LSD Magazine - Issue 9 - Chasing Dragons

Page 331

multiplying with bewildering speed at a hyperexponential rate. In this scenario, time travel is not back and forth movement in Newton’s or even Einstein’s river of time, but rather it is movement between the bewildering multiplicity of an infinity of timelines. Thus, you can kill your grandparents without affecting yourself, since “they” are grandparents to another person occupying another timeline. Killing them causes “his” extinction, but not yours. Get it? If this stuff is true, then where are the “visitors”? Why are we not seeing people, or beings, or things from the far future? Do the math. Our timeline is one of a virtual infinity of timelines. What are the odds of these visitors from the far future choosing the line we happen to occupy? Do the math again, and assume that these visitors actually will visit us. The question is when? Since

they appear not to have visited us before this moment, we can expect them to arrive at any future moment - of which a great many lie ahead of us. Even a very short-term examination of this problem gets one deeply enmeshed in a swirling infinity of timelines and possibilities. Working through this problem redefines the concept of a Herculean task. It also highlights the value of living a day at a time, since time waits for no man...although it does meander, swirl around, and even circle back on itself, and it splits faster than a crazy woodcutter.

Robert Williscroft

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