1 minute read


“How important my own identity was, especially as an Asian American woman and connecting with others who have a similar background to me and incorporating that into my own work here.”

“I’ve discovered that I now need to become a real-world working adult.”

“I have always been very introverted and coming to college and living on campus and being constantly surrounded by people has helped bring me out of my shell. Making friends here was a lot easier than high school.”

“I learned that I was more self-motivated than I thought I was since coming to college, not just in homework but living on my own and managing things for myself.”

“I’ve had a lot of changes in the last two years and if I wasn’t on a campus with a faith environment, I wouldn’t have embraced those changes and seen them as a positive working in God’s plan for me.”

“That I really enjoy connecting with people. Through programs, class involvement and being able to have access to many common areas, I have discovered how much I truly enjoy interacting and learning from others and the importance of how this can shape my life after college.”

“My plan for my life is far inferior to the plan God has. I always knew this, but it wasn’t until I got to college that I was faced with actual decisions and uncertain plans that forced me to learn that God’s way is infinitely better than mine.”

“Time management is harder than you think it is when you have a lot more freedom and time.”