3 minute read

You Possess the Power

What fills your heart with the most joy? What do you feel, with every inch of your soul, that you were put on this earth to do? What is the life that you want to create for yourself? Take a moment to think about it. Now, answer this for me: Are you pursuing that passion or taking the necessary steps to create the life you fully deserve to live? I’d love to assume that all of you reading this answered that with a stern “YES”, but If you’re anything like I was, and at times still am, you may not have. And why is that?

I believe society pushes us to value social acceptance over self acceptance, causing us to constantly doubt and question ourselves. As kids we’re so confident and fully embrace the beauty of our dreams and imaginations, but over time we’re programmed to rely on the judgements of other people before moving forward in our lives. We open our ears wide for outside opinions while simultaneously silencing the voice that means the most; the voice within.

I can say with 100% certainty that I believe we ALL possess the power to create the lives we’ve always wanted. Regardless of our gender, race, age, socioeconomic background, etc. If you believe in yourself and your dreams then that is all you need to begin pursuing them. Stop waiting for that meaningless external approval or for someone to tell you that you’re “ready”. The only approval you need resides within your own heart, and the moment you believe in something is the moment you are ready. That’s not to say that it will happen over night or that you will have all of the answers right then and there, but you do not have to wait for anyone’s approval to take the first step. Not to mention, with the advent of our perpetually expanding digital world, the ability to learn, master and cultivate whatever our hearts’ desire is right at our fingertips. That’s exactly how this entire photoshoot came to fruition; Dustin and I got tired of waiting for someone to give us permission to create and instead we just did.

We should all attack our dreams with a sort of DIY attitude, accept the fact no one is going to create our dreams for us, and realize that we all have the ability to achieve anything and everything. It’s human nature to want the people we love and respect to believe in our dreams as much as we do, but when it comes down to it the only person who has to believe in those dreams is the dreamer; you.

Photography & Styling by Dustin Stafford | Written Words by Misako Envela