Audi Brand Guidelines

Page 45

Corporate Design · Typography · AUDI AG · 10/2011

7.0 Languages that are not supported 7.1 Simplified Chinese

7.2 Japanese

The Chinese typeface does not have a separate “Extended” type

The Japanese typeface also does not have a separate “Extended”

style. For this reason, only two type designs are used in Chinese

style. For this reason, only two type designs are used in

text matter. For headlines, the appearance of an Extended type

­Japanese text matter.

design is achieved by scaling (stretching) the width of the type to 120  in the Font menu.

DFPHSGothic-W3 (TrueType) corresponds to Audi Type in the Normal and Extended Normal type designs.

Depending on the given system requirements, the character sets may be obtained as TrueType or OpenType versions. DFPHeiW5-GB (TrueType) and DFPHeiStd W5 (OpenType) ­correspond to Audi Type in the Normal and Extended type designs respectively (width: 120 %).

DFPHSGothic-W7 (TrueType) corresponds to Audi Type in the Bold and Extended Bold type designs.

DFPHeiW9-GB (TrueType) and DFPHeiStd W9 (OpenType)­ ­correspond to Audi Type in the Bold and Extended Bold type


designs respectively (width: 120 %).

These two Asian typefaces may be obtained as TrueType and OpenType versions from the supplier “dynalab” (www.dynalab. com). The TrueType versions may be downloaded directly from the online shop. If you would like to order the OpenType fonts, please contact the supplier’s Sales Department: Tel. +852 2866-3560 Fax +852 2865-3308 Note: In all cases, these typefaces may only be used for the given country-specific text matter. The characters of the Latin alphabet it contains are never used as a substitute for Audi Type!


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