LSD Magazine - Issue 9 - Chasing Dragons

Page 133

What significance do abandoned spaces have for you i think abandoned spaces have more of a special energy than normal places. You can feel some memories there, but the memories are strange for you. It reminds you of something you are losing.

How surprised have you been by the way some of your work interacts with the space it’s placed in I do get surprised sometimes when I finish my work and see how the work interacts with the space, because I like to change my original plan when I am painting the wall if I have some new inspiration suddenly emerg. Walls are also like a person, I need to meet him and talk to him for a bit, then start to know what he wants from me and what I can give to him.

Is the rigidly 3 dimensional world just an illusion I think it is. It is an advanced technique movie that we are in. we believe in our 6 senses working through body to perceive the environment, following and creating a story, expect and upset, laugh and cry. We going to leave this scrap body when we die, then live in another body to play another game when we are reborn.

What is the essence of creating a spiritual experience out of material elements I think on our level of life form, spiritual and material have a precision relationship, they are both important, material can be the boat that brings us to experience the spiritual. But material elements are also insulating us from creating spiritual experience, but in another way, we also can say they are from one source.

How much did your sculpture background influence your painting I got to know the 3 dimensional world better and what lies behind the surface when I was creating sculptures, I think it has influenced my paintings, also it’s changed the way I see things around me.

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