they

IMMEX registration just in case they need to use it.

used to enjoy. Those benefits are far removed from how they were originally conceived and maquiladoras are

Q: How heavily have the recent reforms affected

increasingly being pushed into becoming regular taxpayers.


This is leading to a lower level of competitiveness for

A: The reforms have heavily impacted the maquiladora

Mexico, especially as other countries are implementing tax

industry and have not been viewed positively in the eyes of

incentives that could attract investors away from Mexico.

traditional investors. Companies are very concerned and are looking for mechanisms to improve the situation. It seems

Q: What are the biggest risks for maquiladora companies

that we are going back in time to when the industry was

operating in Mexico at the moment?

more heavily regulated, while we are seeing the removal

A: There are two different definitions of what a maquiladora

of certain basic premises that enshrined the maquiladora

is. One is for trade purposes, namely to govern import and

industry. By eliminating presidential incentives for the

export activities, and the other is for tax purposes. This is

income tax of maquiladoras and creating value added tax

an important distinction. If a company fails to properly

(VAT) on temporary importation, the Fiscal Reform has a

comply with taxation guidelines, the parent company is at

tremendous impact on cost and on the management of

risk of being legally held to have a permanent establishment

company operations. Even though there are programs to

in Mexico for tax purposes. The Mexican government could

avoid the disbursement of VAT on temporary importations

then consider the parent company to be an unregistered

by maquiladoras, the process to get the needed quality

taxpayer in Mexico, and no company wants to be in that

certifications to qualify for these is complex and difficult

situation. Companies therefore have to be increasingly

to maintain in the long run. The industry has not settled

mindful of the structure of their business and the way in which

for the current conditions and discussions will continue

they are conducting business in Mexico. Situations outside

surrounding these reforms. The situation cannot get any

of a maquiladora’s control can also easily come about. For

worse, so any revisions can only be positive.

example, a maquiladora’s asset-holding related company might be acquired by an external company, triggering a


Q: The maquiladora industry has been subject to change

permanent establishment when a maquiladora uses assets

and evolution throughout its history. How is this different?

that were owned by a Mexican related party. Such a situation

A: In the early days, all their production had to be exported

is now negatively regulated, and the punishment for such

outside of Mexico. What often happened was that a

an action will scare investors away. There is no question

producer in Mexico would make goods needed inside the

that regulation is needed, but the concern is that the

country, so these had to be shipped across the border and

current regulations go too far. They are targeting a growing

then shipped back in again to comply with regulations.

tendency for maquiladoras to participate in the Mexican

However, the Ministry of Economy saw the necessity of

market, and companies were not ready for the changes

when they happened. Many of the conditions are impossible

A: OEMs play an important part regarding the complexity

to meet for a lot of companies. For the time being, most

of operations for the auto parts sector. Regulations mean

companies are absorbing the additional costs. Mexico

that OEMs and maquiladoras benefit from being able to

has good treaties in place to avoid double taxation, and if

conduct virtual importations and exportations under the

structured correctly, international firms can re-claim taxes

maquiladora scheme. However, many OEMs dislike the

paid in Mexico in another jurisdiction. A lot of companies

virtual importation and exportation approach, preferring

simply will not have the cash to pay the 16% VAT payable on

to have domestic sales with the use of transfer certificates.

temporary importation, and will therefore have to acquire

That can complicate business for the maquiladoras,

additional financing to cover the cost. There are around

because they need to export 100% of their Mexico

6,000 IMMEX registrations, and the Treasury has predicted

production in order to maintain permanent establishment

that at least half of those will not get the VAT disbursements

exemption for the parent company. The transfer certificates

exemption certification, meaning those companies will have

require domestic sales, which creates an imbalance. Some

to pay VAT. This is a negative sign as it increases the cost of

OEMs do accept virtual importations, but the ones that

doing business in Mexico.

do not are creating a situation where maquiladoras need to use a sister company to virtually import the goods and

Q: How easy is it to obtain an IMMEX registration and how

then sell the goods domestically to the OEM. This creates

quickly can it be lost?

an unnecessary middleman, and the market could operate

A: Getting IMMEX registration is not difficult. A company

better if more OEMs agreed to accept virtual importations.

just needs to have a legal vehicle in Mexico and a facility, along with evidence of the type of business activity

Q: What other issues should the manufacturing industry in

being conducted. In theory, losing the IMMEX regulation

Mexico be mindful of as the sector develops?

is also fairly easy as a company only has to breach one

A: A major issue that requires consideration by the sector is

of many requirements dictated by the customs program.

international anti-trust regulation, which will undoubtedly

In reality, we have seen that the Ministry of Economy is

be enforced more heavily in Mexico in the future. A lot of

not hunting IMMEX-registered businesses for cancellation.

Mexican-produced parts are being exported globally and

Problems are addressed during audits, and the Ministry of

all industry players should play close attention to what

Economy appears to be doing its best to foster growth in

is happening in the rest of the world regarding anti-trust

maquiladora operations. Companies should expect strict

regulation enforcement. Companies should be expecting

enforcement of rules and regulations, but they should not

the government to ramp up inspections, enforcement, and

fear having their registrations cancelled.

prosecutions in the near future. Recalls are another area of concern. The issue is one of basic consumer rights, as some

Q: How positive have the amendments to the customs

of the parts currently subject to recalls may well have been

regulations been, and do you foresee any major changes

made in Mexico. As the country increases production, this

following the recent announcement of a second review

will become more of an issue.

stage? A: Customs transactions have been modernized by the

Q: What does the future hold for the automotive sector

recent regulatory changes, but what the legislation really

in Mexico?

achieved was to legally reflect what was already happening

A: This is an interesting time for the industry. The impact of

in the Mexican customs world. Eliminating the need for a

the regulations is not yet being fully felt as the government

second inspection and requiring electronic notifications

has allowed a two-year adjustment period. Therefore, we

were both very positive changes. Delaying tactics by

do not expect major changes in the industry over the next

importers in customs procedures were also reduced,

year. In the long-term, a suitable situation for both the

making the system fairer and more efficient. There was

government and the industry has to be reached. Mexico’s

perhaps an excessive enforcement in terms of the fines

maquiladora industry is being looked to for inspiration

imposed, and the government is going to review one or

by other countries, and they will take advantage of any

two aspects of the legislation, but I do not think any radical

reduction in the attractiveness of Mexico’s automotive

changes will be announced.

industry by emulating what we have done in the past. Mexico should be picking up a lot of the production opportunities

Q: What role do OEMs play in creating an optimal

that are arising as a result of the growth of the North

environment for their auto part providers, and how is this

American industry and the reduction in competitiveness of

impacting the uptake of the maquiladora scheme by auto

traditional Asian manufacturing hubs. We should be doing

parts companies coming here?

whatever we can to foster growth, not hinder it.


FISCAL LAW SHAKES THE MANUFACTURING SECTOR In November 2006, the federal government issued

The 2013 Fiscal Reform brought about changes that

the Decree for the Promotion of the Manufacturing,

affect maquiladoras and entities operating under the

Maquiladora, and Exportation Services Industry (IMMEX) to

IMMEX scheme. For instance, the Reform eliminates VAT

strengthen the competiveness of the Mexican exportation

exemptions for companies operating under the IMMEX

sector. IMMEX’s main objective was to promote exports

program, and companies in the automotive industry

and enable Mexican companies to access international

manufacturing vehicles or auto parts on the temporary

markets, in addition to fostering the modernization of

import of goods. In addition, VAT will be homogenized

manufacturing infrastructure by bringing in specialized

throughout Mexico, which means this tax will increase

technology and enabling the transfer of knowledge to the

from 11% to 16% in border states. This will surely have

domestic industry. According to the Ministry of Economy,

an effect on the regional economies and its impact

IMMEX grants title holders the possibility of temporarily

on imports and exports is yet to be seen. A report by

importing required goods for industrial processes destined

Baker McKenzie indicates that these fiscal changes

to the manufacturing, transformation, or repair of foreign

will increase both costs and uncertainty by altering

merchandise that has been brought to Mexico for later

supply chains in the Mexican manufacturing sector,

exportation. This program’s most attractive feature is that

and commercial relationships with the US might be

it spares companies from paying taxes, such as VAT, the

disturbed. The modified Law on the Value Added Tax

general importation tax, or compensatory fees, on goods

mentions that importers who can prove adequate control

that are temporarily imported into Mexico. The decree is

of their operation can obtain a certificate that will entitle

meant to lower logistical and administrative costs, while

them to a credit of 100% of VAT. Changes in the law that

speeding up bureaucratic procedures in order to increase

regulates VAT will result in a considerable deviation from

fiscal capacity in an environment that both attracts and

the fiscal and commercial policies that Mexico has so far

retains investments in Mexico. Many US companies

implemented in order to remove operational barriers

benefited from the duty-free basis and low labor costs

in cross-border operations involving manufacturing

provided by the IMMEX scheme. The enterprises that

and exports. These policies have revolved around the

participate in these programs are responsible for 85% of

IMMEX and the automotive fiscal deposit, which allowed

Mexico’s manufacturing exports, with automotive products

manufacturers to hold VAT payments until their products

chief among these.

were in the Mexican market.

EXPORT QUOTAS HAMPER AUTO EXPORTS TO LATIN AMERICA Brazil remains Mexico’s third largest export market after the

ACE 55, which also includes Argentina, Paraguay, and

US and Canada despite a 22.9% drop in exports between

Uruguay, was amended to set automotive export quotas

2012 and 2013, indicative of a general declining trend seen

for Mexico after an exponential rise in Mexican exports to

over the last couple of years. This is in stark contrast to

Brazil and a drop in Brazil’s own market. Pursuant to the

the 421% increase seen in exports to Brazil between 2007

amended agreement, Mexico agreed to curb exports to

and 2011. The drop in exports came about as the result of

Brazil over a three-year period. The quota restrictions apply

a 2012 agreement between Brazil and Mexico that capped

to both countries with the intention that steps toward free

auto exports to the South American giant under a three-

trade will resume once again in 2015. As long as the quotas

year quota system after the nation’s auto trade deficit with

are in place, any exports over the quota levels will not be

Mexico tripled to $1.55 billion in 2011.

exempt from the countries’ bilateral preferential tariff rates. The agreement also saw Mexico vow to increase


The agreement was entered into in spite of the

Latin American auto parts imports to 40% from the former



level of 30%. Despite the negative impact on local exports

Complementarity Agreement, which established rules for

to South America, decision-makers in Mexico accepted the

gradually deregulating automotive trade and reducing

short-term consequences of the agreement in the hope of

tariff payments between Mexico and Brazil in order to

enjoying free access to the Brazilian market in the long-

move the two Latin American giants closer to a bilateral

term. OEMs producing cars in Mexico are standing ready

free trade relationship.

to seize this new opportunity.







IMPACT OF TAX REFORMS ON AUTOMOTIVE INVESTMENT The main concerns of the automotive industry with Mexico’s

to obtain certification, they will face cash flow issues because

tax reforms lie in two main areas. Most manufacturing

they will have to pay the VAT and then ask for a refund.

industries in Mexico work using the IMMEX export program.

These approved changes affect the IMMEX and any entity

In the past, such maquiladoras were entitled to tax benefits,

using a bonded warehouse to import goods on a temporary

which had been supported by past administrations, but

basis that will be incorporated into the manufacturing

these disappeared on January 1, 2014. The other issue is

process. “KPMG hopes the rules and justifications will be

connected to VAT. Automotive entities import goods on a

simple and easy to comply with, and that the Mexican tax

temporary basis and through the supply chain they transfer

authorities recognize why clear rules are needed in order for

the goods from one entity to the next. This is done without

automotive companies to continue operating competitively

triggering VAT, under the understanding that the goods are

in Mexico. However, for the moment, there is no suggestion

imported temporarily and will be exported abroad, either

that maquiladoras will lose out to production moving back to

directly or indirectly. However, with the recently approved

the US. Indeed, some investment may have been suspended

proposal, the temporary import of goods will be taxable

as companies wait for the final rules to be established,” says

for value added purposes. There are only three options

Mario Hernández, Tax Partner at KPMG. If the tax regimen

for deferrals to this process. The first will be to obtain a

is not resolved, companies will not necessarily move away

certification from the government as, when obtained, it will

but there will be less and less projects entering Mexico.

allow them to import goods on a temporary basis. They

Because other countries are establishing similar regimens

will trigger the VAT tax but will also entitle companies to a

like Costa Rica, Guatemala and Honduras, companies will

credit equal to the tax. This is the best option available to

move projects over there. After all, US entities are looking

companies and they will have one year after the publishing

to have their suppliers closer to the final destination of the

of the rules to obtain this certification. The second option

goods and Central America is a good place to be if taxation

would be to put up a bond and warranty for the tax to be

in Mexico is unresolved. Mexico is looking to increase foreign

triggered. Naturally, this option could be costly and could

investment, generate more cash and jobs. Central states like

potentially end up being a financial nightmare. The third

Queretaro and Guanajuato are key to these goals, due to the

option would be to pay and request a refund from the

strength of the automotive and aerospace industries. “The

Mexican tax authorities, but this could take months or even

reality is that the tax reforms threaten to affect the strength

years in some cases. Ultimately, if these entities are not able

of such industries,” says Hernández.

In accordance with the terms of the agreement, yearly

within the quota. “The designation is based on how well

quota levels have been applied, with OEMs allocated

the OEM used its space in the past. OEMs have to have

portions of the allowance based on criteria set by the

an historic relationship with the agreement. New OEMs

Ministry of Economy. The details of the quota allowances

can enter it but they have to meet specific investment

for the period from March 2014 to March 2015 declared

conditions,” explains Orendain.

that export levels would be set at US$190 million, to be divided between Ford, Chrysler, GM, Honda,

Industry experts doubt whether a true free trade



relationship will soon exist between Mexico and Brazil,



was allocated for Nissan




and North Pole Star as new

bearing in mind Mexico’s close ties with the US market

entrants. The remaining $118.4 million of the quota was

and Brazil’s protectionist approach to trade. Brazil has

to be allocated between Ford, Chrysler, GM, Honda, and

a complex relationship with the US, and Mexico is not a

Volkswagen. María Verónica Orendain de Los Santos,

key-trading partner for the South American mammoth,

Director General of the Directorate of Heavy Industries

meaning that the two countries’ commercial interests are

and High Technology, explains how the quota levels

not all that closely aligned. Nonetheless, with reports from

were established, saying, “When designing the quota we

Brazil of excess production in the over-inflated domestic

incorporated the interests of the automotive industry. It is

automotive production sector, the stagnation of bilateral

a complex process that ensures two things: that the quota

trade with Mexico is hardly a positive outcome. Brazil’s bet

is used to its full potential and that the local industry

on demand from the Argentina market has fallen short,

follows an ordered process in order to achieve that goal.”

and when the quota restrictions with Mexico end next year,

According to Orendain de los Santos, no OEMs receive

the country may well look more favorably on unfettered

preferential treatment when being designated a place

automotive trade with Mexico.


INDUSTRIAL PARKS PART OF NEW BUSINESS LANDSCAPE The creation of the export-oriented maquiladora program in

“Years ago, we tried to incorporate R&D into the parks

1964 served as the catalyst for the continuing development

and transform them from industrial into technological

of industrial infrastructure in the northern regions of Mexico.

parks by ourselves but we swiftly realized we needed

As more foreign companies began to dot the manufacturing

the support from the government to have a chance of

landscape, a need arose to construct industrial parks that

success.” Faced with the need for increased collaboration,

could house these maquiladora companies. The Mexican

AMPIP now creates synergies between companies and

Association of Industrial Parks (AMPIP) traces its roots

even industries, achieved by grouping firms together to

to this boom and was created to represent industrial real

help them share their knowledge and knowhow. This has

estate developers in Mexico, but for its President Rodolfo

seen AMPIP create links across industries. “For example,

Balmaceda, the maquiladora program was not the only game

a British company named Bodycote was a supplier of

changer. “The signing of FTAs changed the dynamics of the

thermal processing services for GM in the automotive

industry. Traditionally in the border regions, technology

industry. We noticed that its services were also relevant

and innovation trickled down from the US, but with open

to the aerospace industry, so we helped the company

borders and opportunities piling up, their development

establish ties with Safran,” he adds.

grew exponentially across Mexico.”

AMPIP has developed the flexibility to take on new roles

“Technology and innovation trickled down from the US, but with open borders and opportunities piling up, their development grew exponentially across Mexico” Rodolfo Balmaceda, President of AMPIP

“When describing a Mexican industrial park, the image

as needed. For example, Balmaceda describes that

conveyed is normally of a private land with a group of

“AMPIP did not only want to represent developers and

buildings that provide utility services,” explains Balmaceda.

industrial parks but the rest of the variables connected

The most striking characteristic that distinguishes Mexican

to them.” To do so, AMPIP also began working on the

parks from the rest is that they are almost entirely being

infrastructure supporting the parks. “The new national

developed by the private sector, an aspect that has not

infrastructure program is very ambitious and AMPIP has

put off the automotive companies. Balmaceda attributes

a definite role to play within it,” Balmaceda comments. In

the scarce involvement of the government to the lack

the past, Mexico’s transport connectivity ran mostly on a

of necessary knowhow to build them. “The money the

north-south axis due to strong commercial ties with the

government invested on the development of its own

US. Later on, a need arose to connect ports on the Pacific

industrial parks ended up being wasted, so they left

Coast with those on the Atlantic, leading to highways and

the development to the hands of the private sector,” he

railroads crisscrossing the country. Since it is essential for

explains. This has put Mexico’s industrial park proposals

industrial parks to be built close to existing infrastructure,

for industries like automotive and aerospace on a different

AMPIP’s role has been to help improve the efficiency of

footing than those in other countries. “In China, for

said infrastructure. “We look beyond our parks in order to

example, the government has invested in transforming

see how we can improve the efficiency of the entire supply

industrial parks into industrial areas containing universities,

chain, for automotive and beyond,” he adds.

R&D centers, office buildings and even housing,” he says.


To match this worldwide development, the priorities of

Besides the national infrastructure program, a new study

industrial parks are now being governed by a triple helix of

financed by the Inter-American Development Bank,

education, private and public sectors. This translates into

called National Logistics Platform, found that Mexico

private companies building and providing the parks, the

had 85 major logistics hubs. Out of those, 10 will receive

government attracting companies through incentives, and

strong investments from the government to improve their

universities providing a steady supply of well-trained labor.

infrastructure. “We are working alongside this program to

“By understanding all of this, AMPIP is an integral part of

make sure that it all comes together with the ultimate goal

this new triple helix era where added value is the name of

of helping improve the flow of goods within Mexico,” says

the game,” Balmaceda notes.



INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE TO SUIT THE AUTOMOTIVE SECTOR LORENZO BERHO CORONA President and CEO of Corporación Inmobiliaria Vesta Q: What have been the major milestones in Vesta’s growth

the tenant end up leaving the building. The third concept we

over the last 15 years, including its IPO in 2012?

have developed is a park-to-suit, which is concentrated on

A: In our first plan of action, we set out in what regions and

setting up parks dedicated to a single industry.

sectors we wanted to operate, including our commitment to corporate governance. Our original portfolio in 1998 was

The automotive sector represents 22% of our portfolio.

50,000m . In 1999, we then obtained our first loan from GE

Nissan invited us to bid for a Douki Seisan Park (DSP) in

Financial for US$9 million. In 2000, when Vicente Fox won

Aguascalientes last year, which presented a new opportunity

the presidential election, the perception of Mexico as a true

for us. We discovered that Nissan was looking for a company

democracy rose considerably. In 2004, the largest pension

that could work with a competitive budget, had the right

fund in the world at the time, CalPERS, was allowed to invest

experience, and already had the funds in place. Since Nissan

outside of the US for the first time, and it was approved to

Mexicana produces more cars in Mexico than the company

invest in Mexico as part of the NAFTA region. At that time,

does in the US and Japan, the local supply base is essential

CalPERS purchased 49% of our company, an investment of

and timely delivery is absolutely imperative. After showing

US$50 million, to be deployed over five years. All of that

Nissan that we had the right systems, project managers,

equity was actually deployed in 18 months. We bought

and auditors in place, we signed a definitive agreement for

two large distribution centers for Nestlé, which is now our

the development of this supplier park in close proximity to

largest client. However, we then experienced a deadlock

Nissan’s automotive plant.


with CalPERS as it did not want to invest anymore at that time, so we bought out its share. The partnership with

In the history of the world, it has been very rare to see

CalPERS was very good for both sides as we both gained

so many players from one industry entering a country at

a lot of experience. Afterwards, three other investors came

the same time. Now, rarely a week goes by without news

on board and we grew consistently from then on. We were

about an OEM with investment plans for Mexico. However,

one of 22 developers that were chosen to bid for the first

the reality is that those big OEMs are very self-sufficient

aerospace cluster in Queretaro, which we won. Even though

in terms of establishing their presence here, so the real

we did not have the US$100 million needed to invest in that

opportunities for us are in the supply chain.

project, we ended up entering into a joint venture with GE. In 2012, we needed to look for more equity, which is why

Q: Why did you decide to focus on the Bajio region?

we went for the IPO. That was a great success, as we raised

A: Firstly, it is necessary to point out that Vesta has done

US$200 million from institutional investors. Vesta’s success

many things differently to its competitors. We decided

is a real representation of Mexico’s strength as a logistical

to go public, while most of our competitors use the Fibra

and industrial investment hub. In June 2013, we did a follow-

REIT concept. Many companies have taken the approach

up listing which raised close to US$200 million.

of keeping the management separate from the general operations of the company, but we decided to integrate

Q: What significance does the automotive industry hold

these activities in order to align interests between employees

for VESTA in terms of its investment strategy?

and shareholders, which has been very well-received. Many

A: We liaise with the government to establish where multi-

competitors entered the retail and commercial fields,

tenant buildings are needed. These can host one to five

but we have decided to remain in our niche as industrial

companies based on their specific needs, we do not build

developers. This different approach has also been applied

units without knowing that there will be tenants to occupy

to our geographical focus. We decided to concentrate on

them. This makes up one-third of our business. The other part

the central region early on, even though all the activity

consists of build to suit units that can be built to the exacting

was still in the border region at the time. Staying strong in

specifications of the client. For such developments, it is

central Mexico gave us many advantages, and 70% of our

crucial that they can be used for alternative purposes should

portfolio is now in Mexico City and the Bajio region.



PRO-ACTIVE MIND-SET NEEDED TO CATER TO AUTOMOTIVE PROJECTS JAIME MARTÍNEZ Business Development Director of ERM Q: What role does the automotive industry play in ERM’s

A: Our services are divided into two main areas: permitting

growth strategy?

and environmental impact assessments. The latter is mainly

A: ERM changed its strategy four years ago, when it decided

focused on new projects, but we have ongoing projects

its three key growth sectors would be oil and gas, power, and

with Pirelli and Honda. We help companies to secure

mining. We have an additional sector, MCP, which incorporates

environmental approval for their new manufacturing sites.

the manufacturing and chemical industries. Automotive is

We also offer compliance and assurance services, which

included within this sector. While the manufacturing segment

entails carrying out audits to verify companies’ compliance

is important for ERM, it has not received the attention it is

level in their operations and management systems. We help

due. Our focus for growth has, in recent years, been on the

automotive companies get their manufacturing operations

three key sectors, but over the last year, ERM became fully

running with all the permits, and later help them properly

aware that MCP should not be lightly cast aside.

manage the environmental aspects. We sometimes carry out site investigation services, which see us visit sites at which

Q: As ERM renews its focus on the MCP sector, what

companies are experiencing contamination issues to help

opportunities do you see within the automotive industry?


A: The automotive industry in Mexico is booming so we are preparing to increase our participation within it.

Q: How have environmental impact assessments helped

We are currently developing a strategy that will target

the automotive industry establish sustainable practices?

key areas of opportunity in the industry. This process

A: Our environmental impact assessments for automotive

begins by recognizing the formidable performance of the

companies focus on water and waste management. Water is

manufacturing industry in the long history of Mexico. We

a crucial resource for the industry and automotive companies

have provided our traditional services to that sector for many

usually deal with it before establishing operations. If a company

years but we now see new aspects that we want to exploit.

uses water intensively in its operations, the first element we

Therefore, the next step is to learn the inside workings of

check is whether the chosen location has a secure availability

the automotive industry, including understanding trends,

of water. If several locations are under consideration, we

innovation, and technologies. ERM’s focus is on sustainable

carry out an initial assessment of them all to identify the area

practices so we will naturally turn our sights to electric

presenting the lowest risk of water shortages. This service is

cars. But although these are proving to be an interesting

incredibly important in the Bajio since the region is known for

development, the market will continue to be dominated

having water shortage issues. We are also helping companies

by cars running on fossil fuels. This is not just the reality of

improve their water consumption efficiency. However, it

the Mexican market but worldwide. The slow development

will be difficult to fully apply this service as the automotive

of sustainable and environmentally friendly cars suggests

industry works at a different pace. The moment companies

that it is simply a façade to improve brand image, so the

identify a problem, they swiftly solve it without the input of

adoption of sustainable practices must lie elsewhere. The

third parties. The automotive industry runs on a “first come,

paradigm will not change, with mobility and fuel efficiency

first served” basis and has unique concepts of production

remaining in the spotlight. The US has a program similar to

where speed is paramount. Companies respond to that by

EcoBici but using smart cars instead of bicycles. This level

adopting production and waste management strategies that

of innovation seems to be way ahead of the capabilities

stand out from other industries. This unique mindset is the

of the Mexican industry. There is a clear gap between the

reason why the industry has such an important influence

industry’s current priorities and what it will look like in a

on quality standards. It is a pioneer in implementing quality

decade or so.

systems because of its needs and the speed at which it has to develop. To some extent, the automotive industry runs by


Q: Which of ERM’s traditional services are aimed at the

itself, which can serve as an explanation as to why our service

automotive industry?

portfolio is so focused.


LOCAL REAL ESTATE CAPACITY FOR NATIONAL LEADERSHIP SALOMÓN NOBLE Director General & CEO of Intermex Q: How did Intermex start offering shelter and industrial

Spec buildings are sometimes used by Tier 2 suppliers,

real estate services?

although these usually need build to suit solutions, but they

A: Intermex’s shareholders came together in 1971 when

really find their mark among Tier 3 suppliers.

they saw the advent of the maquiladora industry. Given the number of companies coming to Chihhuahua, they saw a

The automotive investment boom in the Bajio has led to

demand for industrial real estate. But that was just a small

a very interesting phenomenon. Investments by so many

portion of the problem. How would these companies get

OEMs there have led to a glut of build to suit buildings being

their materials, equipment and people? How would they get

constructed for Tier 1 suppliers. Most real estate developers

their finished goods across the border? That gave birth to

construct industrial buildings with the aim of renting them

the shelter program. This joint vision came as a consequence

to different companies over the years. This is much more

of international companies relocating line manufacturing to

difficult with build to suit projects, as these are designed

Chihuahua. Intermex started as a local Chihuahua company

for continuous manufacturing processes and are tailored to

but the growth of the automotive sector saw our customers

the needs of one particular industry or commodity. Finally,

ask us for buildings in Guadalajara, the Bajio and Durango.

we have a sale and leaseback strategy, wherein we buy

That drove us to expand beyond the state boundaries and

buildings to lease back to tenants. We handle few such

become an important national player. At the national and

transactions but they can come about for different reasons.

local level, real estate providers can help customers in several areas. The most important of these is site selection, where

Q: Which role does the availability of public infrastructure

a location is found that meets a customer’s set of variables

play in site selection?

like labor and infrastructure. Furthermore, the clusterization

A: Deploying public infrastructure or services is incredibly

process in Mexico, driven by OEMs, has also had a major

expensive, it costs US$700 to build one meter of rail. The

impact on the site selection choices of suppliers.

number one criteria when choosing land is whether it has access to the right infrastructure and services. For example,

Q: What advantages does Intermex offer that help it to

a site has to have access to a four-lane road, not only for

win bids?

transportation but also for curb appeal. Customers like to

A: Intermex wins bids due to the range of services it can

have exposure so that people passing by can know where

offer its customers. One such advantage is our industrial

their facilities are. However, this is not always possible, so

land bank. There is plenty of land in Mexico but little of

we do sometimes have to build more transmission lines,

it has access to public services. A factory needs to have

develop a septic system or even drill wells for water.

reliable access to power, water, and telecommunications

Another huge challenge we face everywhere in Mexico is

infrastructure such as fiber optics. For a company like

buying land from indigenous communities. Knowing how

Intermex to be successful, it must have a good industrial

to negotiate with these communities and acquire land is a

land bank with access to such services. Having a varied

specialty in and of itself.

land bank also helps to work on projects that have specific needs, requiring a built-to-suit environment. The built-

Q: How much potential does Intermex see in the real

to-suit option exists for those projects that cannot find a

estate market for smaller buildings?

building with the right characteristics. Intermex has become

A: Intermex pushes a concept known as the multi-tenant

a master at catering to such specific needs, particularly for

building. We design such buildings to get the economy of

Tier 1 suppliers who often have particular requirements.

scale advantages of a larger building but with a flexible

This brings us to the next category of products, inventory

space that can be sub-divided into modules that tender to

buildings or speculative buildings. This process involves

smaller companies. A building of 11,148m2 can be divided

speculation as we build the facilities ahead of time, for

into four modules of 2,787m2, or ten modules of 1,114m2, or

customers who need to get production started at once.

be rented out to just one tenant.


SHELTER PROGRAM PROVIDES SOFT LANDING FOR NEWCOMERS By Salomón Noble - The shelter business model can

hiring of personnel, the duty-free import of raw materials

be of great help to international automotive companies

and equipment, taking custody of these once imported,

looking to source manufacturing services in Mexico.

the manufacturing and export of products, the purchasing

Prior to their arrival, a shelter program can greatly affect

of MRO and other services from Mexican suppliers,

their decision-making on how to successfully deploy and

and ensuring compliance with all Mexican legal and

operate a manufacturing project. There have traditionally

environmental permits and regulations.

been two typical runways available for an automotive corporation when looking to land such a project: directly

The second is the provision of a portfolio of services,

through a wholly owned foreign subsidiary or WOFS; or

designed to avoid the costly mistakes and unnecessary

indirectly through an already established domestic contract

delays often associated with the inevitable learning curve of

manufacturer or subcontractor. Considering the advantages

a company operating away from its native environment and

and disadvantages of these options, the shelter business

in a country with a different culture, legal framework and

model presents a new optimized alternative, which stands in

compliance requirements. As such, the services portfolio

between the WOFS and the contract manufacturer. On one

allows the company to focus completely on the transfer of

hand, it optimizes the inherent risks of the first, while making

technology and manufacturing operations, while Intermex

up for the latter’s lack of control.

can take charge of all non-core manufacturing support services. These include HR, such as recruiting and retaining

The Shelter Model of Service, as offered by Intermex,

qualified personnel or relocating expatriate personnel,

effectively addresses all of a company’s requirements

international commerce and logistics, such as freight

throughout the different phases of a project’s life cycle.

and import-export optimization, and administrative and

This ranges from the site selection assessment to the

accounting, including the optimization of duties and taxes

deployment and start-up and throughout its successful

if a Mexican subsidiary or WOFS is created. One of the final

operation. This model accomplishes risk minimization and

two advantages is an experienced management team that

grants control over production and quality, through four

provides daily consulting on site selection, deployment

key strategic elements. The first of these is that Intermex’s

and start-up, and day-to-day operations of the projects.

shelter company, as a wholly owned subsidiary, is duly

The last benefit is a pass-through mechanism that allows

incorporated and registered under the IMMEX program.

for the invoicing of all expenses incurred by the shelter

The shelter company is assigned to a client corporation

company, under the specific direction and supervision of

to act on its behalf for its operations in Mexico, minimizing

the client corporation, for the manufacturing and import/

its risk while providing a true soft landing for the project.

export of its merchandise and finished goods. These pass-

This means that the client corporation faces no exposure

through expenses will always be previously authorized by

in Mexico as the shelter company takes charge of the

the client corporation.



“Smaller Tier 2 and 3 companies coming to Mexico often

strategy, that is very specific to their situation. “The Mexican

face challenges regarding the right business administration

automotive market is not focused on sophistication but on

in this new market, due to a lack of internal structure,”

labor costs and the quality of the products manufactured

says Jaime Rico Palacios, Director of CE Consulting

in the country. Therefore, companies and family businesses

Mexico. A consulting firm that assists clients with business

evolve without a sustainable long-term growth plan,”



says Rico Palacios. Yet, the professionalization of these

Consulting feels it could help small suppliers professionalize





companies could make Mexico even more attractive to the

in administrative matters and business development. CE

automotive industry. In consequence, more international

Consulting has a long history of targeting SMEs in a range

players could be motivated to open R&D centers in

of industries, providing them with insight from teams

the country, as opposed to seeing the country only as

specialized in one specific sector. Palacios explains that this

a destination for manufacturing and assembly plants.

allows automotive SMEs in Mexico to receive advice about

“When companies have a project to develop, such as an

tax benefits, industry trends, or even the right growth

automated production line to sell to OEMs, we can provide









office expenses, a facility’s NNN (triple net of property

comprehensive cost model that is provided to the

taxes, insurance and non-structural maintenance), CAM

management team of any client corporation. With 40 years

(common areas maintenance), the consumption of

of experience facilitating the successful establishment

utilities, security and cleaning. These expenses are paid

and operation of international corporations in Mexico

for on a pass-through basis. The logistics expenses track

through its shelter, logistics and real estate services,

functions across a range of areas: the port of ingress/

Intermex’s cost model is a budgeting tool comprised of six

egress for the raw materials and finished goods; the

building blocks designed to project a client corporation’s

method of transport, including truck, air and ocean

total cost in absolute US dollars and per direct labor

freight; the number of round/single trips; transfers at the

paid hour, on a perfect attendance basis, to obtain a

border, where applicable; and US and Mexican customs

projected warp rate. The cost model does not include in

broker fees. These expenses are managed by the shelter

its scope the cost of raw materials, equipment, equipment

company to obtain a cost-effective solution for the client

depreciation, and expatriate costs, nor international

corporation’s merchandise import/export requirements.

freight, as these are specific to each corporation and are

The industrial real estate offerings available to the client

supplied from their country of origin. The building blocks

corporation range from available inventory buildings to

for the cost model are divided across labor cost detail

build to suit options. These can be acquired on a buy

(salaries and benefits), personnel-related costs (cafeteria,

or lease basis, within an industrial park or on stand-

transportation, medicines, uniforms), facilities operations

alone premises. Usually, the lease of an inventory

expenses (supplies, utilities, property tax, maintenance),

building, whether a brand new spec that requires fit-

logistical costs (in-bound and out-bound, customs brokers

up tenant improvements or an empty building that had

fees, transfers), building rent (cost per square foot), and

previously been used before by another tenant and

Intermex’s shelter fee by direct labor tranches. The cost

thus more equipped, is the preferred way to go. Should

model also allows the client corporation to gain a detailed

the client corporation’s processes require peculiar bay

review or drill down of each building block as follows.

size geometries or amenities neither available nor costeffective to implement in existing buildings, the build to

Firstly, labor is the cornerstone of the analysis, as

suit option would then be the way to proceed.

it covers the availability of qualified personnel that match the project’s requirements, the KPI’s of turnover,

Finally, the shelter fee is the compensation Intermex would

absenteeism and cost. Beyond labor, some market-

receive for the rendering of its services. It includes the

driven benefits vary depending on the city selected for

cost of the onsite employees as provided by the shelter

the project. These include the cafeteria service, public

agreement; the management and supervision of a group of

transportation routes, uniforms, and company events,

experts with many years of experience in the business areas

among others. Further cost elements are required for

of human resources, international commerce and logistics,

compliance with the law, such as the offering of medical

environmental, accounting and taxes, and compliance with

service and medicines for projects deploying more

the overall Mexican legal framework.

than 100 employees in Mexico. For facilities’ operations expenses, a cost approximation is provided that details

Salomón Noble, Director General & CEO of Intermex

them with a business plan for their production capacity

them to change their internal operations. In Rico Palacios’

increase over five to ten years. We can professionalize

experience, they usually agree to the changes once the

them through financial development opportunities set up

benefits and added value are made clear to them. After

by government institutions. CE Consulting helps these

basic services are taken care of, including fiscal, labor and

companies to change their general mindset, open new

legal matters, SMEs become more open to specialized

avenues of business, and plan for the future,” states Rico

services, such as HR consulting and marketing. Later still,


they may become interested in topics such as sustainable growth and social responsibility, which SMEs often

The first approach between CE Consulting and SMEs

dismiss as unimportant. This is where SMEs benefit from

is done step-by-step, without the SMEs feeling that

CE Consulting’s service model. “The users pay only for

they are being rushed into services they do not fully

the use of the resources that they require, whether basic

understand. Rico Palacios says that the first step in the

or specialized. Most SMEs do not have the money or staff

professionalization of these companies usually addresses

to support a specialized department, so we charge them

their administration, especially concerning legal and

by the hour, through an established contract, or for a

business processes. As most SMEs in Mexico are directly

fixed tariff for a set number of services over an agreed

run by their owners, it is sometimes difficult to convince

timeframe,” reveals Rico Palacios.



ADVANTAGES REMAIN AT THE US-MEXICO BORDER Alan Russell, CEO of the Tecma Group of Companies

and security when granting a score. The latter is of great

(Tecma), says an opportunity appeared when Tecma noticed

value because companies want some assurances that

that American OEMs like Ford began asking suppliers to

their operations will be safe,” he explains. The problem is

move abroad, to places like Canada and Mexico, and OEM

that decision-makers are not in Mexico and do not visit

suppliers began duly shifting their assembly operations.

the country enough, according to Russell. “Therefore, they

Russell recounts that many Tier 1 companies were struggling

base their decisions only what is published in the media.”

with figuring out how to move offshore. They came to the Mexican border, where Tecma had a contract manufacturing

The northern part of Mexico has traditionally been the

business. Working with Tier 1 companies that supply OEMs

country’s manufacturing hub. But as both national and

in the US has given Tecma plenty of knowledge on the

international media began the coverage of the violence in

logistical advantages of the US-Mexico border. Nowadays,

this region, many companies in the area have struggled to

the costs of manufacturing in Mexico and China are at a

stay afloat while the automotive sector is being pushed to

competitive level. International oil prices are increasing,

Central Mexico. The governments of the northern states

thus making offshore transportation more expensive. With

of Chihuahua, Coahuila, Nuevo Leon, Sinaloa, Sonora, and

this in mind, Chinese manufacturers are no longer seen as

Tamaulipas have been forced to find strategies to not only

the first choice and the Mexican market has become more

keep companies in the area running but also to attract new

attractive, especially for those companies that are looking to

investment. “The governments in the central part of the

serve the North American industry. Security is still an issue

country are doing an amazing job in seizing the moment

that the Mexican government needs to address, particularly

for their advantage, but the governments in the north

because it is of great concern for companies interested in

are living a different reality,” explains Russell. Debate still

entering the country.

rages as to which region now better suits the interests of

“The governments in the central part of the country are doing an amazing job in seizing the moment for their advantage, but the governments in the north are living a different reality” Alan Russell, CEO of the Tecma Group of Companies (Tecma)

The Bajio region in Mexico is blooming with OEMs and

the maquiladora sector, the Bajio or the northern states.

manufacturers opening plants in the area. However, Russell

“Logistics and transportation costs cannot justify the

believes it makes more sense to keep the manufacturing

location of maquiladoras on their own. This is a decision

companies next to the US border since most of them are

based on security issues and perceptions,” Russell asserts.

going to export a big percentage of their products to the

For him, the decision should be based on each company’s

North American market. In fact, Russell claims most of the

needs and its specific plans. “If a company is supplying to

European companies coming to Mexico are continuing to

Volkswagen, then the logical place to be is in the central

set up their bases in border states in order to serve the

states in order to keep logistics and transportation costs

North American market. Under this logic, it is no surprise

low. But if you are supplying to Detroit or Canada, then it is

that Tecma has offices in both Ciudad Juarez and El Paso,

hard to financially justify this location.”

Texas. However, Russell says his company is suited to work anywhere in Mexico. “We can put together a team

The northern states are developing programs to attract

and move it anywhere to provide our services elsewhere.

investment from the automotive industry into the area.

I do not have a geographical preference, but I do not

The government of Chihuahua, for example, is looking to

understand the logic of building a plant in the Bajio if 95%

have an OEM in the state, since it is well-known for the

of the merchandise is going to be shipped back to the

manufacturing of auto parts. Additionally, the state has

US.” Russell believes companies are aiming for the central

been investing in education programs to develop a skilled,

states because of misleading information regarding safety.

well-trained labor force. “If the decision depended on me,

“People making business decisions rate areas, according

putting my factory near the border would also allow me

to what is happening, but also based on what they hear in

to take advantage of a larger talent pool. The border can

the media. They take into consideration education, labor,

become an asset in various ways,” concludes Russell.



GLOBAL LEADER SHORES UP MEXICAN AUTOMOTIVE PYRAMID KAZUYOSHI HIGUCHI President of Sumitomo Corporation México Q: How has Sumitomo positioned itself in the Mexican

A: In 1985, we gained our first automotive venture in


Mexico when Ford Motor Company decided to open a

A: The industries we operate in are determined by

new plant in Hermosillo. Sumitomo joined Ford’s task

marketplace demand. We fulfill requests from our customers

force with the setup of a new plant and the local supply

to search for raw materials, analyze marketability, introduce

chain. Then in 1990, when Nissan announced its plant in

new products, and determine future demands. We can

Aguascalientes, Sumitomo supported Nissan to set up its

also help customers develop local partnerships and assist

local supply chain. After this Nissan venture, we worked

with their introduction into countries they are not familiar

for Volkswagen and GM on several projects in the country.

with. Sumitomo Corporation always looks for synergies

During this time, we determined that there was a need

and ways to strengthen value chains in all its sectors. We

for a suitable supplier for stamping and the assembling

export local products to Japan and other countries when

of closure panels. As such, we approached Hirotec in

a demand exists such as mineral resources and foodstuffs,

Japan to invest in Mexico in collaboration with Sumitomo

while we also provide services that include logistics, credit

in order to support GM’s operations. Since then, we have

and finance. Sumitomo Corporation de México was fully

invested in manufacturing for small to medium-sized

founded in 1971, after first being established as a liaison

stamping parts including chassis parts, iron-cast brake

office in 1954. We now count with 24 companies in

discs/drums, aluminum die casted parts, steel sheet slit/

Mexico, of which 16 are in the automotive sector, which is

blank operations, a window regulator assembly, PCB

our number one industry here. The automotive sector in

assembly, ceramic products, and engine components.

Mexico is well-developed, but we are trying to anticipate

Finally, we have invested in a vehicle assembly plant

changes to the manufacturing industry surrounding it by

with Mazda in Salamanca. The automotive industry is

working with well-suited strategic partners.

like an hour glass with the OEM in the center and an upstream and downstream. We still do not have much in

We have almost completed a supply chain pyramid in the

the downstream, but we do have a subsidiary company,

automotive sector. Its base is formed by the supply of

TBC Mexico, which is a distributor of replacement tires.

raw materials and moves up to Tier 2, Tier 1, and finally

In other countries, we have distribution, dealerships,

to OEM vehicle assembly. The weakest link is the Tier

retail financing, insurance and auto leasing. Perhaps the

2 section, which must have sophisticated production

next target for us to study will be how to expand our

technology to maintain quality. This is very difficult to

downstream investment in Mexico.

find in Mexican companies due to limited expertise and resources. An option would be for Japanese companies

Q: How do you see Mexican suppliers developing?

to become Tier 2 suppliers that support the Mexican Tier

A: When we entered into our initial project with Ford,

1 segment. However, Sumitomo’s main investments up

many local Mexican companies were present in the market.

to now have been in the Tier 1 companies. This is largely

However, soon after that, American Tier 1s began buying

due to the Honda and Mazda investments in 2011, which

up Mexican companies as they aimed to become global

pulled more than 100 Japanese supplier companies into

suppliers. Now, we are left with a small number of Mexican

the country at both the Tier 1 and 2 levels. One reason

Tier 1s so for local companies, entering this business now

why Japanese companies are so successful is that they

is very difficult. The current major Mexican Tier 1s have

have good customers that pull them along when they

investments in the US, China, India and Europe and will

enter new markets.

continue to grow. Meanwhile, local small and mediumsized Tier 1s will have to enter into alliances with foreign


Q: What have been your main automotive investments,

companies to survive. They can also learn how to do

and to what extent is Sumitomo involved in the entire

business with Japanese OEMs in Mexico in order to

supply chain process?

strengthen their capability.


SHELTER AND REAL ESTATE SERVICES IN CHIHUAHUA AND BEYOND CONRADO ROLÓN Chief Operating Officer of American Industries Group Q: How has the evolution of your real estate and shelter

have done a lot of work in Mexico together. Its business

services taken place, expanding from Chihuahua to across

prospects here are on the up as the company has started


a joint venture with Mazda for a vehicle production facility

A: Real estate and shelter are our two core businesses, and

in Salamanca, Guanajuato. The company is now looking for

allow us to cater to clients in a wide range of industries. At

a space next to Mazda’s plant and we are helping them

the moment, we are providing buildings that are chosen

with that.

according to the specific needs of our approximately 50 customers in a variety of sectors. The shelter program is

Q: Do you think the requirements of the automotive industry

generally less dependent on local variations, so we provide

will change as Mexican manufacturing, engineering and

a similar range of services to all clients seeking shelter.

design capacity becomes more advanced?

As for our geographical expansion, American Industries

A: We have the goal of taking people from the universities

started in Chihuahua but we soon saw opportunities in

and getting them inside the plants. We tell universities

places such as Monterrey. The rise of the Bajio region

what companies expect from graduates. We try to create

as an investment destination led us to create American

synergies with universities and technical centers to ensure

Industries de Occidente, located in Guadalajara, Jalisco. At

that graduates have the skills and knowledge required by

this time, automotive customers are a major component

the industry. It is not easy to change academic plans within

of our client list, and we have clients in Ciudad Juarez,

universities, but students need industry experience. They


will learn things in the design lab or on the factory floor of





Focusing on Chihuahua and the Bajio allows us to remain

an OEM that they will never pick up the classroom.

close to our clients, and they know we can handle special requirements if they need to establish another plant

Q: How does American Industries Group tailor its service

close to OEMs in these areas. We are currently working

packages to the needs of its customers?

to move one supplier nearer the new Honda and Nissan

A: We make tailored packages for every company that

plants in the Bajio. American Industries Group sees itself

comes our way. We allow our clients to focus on doing

as a facilitator and places particular emphasis on having

what they do best, while we take care of the rest. We

good relationships based on trust with the local people.

have clients that sign for 36 months and keep renewing

At the moment, around 30% of our revenue comes from

their contracts with us, while other customers decide

the automotive industry and 70% comes from the rest,

to go it alone once they have learned what we do. Our

especially aerospace.

shelter program is offering 37 services to customers, which are ranging from big names to small Tier 2 companies.

Q: What are your priorities for catering to the automotive

We facilitate everything for the companies to establish


themselves here, and we keep abreast of all that is going

A: We are working closely to keep drumming up business

on in the market. With this information, we can approach

with large companies such as Honda or Mazda. As Mexico

possible customers and offer them what they need.

continues to develop, OEMs will come here with a longer

Chihuahua might seem to be in the middle of nowhere but

list of requirements, and American Industries Group is

it is a very good location to be based, as it offers easy

ready to meet their needs. We have set ourselves the goal

access to both coasts of the US. We hold three seminars

of finding five new automotive customers over the next

per year, often in Chicago, where we can talk to companies

year, using our understanding of the higher requirements

about the benefits of bringing business to Chihuahua.

that the automotive industry presents, as compared to

Naturally, one of their major concerns is security. It is one

aerospace for example. From our existing customer base,

of the first questions that people ask as they are afraid

Sumitomo is an example of a successful automotive client.

of what they hear about Ciudad Juarez, so we invite

This Japanese giant has been with us since 1985 and we

specialists and authorities to talk them through it.




Q: Is your Mexican workforce sufficiently qualified to

to its clients planning on implementing an automotive

tackle all of CH2M HILL’s capabilities?

project in Mexico?

A: We have been working for a number of years to reach the

A: Many clients are accustomed to spending a lot towards

level of talent we have today, and we are very happy with our

the end of a project and not so much at the beginning,

people. The only real problem is the availability of resources

when it should be the other way around. The conceptual

in the longer term. The problem today is not finding the

and basic design stage offers the greatest potential to

right people, but training them and keeping them. We have

save costs, and it is extremely important when you start

400 engineers that are capable of working on 3D modeling

development and procurement to already have very well-

and due diligence. It is only natural that our competitors

defined plans in place. The update and adjustment of

entering Mexico will want to take those employees from

certain definitions is very expensive. We can get involved

us. This means that we have to create a sort of defensive

with pre-design services, including site selection and due

barrier by paying our employees the right way and creating

diligence, which are not traditionally associated with the

a culture of pride in working for CH2M HILL. That requires

engineering industry. Essentially, we integrate consulting

a big effort at all levels of the company. The market will not

type work with our project services. We are consultants,

be able to provide the skillsets that our people have in the

engineers, and constructors, incorporating only the best

required volume, and that is why we need to nurture our

parts of each. We can assist with the engineering aspects,

own resources. We expect a personnel shortage in the next

construction services, environmental issues, and we

couple of years, so we want to prepare for that.

can take charge of program management for the whole portfolio, which is what we are doing for the expansion of

Q: Which areas do you see being the most interesting

the Panama Canal.

investment destinations over the coming years? A: The Bajio area is obviously receiving a lot of investment.


Q: To what extent does having a developed presence

The border area will always be very active, although recent

locally give CH2M HILL an extra edge?

legislative changes, such as the Fiscal Reform, have slowed

We have been active in the automotive sector since we

down the pace in that area. The security issue is one aspect

came to Mexico, and that presence is now evolving. Our

that is preventing investment in certain areas, and that really

volume is increasing as our industrial activities in this area

needs to be addressed in order to see optimized countrywide

are gathering steam. A few years ago, industry players

development. The area around Lazaro Cardenas is an

were mainly sourcing suppliers that were lower down the

example of this. Lazaro Cardenas is the largest port in the

chain within Mexico, but there is now a stronger push to

country so it makes no sense that it is not already more

try and source more sophisticated capabilities locally.

significant from an industrial perspective. Until these issues

The automotive industry has really changed scale in

are addressed, the areas that are able to provide security

Mexico in recent years. We have worked on a number of

will continue to receive the bulk of investment. Processes

very interesting projects, such as the recent production

also need to be improved. Permitting, for example, has to

and design of an OEM plant in Celaya. There is often

become a more straightforward process. We should not

a perception that it does not really matter where your

be seeing major international companies choosing one

resources are in today’s globalized world. That is not

location over another based on a factor as simple as the

really true, however, as local capacity is very important.

ease of getting the right permits, but that is still happening.

We are lucky in that we have the best of both worlds

Doing business has to be straightforward and the rules of

because we have the support of a highly developed

the game need to be much clearer. State laws and federal

global network and a strong local base. We have been

laws often clash, which needs to be ironed out. Security

in Mexico for 20 years, which is what gives us deep local

and regulation issues should no longer be deciding factors

market knowledge.

for investment.


AUTOMOTIVE DRIVES INDUSTRIAL REAL ESTATE DEMAND LEFT: Eduardo GßÊmez Sarre, CEO of LaSalle Investment Management Mexico RIGHT: Manuel Zapata, Vice President of Research & Strategy of LaSalle Investment Management Mexico

Q: What opportunities are being created for LaSalle by

take just three months to develop an industrial building.

real estate demand within the automotive segment?

However, for office space the cycle is considerably longer.

EGS: Mexico is a very important growth market and we are

In those cases it might be best to build to suit and have

seeing a lot of interest from institutional investors in the

tenants agreed off plan. The same goes for retail spaces and

automotive market. While this is not our biggest market by any

housing units surrounding industrial hubs.

means, it is certainly a market with substantial opportunities. There is a lot of interest in Mexico as a regional platform and

Q: How do you know when it is the right time to enter a

the multi-billion dollar investments by OEMs are now trickling

particular area?

down to the supplier parks. To increase our presence in the

MZ: Understanding the market is a dual process for

automotive sector, we are trying to partner with industrial

LaSalle. We conduct research, which identifies the larger

regions, landowners, and developers around the country.

trends and indicators. At the same time we analyze the real

We are generally very positive about opportunities in the

estate sector, including rent trends, supply and demand

automotive sector as the industry is centered on long-term

cycles, and the sustainability of growth. We also have asset

investments. We try to focus on areas that are likely to have

managers and acquisition officers on the ground managing

high demand and low vacancy rates, and strong investments

our current investments. They have a good perspective in

in the automotive sector can generate these dynamics. Right

terms of which parts of Mexico are developing because

now, we are most heavily exposed around the border area

of infrastructural or general investment trends. They have

because historically that has been the area that has attracted

access to the micro-data and ultimately are the ones that

the most investment. The automotive push towards the

will inherit the asset. To gain the most accurate picture,

central region has been happening more recently.

a combination of the macro and micro perspectives is needed. If you look at the industrial markets in Mexico,

Q: How quickly are you seeing a rise in activity connected

most of them are already very well developed. When it

to the automotive segment?

comes to the newly developing central region of Mexico,

EGS: Automotive investment is impacting development plans

our data relating to historic rents and the capital markets

to a higher degree now, since big companies like Vesta are

allows us to form a fairly accurate picture.

undertaking major projects. Investment by major OEMs also create long-term stability. They are not going to disappear

Q: Did the economic crisis shift your investment portfolio

overnight, whereas a logistics center can move with relative

focus significantly?

ease. This means that being close to a production hub can

EGS: We have broad exposure in terms of location and

provide more stability. When an OEM invests, rental change

markets, which has protected us. Some areas have seen

takes time, although the demand for space increases steadily.

challenges, such as Ciudad Juarez which was hit both by the economic crisis and its security perception. Industrial tenants

Q: Does LaSalle tend to opt for build to suit or spec

did not leave because of the security situation, but some

buildings for the most part?

did because of the economic crisis in the US. The security

MZ: For the most part, we prefer build to suit buildings

perception then made it more challenging for new tenants to

because they remove a lot of the uncertainty. However, in

come in. It is challenging for companies to justify establishing

some fast-growing markets such as the Bajio region, waiting

a presence to their international headquarters in an area

too long may result in a lost opportunity. In those markets,

that has received a lot of negative press attention. Such

it makes more sense for us to have spec buildings because

factors have really played a bigger role instead of industries

whoever has the right building available at the right time will

just shutting down completely. In fact, during the economic

get the tenant. The decision also depends on the intended

crisis, there was a concern from investors that LaSalle was

use of the space. The cycle of industrial development is not

overexposed to the automotive segment. Two years after the

long if the infrastructure is in place on the land as it can

crisis, the sector was booming in Mexico.



FOREIGN COMPANIES NEED TO PICK RIGHT SHELTER MODEL Entering the Mexican market through an industrial

This work with incoming Mexican companies has given

shelter is a well-established model, having lasted from

Entrada a bird’s eye view of the Mexican market. It

the early days of the maquiladoras to the present day.

has found that companies are now moving beyond a

But according to Douglas Donahue, Vice President of

focus only on cost and cheap labor that long colored

Business Development for Entrada Group (Entrada),

perceptions in Mexico. “Our clients are starting to look

taking advantage of a shelter starts by deciding which

for a better and more diversified portfolio of services, as

shelter models should be utilized. Entrada offers both

sophisticated manufacturing operations are becoming

on-site and offshore manufacturing models that enable

a priority. This level of sophistication requires highly

a company to manufacture in Mexico while operating

skilled technicians and executives. The second trend is

within both the US and Mexican legal frameworks. While

the influx of German and Japanese clients to the Mexican

its core business has traditionally involved the on-site

market, who bring different mentalities with them.

model, due to it being the preferred choice of most foreign

Unlike North American companies who have no problem

companies setting up here, the offshore option is growing

turning over control of an operation and localizing it,

in popularity. Both models can also work for SMEs seeking

Japanese and Europeans largely prefer to keep control,”

to create scale. “A shelter company can provide a higher

explains Donahue.

“Our clients are starting to look for a better and more diversified






manufacturing operations are becoming a priority” Douglas Donahue, Vice President of Business Development for Entrada Group (Entrada)

level of expertise than a small company could provide on

Donahue is also seeing an evolution in a major reality

its own. This is critical within the automotive industry in

of the Mexican automotive market. “A lot of our clients

which a lot of smaller Tier 1 and 2 companies are pushed

do initially come to Mexico because they are asked to

toward Mexico for a number of reasons. Whether they

do so by OEMs, but they come to see this country as a

are here to grow, to find clients, or to cut costs, they will

real opportunity. Once they are here and start winning

have to compete against larger companies,” explains

contracts, their interest in this market grows,” says

Donahue. Enter Entrada with three services at its disposal:

Donahue. This evolution has actually led Entrada to offer

HR, financial, and import-export. Donahue says the HR

a new service. A lot of OEMs require Mexican invoicing

department may be the most important within Entrada’s

but this can be complicated for Tier 1 and 2 companies

operations as it means companies can delegate the hiring

to offer, leading Entrada to create an invoice service for

of all personal within the shelter. 14 of Entrada’s clients

them. “Being able to invoice in Mexico is becoming a

currently entrust it with this, requiring it to demonstrate

growing need. Doing so will allow a company to multiply

a complete understanding of each corporate culture. Sal

its sales in Mexico with both international and domestic

Martínez, Entrada’s Director of Operations, explains that

companies.” As proven by its invoicing service, Entrada

the group has invested the most time and effort into its HR

has kept reinvesting time and money into its systems to

department over the last three years. The import-export

improve its flexibility, adapt to the methods of each of its

department is seen as an attractive feature for Entrada’s

clients, and seamlessly broaden their services as needed.



Entrada’s strategic location of Fresnillo, Zacatecas, will

companies to carefully document and track all products

continue to serve as Entrada’s hub to offer its clients

that enter and leave the country. In Donahue’s experience,

the opportunity to reduce and control their direct and

this can mean a 100-strong company can need four full-

indirect labor costs while putting them at the center of

time staff devoted to keeping registers up to date. To make

growth of the Mexican automotive industry. With two

up for this, Entrada provides documentation services to

new clients in Queretaro and three more across the rest

track imports and exports in order to ensure compliance.

of the Bajio, the central region is anchoring Entrada’s

“Our experience also means we are able to negotiate

planned expansion. Donahue is predicting 33% growth

better terms for customers through economies of scale

for Entrada in 2014, accompanied by a move from 300

that impact transaction costs,” says Donahue.

to 400 employees.







LOOKING OUT FOR MEXICO’S INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS ROBERTO AROCHI Partner at Arochi, Marroquín & Lindner Q: Which role does intellectual property, patent, and

A: The latest IP law came into effect in 1994, which is relatively

trademark protection play in the automotive industry, and

old considering the technological developments over the

in the activities of your law firm?

last decade. However, we have very good international

A: Each industry is trying to promote a culture of protecting

treaties which came into being in 2011. Prior to 2011, trying

intellectual property (IP). Even Mexican companies that

to ally a combination of national and international laws in

were once accused of piracy now seek to protect their IP.

Mexico was very difficult. Today, national and international

The automotive industry, especially around Nuevo Leon,

laws are better, but adding a strong public policy would

has seen an increase in Mexican companies purchasing or

clear up any other loopholes. An ongoing concern is that

building plants elsewhere in the world, which makes it very

there is no public policy to enforce these rights. Mexico

important for them to protect their IP. In the last five years,

has various bodies working on this, such as the Mexican

our firm has grown by more than 60% and OEMs have

Institute of Intellectual Property (IMPI), but there have been

strengthened our client list. We already do a lot of work for

no tangible results from these organisms. Mexico lacks the

big OEMs and suppliers like Nissan, BMW, Ford, GM, Fiat,

will to truly fight piracy. In 2013, Mexican customs seized 32

Land Rover, Metalsa, and Beccar. With companies like Land

containers. For a country that imports 4 million containers

Rover that do not have manufacturing or research activities

a year, that number is insignificant. Mexico has to convince

in Mexico, we work on trademarks and enforcement.

its global commercial partners that it is serious about protecting intellectual property rights. We must take every

Q: What is the state of current IP laws in Mexico?

case that is presented to the Attorney General’s Office very


MEXICAN STOCK EXCHANGE KEEN ON STARTING AUTOMOTIVE LISTINGS PEDRO ZORRILLA Deputy Director General of Corporate Services and Institutional Relations of the Mexican Stock Exchange


Q: How much of a priority is the automotive sector for the

listed conglomerates that have some automotive activities,

Mexican Stock Exchange?

mainly in the auto parts sector. The automotive sector has

A: The Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV) has several under-

gained dynamism and representation in the domestic debt

represented sectors. The biggest absence is the oil and

market. We are seeing the rise of direct issuers devoted to

energy sector. Fortunately, the IPO of IEnova was successful,

the automotive industry, namely the financial companies of

and the Energy Reform will open new opportunities for

OEMs that are becoming very active funding their activities

companies developing in these sectors to use the BMV

in the debt market. The fact that financial service companies

as a means of finance and to diversify capital and debt

of OEMs are becoming active participants in the debt market

sources. Another sector that is under-represented is the

is a very positive sign. We would welcome these issuers or

financial sector, although this has changed since Santander

the local operations of OEMs listing in the equity market.

listed its Mexican subsidiary in 2012. We do have a few

However, automakers are huge international companies,

seriously and ensure each one is heard out until the end.

Mexico’s, which has helped patents grow here. A current

Foreign and national companies alike would benefit greatly

trend in the automotive industry is that patents are no

from a solid public policy on IP, enforced both in the courts

longer used for the cars themselves but for technologies that

and by wider authorities.

improve a vehicle’s capacity, technology and services.

Q: Are these problems mainly due to a lack of regulation

Q: How has this evolution impacted your law firm?

or enforcement?

A: We get new cases daily regarding patents, trademarks

A: We have enough tools to fight piracy in this country. There

and know-how. This has seen us start a real expansion. We

is always room for improvement in the law but without the

are going to start growing in Europe with offices in Madrid,

right attitude to enforcement, this means nothing. Most of

Valencia, and Bilbao. This will allow us to help our clients

the IP problems we face are linked to the fact that the courts

in Europe, especially given the large number of Spanish

and judges are not always capable of understanding highly

companies we work with. Brands need to be more proactive

technical cases. A good public policy would eliminate these

about their IP protection. By doing so, they could save a lot

barriers. It all comes down to attitude as anyone can educate

of money in litigation. A change in mentality is required so

themselves about IP law, but this needs to be complemented

companies understand that it is far better to put on a seat

with a willingness to enforce it and not look the other way.

belt before an accident occurs. We give regular seminars where we explain that if a company is planning to expand in

Q: How do you view the patent culture in Mexico?

Mexico, protecting their IP should be their top priority.

A: Foreign entities are filing 16,000 patents a year in Mexico while Mexicans are only filing 1,500. This is an incredible

Q: How do you differentiate yourself from other law firms?

imbalance, although we are still number two in Latin America.

A: We have a better knowhow of the Mexican market than

The current regional leader, Brazil, is not too far ahead of us.

many international law firms. We currently handle 20%

In the past, patents were more commonly used in the US and

of all IPR cases in Mexico. Not many companies provide

to a lesser degree in Canada, while they were non-existent in

the variety of services that we do, so word of mouth has

Mexico. However, in recent years, certain industries such as

spread quickly about our firm. Our goal for the near future

the automotive sector, have seen a growth in patents across

is to continue growing in patents, and exploiting niches to

North America. Moreover, Canadian IP laws are worse than

continue growing in Europe, especially Spain.

mostly already listed in their home markets. In today’s world,

A: Our relationship with auto makers and their financial

it is less necessary to do multiple listings. Nevertheless, a

companies is recent. These ties have been strengthened as

listing with BMV would definitely add a lot of value to the

financial issuances have grown importantly over the last five

companies themselves.

years. The stock exchange’s Securities Market Certificates were created in 2001, designed to be a very flexible and

Q: How have you been working with OEM financial

efficient instrument for accessing the debt market. This

services companies?

flexibility facilitates individual issues, as well as issuance

A: The Stock Exchange works more to provide financial

programs by companies. The certificates allow a company

services and instruments to fund the activities of OEM’s

to make several issuances under a single program, accessing

financing arms. These companies know the market for

the market when the company needs the financial resources,

automotive financing and have been growing rapidly.

and determining the specifics of the issuance as to its

They have been filling a gap as banks were not previously

maturity, interest rate, amortization schedule, and reference

giving full coverage to this type of financing, although their

currency. The certificates are also efficient as they are easier

success has begun to have an influence on the banks auto-

and less expensive to manage legally. Today, most of the

loans activity. The BMV helps by creating an open and deep

issuances in bonds and in the debt market are structured

market for these participants to fund their activities here.

by these certificates. The Securities Market Certificates have been a very successful instrument for fulfilling the needs of

Q: How has the relationship between the BMV and

companies, and for structured financing in the Mexican debt

automotive financial services companies been affected by

market. The automotive sector has been among the prime

Certificados Bursátiles (Securities Market Certificates)?

beneficiaries of this instrument.



Patricia Helbig, Client Partner at Korn Ferry

The automotive industry

have time for that. Even the most successful OEMs and top

is going full speed ahead

suppliers do not know how to carry out the development

thanks not only to the

programs.” This is where Korn Ferry steps in by helping

machines running it but

them develop programs based on the Princeton model of

to the hands operating

70:20:10. In this model, the individual develops according to

them as well. This industry

the following ratio: 70% work experience, 20% mentoring,



and 10% workshops. The company’s Leadership and Talent

600,000 direct jobs, and

consulting area has different offerings in line with this,

employment is expected

ranging from succession plans, high performance potential

to grow by 4% in 2014. As

identifiers, the implementation of effective teams, and


the demand for a capable

strategic alignment. As more importance is placed on HR,

and skilled workforce rises, automotive companies are

the company has seen growth in this service as it represents

starting to recognize the importance of HR strategies

40% of its business with the automotive sector.

to stay ahead of the competition. Patricia Helbig, Client Partner at Korn Ferry, the world’s largest executive firm and

The implementation of development programs comes with

talent consultant, has identified the trends of the industry

challenges of its own, one of these being cultural alignment.

when sourcing its human capital. According to Helbig,

Multinational companies have different values and work

companies recognize that candidates for top managerial

ethics than those of Mexican origin, which means that

positions must fulfill both the technical competencies

aligning the business vision with the right candidate can be

of the job profile and various soft skills. These skills are

difficult. “Another challenge lies in extremely experienced

evident in high performance employees, who Helbig

people that have been formed by their previous company.

describes as functional and technical managerial experts,

As they enter a new company, they have to transform

good developers of subordinates, difficult to replace, and

their mindset and adopt new priorities and production

able to work independently with little to no supervision.

systems,” Helbig observes. “We help companies identify

“The biggest issue in the industry is the high turnover

who to keep and develop and to seek out high potential

rate. Since there is so much demand, people are staying

employees,” Helbig points out. For Helbig, a high potential

in one job for less than three years,” Helbig explains. The

person is restless, self-aware, a risk taker and innovative.

motive behind this changing of jobs is that people strain

“29% of high performance employees turn out to be high

to achieve higher salaries and positions. For Helbig, this

potentials too and high potentials make up 93% of high

transition does not provide people with the opportunity

performers,” she adds.

to obtain the profound experience needed to climb the corporate ladder. Already established companies fear

As Mexico sets its sights on higher technology and complex

the entry of new players will lead to a wave of migrating

manufacturing, the demand for specialized people will rise.

talents. “To a certain extent, people are obtaining better

Helbig predicts that as this transition occurs, transnational

positions that are not necessarily deserved due to a human

companies will have to fill technical expert positions with

capital shortage,” notes Helbig.

expatriates for the first couple of years, to be substituted by local people later on who will be developed into those


Korn Ferry strongly suggests that its clients should not

positions. “However, this depends on the culture of the

take the approach of offering higher remuneration to

company. Japanese companies are going to be more

competitors’ employees as this is not good for the job

cautious in these situations than European ones,” she adds.

market or for the companies. “The automotive industry

“Sourcing specialized workers will be hard at the beginning

is normally a lower compensator at the general and

but it will be facilitated by the alignment of the industry with

lower management levels,” Helbig comments. Rather

universities.” Helbig clarifies that while this transition will be

than focusing on offering higher salaries to competitors’

slow, it will by no means lessen Mexico’s competitive edge,

employees, the implementation of development programs

since companies are not looking to have expatriates in the

can ensure retention. Employees are more likely to stay in

long term but more skilled locals. “This is because when

a company if they feel they have a promising future. “In

they source local managers, they normally pay lower wages

a satisfaction evaluation, over 54% of employees placed

than expatriated counterparts,” she explains. As Helbig

career development as a top priority in their professional

expands, “All CEOs now recognize that human capital is the

lives,” she states. “Meanwhile, 48% of managers do not

most important factor in reaching their goals, since talent

know how to create development plans or believe they

strategy makes it possible to execute a business strategy.”


Alfred Rodríguez, President of the French Mexican Chamber of Commerce and Industry

With a presence of 130

like Nissan and Ford and only 15% of its sales are still with



Faurecia. The chamber also has an incubator aimed at

the position as the first

helping SMEs in their start up phases, one of 17 it has set up.



Nevertheless, Rodríguez points out that a more proactive

commerce in Mexico, the

and reactive approach should be taken in the investment

French Mexican Chamber

process. “Companies carrying out these studies to gain

of Commerce and Industry

knowledge about the trends and markets soon learn that

highlights the importance

Mexico is the obvious choice,” he adds.



of French investment in Mexico’s industrial growth.











toward Brazil. The result was not satisfactory for some

Mexico creates 100,000 direct jobs. Automotive companies

companies because of Brazil’s protectionist economy,”

such as Faurecia create 9,000 jobs, and Valeo generates

explains Rodríguez. “Mexico’s open economy and its

between 6,000 and 7,000 positions,” comments the

ambition to become a top economic power have drawn

President of the French Mexican Chamber of Commerce

more FDI in recent years, especially French capital,” he

and Industry, Alfred Rodríguez. “I am optimistic that this

tells. Investment from France is focused on added value

investment will become stronger since 90% of the biggest

projects. “France does not seek cheap labor in Mexico

French corporations are already in Mexico,” he adds.

because other countries can serve that purpose. In Mexico

According to Rodríguez, the chamber serves as a window

the focus is on technology and innovation. While those

into the development of key industries like pharmaceutical,

100,000 jobs might not seem enough, the vast majority of

energy, aerospace, and automotive. Its strong international

them are added value jobs.” Other industries have a head

network of 118 chambers spreads across 80 countries

start. In pharmaceutical, Sanofi has its only Latin American

and offers companies the unique opportunity to branch

vaccine plant in Mexico, and French aerospace companies

out into other markets. “We have 30 chambers in the

are demanding more qualified workers. The automotive

NAFTA region alone, and it was recently decided that all

industry is no exception, evidenced by Faurecia deciding

should work in unison. This means we will help automotive

to establish an R&D center in Mexico. “Of the designers

companies not only establish commercial ties in Mexico

in the center, 15 are foreigners because the company

but also in Canada and the US. The synergies we offer on

could not find local engineers that fit the profile it

a Mexican and global scale help spread technology and

needed,” states Rodríguez. He attributes the lack of local

knowledge,” he notes.

engineers to Mexico’s education system, which is oriented


toward manufacturing rather than design. According to “Macroeconomists around the world believe Mexico’s

Rodríguez, most FDI focuses on the country’s ability to

new image is setting the country on a new path as a

assemble rather than design, thus further steps must be

manufacturing hub. Therefore we expect more investment

taken to promote innovation. “This year, President Enrique

from French automotive companies to come in,” states

Peña Nieto and President François Hollande signed

Rodríguez. While there are no French OEMs directly

42 agreements in various fields, from healthcare and

manufacturing in Mexico, Renault has some manufacturing

aerospace to energy and education,” comments Rodríguez.

activity in Aguascalientes due to its alliance with Nissan.

The education agreement targets the modernization of

“There might not be a Mexican OEM but many around the

the system so graduates can leave university with a design

world are established here, and French OEMs should take

oriented education. To foster the transfer of knowledge,

advantage of this trend.” There are already large French Tier

UNAM will have a study center at Sorbonne University

1 suppliers based in Mexico like Valeo, Faurecia, and Plastics

in France. Rodríguez points out that companies will

Omnium, and some already have a strong manufacturing

invest more in the establishment of R&D centers if there

presence. “The French automotive industry in Mexico is

are enough experienced engineers able to carry out

strongly based in the Tier 1 segment, but we have recently

the complex processes they require. A country cannot

noticed an increasing interest of SMEs wishing to establish

develop technology without the integration of industry

in Mexico,” Rodríguez comments. The large Tier 1 companies

and education, and in more developed industrial countries,

have a magnetic pull that attracts small suppliers to Mexico.

such relationships are very strong. “Technology will enable

For example, Mecaplast, a plastic injection company,

Mexico’s macroeconomic factors to grow. Developed

established itself in Puebla to supply to Faurecia. Thanks

countries are the owners of their own technologies and

to Mexico’s open market conditions, it now supplies OEMs

Mexico should join their ranks,” he concludes.





associated with exhibitions can therefore exclude some SMEs, but nonetheless, Navarro says that E.J. Krause


allows companies to tailor participation according to their


marketing budget size. For example, the smallest space at


Expo Manufactura of 9m2 can go for between US$3,500

particularly beneficial as

and US$3,700. As a rule of thumb, this represents 50%

tools for procurement and

of the total investment required to exhibit. For some

marketing strategies. E.J.

SMEs, this still represents a large investment, but Navarro

Krause, a global company

contends that is is virtually impossible to find other



marketing media offerings that provide the same exposure

manufacturing, shows



José Navarro, Director General of E.J. Krause de México

like and



worldwide, has identified

for that price level. “An added value that many exhibitors

in recent years an interest in emerging markets such as

do not take full advantage of is the presence of related

Mexico for the staging of trade exhibitions. “The idea is to

business and specific media. These media outlets seek

create a marketplace that can provide all the required help

information about the industry and can give companies

to companies and our events can help improve business

additional exposure.”

models and provide solutions to specific industry problems,” says José Navarro, Director General of E.J. Krause de

E.J. Krause compiles analysis of all its events held to

México. Trade shows are naturally a chance to discover

evaluate the return on investment, including key metrics

the latest trends and developments within the automotive

such as deals done, contacts obtained, and press coverage

industry. For example, E.J. Krause’s Expo Manufactura has

generated. Since trade shows represent a strong investment

been present in the northern part of Mexico for 18 years

commitment from automotive companies, Navarro points

and has acted as a diary of the industry’s advances over

out the importance of working alongside exhibitors

that time. Navarro states that Expo Manufactura has

to clearly identify goals and assist them in effectively

seen a marked shift in demand in recent editions, with

reaching their targeted market. He argues that trade shows

visitors from the manufacturing segment looking for more

are clearly beneficial for the procurement strategies of

specialized machinery to cater to new processes. Another

automotive firms. Clients can test out the products or get

interesting development has been the rise of IT-related

a demonstration of how they work, increasing the chances

technology that assists manufacturing processes. “For

of a sales order. Navarro says that the targeted clientele of

example, automotive engineers have turned their attention

auto parts manufacturers is why products are displayed so

to more automation and robotics, and trade shows reflect

openly. “Experts like automotive engineers are not satisfied

that change,” says Navarro. The entry of more transnational

with seeing a product on a pamphlet or online. They want

companies into the Mexican automotive industry has also

to physically evaluate it.” Having the product present

been reflected in the exhibitions. According to Navarro, at

offers companies the chance to evaluate quality, time of

least 40% of companies attending E.J. Krause events come

manufacturing, and even the place of origin. These are

from overseas. The financial crisis also changed the expo

important factors when considering purchasing expensive

game somewhat. Prior to the 2008 meltdown, Navarro

new machinery, as a company has to be certain the

says Mexico was the sixth most popular country for trade

equipment is the best choice for its production line. New

shows. “Other countries like China were seen as more

machinery can represent a hefty six-figure investment, so

important for certain events, but with Mexico’s positive

it is no surprise that strategies should vary from company

performance of late, there has been a far larger spotlight

to company. “A large automotive firm will see more people

on us,” he explains. He adds that trade shows in Mexico

involved in the decision-making process, whereas in a

now benefit from the country’s efforts to shift its previous

smaller firm, it is likely that the CEO will weigh heavily on

reputation as a low-cost manufacturer. “Trade shows help

the purchasing decision,” states Navarro. His team visits

companies understand and penetrate unknown markets,

manufacturing plants and speaks to engineers to identify

and offer them the opportunity to reach potential buyers,

the types of machinery they are looking for and obtain in-

create synergies, meet specialised media, and forge

depth information on product acquisition strategies. “The


automotive industry sees companies from all over the world offering the same kinds of equipment. Expos like ours cut


When compared to other comparable outlets, trade shows

through the fog, allowing companies to stand out and

can seem a lot more expensive as they demand travelling,

promote their brands face-to-face with potential customers

product transfer, and booth development. The high costs

that will make educated comparisons before purchasing.”

OEMS NEED RIGHT STUDIES TO UNDERSTAND MEXICAN MARKET When entering an emerging economy like Mexico,

While there is a public National Registration Source in

having access to the right information is one of the most

the US that allows the company to contact customers for

important weapons companies need to fully understand

each type of vehicle, Mexico has no control over that type

the market. J.D. Power provides just such information for

of information. “In emerging markets, we have to find the

the automotive sector by surveying millions of customers

customers in the street and convince them to spend a few

and businesses worldwide in order to understand market

minutes to give us their feedback. We have to be careful on

expectations regarding new products and services. J.D.

how research projects are conducted as it is not only our

Power carefully investigates which type of study will

reputation on the line, but also that of the companies we

resonate in each automotive market. Some of its most in-

are evaluating,” explains Slind. For Gerardo Gómez Gálvez,

demand studies are the Sale Satisfaction Index (SSI) and

Director General of J.D. Power de México, the research

the Vehicle Owner Satisfaction Study (VOSS). Darren Slind,

industry in Mexico is improving its methodologies. “We

Regional Practice Leader for Canada and Latin America of

are introducing different approaches and we are aiming to

J.D. Power, explains the research methods used to craft

have more surveys in order to provide more feedback to the

relevant surveys. “The SSI is conducted in a number of

OEMs and the final customers,” comments Gómez Gálvez.

markets, including Mexico, and is a reflection of how the

“In order to provide a better service, OEMs and dealers in

Mexican consumer feels about the search, purchase, and

Mexico need to be aware of what the customers are looking

delivery experience when buying a new vehicle. This

for in their vehicles and of the constraints they are facing in

benchmark study, which sees us chart performance across

financing, insuring, and maintaining their cars.”

the entire industry, is used to learn which brands are seeing the best performance and which are meeting the

The results of the studies conducted by J.D. Power have

expectations of new vehicle buyers. On the other hand, the

spotted needs of vehicle buyers over time. The most

VOSS includes an assessment on how the consumer feels

important finding is that while vehicle quality has improved

about the quality of the vehicle after a period of between

significantly in the last 15 years, customers’ definition of

one and three years of ownership. The VOSS used to only

quality has also changed. As vehicles come equipped with

be focused on the vehicle, but it now includes service

more technology, customers have turned their attention

experience as customers are increasingly evaluating the

away from actual defects toward tougher issues, such as the

ability of a dealership to look after them.” The results of

ease of use of on-board technology. Slind explains that if a

the 2013 VOSS, which evaluates vehicle ownership of 2011

customer is not comfortable with the operation of some of

and 2012 models across 5,500 owners, showed that new

the technologies installed, they will become highly frustrated.

vehicle buyers in Mexico look for reliability, durability,

In consequence, a customer might well voice a poor opinion

and purchase price when buying a car. However, high

of a perfectly functional vehicle when the problem is that

insurance costs and increases in fuel prices remain the

the user does not understand how to operate it. OEMs and

paramount concerns. Regarding the ranking for models,

dealerships now have to educate their customers on how

Nissan received three awards from J.D. Power for owner

to use added technology and gadgets, such as navigation

satisfaction and places itself as the OEM that won the

systems and Bluetooth, that are migrating to lower segment

most awards of 2013. Honda, Ford, and BMW received two

vehicles. “This changes the definition of quality and how

model awards, while Mercedes-Benz, Renault and Dodge

dealers have to respond to it. We are in a transition period

received one each.

in which no one has the perfect answer yet. What J.D

“The Mexican market will become mature once it fully understands and values the importance of surveys like those carried out by J.D. Power” Darren Slind, Regional Practice Leader for Canada and Latin America of J.D. Power

When it comes to settling in emerging markets like Mexico,

Power can do is help dealers and OEMs fulfill customers’

J.D. Power faces methodological challenges. According

expectations,” adds Slind. “The Mexican market will become

to Slind, one of the main differences between mature and

mature once it fully understands and values the importance

emerging markets lies in the ways to access customers.

of surveys like those carried out by J.D. Power.”



Fueled by the long term plans that many OEMs have publicly announced, as well as the large investments made in recent years, the automotive industry is poised to race towards record growth in 2014. Investment levels in Mexico are predicted to amount to US$3 billion annually over the coming years and as operations in new OEMs plants get up and running, positive ripple effects will be felt both economically and socially. The government is promising public programs and fiscal incentives to foster development of both international investors and local SMEs, and open discussions surrounding the reform process continue in order to create an optimal operating environment to stimulate growth. The next step for Mexico will be to sustain this growing industry by transitioning to high-tech production and development. To support this, the public, private, and academic sectors are shaping human capital design, focusing on targeted capabilities to fuel the high demands of the industry.

This chapter will close the book with a perspective on the industry for the coming year and beyond. A broader discussion regarding the context of Mexico within the global arena in regards to the automotive industry will also take place, and key players will give their opinions on the future of the Mexican automotive industry.



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VIEW FROM THE TOP: Regulations for Competitiveness


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Framework for Formalization Must Continue Momentum


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Supplier Development Key Priority


Latin American Trade Issues Edge Nearer to Resolution


VIEW FROM THE TOP: Public Private Collaboration Needed to Adapt Workforce


Industry Experts’ Future Outlook


Forecast of Light Vehicle Production during 2014-2019



REGULATIONS FOR COMPETITIVENESS ROCÍO RUIZ CHÁVEZ Undersecretary of Competitiveness and Standardization of the Ministry of Economy

Q: What is the Ministry of Economy’s main strategy to

A number of actions are being applied by the federal

support growth within Mexico’s automotive industry?

government to promote the automotive industry, as well

A: Our current strategy emanates from the National

as to develop and strengthen the domestic market.

Development Plan, which was announced by President Enrique Peña Nieto last year. One of the main anchors of

Q: What steps are being taken to address the impact of

this strategy, in the automotive sector and other important

used cars being imported into Mexico from the US?

areas, focuses on the active promotion of competitiveness.

A: The used cars that flow from the US into Mexico impact

In recent years, the Ministry of Economy has played an

internal prices and safety conditions. This is a crucial

important role in this topic but this administration is taking

economic issue for the Mexican industry, a regulation topic

a more active role than ever. The Ministry of Economy, the

for the government, and one of the principal topics for the

World Economic Forum, and the World Bank have been

Business Advisory Council. A possible solution is to improve

working on measuring and identifying high impact actions

regulatory cooperation between the US and Mexico in

that will strengthen competitiveness in Mexico. This year,

order to better control financial, safety, and security risks,

two new consulting bodies have also been created to

and to promote commercial and investment flows across

link and coordinate actions between the government and

the border. With this in mind, the US and Mexico have been

businesses: the Business Advisory Council for Economic

working together since 2010 on an initiative known as the

Growth and the National Committee for Productivity.

High Level Regulatory Cooperation Council (HLRCC).

Our priorities are aligned with the development of

Q: What can be done to increase FDI flows into Mexico,

the Special Program for Democratizing Productivity,

and what role can the automotive industry play here?

which has four central aims: to promote the efficiency

A: During 2013, Mexico received a record of US$35.2 billion

of production through actions that stimulate reliability,

in FDI, which was 178% higher than in 2012 of which the

including increased access to credit and efficient use of

Grupo Modelo buyout by Anheuser-Busch InBev accounted

the land; to improve the country’s business environment

for US$13.2 billion. Mexico has been attracting increasing

through better conditions for economic competition, legal

foreign investment interest following President Peña Nieto’s

certainty, investment in strategic sectors, and a simpler

proposed reforms in areas such as telecommunications,

tax system; to increase productivity within firms through

energy, banking, and tax legislation. These FDI flows to

investment in human capital, innovation processes, and

Mexico are expected to remain buoyant in the coming years

technological development; and to boost the productivity

as legal overhauls, especially in areas such as energy and

of all regions and sectors though the development of

telecommunications, start to be implemented. The impact

infrastructure and projects which address regional needs.

of the automotive industry on the country’s economic growth is clear. The most important automobile producers


Q: What measures are being implemented to address

are China, the US, Japan, Germany, South Korea, India,

barriers for growth in the domestic automotive market?

Brazil, Mexico, Spain, and France. Mexico ranked eighth

A: Over the last decade, the automotive industry has moved

among the principal global producers for the second

from vehicle assembly processes at low value added levels

consecutive year, above countries such as Spain, France,

to producing more technologically sophisticated models

Russia, the UK, and Belgium. Mexico is now the world’s

focused on the global market. The top five OEMs in Mexico

fourth largest exporter of vehicles, the fifth largest exporter

have eight centers of engineering, development, and

of auto parts, and 89 of the world’s top 100 auto parts firms

design in the country. The competitiveness of the Mexican

operate in Mexico. Automotive production accounted for

labor force, competitive production costs, and logistical

2.64% of total GDP and 21.6% of manufacturing GDP, and

advantages ensure a strong supply of vehicles not only

represented 15% of total FDI. Automotive industry exports

to international markets but also to the domestic market.

represent 27% of total national exports, and the automotive

industry employs almost 700,000 people. The activities

and environmental standards, while acknowledging that

of foreign OEMs in Mexico have stimulated the country’s

regulation can sometimes impose significant burdens and

economy, and it has become one of the most important

costs. The HLRCC created a working plan to identify areas

and productive value chains. The renowned quality of

of mutual interest for cooperation to facilitate intra-North

Mexican automotive manufacturing has enabled several

American commerce and to enhance the competitiveness

assemblers to choose Mexico as the unique manufacturing

of North American producers in key export markets. This

platform for their markets. Many models sold around the

will place a special emphasis on SMEs, while enhancing our

world are produced exclusively in Mexican plants, such

collective ability to achieve goals. The work plan identifies

as the Ford Fusion, the Lincoln MKZ, and the Volkswagen

areas of mutual interest for cooperation and has outlined

Beetle. In November 2013, Nissan opened a US$2 billion

sectorial initiatives in seven key areas, including food safety,

assembly plant, and other manufacturers, such as Audi,

e-certification for plants and plant products, trucking

Honda, and Mazda are following suit with billion dollar

safety, nanomaterials, e-health, oil and gas, and conformity

investments. Finally, Global Insight Forecast expressed


that in 2016, Mexico could produce more than 3.7 million vehicles, representing a 28.5% increase from 2012.

Q: How is the Ministry prepared to deal with pressure on infrastructure that will arise as automotive production

Q: What direction should regulation take in order to

levels increase and internal sales grow?

promote competitiveness?

A: In order to promote industrial development in Mexico,

A: High entry barriers limit competition and foster

the regulation of railway services is going to change. The

abuse, usually through high prices and poor quality

specific objective is to stimulate competitiveness among

of goods or services. On the contrary, low barriers

concession holders of railway routes in order to reduce

usually discipline markets and benefit consumers by

transportation fees, improve the trade of goods and

forcing companies to innovate, invest, and be more

services, and promote investment. The National System

productive. A competition reform goes far beyond the

of Logistics Platforms (SNPL) is comprised of 85 strategic

prosecution of monopolistic practices and should refer

nodes, within which several logistics activities will occur

primarily to the elimination of all those unjustified or

with specific advantages. To achieve this, there will be a

unreasonable barriers that could favor dominance or

comprehensive analysis of the production and consumption

private interests. For example, the constitutional reform

of different goods and services. In terms of the automotive

in telecommunications and competition is extremely

industry, the production and distribution input of auto

positive in the sense that it allows free participation of

parts and vehicles in the most important clusters in the

foreign investment in telecommunications and satellites,

country has already been taken into consideration. As a

formerly capped at 49%, and up to a 49% participation

result, the SNPL has three main development zones that

in broadcasting, which was previously reserved only for

specifically target logistical infrastructure for automotive

Mexicans or companies with a foreigner exclusion clause.

industry. Hermosillo, Silao, and El Salto have all shown

The Mexican government has the responsibility to create

great potential.

conditions conducive to productivity. In our case, even the Constitution provides that national development should

Q: What contribution will the Mexican manufacturing

be guided by competitiveness. Consequently, the legal

industry make to the country’s economic growth over the

overhaul of telecommunication and competition will allow

coming decade?

us to monitor regulatory barriers that generate excessive

A: Mexico’s manufacturing sector is one of the most

transaction costs, discourage formality, impede trade or

competitive in the world. According to Deloitte’s Global

investment, and inhibit competition.

Manufacturing Competitiveness Index Report, this sector will be among the top 15 worldwide for the next five years

In May 2010, the presidents of the US and Mexico gave the

at least. Therefore, it is very important that the secondary

newly created HLRCC a mandate to increase economic

laws, following the recent approval of reforms in areas

growth for both nations. This means lowering costs

such as energy and finance, are promptly implemented

for citizens, businesses, producers, governments, and

to ensure that both the manufacturing and other sectors

consumers; increasing trade in goods and services across

can begin to profit from the outcomes of the changes in

borders; and creating a greater focus on health, safety,

legislation. Mexico aspires to become a source of advanced

and environment concerns through more regulatory

manufacturing and global services with the highest quality.

transparency and coordination. Mexico and the US rely

We aim to transition from the ‘Made in Mexico’ label to a

on regulation to maintain a high level of health, safety,

‘Designed and Engineered in Mexico’ label.



FRAMEWORK FOR FORMALIZATION MUST CONTINUE MOMENTUM JUAN PABLO CASTAÑÓN National President of Coparmex Q: How does Coparmex view the impact of the reforms on

Q: How is Coparmex ensuring that the industries

the Mexican economy?

supporting the Mexican economy get a steady supply of

A: The reforms have seen Mexico take a step forward in

skilled labor?

education, telecommunications and energy. Mexico is

A: We are implementing a dual training model along with

the fourteenth largest economy in the world, but despite

the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Labor and the

being one of the most open economies, it still suffers from

Ministry of Economy. This model allows students to learn in

significant lags. Mexico has FTAs with 45 countries, but

the classroom and in industry. We are starting with a pilot

some of its rules are still unclear and do not correspond

program but we want to focus on giving young people

with the spirit of the reforms. These reforms are only

access to clusters, such as those that exist for automotive and

the first generation of reforms that the country needs

aerospace. Mexico must meet the challenge of having more

in order to move forward. We have to strengthen them

homegrown engineers and technicians. In the business culture

with secondary legislation while adding transparency

of today, many of the investments made by entrepreneurs are

laws, accountability, the administration of justice, and the

directed toward the service industry rather than generating

strengthening of institutions to provide Mexico with the

technology. We have to push technological development in

necessary security to become more attractive for foreign

the country and the way to do so is by creating a cultural shift

investment. The fiscal framework must also continue to be

in the way research in Mexico is rewarded.

improved, especially as the new tax law does not favor the formalization of the economy. 60% of Mexico’s economy

Q: How can Coparmex at a national level strengthen the

is informal, and this can reach up to 70% in some states.

role of clusters at the state level?

We need a fiscal framework that encourages investment

A: We are convinced that the economic progress of

and formalization. Statistics concerning the formalization

a nation cannot be achieved through general public

of the economy show that the presence of more formal

decision-making. It must be focused by region and by

enterprises leads to less poverty and more economic

clusters and specialties. We are trying to convince the

success. In Nuevo Leon, where formalization rates are

federal government to address nine clusters, targeted

high, extreme poverty affects only 2.5% of the population,

at bringing SMEs into value chains alongside large

but in Chiapas, which has a large informal economy,

companies. These clusters concern the automotive, mining,

extreme poverty hits up to 35% of its population.

tourism, electronics, and aerospace sectors among others. We need to generate value chains in each cluster and


Q: How will the Energy Reform affect energy-hungry

technology transfer agreements to drive further growth in

sectors like automotive?

these industries. This leads to a triple-helix model in which

A: We need to convert the Mexican industry to natural

we need to incorporate academia and research centers.

gas, which involves interesting competitive challenges.

Coparmex must also create opportunities for strategic

Coparmex is looking to help create the infrastructure

partnerships with entrepreneurs from other countries to

needed for natural gas to be imported from the US at

venture into these clusters. The role of Coparmex is to drive

lower prices. The government has said that the Energy

regional development, cluster by cluster. Mexican states

Reform could lower the cost of electricity in Mexico by

compete for OEMs to set up shop in their territory. Once

25%, but it needs to go further than this. If we can harness

an OEM is established, there must be synergies between

Mexico’s thermoelectric and hydro resources, a new

certain states to generate Tier 2 or Tier 3 suppliers that can

generation of Mexican companies could be created. This

provide parts for several manufacturing plants. Therefore,

could be achieved through a series of strategic alliances

we are targeting SMEs who can turn their capacity toward

with foreign companies. Without this joint cooperation,

the automotive industry. These companies could well form

the development may take too long as Mexico is lacking

strategic alliances with small foreign businesses that are

in technology.

facing barriers to entry Mexico.


SUPPLIER DEVELOPMENT KEY PRIORITY LEFT: Albrecht zu Ysenburg, Audit Partner at KPMG RIGHT: Oscar Silva Eguibar, Director Advisory at KPMG

Q: Do you view the Mexican automotive industry supply

Q: What challenges do you see in accessing human capital

chain as becoming progressively more sophisticated?

for the automotive industry?

OSE: In Mexico, Tier 1 suppliers are well-established with

OSE: In the future, there will be additional pressure for

good links to manufacturers, but the Tier 2 suppliers are

sourcing human capital. There is a good level of availability

not in the same position and a lot of components are still

in the Bajio area for common labor as there are many people

being imported. As more plants come here and the industry

that can be trained. These workers are regarded as high-

evolves, that will need to improve. From the perspective

quality labor, which is one of the reasons why manufacturers

of the Mexican government, it does not make sense for all

are beginning to bring their luxury vehicles to Mexico. We

these goods to be imported from other countries when

were used to being a compact and sub-compact market, but

they could be manufactured here and create jobs. For

we are starting to see more sophisticated vehicles. However,

international trade purposes, the OEMs need a certain

this becomes more difficult at the higher skill levels, such as

percentage of Mexican content in order to benefit from

engineering and plant production managers. We are seeing

incentives, which is why some companies want to bring

some companies having to import their managers from

more production into Mexico. With the entry of new OEMs,

abroad, which will become an issue in the near future.

the pressure to develop the supply chain is increasing. AY: Germany has a system called the Dual Educational AY: From a production point of view, it is better if local

System where students work and go to university at the

sourcing increases since this decreases the risks associated

same time. Some German companies are trying to implement

with foreign currency exposure, quality control, and

something similar with universities in Puebla and Queretaro.

logistical time. Most Tier 1, 2 and 3 suppliers are international

These are two manufacturing hubs which have received a lot

companies, and there is still little Mexican investment in

of German investment. If this works, a typical engineer could

the automotive industry, with a few exceptions. This has to

study and work in an automotive company at the same time.

change but the reason why there is no Mexican investment going into the automotive industry remains unclear. It is

Q: How sophisticated are dealerships in terms of customer

difficult to pinpoint the exact barriers, whether this is due to

service to drive car sales?

a lack of interest or experience in the automotive industry.

AY: Dealers still think their business lies in selling cars, but

Another risk is that entering the automotive sector requires a

in countries like the US, money is found in servicing. While

high initial investment.

that is beginning to be understood by dealers, OEMs are struggling to increase control over that side of the business.

Q: Do OEMs tend to prefer bringing in their own suppliers

A client that needs servicing might not go back to a Mexican

or to develop the local supply chain?

dealership after their first experience, assuming that the

OSE: Japanese manufacturers are more concerned with

service is bad. This represents a loss for OEMs and dealers

bringing their own Japanese suppliers because it is faster and

alike. A new trend that has arisen globally is multi-brand

easier for them to do so. If a company is already established

dealerships and this has yet to happen here in Mexico.

somewhere else, replicating the process here is just a matter of copy and paste. But as the government continues to realize

OSE: Dealership networks are evolving and this change

the increasing importance of the automotive industry, it will

is mostly driven by OEMs, as they are putting customer

drive the local supply chain and create proper programs to

relationship programs in place. These changes are evolving

make Mexican suppliers more competitive. The government

at a good pace in Mexico, but not as fast as in other

already has an automotive program for OEMs but there are

countries. In fact, Mexico is pretty far behind but we have

no established incentives for suppliers. It remains easier for

to remember that most dealers here are family-owned

companies to bring in their own suppliers than to develop a

businesses. These are becoming more sophisticated, and

Mexican supplier base with no experience.

customer experience will become more important to them.


LATIN AMERICAN TRADE ISSUES EDGE NEARER TO RESOLUTION By Eliel Amaya - Although world trade has been increasing

The most important challenge is to unify Latin America

over the last decades, for Latin American countries this

as an economic block in a way that will see the region

commercial development seems to have been moving in

able to face more important challenges in the worldwide

slow motion due to a number of factors holding back the

context. Acting as a commercial block would also allow for

sustainable development of trade in the region. Statistical

the development of stronger national economies. As such,

data shows that most of the trade of Latin American

boosting trade within Latin America should include regional

countries is related to natural resources, including minerals

actions that allow countries to jointly face other commercial

and agricultural goods. Furthermore, the majority of such

conglomerates. This should be implemented in opposition

goods is shipped to China and Europe. Such a combination

to prioritizing trade with another Latin America country

generates a high dependency on limited resources and

presenting similar products for exports. This would reduce

highlights a lack of ability to diversify export markets.

the need for international commerce, and no competitive

China’s trade with Latin American countries has grown

advantage would be exploited. During the following

tenfold over the last decade, as China has been shoring

years, the conformation of larger economic regions will be

up a long-term source of commodities. The trade of goods

straightened by free trade agreements and the modification

like copper or mineral fuels is highly lucrative, but it does

of bilateral agreements beyond their original scope, such as

not help to enhance a sustainable trade by developing

the Trans-Pacific Partnership and the Pacific Alliance.

other industries. Brazil, Mexico, and Chile have a more complex combination of economic sectors, due to their

Adjustments to existing agreements will have a bearing

manufacturing industries, but some of the key challenges

on the key players of the region. Such is the case of Brazil

to enhance trade are common to all of Latin America.

and Mexico. For example, the ACE 55 for the automotive

Among the various factors to be considered are the slow

sector between both countries was adjusted after a sudden

economic growth of developed nations, a lack of legal

imposition of import quotas in Brazil for Mexican vehicles in

certainty and adequate infrastructure, the high cost of

2012. Such quotas were imposed after Brazil saw its trade

financing, government bureaucracy, lack of appropriate

deficit with Mexico increase, due to a growth of Mexican

investments, intellectual property rights (IPR) protection,

exports exceeding 40% in 2011. A similar situation resulted

local economic policies, and high cost for obtaining energy,

in the agreement between Argentina and Mexico, once

among others. In order to overcome these restraints, a

again due to escalation in the commercial deficit because

number of actions must be taken to increase investment

of an increase in Mexican vehicle export. The result, besides

and productivity.

commercial limitations being imposed from 2012 to 2014, was a change in the investment flow. Automakers as Mazda

Despite the great differences that exist between the

modified their expansion plans in Mexico, cancelling exports

economies of Latin America, the region has common

to Brazil and increasing their current capacity directly in

aspects that need to be reinforced to provide economic

that country. Others adopted another approach, investing

stability and legal certainty to create confidence among

in a joint venture production to increase their offer in the

investors. Nowadays, productivity and economic growth

Brazilian market, as was the case of Toyota.

are limited, mainly because of insufficient and ineffective public investment. For example, a lack of investment in

International commerce represents an opportunity when

infrastructure has kept energy and logistical costs high,

countries with different economic profiles combine. In

creating a negative factor for the revenues of any investor.

the case of Latin America, too many similarities between

Another example is the lack of proper investment in

countries’ trade portfolios lead to fewer opportunities. One

education in order to develop qualified personnel that may

long-discussed way of resolving this would be to create

enroll in new industries. This should have been especially

more partnerships with the US, as the largest economy in

focused on creating an environment that enhances the

the hemisphere. The ensuing economic gains for any Latin

manufacturing of added value goods, thus reducing the

American country would allow it to attract investment and

dependency on natural resources. The agenda for structural

secure a broader and steadier export market. For many

reforms should also include legal certainty for investors,

Latin American countries, this would also be an opportunity

including effective IPR protection, and better access to

to expand arrangements such as the Caribbean Basin

affordable financing mechanisms. Thus, political stability

Initiative (CBI), the Generalized System of Preferences

would lend a specific weight to investor’s decisions, while

(GSP), or the Andean Trade Preference Act (ATPA).

the national agenda would ideally include the continuity of government programs, investment, and taxes.


Eliel Amaya, Senior Manager of PwC


PUBLIC PRIVATE COLLABORATION NEEDED TO ADAPT WORKFORCE LUIS LOZANO Mexico Automotive Leader at PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) Q: What steps need to be taken to facilitate the shift from

A: This is the biggest issue currently facing the Mexican

low-tech to high-tech manufacturing in Mexico?

automotive sector. The US has to send its old cars

A: In the next two to three years, Mexico will move from

somewhere. Given the US culture of owning a car for only

being the eighth automotive production country in the world

a few years before replacing it, millions of cars are being

to being sixth. We are constructing more plants, which will

replaced every year. Mexico does not behave in this way

easily take our production from 3 million vehicles a year to

as people keep their cars much longer. However, new

4 million. Companies are very careful about where they put

vehicle prices in Mexico have been increasing over the last

their production bases. Japan has had a lot of issues so its

five years. It is not logical for many people here to invest

companies are transferring production outside Asia while

in a new car, so they buy used cars instead. The border

Europe has very high costs when compared to Mexico. To

will never be closed to this trade, NAFTA even says that

capitalize on this, public and private entities should work

the US will export more cars to Mexico, so this situation is

together to reduce the time being spent on training people.

likely to worsen. The US authorities will not regulate this

Many Mexican engineers are going to work for OEMs and are

by forbidding cars over a decade old to be sent here. The

being sent for training in Germany and Japan. As a result,

problem severely affects dealerships in Mexico as many of

the efficiency and quality of Mexican products is superior

them cannot sell more than 100 cars a month. Toyota has

to those made in Brazil. Ford’s plant in Hermosillo is one of

reduced its number of dealers already and the American

the brand’s top five plants worldwide and Nissan’s plant in

OEMs are following suit. We have considered many

Aguascalientes was its first outside Japan. We have seen that

financial alternatives to fix this, but we are so close to the

companies are not just investing here because it is a low-cost

US that it is very difficult to end these imports.

country, but also because of the manufacturing quality and the technical skills found here. Universities will realize they

Q: How is PwC’s automotive group adapting to the

need to adapt, as the rise in production will depend on the

changes that are taking place in the country’s automotive

country’s capacity to support this development.

industry? A: PwC works as one firm, Mexico does not stand alone.

Q: Concerns about rising labor costs in China are

We bring talent from wherever we have it to resolve issues

giving Mexico the opportunity to recover some of the

in Mexico. First, we work in clusters so PwC Mexico is part

manufacturing it had lost. What concrete steps need to

of the Western cluster, which means it can easily access

be taken for that to happen?

anyone from PwC in the US. If we participate in a project

A: Several factors will allow Mexico to recoup some of the

with a certain OEM, we work with the PwC firm where the

investment that was going to China. For one, China has

OEM’s headquarters are located. We set up a coordination

seen rising salaries and costs which will benefit Mexico,

team that takes the lead in relations with the client. This

and following the new laws that have been approved, the

team will be comprised of staff from several specialties,

Mexican government will have the resources to invest and

such as audit, tax and consulting. The firm in the country

increase economic activity in the automotive sector. Last

from where the investment is coming is in charge of

year, we suffered from many issues due to a dragged out

this coordination process. We also follow very strict

political process concerning the passing of various reforms.

independent regulations. If I want to work with a German

Now that that is settled, over the next two to three years,

client, the person in charge of the account in Germany

money needs to be invested to boost production capacity.

will help me to create the proposal for Mexico, to ensure

Mexico will not just do this in the automotive sector, but

we maintain the quality of service the client expects. The

also in aerospace, infrastructure and construction.

Germany office is leading Volkswagen, Mercedes-Benz, Daimler and BMW. The Detroit office is leading GM, Ford

Q: How can Mexico break the cycle of imported cars from

and Chrysler while the Tokyo office is leading Toyota. It all

the US and allow production to reach its full potential?

depends on where the OEM is located.



Mexico’s automotive industry trade surplus gives a sense of the success of the industry and is testament

to the real value added contribution we are making to operators in the country. The potential for Mexico to scale up in the value chain is now one of the most important future considerations.

Eduardo Solís, Executive President of AMIA

OEMs know how to build a car but they do not know how to build an air bag, to cool an engine, or design a brake or exhaust system. The real technology of the components is in the auto parts sector. Today, Mexico is becoming a destination for engineering centers when 10 years ago we were not even on the map. It is really important that the industry focuses on R&D growth because that is key to improving the local market.

Oscar Albín, Executive President of INA

All new engines come from the US and Europe, and since the country is only producing 138,000 vehicles, it is difficult to justify building an engine plant. We have to work on promoting suppliers and aid their integration in the global supply chain. The yearly production projection of 300,000 vehicles will see more integration of Mexican suppliers, but without engine plants, the country will not be able to break the 50% locally sourced supply barrier.

Miguel Elizalde Lizárraga, Executive President of ANPACT

Alongside industry associations, we have created specific norms to ensure that scrap vehicles do not enter the country. These norms will enforce inspections of imported vehicles to make sure they

are in good condition and meet pollution standards. We are also working alongside NAFINSA and commercial banks on financing schemes to promote the sales of new vehicles.

José Rogelio Garza, Undersecretary of Economy, Industry, and Commerce

The next 15-20 years will see a changing marketplace and there is a concern about excess-capacity globally. The notion of “peak car” reflects that some markets have already maxed out and may enter a new stage in mentality of vehicle demand. This impacts where Mexico is going to be, and while it will remain competitive, the industry as we know it may change. Mexico is becoming highly globalized and this trend will continue.

Guido Vildozo, Manager of Latin America Sales Forecast Light Vehicles of IHS

We are working together with our competitors and local government officials to discuss the proliferation of electric mobility. We are all sure that this will be a reality in the Mexican market, albeit that it will start small. We are already making plans to bring the i-brand to Mexico because we believe that if there is any city that is suitable for this it is Mexico City.

Hernando Carvajal, Marketing Director of BMW


FORECAST OF LIGHT VEHICLE PRODUCTION DURING 2014-2019 The production levels of the top ten OEMs in Mexico look

the market in 2015 production will be moved entirely from

set to increase steadily until the end of the decade with no

Mexico to Poland, where units for the European market are

major changes in current positioning. With BMW, Nissan

made. The move will add volume to the European market

Infiniti, and Mercedes-Benz not due to begin production

production, which is in decline, and free up Chrysler in

until 2017-2019, no new entrants will change the present

Mexico to produce more vehicles for the North American

state of play before then. Audi will begin production at its

market. Chrysler will increase its production in Mexico by

new Puebla plant in 2016 and expects to double production

almost 200,000 vehicles by the end of the decade.

levels there by the end of the decade, positioning it as the ninth largest in-country producer.

Asian OEMs Honda, Mazda, and Toyota will all escalate outlay steadily in Mexico over the rest of the decade, with

Japanese OEM Nissan will continue to top the market,

production levels increasing 100,000-150,000, displaying

churning out leading models including the March, of which

a similar pattern to German producer Volkswagen. US

it produces one vehicle every minute at its mammoth and

elder Ford will actually decrease production levels steadily

expanding plant in Aguascalientes. Despite producing

over the next four years, due to the removal of its pickup

the majority of its vehicles for export, Nissan also sells

production from its plant in Escobedo to Ohio. The

the most cars in the country, producing the Tsuru solely

relocation of the production of its medium duty F-650 and

for sale to the Mexican market. In 2017, production of the

F-750 lines to Ohio is aimed at rescuing operations at that

OEM’s premium Infiniti line will be added in partnership

plant following the cessation of production of the Econoline,

with Mercedes-Benz. US giant General Motors produces

which currently takes place there. Growth will once again be

the second most cars in Mexico and will continue to ramp

seen at the end of the decade for Ford Mexico, however,

up production levels, although major recent investments

according to its predicted production levels.

will focus on transmission production, adding a stamping press unit, and the rolling out of the GM OnStar service

When it comes to internal market dominance in 2013 the

throughout the country. While Nissan will increase

catalogue of the top ten brands is dominated by three

production by almost 300,000 units, GM will produce just

OEMs. GM’s Chevrolet takes up two positions, with its

over 100,000 additional units by the close of the decade.

Aveo model the most purchased car in the country and the Spark coming it at number six. A whopping five Nissan

Fiat is expected to steadily drop output of its Fiat 500

units dominate the list; the Versa, Tsuru, Sentra, Tiida, and

model in Mexico, which it currently produces for the

Chassis Largo models. The Volkswagen Jetta Clásico and

Americas and China, bringing its Mexico production to zero

Nuevo Jetta take up the remaining two spaces on the list,

by 2017. When the next generation version Fiat 500 hits

coming in at second and fifth place respectively.





















































































Source: AMIA




3M 196, 361

CE Consulting 376

A&P Solutions 177

CeDIAM 206

Ahresty 145

Celay 138

Air Design 168


Aisin 232

Chihuahua Automotive Cluster 218

Akebono Brakes 250

Chrysler 6, 16, 65, 97, 102, 149, 162, 165, 166, 194, 207, 226,

AMDA 9, 187, 308

233, 261, 267, 371

American Axle 247

CIMA 207

American Coach 91

CLAUT 228, 230

American Industries Group 381

CNT 113, 359

AMIA 6, 9, 10, 14, 32, 132, 158, 187, 274, 367

Comau 149


CONACYT 90, 132, 176, 181, 186, 203, 207, 211, 219, 227, 259,

AMT 198


ANPACT 9, 20, 64, 187, 321, 327

CONATRAM 11, 327

Andellac 9, 356

Continental 112, 266, 283, 358

Arbomex 159, 166

Cooper Tire 358

Arochi, Marroquín & Lindner 386

Coparmex 398

Argo Grupo 266

Corporacíon Inmobiliaria Vesta 373


Corporacíon Zapata 174, 310, 311, 315

Ariza 175, 315

Cummins 65, 200, 201, 266

A.T. Kearney 17, 187, 308

Dachser 287

Atlas Copco 133

Daewoo Bus 91

Audi 7, 14, 143, 162, 191, 194, 223, 249, 274, 397, 403

DAI 347

Autoliv 102, 143, 239

Dayco 341

Automotive Resources International 175, 315

Daimler 8, 26, 85, 143, 148, 162, 178, 189, 261, 316

Autonomous University of San Luis Potosi (UASLP) 210

Daimler Buses 84

AutoZone 339, 341, 359

Daimler Financial Services 75, 316

Ayco 89, 90, 329

Daimler Trucks 74, 166, 280

Baker & McKenzie 368

Dana 158

Bardahl 172, 354

Deloitte 23, 37

BASF 122

Delphi 189, 219, 221

Bata Industrials 152

Denso 344

Beccar 82


Benteler 283

Detroit Diesel 166

BMW 7, 14, 26, 44, 59, 100, 102, 126, 143, 148, 162, 188, 191,

DHL Supply Chain 276

192, 233, 261, 264, 391, 403

Dina 65, 367

Bonafont 326

Disma Metalmecánica 153

BorgWarner 117

Don Miguel Transportes 292

BOS Automotive 125

Donaldson 352

Bosch 8, 10, 98, 158, 223, 233

Dorman Products 353

Brake Parts Inc 343

DTR 222

Bridgestone 110, 358

Eisenmann 148

Cadena Automotriz 355

E.J. Krause 390


Entrada Group 251


Epicor 190

CANAPAT 194, 292, 328

ERM 136, 374

Carrocerias Diamante 89

Ernst & Young 188

Case New Holland 261

Estafeta 269, 274, 322, 385

Caterpillar 65, 229

Euroimportadora 351



Euromex 236

HELLA 24, 124, 192

Factoria 222

Hellmann 143, 283

Faurecia 246, 389

Hendrickson 127

Federal-Mogul 97, 158, 283, 345

Herko 349

FedEx 269

HEXPOL Compounding 151

FEMSA 89, 112, 293

Hino 77, 82, 179

Ferromex 275, 291, 294, 296, 301, 303

Honda 6, 57, 59, 133, 145, 147, 150, 232, 240, 247, 249, 250,

Ferrosur 299

261, 267, 309, 371, 391, 397, 403

Ferrovalle 299

Honeywell 239

Fiat 149, 162, 189, 249, 403

Hoy No Circula 174

Ficosa 193

Hyundai 15, 24, 52, 88, 230, 238, 239

Flextronics 163

Hyundai Translead 239

Ford 6, 34, 59, 101, 102, 112, 126, 132, 133, 158, 162, 165, 189,

Hyundai Truck & Bus 89, 179

194, 207, 208, 216, 230, 233, 234, 267, 274, 277, 302, 309,

IAMSA 79, 330

340, 371, 391

IHS 16, 236

Ford Aftermarket 340

INA 8, 9, 24, 96, 158, 187

Freightliner 74, 78, 226, 230, 280, 292, 316

INADEM 11, 158, 219, 229, 259, 265

French Mexican Chamber of Commerce and Industry 389

Inalfa Roof Systems 249

FUMEC 169, 203

Intermex 375, 376

Gates 112

IPICYT 207, 210

GE Capital Services 318

IPN 90

Geely 189

Irizar 79, 195


Isuzu 76, 179

General Motors 6, 32, 59, 126, 133, 165, 188, 207, 233, 241,

ITESM 181, 206, 207, 208, 219, 220, 233

249, 261, 262, 264, 371, 403

JATCO 145, 206, 256

Gestamp 126, 163

Jรกuregui y Del Valle 366

Getrag 247

Jaguar Land Rover 46, 194

GMB 342

J.B. Hunt 268

GKN Driveline 116, 132, 144, 247

J.D. Power 391

Globextools 237

JK Tornel 358

Goodyear 108

John Deere 177

Grupo ADO 79, 86, 112, 331

Johnson Controls 143, 158, 283

Grupo Alden 309

Kansas City Southern 264, 275, 291, 294, 298, 301, 303

Grupo ALFA 230

Kasai 132, 147

Grupo Bimbo 89, 112, 293

Katcon 176, 209, 231

Grupo Bocar 100, 159, 283, 292

Kenworth 66, 68, 112, 238, 292

Grupo Copachisa 221

Kia 24, 143, 230

Grupo Estrella Blanca 79, 332

Koide 251, 253

Grupo Flecha Amarilla 79, 195

Korn Ferry 388

Grupo Gonher 181

KPMG 200, 371, 399

Grupo KUO 100, 159, 258

Kronen 180

Grupo Quimmco 178

Kuehne + Nagel 268, 278

Grupo Salinas 32, 159

LANXESS 123, 197

Grupo Toluca 79, 113

LaSalle Investment Management 383

Guanajuato Automotive Cluster 246

Lear 158

Guanajuato Inland Port 246, 248, 274

LeasePlan 188, 312

Guantes Vargas 167

Leoni 225, 236

Hankook Tires 358

Lemon Analyzers 146

Harley-Davidson 113

Linamar 166



LIPU 329

Parker Hannifin 121

Macimex 159, 207

Parque Tres Naciones 268

Mack Trucks 73


Maersk Line 302

Peugeot 37, 168, 189, 261

Magna Steyr 170, 236

Pirelli 109, 112, 205

Mahr 233

Philips 24, 135

MAN Truck & Bus 82, 88, 90, 104, 195

PIIT 209, 229

Mansons 350

PIT2 208

Mann+Hummel 147, 283

Porsche 123, 172, 313

Marcopolo 85, 89, 232, 330

Port of Altamira 264, 274, 296, 301

Mastretta 169, 172

Port of Manzanillo 275, 297

Maxion Wheels 267

Port of Lazaro Cardenas 274, 302, 303

Mazda 8, 54, 59, 143, 145, 147, 168, 221, 222, 240, 247, 250,

Port of Veracruz 264, 274, 300

267, 397, 403

PricewaterhouseCoopers 8, 11, 400, 401

McLaren 250

Primera Plus 79

Mercedes-Benz 7, 14, 26, 42, 82, 89, 126, 179, 233, 316, 329,

Queretaro Automotive Cluster 260

391, 403

Quintanilla 113

Meritor 178

Raloy Lubricantes 180

Metalistik 163

Refaccionaria Rogelio 163

Metalsa 11, 211, 231

Renault 50, 162, 168, 389, 391

Mexican Stock Exchange 386

Renishaw 199

Michelin 112

Riggers Group 142

Millennium Industrial Park 266

RTP 89

Ministry of Communications and Transportation (SCT) 91,

Sandoval 350


SANLUIS Rassini 159, 160

Ministry of Economy 10, 27, 169, 186, 187, 231, 259, 261, 308,

SAP 191

368, 371, 396

Scania 78, 82, 195, 329 Schneider Electric 209







Schnellecke 285


Sea Cargo 298

Ministry of Labor 261

SEAT 168

Mitsubishi 168

Secretary of Economic Development of Aguascalientes

Mold-Tech 132, 147


MPE 132, 144

Secretary of Economic Development of Coahuila 226

Multimatic 170

Secretary of Economic Development of San Luis Potosi

NAFINSA 11, 17, 64, 132


National Polytechnic Institute (IPN) 248, 347

Secretary of Economy of Baja California 238

Navistar 70, 82, 89, 108, 179, 230, 292, 324

Secretary of Economy of Chihuahua 216

Nemak 11, 100, 159, 162, 230

Secretary of Economy of Guanajuato 240

Neomexicana 333

Secretary of Economy of Sonora 236

Nippon Steel Corporation 231

Seeds Linking Group 288

Nissan 7, 11, 14, 26, 52, 59, 102, 108, 112, 114, 133, 145, 163, 203,

Seglo 286

221, 250, 254, 256, 261, 302, 309, 389, 403

Senator International 288

Novacapre 179

Sherwin-Williams 360

O’Donnell 143

Siemens 208

O’Reilly 339

Sisamex 178, 231

Osram 24, 136, 192

SKD Automotive 239

Otscon 250

SKF 139

Paccar 66, 68, 200

Skylab 204


Subaru 58 Sumitomo Corporation 236, 380 SYDA 346 Tachi-S 107, 134 Tecma 224, 377 Tenigal 231 Terminal Intermodal de Queretaro 291 Ternium 221, 231 Tesla 177, 194 ThyssenKrupp 239, 283 Timken de México 120 TI Automotive 266 TIP México 323 Tool & Dye 265 Toyota 11, 59, 133, 143, 148, 189, 192, 238, 239, 309, 403 TREMEC 159, 164, 165, 258 Tristone 223 TRW 103, 132, 147, 208, 221, 260 Tsol 284 TUM 269 UNAM 90, 194 Undersecretary of Economic Development of Nuevo Leon 228 Undersecretary of Economic Development of Queretaro 258 Union Pacific 217, 275, 294 United Logistics Services 284 University of Nuevo Leon 233 University of San Luis Potosi 207 UPS 143, 290 Utility Trailers 293 Valeo 211 Visteon 219, 220, 221, 222 Volkswagen 7, 38, 39, 40, 82, 102, 105, 108, 112, 123, 126, 133, 148, 152, 162, 167, 177, 189, 233, 249, 261, 302, 309, 329, 403 Volkswagen Fleet Mobility Services 314 Volvo 49, 65, 261, 330, 389 Volvo Buses 86, 140, 195, 330 Volvo Financial Services 318 Volvo Group Trucks 73, 202 VUHL 158, 168, 169, 170, 172 Watlow Electric 146 World Trade Center 268 Yazaki 236 Yusa Autopartes 150, 251, 253 ZF Sachs 132, 339 ZF Services 339


Aguascalientes 7, 11, 25, 52, 107, 134, 143, 145, 151, 163, 187, 204, 238, 244, 254, 256, 257, 298, 321, 349, 373, 403 Baja California 25, 68, 113, 238, 239, 298 Chihuahua 25, 34, 146, 152, 208, 216, 218, 219, 220, 221, 222, 225, 267, 292, 298, 367, 375, 376, 381 Coahuila 25, 117, 226, 227, 229, 230, 249, 278, 379 Guanajuato 7, 9, 25, 97, 111, 116, 124, 142, 145, 150, 174, 187, 205, 221, 244, 246, 248, 249, 250, 259, 274, 287, 301, 321, 367, 371, 381 Hidalgo 25, 91, 177, 299, 311 Mexico City 25, 45, 47, 53, 65, 67, 84, 87, 89, 90, 141, 160, 170, 172, 174, 200, 229, 261, 277, 278, 288, 290, 298, 308, 313, 321, 327, 330, 360 Michoacan 159, 174, 303, Nuevo Leon 25, 111, 112, 209, 228, 230, 232, 233, 288, 292, 298, 379 Puebla 8, 9, 23, 25, 26, 38, 39, 40, 97, 105, 142, 143, 148 Queretaro 9. 25, 37, 104, 142, 143, 146, 147, 151, 160, 165, 178, 187, 189, 221, 244, 247, 258, 260, 268, 283, 291, 293, 298, 303, 330, 358, 371, 385, 399 San Luis Potosi 7, 23, 26, 67, 78, 89, 100, 143, 196, 207, 210, 244, 245, 250, 262, 264, 266, 268, 274, 289, 291, 298, 301, 303 Sinaloa 25, 146, 379 Sonora 25, 113, 146, 225, 236, 367, 379 State of Mexico 25, 89, 97, 141, 149, 233, 261, 309, 321 Tamaulipas 113, 122, 249, 331, 379 Veracruz 70, 96, 249, 264, 274, 277, 288, 296, 299, 300, 302, 321 Zacatecas 25, 134, 145, 150, 204, 251, 253, 385


4 Bosch






22 Mazda


Grupo Copachisa












State of Zacatecas

56 Arbomex


Argo Industrial Group

62 Scania













316-317 Neomexicana




Grupo Automotor Alden

111 Peugeot


ZF Sachs




The Timken Company



348 AutoZone











364 Intermex


Guantes Vargas


Jáuregui y Del Valle


Expo INA


Expo Manufactura















SENIOR EDITOR: Johanna Cronin



PRINTED BY Artes Gráficas Panorama, Avena 629, Col. Granjas México, C.P. 08400 México D.F. T.: (52) 55 5649 7080



Volkswagen México


Daimler Trucks Mexico


Augustín Ríos


Daimler Trucks Mexico

10 NEC


Isuzu Motors de México

15 NEC


Hino Motor Sales de México

16 NEC

78 NEC


82 Beccar

AT Kearney


83 Beccar

23 Deloitte

85 NEC

24 NEC


Volvo Buses Mexico

32 NEC


MAN Truck & Bus Mexico


General Motors México

89 NEC


Ford Mexico

90 Beccar


Volkswagen México

91 NEC


Volkswagen México

92 Daimler


Volkswagen México

96 NEC

42 NEC

97 NEC

43 Mercedes-Benz



99 Bosch

BMW Mexico

Bosch México

47 Jaguar


BMW Mexico

50 NEC


Ford Mexico


Nissan Mexicana

102 NEC


Mazda México Sales and Commercial Operations


MAN Truck & Bus Mexico


Honda Mexico


Volkswagen México



Tachi-S Mexico



Goodyear Mexico

65 Cummins


Pirelli México


Paccar Mexico

110 NEC


Paccar Mexico


Continental Mexico


Paccar Mexico


Nissan Mexicana


Navistar México

116 NEC



Borgwarner Inc.

163 NEC


The Timken Company Mexico

165 NEC


BASF Mexicana

166 NEC


Lanxess North America

167 NEC


Hella North & South America


Air Design

126 NEC

169 VUHL


170-171 VUHL

Hendrickson Mexicana

128 Eisenmann

173 NEC


Atlas Copco Mexico



Tachi-S Mexico

176 Katcon


Philips México



Osram Mexico

178 NEC

Corporación Zapata A&P Solutions

138 NEC

179 NEC


180 NEC

Volvo Buses Mexico

142 NEC

181 NEC

145 Ahresty

182 Daimler

146 NEC

186 NEC


188 LeasePlan

Mold Tech

148 NEC


Delphi México

149 NEC


SAP México

150 NEC

193 NEC


Hexpol Compounding Mexico

196 NEC


Bata Industrials

198 AMT

153 Disma

199 NEC

154 VUHL


158 NEC


159 AMIA

204 NEC


SANLUIS Rassini North America



SANLUIS Rassini North America

207 NEC

162 Nemak

Volvo Group Trucks México

208 NEC


209 NEC

260 NEC

210 NEC

262-263 General Motors México


Ford Mexico



Secretary of Economy, Chihuahua


Secretary of Economic Development, San Luis

218 NEC

266 NEC

220 NEC

267 NEC

221 NEC

269 NEC

225 Leoni



Secretary of Economic Development, Coahuila

274 NEC


Secretary of Economic Development, Nuevo

276 NEC

Kuehne + Nagel



DHL Supply Chain Mexico



Kuehne + Nagel Mexico


Aisin Mexicana

280-281 Daimler Trucks Mexico


Mahr Mexico

282 NEC

234-235 Ford Motor Company

283 NEC


284 ULS

Secretary of Economy, Sonora

237 Globextools

286 NEC


Secretary of Economy, Baja California

289 NEC


Guanajuato Inland Port

290 NEC

244 NEC


246 NEC

292 NEC



Union Pacific Mexico

248 IPN


Grupo México



Kansas City Southern de México

250 NEC


API Veracruz


Secretary of Economy, Zacatecas


API Altamira


Secretary of Economy, Aguascalientes

302 NEC

Guanajuato Inland Port Inalfa Roof Systems

Terminal Intermodal de Queretaro

256 JMEX


258 NEC

308 AMDA



Secretary of Economic Development, Queretaro

Ariza de México Corporación Zapata



LeasePlan Mexico


Bridgestone de México


Volkswagen de Mexico


Hankook Tire de México

315 NEC

361 NEC


Daimler Financial Services México

362 NEC


GE Capital Mexico

366 NEC

318 NEC


321 NEC

372 Vesta


373 Vesta

TIP de México

Baker & McKenzie

324-325 Navistar México

374 ERM

326 NEC

375 NEC


379 NEC


380 NEC

329 AYCO


330 NEC


332 NEC

383 NEC

333 Neomexicana

385 NEC



The Timken Company Mexico

American Industries

Arochi, Marroquin & Lindner

338 NEC

387 NEC


ZF Services Mexico



Ford de Mexico

389 NEC


DENSO Sales Mexico

Korn Ferry


E.J. Krause

345 NEC


J.D. Power

346 NEC

392 Daimler

347 NEC


351 Euroimportadora

398 Coparmex

352 Donaldson

399 KPMG

353 NEC

401 PwC

354 NEC

411 Volvo

355 NEC


356 NEC

Ministry of Economy

Ariza de México

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