Luxury Life MAGAZINE Autumn Edition 2015

Page 99

Pattern of rose carved on wood.

Rose Flower Thai style Teak wood carving Door in Chiangmai Thailand.

Carved Tudor Rose on an ornamental doorway.

While medieval monastic medicine was already permanently

Seither versuchen Rosenzüchter rund um den Globus,

on the lookout for new cures based on the first purpose-bred

sich mit Phantasie und Raffinesse gegenseitig den

roses, the bloody „Wars of the Roses“ raged in England. The

Rang abzulaufen, wenn es um die Kreation neuer

noble houses of York and Lancaster fought each other for the

verblüffender Rosenkreuzungen geht. Eine beson-

English crown, whose crest has since then been adorned with

ders schöne Neuschöpfung schaffte gar den Sprung

the famous „Tudor“ rose. It was also the age of the secret societies

auf das politische Parkett: die in Gelb und zarten

in which confidentiality was paramount and messages were

Rosétönen gehaltene Rose namens „Peace“. Als

always passed on „sub rosa dictum“ (literally under the rose).

die Weltmächte kurz nach der Befreiung von den

Since this time, confessional boxes have been decorated with

Nazis 1945 in San Francisco zur Gründungsver-

rose carvings as a sign of utmost discretion.

sammlung der UNO zusammenkamen, fanden die Delegierten diese Rose in ihren Hotelzimmern

Numerous authors have been fascinated by the mysterious aura

vor. Dazu die Botschaft: „Dies ist die Rose ‚Peace‘,

which has always surrounded the rose. Umberto Eco used it as

die an jenem Tag getauft wurde als Berlin fiel.“

a motif in his bestseller „The Name of the Rose“. Others firmly

Das gute Omen dieser zur „Weltrose“ gekürten

believed in the mythical power of roses. For example, the

Kreation wurde massenhaft geteilt: „Peace“ verkaufte

novelist Gabriel Garcia Márquez refused to write so much as

sich mehr als zehn Millionen Mal.

one single line before his wife Mercedes had placed a bouquet of yellow roses on his desk – as a lucky charm and to protect him from the „evil spirits“. Nature I History


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