LSD Magazine - Issue 9 - Chasing Dragons

Page 434

I›ve evolved the database / classification system over time. I was only classifying each photo a few ways when I started. Now the system is really developed - each photo is classified in so many ways. some are obvious but others less obvious. I love the fact that I can look up new themes in the database we haven›t been able to easily explore before. I give the smoking monkeys example a lot its a 20 photo slideshow you get when you combine the character categories of animals/ monkeys with cultural themes/smoking or drugs. How much does personal taste enter into the equation I have to make a decision on whether or not to take a photo at the time. I typically don›t photograph tags because it takes longer to classify than it does to write! If I have a metric I go by its sacrifice - if the artist sacrificed to make the art then I take the picture. That sacrifice can either be at the time, how much sacrifice was made to create the piece, or a sense of what the artist sacrificed over their career. That means if a dope writer does a

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