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Tonia Chavez

six months and each month had a weekend with a different theme. When we got to the Community/Economics weekend, we explored alternative economies and the time bank model. What captured my heart and has sustained my dedication to the movement are the possibilities for healing that I can both imagine and feel through my own exchanges.” McCurrach’s search for healing around her relationship with money is rooted in her family of origin, where there was always the feeling that there wasn’t “enough.” She speaks of her junior high school ah-hah! moment when she realized that “not having money would never prevent me from happiness.” The realization gave her a new-found sense of freedom and she found herself pursuing a degree in Social Action Through Art. Eventually she became Skye Franklin (age 13), son of time bank member Tania Chavez, receives saxophone lessons successful in filmmaking, working on commer- from Roxanne Tapia, also a time bank member. Chavez has been a member since June 2012 cials for cars, gas companies, and giant retailers and works in the time bank office and training new members. like Target and Walmart. Orientations and the Introductory Potlucks for “folks who However, as she became more successful, want to learn about time banking and meet some of the she began to feel alienated from community, realizing she experienced members.” She also works with others to coach no longer felt good about what she was doing. It was at new members in the philosophy and process of time bankthis point, she explains, that “I turned to permaculture ing and answer questions about joining and exchanging and found time banking.” It was in the time bank where and then training Member Mentors to do the same for the she glimpsed a “mechanism that created opportunities for purpose of “expanding a member care team.” people to value each other for all of the gifts that we have to Kuhlen’s story of the pivotal role the time bank commuoffer.” Equally important, McCurrach also believes that the nity has played in her own life is particularly dramatic. A time bank gives people an opportunity to value themselves. long-time resident of Santa Fe since the mid-1970s, her chilMcCurrach sees the time bank as an investment in the dren grown, she moved to Maine to be closer to her sister’s future.“The current money system isn’t working,” she family while pursuing healing from an automobile accident. explains, “and our cultural landscape is suffering because Confined to a limited social security disability income while of it. Many people are operating out of fear and scarcity. recovering from a traumatic brain injury, Margaret found Imagine what it will be like to have kids growing up alongherself living in a shelter for homeless women upon first side a time bank and market economy: a more whole system arriving, without friends, family, or employment. that recognizes both the value of money and the things that Margaret recalls of that period, “Someone at the shelter only money can buy, as well as the value of contributing told me about the Maine Time Dollar Network and encourto our community currency. People are valued beyond the aged me to join. I was delighted to meet the warm friendly amount of money they can make in a market economy.” folks that drew me into their community and assured me that I had much to offer at a time when my confidence Participate, Prosper, and Pay It Forward was at an extreme low. I stuffed envelopes for the Concert Margaret Kuhlen is another stalwart of SFTB. She curAssociation’s bulk mailing to earn time dollars and wrapped rently manages the SFTB office, organizes New Member

Christmas packages for the time bank annual fund-raiser and felt useful. When I was able to purchase two tickets to a Christmas packages for the time bank annual fund-raiser chamber music concert for time dollars I was pleased to be and felt useful. When I was able to purchase two tickets to a able to dress up and take a new friend out to a special event, chamber music concert for time dollars I was pleased to be celebrate the holidays, and begin to feel like a full contribable to dress up and take a new friend out to a special event, uting member of this new home community—no longer a celebrate the holidays, and begin to feel like a full contribhomeless, disabled, poor person. uting member of this new home community—no longer a “When I came home to Santa Fe nine years later,” Kuhlen homeless, disabled, poor person. continues, “I participated in many discussion groups in town “When I came home to Santa Fe nine years later,” Kuhlen with folks planning for a more sustainable Santa Fe. Several of continues, “I participated in many discussion groups in town these meetings focused on the benefits of alternative currency, with folks planning for a more sustainable Santa Fe. Several of and each time I recommended the time bank model, which I’d these meetings focused on the benefits of alternative currency, come to know and deeply appreciate in Maine. and each time I recommended the time bank model, which I’d “I was delighted to learn one day of a time bank actually come to know and deeply appreciate in Maine. starting up in town. I contacted them to join the group and “I was delighted to learn one day of a time bank actually began to participate in developing this project. I was ‘new’ starting up in town. I contacted them to join the group and in town and starting over to create a life in Santa Fe after began to participate in developing this project. I was ‘new’ a long absence. The time bank community was once more in town and starting over to create a life in Santa Fe after the foundation of my renewed life in new circumstances a long absence. The time bank community was once more the foundation of my renewed life in new circumstances

and gave me many opportunities to pass on what was given to me.” and gave me many opportunities to pass on what was given to me.” Joining the SFTB Community Kuhlen believes that the most common reason why a person Joining the SFTB Community might become involved with SFTB is “for community” and Kuhlen believes that the most common reason why a person “to enhance the opportunities to meet life’s many needs might become involved with SFTB is “for community” and (some large, some small) within a group that feels increas“to enhance the opportunities to meet life’s many needs ingly like a neighborhood, where everyone has something of (some large, some small) within a group that feels increasvalue to offer and all are enriched in the process.” The misingly like a neighborhood, where everyone has something of sion of the SFTB reads, “To strengthen our community by value to offer and all are enriched in the process.” The mismatching unmet needs with untapped resources and honor sion of the SFTB reads, “To strengthen our community by individual contributions by using Time Dollar Exchange.” matching unmet needs with untapped resources and honor Beyond finding a good deal, it seems that in joining a time individual contributions by using Time Dollar Exchange.” bank a member can also find a real community that offers Beyond finding a good deal, it seems that in joining a time real help the way real neighbors can and do. bank a member can also find a real community that offers real help the way real neighbors can and do. ReSouRCeS Santa Fe Time Bank,, or 505-216-6590 Resources Time Bank Network, Santa Fe Time Bank,, or 505-216-6590 Time Bank Network,

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