Green Jobs Philly

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CLINIC BENEFITS TO NEIGHBORS * Quick access to free primary care: medical, dental, optical + referrals * Green jobs training * Youth programs * Fresh food and farmers’ market * Meeting spaces * Recreation: basketball, volleyball, soccer * Picnic areas * Pageant areas, Flea market * Spinoff customers for neighborhood businesses * Community trade and barter network * Safer streets: defensible space * Investment in land trusts * Volunteers for the above * Media attention to problems and solutions * Spirit of hope, power, fun


EXTRA BENEFITS for members: Massage, Chiropractic, Birthing, Hospice, Injury reimbursement, Child care, Acupuncture, Yoga, Exercise, Veterinary, MediCash, Microloans interest-free for home repair and businesses, Insulation buying club, Discounts with Philadelphia healers and other businesses.

BENEFITS TO CITY AND ITS ECONOMY • Diversions from Emergency Rooms • Decreased tax burden for city clinics • Increased sales taxes through increased household discretionary spending not lost to medical costs • Stabilized property values • Stimulation of neighborhood investment and business development • Reduced high school dropout rate through increased interest in learning • Increased sales taxes from medical tourism and greater media attention to Philadelphia • Greater competitive advantage for medical conventions through side trip • Trains workers for green jobs • Increased worker productivity through reduced sick time • Reduced public health costs through reduced contageon risks • Reduced air conditioning costs through urban heat island abatement • Reduced city carbon footprint • Reduced rainwater runoff to storm sewers, reduced sewage to rivers • Expanded reliance on transit

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