Maui Vision Magazine, Summer, 2019 Edition

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The Four Corners Of Love™ - Part 2

Decoding The Structure Of Relationships

By Paul Gotel Every human relationship falls into one of the following four categories: Lover, Friend, Partner or Colleague. In the last issue of Maui Vision Magazine, we explored the Lover and Friend. In this issue, we will explore the Partner and Colleague. The 4 Corners of Love™ model separates the different aspects of relationships into four corners, and avoids the confusion of a single ideal. It identifies what is working (strong areas) and which areas need attention (growth areas). In the third corner we have the Partner; its main goal is to be infused with support. A supportive partner is one whose beliefs and values align with yours, and who supports your journey of evolution through bringing together the power of two when focused on the same goals for the relationship. When you share a similar ethos in life, it enables the partnership to be constructive and supports the expansion of each individual within it. By sharing the tasks of life, you can build respect and gratitude for each other as you walk life’s journey. Within the Partner corner are many aspects, including support, gratitude, beliefs and values, helpfulness, harmony, respect, communication, alignment, self-ownership, responsibility, effectiveness, consideration, reliability, etc. This is the logistics of the relationship – the

core operating behaviors that create an effective partnership. The function of being together has a positive effect on each person’s life, enabling each to achieve a higher degree of ease and flow. The sum of the pa rts lite ra lly equals more than the individuals. In the fourth corner we have the Colleague; its main goal is to be infused with inspiration. An inspiring colleague is someone who in their outward interaction with life, has a job or mission or vocation that they are intrinsically motivated to engage in. Through this engagement they are inspired in their daily life to move forward with positivity and optimism. This creates aspiration in the people in their life who become inspired to do the same. Although these missions might be different or the same, the energy infuses the relationship with a constant source of evolution as each person brings in new bounty and information, creating an intrigue and fascination that prompts longevity

as the whole connection continues to evolve! As an example, when two people come together with fortitude in a common cause that they are each engaged in for their own positive reason, there is no pleasing each other here. Rather, there is an alignment that helps each person rise up in aspiration and can be the basis to build a whole relationship. Within the Colleague corner are many aspects, including inspiration, motivation, positivity, optimism, aspiration, evolution, intrigue, fascination, dedication, self-belief, fortitude, visionary, sharing, revitalizing, confidence, etc. This is the vision of the relationship – the sharing of each person’s dreams and goals that, when supported and allowed by each person, create an inspired connection. The opportunity of being together has a revitalizing effect on each person’s life, enabling each to achieve a higher degree of optimism and self-belief. This constant source of positivity infects the relationship with the bounty of new horizons and the confidence to rise to them. Paul Gotel is an author, speaker and life coach who offers coaching sessions, workshops and seminars. He is author of The Big U: A Guide to Self Revolution, which is available at www. To get in touch: www.paulgotel. com,, 808.573.7898. Also, follow him on Instagram.

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Maui Vision Magazine

Page 21

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