Little Witch Magazine 02 - Spring 2011

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This Little Witch I

t’s spring and the time for innovation and change. Surprisingly, or perhaps unsurprisingly, my innovation and change came a bit earlier this year. These last couple of months have been a roller coaster of meeting people, gathering new knowledge and reinventing my ideas about the pagan world. Little Witch is growing by heaps and bounds. Besides having a lot more time to prepare decently this time around, we also have guest writers and guest artists. On the page to the left, you can find one of my personal favourites by talented artist and beautiful person, Liza Lambertini. This issue’s introduction to the season and Pagan World are written by Eruandil Ma’ateo MacDougall whom I met in these few short months and who pursues magic in a completely scientific manner. I wanted to share this insight into the Craft with our readers. The third addition to the group is Lizzie of Lizzie’s Logic.

She’ll share some of her favourite Tarot decks with all of us in a brand new segment in Little Witch magazine; The Goodie Bag. Eclectic High Priestess Lunadea shares her knowledge on the festivals. My eternal gratitude goes out to these four guests as well as Little Witch’s regular staff, Calandriel, Ragnild and Vlinder, who has changed her name to Aurelia Bellis. This issue revolves around Spring, the festivals of Ostara and Beltane which fall into this season and, of course, more on what it means to be Pagan and everything that comes with it. We discuss if it’s necessary to draw a circle, what the prefix ‘Neo’ means and Aurelia shares the confusing experience of setting up her first altar. We hope you enjoy this issue of LWM. If you want to let us know what you thought of it, if you have ideas or would like to help, page 19 will give you all the contact info you need! Blessed be, Elani Temperance

In this issue: 4 5 6 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 16 18

The Goodie Bag Tarot Review Examining the season The Magic of Spring Pagan world The Golden Mean Witchy Things The First Altar Discussion Casting cirlces Ostara Beltane Branching out What’s Neo? Practical Pagan Coming Out of the Broom Closet Interview Linda Wormhoudt By the firelight The history of Easter Visiting: Linda Wormhoudt’s Seidr-Inspired oracle themeday


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