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This slow universe does not seem at all isotropic, on your back in tension it’s difficult to imagine at half the speed of light watching starlight and the radiation background coming toward you, from the direction toward which you are moving, with much higher intensity than from behind. Beyond this skylight window the universe is said to be the same all around, an isotropy precise in cosmic background microwaves traveling through you from the day of your conception, somewhat more difficult to speculate that you, or humankind, are in any special position. In formulating the assumption of isotropy, you could specify that the universe seems the same in all directions to a murmuration of freely falling neighbours, each with the average velocity of typical galaxies, typical brain muscles and simultaneously all of them might see conditions pretty much the same.

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Surface tension of droplets electric pulse-pushed through perforations generates liquid-bridge adhesive, the shape of clouds, precisely recalled, a clarity of directional signals in the right entorhinal cortex correlated with the performance of autobiographical memory, with a specific neural representation in a network of regions in support of spacetime cognition, where landscape roughness and apparent quantum coherence result in slow folding unfolding and lucid harvesting of light. How observations of leaves in rainfall and the structure of clouds shape the memory that patterns knowing. In slow irritation impatience deprived of light buffers an aberrant quantified shearing short of recognition, where shape demands a shell case of lesions dissipated with formative graphics, with entity, the appearance of fractional signatures in an escape from crowds, the rigid, precisely called, accelerates lipid membranes adherence, pushed through difficulties with gesture, tension limits communications. Any quantum system or human encounter remains subject to random phase errors that dramatise the fidelity of a desired operation or measurement or prediction of decoherence under realistic conditions making it tough to yield agreement between experience and theory. How determinations are conventional, to maintain Euclidean geometry and alter the results as needed, to keep the total system simpler.

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