LSD Magazine - Issue 9 - Chasing Dragons

Page 422

- did the same job, lived in the same house and followed the status quo. The world is a complex place these days, nothing is certain anymore. Almost every business is at risk of going under; even whole countries are going bankrupt!

The world’s fragile state has made us far more emotionally and spiritually flexible. People are considering what’s important to them and making choices. It doesn’t have to be about success, fame, vanity or money – it could simply be about wanting a better life experience I know an entertainment agent who’s running an animal rescue center. A singer who opened a museum and a designer who trains birds of pray to fly alongside hang-gliders – the world is open to those who have the desire and courage to step outside their comfort zone Governments, media and big business have helped us without realizing it. They have been filling us with negatives and fear for so long, we have become accustomed to living on the edge. And on the edge you learn to acknowledge your fears, see them for the nonsense they are and eventually you will look into the unknown and see good things are possible

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