Green Jobs Philly

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A Brief Summary of Philadelphia's 100,000 Green Collar Jobs Estimated job numbers assume that capital and culture move this direction. ENERGY EFFICIENCY: weatherizing (5,000); superwindow manufacture (500) and installation (2,000); solar manufacturing (500) and install (2,000); dry toilet manufacturing (500) and installation (1,500); tree planting (1,000) and nursery (200). cogeneration (150), & install (50) MOBILITY: regional rail expansion-- manufacture (1,000) and staff (2,000); bicycle manufacture (500), bike repair (350), bike delivery (200), and bike route install/maintain (150). FOOD: orchards-- soil remediation (750), leaf soilmaking (150), greenhousing (400), planting (400), pruning (300), irrigation (200); gardens (11,000); rooftop gardens (2,000), processing & storage (8,000); sales (500). edible landscaping (500). HOUSING: disassembly (2,000) and stockpile of reusables (100); retrofit of industrial buildings (5,000), construction of earth-bermed LEED residential co-housing (19,000), green roofs (750). WATER: depaving (1,500) permeables (500), compost toilets (500). HEALTH: co-op free clinics (2,000), additional City free clinics (2,500), hazmat removal (250), nontoxic cleaning (500), co-op health insurance (20), preventive therapies (15,000), herb gardens & medicines (300) MANUFACTURING: Eco-Industrial Parks, Flexible Manufacturing Networks and Import Replacement Programs (15,000). RECYCLING: pickup (3,000), sorting (2,000), sales (150), collection of clean clothing and housewares and ‘name-your-own-price’ sales (1,500), landfill mining (50) ECO-FINANCE: green credit unions (30), networking local currency and barter programs (500), interest-free lending (200), PRAISE (50) CRIMEFIGHTING: It costs less to employ people than to jail them. We solve crime directly by creating jobs that make it easy for people to honorably feed and house a family, in a city functional and beautiful. Philadelphia Praise Police cite for constructive acts (20) NETWORKING: Connecting the processes above (1,000) MEDIA: neighborhood radio (200)

The longer list of specific job titles is at end of book.

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