LSD Magazine - Issue 9 - Chasing Dragons

Page 48

How much do your nomadicism and the ephemeral nature of street art feed back into each other.

The arrow symbol for me is a constant reminder for me to ‘Rise Above’ my challenges, adversities and keep pushing myself. I have high ambitions and with those high ambitions comes equal if not more Well I am nomadic and constantly travelling challenges. If the road to ‘success’ was easy due to that simple fact you just stated; that then everyone could do it, so the arrow art left in the streets is ephemeral and not symbol and desire to push through difficult permanent. Say I’ve been to London putting situations and keep persevering. The arrow as up lots of street works in 2010. Everyday an icon is quick, easy to digest and understood thereafter the works start to decay, get buffed, regardless of what country I am in. It’s one stolen, crossed out or if lucky actually survive of the oldest symbols known to man and if to live another day. If I return to London you think about it on your day to day life you in 2012 I might not find any of my street probably see an arrow symbol some 100+ actions still on the street so it evokes me to times per day. I enjoy a great deal traveling so return, and to take it a step farther and keep the journey and more over the process of the spreading the circle of my artworks in new journey are all the excitingly random aspects I cities and countries around the world. Time enjoy. makes things grow old so for me I feel it’s important to keep my feet moving and my hands busy making artworks.

How much does the arrow represent a personal journey and how much is it just a great template for street work

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