Maui Vision Magazine, Summer, 2019 Edition

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Drumming For Attunement By Luis De La Lama, Ph.D. When we were in our mother’s womb, we were nourished by the rhythmic beat of her loving heart. Once born, our own heart began drumming the beat that sustains our life. We are rhythm at the core. That’s why drumming can dramatically improve our mood, increase our feelings of connection to the whole of life, and improve our health and general wellbeing. Therapists now lead drumming circles in hospitals, rehab centers and nursing homes to help their patients boost their immune systems and find relief from anxiety, depression, grief, trauma, and other psychological and medical conditions. And yet, these practitioners are only scratching the surface of the power of drumming. For thousands of years and across the globe, shamans have been drumming to access higher dimensions of consciousness, fight diseases at their spiritual and energetic root, communicate with spiritual beings, and tune their clients and their communities to the nourishing pulse of Creation. You should try it! For the drum circles I lead, participants just bring a drum or a rattle, or improvise one with household items. I don’t teach complicated rhythms because steady and simple drumming causes the greatest change. In time, participants deepen their connection with the invisible dimensions of nature, experience soul journey and retrieval, and make alliances with spiritual beings for healing, guidance and empowerment. Our shamanic drumming practice promotes inner peace, happiness, inspiration, appreciation of beauty, and feelings of purity, wonder and unconditional love while we enter the dreamtime dimensions. Come to our meetings at the Wailea Healing Center to heal, find wellbeing, and find out if you feel called to the wondrous shamanic universe! Luis De La Lama, Ph.D., professor of counseling and shamanic counselor/consultant, invites you to his shamanic drumming circles in Wailea on Sundays, 6:30-8:00pm (every two weeks starting on the full moon, June 16). Visit for details. To find out about other services, see or call 808.214.2922.

Kundalini Sadhana & Shakti Transmission Tues., June 25, 2019 6-9 PM

Swami Khecaranatha Maui Country Club Ballroom 48 Nonohe Place, Paia Suggested Donation: $20

Relax Into Your Renewal!

By Maurgana Stiastny Life is quite hectic these days. Our society places so many demands on us, and as a result our sympathetic nervous system (associated with fightor-flight responses) is habitually engaged. We are often inundated by stress chemicals such as cortisol and adrenaline. Many of us are either not breathing properly or almost hyperventilating, which also places stress on the nervous system. As this state becomes ‘normalized,’ it becomes more difficult to sense that we are in distress. If we frequently react with fear, apprehension and anxiety, we need to moderate the sympathetic nervous system. The parasympathetic nervous system, which conserves energy and slows the heart rate, is also known as the ‘rest and digest’ system. When it is activated, we are in the state that is regenerative for the body. There are different things we can do to activate the parasympathetic nervous system. One thing we can do is go outside and stand barefoot in the grass or sand; we can sink into Mother Earth to relax. Also, breathing techniques can be very helpful – for instance, Buteyko breathing (see the book The Oxygen Advantage) or yogic breathing methods can be very calming. Other ways to calm are through exercises such as somatics, yoga, tai chi, and qi gong. In addition, singing, getting plenty of good sleep, and avoiding blue light after dark are all very important. It may seem like no big deal to switch from the sympathetic to the parasympathetic nervous system, but in our culture many of us are stuck too long in the sympathetic response. Habitually being in the sympathetic response can cause inflammation, which is the root of many diseases in our modern culture. Make time in your day to ‘unplug’ – it’s vital to your health! Maurgana Stiastny, LAc, MAcOM, LMT, has been an acupuncturist and natural healthcare practitioner for 27 years. Find her at Maui Vibrant Health located in Paia and Wailea, or call her at 808.579.8810.

Creating Wholeness and Balance Hands-on Sessions & Distant Sessions

Next Reiki Training July 20 & 21 in Pukalani With a mastery etched from over 45 years of disciplined inner practice and selfless service, Khecaranatha is an authentic adept of Kundalini Sadhana in the Lineage of Bhagavan Nityananda and Swami Rudrananda. The evening includes a discussion of spiritual liberation and “eyes-open” shakti transmission (transference of energy), allowing a heart connection to take place in the recipients which can lead to the recognition of the true nature of the Self within. Contact or visit

Jenna Keck Reiki Master or 408-621-4102 Member of The Reiki Alliance

Let’s connect to enhance the Life Force within you! Summer, 2019

Maui Vision Magazine

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