1 minute read

Creating A Conscious Conception

By Elaine Lopez-Bogard

Imagine what it would be like with less fear and anxiety around getting pregnant and staying pregnant.


Through my many years as a womb healer and shamanic practitioner, I have helped hundreds of women overcome their fertility obstacles to achieve pregnancy and motherhood. Today, I want to share why creating a conscious conception is so important for women trying to conceive.

A conscious conception goes beyond the physical body to a space of mindfulness where a mother-to-be co-creates with the divine and the soul of her unborn or spirit baby. It’s the decision to call in a baby by preparing the mind, body, and spirit for this sacred journey to motherhood. As we co-create this loving space, you are able to heal energetic blocks, past traumas, and old patterns of fear and anxiety that may have been preventing conception.

A key aspect of creating a conscious conception is communicating with your spirit baby. In working with women who have experienced pregnancy loss, infertility, and various challenges, I have found when I help guide them to connect with their spirit baby. It brings a sense of trust in their body and heart as well as peace of mind.

Imagine being guided to communicate with your unborn baby to discover what they need and desire to enter this earthly plane. When you learn how to connect with your spirit baby and create the space they need, it changes everything you thought you knew about conception. Knowing that your desire to be a mom can, and will, manifest is transformational and empowering to women struggling with fertility challenges.

Elaine Lopez-Bogard is a Womb Healer who helps women heal their wombs so they can finally get pregnant. She also helps women prepare their mind, body and spirit for the sacred journey into motherhood and create a conscious conception by connecting with their Spirit Baby. Visit the website www.healingthewomb.com or email elaine@healingthewomb.com